0001775194false--06-30Q32024Suite 4200.0011000000005000005000000.0011000000002090687020215961002021-10-065000005.00100000P5Y0.98680000.2900017751942023-07-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2024-05-012024-05-280001775194us-gaap:SubsequentEventMembersrt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember2024-04-022024-04-300001775194us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2024-04-022024-04-300001775194srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2023-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194upxi:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember2023-07-012024-03-3100017751942023-08-012023-08-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2022-10-280001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember2023-10-260001775194upxi:StockBasedCompensationMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:StockBasedCompensationMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194upxi:StockBasedCompensationMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:StockBasedCompensationMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194upxi:StockBasedCompensationMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194srt:MaximumMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194srt:MinimumMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:StockOptionMember2022-06-300001775194us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember2024-03-3100017751942024-01-012024-01-1800017751942024-03-012024-03-1800017751942024-01-1800017751942024-03-180001775194upxi:CygnetOnlineLlcMember2023-09-010001775194upxi:ECoreTechnologiesIncMember2022-10-012022-10-310001775194upxi:CygnetOnlineLlcMember2023-08-292023-09-010001775194upxi:StockPurchaseAgreementMemberus-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2024-06-012024-06-130001775194upxi:LeaseAgreementMemberupxi:MFATwoFiveOneZeroMerchantLLCMember2023-07-012024-03-3100017751942022-06-012022-06-300001775194upxi:MrMarshallMember2023-11-150001775194upxi:MrMarshallMember2023-11-012023-11-150001775194upxi:NotesPayableOneMember2022-07-012022-12-310001775194upxi:NoteAgreementMember2022-06-012022-06-300001775194upxi:CygnetNoteMember2022-04-150001775194upxi:VitaMedicaNoteMember2021-08-010001775194upxi:PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeOneMember2023-02-012023-02-220001775194upxi:PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeMember2023-02-012023-02-220001775194upxi:AllanMarshallMember2022-06-012022-06-300001775194upxi:AllanMarshallMember2022-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayableOneMember2022-10-012022-10-190001775194upxi:PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeOneMember2023-02-220001775194upxi:PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeMember2023-02-220001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesTwoMember2022-10-032022-10-310001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesTwoMember2022-10-310001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesOneMember2022-10-032022-10-310001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesOneMember2022-10-310001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesLccMember2022-10-032022-10-310001775194upxi:UpexiEnterprisesLccMember2022-10-310001775194upxi:NotesPayableOneMember2022-06-012022-06-300001775194upxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableMemberupxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableOneMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableMemberupxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableMemberupxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableOneMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSevenMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSevenMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSevenMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSixMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSixMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableSixMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFiveMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFiveMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFiveMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesOneMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesOneMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:SubordinatedPromissoryNotesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:NotesPayableOneMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:NotesPayableOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMemberupxi:NotesPayableOneMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:ConvertibleNotesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:ConvertibleNotesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:ConvertibleNotesMemberupxi:PromissoryNoteOneMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFourMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFourMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMemberupxi:NotesPayableFourMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:NotesPayablesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:AcquisitionNotesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:RelatedPartyNotesPayableMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:ConvertibleNotesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:ConvertibleNotesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:CygnetMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:CygnetMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OtherPrepaidExpensesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:OtherPrepaidExpensesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:StockIssuedForPrepaidInterestOnConvertibleNotePayableMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:StockIssuedForPrepaidInterestOnConvertibleNotePayableMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OtherDepositsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:PrepaidSalesTaxMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:PrepaidSalesTaxMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OtherDepositsMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:PrepaidMonthlyRentMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:PrepaidMonthlyRentMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:DepositOnServicesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:DepositOnServicesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:PrepaymentToVendorsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:PrepaymentToVendorsMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:InsuranceMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:InsuranceMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OtherreceivableMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OtherreceivableMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:IntangibleAssetMemberupxi:EcoreIntangibleAssetsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:EcoreIntangibleAssetsMemberupxi:TradeNameMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:CustomerMemberupxi:EcoreIntangibleAssetsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:IntangibleAssetsfromPurchaseMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:VenderRelationshipsMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:VenderRelationshipsMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:OnlineSalesChannelsMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:OnlineSalesChannelsMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:TradeNameMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:TradeNameMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:TytanTilesPatentsMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:CustomerRelationshipMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:CustomerRelationshipMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:VenderRelationshipsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:OnlineSalesChannelsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:TradeNameMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:CustomerRelationshipMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:VenderRelationshipsMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:OnlineSalesChannelsMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:TradeNameMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:TytanTilesPatentsMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:CustomerRelationshipMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:VehiclesMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:VehiclesMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:BuildingMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:BuildingMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:LeaseholdImprovementsMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:LeaseholdImprovementsMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:ManufacturingEquipmentMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:ManufacturingEquipmentMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:InternalUseSoftwareMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:InternalUseSoftwareMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:ComputerEquipmentMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:ComputerEquipmentMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember2023-06-300001775194upxi:ECoreIncMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:ECoreIncMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetOnlineLlcMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:ECoreIncMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2022-07-012023-06-300001775194upxi:ECoreIncMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:ProformaAdjustmentsMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194srt:ProFormaMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:UpexiIncMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:E-coreMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:E-coreMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194upxi:E-coreMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194upxi:E-coreMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetMember2022-07-012023-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:E-CoreIncAndItsSubsidiariesMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:CygnetOnlineLlcMember2024-03-310001775194upxi:StockPurchaseAgreementMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:EquityInterestPurchaseAgreementMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:InfusionzLLCMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:InfusionzLLCMember2022-10-260001775194upxi:LuckyTailMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194upxi:ECoreTechnologyIncMember2023-07-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-03-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-01-012024-03-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-01-012024-03-3100017751942023-12-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-12-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-12-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-12-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-12-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-12-3100017751942023-10-012023-12-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-10-012023-12-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-10-012023-12-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-10-012023-12-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-10-012023-12-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-10-012023-12-3100017751942023-09-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-09-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-09-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-09-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-09-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-09-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-07-012023-09-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-07-012023-09-3000017751942023-07-012023-09-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-07-012023-09-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-07-012023-09-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-07-012023-09-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-06-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-06-3000017751942023-03-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-03-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-01-012023-03-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-01-012023-03-3100017751942022-12-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2022-12-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2022-12-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2022-12-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2022-12-3100017751942022-10-012022-12-310001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-10-012022-12-310001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2022-10-012022-12-310001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2022-10-012022-12-310001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2022-10-012022-12-310001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2022-10-012022-12-3100017751942022-09-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-09-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2022-09-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2022-09-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2022-09-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2022-09-3000017751942022-07-012022-09-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-07-012022-09-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2022-07-012022-09-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2022-07-012022-09-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2022-07-012022-09-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2022-07-012022-09-3000017751942022-06-300001775194us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-06-300001775194us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2022-06-300001775194us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2022-06-300001775194us-gaap:PreferredStockMember2022-06-300001775194us-gaap:CommonStockMember2022-06-3000017751942022-07-012023-03-3100017751942023-01-012023-03-3100017751942024-01-012024-03-3100017751942023-06-3000017751942024-03-3100017751942024-07-05iso4217:USDxbrli:sharesiso4217:USDxbrli:sharesxbrli:pureutr:sqft
Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 10-Q
For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024
For the transition period from __________ to _______
Commission File Number 333-255266
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) |
Nevada | | 83-3378978 |
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) | | (IRS Employer Identification No.) |
3030 North Rocky Point Drive Tampa, Florida | | 33607 |
(Address of principal executive offices) | | (Zip Code) |
(701) 353-5425
(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
(Former name, former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report)
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each class | Trading Symbol(s) | Name of each exchange on which registered |
Common Stock, par value $0.001 | UPXI | The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC |
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. ☒ Yes ☐ NO
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). ☒ Yes ☐ NO
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer | ☐ | Accelerated filer | ☐ |
Non-accelerated Filer | ☒ | Smaller reporting company | ☒ |
| | Emerging growth company | ☒ |
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☒
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act) ☐ YES ☒ NO
Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer’s classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.
As of July 5, 2024, the registrant had 20,889,384 shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per share, outstanding.
This quarterly report contains forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or our future financial performance. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may”, “should”, “expects”, “plans”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “predicts”, “potential” or “continue” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry’s actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements.
We operate in a rapidly changing environment and new risks emerge from time to time. As a result, it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, such as the COVID-19 outbreak and associated business disruptions including delayed clinical trials and laboratory resources, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. Considering these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this report may not occur and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The forward-looking statements included in this report speak only as of the date hereof, and except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this report to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations.
Our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and the related notes that appear elsewhere in this quarterly report. The following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed below and elsewhere in this quarterly report, as well as the other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the heading “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K.
In this quarterly report, unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts are expressed in United States dollars and all references to “common shares” refer to shares of our common stock.
As used in this quarterly report, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “our company” mean Upexi, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
Item 1. Financial Statements
Interim Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
For the Three and Nine Month Periods Ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
| | March 31, | | | June 30, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
| | | | | | |
ASSETS | | | | | | |
Current assets | | | | | | |
Cash | | $ | 498,287 | | | $ | 4,492,291 | |
Accounts receivable | | | 4,707,128 | | | | 6,963,915 | |
Inventory | | | 8,801,901 | | | | 9,267,892 | |
Due from Bloomios | | | - | | | | 845,443 | |
Prepaid expenses and other receivables | | | 720,582 | | | | 1,283,617 | |
Current assets of discontinued operations | | | 2,111,952 | | | | 2,602,556 | |
Total current assets | | | 16,839,850 | | | | 25,455,714 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Property and equipment, net | | | 7,520,005 | | | | 7,442,623 | |
Intangible assets, net | | | 9,469,923 | | | | 12,588,124 | |
Goodwill | | | 10,847,791 | | | | 9,290,501 | |
Deferred tax asset | | | 8,273,049 | | | | 5,604,056 | |
Other assets | | | 368,004 | | | | 76,728 | |
Assets held for sale | | | 1,675,112 | | | | 2,984,868 | |
Right-of-use asset | | | 1,513,693 | | | | 410,453 | |
Total other assets | | | 39,667,577 | | | | 38,397,353 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Total assets | | $ | 56,507,427 | | | $ | 63,853,067 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Current liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Accounts payable | | $ | 2,124,024 | | | $ | 3,930,540 | |
Accrued compensation | | | 841,064 | | | | 533,842 | |
Deferred revenue | | | 111,519 | | | | - | |
Accrued liabilities | | | 2,551,149 | | | | 3,350,541 | |
Acquisition payable | | | 300,000 | | | | - | |
Current portion of notes payable | | | 5,473,136 | | | | 1,302,021 | |
Current portion of convertible notes payable | | | - | | | | 1,254,167 | |
Current portion of acquisition note payable | | | 8,048,562 | | | | 5,656,620 | |
Current portion of related party note payable | | | - | | | | 1,429,356 | |
Line of Credit | | | 3,938,772 | | | | 882,845 | |
Current portion of operating lease payable | | | 803,558 | | | | 419,443 | |
Current liabilities of discontinued operations | | | - | | | | 975,310 | |
Total current liabilities | | | 24,191,784 | | | | 19,734,685 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Operating lease payable, net of current portion | | | 1,055,301 | | | | 34,684 | |
Related party note payable | | | 1,479,815 | | | | - | |
Convertible notes payable | | | 1,650,000 | | | | 895,833 | |
Acquisition notes payable, net of current | | | 2,929,393 | | | | 7,605,085 | |
Notes payable, net of current portion | | | 3,144,327 | | | | 7,746,157 | |
Total long-term liabilities | | | 10,258,836 | | | | 16,281,759 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Commitments and contingencies | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Stockholders' equity | | | | | | | | |
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized, and 500,000 and 500,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively | | | 500 | | | | 500 | |
Common stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized, and 20,906,870 and 20,215,961 shares issued and outstanding, respectively | | | 20,909 | | | | 20,216 | |
Additional paid in capital | | | 53,149,492 | | | | 51,522,229 | |
Accumulated deficit | | | (31,114,094 | ) | | | (23,201,175 | ) |
Total stockholders' equity attributable to Upexi, Inc. | | | 22,056,807 | | | | 28,341,770 | |
Non-controlling interest in subsidiary | | | | | | | (505,147 | ) |
Total stockholders' equity | | | 22,056,807 | | | | 27,836,623 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity | | $ | 56,507,427 | | | $ | 63,853,067 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
| | Three Month's Ended March 31, | | | Nine Month's Ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 14,444,957 | | | $ | 21,883,445 | | | $ | 59,586,148 | | | $ | 56,282,542 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cost of Revenue | | | 11,561,834 | | | | 14,305,698 | | | | 42,864,857 | | | | 35,555,746 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gross profit | | | 2,883,123 | | | | 7,577,747 | | | | 16,721,291 | | | | 20,726,796 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Operating expenses | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sales and marketing | | | 1,547,161 | | | | 2,258,937 | | | | 5,427,358 | | | | 5,331,948 | |
Distribution costs | | | 2,291,945 | | | | 2,352,684 | | | | 7,516,748 | | | | 8,010,373 | |
General and administrative expenses | | | 2,399,387 | | | | 2,602,312 | | | | 6,685,881 | | | | 6,807,739 | |
Share-based compensation | | | 212,758 | | | | 1,146,299 | | | | 965,229 | | | | 3,126,472 | |
Amortization of acquired intangible assets | | | 1,062,734 | | | | 1,124,500 | | | | 3,188,201 | | | | 2,709,167 | |
Depreciation | | | 306,185 | | | | 225,879 | | | | 901,521 | | | | 649,883 | |
| | | 7,820,170 | | | | 9,710,611 | | | | 24,684,938 | | | | 26,635,582 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loss from operations | | | (4,937,047 | ) | | | (2,132,864 | ) | | | (7,963,647 | ) | | | (5,908,786 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other income (expense), net | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Change in derivative liability | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (1,770 | ) |
Interest (expense) income, net | | | 661,878 | | | | 152,360 | | | | 2,612,617 | | | | 2,370,294 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other income (expense), net | | | 661,878 | | | | 152,360 | | | | 2,612,617 | | | | 2,368,524 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Income (loss) on operations before income tax | | | (5,598,925 | ) | | | (1,980,504 | ) | | | (10,576,264 | ) | | | (8,277,310 | ) |
Gain on sale of Infusionz and select assets | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 7,564,363 | |
Gain (loss) from the sale of Interactive Offers | | | (103,263 | ) | | | - | | | | 237,670 | | | | | |
Lease settlement, California facility | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | | |
Lease impairment, Delray Beach facility | | | - | | | | - | | | | (289,968 | ) | | | | |
Income tax benefit (expense) | | | 1,501,595 | | | | 496,880 | | | | 2,668,769 | | | | 449,828 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations | | | (4,200,593 | ) | | | (1,483,624 | ) | | | (7,959,793 | ) | | | (263,119 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(Loss) income from discontinued operations | | | 81,981 | | | | (287,119 | ) | | | 46,874 | | | | (1,663,451 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest | | | - | | | | 124,804 | | | | - | | | | 358,390 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net income (loss) attributable to Upexi, Inc. | | $ | (4,118,612 | ) | | $ | (1,645,939 | ) | | $ | (7,912,919 | ) | | $ | (1,568,180 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic and dilutive loss per share: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Income (loss) per share from continuing operations | | $ | (0.20 | ) | | $ | (0.08 | ) | | $ | (0.39 | ) | | $ | (0.02 | ) |
(Loss) income per share from discontinued operations | | $ | - | | | $ | (0.02 | ) | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.10 | ) |
Total income (loss) per share | | $ | (0.20 | ) | | $ | (0.09 | ) | | $ | (0.39 | ) | | $ | (0.09 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic weighted average shares outstanding | | | 20,723,542 | | | | 18,015,837 | | | | 20,423,924 | | | | 17,418,877 | |
Fully diluted weighted average shares outstanding | | | 20,723,542 | | | | 18,015,837 | | | | 20,423,924 | | | | 17,418,877 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
| | Preferred Stock | | | Preferred Stock | | | Common Stock | | | Common Stock | | | Additional Paid | | | Accumulated | | | Non-controlling | | | Total Stockholders' | |
| | Shares | | | Par | | | Shares | | | Par | | | In Capital | | | Deficit | | | Interest | | | Equity | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, June 30, 2022 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 16,713,345 | | | $ | 16,713 | | | $ | 34,985,597 | | | $ | (6,270,886 | ) | | $ | 54,820 | | | $ | 28,786,744 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Amortization of common stock issuance for services | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 70,350 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 70,350 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 927,326 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 927,326 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2,597,515 | ) | | | (148,005 | ) | | | (2,745,520 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, September 30, 2022 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 16,713,345 | | | $ | 16,713 | | | $ | 35,983,273 | | | $ | (8,868,401 | ) | | $ | (93,185 | ) | | $ | 27,038,900 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Amortization of common stock issuance for services | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 70,350 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 70,350 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 1,052,847 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 1,052,847 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of E-Core | | | - | | | | - | | | | 1,247,403 | | | | 1,247 | | | | 5,998,753 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 6,000,000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net loss for the three months ended December 31, 2022 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 2,669,679 | | | | (85,581 | ) | | | 2,584,098 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, December 31, 2022 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 17,960,748 | | | $ | 17,960 | | | $ | 43,105,223 | | | $ | (6,198,722 | ) | | $ | (178,766 | ) | | $ | 36,746,195 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 1,146,299 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 1,146,299 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Issuance of common stock for interest on note payable | | | - | | | | - | | | | 134,000 | | | | 134 | | | | 606,870 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 607,004 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net loss for the three months ended March 31, 2023 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (1,643,884 | ) | | | (124,804 | ) | | | (1,768,688 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, March 31, 2023 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 18,094,748 | | | $ | 18,094 | | | $ | 44,858,392 | | | $ | (7,842,606 | ) | | $ | (303,570 | ) | | $ | 36,730,810 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, June 30, 2023 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 20,215,961 | | | $ | 20,216 | | | $ | 51,522,229 | | | $ | (23,201,175 | ) | | $ | (505,147 | ) | | $ | 27,836,623 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Issuance of stock and equity for purchase of Cygnet | | | - | | | | - | | | | 90,909 | | | | 91 | | | | 162,636 | | | | - | | | | 505,147 | | | | 667,874 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 421,887 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 421,887 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2023 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (1,356,388 | ) | | | - | | | | (1,356,388 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, September 30, 2023 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 20,306,870 | | | $ | 20,307 | | | $ | 52,106,752 | | | $ | (24,557,563 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 27,569,996 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 330,584 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 330,584 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net income (loss) for the three months ended December 31, 2023 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2,437,919 | ) | | | - | | | | (2,437,919 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, December 31, 2023 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 20,306,870 | | | $ | 20,307 | | | $ | 52,437,336 | | | $ | (26,995,482 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 25,462,661 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Issuance of stock for conversion of debt | | | - | | | | - | | | | 500,000 | | | | 502 | | | | 499,498 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 500,000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock based compensation | | | - | | | | - | | | | 100,000 | | | | 100 | | | | 212,658 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 212,758 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net income (loss) for the three months ended March 31, 2024 | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (4,118,612 | ) | | | - | | | | (4,118,612 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, March 31, 2024 | | | 500,000 | | | $ | 500 | | | | 20,906,870 | | | $ | 20,909 | | | $ | 53,149,492 | | | $ | (31,114,094 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 22,056,807 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
| | Nine Month's Ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Cash flows from operating activities | | | | | | |
Net (loss) income from operations | | $ | (7,912,919 | ) | | $ | (1,568,180 | ) |
| | | | | | | | |
Adjustments to reconcile net income from continuing operations to net cash provided by operating activities: | | | | | | | | |
Depreciation and amortization | | | 4,089,722 | | | | 3,359,050 | |
Accrued interest on note recievable from Bloomios | | | - | | | | (141,635 | ) |
Amortization of senior security original issue discount | | | - | | | | (455,450 | ) |
Unreimburesed transition fees from Bloomios | | | - | | | | (428,500 | ) |
Amortization of loan costs | | | 50,459 | | | | - | |
Amortization of consideration discount | | | 900,339 | | | | - | |
Non-cash consideration for sale of Infusionz and select assets, net | | | - | | | | (7,564,363 | ) |
Inventory write-offs | | | 1,812,319 | | | | 34,328 | |
Gain on sale of interactive offers | | | (237,670 | ) | | | - | |
Change in deferred tax asset | | | (2,668,993 | ) | | | (515,089 | ) |
Noncontrolling interest | | | - | | | | (358,390 | ) |
Shares issued for finder fee | | | - | | | | 1,770 | |
Stock based compensation | | | 965,229 | | | | 3,126,472 | |
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquired amounts | | | | | | | | |
Accounts receivable | | | 2,413,987 | | | | 2,175,850 | |
Inventory | | | (255,500 | ) | | | 2,561,502 | |
Prepaid expenses and other assets | | | 492,343 | | | | 94,178 | |
Operating lease payable | | | 301,492 | | | | (22,830 | ) |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (2,775,503 | ) | | | 1,744,961 | |
Deferred revenue | | | (22,431 | ) | | | - | |
Net cash provided by operating activities - Continuing Operations | | | (2,847,126 | ) | | | 2,043,674 | |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities - Discontinued Operations | | | (187,280 | ) | | | 190,539 | |
Net cash provided by operating activities | | | (3,034,406 | ) | | | 2,234,213 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Cash flows from investing activities | | | | | | | | |
Acquisition of Lucky Tail | | | - | | | | (3,012,327 | ) |
Acquisition of VitaMedica, Inc., net of cash acquired | | | - | | | | (500,000 | ) |
Acquisition of New England Technology, Inc. | | | - | | | | (1,698,748 | ) |
Proceeds from the sale of Interactive Offers, net of liabilities paid | | | 940,000 | | | | - | |
Acquisition of patent rights for Tytan Tiles | | | (70,000 | ) | | | - | |
Acquisition of Cygnet Online LLC, net of cash acquired | | | (500,000 | ) | | | (1,050,000 | ) |
Proceeds from the sale of Infusionz and selected assets | | | - | | | | 5,173,610 | |
Acquisition of property and equipment | | | (770,721 | ) | | | (278,683 | ) |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities - Continuing Operations | | | (400,721 | ) | | | (1,366,148 | ) |
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities - Discontinued Operations | | | - | | | | - | |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities | | | (400,721 | ) | | | (1,366,148 | ) |
| | | | | | | | |
Cash flows from financing activities | | | | | | | | |
Repayment of notes payable | | | (430,715 | ) | | | (470,168 | ) |
Repayment of the senior convertible notes payable | | | - | | | | (6,307,775 | ) |
Proceeds (payments) on line of credit, net | | | 3,055,927 | | | | (6,826,338 | ) |
Payment on acquisition notes payable | | | (3,184,089 | ) | | | | |
Repayment of SBA note payable | | | | | | | (254,804 | ) |
Proceeds from convertible note payable | | | - | | | | 2,650,000 | |
Proceeds on note payable on building | | | - | | | | 3,000,000 | |
Repayment on note payable on building | | | | | | | (97,744 | ) |
Proceeds on note payable, related party | | | - | | | | 1,470,000 | |
Net cash used in financing activities - Continuing Operations | | | (558,877 | ) | | | (6,836,829 | ) |
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities - Discontinued Operations | | | - | | | | - | |
Net cash used in financing activities | | | (558,877 | ) | | | (6,836,829 | ) |
| | | | | | | | |
Net decrease in cash - Continuing Operations | | | (3,806,724 | ) | | | (6,159,303 | ) |
Net (decrease) increase in cash - Discontinued Operations | | | (187,280 | ) | | | 190,539 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Cash, beginning of period | | | 4,492,291 | | | | 7,149,806 | |
Cash, end of period | | $ | 498,287 | | | $ | 1,181,042 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Supplemental cash flow disclosures | | | | | | | | |
Interest paid | | $ | 1,505,162 | | | $ | 326,918 | |
Income tax paid | | $ | - | | | $ | - | |
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of Cygnet | | $ | 162,727 | | | $ | - | |
Issuance of debt for acquisition of Cygnet | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | |
Bloomios non-cash payment of receivables, net | | $ | 845,443 | | | $ | - | |
Issuance of common stock for the repayment of convertible note payable | | $ | 500,000 | | | $ | - | |
Liabilities assumed from acquisition of E-Core | | $ | - | | | $ | (7,712,168 | ) |
Issuance of stock for acquisition of E-Core | | $ | - | | | $ | 6,000,000 | |
Assets available for sale | | $ | - | | | $ | 6,446,210 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 1. Background Information
Upexi is a multi-faceted brand owner with established brands in health, wellness, pet, beauty, and other growing markets. We operate in emerging industries with high growth trends and look to drive organic growth of our current brands. We focus on direct to consumer and Amazon brands that are scalable and have anticipated, high industry growth trends. Our goal is to continue to accumulate consumer data and build out a significant customer database across all industries we sell into. The growth of our current customer database has been key to the year-over-year gains in sales and profits. To drive additional growth, we have and will continue to acquire profitable Amazon and eCommerce businesses that can scale quickly and reduce costs through corporate synergies. We utilize our in-house SaaS programmatic ad technology to help achieve a lower cost per acquisition and accumulate consumer data for increased cross-selling between our growing portfolio of brands.
Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) is a Nevada corporation with fourteen active subsidiaries through which the Company primarily conducts its business. The Company’s fourteen active subsidiaries are as follows:
| ☐ | HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale, a California limited liability company |
| ☐ | Trunano Labs, Inc., a Nevada corporation |
| ☐ | MW Products, Inc., a Nevada corporation |
| ☐ | Upexi Holding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| | o | Upexi Pet Products, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| ☐ | Upexi Enterprise, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| | o | Upexi Property & Assets, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| | | ■ | Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| | o | E-Core Technology, Inc. |
| | o | Upexi Distribution Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| | o | Upexi Distribution LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| ☐ | Cygnet Online, LLC (“Cygnet”), a Delaware limited liability company. |
In addition, the Company has six wholly owned subsidiaries that had no activity during the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively. All of the entities were dissolved or cancelled in the three months ended March 31, 2024.
| · | Steam Distribution, LLC, a California limited liability company |
| · | One Hit Wonder, Inc., a California corporation |
| · | One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC, a California limited liability company |
| · | Vape Estate, Inc., a Nevada Corporation |
| · | SWCH, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| · | Cresco Management, LLC, a California limited liability company |
Our products are distributed in the United States of America and internationally through multiple entities and managed through our locations in Florida, California, and Nevada.
Upexi operates from our corporate location in Tampa, Florida where direct to consumer and Amazon sales are driven by on-site and remote teams for all brands. The Tampa location also supports all the other locations with accounting, corporate oversight, day-to-day finances, business development and operational management operating from this location.
Cygnet Online operates from our Florida warehouse and distribution center, day to day operations of our Amazon liquidation business team from this location with support of remote team members.
Lucky Tail operates from our Florida location with sales and marketing driven by on-site and remote teams that operate the Amazon sales strategy and daily business operations.
HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale operates manufacturing and/or distribution centers in Henderson, Nevada supporting our health and wellness products, including those products manufactured with hemp ingredients and our overall distribution operations. We have continued to manage these operations with corporate focus on larger opportunities that have warranted the majority of corporate focus and investments for the future.
Business Acquisitions
On April 1, 2022, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with a single investor to acquire 55% of the equity interest in Cygnet Online, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation. The agreement also enables the Company to purchase the remaining 45% over the following two years. On September 1, 2023, the Company purchased the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC for $500,000 cash, 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock and a $300,000 cash payment due on September 1, 2024. The Company has not released the shares to the seller.
On August 12, 2022, the Company entered into an asset purchase agreement with GA Solutions, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“LuckyTail”), pursuant to which the Company acquired substantially all the assets of LuckyTail. LuckyTail sells pet nail grinders and other pet products through various sales channels including some international sales channels.
On October 31, 2022, the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Upexi Enterprise, LLC, entered into a securities purchase agreement to purchase the outstanding stock of E-Core Technology, Inc. d/b/a New England Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”), a Florida corporation. E-Core distributes non-owned branded products to national retail distributors and has branded products in the toy industry that E-Core sells direct to consumers through online sales channels and sells to national retail distributors.
