The Index
All disclosures contained in this term sheet regarding the Index, including, without limitation, its make-up, method of calculation, and changes in its components, have been derived from publicly available sources, without independent verification. The information reflects the policies of, and is subject to change by, STOXX Limited (the “Index sponsor”). The Index sponsor, which licenses the copyright and all other rights to the Index, has no obligation to continue to publish, and may discontinue publication of, the Index. The consequences of the Index sponsor discontinuing publication of the Index are discussed in the section entitled “Description of ARNs — Discontinuance of an Index” beginning on page PS-26 of product supplement EQUITY ARN-1. None of us, the calculation agent, MLPF&S, BofAS or our or their respective affiliates accepts any responsibility for the calculation, maintenance or publication of the Index or any successor index.
The EURO STOXX 50® Index
The SX5E is a capitalization-weighted index of 50 European blue-chip stocks in 11 Eurozone countries. Publication of the SX5E began on February 26, 1998, based on an initial index value of 1,000 at December 31, 1991. The level of the SX5E is disseminated on, and additional information about the SX5E is published on, the STOXX website. Information contained in the STOXX website is not incorporated by reference in, and should not be considered a part of, this term sheet.
Additional information (including sectors and sector weights and top constituents) is available on the Index sponsor’s website. (Sector designations are determined by the Index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Different index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.)
Index Composition and Maintenance
For each of the 20 EURO STOXX regional supersector indices, the stocks are ranked in terms of free-float market capitalization. The largest stocks are added to the selection list until the coverage is close to, but still less than, 60% of the free-float market capitalization of the corresponding supersector index. If the next highest-ranked stock brings the coverage closer to 60% in absolute terms, then it is also added to the selection list. All current stocks in the SX5E are then added to the selection list. All of the stocks on the selection list are then ranked in terms of free-float market capitalization to produce the final index selection list. The largest 40 stocks on the selection list are selected; the remaining 10 stocks are selected from the largest remaining current stocks ranked between 41 and 60; if the number of stocks selected is still below 50, then the largest remaining stocks are selected until there are 50 stocks. In exceptional cases, STOXX’s management board can add stocks to and remove them from the selection list.
The SX5E components are subject to a capped maximum index weight of 10%, which is applied on a quarterly basis.
The composition of the SX5E is reviewed annually, based on the closing stock data on the last trading day in August. Changes in the composition of the SX5E are made to ensure that the SX5E includes the 50 market sector leaders from within the SX5E.
The SX5E is subject to a “fast exit rule.” The SX5E components are monitored for any changes based on the monthly selection list ranking. A stock is deleted from the SX5E if: (a) it ranks 75 or below on the monthly selection list and (b) it ranked 75 or below on the selection list of the previous month. The highest-ranked stock that is not an SX5E component will replace it. Changes will be implemented on the close of the fifth trading day of the month, and are effective the next trading day.
The SX5E is also subject to a “fast entry rule.” All stocks on the latest selection lists and initial public offering (IPO) stocks are reviewed for a fast-track addition on a quarterly basis. A stock is added, if (a) it qualifies for the latest STOXX blue-chip selection list generated at the end of February, May, August or November and (b) it ranks within the “lower buffer” (ranks 1-25) on this selection list. The SX5E is also reviewed on an ongoing basis. Corporate actions (including initial public offerings, mergers and takeovers, spin-offs, delistings, and bankruptcy) that affect the SX5E composition are immediately reviewed. Any changes are announced, implemented, and effective in line with the type of corporate action and the magnitude of the effect.
Index Calculation
The Index is calculated with the “Laspeyres formula,” which measures the aggregate price changes in the component stocks against a fixed base quantity weight. The formula for calculating the Index value can be expressed as follows:
Index = free float market capitalization of the Index at the time
divisor of the Index at the time
The “free float market capitalization of the Index” is equal to the sum of the products of the closing price, number of shares, free float factor, and weighting cap factor for the component company as of the time that the Index is being calculated.
The Index is calculated using a divisor that helps to maintain the continuity of the Index’s value so that corporate actions do not artificially increase or decrease the level of the Index. The divisor of the Index is adjusted to maintain the continuity of the Index’s values across changes due to corporate actions, such as cash dividends, rights offerings, stock dividends from treasury shares, repurchases of shares and self-tender, and spin-offs.