RNS No 0833d
9th March 1998

Hodder Headline announces pre-tax profits increased by 24% for
the twelve months to 31st December 1997.

The key points are:

*    Pre-tax profits  #8.2 million (1996, #6.6 million)

*    Earnings per share  15.8 pence (1996, 13.3 pence)

*    Sales  #93.2 million (1996, #92.8 million)

*    Like-for-like publishing sales  #91.6 million (1996, #86.4

*    Underlying operating cash flow  #6.8 million (1996, #5.7

*    Net borrowings  #2.5 million (1996, #3.8 million)

*    Recommended final dividend of 5.0 pence net per share,
     making a total dividend of 7.2 pence net per share (1996, 6.5
     pence total net per share)

*    Sales in the first two months of 1998 were encouraging

Tim Hely Hutchinson, Group Chief Executive, commented on the
results and prospects:

"1997 was a record year for Hodder Headline. Our operating
margins, pre-tax profits and earnings per share all grew

These good results were achieved in uneven market conditions.
The important UK retail bookselling market was buoyant, but
this factor was offset by weak UK institutional markets and
overall weak markets overseas. Meanwhile, we continued to
invest vigorously in our publishing lists so as to be able to
provide good quality growth by gains in market share.

1998 has started well, with UK booksellers continuing to report
encouraging results.  Our good presence on bestseller lists has
helped us to increase sales by 9% so far this year and the
Group is looking forward to another year of progress in 1998.

I would like to thank all those who have continued to support
the Group and have enabled it to continue prospering,
especially our authors, our customers and our staff."

Attached is a copy of the Preliminary Statement.  This
comprises a shortened version of the text that will be included
in our Annual Report and Accounts 1997, to be published in
early April, together with the Group's profit and loss account,
balance sheet and cash flow statement as at 31st December 1997.

For further information, please contact:

Tim Hely Hutchinson           0171 404 5959 on 9th March 1998
Group Chief Executive         0171 873 6000 thereafter

Mark Opzoomer                 As above
Deputy Chief Executive

Richard Adam                  As above
Group Finance Director

Russell Ross-Smith            0171 404 5959
Brunswick Group Limited

9th March 1998

HODDER HEADLINE PLC                                     
KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                   
                                     1997     1996      %
                                     #000     #000      change
Profit & loss account                                   

Like-for-like publishing sales       91,582   86,374    6.0
Reported sales                       93,162   92,830    0.4
Operating profit before interests                      
in associated undertakings
and joint ventures                    8,698    7,279   19.5
Operating profit - continuing         8,898    7,469   19.1
Profit before taxation                8,174    6,605   23.8
Earnings per share                    15.8p    13.3p   18.8

Dividends per share (net)              7.2p     6.5p   10.8
Dividend cover (times)                 2.2      2.0    10.0
Cash flow statement                                     

Net cash inflow from continuing                         
operating activities before 
property disposal proceeds            6,856    5,661   21.1
Operating profit conversion              79%      78%   1.3
Net cash inflow before financing      1,267    3,725  (66.0)
Balance sheet                                           

Debt (net)                            2,449    3,837  (36.2)
Gearing                                   7%     12%  (40.5)
Interest cover (times)                 12.3      8.6   43.0
Net assets                           35,450   33,049    7.3
Net assets per share                 100.5p     93.7p   7.3



Pre-tax profits increased by 24% to #8.2 million (1996, #6.6
million). Earnings per share increased by 19% to 15.8 pence
(1996, 13.3 pence), slightly less than the pre-tax profits
growth rate because of the return to a more normal tax rate of
32.0% (1996, 29.5%).  The Group's sales in the year were #93.2
million (1996, #92.8 million). Like-for-like publishing sales,
excluding the effects of currency translation differences,
discontinued agency business and rationalised distribution
services, grew by 6%. Net debt was reduced at the year end to
#2.5 million (1996, #3.8 million) and net assets rose to #35.5
million (1996, #33.0 million).


The Board is recommending payment of a final dividend of 5.0
pence net per share (1996, 4.5 pence net per share), making a
total dividend for the year of 7.2 pence net per share (1996,
6.5 pence net per share).  This 11% increase in the total
dividend gives dividend cover of 2.2 times (1996, 2.0 times).
The final dividend will be payable on 19th May 1998 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 24th
April 1998.