Business Divested
On October 26, 2022, the Company entered into a membership interest purchase agreement to sell 100% of the membership interests of Infusionz LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (“Infusionz”), included in the sale was all the rights to Infusionz brands and the manufacturing of certain private label business. Infusionz was originally purchased by the Company in July of 2020. The divestiture of Infusionz and related private label manufacturing represents a strategic shift in our operations and will allow us to become a predominantly product distribution focused company for both our Company owned brands and non-owned brands. As a result, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our condensed statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
On August 31, 2023, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into an Equity Interest Purchase Agreement (“EIPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary Interactive Offers, LLC (“Interactive”) to Amplifyir Inc. (the “Buyer”). The purchase price for the Interests was One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and one- half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation
The Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”). The condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all subsidiaries in which the Company holds a controlling financial interest as of March 31, 2024, and June 30, 2023.
In the opinion of management, the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments of a normal recurring nature that are necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the interim periods presented. All significant intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation. However, the results of operations included in such financial statements may not necessarily be indicative of annual results.
Discontinued Operations
A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that has either been disposed of or that is classified as held for sale, which represents a separate major line of business or geographic area of options and is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate line of business or geographical area of operations. In accordance with the rules regarding the presentation of discontinued operations, the assets, liabilities, and activity of Infusionz, Interactive Offers, VitaMedica and certain manufacturing business have been reclassified as discontinued operations for all periods presented.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement (“ASC 820”), establishes a fair value hierarchy for instruments measured at fair value that distinguished between assumptions based on market data (observable inputs) and the Company’s own assumptions (unobservable inputs). Observable inputs are inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the Company. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the Company’s assumption about the inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability and are developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.
ASC 820 identified fair value as the exchange price, or exit price, representing the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. As a basis for considering market participant assumptions in fair value measurements, ASC 820 established a three-tier fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between the following:
Level 1—Quoted market prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2—Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are either directly or indirectly observable, such as quoted market prices, interest rates and yield curves.
Level 3—Unobservable inputs developed using estimates or assumptions developed by the Company, which reflect those that a market participant would use.
To the extent that the valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised by the Company in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized as Level 3. A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement.
The carrying amounts reflected in the balance sheets for cash, prepaid expenses, other current assets, accounts payable and accrued expenses approximate their fair values, due to their short-term nature. For the three months ended September 30, 2022, management believed it necessary to record a reserve against the debt and equity instruments obtained in the sale of Infusionz of $8,500,000.
Certain reclassifications have been made to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, for the three and nine month periods ended March 31, 2023, and as of June 30, 2023 to conform to the presentation as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024.
Note 2. Acquisitions
Cygnet Online, LLC
The Company acquired 55% of Cygnet Online, LLC, on April 1, 2022. The purchase price was $5,515,756, as amended.
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire Cygnet Online, LLC and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash | | $ | 1,500,000 | |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $6.00 per common share | | | 1,050,000 | |
Earnout payment | | | - | |
Common stock, 555,489 shares valued at $5.34 per common share, the closing price on April 1, 2022. | | | 2,965,756 | |
| | $ | 5,515,756 | |
| | | | |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed: | | | | |
| | | | |
Cash | | $ | 471,237 | |
Accounts receivable | | | 860,882 | |
Inventory | | | 2,337,208 | |
Prepaid expenses | | | 6,900 | |
Property and equipment | | | 7,602 | |
Right to use asset | | | 410,365 | |
Other asset | | | 6,545 | |
Online sales channels | | | 1,800,000 | |
Vendor relationships | | | 6,000,000 | |
Accrued liabilities | | | (701,606 | ) |
Notes payable | | | (7,298,353 | ) |
Operating lease | | | (422,479 | ) |
Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 3,478,301 | |
Goodwill | | $ | 2,037,455 | |
55% of the business was acquired through a stock purchase agreement on April 1, 2022. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price of up to $700,000 based on the attainment of certain sales thresholds in the first year. Our management believed that the attainment of those sales threshold at the time of acquisition was unlikely and valued the contingency at $0. The sales thresholds were not met, and no consideration was recorded for the contingency. The equity interest purchase agreement has standard provisions to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was decreased by $950,000 and was repaid to the Company with a reduction in the loan to the seller. The 55% purchase price allocation is final and is no longer subject to change.
On September 1, 2023, the Company completed the acquisition of the remaining 45% interest for structured cash payments equaling $800,000, the forgiveness of advances of $89,416 and 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock valued at $162,727. As of June 24, 2024, the Company has not released the 90,909 shares or paid the remaining $300,000 owed related to this additional acquisition.
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash | | $ | 800,000 | |
Noncontrolling interest | | | 505,147 | |
Forgiveness of advances | | | 89,416 | |
Common stock, 90,909 shares valued at $1.79 per common share, the closing price on September 1, 2023. | | | 162,727 | |
| | $ | 1,557,290 | |
The additional consideration was recorded as goodwill by management and will be subject to change based on the final purchase price allocation.
The acquisition of Cygnet provided the Company with the opportunity to expand its operations as an Amazon and eCommerce seller. The resulting combination increased Cygnet’s product offerings through the Company’s distributors and partnerships as it continues to focus on over-the-counter supplements and beauty products. Cygnet will be the anchor company for Upexi’s Amazon strategy. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The Company’s management is evaluating the intangible assets of this acquisition and had not reached a conclusion on any impairment of these intangible assets at the time of this report.
On August 13, 2022, the Company acquired the pet product brand and the rights to the products of LuckyTail from GA Solutions, LLC.
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire LuckyTail and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | |
| | | |
Cash | | $ | 2,000,000 | |
Cash payment, 90 days after close | | | 484,729 | |
Cash payment, 180 days after close | | | 469,924 | |
Contingent consideration | | | 112,685 | |
Cash payment, working capital adjustment | | | 460,901 | |
| | $ | 3,528,239 | |
| | | | |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: | | | | |
| | | | |
Inventory | | $ | 460,901 | |
Trade name | | | 383,792 | |
Customer list | | | 1,834,692 | |
Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 2,679,385 | |
Goodwill | | $ | 848,854 | |
The business was acquired through an asset purchase agreement, that acquired all elements of the business, including all the tangible and intangible assets of the LuckyTail business. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price based on the attainment of certain sales thresholds in the first six months. The Company estimated the value of this at approximately $150,000 at the time of purchase. The sales calculated to a $112,685 payout and the purchase price was adjusted. The asset purchase agreement has standard provisions to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was increased by $460,901 for the excess working capital that was transferred in the business and the final purchase price allocation was completed by an independent consulting firm and is no longer subject to change.
The consolidated financial include the actual results of LuckyTail from August 13, 2022 through March 31, 2024. The Company recorded interest on the consideration of $63,282 during the year ended June 30, 2023.
The acquisition of LuckyTail provided the Company with a foothold in the pet care industry and a strong presence on Amazon and its eCommerce store, offering nutritional and grooming products domestically and internationally. The acquisition provided both top line growth and improved EBITDA for the Company. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The purchase price allocation was performed by a third party and is no longer subject to change.
E-Core, Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries
On October 21, 2022, the Company acquired E-Core Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”) d/b/a New England Technology, Inc., a Florida corporation (“New England Technology”).
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire E-Core and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | |
| | | |
Cash | | $ | 100,000 | |
Cash payment, 120 days | | | 3,000,000 | |
Note payable | | | 5,189,718 | |
Note payable 2 | | | 4,684,029 | |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $4.81 per common share | | | 2,418,860 | |
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. | | | 6,000,000 | |
| | $ | 21,039,765 | |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed:
Cash | | $ | 1,014,610 | |
Accounts receivable | | | 6,699,945 | |
Inventory | | | 7,750,011 | |
Prepaid expenses | | | 75,721 | |
Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | |
Customer relationships | | | 5,080,305 | |
Accrued liabilities | | | (192,051 | ) |
Line of credit | | | (7,201,079 | ) |
Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 14,635,673 | |
Goodwill | | $ | 6,404,092 | |
The business was acquired through a membership interest purchase agreement on October 21, 2022. There was no contingent consideration payable under the asset purchase agreement, although a provision was used to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was decreased by $33,803, net and was repaid to the Company with an adjustment to the $3,000,000 cash payment. The final purchase price allocation was completed by an independent consulting firm and is no longer subject to change.
The Company’s consolidated financial statements include the actual results of E-Core from November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024. The Company recorded interest on the consideration of $969,098 during the year ended June 30, 2023 and $900,339 during the nine months ended March 31, 2024. At June 30, 2023 there was $1,738,295 of unamortized debt discount that will be expensed over the next two years. At March 31, 2024 there was $810,545 of unamortized debt discount that will be expensed over the following nineteen months.
The acquisition of E-Core provided the Company with an entrance into the children’s toy sector as well as national retail distribution for owned and non-owned branded products. The acquisition expands the Company’s ability to leverage direct-to-consumer distribution and further develops the broad distribution capabilities of E-Core. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The purchase price allocation was performed by a third party and is no longer subject to change.
Revenue from acquisitions included in the financial statements.
| | Nine months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Cygnet | | $ | 10,629,121 | | | $ | 20,806,317 | |
LuckyTail | | | 2,219,111 | | | | 3,573,727 | |
E-Core | | | 38,625,335 | | | | 25,822,931 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | $ | 51,473,567 | | | $ | 50,202,975 | |
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Cygnet | | | 1,956,310 | | | | 7,359,955 | |
LuckyTail | | | 673,738 | | | | 1,394,459 | |
E-Core | | | 9,221,715 | | | | 13,647,412 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | $ | 11,851,763 | | | $ | 22,401,826 | |
Consolidated pro-forma unaudited financial statements.
The following unaudited pro forma combined financial information is based on the historical financial statements of the Company, LuckyTail and E-Core after giving effect to the Company’s acquisitions as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022.
The following unaudited pro forma information does not purport to present what the Company’s actual results would have been had the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022, nor is the financial information indicative of the results of future operations. The following table represents the unaudited consolidated pro forma results of operations for the nine months ended March 31, 2023, as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022. The results of operations for Cygnet, LuckyTail and E-Core are included in the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024. The results of operations for include LuckyTail from August 13, 2022 to March 31, 2023 and E-Core from October 21, 2022 to March 31, 2023.
Operating expenses for the nine months ended March 31, 2023 have been increased for the amortization expense associated with the fair value adjustment of definite lived intangible assets of LuckyTail and E-Core by approximately $44,619, and $134,625, per month respectively and $363,415 of interest expense.
Pro Forma, Unaudited | | | | | | | | | | | Proforma | | | | |
Nine months ended March 31, 2023 | | Upexi, Inc. | | | LuckyTail | | | E-Core | | | Adjustments | | | Proforma | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net sales | | $ | 56,282,542 | | | $ | 892,270 | | | $ | 12,905,836 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 70,080,648 | |
Cost of sales | | $ | 35,555,746 | | | $ | 137,088 | | | $ | 11,177,032 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 46,869,866 | |
Operating expenses | | $ | 26,635,582 | | | $ | 383,476 | | | $ | 1,050,602 | | | $ | 567,721 | | | $ | 28,637,381 | |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations | | $ | (263,119 | ) | | $ | 371,706 | | | $ | 660,860 | | | $ | (567,721 | ) | | $ | 201,726 | |
Basic income (loss) per common share | | $ | (0.02 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.53 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.01 | |
Weighted average shares outstanding | | | 17,418,877 | | | | - | | | | 1,247,402 | | | | (693,001 | ) | | | 17,973,278 | |
Note 3. Inventory
Inventory consisted of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | |
Raw materials | | $ | 1,007,749 | | | $ | - | |
Finished goods | | | 7,794,152 | | | | 11,557,128 | |
| | $ | 8,801,901 | | | $ | 11,557,128 | |
The Company writes off the value of inventory deemed excessive or obsolete.
During the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, the Company wrote off inventory valued at $1,722,289 and $1,812,319, respectively. During the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the Company wrote off inventory valued none and $34,328, respectively.
Note 4. Property and Equipment
Property and equipment consist of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | |
Furniture and fixtures | | $ | 216,143 | | | $ | 172,663 | |
Computer equipment | | | 166,569 | | | | 155,506 | |
Internal use software | | | 570,645 | | | | 541,705 | |
Manufacturing equipment | | | 3,495,666 | | | | 3,291,557 | |
Leasehold improvements | | | 1,554,771 | | | | - | |
Building | | | 4,923,464 | | | | 4,923,464 | |
Vehicles | | | 261,362 | | | | 261,362 | |
Property and equipment, gross | | | 10,325,160 | | | | 9,346,256 | |
Less accumulated depreciation | | | (2,805,155 | ) | | | (1,903,633 | ) |
| | $ | 7,520,005 | | | $ | 7,442,623 | |
Depreciation expense for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was $264,817 and $225,879, respectively.
Depreciation expense for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was $901,521 and $649,883, respectively.
Note 5. Intangible Assets
Intangible assets as of March 31, 2024:
| Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | |
Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 2,597,503 | | | $ | 4,317,394 | |
Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 628,512 | | | | 1,482,529 | |
Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,800,000 | | | | - | |
Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 2,400,000 | | | | 3,600,000 | |
Tytan Tiles Patents | 15 years | | | 70,000 | | | | - | | | | 70,000 | |
| | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 7,426,015 | | | $ | 9,469,923 | |
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company amortized approximately $1,062,734 and $1,124,500, respectively.
For the nine months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company amortized approximately $3,188,201 and $2,709,167, respectively.
The following intangible asset was added during the nine months ended March 31, 2024:
Intangible assets as of June 30, 2023:
| Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | |
Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 1,300,958 | | | $ | 5,613,939 | |
Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 311,856 | | | | 1,799,185 | |
Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,125,000 | | | | 675,000 | |
Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 1,500,000 | | | | 4,500,000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 4,237,814 | | | $ | 12,588,124 | |
The following intangible assets were added during the year ended June 30, 2023, from the acquisitions noted below:
Customer relationships | | $ | 1,834,692 | |
Trade name | | | 383,792 | |
Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 2,218,484 | |
E-Core: | | | | |
Customer relationships | | $ | 5,080,205 | |
Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | |
Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 6,807,454 | |
Future amortization of intangible assets at March 31, 2024 are as follows:
June 30, 2024 | | $ | 838,900 | |
June 30, 2025 | | | 3,355,599 | |
June 30, 2026 | | | 3,355,599 | |
June 30, 2027 | | | 1,754,640 | |
June 30, 2028 | | | 115,018 | |
June 30, 2029 | | | 4,667 | |
Thereafter | | | 45,500 | |
| | $ | 9,469,923 | |
Note 6. Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets
Prepaid and other receivables consist of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | |
Insurance | | $ | 84,249 | | | $ | 187,949 | |
Prepayment to vendors | | | 68,143 | | | | 239,970 | |
Deposits on services | | | 21,000 | | | | 45,678 | |
Prepaid monthly rent | | | 22,500 | | | | 27,813 | |
Prepaid sales tax | | | - | | | | 70,021 | |
Other deposits | | | - | | | | 70,826 | |
Stock issued for prepaid interest on convertible note payable | | | 161,189 | | | | 465,595 | |
Other prepaid expenses | | | 155,946 | | | | 31,000 | |
Other receivables | | | 207,555 | | | | 144,765 | |
Total | | $ | 720,582 | | | $ | 1,307,299 | |
All prepaid expenses will be expensed in the following 12 months.
Note 7. Operating Leases
The Company has operating leases for corporate offices, warehouses and office equipment that have remaining lease terms of 1 year to 5 years.
The table below reconciles the undiscounted future minimum lease payments (displayed by fiscal year and in the aggregate) under noncancelable operating leases with terms of more than one year to the total operating lease liabilities recognized in the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2024:
2024 | | $ | 131,679 | |
2025 | | | 508,665 | |
2026 | | | 529,284 | |
2027 | | | 268,530 | |
2028 | | | 246,013 | |
Thereafter | | | 21,114 | |
Total undiscounted future minimum lease payments | | | 1,705,285 | |
Less: Imputed interest | | | (137,670 | ) |
Accrued adverse lease obligation | | | 291,244 | |
Present value of operating lease obligation | | $ | 1,858,859 | |
In October 2023, the Company consolidated its Delray Beach facility with the Tampa facility and recognized a lease impairment of 291,244, which is accrued as part of the $803,558 current portion of operating lease payable.
The Company’s weighted average remaining lease term and weighted average discount rate for operating leases as of March 31, 2024 are:
Weighted average remaining lease term | | 43 Months | |
Weighted average incremental borrowing rate | | | 5.0 | % |
For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, the components of lease expense, included in general and administrative expenses and interest expense in the condensed consolidated statement of operations, are as follows:
| | Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2024 | |
Operating lease cost: | | | | | | |
Operating lease cost | | $ | 148,794 | | | $ | 462,496 | |
Amortization of ROU assets | | | 144,983 | | | | 455,006 | |
Interest expense | | | 19,587 | | | | 66,832 | |
Total lease cost | | $ | 313,364 | | | $ | 984,334 | |
For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the components of lease expense, included in general and administrative expenses and interest expense in the condensed consolidated statement of operations, are as follows:
| | Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2023 | |
Operating lease cost: | | | | | | |
Operating lease cost | | $ | 99,101 | | | $ | 285,855 | |
Amortization of ROU assets | | | 67,088 | | | | 233,409 | |
Interest expense | | | 4,595 | | | | 25,030 | |
Total lease cost | | $ | 170,784 | | | $ | 544,294 | |
Note 8. Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable
Accrued liabilities consist of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | |
Accrued interest | | $ | 876,775 | | | | 655,187 | |
Accrued vendor liabilities | | | 278,689 | | | | 861,664 | |
Accrued sales tax | | | 35,491 | | | | 47,070 | |
Accrued expenses from sale of manufacturing operations | | | 1,191,423 | | | | 1,360,000 | |
Other accrued liabilities | | | 168,771 | | | | 441,641 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | $ | 2,551,149 | | | $ | 3,365,562 | |
Acquisition Payable consists of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | |
Payments related to the acquisition of Cygnet | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | |
| | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | |
These payables are amounts estimated by management that are due to the sellers of and acquisition and include the original purchase price installment payments not represented with a debt, equity, or other instrument, estimates of excess or deficiencies in working capital and estimates of future earnout payments.
Note 9. Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable
Convertible promissory notes and notes payable outstanding as of March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023 are summarized below:
| | Maturity | | March 31, | | | June 30, | |
| | Date | | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Convertible Notes: | | | | | | | | |
Promissory Note, 21- month term note, 18.11% interest payable with common stock and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | June 1, 2026 | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 2,150,000 | |
Less current portion of notes payable | | | | | - | | | | 1,254,167 | |
Notes payable, net of current portion | | | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 895,833 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Acquisition Notes: | | | | | | | | | | |
Convertible Notes, 36-month term notes, 0% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2025 | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 3,500,000 | |
Subordinated Promissory Notes, 24-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 5,750,000 | | | | 5,750,000 | |
Subordinated Promissory Notes, 12-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 2,538,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | |
Total | | | | $ | 11,788,500 | | | $ | 15,000,000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Acquisition notes payable | | | | | 8,288,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | |
Discount on acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | (239,938 | ) | | | (93,380 | ) |
Acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | 8,048,562 | | | | 5,656,620 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 9,250,000 | |
Discount on acquisition notes payable, long-term | | | | | (507,607 | ) | | | (1,644,915 | ) |
Acquisition notes payable, net of current and discount | | | | $ | 2,929,393 | | | $ | 7,605,085 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | |
Mortgage Loan, 10-year term note, 4.8% interest, collateralized by land and warehouse building | | September 26, 2032 | | $ | 2,660,679 | | | $ | 2,841,566 | |
Promissory Note, 21-month term note, 10% cash interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | November 22, 2024 | | | 560,000 | | | | 560,000 | |
SBA note payable, 30-year term note, 6% interest rate and collateralized with all assets of the Company | | October 6, 2021 | | | 3,729,096 | | | | 3,910,767 | |
Inventory consignment note, 60 monthly payments, with first payment due June 30, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | June 30, 2027 | | | 1,000,290 | | | | 1,099,592 | |
GF Note, 6 annual payments, with first payment due December 31, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | November 7, 2026 | | | 683,968 | | | | 683,968 | |
Total notes payable | | | | | 8,715,063 | | | | 9,095,893 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Notes payable, current | | | | | 5,473,136 | | | | 1,326,214 | |
Discount on notes payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (24,193 | ) |
Notes payable, current net of discount | | | | $ | 5,473,136 | | | $ | 1,302,021 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Notes payable, long-term | | | | | 3,160,450 | | | | 7,769,679 | |
Discount on notes payable, long-term | | | | | (16,123 | ) | | | (23,522 | ) |
Notes payable, long-term, net | | | | $ | 3,144,327 | | | $ | 7,746,157 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Related Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | |
Marshall Loan, 2-year term note, 8.5% cash interest, 3.5% PIK interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes. November of 2023 extended to 2.5 year term note | | December 28, 2026 | | $ | 1,500,000 | | | $ | 1,500,000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Discount on related party note payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (70,644 | ) |
Notes payable, current, net of discount | | | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,429,356 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Discount on related party note payable, long term | | | | | (20,185 | ) | | | - | |
Notes payable, long term net | | | | $ | 1,479,815 | | | $ | - | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Total convertible notes payable, acquisition notes payable, notes payable and related party note payable | | | | $ | 22,725,233 | | | $ | 25,889,239 | |
Future payments on notes payable are as follows:
2024 | | $ | 6,399,920 | |
2025 | | | 11,946,259 | |
2026 | | | 3,766,391 | |
2027 | | | 279,649 | |
2028 | | | 293,565 | |
2029 | | | 307,961 | |
Thereafter | | | 578,341 | |
| | $ | 23,572,086 | |
| | | | |
Convertible notes, original discount and related fees and costs | | | (846,853 | ) |
| | $ | 22,725,233 | |
On April 15, 2022, the Company entered into a non-negotiable convertible promissory note in the original principal amount of $1,050,000, as adjusted, (“Cygnet Note”) which can be converted into common stock of the Company at a price of $6.00 per share and is payable in full, to the extent not previously converted, on April 15, 2023.
In June 2022, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with two accredited investors pursuant to which the Company could receive up to $15,000,000 during the following twelve months of the agreement. The Company received $6,678,506 for Convertible Notes in the original principal amount of $7,500,000 (the “Convertible Notes”), representing the original purchase amount, less fees, costs, and a $500,000 holdback by the investors. In addition to the Convertible Notes, the investors received Common Stock Purchase Warrants (the “Warrants”) to acquire an aggregate of 56,250 shares of common stock. The Warrants are exercisable for five years at an exercise price of $4.44 per share, provide for customary anti-dilution protection, and an investor put right to require the Company to redeem the Warrants for a total of $250,000. There was a loss of $3,540 for the change in the derivative liability for the period ended December 31, 2022. On October 31, 2022, the Company entered into a letter agreement with the accredited investors in which all amounts owed were paid in full, and the related convertible notes and all security interests were canceled. Additionally, the Company terminated the related Form S-3 registration statement.
In June 2022, the Company executed a promissory note with Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, in the original principal amount of $1,500,000 (“Marshall Loan”). The promissory note has a 2-year term and bears cash interest at the rate of 8.5% per annum with an additional PIK of 3.5% per annum. The promissory note provides for monthly payments of principal, on an even line 36-month basis, plus cash interest, with a balloon payment of all outstanding principal, cash interest, and PIK interest at maturity. The Company received and deposited the principal amount on July 31, 2022. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12 month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $1,500,000. In addition to this, the Company issued Mr. Marshall a warrant to purchase up to 375,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
On October 19, 2022, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) and its indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC entered into a loan agreement, promissory note and related agreements with Professional Bank, a Florida state-chartered bank, providing for a mortgage on the Company’s principal office in N. Clearwater, Florida. The Company received $3,000,000 in connection with the transaction. The principal is to be repaid to Professional Bank over a term of ten years. The proceeds of the loan were utilized by the Company to pay down its loan facility with Acorn Capital, LLC in the amount of $2,780,200. As of March 31, 2023, the Company was not in compliance with the debt service ratio. The Company received a forbearance agreement from the bank until June 30, 2024 to return to compliance of the debt service ratio of 1.25 to 1, until that time the Company will pay an interest rate of 10% instead of the contractual terms of 4.8% and has paid the original principal and adjusted interest through this report. The building is currently under contract to sell for a sales price of $4,300,000 and is expected to close on or about July 8, 2024.
On October 31, 2022, the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi Enterprises, LLC entered into a securities purchase agreement with E-Core Technology, Inc. d/b/a New England Technology, Inc., a Florida corporation, and its three principals. The Company entered into a series of promissory notes with the principal parties: (a) promissory notes in the total original principal amount of $5,750,000 payable upon maturity with a term of 12 months at an interest rate of 4%, $600,000 of which shall be satisfied through the cancellation of an equal amount owed by one of the principals to the Company; (b) promissory notes in the total original principal amount of $5,750,000 payable upon maturity with a term of 24 months at an interest rate of 4%; and (c) promissory notes in the original principal amounts of $3,500,000 with a term of 36 months at an interest rate of 0.0%. The principals may convert the notes into shares of the Company’s restricted common stock at a conversion price equal to $4.81. If the principals do not exercise their conversion rights, the principal balance of the notes will be paid in 12 equal monthly payments commencing on the two-year anniversary of the issuance of the notes, subject to adjustments based on the Company’s EBITDA over the term of the notes.
On February 22, 2023, the Company executed a promissory note with an investor, in the original principal amount of $560,000. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $560,000. In addition to this, the Company issued the investor a warrant to purchase up to 125,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
On February 22, 2023, the Company executed a promissory note with an investor, in the original principal amount of $2,150,000. In November of 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $2,150,000. In addition to this, the Company issued the investor a warrant to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
Note 10. Related Party Transactions
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years.
On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. The proceeds of the transaction will be used for working capital, the reduction of debt and the reduction of other liabilities currently outstanding.
In June 2022, the Company entered into a promissory note with a member of management. The loan was for $1,500,000 and has a two-year term with an interest rate of 8.5% per annum with an additional PIK of 3.5% per annum. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter, the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $1,500,000. In addition to this, the Company issued Mr. Marshall a warrant to purchase up to 375,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
Note 11. Equity Transactions
Convertible Preferred Stock
The Company has 500,000 shares of Preferred Stock issued and outstanding to Allan Marshall, CEO. The preferred stock is convertible into the Company’s common stock at a ratio of 1.8 shares of preferred stock for a single share of the Company’s common stock at the holder’s option, has preferential liquidation rights and the preferred stock shall vote together with the common stock as a single class on all matters to which shareholders of the Company are entitled to vote at the rate of ten votes per share of preferred stock.
Common Stock
On October 31, 2022, the Company issued 1,247,403 shares of common stock for the acquisition of E-Core Technologies Inc., a Florida corporation, valued at $6,000,000.
On September 1, 2023, the Company issued 90,909 shares of common stock for the acquisition of the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC. The shares were valued at $162,727 or $1.79 per common share. The Company has not released these to the seller as of this report.
On January 18, 2024, the Company issued 501,605 shares of common stock as repayment of $500,000 of the Company’s long-term debt. The shares were valued at 500,000 or .09868 per common share.
On March 18, 2024, the Company issued 100,000 shares of common stock as an incentive-restricted stock grant to certain employees. The shares were valued at $85,000 or $0.85 per common share.
Note 12. Stock Based Compensation
The Board of Directors of the Company may from time to time, in its discretion grant to directors, officers, consultants and employees of the Company, non-transferable options to purchase common shares. The options are exercisable for a period of up to 10 years from the date of the grant.
The following table reflects the continuity of stock options for the nine months ended March 31, 2024:
A summary of stock option activity during the nine months ended March 31, 2024 is as follows:
| | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | |
| | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | |
| | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | |
| | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | |
Outstanding at June 30, 2023 | | | 4,839,278 | | | $ | 3.31 | | | | 6.23 | | | $ | 1,342,280 | |
Forfeited | | | (532,000 | ) | | | 4.34 | | | | - | | | | - | |
Granted | | | 400,000 | | | | 1.47 | | | | 1 | | | | 32,000 | |
Options outstanding at March31, 2024 | | | 4,791,278 | | | $ | 3.36 | | | | 5.44 | | | $ | - | |
Options exercisable at March 31, 2024 (vested) | | | 4,557,361 | | | $ | 2.92 | | | | 5.50 | | | | - | |
A summary of stock option activity during the nine months ended March 31, 2023 is as follows:
| | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | |
| | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | |
| | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | |
| | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | |
Outstanding at June 30, 2022 | | | 4,279,888 | | | $ | 3.05 | | | | 7.42 | | | $ | 4,919,182 | |
Forfeited | | | (143,613 | ) | | | 1.21 | | | | - | | | | - | |
Granted | | | 897,000 | | | | 2.52 | | | | 10 | | | | - | |
Options outstanding at March31, 2023 | | | 5,033,275 | | | $ | 3.38 | | | | 6.42 | | | $ | 4,724,980 | |
Options exercisable at March 31, 2023 (vested) | | | 3,894,776 | | | $ | 3.04 | | | | 6.72 | | | | 4,550,343 | |
Stock-based compensation expense attributable to stock options was $212,758 and $1,146,299 for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, respectively. Stock-based compensation expense attributable to stock options was $965,229 and $3,126,472 for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, respectively. As of March 31, 2024, there was $330,455 of unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested stock options outstanding, and the weighted average vesting period for those options was approximately year.
