Ed Monser”
Also on October 14, 2024, Mr. Hilal responded by e-mail to Messrs. Monser and Major, requesting a phone call with Mr. Monser to discuss the Board’s response.
Following Mr. Hilal’s e-mail, also on October 14, 2024, Mr. Hilal and Mr. Monser spoke telephonically. Mr. Monser stated that the Board unanimously concluded that such proposals should be decided by the Stockholders of the Company and not by the Board.
On October 15, 2024, it was reported that Mantle Ridge had been in close discussions with Dennis Reilley and Eduardo Menezes concerning the Company and the possibility that they could be of material assistance to it. Mr. Hilal called Mr. Monser and they briefly discussed these executives.
Also on October 15, 2024, Mr. Hilal contacted by e-mail Mr. Edwin Jager of D.E. Shaw to ask whom Mr. Hilal might talk to relating to D.E. Shaw’s engagement with the Company. Mr. Jager referred Mr. Hilal to Mr. Michael O’Mary, also of D.E. Shaw, with whom Mr. Hilal spoke briefly the following day on October 16, 2024, to arrange a meeting for October 21, 2024.
On October 17, 2024, Mr. Hilal delivered a letter to the Board, which stated the following:
“Dear Members of the Board,
As we have explained, we intend to offer to the Board, through the formal director nominating process, a range of compelling director candidates. It is our established practice to offer a large range of candidates (in this case nine) to facilitate a robust discussion. This morning we apprised Mr. Monser that these were soon forthcoming. The Board Secretary will receive the nomination package this evening.
Our approach to board reconstitution is well understood and well documented. We discussed it with the committee with which we met. We nominate one Mantle Ridge representative, plus other nominees who are independent of us. We then collaborate with board representatives to create a reconstituted board comprising seasoned, respected, independent-thinking individuals with relevant experience and skills.
We hope you find the nominees we are presenting a great starting point for a collaborative process. We look forward to seeing your suggestions for other nominee candidates, including those of the incumbent directors who wish to continue their service. Ongoing directors can bring very helpful institutional knowledge to a reconstituted board.
As you know, we have extensive experience with leadership change. We have learned that new leadership has the best chance of success if they are, and are perceived to be, genuinely supported by a board eager for their success. This principle is one of the most important ones that guide our approach to board reconstitution.
There is also a separate topic we would like to address. We do not at this time intend to publish this letter or the list of nominees. We have found that keeping discussions like these private is in the shareholders’ best interest.
But it is important to call out at this time that the Company, with full knowledge of our declared intentions and demonstrated history, made the regrettable choice to advance the false narrative that Mantle Ridge is ‘seeking control’, or ‘seeking to control the Board’, or ‘demanding nine seats’. The continuation of this false narrative, or the advancement of others, disserves the shareholders, and undermines this process, and will necessarily cause us to reconsider our approach.
For many reasons, prompt resolution of these matters is both urgent and of highest importance. We are standing by to discuss next steps. Thank you again for your time and consideration.
With gratitude, on behalf of the Mantle Ridge Team,
Paul Hilal”
Also on October 17, 2024, in order to ensure that it would be in compliance with the advance notice provisions of the Bylaws, the Record Stockholder delivered a notice (the “Nomination Notice”) to