The record results achieved in 1997 reflect the benefits of
publishing policies that have been developed and implemented
over at least the last three years. Building successful book
publishing programmes requires patient, thoughtful and very
detailed work but we have now created a good quality platform
for further earnings growth.

UK Consumer Publishing

Following the ending of the Net Book Agreement in 1995, a
development for which we vigorously campaigned, UK book
retailing has begun to enjoy significant growth. This has been
apparent in the specialist bookselling sector, as evidenced by
figures announced by the wholesalers who primarily serve
independent booksellers and by chains such as Waterstone's,
Dillons, Books etc and Ottakars. The chains have plans to open
more stores of all sizes. With the entry of the USA-based
Borders 'superstore' operator into the market and the early
success of the Waterstone's superstore in Glasgow, there is now
the prospect that the British reading public will have access
to perhaps 20 or 30 bookshops of over 20,000 square feet, each
carrying over 100,000 titles, within the next three years. The
new management at WH Smith has affirmed its commitment to books
and has recently increased its range of titles by 25%.
Simultaneously, most of the major supermarket chains and
Woolworths have increased space devoted to books, with
substantial consequent increases in sales. As a result of the
latter development, and to some extent discounting by other
booksellers, the quantities that can be sold of popular
bestsellers - especially in hardback editions - have risen
dramatically. At the same time, however, funding of public
libraries has fallen. It has also been a difficult time for
book clubs.

Our editorial response to these overall market developments has
been assertive. We have substantially raised the estimated
sales value thresholds beneath which we do not take on new
titles. Instead, we concentrate on acquiring or commissioning
potential retail bestsellers that can benefit from being
merchandised in the full range of outlets now available and
that do not rely on library support. In fiction publishing, for
both adults and children, and in religious publishing, this
policy has to be pursued with sensitivity. We take into account
the long-term potential of authors as much as any immediate
bestseller potential. Indeed, we have been outstandingly
successful in finding and developing new and relatively
unexposed writing talent.

Our marketing approach has also developed boldly. We are
supporting potential bestsellers with PR and marketing
campaigns of unprecedented magnitude. We have tiered our sales
forces into separate groupings to specialise in selling our
titles in each sector of the market. We have introduced
telephone selling and merchandiser operations to maximise
repeat order business, and we are currently establishing a full-
time direct sales team.

This strong but adaptable editorial and marketing approach to
Britain's radically changed consumer book marketplace delivered
strong results in 1997 and offers good growth for the future.

UK Educational, Academic & Professional Publishing

Funding of UK state schools has recently been flat. We are
campaigning, alongside other publishers, for the Government to
improve the situation either by allocating more public funds or
by introducing a greater element of parental purchase, or both.
Meanwhile we are seeking to increase our share of the schools
and colleges markets by broadening the subject areas in which
we publish, mostly concentrating on core textbook projects, and
by ever stronger marketing activity.

At least in the foreseeable future, better growth prospects are
apparent in the home learning area.  In 1997, we added a very
successful range of revision guides to our Teach Yourself
series. This range will be further developed and we have plans
to expand our home learning publishing very substantially,
creating new series both under our own imprints and as own
brand titles for leading retailers.

At Arnold, we are concentrating on publishing core textbook
titles and producing, primarily for sale to professionals and
libraries, major reference works and journals that are central
to the subject areas they address.

Overseas Operations

We have been improving the quality of our overseas companies by
developing high calibre local publishing lists. Normally, the
development (from a very small base) of such lists would be a
slow process.  However, our attempt to accelerate the process
by buying Moa Beckett Publishers in New Zealand at the end of
1994 has been far more successful than we dared hope at the
time. Largely because of the excellent sales of the Anne Geddes
range of books, our New Zealand company enjoyed an even better
year in 1997 than in 1996. In years when there are relatively
few new Anne Geddes titles and the markets themselves are flat
(and both these factors are likely to be present in 1998), the
inevitably slow pace of developing underlying profits growth
from local publishing will be more apparent.  Nevertheless, the
local publishing strategy is valid and will produce better
results over the years ahead than could be derived from
exclusive reliance on distributing British books.

The Electronic World

The exponential worldwide growth in screen-based and other
electronic communication provides both challenges and
opportunities for any business that essentially sells
information and entertainment.
From a production point of view, we have the skills and other
resources necessary to create substantial ranges of multi-media
products. It is therefore both the perception that worldwide
markets have quickly become saturated and the fact that well
over half our sales are of novels (which nobody wants to read
on a screen) that continue to prevent us from making large
investments in electronic publishing at present. Nevertheless,
where levels of demand promise adequate profits, we are
publishing electronically. In addition to our spoken word audio
list, we are now, for example, publishing on-line journals and
CD-ROM reference and language teaching materials. We shall
continue to build our range of electronic products and this
will become increasingly important.