The value of each grant is estimated at the grant date using the Black-Scholes option model with the following assumptions for options granted during the nine months ended March31, 2024 and March 31, 2023:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Dividend rate | | | - | | | | - | |
Risk free interest rate | | | 3.95 | % | | | 2.07-4.06 | % |
Expected term | | | 1 | | | | 1 | |
Expected volatility | | | 63 | % | | 70-77 | % |
Grant date stock price | | $ | 1.47 | | | $ | 3.87-5.30 | |
The basis for the above assumptions are as follows: the dividend rate is based upon the Company’s history of dividends; the risk-free interest rate for periods within the expected term of the option is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant; the expected term was calculated based on the Company’s historical pattern of options granted and the period of time they are expected to be outstanding; and expected volatility was calculated based upon historical trends in the Company’s stock prices.
Forfeitures are estimated at the time of grant and revised, if necessary, in subsequent periods if actual forfeitures differ from those estimates. Based on historical experience of forfeitures, the Company estimated forfeitures at 0% for each of the nine months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
Note 13. Income Taxes
The Company computed the year-to-date income tax provision by applying the estimated annual effective tax rate to the year-to-date pre-tax income and adjusted for discrete tax items in the period. The Company’s income tax benefit was $1,501,595 and $2,668,769 for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, respectively, and $496,880 and $449,828 for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, respectively.
The income tax expense for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, was primarily attributable to federal and state income taxes and nondeductible expenses for an effective tax rate of approximately 29%. For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the difference between the U.S. statutory rate and the Company’s effective tax rate is due to the full valuation allowance on the Company’s deferred tax assets.
Future realization of the tax benefits of existing temporary differences and net operating loss carryforwards ultimately depends on the existence of sufficient taxable income within the carryforward period. The Company periodically evaluates the realizability of its net deferred tax assets based on all available evidence, both positive and negative. The Company also considered whether there was any currently available information about future years. The Company determined that it is more likely than not that the Company will have future taxable income to fully realize the Company’s deferred tax asset.
As of March 31, 2024, there was approximately $10,472,757 of losses available to reduce federal taxable income in future years and can be carried forward indefinitely.
Note 14. Risks and Uncertainties
There is substantial uncertainty and different interpretations among federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, legislators, academics, and businesses as to the scope of operation of Farm Bill-compliant hemp programs relative to the emerging regulation of cannabinoids. These different opinions include, but are not limited to, the regulation of cannabinoids by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, and/or the FDA and the extent to which manufacturers of products containing Farm Bill-compliant cultivators and processors may engage in interstate commerce. The uncertainties cannot be resolved without further federal, and perhaps even state-level, legislation, regulation or a definitive judicial interpretation of existing legislation and rules. If these uncertainties continue, they may have an adverse effect upon the introduction of our products in different markets.
Note 15. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios
On October 28, 2022, the Company determined that the best course of action related to Infusionz, LLC and certain manufacturing business was to accept an offer to sell those operations.
The Company received from Bloomios, Inc., (OTCQB:BLMS), the purchaser (i) $5,500,000 paid at closing; (ii) a convertible secured subordinated promissory note in the original principal amount of $5,000,000; (iii) 85,000 shares of Series D convertible preferred stock, with a total stated value of $8,500,000; (iv) a senior secured convertible debenture with a subscription amount of $4,500,000, after original issue discount of $779,117; and (v) a common stock purchase warrant to purchase up to 2,853,910 shares of Bloomios’s common stock. The Company recorded the consideration received at the estimated value at the time of the transaction and as part of that estimate valued the additional warrants to purchase Bloomios shares of common stock at $8,500,000 and a valuation allowance of $8,500,000.
The assets transferred were recorded at their respective book values, the accrued and incurred expenses estimated by management were recorded and the consideration received was recorded at management's estimated fair value based on the balance sheet on October 26, 2022, the effective closing date.
Tangible assets, inventory / working capital* | | $ | (1,344,000 | ) |
Tangible assets, warehouse and manufacturing equipment, net of accumulated depreciation* | | | (679,327 | ) |
Goodwill | | | (2,413,814 | ) |
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization | | | (946,996 | ) |
Accrued and incurred expenses related to the transaction and additional working capital* | | | (2,051,500 | ) |
Consideration received, including cash, debt and equity, net | | | 15,000,000 | |
Total gain recognized | | $ | 7,564,363 | |
*During the continuing transition period, all of the inventory or working capital has not been transferred to the buyer.
At closing, the Company provided working capital, in the form of inventory, in excess of the working capital agreement and during the transition period, there are certain expenses and purchases incurred that are to be netted against funds collected on behalf of the buyer. June 30, 2023, there was a receivable balance from the buyer of $845,443, net of a reserve of $931,613.
Advance for payroll | | $ | 50,000 | |
Operating expense | | | 652,891 | |
Management fees | | | 685,600 | |
Excess working capital | | | 388,565 | |
Accrued Interest | | | 247,885 | |
Subtotal due from Bloomios | | $ | 2,024,941 | |
Reserve | | | 1,179,498 | |
Total due from Bloomios | | $ | 845,443 | |
Note 16. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Interactive Offers
On August 31, 2023, the Company sold Interactive offers to Amplifyir Inc. The purchase price is $1,250,000 with a provision to adjust the final purchase price based on the business being transferred to Amplifyer Inc. with a net zero working capital. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and-one-half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
Summary of discontinued operations:
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Discontinued Operations | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | - | | | $ | 604,625 | |
Cost of sales | | $ | - | | | $ | 230,967 | |
Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | - | | | $ | 971,657 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,798 | |
Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | - | | | $ | (928,215 | ) |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 56,961 | |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 5,195 | |
Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 405,721 | |
Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 562,953 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Discontinued Operations | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 158,147 | | | $ | 1,054,935 | |
Cost of sales | | $ | 11,982 | | | $ | 254,028 | |
Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 339,205 | | | $ | 1,646,949 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 455,357 | |
Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | (193,040 | ) | | $ | (1,305,261 | ) |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 45,314 | |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 3,593 | |
Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 4,843,723 | |
Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 415,660 | |
Note 17. Discontinued Operations – Sale of VitaMedica
On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
Summary of discontinued operations:
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Discontinued Operations | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 2,673,744 | | | $ | 1,491,373 | |
Cost of sales | | $ | 587,142 | | | $ | 201,409 | |
Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 1,888,490 | | | $ | 1,536,773 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 115,896 | | | $ | 151,599 | |
Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 81,978 | | | $ | (149,966 | ) |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | |
Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | |
Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Discontinued Operations | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 6,708,021 | | | $ | 5,525,651 | |
Cost of sales | | $ | 1,480,486 | | | $ | 1,094,753 | |
Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 4,694,350 | | | $ | 4,342,632 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 353,646 | | | $ | 389,349 | |
Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 239,908 | | | $ | (307,899 | ) |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | |
Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | |
Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
Note 18. Subsequent Events
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida, for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years. MFA 2510 Merchant LLC is owned by the Chief Executive Officer Allan Marshall.
On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its Clearwater warehouse for a sale price of 4,300,000. The Company expects to receive approximately $1,350,000 after repayment of the mortgage and transaction expenses. The $1,350,000 will be used for working capital and the repayment of other outstanding debts. The transaction is expected to close on or around July 8, 2024.
Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
General Overview
As used in this quarterly report and unless otherwise indicated, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” mean Upexi, Inc.
For the nine months ended March 31, 2023 the condensed consolidated financial statements of Upexi, Inc. include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries; Trunano Labs, Inc., a Nevada corporation, Steam Distribution, LLC, a California limited liability company; One Hit Wonder, Inc., a California corporation; HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a Steam Wholesale, a California limited liability company, One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC a California corporation; SWCH LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; Cresco Management LLC, a California limited liability company; VitaMedica, Inc., a Nevada corporation, Cygnet Online, LLC a Delaware limited liability corporation; Upexi Pet Products, LLC (“LuckyTail”), a Delaware limited liability corporation as of August 12, 2022; and E-Core Technology, Inc. (“E-core”) a Florida Corporation as of October 21, 2022
For the three months ended March 31, 2023, the condensed consolidated financial statements of Upexi, Inc. include all of the subsidiary accounts included in the condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024.
All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated as a result of the consolidation.
Operating Segments
The Company’s financial reporting is organized into two segments: Our Branded Product segment and our Recommerce segment. Our Branded Product segment is focused on the development, growth, and distribution of the branded products that we own. Our Recommerce segment is focused on the purchase and sale of new and used products through channels such as Amazon and wholesale distributors. Other sources of revenue and related costs are aggregated and viewed by management as immaterial or have similar economic characteristics, product production, distribution processes and regulatory environment as the other product sales.
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, the share-based compensation of 212,758 and $1,146,299, respectively was allocated to the Branded Product segment. For the nine months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, the share-based compensation of $965,299 and 3,126,472, respectively was allocated to the Branded Product segment.
All indirect corporate and public company general and administrative expenses are allocated to the Branded Product Segment.
Segment Information
The Company provides the following segments: (a) branded products segment and (b) recommerce segment.
For the three months ended March 31, 2024:
| | Branded Products | | | Recommerce | | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 4,888,666 | | | $ | 9,560,291 | | | $ | 14,444,957 | |
Loss from operations | | $ | (3,066,816 | ) | | $ | (1,870,231 | ) | | $ | (4,937,047 | ) |
Other expense | | $ | (471,788 | ) | | $ | (190,090 | ) | | $ | (661,878 | ) |
Depreciation expense | | $ | 306,185 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 306,185 | |
Income tax benefit | | $ | 820,351 | | | $ | 681,244 | | | $ | 1,501,595 | |
Segment assets: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Additions to property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 498,448 | | | | | | | | 498,448 | |
Total assets | | $ | 22,418,439 | | | $ | 34,088,988 | | | $ | 56,507,427 | |
For the three months ended March 31, 2023:
| | Branded Products | | | Recommerce | | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 4,339,750 | | | $ | 17,543,695 | | | $ | 21,883,445 | |
Loss from operations | | $ | (1,700,804 | ) | | $ | (432,060 | ) | | $ | (2,132,864 | ) |
Other expense | | $ | (40,177 | ) | | $ | (112,183 | ) | | $ | (152,360 | ) |
Depreciation expense | | $ | 225,879 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 225,879 | |
Income tax benefit | | $ | 379,689 | | | $ | 117,191 | | | $ | 496,880 | |
Segment assets: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Additions to property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 97,910 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 97,910 | |
Total assets | | $ | 27,560,849 | | | $ | 36,292,218 | | | $ | 63,853,067 | |
For the nine months ended March 31, 2024:
| | Branded Products | | | Recommerce | | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 15,072,684 | | | $ | 44,513,464 | | | $ | 59,586,148 | |
Loss from operations | | $ | (5,307,384 | ) | | $ | (2,656,263 | ) | | $ | (7,963,647 | ) |
Other expense | | $ | (2,118,982 | ) | | $ | (493,635 | ) | | $ | (2,612,617 | ) |
Depreciation expense | | $ | 901,521 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 901,521 | |
Income tax benefit | | $ | 1,701,208 | | | $ | 967,561 | | | $ | 2,668,769 | |
Segment assets: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Additions to property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 978,904 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 978,904 | |
Total assets | | $ | 22,418,439 | | | $ | 34,088,988 | | | $ | 56,507,427 | |
For the nine months ended March 31, 2023:
| | Branded Products | | | Recommerce | | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | $ | 12,850,078 | | | $ | 43,432,464 | | | $ | 56,282,542 | |
Loss from operations | | $ | (5,215,259 | ) | | $ | (693,527 | ) | | $ | (5,908,786 | ) |
Other expense | | $ | (2,031,513 | ) | | $ | (337,011 | ) | | $ | (2,368,524 | ) |
Depreciation expense | | $ | 649,883 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 649,883 | |
Income tax benefit | | $ | 264,656 | | | $ | 185,172 | | | $ | 449,828 | |
Segment assets: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Additions to property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 281,879 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 281,879 | |
Total assets | | $ | 27,560,849 | | | $ | 36,292,218 | | | $ | 63,853,067 | |
Results of Operations
The following summary of the Company’s operations should be read in conjunction with its unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, which are included herein.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024, Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
| | March 31, | | | | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | | | Change | |
Revenue | | $ | 14,444,957 | | | $ | 21,883,445 | | | $ | (7,438,488 | ) |
Cost of revenue | | $ | 11,561,834 | | | $ | 14,305,698 | | | $ | (2,743,864 | ) |
Sales and marketing expenses | | $ | 1,547,161 | | | $ | 2,258,937 | | | $ | (711,776 | ) |
Distribution costs | | $ | 2,291,945 | | | $ | 2,352,684 | | | $ | (60,739 | ) |
General and administrative expenses | | $ | 2,399,387 | | | $ | 2,602,312 | | | $ | (202,925 | ) |
Other operating expenses | | $ | 1,581,677 | | | $ | 2,496,678 | | | $ | (915,001 | ) |
Other expenses | | $ | 661,878 | | | $ | 152,360 | | | $ | 509,518 | |
Net loss attributable to Upexi, Inc. | | $ | 4,118,612 | ) | | $ | (1,645,939 | ) | | $ | (2,472,673 | ) |
Revenues decreased by $7,438,488 or 34% to $14,444,957 compared with revenue of $21,883,445 in the same period last year. The revenue decline was primarily the result of lower recommerce revenue through both Amazon channels and wholesale. Management made a decision to discontinue sales of electronic products in its Amazon channels after analyzing the high rate of returned products, lower margins after thirty to sixty days and the low liquidation value of Amazon returns. Branded Product sales increased slightly with increases in both the pet care products, children’s toy product and other branded products that are not heavily reliant on the Amazon sales channel. Management is focused on restructuring the Company to have more consistent sales from both product sales revenue and adding service revenue.
Cost of revenue decreased by $2,743,864 or 19% to $11,561,834 compared with cost of revenue of $14,305,698 in the same period last year. The cost of revenue decline was primarily related to the lower recommerce revenue. Gross profit decreased by approximately $1.7 million compared to the same period in the previous form significant write offs of inventory that was obsolete or unsellable. These products that were written off were primarily related to the recommerce business with many of them being Amazon returns or bulk products that could no longer be sold.
Sales and marketing expenses decreased by $711,776 or 32% compared with the same period in the prior year. The decreased in sales and marketing expenses was primarily related to management’s efforts to refine sales strategies to focus on long-term recurring sales growth through subscription revenue and sales channel expansion. Management will continue to manage the sales and marketing expenses on branded product sales and expects the overall sales and marketing to revenue to decrease and improve profitability.
Distribution costs decreased $60,739 or 3% compared with the same period in the prior year. The decrease in distribution costs was not related to sales and is expected to decrease overall as management has completed the consolidation of facilities and the distribution network at the end of June 2024.
General and administrative expenses decreased by $202,925 or 8% compared with the same period in the prior year. With the consolidation of facilities and ongoing adjustments for the sale of VitaMedica, Infusionz and Interactive Offers, management has managed the general and administrative costs and will continue to implement strategies to decrease the percentage of general and administrative costs when compared to total sales.
Other operating expenses decreased by $915,001 or 37% compared with the same period in the prior year. These expenses are primarily non-cash expenses and have decreased based on the decreased amortization of stock compensation and offset by increases in depreciation.
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company had other expense of $661,878 compared to expense of $152,360 during the same period in the prior year. The increase is primarily related to the interest on debt. Management is working on eliminated this high interest debt as it restructures the Company.
The Company had a net loss of $4,118,612 compared a loss of $1,645,939 in the same period in the prior year. The decrease in net income is related to the decreased sales, the non-cash write off of 1.7 million in inventory and the costs associated with the distribution network until it was consolidated in June of 2024. Management expects additional administrative expenses related to the consolidation of the distribution network through June of 2024 and will then be able to recognize the improvements in fiscal year 2025.
Nine Months Ended March 31, 2024, Compared to Nine Months Ended March 31, 2023
| | March 31, | | | | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | | | Change | |
Revenue | | $ | 59,586,148 | | | $ | 56,282,542 | | | $ | 3,303,606 | |
Cost of revenue | | $ | 42,864,857 | | | $ | 35,555,746 | | | $ | 7,309,111 | |
Sales and marketing expenses | | $ | 5,427,358 | | | $ | 5,331,948 | | | $ | 95,410 | |
Distribution costs | | $ | 7,516,748 | | | $ | 8,010,373 | | | $ | (493,625 | ) |
General and administrative expenses | | $ | 6,685,881 | | | $ | 6,807,739 | | | $ | (121,858 | ) |
Other operating expenses | | $ | 5,054,951 | | | $ | 6,485,522 | | | $ | (1,430,571 | ) |
Other expenses | | $ | 2,612,617 | | | $ | 2,368,524 | | | $ | 244,093 | |
Net loss attributable to Upexi, Inc. | | $ | (7,912,919 | ) | | $ | (1,568,180 | ) | | $ | (6,344,739 | ) |
Revenues increased by $3,303,606 or 6% to $59,586,148 compared with revenue of $56,282,542 in the same period in the prior year. The revenue growth is based on the full nine months of E-core and Luckytail revenue in the current period compared to the prior year as those two entities were acquired during the prior year. Overall, the revenue has declined in the recommerce business in both Amazon channels and wholesale channels. Branded Product sales increased slightly with increases in both the pet care products, children’s toy product and other branded products that are not heavily reliant on the Amazon sales channel. Management is focused on restructuring the Company to have more consistent sales from both product sales revenue and adding service revenue.
Cost of revenue increased by $7,309,111 or 21% to $42,864,857 compared with cost of revenue of $35,555,746 in the same period in the prior year. Gross profit decreased by approximately $1.8 million compared to the same period in the previous form significant write-offs of inventory that was obsolete or unsellable. These products that were written off were primarily related to the recommerce business with many of them being Amazon returns or bulk products that could no longer be sold. Management will seek to improve the gross profit and the overall gross margin in the next 12 months as we are able to leverage the consolidate our operations and restructuring management is currently in process of.
Sales and marketing expenses increased by $95,410 or 10% compared with the same period in the previous year. The increase in sales and marketing expenses was primarily related to the increase in the Branded Products segment, although the trend of these expenses is declining and the increase was primarily during the first two quarters of the year. Management will continue to manage the sales and marketing expenses on branded product sales and expects the overall sales and marketing to revenue to decrease and improve profitability.
Distribution costs decreased $493,625 or 6% compared with the same period in the previous year. Distribution costs are expected to continue to decrease as the consolidation efforts are completed and these operational improvements are expected to improve the Company’s profitability in fiscal year 2025. Management will continue its efforts to consolidate and streamline our distribution network and decrease the costs as a percentage of revenue.
General and administrative expenses decreased by $121,858 or 2% compared with the same period in the previous year. As the Company has consolidated the acquisitions and adjusted for the sale of Infusionz and Interactive Offers, management has controlled the general and administrative costs and will continue to implement strategies to decrease the percentage of general and administrative costs when compared to total sales.
Other operating expenses decreased by $1,430,571 or 22% compared with the same period in the previous year. These expenses are primarily non-cash and decreased based on the lower amortization of stock compensation offset by increases in depreciation.
During the nine months ended March 31, 2024, the Company had other expense of $2,612,617 compared to expense of $2,224,547 during the nine months ended March 31, 2023. .
In addition, during the nine months ended March 31, 2023, the Company recognized a gain on the sale of Interactive Offers, and an impairment on the Delray Beach facility, that was consolidated into the Tampa facility. These were offset by the gain on the lease settlement for the California facility and an income tax benefit. During the nine months ended March 31, 2024, the Company recognized a gain on the sale of Infusionz and select assets, which was later adjusted for lack of payment from the buyer and an income tax expense.
The Company had a net loss of $7,912,919 compared to $1,568,180 in the same period in the previous year. The decrease in net income is primarily related to the items mentioned above.
We will continue to improve the gross profit, while reducing the general and administrative expenses as compared to the sales as the Company continues to focus on sales growth while continuing to improve net income through the consolidation of operations.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Working Capital
| | As of March 31, 2024 | | | As of June 30, 2023 | |
Current assets | | $ | 16,839,850 | | | $ | 25,455,714 | |
Current liabilities | | | 24,191,784 | | | | 19,734,685 | |
Working capital | | $ | (7,351,934 | ) | | $ | 5,721,029 | |
Cash Flows
| | Nine Months Ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Cash flows provided by operating activities – continuing operations | | $ | (2,847,126 | ) | | $ | 2,043,674 | |
Cash flows used in investing activities – continuing operations | | | (400,721 | ) | | | (1,166,148 | ) |
Cash flows used in financing activities – continuing operations | | | (558,877 | ) | | | (6,836,829 | ) |
| | | | | | | | |
Cash flows used by operating activities – discontinued operations | | | (187,280 | ) | | | (190,539 | ) |
Cash flows provided by (used by) investing activities – discontinued operations | | | | | | | | |
Cash flows provided by (used by) financing activities – discontinued operations | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Net decrease in cash during the period | | $ | (3,994,004 | ) | | $ | (5,968,764 | ) |
On March 31, 2024, the Company had cash of $498,287, a decrease of $3,994,004 from June 30, 2023.
Net cash from operating activities benefited from non-cash expenses of $4,911,405, a $2,413,987 decrease in accounts receivable, which were offset $2,775,503 paydown of accounts payable and accrued liabilities.
Net cash used in investing activities for the nine months ended March 31, 2024 was $400,721 and was primarily related to the $500,000 paid for the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online LLC and the acquisition of property and equipment, which was offset by the proceeds from the sale of interactive offers. The acquisition of property and equipment primarily related to equipment and leasehold improvement for the final phase of our consolidation strategy, which was completed in June 2024.
Net cash used by financing activities for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, was $558,877 compared to the use of $6,836,829 during the nine months ended March 31, 2023. The cash used in financing activities during the nine months ended March 31, 2024 related to the repayment of notes payable and acquisition notes payable and was offset by the Company’s line of credit.
For the nine months ended March 31, 2023 used by financing activities was the repayment of $7,201,079 to the line of credit, the repayment and termination of the senior convertible note and the installment payments of several other notes. The Company obtained a note from a related party and a mortgage on the building purchased in the prior year. The funds obtained were used for investing activities and the repayment of the senior convertible note.
On October 19, 2022, the Company and its indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC entered into a loan agreement with Professional Bank, a Florida state-chartered bank, providing for a mortgage on the Company’s principal office in N. Clearwater, Florida. The company received $3,000,000 in connection with the transaction. The principal is to be paid back to Professional Bank over a term of ten years. The proceeds of the loan were utilized by the Company to pay down its loan facility with Acorn Capital, LLC in the amount of $2,780,200, net of fees and other expenses. There is a contract to sell this property that would repay this loan and provided approximately $1,350,000 of working capital.
On October 31, 2022, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”), paid $4,275,071 in principal, $613,466 in accrued interest, $250,000 for settlement of a put option and $7,900 in miscellaneous fees for a total of $5,146,437 to the holders of the $15 million senior secured convertible notes entered into on June 28, 2022. The payment terminated the agreement with the noteholders. The Company also terminated the registration statement covering the senior secured notes payable.
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years. The estimated cost of this facility is a reduction of overall facility costs of approximately $220,000 in rent and approximately $138,000 per year in utilities, repairs and maintenance. Management also expects to have additional savings in labor and administrative costs, which is expected to add additional cash flow for fiscal year 2025.
On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its Clearwater warehouse for a sale price of 4,300,000. The Company expects to receive approximately $1,350,000 after repayment of the mortgage and transaction expenses. The $1,350,000 will be used for working capital and the repayment of other outstanding debts. The transaction is expected to close on or around July 8, 2024.
On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. The Company estimates the fees from these services provided to VitaMedica will be approximately $300,000 annually.
We estimate that we will have sufficient working capital to fund our operations over the twelve months following the date of the issuance of these condensed consolidated financial statements and meet all our debt obligations.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
There are no off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is material to investors.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Not applicable.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Under the supervision and with the participation of our senior management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as of March 31, 2024 (the “Evaluation Date”). Based on this evaluation, our principal executive officer and principal financial and accounting officer concluded as of the Evaluation Date that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective such that the information relating to us required to be disclosed in our Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) reports (i) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms, and (ii) is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial and accounting officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. This conclusion is based on findings that constituted material weaknesses. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of control deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the Company’s interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
In performing the above-referenced assessment, our management identified the following material weaknesses:
| (i) | inadequate segregation of duties consistent with control objectives; and |
| | |
| (ii) | lack of multiple levels of supervision and review. |
We believe the weaknesses and their related risks are not uncommon in a company of our size because of the limitations in the size and number of staff. Due to our size and nature, segregation of all conflicting duties has not always been possible and may not be economically feasible. However, we plan to take steps to enhance and improve the design of our internal control over financial reporting. During the period covered by this quarterly report on Form 10-Q, we have not been able to remediate the material weaknesses identified above. To remediate such weaknesses, we plan to implement the appointment of additional qualified personnel to address inadequate segregation of duties and implement modifications to our financial controls to address such inadequacies, by the end of our 2024 fiscal year as resources allow.
We are currently reviewing our disclosure controls and procedures related to these material weaknesses and expect to implement changes in the current fiscal year, including identifying specific areas within our governance, accounting, and financial reporting processes to add adequate resources to potentially mitigate these material weaknesses.
Our management will continue to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our internal controls and procedures and our internal controls over financial reporting on an ongoing basis and is committed to taking further action and implementing additional enhancements or improvements, as necessary and as funds allow.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal controls over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There have been no changes in our internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 12a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under Exchange Act) that occurred during the quarter ended March 31, 2024, that have materially or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting. The Company has added significant qualified resources to ensure proper segregation of duties and proper review of the financial reporting policies and procedures.
Item 1. Legal Proceedings
From time to time, the Company may become involved in litigation relating to claims arising out of its operations in the normal course of business. The Company is not involved in any pending legal proceeding or litigation, and, to the best of its knowledge, no governmental authority is contemplating any proceeding to which we are a party or to which any of its properties is subject, which would reasonably be likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
As a "smaller reporting company", the Company is not required to provide the information required by this Item.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
All of the securities issued by the Company as described above were issued pursuant to the exemption for transactions by an issuer not involved in any public offering under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506 of Regulation D promulgated thereunder and corresponding state securities laws. For more information regarding the foregoing transaction, see Note 11 to our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included herein.
