18 April 2024
Harmony Energy Income Trust
(the "Company" or "HEIT")
AGM Trading
Harmony Energy Income Trust plc,
which invests in battery energy storage system ("BESS") assets in Great Britain, will
hold its Annual General Meeting at 10.00 am today at the offices of
Berenberg at 60 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8HP. At the
meeting, the Investment Adviser will provide a high-level portfolio
and operational update for the 11 week period ended 15 April
Portfolio & Operational update for the period 15 April
· On
11 March 2024 National Grid ESO launched the Balancing Reserve
ancillary service.
· At
the same time, National Grid ESO also amended the "15 minute rule"
- a key constraint which had restricted the duration of actions
awarded to BESS projects in the Balancing Mechanism.
The Investment Adviser previously indicated that
these two events would increase opportunities for BESS in the
Balancing Mechanism. Indeed, volumes (in MWh) captured by the
Company's portfolio from Balancing Mechanism activities have grown
by 313% (January versus March), and the proportion of the Company's
monthly revenue derived from Balancing Mechanism has increased from
15% (January) to 34% (April month-to-date).
· In addition to the above, we have also witnessed increasing
wholesale market spreads caused by high penetration of wind
generation in Great Britain during periods of low demand.
This leads to low wholesale market pricing (and even periods
of negative pricing) during which BESS has opportunity to be
remunerated for importing power and subsequently selling at higher
· As previously communicated, growing revenue opportunity in the
Balancing Mechanism and/or wholesale markets is advantageous
to 2-hour duration BESS, as both markets are priced in £/MWh,
rather than £/MW.
· Like-for-like revenue (including Capacity Market revenue) has
improved by c.58% from c.£45,500/MW/Year (January full month) to
c.£72,000/MW/Year (April month-to-date):
Like-for-Like Portfolio
(unaudited and rounded to nearest £100/MW/yr)
January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
April 2024
In addition to the above, the Company has
recognised additional revenue during February 2024 relating
o the Embedded Export Tariff ("EET") being accounted for in
February. The EET is retrospectively awarded to generating
assets in certain zones (in the Midlands and South of Great
Britain) which exported power during the three half-hourly periods
of highest demand during the winter months (November-February
inclusive); and
o adjustments to prior periods to account for reconciliations of
revenue from Elexon and Tesla (in their role as revenue
Taking into account these
adjustments, the total revenue for February 2024 was
The Company will publish further
commentary (as well as further updates on the portfolio and an
update on its strategy in relation to dividends and other methods
of delivering value to Shareholders) in its next quarterly trading
and net asset value (as at 30 April 2024) update before the end of
May 2024. Until such time, the dividend policy remains as set
out in the recent Annual Report and Accounts.
Harmony Energy Advisors Limited Paul Mason
Max Slade
Peter Kavanagh
James Ritchie
Ben Wright
Dan Gee-Summons
+44 (0)20 3207 7800
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited
Mark Young
Edward Gibson-Watt
Rajpal Padam
Madison Kominski
+44 (0)20 7710 7600
Camarco Eddie
Georgia Edmonds
+44 (0)20 3757 4980
(UK) Limited Uloma
+44 (0)20 3832 3877
LEI: 254900O3XI3CJNTKR453
About Harmony Energy Advisors Limited (the "Investment
The Investment Adviser is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Harmony Energy Limited.
The management team of the
Investment Adviser have been exclusively focussed on the energy
storage sector (across multiple projects) in Great Britain for over
seven years, both from the point of view of asset owner/developer
and in a third-party advisory capacity. The Investment
Adviser is an appointed representative of Laven Advisors LLP, which
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
This announcement does not
constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to
acquire or subscribe for shares in the
Company in any jurisdiction. This distribution of this announcement
outside the UK may be restricted by law. No action has been taken
by the Company that would permit possession of this announcement in
any jurisdiction outside the UK where action for that purpose is
required. Persons outside the UK who come into possession of this
announcement should inform themselves about the distribution of
this announcement in their particular jurisdiction.
This announcement contains (or may
contain) certain forward-looking statements with respect to certain
of the Company's plans and/or the plans of one or more of its
investee companies and their respective current goals and
expectations relating to their respective future financial
condition and performance and which involve a number of risks and
uncertainties. The Company's target returns are a target only and
there is no guarantee that these will be achieved. This Company
cautions readers that no forward-looking statement is a guarantee
of future performance and that actual results could differ
materially from those contained in the forward-looking
It should also be noted that any
future NAV per Ordinary Share announced by the Company in due
course will, in addition to the matters described in this
announcement, also be affected by valuation movements in the
Company's Portfolio and other factors including, without
limitation, purchase prices of battery energy storage systems
and components, project development and construction costs, income
and pricing from contracts with National Grid ESO and other
counterparties, the potential for trading profitability in the
wholesale electricity markets and/or Balancing Mechanism,
performance of the Company's investments, and the availability of
projects which meet the Company's minimum return parameters in
accordance with the Company's investment policy .