From a marketing point of view, Internet bookselling seems
likely to develop into an important sales channel.  We are
working with Internet booksellers to make the best of this new
marketing opportunity by digitising all our marketing
information and organising promotions via the Internet. We are
ensuring that, when Hodder Headline titles compete with
American editions available via the Internet, our books are
published earlier, or simultaneously, at competitive prices and
with vigorous marketing support. By taking this positive
approach we are confident that we shall benefit to the fullest
extent from the development of this important new sales

Summary of Group Current Trading and Prospects

The Group's sales in January and February 1998 were up by 9%
compared to the same period in 1997.  For this period there was
no significant difference between reported sales and like-for-
like sales.

We continue to plan for profitable growth generated by our own
editorial and marketing initiatives rather than by any expected
overall growth in our markets.  However, the condition of the
UK consumer book market remains encouraging at present and, as
this market accounts for just over half of the Group's sales,
its buoyancy could be helpful.

The prospects for each of our main businesses are set out below
in the Segmental Operating Reviews. In summary, the Group is
looking forward to another year of good progress in 1998.

We are planning further ahead than ever before and we are well
advanced in acquiring and developing high quality new
publishing projects for 1999 and later years.  Throughout the
Group, we continue to place great emphasis on striving to
provide the very best possible service to our authors and our
customers.  It would not be possible for us to continue growing
and prospering without the support they give us in return.  The
number and calibre of new authors joining us, together with the
loyalty of existing authors, is extremely encouraging and
further underpins our confidence in a bright future.


Operating Profits

Group operating profits increased in the year by 19% to #8.9
million (1996, #7.5 million) with our operating margin widening
to 9.6% of sales (1996, 8.0%). Most of the profits growth came
from our largest business segment, UK Consumer Publishing, with
Headline producing excellent growth, following changes we made
in 1996, and with strong performances from all the Hodder &
Stoughton divisions.  Across the Group, the key positive
factors for operating profit were improved gross margins and
increased income from joint publishing arrangements and
subsidiary rights.

Underlying Sales Growth

Like-for-like publishing sales increased by 6%. This was led by
our UK Consumer Publishing segment where like-for-like sales
grew by 10%. The Group's reported total sales grew only
slightly, to #93.2 million (1996, #92.8 million). This was a
planned and temporary pause in our sales growth as noted in
last year's Annual Report. We have been discontinuing low
margin agency and door-to-door business in overseas markets and
terminating unprofitable third party distribution contracts in
the UK. Now that these policy changes have been implemented, we
expect the Group's reported sales growth to be resumed.

Gross Margins

For the full year, the Group's gross margins increased to 47.1%
(1996, 45.5%). Improved margins from the UK Consumer Publishing
segment were the principal factor. The improvement was driven
by a reduction in the number of lower volume, lower margin
titles that were published, accompanied by significantly
increased average sales per title from the titles that we did
publish. The economies of scale involved in higher average
print runs more than offset the costs of major marketing
campaigns and incentives to retailers.


Distribution costs rose by 4.4% to #10.0 million (1996, #9.6
million). This largely reflected the incremental costs of our
Next Day service to UK retailers, investment in direct sales
services and other pre-retailing services. These enhanced
services supported the sales and marketing initiatives
underlying the sales and margin growth in our UK Consumer
Publishing segment.  Administrative expenses grew by 3.0% to
#28.7 million (1996, #27.9 million) as we continue to keep
overall costs under tight control.

Other Income

Other operating income increased to #3.5 million (1996, #2.5
million) in the year. This increase was largely due to the
continued phenomenal success of our joint publishing
arrangement for the works of Anne Geddes, the internationally
renowned photographer.  Income from interests in associated
undertakings and joint ventures also grew.


UK Consumer Publishing

UK Consumer Publishing operating profits increased by 35% to
#5.3 million (1996, #3.9 million) on sales up by 9% to #58.9
million (1996, #53.9 million). All divisions recorded strong
The sales growth was primarily driven by increased unit sales
per title and tight control of pricing despite pressure for
higher discounts from most retailers. All divisions continued
to implement the Group's margin-enhancing policy of forcefully
marketing fewer new titles and strongly promoting the backlist.