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information
Item 6. Exhibits
* | Filed herewith. |
** | Furnished herewith. |
Pursuant to the requirements of Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
| | UPEXI, INC. | |
| | | |
Dated: July 5, 2024 | | /s/ Allan Marshall | |
| | Allan Marshall | |
| | President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director | |
| | (Principal Executive Officer) | |
Dated: July 5, 2024 | | /s/ Andrew J. Norstrud | |
| | Andrew J. Norstrud | |
| | Chief Financial Officer | |
| | (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer) | |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the XBRL content amends previously-filed or accepted submission.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_AmendmentFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionEnd date of current fiscal year in the format --MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_CurrentFiscalYearEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gMonthDayItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFiscal period values are FY, Q1, Q2, and Q3. 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter 10-Q or 10-QT statements have value Q1, Q2, and Q3 respectively, with 10-K, 10-KT or other fiscal year statements having FY.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fiscalPeriodItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThis is focus fiscal year of the document report in YYYY format. For a 2006 annual report, which may also provide financial information from prior periods, fiscal 2006 should be given as the fiscal year focus. Example: 2006.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalYearFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gYearItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFor the EDGAR submission types of Form 8-K: the date of the report, the date of the earliest event reported; for the EDGAR submission types of Form N-1A: the filing date; for all other submission types: the end of the reporting or transition period. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentPeriodEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:dateItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true only for a form used as an quarterly report.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Form 10-Q -Number 240 -Section 308 -Subsection a
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentQuarterlyReport |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true only for a form used as a transition report.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F -Number 240 -Section 13 -Subsection a-1
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentTransitionReport |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe type of document being provided (such as 10-K, 10-Q, 485BPOS, etc). The document type is limited to the same value as the supporting SEC submission type, or the word 'Other'.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentType |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:submissionTypeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 1 such as Attn, Building Name, Street Name
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 2 such as Street or Suite number
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine2 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Definition
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressCityOrTown |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCode for the postal or zip code
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressPostalZipCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the state or province.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressStateOrProvince |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:stateOrProvinceItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionA unique 10-digit SEC-issued value to identify entities that have filed disclosures with the SEC. It is commonly abbreviated as CIK.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCentralIndexKey |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:centralIndexKeyItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate number of shares or other units outstanding of each of registrant's classes of capital or common stock or other ownership interests, if and as stated on cover of related periodic report. Where multiple classes or units exist define each class/interest by adding class of stock items such as Common Class A [Member], Common Class B [Member] or Partnership Interest [Member] onto the Instrument [Domain] of the Entity Listings, Instrument.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate 'Yes' or 'No' whether registrants (1) have filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. This information should be based on the registrant's current or most recent filing containing the related disclosure.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCurrentReportingStatus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:yesNoItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate if registrant meets the emerging growth company criteria.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityEmergingGrowthCompany |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCommission file number. The field allows up to 17 characters. The prefix may contain 1-3 digits, the sequence number may contain 1-8 digits, the optional suffix may contain 1-4 characters, and the fields are separated with a hyphen.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityFileNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fileNumberItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate whether the registrant is one of the following: Large Accelerated Filer, Accelerated Filer, Non-accelerated Filer. Definitions of these categories are stated in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. This information should be based on the registrant's current or most recent filing containing the related disclosure.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityFilerCategory |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:filerCategoryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTwo-character EDGAR code representing the state or country of incorporation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarStateCountryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-T -Number 232 -Section 405
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityInteractiveDataCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:yesNoItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe exact name of the entity filing the report as specified in its charter, which is required by forms filed with the SEC.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityRegistrantName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the registrant is a shell company as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityShellCompany |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicates that the company is a Smaller Reporting Company (SRC).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntitySmallBusiness |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe Tax Identification Number (TIN), also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a unique 9-digit value assigned by the IRS.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityTaxIdentificationNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:employerIdItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLocal phone number for entity.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_LocalPhoneNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTitle of a 12(b) registered security.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b
+ Details
Name: |
dei_Security12bTitle |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:securityTitleItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the Exchange on which a security is registered.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection d1-1
+ Details
Name: |
dei_SecurityExchangeName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarExchangeCodeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTrading symbol of an instrument as listed on an exchange.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_TradingSymbol |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:tradingSymbolItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Current assets |
Cash |
$ 498,287
$ 4,492,291
Accounts receivable |
Inventory |
Due from Bloomios |
Prepaid expenses and other receivables |
Current assets of discontinued operations |
Total current assets |
Property and equipment, net |
Intangible assets, net |
Goodwill |
Deferred tax asset |
Other assets |
Assets held for sale |
Right-of-use asset |
Total other assets |
Total assets |
Current liabilities |
Accounts payable |
Accrued compensation |
Deferred revenue |
Accrued liabilities |
Acquisition payable |
Current portion of notes payable |
Current portion of convertible notes payable |
Current portion of acquisition note payable |
Current portion of related party note payable |
Line of Credit |
Current portion of operating lease payable |
Current liabilities of discontinued operations |
Total current liabilities |
Operating lease payable, net of current portion |
Related party note payable |
Convertible notes payable |
Acquisition notes payable, net of current |
Notes payable, net of current portion |
Total long-term liabilities |
Stockholders' equity |
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized, and 500,000 and 500,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively |
Common stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized, and 20,906,870 and 20,215,961 shares issued and outstanding, respectively |
Additional paid in capital |
Accumulated deficit |
Total stockholders' equity attributable to Upexi, Inc. |
Non-controlling interest in subsidiary |
Total stockholders' equity |
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |
$ 56,507,427
$ 63,853,067
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotePayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotesPayableNonCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DeferredTaxAssetsNetNoncurrentOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DueFromBloomiosCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PortionOfAcquisitionNotePayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of liabilities incurred (and for which invoices have typically been received) and payable to vendors for goods and services received that are used in an entity's business. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration from customer for product sold and service rendered in normal course of business, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481990/310-10-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsReceivableNetCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable for incentive compensation awarded to employees and directors or earned by them based on the terms of one or more relevant arrangements. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccruedBonusesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable, pertaining to costs that are statutory in nature, are incurred on contractual obligations, or accumulate over time and for which invoices have not yet been received or will not be rendered. Examples include taxes, interest, rent and utilities. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of excess of issue price over par or stated value of stock and from other transaction involving stock or stockholder. Includes, but is not limited to, additional paid-in capital (APIC) for common and preferred stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)(a)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapital |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset recognized for present right to economic benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(12)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 30: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(11)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Assets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset recognized for present right to economic benefit, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsCurrentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of assets held-for-sale that are not part of a disposal group.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 15 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482309/360-10-15-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsHeldForSaleNotPartOfDisposalGroup |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5C -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5C
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-9
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsOfDisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash and cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage. Excludes amount for disposal group and discontinued operations. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable common stock (or common stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable common shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of long-term debt (with maturities initially due after one year or beyond the operating cycle if longer) identified as Convertible Notes Payable, excluding current portion. Convertible Notes Payable is a written promise to pay a note which can be exchanged for a specified amount of another, related security, at the option of the issuer and the holder.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ConvertibleLongTermNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of the portion of long-term debt due within one year or the operating cycle if longer identified as Convertible Notes Payable. Convertible Notes Payable is a written promise to pay a note which can be exchanged for a specified amount of another, related security, at the option of the issuer and the holder.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ConvertibleNotesPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of deferred income and obligation to transfer product and service to customer for which consideration has been received or is receivable, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DeferredRevenueCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionSum of the carrying amounts of all intangible assets, excluding goodwill, as of the balance sheet date, net of accumulated amortization and impairment charges.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liabilities and equity items, including the portion of equity attributable to noncontrolling interests, if any.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(32)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionTotal obligations incurred as part of normal operations that are expected to be paid during the following twelve months or within one business cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-5
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesCurrentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of obligation due after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(26)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5C -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5C
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-9
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesOfDisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the current and noncurrent portions of long-term obligations drawn from a line of credit, which is a bank's commitment to make loans up to a specific amount. Examples of items that might be included in the application of this element may consist of letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a maximum amount as of any point in time conditional on satisfaction of specified terms before, as of and after the date of drawdowns on the line. Includes short-term obligations that would normally be classified as current liabilities but for which (a) postbalance sheet date issuance of a long term obligation to refinance the short term obligation on a long term basis, or (b) the enterprise has entered into a financing agreement that clearly permits the enterprise to refinance the short-term obligation on a long term basis and the following conditions are met (1) the agreement does not expire within 1 year and is not cancelable by the lender except for violation of an objectively determinable provision, (2) no violation exists at the BS date, and (3) the lender has entered into the financing agreement is expected to be financially capable of honoring the agreement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCredit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to noncontrolling interest. Excludes temporary equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 13: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_MinorityInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIncluding the current and noncurrent portions, aggregate carrying amount of all types of notes payable, as of the balance sheet date, with initial maturities beyond one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionSum of the carrying values as of the balance sheet date of the portions of long-term notes payable due within one year or the operating cycle if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease, classified as noncurrent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of lessee's right to use underlying asset under operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseRightOfUseAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncurrent assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAssetsNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable preferred stock (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable preferred shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits in future periods, and amount of other assets that are expected to be realized or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PrepaidExpenseAndOtherAssetsCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 360 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-7A
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478451/942-360-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of accumulated undistributed earnings (deficit).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-11
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(23)(a)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent. Excludes temporary equity and equity attributable to noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 14: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 4.E) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480418/310-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquityAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent and noncontrolling interest. Excludes temporary equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 848 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483550/848-10-65-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479832/842-10-65-8
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-23
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-5
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (c)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-5
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (i)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 105 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479343/105-10-65-6
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 105 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479343/105-10-65-6
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482615/740-10-65-8
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (d)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482615/740-10-65-8
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-4
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-5
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481674/830-30-50-1
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-17
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
Reference 34: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-11
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478009/946-205-45-3
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478448/946-505-50-3
Reference 37: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 38: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 39: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 40: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 41: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 42: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 43: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 44: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 45: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 46: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-15
Reference 47: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 16 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-16
Reference 48: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 55 -Paragraph 4I -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4I
Reference 49: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476166/350-60-65-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Preferred stock, par value |
$ 0.001
$ 0.001
Preferred stock, shares authorized |
Preferred stock, shares issued |
Preferred stock, shares outstanding |
Common stock, par value |
$ 0.001
$ 0.001
Common Stock, shares authorized |
Common Stock, shares issued |
Common Stock, shares outstanding |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of common stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe maximum number of common shares permitted to be issued by an entity's charter and bylaws.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesAuthorized |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionTotal number of common shares of an entity that have been sold or granted to shareholders (includes common shares that were issued, repurchased and remain in the treasury). These shares represent capital invested by the firm's shareholders and owners, and may be all or only a portion of the number of shares authorized. Shares issued include shares outstanding and shares held in the treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of common stock outstanding. Common stock represent the ownership interest in a corporation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of preferred stock nonredeemable or redeemable solely at the option of the issuer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe maximum number of nonredeemable preferred shares (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer) permitted to be issued by an entity's charter and bylaws.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesAuthorized |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares issued for nonredeemable preferred shares and preferred shares redeemable solely at option of issuer. Includes, but is not limited to, preferred shares issued, repurchased, and held as treasury shares. Excludes preferred shares classified as debt.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate share number for all nonredeemable preferred stock (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer) held by stockholders. Does not include preferred shares that have been repurchased.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOfFinancialPositionAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Revenue |
$ 14,444,957
$ 21,883,445
$ 59,586,148
$ 56,282,542
Cost of Revenue |
Gross profit |
Operating expenses |
Sales and marketing |
Distribution costs |
General and administrative expenses |
Share-based compensation |
Amortization of acquired intangible assets |
Depreciation |
Total Operating expenses |
Loss from operations |
Other income (expense), net |
Change in derivative liability |
Interest (expense) income, net |
Other income (expense), net |
Income (loss) on operations before income tax |
Gain on sale of Infusionz and select assets |
Gain (loss) from the sale of Interactive Offers |
Lease settlement, California facility |
Lease impairment, Delray Beach facility |
Income tax benefit (expense) |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
(Loss) income from discontinued operations |
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest |
Net income (loss) attributable to Upexi, Inc. |
$ (4,118,612)
$ (1,645,939)
$ (7,912,919)
$ (1,568,180)
Basic and dilutive loss per share: |
Income (loss) per share from continuing operations |
$ (0.20)
$ (0.08)
$ (0.39)
$ (0.02)
(Loss) income per share from discontinued operations |
Total income (loss) per share |
$ (0.20)
$ (0.09)
$ (0.39)
$ (0.09)
Basic weighted average shares outstanding |
Fully diluted weighted average shares outstanding |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_BasicWeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DilutedWeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_GainLossFromTheSaleOfInteractiveOffers |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_GainOnSaleOfInfusionzAndSelectAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LeaseImpairmentOfBusiness |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LeaseSettlementExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate expense charged against earnings to allocate the cost of intangible assets (nonphysical assets not used in production) in a systematic and rational manner to the periods expected to benefit from such assets. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate cost of goods produced and sold and services rendered during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CostOfRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense recognized in the current period that reflects the allocation of the cost of tangible assets over the assets' useful lives. Includes production and non-production related depreciation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Depreciation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in the fair value of derivatives recognized in the income statement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4A -Subparagraph (b)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480434/815-10-50-4A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DerivativeGainLossOnDerivativeNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period per each share of common stock or unit outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasicAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate total of expenses of managing and administering the affairs of an entity, including affiliates of the reporting entity, which are not directly or indirectly associated with the manufacture, sale or creation of a product or product line.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(2)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate revenue less cost of goods and services sold or operating expenses directly attributable to the revenue generation activity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 9: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 31 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-31
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GrossProfit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, before tax, of income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest. Includes, but is not limited to, income (loss) from continuing operations, discontinued operations and equity method investments.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, before tax, of income (loss) attributable to parent. Includes, but is not limited to, income (loss) from continuing operations, discontinued operations and equity method investments.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossAttributableToParent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(13)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 10: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 11: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 18 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-18
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossFromContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) from continuing operations per each share of common stock or unit outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(13)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
Reference 17: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerBasicShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of income (loss) from a discontinued operation including the portion attributable to the noncontrolling interest. Includes, but is not limited to, the income (loss) from operations during the phase-out period, gain (loss) on disposal, gain (loss) for reversal of write-down (write-down) to fair value, less cost to sell, and adjustments to a prior period gain (loss) on disposal.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(12)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 270 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477349/740-270-45-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-3A
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5C -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5C
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-3B
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-4
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPer basic share amount, after tax, of income (loss) from the day-to-day business activities of the discontinued operation and gain (loss) from the disposal of the discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(14)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeStatementAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of interest income (expense) classified as operating.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestIncomeExpenseNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionGenerally recurring costs associated with normal operations except for the portion of these expenses which can be clearly related to production and included in cost of sales or services. Includes selling, general and administrative expense.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingExpensesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe net result for the period of deducting operating expenses from operating revenues.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 31 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-31
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of income (expense) related to nonoperating activities, classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherNonoperatingIncomeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherNonoperatingIncomeExpenseAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of expense related to the production and distribution of goods or services to customers and clients.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProductionAndDistributionCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of revenue recognized from goods sold, services rendered, insurance premiums, or other activities that constitute an earning process. Includes, but is not limited to, investment and interest income before deduction of interest expense when recognized as a component of revenue, and sales and trading gain (loss).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 41 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-41
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 42 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-42
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-40
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-05(b)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477314/942-235-S99-1
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Revenues |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate total amount of expenses directly related to the marketing or selling of products or services.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SellingAndMarketingExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Total |
Common Stock |
Preferred Stock |
Additional Paid-In Capital |
Accumulated Deficit |
Noncontrolling Interest |
Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Jun. 30, 2022 |
$ 28,786,744
$ 16,713
$ 500
$ 34,985,597
$ (6,270,886)
$ 54,820
Amortization of common stock issuance for services |
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
$ 0
Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Sep. 30, 2022 |
$ 16,713
$ 500
Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Jun. 30, 2022 |
$ 16,713
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2023 |
$ 18,094
$ 500
Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Sep. 30, 2022 |
$ 16,713
$ 500
Amortization of common stock issuance for services |
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of E-Core, shares |
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of E-Core, amount |
$ 1,247
$ 0
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Dec. 31, 2022 |
$ 17,960
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
Issuance of common stock for interest on note payable, shares |
Issuance of common stock for interest on note payable, amount |
$ 134
$ 0
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2023 |
$ 18,094
$ 500
Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Jun. 30, 2023 |
$ 20,216
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
$ 0
Issuance of stock and equity for purchase of Cygnet, shares |
Issuance of stock and equity for purchase of Cygnet, amount |
$ 91
Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Sep. 30, 2023 |
$ 20,307
$ 500
Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Jun. 30, 2023 |
$ 20,216
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2024 |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2024 |
$ 20,909
$ 500
Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Sep. 30, 2023 |
$ 20,307
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
$ 0
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
$ 20,307
$ 500
Stock based compensation |
Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022 |
$ 0
Issuance of stock for conversion of debt, shares |
Issuance of stock for conversion of debt, amount |
$ 502
Stock based compensation, shares |
Stock based compensation, amount |
$ 100
$ 0
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2024 |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2024 |
$ 22,056,807
$ 20,909
$ 500
$ 53,149,492
$ (31,114,094)
$ 0
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationOfCommonStockIssuanceForServicesAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IssuanceOfCommonStockForAcquisitionOfECoreAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IssuanceOfCommonStockForAcquisitionOfECoreShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IssuanceOfStockAndEquityForPurchaseOfCygnetAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IssuanceOfStockAndEquityForPurchaseOfCygnetShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_StockIssuedForConversionOfDebtAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_StockIssuedForConversionOfDebtShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued as of the balance sheet date, including shares that had been issued and were previously outstanding but which are now held in the treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued attributable to transactions classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber, after forfeiture, of shares or units issued under share-based payment arrangement. Excludes shares or units issued under employee stock ownership plan (ESOP).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of shares of stock issued attributable to transactions classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue, after forfeiture, of shares issued under share-based payment arrangement. Excludes employee stock ownership plan (ESOP).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent and noncontrolling interest. Excludes temporary equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 848 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483550/848-10-65-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479832/842-10-65-8
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-23
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483421/250-10-45-5
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (c)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-5
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (i)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 105 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479343/105-10-65-6
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 105 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479343/105-10-65-6
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482615/740-10-65-8
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (d)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482615/740-10-65-8
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-4
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-5
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481674/830-30-50-1
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-17
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
Reference 34: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-11
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478009/946-205-45-3
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478448/946-505-50-3
Reference 37: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 38: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 39: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 40: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 41: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 42: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 43: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 44: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 45: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 46: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-15
Reference 47: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 16 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-16
Reference 48: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 55 -Paragraph 4I -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4I
Reference 49: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476166/350-60-65-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Net (loss) income from operations |
$ (7,912,919)
$ (1,568,180)
Adjustments to reconcile net income from continuing operations to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
Accrued interest on note recievable from Bloomios |
Amortization of senior security original issue discount |
Unreimburesed transition fees from Bloomios |
Amortization of loan costs |
Amortization of consideration discount |
Non-cash consideration for sale of Infusionz and select assets, net |
Inventory write-offs |
Gain on sale of interactive offers |
Change in deferred tax asset |
Noncontrolling interest |
Shares issued for finder fee |
Stock based compensation |
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquired amounts |
Accounts receivable |
Inventory |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Operating lease payable |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
Deferred revenue |
Net cash provided by operating activities - Continuing Operations |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities - Discontinued Operations |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Acquisition of Lucky Tail |
Acquisition of VitaMedica, Inc., net of cash acquired |
Acquisition of New England Technology, Inc. |
Proceeds from the sale of Interactive Offers, net of liabilities paid |
Acquisition of patent rights for Tytan Tiles |
Acquisition of Cygnet Online LLC, net of cash acquired |
Proceeds from the sale of Infusionz and selected assets |
Acquisition of property and equipment |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities - Continuing Operations |
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities - Discontinued Operations |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Repayment of notes payable |
Repayment of the senior convertible notes payable |
Proceeds (payments) on line of credit, net |
Payment on acquisition notes payable |
Repayment of SBA note payable |
Proceeds from convertible note payable |
Proceeds on note payable on building |
Repayment on note payable on building |
Proceeds on note payable, related party |
Net cash used in financing activities - Continuing Operations |
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities - Discontinued Operations |
Net cash used in financing activities |
Net decrease in cash - Continuing Operations |
Net (decrease) increase in cash - Discontinued Operations |
Cash, beginning of period |
Cash, end of period |
Supplemental cash flow disclosures |
Interest paid |
Income tax paid |
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of Cygnet |
Issuance of debt for acquisition of Cygnet |
Bloomios non-cash payment of receivables, net |
Issuance of common stock for the repayment of convertible note payable |
Liabilities assumed from acquisition of E-Core |
Issuance of stock for acquisition of E-Core |
Assets available for sale |
$ 0
$ 6,446,210
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AccruedInterestOnNoteRecievableFromBloomios |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationOfConsiderationDiscount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationOfLoanCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationOfSeniorSecurityOriginalIssueDiscount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_BloomiosNonCashPaymentOfReceivablesNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStockIssuedForAcquisitionOfCygnet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStockIssuedForTheRepaymentOfConvertibleNotePayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DebtIssuedForAcquisitionOfCygnet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_GainLossOnSaleOfInteractiveOffers |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IssuanceOfStockForAcquisitionOfECore |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NonCashConsiderationForSaleOfInfusionzAndSelectAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionValueOfLiabilitiesAssumed |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PaymentToAcquireAvailableForSaleSecurities |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PaymentToAcquireLuckyTail |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PaymentToAcquireNewEnglandTechnologyInc |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PaymentsToAcquireNotesReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ProceedsFromTheSaleOfInfusionzAndSelectedAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ProceedsFromTheSaleOfInteractiveOffersNetOfLiabilitiesPaid |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ProceedsOnNotePayableOnBuilding |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_RepaymentOnNotePayableOnBuilding |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesIssuedForFindersFee |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_UnreimburesedTransitionFeesFromBloomios |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AdjustmentsToReconcileNetIncomeLossToCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash and cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage. Excludes amount for disposal group and discontinued operations. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage; including effect from exchange rate change. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 230 -Topic 830 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477401/830-230-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalentsPeriodIncreaseDecreaseIncludingExchangeRateEffect |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) of financing activities of discontinued operations. Financing activity cash flows include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return on, and a return of, their investment; borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed, or settling the obligation; and obtaining and paying for other resources obtained from creditors on long-term credit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) of investing activities of discontinued operations. Investing activity cash flows include making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments and property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) of operating activities of discontinued operations. Operating activity cash flows include transactions, adjustments, and changes in value not defined as investing or financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe current period expense charged against earnings on long-lived, physical assets not used in production, and which are not intended for resale, to allocate or recognize the cost of such assets over their useful lives; or to record the reduction in book value of an intangible asset over the benefit period of such asset; or to reflect consumption during the period of an asset that is not used in production.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DepreciationAndAmortization |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) from effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage; held in foreign currencies; attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operations. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 230 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477401/830-230-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EffectOfExchangeRateOnCashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalentsDisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the amounts payable to vendors for goods and services received and the amount of obligations and expenses incurred but not paid.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in amount due within one year (or one business cycle) from customers for the credit sale of goods and services.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsReceivable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in deferred income and obligation to transfer product and service to customer for which consideration has been received or is receivable.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate value of all inventory held by the reporting entity, associated with underlying transactions that are classified as operating activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInInventories |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingCapitalAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in obligation for operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (g)(1) -SubTopic 20 -Topic 842 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingLeaseLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in prepaid expenses, and assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInPrepaidDeferredExpenseAndOtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash paid for interest, excluding capitalized interest, classified as operating activity. Includes, but is not limited to, payment to settle zero-coupon bond for accreted interest of debt discount and debt instrument with insignificant coupon interest rate in relation to effective interest rate of borrowing attributable to accreted interest of debt discount.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-17
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-25
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestPaidNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of loss from reductions in inventory due to subsequent measurement adjustments, including, but not limited to, physical deterioration, obsolescence, or changes in price levels.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 330 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483080/330-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryWriteDown |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDecrease in noncontrolling interest balance from payment of dividends or other distributions by the non-wholly owned subsidiary or partially owned entity, included in the consolidation of the parent entity, to the noncontrolling interest holders.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_MinorityInterestDecreaseFromDistributionsToNoncontrollingInterestHolders |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities, including discontinued operations. Financing activity cash flows include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return on, and a return of, their investment; borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed, or settling the obligation; and obtaining and paying for other resources obtained from creditors on long-term credit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) of financing activities, excluding discontinued operations. Financing activity cash flows include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return on, and a return of, their investment; borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed, or settling the obligation; and obtaining and paying for other resources obtained from creditors on long-term credit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities, including discontinued operations. Investing activity cash flows include making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments and property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) of investing activities, excluding discontinued operations. Investing activity cash flows include making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments and property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities, including discontinued operations. Operating activity cash flows include transactions, adjustments, and changes in value not defined as investing or financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-25
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities, excluding discontinued operations. Operating activity cash flows include transactions, adjustments, and changes in value not defined as investing or financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-25
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with a third acquisition of a business, net of the cash acquired from the purchase.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireBusinessThreeNetOfCashAcquired |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of a business, net of the cash acquired from the purchase.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireBusinessesNetOfCashAcquired |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow to acquire asset without physical form usually arising from contractual or other legal rights, excluding goodwill.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale; includes cash outflows to pay for construction of self-constructed assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash inflow from the issuance of a long-term debt instrument which can be exchanged for a specified amount of another security, typically the entity's common stock, at the option of the issuer or the holder.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-14
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProceedsFromConvertibleDebt |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe net cash inflow or cash outflow from a contractual arrangement with the lender, including letter of credit, standby letter of credit and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a specific amount at any point in time with either short term or long term maturity that is collateralized (backed by pledge, mortgage or other lien in the entity's assets).
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProceedsFromRepaymentsOfLinesOfCredit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe consolidated profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, including the portion attributable to the noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-11
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478009/946-205-45-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 19 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-19
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-05(b)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477314/942-235-S99-1
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 4J -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4J
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 4K -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4K
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 34: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-2
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
Reference 37: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProfitLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow from the repayment of a long-term debt instrument which can be exchanged for a specified amount of another security, typically the entity's common stock, at the option of the issuer or the holder.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RepaymentsOfConvertibleDebt |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for a borrowing supported by a written promise to pay an obligation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RepaymentsOfNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash outflow for the payment of debt classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RepaymentsOfOtherDebt |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in the valuation allowance for a specified deferred tax asset.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ValuationAllowanceDeferredTaxAssetChangeInAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Background Information
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Background Information |
Background Information |
Note 1. Background Information Upexi is a multi-faceted brand owner with established brands in health, wellness, pet, beauty, and other growing markets. We operate in emerging industries with high growth trends and look to drive organic growth of our current brands. We focus on direct to consumer and Amazon brands that are scalable and have anticipated, high industry growth trends. Our goal is to continue to accumulate consumer data and build out a significant customer database across all industries we sell into. The growth of our current customer database has been key to the year-over-year gains in sales and profits. To drive additional growth, we have and will continue to acquire profitable Amazon and eCommerce businesses that can scale quickly and reduce costs through corporate synergies. We utilize our in-house SaaS programmatic ad technology to help achieve a lower cost per acquisition and accumulate consumer data for increased cross-selling between our growing portfolio of brands. Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) is a Nevada corporation with fourteen active subsidiaries through which the Company primarily conducts its business. The Company’s fourteen active subsidiaries are as follows: | ☐ | HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale, a California limited liability company | | ☐ | Trunano Labs, Inc., a Nevada corporation | | ☐ | MW Products, Inc., a Nevada corporation | | ☐ | Upexi Holding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | | o | Upexi Pet Products, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | ☐ | Upexi Enterprise, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | | o | Upexi Property & Assets, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | | | ■ | Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | | o | E-Core Technology, Inc. | | | o | Upexi Distribution Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | | o | Upexi Distribution LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | ☐ | Cygnet Online, LLC (“Cygnet”), a Delaware limited liability company. |
In addition, the Company has six wholly owned subsidiaries that had no activity during the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively. All of the entities were dissolved or cancelled in the three months ended March 31, 2024. | · | Steam Distribution, LLC, a California limited liability company | | · | One Hit Wonder, Inc., a California corporation | | · | One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC, a California limited liability company | | · | Vape Estate, Inc., a Nevada Corporation | | · | SWCH, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | | · | Cresco Management, LLC, a California limited liability company |
Our products are distributed in the United States of America and internationally through multiple entities and managed through our locations in Florida, California, and Nevada. Upexi operates from our corporate location in Tampa, Florida where direct to consumer and Amazon sales are driven by on-site and remote teams for all brands. The Tampa location also supports all the other locations with accounting, corporate oversight, day-to-day finances, business development and operational management operating from this location. Cygnet Online operates from our Florida warehouse and distribution center, day to day operations of our Amazon liquidation business team from this location with support of remote team members. Lucky Tail operates from our Florida location with sales and marketing driven by on-site and remote teams that operate the Amazon sales strategy and daily business operations. HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale operates manufacturing and/or distribution centers in Henderson, Nevada supporting our health and wellness products, including those products manufactured with hemp ingredients and our overall distribution operations. We have continued to manage these operations with corporate focus on larger opportunities that have warranted the majority of corporate focus and investments for the future. Business Acquisitions On April 1, 2022, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with a single investor to acquire 55% of the equity interest in Cygnet Online, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation. The agreement also enables the Company to purchase the remaining 45% over the following two years. On September 1, 2023, the Company purchased the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC for $500,000 cash, 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock and a $300,000 cash payment due on September 1, 2024. The Company has not released the shares to the seller. On August 12, 2022, the Company entered into an asset purchase agreement with GA Solutions, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“LuckyTail”), pursuant to which the Company acquired substantially all the assets of LuckyTail. LuckyTail sells pet nail grinders and other pet products through various sales channels including some international sales channels. On October 31, 2022, the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Upexi Enterprise, LLC, entered into a securities purchase agreement to purchase the outstanding stock of E-Core Technology, Inc. d/b/a New England Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”), a Florida corporation. E-Core distributes non-owned branded products to national retail distributors and has branded products in the toy industry that E-Core sells direct to consumers through online sales channels and sells to national retail distributors. Business Divested On October 26, 2022, the Company entered into a membership interest purchase agreement to sell 100% of the membership interests of Infusionz LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (“Infusionz”), included in the sale was all the rights to Infusionz brands and the manufacturing of certain private label business. Infusionz was originally purchased by the Company in July of 2020. The divestiture of Infusionz and related private label manufacturing represents a strategic shift in our operations and will allow us to become a predominantly product distribution focused company for both our Company owned brands and non-owned brands. As a result, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our condensed statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. On August 31, 2023, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into an Equity Interest Purchase Agreement (“EIPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary Interactive Offers, LLC (“Interactive”) to Amplifyir Inc. (the “Buyer”). The purchase price for the Interests was One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and one- half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation The Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”). The condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all subsidiaries in which the Company holds a controlling financial interest as of March 31, 2024, and June 30, 2023. In the opinion of management, the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments of a normal recurring nature that are necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the interim periods presented. All significant intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation. However, the results of operations included in such financial statements may not necessarily be indicative of annual results. Discontinued Operations A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that has either been disposed of or that is classified as held for sale, which represents a separate major line of business or geographic area of options and is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate line of business or geographical area of operations. In accordance with the rules regarding the presentation of discontinued operations, the assets, liabilities, and activity of Infusionz, Interactive Offers, VitaMedica and certain manufacturing business have been reclassified as discontinued operations for all periods presented. Fair Value of Financial Instruments ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement (“ASC 820”), establishes a fair value hierarchy for instruments measured at fair value that distinguished between assumptions based on market data (observable inputs) and the Company’s own assumptions (unobservable inputs). Observable inputs are inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the Company. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the Company’s assumption about the inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability and are developed based on the best information available in the circumstances. ASC 820 identified fair value as the exchange price, or exit price, representing the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. As a basis for considering market participant assumptions in fair value measurements, ASC 820 established a three-tier fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between the following: Level 1—Quoted market prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2—Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are either directly or indirectly observable, such as quoted market prices, interest rates and yield curves. Level 3—Unobservable inputs developed using estimates or assumptions developed by the Company, which reflect those that a market participant would use. To the extent that the valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised by the Company in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized as Level 3. A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The carrying amounts reflected in the balance sheets for cash, prepaid expenses, other current assets, accounts payable and accrued expenses approximate their fair values, due to their short-term nature. For the three months ended September 30, 2022, management believed it necessary to record a reserve against the debt and equity instruments obtained in the sale of Infusionz of $8,500,000. Reclassification Certain reclassifications have been made to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, for the three and nine month periods ended March 31, 2023, and as of June 30, 2023 to conform to the presentation as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024.
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for the nature of an entity's business, major products or services, principal markets including location, and the relative importance of its operations in each business and the basis for the determination, including but not limited to, assets, revenues, or earnings. For an entity that has not commenced principal operations, disclosures about the risks and uncertainties related to the activities in which the entity is currently engaged and an understanding of what those activities are being directed toward.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 275 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/275/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 275 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482861/275-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NatureOfOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Acquisition |
Acquisition |
Note 2. Acquisitions Cygnet Online, LLC The Company acquired 55% of Cygnet Online, LLC, on April 1, 2022. The purchase price was $5,515,756, as amended. The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire Cygnet Online, LLC and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. Fair value of consideration transferred: Cash | | $ | 1,500,000 | | Convertible note payable, convertible at $6.00 per common share | | | 1,050,000 | | Earnout payment | | | - | | Common stock, 555,489 shares valued at $5.34 per common share, the closing price on April 1, 2022. | | | 2,965,756 | | | | $ | 5,515,756 | | | | | | | Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed: | | | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 471,237 | | Accounts receivable | | | 860,882 | | Inventory | | | 2,337,208 | | Prepaid expenses | | | 6,900 | | Property and equipment | | | 7,602 | | Right to use asset | | | 410,365 | | Other asset | | | 6,545 | | Online sales channels | | | 1,800,000 | | Vendor relationships | | | 6,000,000 | | Accrued liabilities | | | (701,606 | ) | Notes payable | | | (7,298,353 | ) | Operating lease | | | (422,479 | ) | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 3,478,301 | | Goodwill | | $ | 2,037,455 | |
55% of the business was acquired through a stock purchase agreement on April 1, 2022. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price of up to $700,000 based on the attainment of certain sales thresholds in the first year. Our management believed that the attainment of those sales threshold at the time of acquisition was unlikely and valued the contingency at $0. The sales thresholds were not met, and no consideration was recorded for the contingency. The equity interest purchase agreement has standard provisions to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was decreased by $950,000 and was repaid to the Company with a reduction in the loan to the seller. The 55% purchase price allocation is final and is no longer subject to change. On September 1, 2023, the Company completed the acquisition of the remaining 45% interest for structured cash payments equaling $800,000, the forgiveness of advances of $89,416 and 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock valued at $162,727. As of June 24, 2024, the Company has not released the 90,909 shares or paid the remaining $300,000 owed related to this additional acquisition. Fair value of consideration transferred: Cash | | $ | 800,000 | | Noncontrolling interest | | | 505,147 | | Forgiveness of advances | | | 89,416 | | Common stock, 90,909 shares valued at $1.79 per common share, the closing price on September 1, 2023. | | | 162,727 | | | | $ | 1,557,290 | |
The additional consideration was recorded as goodwill by management and will be subject to change based on the final purchase price allocation. The acquisition of Cygnet provided the Company with the opportunity to expand its operations as an Amazon and eCommerce seller. The resulting combination increased Cygnet’s product offerings through the Company’s distributors and partnerships as it continues to focus on over-the-counter supplements and beauty products. Cygnet will be the anchor company for Upexi’s Amazon strategy. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The Company’s management is evaluating the intangible assets of this acquisition and had not reached a conclusion on any impairment of these intangible assets at the time of this report. LuckyTail On August 13, 2022, the Company acquired the pet product brand and the rights to the products of LuckyTail from GA Solutions, LLC. The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire LuckyTail and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 2,000,000 | | Cash payment, 90 days after close | | | 484,729 | | Cash payment, 180 days after close | | | 469,924 | | Contingent consideration | | | 112,685 | | Cash payment, working capital adjustment | | | 460,901 | | | | $ | 3,528,239 | | | | | | | Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: | | | | | | | | | | Inventory | | $ | 460,901 | | Trade name | | | 383,792 | | Customer list | | | 1,834,692 | | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 2,679,385 | | Goodwill | | $ | 848,854 | |
The business was acquired through an asset purchase agreement, that acquired all elements of the business, including all the tangible and intangible assets of the LuckyTail business. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price based on the attainment of certain sales thresholds in the first six months. The Company estimated the value of this at approximately $150,000 at the time of purchase. The sales calculated to a $112,685 payout and the purchase price was adjusted. The asset purchase agreement has standard provisions to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was increased by $460,901 for the excess working capital that was transferred in the business and the final purchase price allocation was completed by an independent consulting firm and is no longer subject to change. The consolidated financial include the actual results of LuckyTail from August 13, 2022 through March 31, 2024. The Company recorded interest on the consideration of $63,282 during the year ended June 30, 2023. The acquisition of LuckyTail provided the Company with a foothold in the pet care industry and a strong presence on Amazon and its eCommerce store, offering nutritional and grooming products domestically and internationally. The acquisition provided both top line growth and improved EBITDA for the Company. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The purchase price allocation was performed by a third party and is no longer subject to change. E-Core, Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries On October 21, 2022, the Company acquired E-Core Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”) d/b/a New England Technology, Inc., a Florida corporation (“New England Technology”). The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire E-Core and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 100,000 | | Cash payment, 120 days | | | 3,000,000 | | Note payable | | | 5,189,718 | | Note payable 2 | | | 4,684,029 | | Convertible note payable, convertible at $4.81 per common share | | | 2,418,860 | | Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. | | | 6,000,000 | | | | $ | 21,039,765 | |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: Cash | | $ | 1,014,610 | | Accounts receivable | | | 6,699,945 | | Inventory | | | 7,750,011 | | Prepaid expenses | | | 75,721 | | Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | | Customer relationships | | | 5,080,305 | | Accrued liabilities | | | (192,051 | ) | Line of credit | | | (7,201,079 | ) | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 14,635,673 | | Goodwill | | $ | 6,404,092 | |
The business was acquired through a membership interest purchase agreement on October 21, 2022. There was no contingent consideration payable under the asset purchase agreement, although a provision was used to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was decreased by $33,803, net and was repaid to the Company with an adjustment to the $3,000,000 cash payment. The final purchase price allocation was completed by an independent consulting firm and is no longer subject to change. The Company’s consolidated financial statements include the actual results of E-Core from November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024. The Company recorded interest on the consideration of $969,098 during the year ended June 30, 2023 and $900,339 during the nine months ended March 31, 2024. At June 30, 2023 there was $1,738,295 of unamortized debt discount that will be expensed over the next two years. At March 31, 2024 there was $810,545 of unamortized debt discount that will be expensed over the following nineteen months. The acquisition of E-Core provided the Company with an entrance into the children’s toy sector as well as national retail distribution for owned and non-owned branded products. The acquisition expands the Company’s ability to leverage direct-to-consumer distribution and further develops the broad distribution capabilities of E-Core. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The purchase price allocation was performed by a third party and is no longer subject to change. Revenue from acquisitions included in the financial statements. | | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Cygnet | | $ | 10,629,121 | | | $ | 20,806,317 | | LuckyTail | | | 2,219,111 | | | | 3,573,727 | | E-Core | | | 38,625,335 | | | | 25,822,931 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 51,473,567 | | | $ | 50,202,975 | |
| | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Cygnet | | | 1,956,310 | | | | 7,359,955 | | LuckyTail | | | 673,738 | | | | 1,394,459 | | E-Core | | | 9,221,715 | | | | 13,647,412 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 11,851,763 | | | $ | 22,401,826 | |
Consolidated pro-forma unaudited financial statements. The following unaudited pro forma combined financial information is based on the historical financial statements of the Company, LuckyTail and E-Core after giving effect to the Company’s acquisitions as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022. The following unaudited pro forma information does not purport to present what the Company’s actual results would have been had the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022, nor is the financial information indicative of the results of future operations. The following table represents the unaudited consolidated pro forma results of operations for the nine months ended March 31, 2023, as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022. The results of operations for Cygnet, LuckyTail and E-Core are included in the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024. The results of operations for include LuckyTail from August 13, 2022 to March 31, 2023 and E-Core from October 21, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Operating expenses for the nine months ended March 31, 2023 have been increased for the amortization expense associated with the fair value adjustment of definite lived intangible assets of LuckyTail and E-Core by approximately $44,619, and $134,625, per month respectively and $363,415 of interest expense. Pro Forma, Unaudited | | | | | | | | | | | Proforma | | | | | Nine months ended March 31, 2023 | | Upexi, Inc. | | | LuckyTail | | | E-Core | | | Adjustments | | | Proforma | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Net sales | | $ | 56,282,542 | | | $ | 892,270 | | | $ | 12,905,836 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 70,080,648 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 35,555,746 | | | $ | 137,088 | | | $ | 11,177,032 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 46,869,866 | | Operating expenses | | $ | 26,635,582 | | | $ | 383,476 | | | $ | 1,050,602 | | | $ | 567,721 | | | $ | 28,637,381 | | Net income (loss) from continuing operations | | $ | (263,119 | ) | | $ | 371,706 | | | $ | 660,860 | | | $ | (567,721 | ) | | $ | 201,726 | | Basic income (loss) per common share | | $ | (0.02 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.53 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.01 | | Weighted average shares outstanding | | | 17,418,877 | | | | - | | | | 1,247,402 | | | | (693,001 | ) | | | 17,973,278 | |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for a business combination (or series of individually immaterial business combinations) completed during the period, including background, timing, and recognized assets and liabilities. The disclosure may include leverage buyout transactions (as applicable).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-5
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/805/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Inventory |
Inventory |
Note 3. Inventory Inventory consisted of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Raw materials | | $ | 1,007,749 | | | $ | - | | Finished goods | | | 7,794,152 | | | | 11,557,128 | | | | $ | 8,801,901 | | | $ | 11,557,128 | |
The Company writes off the value of inventory deemed excessive or obsolete. During the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, the Company wrote off inventory valued at $1,722,289 and $1,812,319, respectively. During the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the Company wrote off inventory valued none and $34,328, respectively.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InventoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for inventory. Includes, but is not limited to, the basis of stating inventory, the method of determining inventory cost, the classes of inventory, and the nature of the cost elements included in inventory.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 330 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/330/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Property and Equipment
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Property and Equipment |
Property and Equipment |
Note 4. Property and Equipment Property and equipment consist of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Furniture and fixtures | | $ | 216,143 | | | $ | 172,663 | | Computer equipment | | | 166,569 | | | | 155,506 | | Internal use software | | | 570,645 | | | | 541,705 | | Manufacturing equipment | | | 3,495,666 | | | | 3,291,557 | | Leasehold improvements | | | 1,554,771 | | | | - | | Building | | | 4,923,464 | | | | 4,923,464 | | Vehicles | | | 261,362 | | | | 261,362 | | Property and equipment, gross | | | 10,325,160 | | | | 9,346,256 | | Less accumulated depreciation | | | (2,805,155 | ) | | | (1,903,633 | ) | | | $ | 7,520,005 | | | $ | 7,442,623 | |
Depreciation expense for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was $264,817 and $225,879, respectively. Depreciation expense for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was $901,521 and $649,883, respectively.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for long-lived, physical asset used in normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Includes, but is not limited to, work of art, historical treasure, and similar asset classified as collections.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/360/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -SubTopic 360 -Topic 958 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477798/958-360-50-6
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -SubTopic 360 -Topic 958 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477798/958-360-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -SubTopic 360 -Topic 958 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477798/958-360-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Intangible Assets |
Intangible Assets |
Note 5. Intangible Assets Intangible assets as of March 31, 2024: | Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | | Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 2,597,503 | | | $ | 4,317,394 | | Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 628,512 | | | | 1,482,529 | | Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,800,000 | | | | - | | Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 2,400,000 | | | | 3,600,000 | | Tytan Tiles Patents | 15 years | | | 70,000 | | | | - | | | | 70,000 | | | | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 7,426,015 | | | $ | 9,469,923 | |
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company amortized approximately $1,062,734 and $1,124,500, respectively. For the nine months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company amortized approximately $3,188,201 and $2,709,167, respectively. The following intangible asset was added during the nine months ended March 31, 2024: Intangible assets as of June 30, 2023: | Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | | Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 1,300,958 | | | $ | 5,613,939 | | Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 311,856 | | | | 1,799,185 | | Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,125,000 | | | | 675,000 | | Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 1,500,000 | | | | 4,500,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 4,237,814 | | | $ | 12,588,124 | |
The following intangible assets were added during the year ended June 30, 2023, from the acquisitions noted below: LuckyTail Customer relationships | | $ | 1,834,692 | | Trade name | | | 383,792 | | Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 2,218,484 | | E-Core: | | | | | Customer relationships | | $ | 5,080,205 | | Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | | Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 6,807,454 | |
Future amortization of intangible assets at March 31, 2024 are as follows: June 30, 2024 | | $ | 838,900 | | June 30, 2025 | | | 3,355,599 | | June 30, 2026 | | | 3,355,599 | | June 30, 2027 | | | 1,754,640 | | June 30, 2028 | | | 115,018 | | June 30, 2029 | | | 4,667 | | Thereafter | | | 45,500 | | | | $ | 9,469,923 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for all or part of the information related to intangible assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-30/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-4
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-3
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/985-20/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets |
Note 6. Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets Prepaid and other receivables consist of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Insurance | | $ | 84,249 | | | $ | 187,949 | | Prepayment to vendors | | | 68,143 | | | | 239,970 | | Deposits on services | | | 21,000 | | | | 45,678 | | Prepaid monthly rent | | | 22,500 | | | | 27,813 | | Prepaid sales tax | | | - | | | | 70,021 | | Other deposits | | | - | | | | 70,826 | | Stock issued for prepaid interest on convertible note payable | | | 161,189 | | | | 465,595 | | Other prepaid expenses | | | 155,946 | | | | 31,000 | | Other receivables | | | 207,555 | | | | 144,765 | | Total | | $ | 720,582 | | | $ | 1,307,299 | |
All prepaid expenses will be expensed in the following 12 months.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PrepaidExpenseAndOtherCurrentAssetsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for other current assets.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherCurrentAssetsTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Operating Leases
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Operating Leases |
Operating Leases |
Note 7. Operating Leases The Company has operating leases for corporate offices, warehouses and office equipment that have remaining lease terms of 1 year to 5 years. The table below reconciles the undiscounted future minimum lease payments (displayed by fiscal year and in the aggregate) under noncancelable operating leases with terms of more than one year to the total operating lease liabilities recognized in the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2024: 2024 | | $ | 131,679 | | 2025 | | | 508,665 | | 2026 | | | 529,284 | | 2027 | | | 268,530 | | 2028 | | | 246,013 | | Thereafter | | | 21,114 | | Total undiscounted future minimum lease payments | | | 1,705,285 | | Less: Imputed interest | | | (137,670 | ) | Accrued adverse lease obligation | | | 291,244 | | Present value of operating lease obligation | | $ | 1,858,859 | |
In October 2023, the Company consolidated its Delray Beach facility with the Tampa facility and recognized a lease impairment of 291,244, which is accrued as part of the $803,558 current portion of operating lease payable. The Company’s weighted average remaining lease term and weighted average discount rate for operating leases as of March 31, 2024 are: Weighted average remaining lease term | | 43 Months | | Weighted average incremental borrowing rate | | | 5.0 | % |
For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, the components of lease expense, included in general and administrative expenses and interest expense in the condensed consolidated statement of operations, are as follows: | | Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2024 | | Operating lease cost: | | | | | | | Operating lease cost | | $ | 148,794 | | | $ | 462,496 | | Amortization of ROU assets | | | 144,983 | | | | 455,006 | | Interest expense | | | 19,587 | | | | 66,832 | | Total lease cost | | $ | 313,364 | | | $ | 984,334 | |
For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the components of lease expense, included in general and administrative expenses and interest expense in the condensed consolidated statement of operations, are as follows: | | Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2023 | | Operating lease cost: | | | | | | | Operating lease cost | | $ | 99,101 | | | $ | 285,855 | | Amortization of ROU assets | | | 67,088 | | | | 233,409 | | Interest expense | | | 4,595 | | | | 25,030 | | Total lease cost | | $ | 170,784 | | | $ | 544,294 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for operating leases of lessee. Includes, but is not limited to, description of operating lease and maturity analysis of operating lease liability.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/842-20/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LesseeOperatingLeasesTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable |
Note 8. Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable Accrued liabilities consist of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Accrued interest | | $ | 876,775 | | | | 655,187 | | Accrued vendor liabilities | | | 278,689 | | | | 861,664 | | Accrued sales tax | | | 35,491 | | | | 47,070 | | Accrued expenses from sale of manufacturing operations | | | 1,191,423 | | | | 1,360,000 | | Other accrued liabilities | | | 168,771 | | | | 441,641 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 2,551,149 | | | $ | 3,365,562 | |
Acquisition Payable consists of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Payments related to the acquisition of Cygnet | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | | | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | |
These payables are amounts estimated by management that are due to the sellers of and acquisition and include the original purchase price installment payments not represented with a debt, equity, or other instrument, estimates of excess or deficiencies in working capital and estimates of future earnout payments.
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for accounts payable and accrued liabilities at the end of the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 720 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483384/720-30-45-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PayablesAndAccrualsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable |
Note 9. Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable Convertible promissory notes and notes payable outstanding as of March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023 are summarized below: | | Maturity | | March 31, | | | June 30, | | | | Date | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Convertible Notes: | | | | | | | | | Promissory Note, 21- month term note, 18.11% interest payable with common stock and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | June 1, 2026 | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 2,150,000 | | Less current portion of notes payable | | | | | - | | | | 1,254,167 | | Notes payable, net of current portion | | | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 895,833 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Acquisition Notes: | | | | | | | | | | | Convertible Notes, 36-month term notes, 0% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2025 | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 3,500,000 | | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 24-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 5,750,000 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 12-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 2,538,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Total | | | | $ | 11,788,500 | | | $ | 15,000,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Acquisition notes payable | | | | | 8,288,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Discount on acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | (239,938 | ) | | | (93,380 | ) | Acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | 8,048,562 | | | | 5,656,620 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 9,250,000 | | Discount on acquisition notes payable, long-term | | | | | (507,607 | ) | | | (1,644,915 | ) | Acquisition notes payable, net of current and discount | | | | $ | 2,929,393 | | | $ | 7,605,085 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | | Mortgage Loan, 10-year term note, 4.8% interest, collateralized by land and warehouse building | | September 26, 2032 | | $ | 2,660,679 | | | $ | 2,841,566 | | Promissory Note, 21-month term note, 10% cash interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | November 22, 2024 | | | 560,000 | | | | 560,000 | | SBA note payable, 30-year term note, 6% interest rate and collateralized with all assets of the Company | | October 6, 2021 | | | 3,729,096 | | | | 3,910,767 | | Inventory consignment note, 60 monthly payments, with first payment due June 30, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | June 30, 2027 | | | 1,000,290 | | | | 1,099,592 | | GF Note, 6 annual payments, with first payment due December 31, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | November 7, 2026 | | | 683,968 | | | | 683,968 | | Total notes payable | | | | | 8,715,063 | | | | 9,095,893 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes payable, current | | | | | 5,473,136 | | | | 1,326,214 | | Discount on notes payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (24,193 | ) | Notes payable, current net of discount | | | | $ | 5,473,136 | | | $ | 1,302,021 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes payable, long-term | | | | | 3,160,450 | | | | 7,769,679 | | Discount on notes payable, long-term | | | | | (16,123 | ) | | | (23,522 | ) | Notes payable, long-term, net | | | | $ | 3,144,327 | | | $ | 7,746,157 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Related Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | | Marshall Loan, 2-year term note, 8.5% cash interest, 3.5% PIK interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes. November of 2023 extended to 2.5 year term note | | December 28, 2026 | | $ | 1,500,000 | | | $ | 1,500,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discount on related party note payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (70,644 | ) | Notes payable, current, net of discount | | | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,429,356 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discount on related party note payable, long term | | | | | (20,185 | ) | | | - | | Notes payable, long term net | | | | $ | 1,479,815 | | | $ | - | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total convertible notes payable, acquisition notes payable, notes payable and related party note payable | | | | $ | 22,725,233 | | | $ | 25,889,239 | |
Future payments on notes payable are as follows: 2024 | | $ | 6,399,920 | | 2025 | | | 11,946,259 | | 2026 | | | 3,766,391 | | 2027 | | | 279,649 | | 2028 | | | 293,565 | | 2029 | | | 307,961 | | Thereafter | | | 578,341 | | | | $ | 23,572,086 | | | | | | | Convertible notes, original discount and related fees and costs | | | (846,853 | ) | | | $ | 22,725,233 | |
On April 15, 2022, the Company entered into a non-negotiable convertible promissory note in the original principal amount of $1,050,000, as adjusted, (“Cygnet Note”) which can be converted into common stock of the Company at a price of $6.00 per share and is payable in full, to the extent not previously converted, on April 15, 2023. In June 2022, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with two accredited investors pursuant to which the Company could receive up to $15,000,000 during the following twelve months of the agreement. The Company received $6,678,506 for Convertible Notes in the original principal amount of $7,500,000 (the “Convertible Notes”), representing the original purchase amount, less fees, costs, and a $500,000 holdback by the investors. In addition to the Convertible Notes, the investors received Common Stock Purchase Warrants (the “Warrants”) to acquire an aggregate of 56,250 shares of common stock. The Warrants are exercisable for five years at an exercise price of $4.44 per share, provide for customary anti-dilution protection, and an investor put right to require the Company to redeem the Warrants for a total of $250,000. There was a loss of $3,540 for the change in the derivative liability for the period ended December 31, 2022. On October 31, 2022, the Company entered into a letter agreement with the accredited investors in which all amounts owed were paid in full, and the related convertible notes and all security interests were canceled. Additionally, the Company terminated the related Form S-3 registration statement. In June 2022, the Company executed a promissory note with Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, in the original principal amount of $1,500,000 (“Marshall Loan”). The promissory note has a 2-year term and bears cash interest at the rate of 8.5% per annum with an additional PIK of 3.5% per annum. The promissory note provides for monthly payments of principal, on an even line 36-month basis, plus cash interest, with a balloon payment of all outstanding principal, cash interest, and PIK interest at maturity. The Company received and deposited the principal amount on July 31, 2022. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12 month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $1,500,000. In addition to this, the Company issued Mr. Marshall a warrant to purchase up to 375,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements. On October 19, 2022, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) and its indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC entered into a loan agreement, promissory note and related agreements with Professional Bank, a Florida state-chartered bank, providing for a mortgage on the Company’s principal office in N. Clearwater, Florida. The Company received $3,000,000 in connection with the transaction. The principal is to be repaid to Professional Bank over a term of ten years. The proceeds of the loan were utilized by the Company to pay down its loan facility with Acorn Capital, LLC in the amount of $2,780,200. As of March 31, 2023, the Company was not in compliance with the debt service ratio. The Company received a forbearance agreement from the bank until June 30, 2024 to return to compliance of the debt service ratio of 1.25 to 1, until that time the Company will pay an interest rate of 10% instead of the contractual terms of 4.8% and has paid the original principal and adjusted interest through this report. The building is currently under contract to sell for a sales price of $4,300,000 and is expected to close on or about July 8, 2024. On October 31, 2022, the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi Enterprises, LLC entered into a securities purchase agreement with E-Core Technology, Inc. d/b/a New England Technology, Inc., a Florida corporation, and its three principals. The Company entered into a series of promissory notes with the principal parties: (a) promissory notes in the total original principal amount of $5,750,000 payable upon maturity with a term of 12 months at an interest rate of 4%, $600,000 of which shall be satisfied through the cancellation of an equal amount owed by one of the principals to the Company; (b) promissory notes in the total original principal amount of $5,750,000 payable upon maturity with a term of 24 months at an interest rate of 4%; and (c) promissory notes in the original principal amounts of $3,500,000 with a term of 36 months at an interest rate of 0.0%. The principals may convert the notes into shares of the Company’s restricted common stock at a conversion price equal to $4.81. If the principals do not exercise their conversion rights, the principal balance of the notes will be paid in 12 equal monthly payments commencing on the two-year anniversary of the issuance of the notes, subject to adjustments based on the Company’s EBITDA over the term of the notes. On February 22, 2023, the Company executed a promissory note with an investor, in the original principal amount of $560,000. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $560,000. In addition to this, the Company issued the investor a warrant to purchase up to 125,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements. On February 22, 2023, the Company executed a promissory note with an investor, in the original principal amount of $2,150,000. In November of 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $2,150,000. In addition to this, the Company issued the investor a warrant to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtDisclosureAbstract |
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for information about short-term and long-term debt arrangements, which includes amounts of borrowings under each line of credit, note payable, commercial paper issue, bonds indenture, debenture issue, own-share lending arrangements and any other contractual agreement to repay funds, and about the underlying arrangements, rationale for a classification as long-term, including repayment terms, interest rates, collateral provided, restrictions on use of assets and activities, whether or not in compliance with debt covenants, and other matters important to users of the financial statements, such as the effects of refinancing and noncompliance with debt covenants.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-6
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(c)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 470 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/470/tableOfContent
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
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Related Party Transactions
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Related Party Transactions |
Related Party Transactions |
Note 10. Related Party Transactions On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years. On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. The proceeds of the transaction will be used for working capital, the reduction of debt and the reduction of other liabilities currently outstanding. In June 2022, the Company entered into a promissory note with a member of management. The loan was for $1,500,000 and has a two-year term with an interest rate of 8.5% per annum with an additional PIK of 3.5% per annum. On November 15, 2023, the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter, the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025. The principal currently outstanding is $1,500,000. In addition to this, the Company issued Mr. Marshall a warrant to purchase up to 375,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a per share price of $1.10. The note has been classified as long-term in the financial statements.