The continued benefits in all the divisions of the consumer
publishing policies outlined above, together with substantial
further growth expected at Headline, offer the prospect of
another year of significant progress for Hodder Headline's UK
Consumer Publishing.

UK Educational, Academic & Professional Publishing

The Group's UK Educational, Academic & Professional segment
continued to expand in 1997, with sales up by 6% to #20.6
million (1996, #19.4 million) and operating profits up by 7% to
#2.6 million (1996, #2.5 million).
Gross margins improved in the year and increased gross profits
were largely re-invested in further editorial and marketing
capacity to fuel future expansion.

We have been developing publishing programmes that are designed
to generate editorially led growth each year in these important
publishing areas, without assuming any positive new funding
factors in the relevant markets. We therefore expect progress
to continue well.

Overseas Operations

Overseas Operations sales were #17.6 million, down from #22.8
million in the prior year. As we have mentioned in previous
reports, the 1996 sales included #3.8 million of discontinued
sales from agency and door-to-door business.  There were also
exchange rate differences of #0.6 million. These are the
primary reasons for the lower 1997 figure.  However, very
difficult market conditions in Australia also had an impact on

Operating profits amounted to #0.9 million (1996, #1.6
million). The Anne Geddes list in New Zealand had a record
year. However, this was offset by the implications of the
difficulties in the Australian marketplace. South Africa's
contribution was similar to the previous year in a tough but
promising market.

Overseas consumer book markets are likely to remain soft and
1998 will be a year of re-adjustment as we respond to these
conditions.  However, not least thanks to a major new Anne
Geddes project scheduled for 1999, the longer term prospects
are more encouraging.

UK Distribution and Other Activities

Our wholly owned UK warehousing and customer service company,
Bookpoint, recorded a nominal operating profit in 1997 (1996,
loss #0.5 million). This improvement was achieved by driving
through productivity, quality and service gains. We also
continued to rationalise the number of third party clients
which now amounts to 26, down from over 90 three years ago.
We have not included a full report on this segment this year,
nor do we intend to in the future, now that we have returned
Bookpoint to break-even and the operation represents only 2% of
the Group's consolidated sales.
We shall continue to invest in people, training and equipment
to deliver further service improvements in 1998.


The net interest charge of #0.7 million in 1997 was 16.2% lower
than in 1996. This was achieved through lower borrowing levels
throughout most of the year.  The underlying average rate of
interest for the year was approximately 8.0%. Interest cover
improved to 12.3 times compared with 8.6 times in 1996.

Effective Tax Rate
The tax charge for the year was #2.6 million, producing an
effective tax rate of 32.0% (1996, 29.5%).  This compares with
a weighted standard rate of taxation of 31.3% for the main
countries in which the Group operates. The lower 1996 effective
rate benefited from the final reinstatement of tax losses
previously utilised in Hodder & Stoughton Limited against
dividend income at a rate of 25.0% and subsequently utilised
against taxable profit at 33.0%.

Year End Net Debt and Gearing

During the year, net debt once again benefited from positive
underlying free cash flow. This resulted in net debt decreasing
from #3.8 million to #2.5 million and gearing reducing to 6.9%
from the 1996 year end level of 11.6%.

Cash Flow and Funding

In 1997 net cash flow from continuing operations, before
property disposal proceeds of #0.2 million, was #6.8 million
(1996, #5.7 million before property disposal proceeds of #3.4
million). This represents 78.8% of operating profits (1996,
77.8%) and is after a further net investment of #4.7 million
(1996, #2.8 million) in new copyright assets, as the Group
continues to add to its future publishing programme.

Underlying free cash flow, before payments in respect of
dividends, the acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and
property disposal proceeds, amounted to #3.4 million. This
compares favourably with the previous year's underlying free
cash flow of #2.8 million, especially when the #4.7 million net
investment in copyright assets made during 1997 is taken into
Working capital throughout the Group was carefully managed,
with stock being reduced from 1996 levels and the ratio of
stock compared to sales continuing the previous two years'
trend by falling from 19.5% to 19.2%.  In February 1998, the
Group reviewed and increased from #20.0 million to #30.0
million its bank facilities in the United Kingdom, which
comprise a mixture of two-and four-year committed facilities.