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for related party transactions. Examples of related party transactions include transactions between (a) a parent company and its subsidiary; (b) subsidiaries of a common parent; (c) and entity and its principal owners; and (d) affiliates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-5
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-6
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477968/946-235-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477968/946-235-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 850 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483326/850-10-50-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(2)(g)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(2)(c)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(2)(e)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 850 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/850/tableOfContent
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 850 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483326/850-10-50-6
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 850 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483326/850-10-50-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 850 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483326/850-10-50-1
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Equity Transactions
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Equity Transactions |
Equity Transactions |
Note 11. Equity Transactions Convertible Preferred Stock The Company has 500,000 shares of Preferred Stock issued and outstanding to Allan Marshall, CEO. The preferred stock is convertible into the Company’s common stock at a ratio of 1.8 shares of preferred stock for a single share of the Company’s common stock at the holder’s option, has preferential liquidation rights and the preferred stock shall vote together with the common stock as a single class on all matters to which shareholders of the Company are entitled to vote at the rate of ten votes per share of preferred stock. Common Stock On October 31, 2022, the Company issued 1,247,403 shares of common stock for the acquisition of E-Core Technologies Inc., a Florida corporation, valued at $6,000,000. On September 1, 2023, the Company issued 90,909 shares of common stock for the acquisition of the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC. The shares were valued at $162,727 or $1.79 per common share. The Company has not released these to the seller as of this report. On January 18, 2024, the Company issued 501,605 shares of common stock as repayment of $500,000 of the Company’s long-term debt. The shares were valued at 500,000 or .09868 per common share. On March 18, 2024, the Company issued 100,000 shares of common stock as an incentive-restricted stock grant to certain employees. The shares were valued at $85,000 or $0.85 per common share.
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- References
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Name: |
us-gaap_EquityAbstract |
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 14 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-14
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477968/946-235-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477968/946-235-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478448/946-505-50-6
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480237/815-40-50-6
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(e)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/505/tableOfContent
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 14 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-14
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 14 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-14
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 16 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-16
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-18
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-18
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-18
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquityNoteDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Stock Based Compensation
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Stock Based Compensation |
Stock Based Compensation |
Note 12. Stock Based Compensation The Board of Directors of the Company may from time to time, in its discretion grant to directors, officers, consultants and employees of the Company, non-transferable options to purchase common shares. The options are exercisable for a period of up to 10 years from the date of the grant. The following table reflects the continuity of stock options for the nine months ended March 31, 2024: A summary of stock option activity during the nine months ended March 31, 2024 is as follows: | | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | | | | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | | | | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | | | | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | | Outstanding at June 30, 2023 | | | 4,839,278 | | | $ | 3.31 | | | | 6.23 | | | $ | 1,342,280 | | Forfeited | | | (532,000 | ) | | | 4.34 | | | | - | | | | - | | Granted | | | 400,000 | | | | 1.47 | | | | 1 | | | | 32,000 | | Options outstanding at March31, 2024 | | | 4,791,278 | | | $ | 3.36 | | | | 5.44 | | | $ | - | | Options exercisable at March 31, 2024 (vested) | | | 4,557,361 | | | $ | 2.92 | | | | 5.50 | | | | - | |
A summary of stock option activity during the nine months ended March 31, 2023 is as follows: | | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | | | | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | | | | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | | | | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | | Outstanding at June 30, 2022 | | | 4,279,888 | | | $ | 3.05 | | | | 7.42 | | | $ | 4,919,182 | | Forfeited | | | (143,613 | ) | | | 1.21 | | | | - | | | | - | | Granted | | | 897,000 | | | | 2.52 | | | | 10 | | | | - | | Options outstanding at March31, 2023 | | | 5,033,275 | | | $ | 3.38 | | | | 6.42 | | | $ | 4,724,980 | | Options exercisable at March 31, 2023 (vested) | | | 3,894,776 | | | $ | 3.04 | | | | 6.72 | | | | 4,550,343 | |
Stock-based compensation expense attributable to stock options was $212,758 and $1,146,299 for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, respectively. Stock-based compensation expense attributable to stock options was $965,229 and $3,126,472 for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, respectively. As of March 31, 2024, there was $330,455 of unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested stock options outstanding, and the weighted average vesting period for those options was approximately year. The value of each grant is estimated at the grant date using the Black-Scholes option model with the following assumptions for options granted during the nine months ended March31, 2024 and March 31, 2023: | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Dividend rate | | | - | | | | - | | Risk free interest rate | | | 3.95 | % | | | 2.07-4.06 | % | Expected term | | | 1 | | | | 1 | | Expected volatility | | | 63 | % | | 70-77 | % | Grant date stock price | | $ | 1.47 | | | $ | 3.87-5.30 | |
The basis for the above assumptions are as follows: the dividend rate is based upon the Company’s history of dividends; the risk-free interest rate for periods within the expected term of the option is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant; the expected term was calculated based on the Company’s historical pattern of options granted and the period of time they are expected to be outstanding; and expected volatility was calculated based upon historical trends in the Company’s stock prices. Forfeitures are estimated at the time of grant and revised, if necessary, in subsequent periods if actual forfeitures differ from those estimates. Based on historical experience of forfeitures, the Company estimated forfeitures at 0% for each of the nine months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/718/tableOfContent
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (l) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisclosureOfCompensationRelatedCostsShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Income Taxes
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Income Taxes |
Income Taxes |
Note 13. Income Taxes The Company computed the year-to-date income tax provision by applying the estimated annual effective tax rate to the year-to-date pre-tax income and adjusted for discrete tax items in the period. The Company’s income tax benefit was $1,501,595 and $2,668,769 for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, respectively, and $496,880 and $449,828 for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, respectively. The income tax expense for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, was primarily attributable to federal and state income taxes and nondeductible expenses for an effective tax rate of approximately 29%. For the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, the difference between the U.S. statutory rate and the Company’s effective tax rate is due to the full valuation allowance on the Company’s deferred tax assets. Future realization of the tax benefits of existing temporary differences and net operating loss carryforwards ultimately depends on the existence of sufficient taxable income within the carryforward period. The Company periodically evaluates the realizability of its net deferred tax assets based on all available evidence, both positive and negative. The Company also considered whether there was any currently available information about future years. The Company determined that it is more likely than not that the Company will have future taxable income to fully realize the Company’s deferred tax asset. As of March 31, 2024, there was approximately $10,472,757 of losses available to reduce federal taxable income in future years and can be carried forward indefinitely.
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for income tax.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 231 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482663/740-10-55-231
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12C -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12C
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12B
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 270 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477891/740-270-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 6.I.5.Q1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479360/740-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-13
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(h)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/740/tableOfContent
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 14 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-14
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 21 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-21
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-17
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.C) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479360/740-10-S99-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482603/740-30-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeTaxDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Risks and Uncertainties
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Risks and Uncertainties |
Risks and Uncertainties |
Note 14. Risks and Uncertainties There is substantial uncertainty and different interpretations among federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, legislators, academics, and businesses as to the scope of operation of Farm Bill-compliant hemp programs relative to the emerging regulation of cannabinoids. These different opinions include, but are not limited to, the regulation of cannabinoids by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, and/or the FDA and the extent to which manufacturers of products containing Farm Bill-compliant cultivators and processors may engage in interstate commerce. The uncertainties cannot be resolved without further federal, and perhaps even state-level, legislation, regulation or a definitive judicial interpretation of existing legislation and rules. If these uncertainties continue, they may have an adverse effect upon the introduction of our products in different markets.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_RisksAndUncertaintiesDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RisksAndUncertaintiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios |
Note 15. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios On October 28, 2022, the Company determined that the best course of action related to Infusionz, LLC and certain manufacturing business was to accept an offer to sell those operations. The Company received from Bloomios, Inc., (OTCQB:BLMS), the purchaser (i) $5,500,000 paid at closing; (ii) a convertible secured subordinated promissory note in the original principal amount of $5,000,000; (iii) 85,000 shares of Series D convertible preferred stock, with a total stated value of $8,500,000; (iv) a senior secured convertible debenture with a subscription amount of $4,500,000, after original issue discount of $779,117; and (v) a common stock purchase warrant to purchase up to 2,853,910 shares of Bloomios’s common stock. The Company recorded the consideration received at the estimated value at the time of the transaction and as part of that estimate valued the additional warrants to purchase Bloomios shares of common stock at $8,500,000 and a valuation allowance of $8,500,000. The assets transferred were recorded at their respective book values, the accrued and incurred expenses estimated by management were recorded and the consideration received was recorded at management's estimated fair value based on the balance sheet on October 26, 2022, the effective closing date. Tangible assets, inventory / working capital* | | $ | (1,344,000 | ) | Tangible assets, warehouse and manufacturing equipment, net of accumulated depreciation* | | | (679,327 | ) | Goodwill | | | (2,413,814 | ) | Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization | | | (946,996 | ) | Accrued and incurred expenses related to the transaction and additional working capital* | | | (2,051,500 | ) | Consideration received, including cash, debt and equity, net | | | 15,000,000 | | Total gain recognized | | $ | 7,564,363 | |
*During the continuing transition period, all of the inventory or working capital has not been transferred to the buyer. At closing, the Company provided working capital, in the form of inventory, in excess of the working capital agreement and during the transition period, there are certain expenses and purchases incurred that are to be netted against funds collected on behalf of the buyer. June 30, 2023, there was a receivable balance from the buyer of $845,443, net of a reserve of $931,613. Advance for payroll | | $ | 50,000 | | Operating expense | | | 652,891 | | Management fees | | | 685,600 | | Excess working capital | | | 388,565 | | Accrued Interest | | | 247,885 | | Subtotal due from Bloomios | | $ | 2,024,941 | | Reserve | | | 1,179,498 | | Total due from Bloomios | | $ | 845,443 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DiscontinuedOperationsAndDisposalGroupsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure related to a disposal group. Includes, but is not limited to, a discontinued operation, disposal classified as held-for-sale or disposed of by means other than sale or disposal of an individually significant component.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/205-20/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/360/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupsIncludingDiscontinuedOperationsDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Interactive Offers
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Interactive Offers |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Interactive Offers |
Note 16. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Interactive Offers On August 31, 2023, the Company sold Interactive offers to Amplifyir Inc. The purchase price is $1,250,000 with a provision to adjust the final purchase price based on the business being transferred to Amplifyer Inc. with a net zero working capital. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and-one-half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. Summary of discontinued operations: | | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | - | | | $ | 604,625 | | Cost of sales | | $ | - | | | $ | 230,967 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | - | | | $ | 971,657 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,798 | | Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | - | | | $ | (928,215 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 56,961 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 5,195 | | Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 405,721 | | Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 562,953 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 158,147 | | | $ | 1,054,935 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 11,982 | | | $ | 254,028 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 339,205 | | | $ | 1,646,949 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 455,357 | | Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | (193,040 | ) | | $ | (1,305,261 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 45,314 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 3,593 | | Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 4,843,723 | | Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 415,660 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfInteractiveOffersAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfInteractiveOffersDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica |
Note 17. Discontinued Operations – Sale of VitaMedica On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. Summary of discontinued operations: | | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 2,673,744 | | | $ | 1,491,373 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 587,142 | | | $ | 201,409 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 1,888,490 | | | $ | 1,536,773 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 115,896 | | | $ | 151,599 | | Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 81,978 | | | $ | (149,966 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | | Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | | Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 6,708,021 | | | $ | 5,525,651 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 1,480,486 | | | $ | 1,094,753 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 4,694,350 | | | $ | 4,342,632 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 353,646 | | | $ | 389,349 | | Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 239,908 | | | $ | (307,899 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | | Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | | Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfVitaMedicaDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfVitamedicaAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Subsequent Events
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Subsequent Events |
Subsequent Events |
Note 18. Subsequent Events On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida, for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years. MFA 2510 Merchant LLC is owned by the Chief Executive Officer Allan Marshall. On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its Clearwater warehouse for a sale price of 4,300,000. The Company expects to receive approximately $1,350,000 after repayment of the mortgage and transaction expenses. The $1,350,000 will be used for working capital and the repayment of other outstanding debts. The transaction is expected to close on or around July 8, 2024.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_SubsequentEventsabstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for significant events or transactions that occurred after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued or the date the financial statements were available to be issued. Examples include: the sale of a capital stock issue, purchase of a business, settlement of litigation, catastrophic loss, significant foreign exchange rate changes, loans to insiders or affiliates, and transactions not in the ordinary course of business.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 855 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/855/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 855 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483399/855-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SubsequentEventsTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Background Information (Policies)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Background Information |
Business Acquisitions |
On April 1, 2022, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with a single investor to acquire 55% of the equity interest in Cygnet Online, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation. The agreement also enables the Company to purchase the remaining 45% over the following two years. On September 1, 2023, the Company purchased the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC for $500,000 cash, 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock and a $300,000 cash payment due on September 1, 2024. The Company has not released the shares to the seller. On August 12, 2022, the Company entered into an asset purchase agreement with GA Solutions, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“LuckyTail”), pursuant to which the Company acquired substantially all the assets of LuckyTail. LuckyTail sells pet nail grinders and other pet products through various sales channels including some international sales channels. On October 31, 2022, the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Upexi Enterprise, LLC, entered into a securities purchase agreement to purchase the outstanding stock of E-Core Technology, Inc. d/b/a New England Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”), a Florida corporation. E-Core distributes non-owned branded products to national retail distributors and has branded products in the toy industry that E-Core sells direct to consumers through online sales channels and sells to national retail distributors.
Business Divested |
On October 26, 2022, the Company entered into a membership interest purchase agreement to sell 100% of the membership interests of Infusionz LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (“Infusionz”), included in the sale was all the rights to Infusionz brands and the manufacturing of certain private label business. Infusionz was originally purchased by the Company in July of 2020. The divestiture of Infusionz and related private label manufacturing represents a strategic shift in our operations and will allow us to become a predominantly product distribution focused company for both our Company owned brands and non-owned brands. As a result, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our condensed statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. On August 31, 2023, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into an Equity Interest Purchase Agreement (“EIPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary Interactive Offers, LLC (“Interactive”) to Amplifyir Inc. (the “Buyer”). The purchase price for the Interests was One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and one- half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented. On June 13, 2024, Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement. Accordingly, the results of the business were classified as discontinued operations in our statements of operations and excluded from both continuing operations and segment results for all periods presented.
Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation |
The Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”). The condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all subsidiaries in which the Company holds a controlling financial interest as of March 31, 2024, and June 30, 2023. In the opinion of management, the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments of a normal recurring nature that are necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the interim periods presented. All significant intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation. However, the results of operations included in such financial statements may not necessarily be indicative of annual results.
Discontinued Operations |
A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that has either been disposed of or that is classified as held for sale, which represents a separate major line of business or geographic area of options and is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate line of business or geographical area of operations. In accordance with the rules regarding the presentation of discontinued operations, the assets, liabilities, and activity of Infusionz, Interactive Offers, VitaMedica and certain manufacturing business have been reclassified as discontinued operations for all periods presented.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments |
ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement (“ASC 820”), establishes a fair value hierarchy for instruments measured at fair value that distinguished between assumptions based on market data (observable inputs) and the Company’s own assumptions (unobservable inputs). Observable inputs are inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the Company. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the Company’s assumption about the inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability and are developed based on the best information available in the circumstances. ASC 820 identified fair value as the exchange price, or exit price, representing the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. As a basis for considering market participant assumptions in fair value measurements, ASC 820 established a three-tier fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between the following: Level 1—Quoted market prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2—Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are either directly or indirectly observable, such as quoted market prices, interest rates and yield curves. Level 3—Unobservable inputs developed using estimates or assumptions developed by the Company, which reflect those that a market participant would use. To the extent that the valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised by the Company in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized as Level 3. A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The carrying amounts reflected in the balance sheets for cash, prepaid expenses, other current assets, accounts payable and accrued expenses approximate their fair values, due to their short-term nature. For the three months ended September 30, 2022, management believed it necessary to record a reserve against the debt and equity instruments obtained in the sale of Infusionz of $8,500,000.
Reclassification |
Certain reclassifications have been made to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024, for the three and nine month periods ended March 31, 2023, and as of June 30, 2023 to conform to the presentation as of and for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2024.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_BusinessDivestedPolicyTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDisclosure of accounting policy for completed business combinations (purchase method, acquisition method or combination of entities under common control). This accounting policy may include a general discussion of the purchase method or acquisition method of accounting (including for example, the treatment accorded contingent consideration, the identification of assets and liabilities, the purchase price allocation process, how the fair values of acquired assets and liabilities are determined) and the entity's specific application thereof. An entity that acquires another entity in a leveraged buyout transaction generally discloses the accounting policy followed by the acquiring entity in determining the basis used to value its interest in the acquired entity, and the rationale for that accounting policy.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479515/805-10-05-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479515/805-10-05-4
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479515/805-10-05-4
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479515/805-10-05-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationsPolicy |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDisclosure of accounting policy regarding (1) the principles it follows in consolidating or combining the separate financial statements, including the principles followed in determining the inclusion or exclusion of subsidiaries or other entities in the consolidated or combined financial statements and (2) its treatment of interests (for example, common stock, a partnership interest or other means of exerting influence) in other entities, for example consolidation or use of the equity or cost methods of accounting. The accounting policy may also address the accounting treatment for intercompany accounts and transactions, noncontrolling interest, and the income statement treatment in consolidation for issuances of stock by a subsidiary.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483426/235-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ConsolidationPolicyTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDisclosure of accounting policy for discontinued operations. Includes, but is not limited to, method of interest allocation to a discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480781/205-20-S99-3
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DiscontinuedOperationsPolicyTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDisclosure of accounting policy for determining the fair value of financial instruments.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 825 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FairValueOfFinancialInstrumentsPolicy |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDisclosure of accounting policy for reclassification affecting comparability of financial statement. Excludes amendment to accounting standards, other change in accounting principle, and correction of error.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483504/205-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PriorPeriodReclassificationAdjustmentDescription |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Acquisition (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule of recognized identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed |
Cash | | $ | 1,500,000 | | Convertible note payable, convertible at $6.00 per common share | | | 1,050,000 | | Earnout payment | | | - | | Common stock, 555,489 shares valued at $5.34 per common share, the closing price on April 1, 2022. | | | 2,965,756 | | | | $ | 5,515,756 | | | | | | | Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed: | | | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 471,237 | | Accounts receivable | | | 860,882 | | Inventory | | | 2,337,208 | | Prepaid expenses | | | 6,900 | | Property and equipment | | | 7,602 | | Right to use asset | | | 410,365 | | Other asset | | | 6,545 | | Online sales channels | | | 1,800,000 | | Vendor relationships | | | 6,000,000 | | Accrued liabilities | | | (701,606 | ) | Notes payable | | | (7,298,353 | ) | Operating lease | | | (422,479 | ) | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 3,478,301 | | Goodwill | | $ | 2,037,455 | |
Cash | | $ | 800,000 | | Noncontrolling interest | | | 505,147 | | Forgiveness of advances | | | 89,416 | | Common stock, 90,909 shares valued at $1.79 per common share, the closing price on September 1, 2023. | | | 162,727 | | | | $ | 1,557,290 | |
Schedule of revenue from acquisitions |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Cygnet | | $ | 10,629,121 | | | $ | 20,806,317 | | LuckyTail | | | 2,219,111 | | | | 3,573,727 | | E-Core | | | 38,625,335 | | | | 25,822,931 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 51,473,567 | | | $ | 50,202,975 | |
| | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Cygnet | | | 1,956,310 | | | | 7,359,955 | | LuckyTail | | | 673,738 | | | | 1,394,459 | | E-Core | | | 9,221,715 | | | | 13,647,412 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 11,851,763 | | | $ | 22,401,826 | |
Schedule of pro forma |
Pro Forma, Unaudited | | | | | | | | | | | Proforma | | | | | Nine months ended March 31, 2023 | | Upexi, Inc. | | | LuckyTail | | | E-Core | | | Adjustments | | | Proforma | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Net sales | | $ | 56,282,542 | | | $ | 892,270 | | | $ | 12,905,836 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 70,080,648 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 35,555,746 | | | $ | 137,088 | | | $ | 11,177,032 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 46,869,866 | | Operating expenses | | $ | 26,635,582 | | | $ | 383,476 | | | $ | 1,050,602 | | | $ | 567,721 | | | $ | 28,637,381 | | Net income (loss) from continuing operations | | $ | (263,119 | ) | | $ | 371,706 | | | $ | 660,860 | | | $ | (567,721 | ) | | $ | 201,726 | | Basic income (loss) per common share | | $ | (0.02 | ) | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.53 | | | $ | - | | | $ | 0.01 | | Weighted average shares outstanding | | | 17,418,877 | | | | - | | | | 1,247,402 | | | | (693,001 | ) | | | 17,973,278 | |
LuckyTail [Member] |
Schedule of recognized identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed |
Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 2,000,000 | | Cash payment, 90 days after close | | | 484,729 | | Cash payment, 180 days after close | | | 469,924 | | Contingent consideration | | | 112,685 | | Cash payment, working capital adjustment | | | 460,901 | | | | $ | 3,528,239 | | | | | | | Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: | | | | | | | | | | Inventory | | $ | 460,901 | | Trade name | | | 383,792 | | Customer list | | | 1,834,692 | | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 2,679,385 | | Goodwill | | $ | 848,854 | |
E Core Technology Inc [Member] |
Schedule of recognized identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed |
Fair value of consideration transferred: | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 100,000 | | Cash payment, 120 days | | | 3,000,000 | | Note payable | | | 5,189,718 | | Note payable 2 | | | 4,684,029 | | Convertible note payable, convertible at $4.81 per common share | | | 2,418,860 | | Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. | | | 6,000,000 | | | | $ | 21,039,765 | |
Cash | | $ | 1,014,610 | | Accounts receivable | | | 6,699,945 | | Inventory | | | 7,750,011 | | Prepaid expenses | | | 75,721 | | Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | | Customer relationships | | | 5,080,305 | | Accrued liabilities | | | (192,051 | ) | Line of credit | | | (7,201,079 | ) | Total identifiable net assets | | $ | 14,635,673 | | Goodwill | | $ | 6,404,092 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfProFormaInformationTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfRevenueFromAcquisitionsTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the amounts recognized as of the acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. May include but not limited to the following: (a) acquired receivables; (b) contingencies recognized at the acquisition date; and (c) the fair value of noncontrolling interests in the acquiree.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Paragraph 1 -Section 50 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfRecognizedIdentifiedAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_LuckyTailMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_ECoreTechnologyIncMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Inventory (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Inventory |
Schedule of inventory |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Raw materials | | $ | 1,007,749 | | | $ | - | | Finished goods | | | 7,794,152 | | | | 11,557,128 | | | | $ | 8,801,901 | | | $ | 11,557,128 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InventoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of merchandise, goods, commodities, or supplies held for future sale or to be used in manufacturing, servicing or production process.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(c)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483489/210-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfInventoryCurrentTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Property and Equipment (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Property and Equipment |
Schedule of property and equipment |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Furniture and fixtures | | $ | 216,143 | | | $ | 172,663 | | Computer equipment | | | 166,569 | | | | 155,506 | | Internal use software | | | 570,645 | | | | 541,705 | | Manufacturing equipment | | | 3,495,666 | | | | 3,291,557 | | Leasehold improvements | | | 1,554,771 | | | | - | | Building | | | 4,923,464 | | | | 4,923,464 | | Vehicles | | | 261,362 | | | | 261,362 | | Property and equipment, gross | | | 10,325,160 | | | | 9,346,256 | | Less accumulated depreciation | | | (2,805,155 | ) | | | (1,903,633 | ) | | | $ | 7,520,005 | | | $ | 7,442,623 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Includes, but is not limited to, balances by class of assets, depreciation and depletion expense and method used, including composite depreciation, and accumulated deprecation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 360 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Intangible Assets |
Schedule of intangible assets |
| Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | | Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 2,597,503 | | | $ | 4,317,394 | | Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 628,512 | | | | 1,482,529 | | Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,800,000 | | | | - | | Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 2,400,000 | | | | 3,600,000 | | Tytan Tiles Patents | 15 years | | | 70,000 | | | | - | | | | 70,000 | | | | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 7,426,015 | | | $ | 9,469,923 | |
| Estimated Life | | Cost | | | Accumulated Amortization | | | Net Book Value | | Customer relationships, amortized over four years | 4 years | | $ | 6,914,897 | | | $ | 1,300,958 | | | $ | 5,613,939 | | Trade name, amortized over five years | 5 years | | | 2,111,041 | | | | 311,856 | | | | 1,799,185 | | Online sales channels | 2 years | | | 1,800,000 | | | | 1,125,000 | | | | 675,000 | | Vender relationships | 5 years | | | 6,000,000 | | | | 1,500,000 | | | | 4,500,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 16,825,938 | | | $ | 4,237,814 | | | $ | 12,588,124 | |
Schedule of intangible assets added |
Customer relationships | | $ | 1,834,692 | | Trade name | | | 383,792 | | Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 2,218,484 | | E-Core: | | | | | Customer relationships | | $ | 5,080,205 | | Trade name | | | 1,727,249 | | Intangible Assets from Purchase | | $ | 6,807,454 | |
Schedule of future amortization of intangible assets |
June 30, 2024 | | $ | 838,900 | | June 30, 2025 | | | 3,355,599 | | June 30, 2026 | | | 3,355,599 | | June 30, 2027 | | | 1,754,640 | | June 30, 2028 | | | 115,018 | | June 30, 2029 | | | 4,667 | | Thereafter | | | 45,500 | | | | $ | 9,469,923 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfIntangibleAssetsAddedTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of goodwill and intangible assets, which may be broken down by segment or major class.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-30/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-20/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the amount of amortization expense expected to be recorded in succeeding fiscal years for finite-lived intangible assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleofFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets |
Schedule of prepaid expense and other current assets |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Insurance | | $ | 84,249 | | | $ | 187,949 | | Prepayment to vendors | | | 68,143 | | | | 239,970 | | Deposits on services | | | 21,000 | | | | 45,678 | | Prepaid monthly rent | | | 22,500 | | | | 27,813 | | Prepaid sales tax | | | - | | | | 70,021 | | Other deposits | | | - | | | | 70,826 | | Stock issued for prepaid interest on convertible note payable | | | 161,189 | | | | 465,595 | | Other prepaid expenses | | | 155,946 | | | | 31,000 | | Other receivables | | | 207,555 | | | | 144,765 | | Total | | $ | 720,582 | | | $ | 1,307,299 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PrepaidExpenseAndOtherCurrentAssetsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the carrying amounts of other current assets.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfOtherCurrentAssetsTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Operating Leases (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Operating Leases |
Schedule of undiscounted future minimum lease payments |
2024 | | $ | 131,679 | | 2025 | | | 508,665 | | 2026 | | | 529,284 | | 2027 | | | 268,530 | | 2028 | | | 246,013 | | Thereafter | | | 21,114 | | Total undiscounted future minimum lease payments | | | 1,705,285 | | Less: Imputed interest | | | (137,670 | ) | Accrued adverse lease obligation | | | 291,244 | | Present value of operating lease obligation | | $ | 1,858,859 | |
Schedule of weighted average lease term and weighted average discount rate |
Weighted average remaining lease term | | 43 Months | | Weighted average incremental borrowing rate | | | 5.0 | % |
Schedule of components of lease expenses |
| | Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2024 | | Operating lease cost: | | | | | | | Operating lease cost | | $ | 148,794 | | | $ | 462,496 | | Amortization of ROU assets | | | 144,983 | | | | 455,006 | | Interest expense | | | 19,587 | | | | 66,832 | | Total lease cost | | $ | 313,364 | | | $ | 984,334 | |
| | Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 | | | Nine Months Ended March 31, 2023 | | Operating lease cost: | | | | | | | Operating lease cost | | $ | 99,101 | | | $ | 285,855 | | Amortization of ROU assets | | | 67,088 | | | | 233,409 | | Interest expense | | | 4,595 | | | | 25,030 | | Total lease cost | | $ | 170,784 | | | $ | 544,294 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfWeightedAverageLeaseTermAndWeightedAverageDiscountRateTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of lessee's lease cost. Includes, but is not limited to, interest expense for finance lease, amortization of right-of-use asset for finance lease, operating lease cost, short-term lease cost, variable lease cost and sublease income.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeaseCostTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of future minimum payments required in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years for operating leases having initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year and the total minimum rentals to be received in the future under noncancelable subleases as of the balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfFutureMinimumRentalPaymentsForOperatingLeasesTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable |
Schedule of accrued liabilities |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Accrued interest | | $ | 876,775 | | | | 655,187 | | Accrued vendor liabilities | | | 278,689 | | | | 861,664 | | Accrued sales tax | | | 35,491 | | | | 47,070 | | Accrued expenses from sale of manufacturing operations | | | 1,191,423 | | | | 1,360,000 | | Other accrued liabilities | | | 168,771 | | | | 441,641 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | 2,551,149 | | | $ | 3,365,562 | |
Schedule of acquisition payable |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | June 30, 2023 | | Payments related to the acquisition of Cygnet | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | | | | $ | 300,000 | | | $ | - | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionPayableTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PayablesAndAccrualsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the components of accrued liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfAccruedLiabilitiesTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable |
Schedule of convertible promissory notes and notes payable |
| | Maturity | | March 31, | | | June 30, | | | | Date | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Convertible Notes: | | | | | | | | | Promissory Note, 21- month term note, 18.11% interest payable with common stock and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | June 1, 2026 | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 2,150,000 | | Less current portion of notes payable | | | | | - | | | | 1,254,167 | | Notes payable, net of current portion | | | | $ | 1,650,000 | | | $ | 895,833 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Acquisition Notes: | | | | | | | | | | | Convertible Notes, 36-month term notes, 0% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2025 | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 3,500,000 | | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 24-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 5,750,000 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 12-month term notes, 4% cash interest, collateralized with all the assets of the Company | | October 31, 2024 | | | 2,538,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Total | | | | $ | 11,788,500 | | | $ | 15,000,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Acquisition notes payable | | | | | 8,288,500 | | | | 5,750,000 | | Discount on acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | (239,938 | ) | | | (93,380 | ) | Acquisition notes payable, current | | | | | 8,048,562 | | | | 5,656,620 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3,500,000 | | | | 9,250,000 | | Discount on acquisition notes payable, long-term | | | | | (507,607 | ) | | | (1,644,915 | ) | Acquisition notes payable, net of current and discount | | | | $ | 2,929,393 | | | $ | 7,605,085 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | | Mortgage Loan, 10-year term note, 4.8% interest, collateralized by land and warehouse building | | September 26, 2032 | | $ | 2,660,679 | | | $ | 2,841,566 | | Promissory Note, 21-month term note, 10% cash interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes | | November 22, 2024 | | | 560,000 | | | | 560,000 | | SBA note payable, 30-year term note, 6% interest rate and collateralized with all assets of the Company | | October 6, 2021 | | | 3,729,096 | | | | 3,910,767 | | Inventory consignment note, 60 monthly payments, with first payment due June 30, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | June 30, 2027 | | | 1,000,290 | | | | 1,099,592 | | GF Note, 6 annual payments, with first payment due December 31, 2022, 3.5% interest rate and no security interest in the assets of the business | | November 7, 2026 | | | 683,968 | | | | 683,968 | | Total notes payable | | | | | 8,715,063 | | | | 9,095,893 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes payable, current | | | | | 5,473,136 | | | | 1,326,214 | | Discount on notes payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (24,193 | ) | Notes payable, current net of discount | | | | $ | 5,473,136 | | | $ | 1,302,021 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Notes payable, long-term | | | | | 3,160,450 | | | | 7,769,679 | | Discount on notes payable, long-term | | | | | (16,123 | ) | | | (23,522 | ) | Notes payable, long-term, net | | | | $ | 3,144,327 | | | $ | 7,746,157 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Related Notes Payable: | | | | | | | | | | | Marshall Loan, 2-year term note, 8.5% cash interest, 3.5% PIK interest and subordinate to the Convertible Notes. November of 2023 extended to 2.5 year term note | | December 28, 2026 | | $ | 1,500,000 | | | $ | 1,500,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discount on related party note payable, current | | | | | - | | | | (70,644 | ) | Notes payable, current, net of discount | | | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,429,356 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discount on related party note payable, long term | | | | | (20,185 | ) | | | - | | Notes payable, long term net | | | | $ | 1,479,815 | | | $ | - | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total convertible notes payable, acquisition notes payable, notes payable and related party note payable | | | | $ | 22,725,233 | | | $ | 25,889,239 | |
Schedule of future payments on notes payable |
2024 | | $ | 6,399,920 | | 2025 | | | 11,946,259 | | 2026 | | | 3,766,391 | | 2027 | | | 279,649 | | 2028 | | | 293,565 | | 2029 | | | 307,961 | | Thereafter | | | 578,341 | | | | $ | 23,572,086 | | | | | | | Convertible notes, original discount and related fees and costs | | | (846,853 | ) | | | $ | 22,725,233 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfFuturePaymentsOnNotesPayableTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of information pertaining to short-term and long-debt instruments or arrangements, including but not limited to identification of terms, features, collateral requirements and other information necessary to a fair presentation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfDebtTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Stock Based Compensation (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Stock Based Compensation |
Schedule of stock option activity |
| | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | | | | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | | | | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | | | | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | | Outstanding at June 30, 2023 | | | 4,839,278 | | | $ | 3.31 | | | | 6.23 | | | $ | 1,342,280 | | Forfeited | | | (532,000 | ) | | | 4.34 | | | | - | | | | - | | Granted | | | 400,000 | | | | 1.47 | | | | 1 | | | | 32,000 | | Options outstanding at March31, 2024 | | | 4,791,278 | | | $ | 3.36 | | | | 5.44 | | | $ | - | | Options exercisable at March 31, 2024 (vested) | | | 4,557,361 | | | $ | 2.92 | | | | 5.50 | | | | - | |
| | | | | Weighted | | | Average | | | | | | | | | | Average | | | Remaining | | | Aggregated | | | | Options | | | Exercise | | | Contractual | | | Intrinsic | | | | Outstanding | | | Price | | | Life (Years) | | | Value | | Outstanding at June 30, 2022 | | | 4,279,888 | | | $ | 3.05 | | | | 7.42 | | | $ | 4,919,182 | | Forfeited | | | (143,613 | ) | | | 1.21 | | | | - | | | | - | | Granted | | | 897,000 | | | | 2.52 | | | | 10 | | | | - | | Options outstanding at March31, 2023 | | | 5,033,275 | | | $ | 3.38 | | | | 6.42 | | | $ | 4,724,980 | | Options exercisable at March 31, 2023 (vested) | | | 3,894,776 | | | $ | 3.04 | | | | 6.72 | | | | 4,550,343 | |
Schedule of assumptions |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Dividend rate | | | - | | | | - | | Risk free interest rate | | | 3.95 | % | | | 2.07-4.06 | % | Expected term | | | 1 | | | | 1 | | Expected volatility | | | 63 | % | | 70-77 | % | Grant date stock price | | $ | 1.47 | | | $ | 3.87-5.30 | |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of assumption used to determine benefit obligation and net periodic benefit cost of defined benefit plan. Includes, but is not limited to, discount rate, rate of compensation increase, expected long-term rate of return on plan assets and interest crediting rate.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (k) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480506/715-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfAssumptionsUsedTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure for stock option plans. Includes, but is not limited to, outstanding awards at beginning and end of year, grants, exercises, forfeitures, and weighted-average grant date fair value.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 718 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 718 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationStockOptionsActivityTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios |
Schedule of inventory or working capital |
Tangible assets, inventory / working capital* | | $ | (1,344,000 | ) | Tangible assets, warehouse and manufacturing equipment, net of accumulated depreciation* | | | (679,327 | ) | Goodwill | | | (2,413,814 | ) | Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization | | | (946,996 | ) | Accrued and incurred expenses related to the transaction and additional working capital* | | | (2,051,500 | ) | Consideration received, including cash, debt and equity, net | | | 15,000,000 | | Total gain recognized | | $ | 7,564,363 | |
Schedule of due from Bloomios |
Advance for payroll | | $ | 50,000 | | Operating expense | | | 652,891 | | Management fees | | | 685,600 | | Excess working capital | | | 388,565 | | Accrued Interest | | | 247,885 | | Subtotal due from Bloomios | | $ | 2,024,941 | | Reserve | | | 1,179,498 | | Total due from Bloomios | | $ | 845,443 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfDueFromBloomiosTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfInventoryOrWorkingCapitalTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DiscontinuedOperationsAndDisposalGroupsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Interactive Offers (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations Sale of Interactive Offers |
Schedule of discontinued operations |
| | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | - | | | $ | 604,625 | | Cost of sales | | $ | - | | | $ | 230,967 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | - | | | $ | 971,657 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 1,798 | | Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | - | | | $ | (928,215 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 56,961 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 5,195 | | Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 405,721 | | Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 562,953 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 158,147 | | | $ | 1,054,935 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 11,982 | | | $ | 254,028 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 339,205 | | | $ | 1,646,949 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | - | | | $ | 455,357 | | Loss from discontinued operations | | $ | (193,040 | ) | | $ | (1,305,261 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | - | | | $ | 45,314 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | - | | | $ | 3,593 | | Total assets | | $ | - | | | $ | 4,843,723 | | Total liabilities | | $ | - | | | $ | 415,660 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfInteractiveOffersAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfDiscontinuedOperationsTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica (Tables)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica |
Schedule of discontinued operations of VitaMedica |
| | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 2,673,744 | | | $ | 1,491,373 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 587,142 | | | $ | 201,409 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 1,888,490 | | | $ | 1,536,773 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 115,896 | | | $ | 151,599 | | Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 81,978 | | | $ | (149,966 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | | Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | | Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
| | Nine months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Discontinued Operations | | | | | | | Revenue | | $ | 6,708,021 | | | $ | 5,525,651 | | Cost of sales | | $ | 1,480,486 | | | $ | 1,094,753 | | Sales, general and administrative expenses | | $ | 4,694,350 | | | $ | 4,342,632 | | Depreciation and amortization | | $ | 353,646 | | | $ | 389,349 | | Income (loss) from discontinued operations | | $ | 239,908 | | | $ | (307,899 | ) | Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts | | $ | 444,730 | | | $ | 16,715 | | Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation | | $ | 54,791 | | | $ | 102,988 | | Total assets | | $ | 4,901,950 | | | $ | 4,420,502 | | Total liabilities | | $ | 403,460 | | | $ | 164,077 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfVitamedicaAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ScheduleOfDiscontinuedOperationsOfVitaMedicaTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Background Information (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Oct. 26, 2022 |
Equity Interest Purchase Agreement [Member] |
Description of agreement |
the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary Interactive Offers, LLC (“Interactive”) to Amplifyir Inc. (the “Buyer”). The purchase price for the Interests was One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Company two-and one- half percent (2.5%) of certain advertising revenues of Interactive for a two-year period post-closing
Stock Purchase Agreement [Member] |
Description of agreement |
the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. In addition, the Buyers are obligated to pay the Company for services provided according to the Transition Services Agreement
Securities Purchase Agreement [Member] |
Description of agreement |
the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with a single investor to acquire 55% of the equity interest in Cygnet Online, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation. The agreement also enables the Company to purchase the remaining 45% over the following two years. On September 1, 2023, the Company purchased the remaining 45% of Cygnet Online, LLC for $500,000 cash, 90,909 shares of the Company’s common stock and a $300,000 cash payment due on September 1, 2024. The Company has not released the shares to the seller
Infusionz LLC [Member] |
Membership interest |
Reserves |
$ 8,500,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AgreementDescription |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ReservesAgainstDebtAndEquityInstruments |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe percentage of ownership of common stock or equity participation in the investee accounted for under the equity method of accounting.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_EquityInterestPurchaseAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_StockPurchaseAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Inventory |
$ 8,801,901
$ 9,267,892
Property and equipment |
Other asset |
Note payable |
Operating lease |
Goodwill |
$ 9,290,501
Cygnet Online, LLC [Member] |
Cash |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $6.00 per common share |
Earnout payment |
Common stock, 555,489 shares valued at $5.34 per common share, the closing price on April 1, 2022. |
Total Purchase Price |
Cash. |
Accounts receivable |
Inventory |
Prepaid expenses |
Property and equipment |
Trade name |
Other asset |
Online sales channels |
Vendor relationships |
Accrued liabilities |
Note payable |
Operating lease |
Total identifiable net assets |
Goodwill |
$ 2,037,455
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AssetAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ConvertibleNotePayableConvertibleCommonShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_EarnoutPaymentAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IndefiniteLivedInternationalOnlineSalesChannels |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IndefiniteLivedInternationalVendorRelationships |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_RecognizedAmountsOfIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCash |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration from customer for product sold and service rendered in normal course of business.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477802/946-310-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(5)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 954 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479196/954-310-45-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsReceivableNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Excludes cash and cash equivalents within disposal group and discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 21 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-21
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -SubTopic 210 -Topic 946 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-20
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Cash |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of accrued but unpaid interest on deposit liabilities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(15)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DepositLiabilitiesAccruedInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying amount (original costs adjusted for previously recognized amortization and impairment) as of the balance sheet date for the rights acquired through registration of a trade name to gain or protect exclusive use thereof for a projected indefinite period of benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IndefiniteLivedTradeNames |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIncluding the current and noncurrent portions, aggregate carrying amount of all types of notes payable, as of the balance sheet date, with initial maturities beyond one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncurrent assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAssetsNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after impairment of indefinite-lived intangible assets classified as other. Excludes financial assets and goodwill.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits within a future period of one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 340 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482955/340-10-05-5
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 340 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483032/340-10-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PrepaidExpenseCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 360 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-7A
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478451/942-360-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIntrinsic value of outstanding award under share-based payment arrangement. Excludes share and unit options.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsAggregateIntrinsicValueOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetOnlineLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details 1) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Common stock, 90,909 shares valued at $1.79 per common share, the closing price on September 1, 2023. |
$ 20,909
$ 20,216
Cygnet Online, LLC [Member] |
Cash |
Noncontrolling interest |
Forgiveness of advances |
Common stock, 90,909 shares valued at $1.79 per common share, the closing price on September 1, 2023. |
Fair value of consideration transferred |
$ 1,557,290
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AdvancesForgiveness |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_FairValueOfConsiderationTransferred |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_FairValueOfConsiderationTransferredInCash |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_FairValueOfConsiderationTransferredNoncontrollingInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable common stock (or common stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable common shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetOnlineLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details 2) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Inventory |
$ 8,801,901
$ 9,267,892
Goodwill |
$ 9,290,501
LuckyTail [Member] |
Cash |
Cash payment, 90 days after close |
Cash payment, 180 days after close |
Contingent consideration |
Cash payment, working capital adjustment |
Total Purchase Price |
Inventory |
Trade name |
Customer list |
Total identifiable net assets |
Goodwill |
$ 848,854
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AssetAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CashPaymentNextNintyDays |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CashPaymentNextOneEightyDays |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CashPaymentWorkingCapitalAdjustment |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CustomerList |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liability recognized from contingent consideration in asset acquisition.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 50 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 15 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480123/805-50-15-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetAcquisitionContingentConsiderationLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Excludes cash and cash equivalents within disposal group and discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 21 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-21
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -SubTopic 210 -Topic 946 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-20
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Cash |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying amount (original costs adjusted for previously recognized amortization and impairment) as of the balance sheet date for the rights acquired through registration of a trade name to gain or protect exclusive use thereof for a projected indefinite period of benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IndefiniteLivedTradeNames |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after impairment of indefinite-lived intangible assets classified as other. Excludes financial assets and goodwill.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_LuckyTailMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details 3) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Note payable |
$ 3,144,327
$ 7,746,157
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. |
Inventory |
Accrued liabilities |
Line of credit |
Goodwill |
$ 9,290,501
E-Core, Inc. and its subsidiaries [Member] |
Cash |
Cash payment, 120 days |
Note payable |
Note payable 2 |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $4.81 per common share |
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. |
Total Purchase Price |
Cash balance |
Accounts receivable |
Inventory |
Prepaid expenses |
Trade name |
Customer relationships |
Accrued liabilities |
Line of credit |
Total identifiable net assets |
Goodwill |
$ 6,404,092
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AssetAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CashPaymentNextOneTwentyDays |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration from customer for product sold and service rendered in normal course of business.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477802/946-310-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(5)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 954 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479196/954-310-45-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsReceivableNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable, pertaining to costs that are statutory in nature, are incurred on contractual obligations, or accumulate over time and for which invoices have not yet been received or will not be rendered. Examples include taxes, interest, rent and utilities. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Excludes cash and cash equivalents within disposal group and discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 21 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-21
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -SubTopic 210 -Topic 946 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477796/946-210-45-20
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Cash |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Also includes short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates. Excludes cash and cash equivalents within disposal group and discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable common stock (or common stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable common shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIncluding the current and noncurrent portions, carrying value as of the balance sheet date of a written promise to pay a note, initially due after one year or beyond the operating cycle if longer, which can be exchanged for a specified amount of one or more securities (typically common stock), at the option of the issuer or the holder.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ConvertibleNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, before amortization, of finite-lived asset representing customer relationship acquired in business combination, asset acquisition, and from joint venture formation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedCustomerRelationshipsGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying amount (original costs adjusted for previously recognized amortization and impairment) as of the balance sheet date for the rights acquired through registration of a trade name to gain or protect exclusive use thereof for a projected indefinite period of benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IndefiniteLivedTradeNames |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the current and noncurrent portions of long-term obligations drawn from a line of credit, which is a bank's commitment to make loans up to a specific amount. Examples of items that might be included in the application of this element may consist of letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a maximum amount as of any point in time conditional on satisfaction of specified terms before, as of and after the date of drawdowns on the line. Includes short-term obligations that would normally be classified as current liabilities but for which (a) postbalance sheet date issuance of a long term obligation to refinance the short term obligation on a long term basis, or (b) the enterprise has entered into a financing agreement that clearly permits the enterprise to refinance the short-term obligation on a long term basis and the following conditions are met (1) the agreement does not expire within 1 year and is not cancelable by the lender except for violation of an objectively determinable provision, (2) no violation exists at the BS date, and (3) the lender has entered into the financing agreement is expected to be financially capable of honoring the agreement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCredit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIncluding the current and noncurrent portions, aggregate carrying amount of all types of notes payable, as of the balance sheet date, with initial maturities beyond one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after impairment of indefinite-lived intangible assets classified as other. Excludes financial assets and goodwill.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term notes payable classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits within a future period of one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 340 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 05 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482955/340-10-05-5
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 340 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483032/340-10-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PrepaidExpenseCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_E-CoreIncAndItsSubsidiariesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details 4) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Net revenue |
$ 11,851,763
$ 22,401,826
$ 51,473,567
$ 50,202,975
LuckyTail [Member] |
Net revenue |
Cygnet [Member] |
Net revenue |
E-core [Member] |
Net revenue |
$ 9,221,715
$ 13,647,412
$ 38,625,335
$ 25,822,931
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_LuckyTailMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_E-coreMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details 5) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Cost of sales |
$ 11,561,834
$ 14,305,698
$ 42,864,857
$ 35,555,746
Operating expenses |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ (4,200,593)
$ (1,483,624)
$ (7,959,793)
$ (263,119)
Basic income (loss) per common share |
$ (0.20)
$ (0.09)
$ (0.39)
$ (0.09)
Proforma [Member] |
Net sales |
$ 70,080,648
Cost of sales |
Operating expenses |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ 201,726
Basic income (loss) per common share |
$ 0.01
Weighted average shares outstanding |
Proforma Adjustments [Member] |
Operating expenses |
$ 567,721
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ (567,721)
Weighted average shares outstanding |
LuckyTail [Member] |
Net sales |
$ 892,270
Cost of sales |
Operating expenses |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ 371,706
Basic income (loss) per common share |
$ 0
E-core [Member] |
Net sales |
$ 12,905,836
Cost of sales |
Operating expenses |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ 660,860
Basic income (loss) per common share |
$ 0.53
Weighted average shares outstanding |
Upexi, Inc. [Member] |
Net sales |
$ 56,282,542
Cost of sales |
Operating expenses |
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
$ (263,119)
Basic income (loss) per common share |
$ (0.02)
Weighted average shares outstanding |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NetSales |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasicAndDiluted |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate cost of goods produced and sold and services rendered during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CostOfRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period per each share of common stock or unit outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(13)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 10: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 11: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 18 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-18
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeLossFromContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionGenerally recurring costs associated with normal operations except for the portion of these expenses which can be clearly related to production and included in cost of sales or services. Includes selling, general and administrative expense.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_LuckyTailMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_E-coreMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_UpexiIncMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Sep. 01, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Interest consideration |
$ 19,587
$ 4,595
$ 66,832
$ 25,030
LuckyTail [Member] |
Interest consideration |
$ 63,282
Total Purchase Price |
Estimated purchase value of assets |
Amortization expense monthly |
Revenue for the business acquired |
Increased purchase price |
Cygnet Online, LLC [Member] |
Forgiveness of advances |
Total Purchase Price |
$ 5,515,756
Structured cash payments |
Increase purchase price in the first year |
Valued for the contingency |
Purchase price decreased |
Unpaid the remaining amount related to additional acquisition |
$ 300,000
Acquisition percentage rate |
Remaining interest acquired |
Common stock issued during period for acquisition value |
$ 162,727
$ 162,727
Common stock issued during period for acquisition, shares |
E-Core, Inc [Member] |
Interest consideration |
$ 900,339
Purchase price decreased amount |
$ 33,803
Cash payment adjustment |
$ 3,000,000
Unamortized debt discount |
$ 810,545
$ 1,738,295
Interest expenses |
Amortization expense monthly |
$ 134,625
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AdvancesForgiveness |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationExpenseMonthlyAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AmortizationExpensesMonthly |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AssetAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CashPaymentAdjustmentAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_EstimatedPurchaseValueOfAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IncreasedPurchasePriceAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PurchasePriceDecreased |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PurchasePriceDecreasedAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PurchasePriceIncrease |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_RemainingAcquisitionPercentageRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_UnpaidTheRemainingAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_contingency |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense included in interest expense to amortize debt discount and premium associated with the related debt instruments. Excludes amortization of financing costs. Alternate captions include noncash interest expense.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfDebtDiscountPremium |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage of voting equity interests acquired at the acquisition date in the business combination.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479328/805-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionPercentageOfVotingInterestsAcquired |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionTotal revenue reported by the acquired entity for its previous full fiscal year before the business acquisition.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionRevenueReportedByAcquiredEntityForLastAnnualPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of interest expense classified as operating and nonoperating. Includes, but is not limited to, cost of borrowing accounted for as interest expense.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483013/835-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of interest expense classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestExpenseOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash payments made as the result of exit or disposal activities. Excludes payments associated with a discontinued operation or an asset retirement obligation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 420 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482017/420-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-17
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsForRestructuring |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued during the period pursuant to acquisitions.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesAcquisitions |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of stock issued pursuant to acquisitions during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueAcquisitions |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_LuckyTailMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetOnlineLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_ECoreIncMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Inventory (Details) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Inventory |
Raw materials |
$ 1,007,749
$ 0
Finished goods |
Total inventory |
$ 8,801,901
$ 11,557,128
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InventoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before valuation and LIFO reserves of completed merchandise or goods expected to be sold within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryFinishedGoods |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionInventories not expected to be converted to cash, sold or exchanged within the normal operating cycle.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before valuation and LIFO reserves of raw materials expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryRawMaterials |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Inventory (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Inventory |
Inventory write off |
$ 1,722,289
$ 0
$ 1,812,319
$ 34,328
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InventoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of loss from reductions in inventory due to subsequent measurement adjustments, including, but not limited to, physical deterioration, obsolescence, or changes in price levels.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 330 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483080/330-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryWriteDown |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Property and Equipment (Details) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Property and equipment, gross |
$ 10,325,160
$ 9,346,256
Less accumulated depreciation |
Property and equipment |
Furniture and Fixtures [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Computer equipment [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Internal use software [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Manufacturing equipment [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Leasehold improvements [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Building [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
Vehicles [Member] |
Property and equipment, gross |
$ 261,362
$ 261,362
X |
- DefinitionAmount before accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(13)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 360 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-7A
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478451/942-360-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of accumulated depreciation of long-lived, physical assets used to produce goods and services and not intended for resale, classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentOtherAccumulatedDepreciation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=us-gaap_FurnitureAndFixturesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=us-gaap_ComputerEquipmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=upxi_InternalUseSoftwareMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=upxi_ManufacturingEquipmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=us-gaap_LeaseholdImprovementsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=us-gaap_BuildingMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis=us-gaap_VehiclesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Property and Equipment (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Property and Equipment |
Depreciation expense |
$ 264,817
$ 225,879
$ 901,521
$ 649,883
X |
- DefinitionFor the asset that is reclassified back to held and use from held-for-sale, the depreciation expense recognized when the asset is reclassified. This represents the difference between the carrying value at the time the decision to reclassify is made and the carrying amount that the asset would have had if it had never been classified as held for sale (including consideration of depreciation expense).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 35 -Paragraph 44 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482190/360-10-35-44
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DepreciationExpenseOnReclassifiedAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets (Details) - USD ($)
9 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Cost |
$ 16,825,938
$ 16,825,938
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Book Value |
Customer Relationship [Member] |
Cost |
$ 6,914,897
$ 6,914,897
Estimated Life |
4 years
4 years
Accumulated Amortization |
$ 2,597,503
$ 1,300,958
Net Book Value |
Trade Name [Member] |
Cost |
$ 2,111,041
$ 2,111,041
Estimated Life |
5 years
5 years
Accumulated Amortization |
$ 628,512
$ 311,856
Net Book Value |
Online sales channels [Member] |
Cost |
$ 1,800,000
$ 1,800,000
Estimated Life |
2 years
2 years
Accumulated Amortization |
$ 1,800,000
$ 1,125,000
Net Book Value |
Vender relationships [Member] |
Cost |
$ 6,000,000
$ 6,000,000
Estimated Life |
5 years
5 years
Accumulated Amortization |
$ 2,400,000
$ 1,500,000
Net Book Value |
$ 4,500,000
Tytan Tiles Patents [Member] |
Cost |
$ 70,000
Estimated Life |
15 years
Accumulated Amortization |
$ 0
Net Book Value |
$ 70,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetUsefulLifeOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAccumulated amount of amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480265/350-10-S45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAccumulatedAmortization |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480265/350-10-S45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 928 -SubTopic 340 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478859/928-340-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_CustomerRelationshipMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_TradeNameMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_OnlineSalesChannelsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_VenderRelationshipsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_TytanTilesPatentsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Intangible Assets (Details 1) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Intangible assets |
$ 9,469,923
$ 12,588,124
CustomerRelationship [Member] | E core [Member] |
Intangible assets |
Trade Name [Member] |
Intangible assets |
Trade Name [Member] | E core [Member] |
Intangible assets |
Customer Relationships [Member] |
Intangible assets |
Intangible Assets from Purchase |
Intangible assets |
Intangible Asset from Purchage [Member] | E core [Member] |
Intangible assets |
$ 6,807,454
X |
- DefinitionSum of the carrying amounts of all intangible assets, excluding goodwill, as of the balance sheet date, net of accumulated amortization and impairment charges.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_CustomerMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_TradeNameMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=us-gaap_CustomerRelationshipsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_IntangibleAssetsfromPurchaseMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=upxi_IntangibleAssetMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Intangible Assets (Details 2) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Intangible Assets |
June 30, 2024 |
$ 838,900
June 30, 2025 |
June 30, 2026 |
June 30, 2027 |
June 30, 2028 |
June 30, 2029 |
Thereafter |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net |
$ 9,469,923
$ 12,588,124
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for asset, excluding financial asset and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized after fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseAfterYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in next fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in remainder of current fiscal year.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRemainderOfFiscalYear |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in fourth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFour |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in third fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearThree |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in second fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearTwo |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Intangible Assets |
Amortization of intangible assets |
$ 1,062,734
$ 1,124,500
$ 3,188,201
$ 2,709,167
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate expense charged against earnings to allocate the cost of intangible assets (nonphysical assets not used in production) in a systematic and rational manner to the periods expected to benefit from such assets. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets (Details) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
$ 720,582
$ 1,307,299
Other receivable [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Insurance [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Prepayment to vendors [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Deposit on services [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Prepaid monthly rent [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Other deposits [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Prepaid sales tax [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Stock issued for prepaid interest on convertible note payable |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Other prepaid expenses [Member] |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
$ 155,946
$ 31,000
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits in future periods, and amount of other assets.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PrepaidExpenseAndOtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_OtherreceivableMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_InsuranceMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_PrepaymentToVendorsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_DepositOnServicesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_PrepaidMonthlyRentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_OtherDepositsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_PrepaidSalesTaxMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_StockIssuedForPrepaidInterestOnConvertibleNotePayableMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=upxi_OtherPrepaidExpensesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Operating Leases (Details)
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
Operating Leases |
2024 |
$ 131,679
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Thereafter |
Total undiscounted future minimum lease payments |
Less: Imputed interest |
Accrued adverse lease obligation |
Present value of operating lease obligation |
$ 1,858,859
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AccruedAdverseLeaseObligation |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInSixYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsThereafter |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of lessee's undiscounted obligation for lease payments in excess of discounted obligation for lease payments for operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LesseeOperatingLeaseLiabilityUndiscountedExcessAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of required minimum rental payments for leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable letter-terms in excess of one year.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Subparagraph (Note 3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481418/840-10-55-40
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Subparagraph (Note 3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481418/840-10-55-40
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFiveYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Subparagraph (Note 3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481418/840-10-55-40
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFourYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Subparagraph (Note 3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481418/840-10-55-40
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInThreeYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Subparagraph (Note 3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481418/840-10-55-40
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 840 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481501/840-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInTwoYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average discount rate for operating lease calculated at point in time.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 53 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479589/842-20-55-53