Exchange Rates
In the second half of the year, the Group changed its
accounting policy relating to the translation into sterling of
the trading results of foreign subsidiaries from year end rates
to average rates for the year. This change was made to enable
the Group's results to reflect more accurately the underlying
performance of the business, as the value of sterling
fluctuates. It has also been made in a year when the effect on
the Group's results is minimal; for example, earnings per share
have changed by less than 0.1 pence. In view of the immaterial
effect of this change of policy on the 1996 results, the latter
have not been restated.

The average exchange rates used and those that would have been
used under the previous policy, together with the Group's
associated turnover, pre-tax profits and earnings per share are
as follows:

                    Current Policy     Previous Policy
                    (Average Rates     (Closing Rates as
                    for the years      at
                    ended              31st December)
                    31st December)

                    1996     1997      1996      1997
__________________  _______  ________  ______    ______
Exchange Rates                                   
Australian Dollar   2.01     2.24      2.16      2.53
New Zealand Dollar  2.29     2.52      2.42      2.83
South African Rand  6.74     7.56      8.00      8.01
__________________  _______  ________  ______    ______
                    #000     #000      #000      #000
Turnover           94,525   93,162    92,830    91,276
Pre-tax profits     6,688    8,174     6,605     8,112
Earnings per share  13.4p    15.8p     13.3p     15.7p                       
__________________  _______  _______   ______    _______

Purchase of Own Shares
The Directors consider that it would be beneficial to the
Company if, in certain circumstances, the Company had the power
to purchase its own Ordinary Shares.  At the present time, the
Directors have no wish to exercise the power to purchase any of
the Shares of the Company. However, they consider it is
appropriate to have the flexibility to do so. Accordingly, they
will be recommending that power in certain circumstances to buy
in and cancel Ordinary Shares should be granted for a limited
period. The Directors would only implement such purchases if
they were satisfied, after careful consideration, that these
would be in the best interests of the Company and all its
shareholders and would result in an increase in expected
earnings per share. Furthermore, account would be taken of the
overall financial implications for the Company. A special
resolution will be proposed at the Company's Annual General
Meeting authorising the Directors to purchase up to a maximum
of 3,527,296 Ordinary Shares, 10 per cent of the issued share
capital of the Company.

Financial Statements

The Group's profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash
flow statement as at 31st December 1997 are set out below.



                                    1997      1996
                             Note   #000      #000
Turnover -                   2      93,162    92,830
continuing operations
Cost of sales                      (49,314)  (50,568)
                                   _______   _______
Gross profit                        43,848    42,262
Distribution costs                 (10,004)   (9,582)
Administrative expenses            (28,687)  (27,854)
Other operating income               3,541     2,453
                                   _______   ________

Operating profit - before           
interests in associated undertakings
and joint ventures                   8,698     7,279  
Income from interests in associated   
undertakings and joint ventures        200       190
                                      _____    _____
Operating profit - continuing 
operations                     2     8,898     7,469
Net interest payable and 
similar charges                       (724)     (864)
Profit on ordinary activities 
before taxation                      8,174     6,605
Tax on profit on ordinary 
activities                     3    (2,616)   (1,948)
                                     _______  _______
Profit on ordinary activities 
after taxation                       5,558     4,657
Equity minority interests               (1)       15
                                    ______     ______
Profit for the financial year        5,557     4,672
Dividends                      4    (2,540)   (2,292)
                                    _______   _______
Retained profit for the financial 
year transferred to reserves         3,017     2,380
                                    =======   =======
Earnings per share             5     15.8p     13.3p

                                              1997       1996
                                        Note  #000       #000
Fixed assets                                             
Intangible assets                               495        536
Tangible assets                               3,695      3,900
Investments                                     358        373
                                              _______    ______
                                              4,548      4,809
                                              _______    ______
Current assets
Stocks                                        17,880     18,144
Debtors                                       45,123     42,976
Cash at bank and in hand                       3,492      1,341
                                              _______    _______
                                              66,495     62,461 
Creditors : amounts falling due within one   
year                                         (29,110)   (32,029)
                                              _______    _______
Net current assets                            37,385     30,432
                                              _______    _______
Total assets less current liabilities         41,933     35,241

Creditors : amounts falling due after more    
than one year                                 (5,582)      (921)