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (g)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseWeightedAverageDiscountRatePercent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average remaining contractual term of outstanding stock options, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents the reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Paragraph 2 -Section 50 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationSharesAuthorizedUnderStockOptionPlansExercisePriceRangeOutstandingOptionsWeightedAverageRemainingContractualTerm2 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Operating Leases (Details 2) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Operating Leases |
Operating lease cost |
$ 148,794
$ 99,101
$ 462,496
$ 285,855
Amortization of ROU assets |
Interest expense |
Total lease cost |
$ 313,364
$ 170,784
$ 984,334
$ 544,294
X |
- DefinitionAmount of interest expense classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestExpenseOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of lease cost recognized by lessee for lease contract.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 53 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479589/842-20-55-53
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeaseCost |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of single lease cost, calculated by allocation of remaining cost of lease over remaining lease term. Includes, but is not limited to, single lease cost, after impairment of right-of-use asset, calculated by amortization of remaining right-of-use asset and accretion of lease liability.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 53 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479589/842-20-55-53
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseCost |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of periodic reduction over lease term of carrying amount of right-of-use asset from operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseRightOfUseAssetAmortizationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LeaseTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeasesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of loss from impairment of right-of-use asset from operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 25 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479365/842-20-25-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseImpairmentLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable (Details) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable |
Accrued interest |
$ 876,775
$ 655,187
Accrued vendor liabilities |
Accrued sales tax |
Accrued expenses from sale of manufacturing operations |
Other accrued liabilities |
Total Accrued Liabilities |
$ 2,551,149
$ 3,365,562
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AccruedVendorLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe carrying amount for commissions, taxes and other expenses that were incurred but unpaid as of the balance sheet date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(15)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccruedLiabilitiesForCommissionsExpenseAndTaxes |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of [accrued] interest payable on all forms of debt, including trade payables, that has been incurred and is unpaid. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of expenses incurred but not yet paid classified as other, due within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of expenses incurred but not yet paid classified as other, due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAccruedLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PayablesAndAccrualsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of capitalized acquisition cost excluded from amortization for investment in unproved property and development project in oil- and gas-producing activities accounted for under full cost method. Excludes exploration and development costs and capitalized interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 932 -SubTopic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477385/932-360-S50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 932 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-10(c)(7)(ii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479664/932-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AcquisitionCostsCumulative |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable (Details) - USD ($)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Notes payable, current |
$ 5,473,136
$ 1,302,021
Note payable |
Notes Payable [Member] |
Discount on notes payable, current |
Notes payable, current |
Notes payable, current net of discount |
Discount on notes payable, long-term |
Notes payable, long-term |
Notes payable, long-term, net |
Note payable |
Notes Payable [Member] | Promissory Note, 21- month term note [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 560,000
Maturity Date |
Nov. 22, 2024
Notes Payable [Member] | SBA Note Payable, 30-Year Term Note [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 3,729,096
Maturity Date |
Oct. 06, 2021
Notes Payable [Member] | Inventory Consignment Note, 60 Monthly Payments [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 1,000,290
Maturity Date |
Jun. 30, 2027
Notes Payable [Member] | GF Note, 6 annual payments [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 683,968
Maturity Date |
Nov. 07, 2026
Notes Payable [Member] | Mortgage Loan, 10-Year Term Note [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 2,660,679
Maturity Date |
Sep. 26, 2032
Related Party Notes Payable [Member] |
Total convertible notes payable, acquisition notes payable, notes payable and related party note payable |
$ 22,725,233
Notes payable, long-term, net |
Discount on related party notes payable, current |
Notes payable, current, net of discount |
Discount on related party notes payable, long-term |
Related Party Notes Payable [Member] | Marshall Loan, 2- Year Term Note [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 1,500,000
Maturity Date |
Dec. 28, 2026
Convertible Notes [Member] |
Less current portion of notes payable |
$ 0
Notes payable, net of current portion |
Convertible Notes [Member] | Promissory Note, 21- month term note [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 1,650,000
Maturity Date |
Jun. 01, 2026
Acquisition Notes [Member] |
Total acquisition notes |
$ 11,788,500
Acquisition notes payable |
Total Acquisition notes payable |
Discount on acquisition notes payable, current |
Acquisition notes payable, current |
Discount on acquisition notes payable, long-term |
Acquisition notes payable, net of current and discount |
Acquisition Notes [Member] | Convertible Notes, 36-Month Term Notes [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 3,500,000
Maturity Date |
Oct. 31, 2025
Acquisition Notes [Member] | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 24-Month Term Notes [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 5,750,000
Maturity Date |
Oct. 31, 2024
Acquisition Notes [Member] | Subordinated Promissory Notes, 12-Month Term Notes [Member] |
Note payable |
$ 2,538,500
$ 5,750,000
Maturity Date |
Oct. 31, 2024
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotesNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotesPayableCurrentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AcquisitionNotesPayableOfCurrentAndDiscountNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CurrentNotesPayableNetOfDiscount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscountOnAcquisitionNotesPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscountOnAcquisitionNotesPayableLongTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscountOnNotesPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscountOnNotesPayableLongTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LessCurrentPortionOfNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NotesPayableCurrentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NotesPayableLongTermNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NotesPayableNetOfCurrentPortion |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_TotalAcquisitionNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_TotalConvertibleNotesPayableAcquisitionNotesPayableAndNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionDate when the debt instrument is scheduled to be fully repaid, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (bbb)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482106/820-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (bbb)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482106/820-10-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentMaturityDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:dateItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of notes payable (with maturities initially due after one year or beyond the operating cycle if longer), excluding current portion.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIncluding the current and noncurrent portions, aggregate carrying amount of all types of notes payable, as of the balance sheet date, with initial maturities beyond one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionSum of the carrying values as of the balance sheet date of the portions of long-term notes payable due within one year or the operating cycle if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NotesPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinancialInstrumentAxis=upxi_NotesPayablesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_PromissoryNoteOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableFiveMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableSixMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableSevenMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableFourMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis=upxi_ConvertibleNotesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis=upxi_AcquisitionNotesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_SubordinatedPromissoryNotesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_SubordinatedPromissoryNotesOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable (Details 1) - Notes Payable [Member]
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
2024 |
$ 6,399,920
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
Thereafter |
Future payments, notes payable |
Note original discount and related fees and costs |
Future payments on notes payable, net |
$ 22,725,233
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ConvertiblePromissoryNotesAndNotesPayableNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearSix |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_NoteOriginalDiscount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after deduction of unamortized premium (discount) and debt issuance cost, of long-term debt. Excludes lease obligation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482949/835-30-55-8
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69B
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69C -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69C
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1D -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1D
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (b)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebt |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing after fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing in next fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing in fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing in fourth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing in third fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirement, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable price and date, maturing in second fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 470 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinancialInstrumentAxis=upxi_NotesPayablesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
1 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Feb. 22, 2023 |
Oct. 31, 2022 |
Oct. 19, 2022 |
Jun. 30, 2022 |
Dec. 31, 2022 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Jan. 18, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Apr. 15, 2022 |
Aug. 01, 2021 |
Proceeds from related party |
$ 0
$ 1,470,000
Common stock per share |
$ 0.001
$ 0.9868
$ 0.001
Interest rate |
Upexi Enterprises, LLC [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 5,750,000
Promissory notes maturity date |
12 months
Common stock conversion price |
$ 4.81
Interest rate |
Upexi Enterprises, LLC One [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 5,750,000
Promissory notes maturity date |
24 months
Interest rate |
Upexi Enterprises, LLC Two [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 3,500,000
Promissory notes maturity date |
36 months
Interest rate |
Promissory note Feb 22, 2023 [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 560,000
Description of amendment to the promissory note |
the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025
Principal outstanding amount |
$ 560,000
Common stock share purchase |
Common stock per share |
$ 1.10
Promissory note Feb 22, 2023 One [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 2,150,000
Description of amendment to the promissory note |
the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with the investor, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025
Principal outstanding amount |
$ 2,150,000
Common stock share purchase |
Common stock per share |
$ 1.10
Allan Marshall [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 1,500,000
Description of amendment to the promissory note |
the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter the amortization of the note over a 12 month period, starting in June of 2025
Principal outstanding amount |
$ 1,500,000
Common stock share purchase |
Common stock per share |
$ 1.10
Interest rate |
Interest rate pik |
VitaMedica Note [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 500,000
Common stock per share |
$ 5.00
Total convertible common stock |
$ 100,000
Cygnet Note [Member] |
Promissory notes Principal amount |
$ 1,050,000
Common stock per share |
$ 6.00
Convertible Notes, 36-Month Term Notes [Member] |
Proceeds from related party |
$ 7,500,000
Fund received from accredited investors |
Proceeds from notes |
$ 2,780,200
Description of agreement |
The Company received a forbearance agreement from the bank until June 30, 2024 to return to compliance of the debt service ratio of 1.25 to 1, until that time the Company will pay an interest rate of 10% instead of the contractual terms of 4.8%
Holdback amount |
$ 3,000,000
Warrants acquire |
$ 56,250
Exercise price |
$ 4.44
Gain in the change of derivative liability |
$ 3,540
Redeem warrants |
$ 250,000
Note Agreement [Member] |
Holdback amount |
$ 500,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStockPurchaseWarrants |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStockSharePurchase |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfAmendmentOFPromissoryNote |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_FundReceivedFromAccreditedInvestors |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_HoldbackAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InterestRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PrincipalOutstandingAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PromissoryNotesMaturityDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_RedeemWarrants |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPer share increase in conversion price of convertible common stock. Excludes change due to standard antidilution provision.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockConvertibleConversionPriceIncrease |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of common stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionEffective interest rate for the funds borrowed under the debt agreement considering interest compounding and original issue discount or premium.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482949/835-30-55-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)(a)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482900/835-30-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentage |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe difference between the book value and the sale price of options, swaps, futures, forward contracts, and other derivative instruments. This element refers to the gain (loss) included in earnings.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(13)(h)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(7)(a)(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(7)(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(7)(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(7)(a)(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GainLossOnSaleOfDerivatives |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of principal of investment owned.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478795/946-210-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477439/946-210-55-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478795/946-210-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 320 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-12(Column B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477271/946-320-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 320 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-12B(Column B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477271/946-320-S99-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 320 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-14(Column B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477271/946-320-S99-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InvestmentOwnedBalancePrincipalAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of long-term notes classified as other, payable after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherLongTermNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from long-term debt supported by a written promise to pay an obligation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProceedsFromRepaymentsOfNotesPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage increase in the stated interest rate on a short-term debt instrument.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtInterestRateIncrease |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPer share increase in exercise price of warrant. Excludes change due to standard antidilution provision.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WarrantExercisePriceIncrease |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=upxi_UpexiEnterprisesLccMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=upxi_UpexiEnterprisesOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=upxi_UpexiEnterprisesTwoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=upxi_PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=upxi_PromissoryNoteFebTwoTwoTwoZeroTwoThreeOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NotesPayableOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=upxi_NoteAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Related Party Transactions (Details Narrative)
1 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Jun. 13, 2024
USD ($)
Nov. 15, 2023
USD ($)
$ / shares
Jun. 30, 2022
USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
$ / shares
Jan. 18, 2024
$ / shares
Jun. 30, 2023
$ / shares
Common stock per share | $ / shares |
$ 0.001
$ 0.9868
$ 0.001
Loan amount |
$ 1,500,000
Interest rate |
Additional PIK |
Stock Purchase Agreement [Member] | Subsequent Event [Member] |
Purchase price for the stock |
$ 6,000,000
Mr. Marshall [Member] |
Description of amendment to the promissory note |
the Company executed an amendment to the promissory note with Mr. Marshall, providing for the payment of interest only for 18 months at an interest rate of 12% per annum and thereafter, the amortization of the note over a 12-month period, starting in June of 2025
Principal outstanding amount |
$ 1,500,000
Common stock share purchase | shares |
Common stock per share | $ / shares |
$ 1.10
MFA 2510 Merchant LLC [Member] | Lease Agreement [Member] |
Lease rent, per month |
$ 20,060
Lease term |
5 years
Warehouse and office space | ft² |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AdditionalPercentageRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStockSharePurchase |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfAmendmentOFPromissoryNote |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LeaseSpace |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:areaItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_LeaseTermOfContract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_PrincipalOutstandingAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of common stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNet increase or decrease in the carrying amount of the debt instrument for the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(f)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of rent expense incurred for leased assets, including but not limited to, furniture and equipment, that is not directly or indirectly associated with the manufacture, sale or creation of a product or product line.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LeaseAndRentalExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow to reacquire common stock during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage increase in the stated interest rate on a short-term debt instrument.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtInterestRateIncrease |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_StockPurchaseAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SubsequentEventTypeAxis=us-gaap_SubsequentEventMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=upxi_LeaseAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Equity Transactions (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
1 Months Ended |
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Sep. 01, 2023 |
Mar. 18, 2024 |
Jan. 18, 2024 |
Oct. 31, 2022 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Common stock per share |
$ 0.9868
$ 0.001
$ 0.001
Common stock issued during period for value per share |
$ 0.85
Common stock issued during period for employees, shares |
Common stock issued during period for employees, value |
$ 85,000
Common stock issued during period for repayment, shares |
Common stock issued during period for repayment, value |
$ 500,000
$ 607,004
Preferred stock, shares issued |
Preferred stock, shares outstanding |
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
Preferred stock, shares issued |
Preferred stock convertible into shares of common stock ratio |
The preferred stock is convertible into the Company’s common stock at a ratio of 1.8 shares of preferred stock for a single share
Preferred stock, shares outstanding |
Cygnet Online, LLC [Member] |
Common stock issued during period for acquisition value |
$ 162,727
$ 162,727
Common stock per share |
$ 1.79
Common stock issued during period for acquisition |
E-Core Technologies Inc. [Member] |
Common stock issued during period for acquisition value |
$ 6,000,000
Common stock issued during period for acquisition |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_CommonStocksParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of common stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionDescription of conversion terms for preferred stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(27)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-3
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-8
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-6
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ConvertiblePreferredStockTermsOfConversion |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares issued for nonredeemable preferred shares and preferred shares redeemable solely at option of issuer. Includes, but is not limited to, preferred shares issued, repurchased, and held as treasury shares. Excludes preferred shares classified as debt.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate share number for all nonredeemable preferred stock (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer) held by stockholders. Does not include preferred shares that have been repurchased.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued during the period pursuant to acquisitions.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesAcquisitions |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares issued during the period to an employee benefit plan, such as a defined contribution or defined benefit plan.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesEmployeeBenefitPlan |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued attributable to transactions classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of stock issued pursuant to acquisitions during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueAcquisitions |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of shares issued during the period to an employee benefit plan, such as a defined contribution or defined benefit plan.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueEmployeeBenefitPlan |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of shares of stock issued attributable to transactions classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementClassOfStockAxis=us-gaap_ConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_CygnetOnlineLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=upxi_ECoreTechnologiesIncMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Stock Based Compensation (Details) - Stock Option [Member] - USD ($)
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Beginning balance |
Forfeited |
Granted |
Ending balance |
Options exercisable, ending balance |
Weighted average exercise price, beginning balance |
$ 3.31
$ 3.05
Weighted average exercise price, forfeited |
Weighted average exercise price, granted |
Weighted average exercise price, ending balance |
Weighted average exercise price, Options exercisable, ending balance |
$ 2.92
$ 3.04
Weighted average remaining contractual life, beginning balance |
6 years 2 months 23 days
7 years 5 months 1 day
Weighted average remaining contractual life, granted |
1 year
10 years
Weighted average remaining contractual life, ending balance |
5 years 5 months 8 days
6 years 5 months 1 day
Weighted average remaining contractual life, exercisable, ending balance |
5 years 6 months
6 years 8 months 19 days
Aggregate intrinsic value, beginning balance |
$ 1,342,280
$ 4,919,182
Aggregate intrinsic value, forfeited |
Aggregate intrinsic value, granted |
Aggregate intrinsic value ending balance |
Aggregate intrinsic value, option exercisable, ending balance |
$ 0
$ 4,550,343
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsCancelIntrinsicValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantIntrinsicValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingWeightedAverageGrantedContractualTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingWeightedAverageRemainingContractualTerm1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of shares into which fully or partially vested stock options outstanding as of the balance sheet date can be currently converted under the option plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisableNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe weighted-average price as of the balance sheet date at which grantees can acquire the shares reserved for issuance on vested portions of options outstanding and currently exercisable under the stock option plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisableWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of shares under options that were cancelled during the reporting period as a result of occurrence of a terminating event specified in contractual agreements pertaining to the stock option plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresInPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNet number of share options (or share units) granted during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount by which the current fair value of the underlying stock exceeds the exercise price of options outstanding.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingIntrinsicValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of options outstanding, including both vested and non-vested options.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average price at which grantees can acquire the shares reserved for issuance under the stock option plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average price at which grantees could have acquired the underlying shares with respect to stock options that were terminated.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average per share amount at which grantees can acquire shares of common stock by exercise of options.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of difference between fair value of the underlying shares reserved for issuance and exercise price of vested portions of options outstanding and currently exercisable.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisableIntrinsicValue1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average remaining contractual term for vested portions of options outstanding and currently exercisable or convertible, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents the reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisableWeightedAverageRemainingContractualTerm1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average remaining contractual term for option awards outstanding, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents the reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Paragraph 2 -Section 50 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsOutstandingWeightedAverageRemainingContractualTerm2 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinancialInstrumentAxis=us-gaap_StockOptionMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_EstimatedGrantDateUsingBlackScholesStockPrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServiceTransactionValuationMethodExpectedDividendRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServiceTransactionValuationMethodExpectedVolatilityRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServiceTransactionValuationMethodRiskFreeInterestRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServicesTransactionValuationMethodExpectedTermOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MinimumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Stock Based Compensation (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Dec. 31, 2022 |
Sep. 30, 2022 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Stock based compensation |
$ 212,758
$ 330,584
$ 421,887
$ 1,146,299
$ 1,052,847
$ 927,326
$ 965,229
$ 3,126,472
Stock Based Compensation [Member] |
Option exercised period |
10 years
Estimated forfeitures rate |
Stock based compensation |
$ 1,146,299
$ 965,229
$ 3,126,472
Unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested stock options outstanding |
$ 330,455
$ 330,455
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_EstimatedForfeituresPercentageRate |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ExercisableOptionPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cost to be recognized for option under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationNonvestedAwardsTotalCompensationCostNotYetRecognizedStockOptions |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinancialInstrumentAxis=upxi_StockBasedCompensationMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Income Taxes (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Income Taxes |
Income tax benefit |
$ 1,501,595
$ 496,880
$ 2,668,769
$ 449,828
Effective tax rate of federal and state income taxes |
Losses attributable to federal taxable income |
$ 10,472,757
$ 10,472,757
X |
- DefinitionAmount, before allocation of valuation allowance, of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible loss carryforwards, classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DeferredTaxAssetsOtherLossCarryforwards |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios (Details) - Discontinued Operations [Member]
Oct. 26, 2023
USD ($)
Tangible assets, inventory / working capital |
$ (1,344,000)
Tangible assets, warehouse and manufacturing equipment, net of accumulated depreciation |
Goodwill |
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization |
Accrued and incurred expenses related to the transaction and additional working capital |
Consideration received, including cash, debt and equity, net |
Total gain recognized |
$ 7,564,363
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_GainRecognized |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Includes cash within disposal group or discontinued operation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashIncludingDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as accrued liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccruedLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits, held by a disposal group.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCash |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as goodwill attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-9
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGoodwillCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as intangible assets, excluding goodwill, attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as inventory attributable to disposal group, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-9
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInventoryCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOperatingActivitiesSegmentAxis=us-gaap_SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios (Details 1) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Operating expenses |
$ 7,820,170
$ 9,710,611
$ 24,684,938
$ 26,635,582
Discontinued Operations [Member] |
Advance for payroll |
Operating expenses |
Management fees |
Excess working capital |
Accrued interest |
Subtotal due from Bloomios |
Reserve |
$ 931,613
Total amounts due from Bloomios |
$ 845,443
$ 845,443
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_AdvanceForPayroll |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInterestPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ExcessWorkingCapital |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of operating expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOperatingExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionGenerally recurring costs associated with normal operations except for the portion of these expenses which can be clearly related to production and included in cost of sales or services. Includes selling, general and administrative expense.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying amount (including both current and noncurrent portions of the accrual) as of the balance sheet date pertaining to a specified type of cost associated with exit from or disposal of business activities or restructuring pursuant to a duly authorized plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 420 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 5.P.4.b.2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479823/420-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 420 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482017/420-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RestructuringReserve |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOperatingActivitiesSegmentAxis=us-gaap_SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Oct. 28, 2022 |
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. |
$ 20,909
$ 20,216
Discontinued Operations [Member] |
Accounts receivable |
Original principal amount |
$ 5,500,000
Series D Convertible Preferred Stock, value |
$ 8,500,000
Series D Convertible Preferred Stocks |
Senior secured convertible debenture |
$ 4,500,000
Reserve |
$ 1,179,498
$ 931,613
Original principal amount, after OID |
Common stock purchase warrant |
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022. |
Valuation allowance |
$ 8,500,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_ConvertiblePreferredStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DebtInstrumentFaceAmountOid |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_SeniorSecuredConvertibleDebentures |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_SeriesDConvertiblePreferredStocks |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration from customer for product sold and service rendered in normal course of business.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477802/946-310-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(5)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 954 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479196/954-310-45-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsReceivableNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionDiscount on common shares, or any unamortized balance thereof, shown separately as a deduction from the applicable account(s) as circumstances require.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-07) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockDiscountOnShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable common stock (or common stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable common shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace (par) amount of debt instrument at time of issuance.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482949/835-30-55-8
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69B
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69C -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69C
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482900/835-30-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentFaceAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFor each period for which an income statement is required, disclosure of the changes in the allowance, including balances at end of period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RealEstateOwnedValuationAllowance |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying amount (including both current and noncurrent portions of the accrual) as of the balance sheet date pertaining to a specified type of cost associated with exit from or disposal of business activities or restructuring pursuant to a duly authorized plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 420 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 5.P.4.b.2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479823/420-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 420 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482017/420-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RestructuringReserve |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOperatingActivitiesSegmentAxis=us-gaap_SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of Interactive Offers (Details) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
$ 264,817
$ 225,879
$ 901,521
$ 649,883
Discontinued Operations [Member] |
Revenues |
Cost of sales |
Sales general and administrative expenses |
Deprecation and amortization |
Loss from discontinued operations |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
Total assets |
Total liabilities |
$ 0
$ 562,953
$ 0
$ 415,660
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of direct write-downs of accounts receivable charged against the allowance.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479319/326-20-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableWriteOffs |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFor the asset that is reclassified back to held and use from held-for-sale, the depreciation expense recognized when the asset is reclassified. This represents the difference between the carrying value at the time the decision to reclassify is made and the carrying amount that the asset would have had if it had never been classified as held for sale (including consideration of depreciation expense).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 35 -Paragraph 44 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482190/360-10-35-44
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DepreciationExpenseOnReclassifiedAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of costs of goods sold attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCostsOfGoodsSold |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of depreciation and amortization expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDepreciationAndAmortization |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of general and administrative expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of revenue attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe fair value of liabilities assumed in noncash investing or financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesAssumed1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of sale of trust assets (includes, but is not limited to, gold and silver) to pay trust expenses.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SaleOfTrustAssetsToPayExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOperatingActivitiesSegmentAxis=us-gaap_SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DiscontinuedOperationsSaleOfInteractiveOffersAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionA device of credit enhancement where a part of the purchase price for the receivable/ payable is retained to serve as a cash collateral.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SupplementalDeferredPurchasePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica (Details) - USD ($)
3 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
$ 264,817
$ 225,879
$ 901,521
$ 649,883
Discontinued Operations One [Member] |
Revenues |
Cost of sales |
Sales general and administrative expenses |
Deprecation and amortization |
Loss from discontinued operations |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts |
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
Total assets |
Total liabilities |
$ 403,460
$ 164,077
$ 403,460
$ 164,077
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of direct write-downs of accounts receivable charged against the allowance.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479319/326-20-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableWriteOffs |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5C -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5C
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsOfDisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFor the asset that is reclassified back to held and use from held-for-sale, the depreciation expense recognized when the asset is reclassified. This represents the difference between the carrying value at the time the decision to reclassify is made and the carrying amount that the asset would have had if it had never been classified as held for sale (including consideration of depreciation expense).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482130/360-10-45-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 35 -Paragraph 44 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482190/360-10-35-44
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DepreciationExpenseOnReclassifiedAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of costs of goods sold attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCostsOfGoodsSold |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of depreciation and amortization expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDepreciationAndAmortization |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of general and administrative expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of revenue attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount classified as liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -SubTopic 20 -Topic 205 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5C -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5C
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-5B
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483475/205-20-45-11
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesOfDisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOperatingActivitiesSegmentAxis=upxi_SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Discontinued Operations - Sale of VitaMedica (Details narrative) - USD ($)
1 Months Ended |
9 Months Ended |
Aug. 31, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Purchase price |
$ 1,250,000
Description of stock purchase agreement |
Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer [Member] |
Purchase price |
$ 6,000,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfStockPurchaseAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionA device of credit enhancement where a part of the purchase price for the receivable/ payable is retained to serve as a cash collateral.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SupplementalDeferredPurchasePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Subsequent Events (Details Narrative) - Subsequent Event [Member]
1 Months Ended |
May 28, 2024 |
Apr. 30, 2024 |
Description of lease agreement |
the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is a for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida, for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis
Description of sale agreement |
the Company entered into an agreement to sell its Clearwater warehouse for a sale price of 4,300,000. The Company expects to receive approximately $1,350,000 after repayment of the mortgage and transaction expenses. The $1,350,000 will be used for working capital and the repayment of other outstanding debts
Chief Executive Officer |
Initial lease term |
five years
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfLeaseAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_DescriptionOfSaleAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
upxi_InitialLeaseTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
upxi_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SubsequentEventTypeAxis=us-gaap_SubsequentEventMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Grafico Azioni Upexi (NASDAQ:UPXI)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni Upexi (NASDAQ:UPXI)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025