Provisions for liabilities and charges          (901)    (1,271)
                                             _______    ________
Net assets                                2   35,450     33,049
                                             ========   =========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                        3,527     3,527
Share premium account                         17,256    17,248
Merger reserve                                 3,171     3,171
Profit and loss account                       11,468     9,075
                                             _______    _______
Equity shareholders' funds                6   35,422    33,021
Equity minority interests                         28        28
                                              _______   _______
Shareholders' funds                            35,450   33,049
                                              =======   =======
                                                1997    1996
                                          Note  #000    #000
Net cash inflow from operating 
Net cash inflow from continuing operating
activities                                     7,038   9,119
Cash outflow in respect of prior year 
acquisition and reorganisation provisions       (442)   (757)
                                                ____    _____
                                          7    6,596   8,362
                                                _____   _____
Dividends from joint ventures and associated     
undertakings                                     186      83
                                                _____   _____
Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest paid                                   (781) (1,077)
Interest received                                111     207
                                                ______  _____
Net cash outflow from returns on investment and
servicing of finance                            (670)   (870)
                                                _____   _____
UK corporation tax paid                         (981)   (519)
Overseas tax paid                               (302)   (129)
                                                ______  _____
Tax paid                                      (1,283)   (648)
                                                ______  _____

Capital expenditure and financial investment                  
Purchase of tangible fixed assets             (1,272)   (769) 
Purchase of intangible fixed assets               -      (30)
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets       73      94
                                                ______  _____
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and
financial investment                          (1,199)   (705)
                                                ______  _____
Net cash outflow from the acquisition of 
subsidiary undertakings                           -     (206)
                                                ______  _____
Equity dividends paid                         (2,363) (2,291)
                                                ______  ____
Net cash inflow before financing               1,267   3,725
                                                ______  _____
Issue of ordinary share capital                    8      23
Proceeds from new borrowings                   5,000       -
Repayment of loans                              (142) (3,858)
Capital element of finance lease payments       (504)   (461)
Receipts from new finance leases                  -       25
                                                ______  _____
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing       4,362  (4,271)
                                                ______  _____
Increase / (decrease) in cash                  5,629    (546)
                                               ======   ======
                                                 1997        1996
                                          Note   #000        #000
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the year       5,629       (546)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/decrease
in debt and leasing finance                    (4,354)     4,294
                                               _______     ______
Change in debt resulting from cash flows        1,275      3,748
Other finance lease movements                     (73)        11
Currency translation differences                  186         (4)
                                                 _____       _____
Movement in net debt in the year                1,388      3,755
Net debt at 1st January                        (3,837)    (7,592)
                                                _____       _____
Net debt at 31st December                 8    (2,449)    (3,837)
                                               =======     =======



The figures in this Preliminary Statement represent an abridged
version of the Group's full accounts for the financial year
ended 31st December 1997, upon which the Group's auditors have
given an unqualified report dated 9th March 1998.

The 1997 Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to all
shareholders by 1st April 1998 and both this Statement and the
Annual Report and Accounts will be available on request from
the Company Secretary, Hodder Headline PLC, 338 Euston Road,
London NW1 3BH.


                    Total    Intra-   Ext              Intra-  Ext
                             Group    ernal   Total    Group   ernal
                    sales    sales    sales   sales    sales   sales
                    _____    _____    _____   _____    _____   _____
                    1997     1997     1997    1996    1996    1996
                    #000     #000     #000    #000    #000    #000
     Turnover - continuing operations

     UK Consumer   
     Publishing     58,869  (5,181)   53,688  53,874  (4,915) 48,959
     UK Educational,                                                          
     Academic, &
     Publishing     20,593    (604)   19,989  19,415    (485) 18,930
     Operations     17,591    (214)   17,377  22,773    (453) 22,320
     UK Distribution 9,790  (7,682)    2,108   9,510  (6,889)  2,621
                    ______  _______  _____    ______   ______   _____

                   106,843 (13,681)   93,162 105,572 (12,742) 92,830
                   ======= ========  =======  ======= ======= ========

                                        1997   1997  1996   1996
                                        #000   #000  #000   #000
     UK Consumer Publishing                                
     - Group                           5,283        3,893
     - associated undertakings            40           52     
                                       _____        _____
                                              5,323        3,945    
     UK Educational, Academic
     & Professional Publishing                2,628        2,452    
     Overseas Operations                 783        1,480
     - Group
     - joint ventures                    160          138
                                         _____       _____
                                                943         1,618
     UK Distribution                              4          (546)
                                               _____        _____
     Operating profit - continuing             
     operations                               8,898         7,469
     Net interest payable and similar  
     charges                                   (724)         (864)
     Profit before taxation                   8,174         6,605
                                             =======       ======


                                 1997    1997    1996   1996
                                 #000    #000    #000   #000
     Net assets
     UK Consumer Publishing                            
     -    Group                25,980          23,946
     -    associated            
          undertakings            134             178    
                              _______          ______
                                       26,114         24,124
     UK Educational, Academic &                         
     Professional Publishing            5,527          4,762
     Overseas Operations                               
     -    Group                  4,602          6,451
     -    joint ventures           229            195    
                                  ----          -----
                                         4,831         6,646
     UK Distribution                     1,427         1,354
                                         _____         _____
     Net operating assets               37,899        36,886
     Unallocated net assets:
       Net borrowings                   (2,449)       (3,837)
                                         _____         _____
                                        35,450        33,049
                                        ======         =====


                                    1997      1996
                                    #000      #000
     United Kingdom
       Corporation tax at 31.5%    2,272     1,546
       (1996, 33.0%)
       Deferred taxation             (19)      151
       Adjustments in respect of      (9)      (31)
       prior years                   ____     _____
                                   2,244     1,666
     Overseas tax                    361       267
                                    ____      ____
                                   2,605     1,933
     Associated undertakings          11        15
                                    ____      ____
                                   2,616     1,948
                                   =====     =====
                           1997    1997     1996    1996
                           Pence            Pence  
                           per              per    
                           share            share
                           (net)   #000     (net)   #000
     Ordinary Shares 
     of 10p each :                             
     Interim paid          2.20      776     2.00     705
     Final proposed        5.00    1,764     4.50   1,587
                           _____   _____    _____   _____
                           7.20    2,540     6.50   2,292
                           =====   =====    =====   =====


The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit
for the financial year of #5,557,000 (1996, #4,672,000).

Earnings per share have been calculated using the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the year of 35,268,649
(1996, 35,249,710).

Fully diluted earnings per share would not be materially


                                  1997      1996
                                  #000      #000
     Profit attributable to members
     of the Company                5,557    4,672 
     Dividends                    (2,540)  (2,292)
                                  ______    ______
                                   3,017     2,380
     Capital subscribed                8        23
     Exchange rate differences      (624)     (217)
                                  ______    ______
     Net movement in equity    
     shareholders' funds           2,401     2,186
     Opening equity shareholders' 33,021    30,835
     funds                        ______    ______
     Closing equity shareholders'           
     funds                        35,422    33,021
                                  ======    ======

                                         1997       1996
                                         #000       #000
     Operating profit - before interests 8,698      7,279
     in associated undertakings and
     joint ventures
     Adjustments to operating profit : 
       Depreciation and amortisation 
       charges                            1,391      1,393
       Loss on sale of tangible                       
       fixed assets                          39         32
    (Increase)/decrease in working capital :
       Proceeds from sale of property 
       held for sale                        182      3,458
       Stocks                              (300)       117
       Debtors                           (4,168)    (6,709)
       Creditors                          1,105      3,455
     Increase in acquisition and                     
     reorganisation provisions               91         94
                                          ______     ______
     Net cash inflow from contiuing   
     operations                           7,038     9,119 
     Cash outflow in respect of prior   
     year acquisition and reorganisation  
     provisions                            (442)     (757)
                                          ______     _____
     Net cash inflow from operating   
     activities                           6,596     8,362
                                          ======     ======


                            At 1st   Net             foreign At 31st
                            January  cash    Other   excha-  Decem-
                                                     nge     ber
                            1997     flow    changes rates   1997
                            #000     #000    #000    #000    #000
     Cash at bank and in   1,341    2,007   -         144   3,492
     Bank overdrafts      (3,620)   3,622   -          (2)     -
                           ______   ______  ______  ______  ______
                          (2,279)   5,629   -         142   3,492
     Borrowings due within 
     one year               (142)     142   -           -       -
     Borrowings due after one 
     year                      -   (5,000)  -           -  (5,000) 
     Finance leases       (1,416)     504     (73)     44    (941)
                           ______   ______  ______  ______  ______
                          (1,558)  (4,354)    (73)     44  (5,941)
                          ______   ______  ______  ______  ______
     Net debt             (3,837)   1,275     (73)    186  (2,449)
                          ======   ======   ======  ======  ======


The Annual General Meeting will be held at 338 Euston Road,
London NW1 3BH, at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 6th May 1998.



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