Washington, D.C. 20549





Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): August 9, 2023


Permianville Royalty Trust

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Delaware   001-35333   45-6259461

(State or other jurisdiction of




File Number)


(I.R.S. Employer

Identification No.)


The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Trustee

601 Travis Street
16th Floor

Houston, Texas

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (512) 236-6555


Not applicable

(Former name or former address, if changed since last report)


Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):


¨ Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425)
¨ Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12)
¨ Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-(b))
¨ Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class Trading symbol Name of each exchange on which registered
Units of Beneficial Interest PVL The New York Stock Exchange


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an emerging growth company as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933 (§230.405 of this chapter) or Rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (§240.12b-2 of this chapter).


Emerging growth company ¨


If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ¨






Item 1.01Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement


On August 9, 2023, COERT Holdings 1, LLC (the “Sponsor”) and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a national association organized under the laws of the State of New York (the “Trustee”), acting not in its individual capacity but solely as the trustee of Permianville Royalty Trust, a Delaware statutory trust (the “Trust”), entered into the Partial Release, Reconveyance and Termination Agreement (the “Partial Release”).


Pursuant to the terms of the Partial Release, the Trustee, on behalf of the Trust, reconveyed, terminated, remised, quitclaimed and released to the Sponsor the net profits interest representing the right to receive 80% of the net profits (the “Net Profits Interest”) from the sale of oil and natural gas produced from certain properties located in the Permian Basin (the “Divestiture Properties”) sold pursuant a purchase and sale agreement entered into between the Sponsor and Empire New Mexico, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The release of the Net Profits Interest associated with the Divestiture Properties was approved by the Trust’s unitholders at the Special Meeting of Unitholders held on July 19, 2023.


A copy of the Partial Release is filed as Exhibit 10.1 to this Form 8-K and is incorporated herein by reference.


Item 7.01Regulation FD Disclosure.


On August 9, 2023, the Trust issued a press release announcing the closing of the sale of the Divestiture Properties. A copy of the press release is furnished as Exhibit 99.1 hereto and is incorporated herein by reference.


The press release is being furnished pursuant to General Instruction B.2 of Form 8-K and is not deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), nor is it subject to the liabilities of that section or deemed incorporated by reference in any filing by the Trust under the Exchange Act unless specifically identified therein as being incorporated therein by reference.


Item 9.01Financial Statements and Exhibits.


(d)           Exhibits.


Exhibit Number Description
10.1 Partial Release, Reconveyance and Termination Agreement, dated as of August 9, 2023, by and between The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee of Permianville Royalty Trust, and COERT Holdings 1, LLC.
99.1 Permianville Royalty Trust Press Release dated August 9, 2023.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


  Permianville Royalty Trust
  By: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee
Date: August 9, 2023   By: /s/ Sarah Newell
      Sarah Newell
      Vice President



Exhibit 10.1




This Partial Release, Reconveyance and Termination Agreement (this “Agreement”) is dated as of August 9, 2023, by and between The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a national association organized under the laws of the State of New York (referred to herein as “BONYM” and the “Trustee”), acting not in its individual capacity but solely as the trustee of Permianville Royalty Trust (previously known as Enduro Royalty Trust), a Delaware statutory trust created under the Delaware Statutory Trust Act (the “Trust”), and COERT Holdings 1 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (successor in interest to Enduro Operating LLC, a Delaware limited liability company) (“COERT”). Each of the Trustee and COERT is a “Party” and collectively they are the “Parties”. Capitalized terms used herein but not otherwise defined have the meanings given them in the Conveyance (as defined below).


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6.1(a)(iii) of that certain Conveyance of Net Profits, dated effective as of July 1, 2011, by and between Enduro Operating LLC and Enduro Texas LLC (as supplemented and amended to date, the “Conveyance”) and Section 3.02(d) of that certain trust agreement dated May 3, 2011, by and among Enduro Resources Partners LLC, as trustor, BONYM, as trustee, and Wilmington Trust Company, as Delaware trustee (as amended and restated from time to time, the “Trust Agreement”), COERT has the right, subject to the approval of the Trust’s unitholders, to Transfer, free and clear of the Net Profits Interest and the Conveyance, certain Subject Interests;


WHEREAS, the Trust’s unitholders, in accordance with the provisions of the Conveyance and Trust Agreement, approved the sale of the Divestiture Properties (as herein defined) free and clear of the Net Profits Interest;


WHEREAS, COERT concurrently herewith is selling all of its right, title and interest in and to certain oil and gas properties and related assets and contracts pursuant to that certain Letter Agreement, dated May 3, 2023, by and between the COERT and Empire New Mexico, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Empire”), and COERT has requested a release of the properties set forth on Exhibit A hereto (the “Divestiture Properties”) from the Net Profits Interests and the Conveyance;


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as set out below.




Effective as of March 31, 2023, at 11:59 PM, local time, where the Divestiture Properties are located (the “Effective Time”), Trustee, acting not in its individual capacity but solely as trustee of the Trust, does hereby RECONVEY, TERMINATE, REMISE, QUITCLAIM and RELEASE the Net Profits Interest with respect to the Divestiture Properties TO HAVE AND TO FOREVER HOLD, unto COERT, and its successor and assigns (including Empire and its successors and assigns).






Release of Trustee. COERT expressly agrees that (a) this Agreement is executed and delivered for the Trust by the Trustee not individually or personally, but solely as Trustee on behalf of the Trust in the exercise of the powers and authority conferred and vested in it and (b) under no circumstances shall the Trustee be liable for any liability of the Trust or for any action taken or not taken by the Trust or the Trustee under or in connection with this Agreement. COERT hereby unconditionally and irrevocably releases the Trustee from any and all claims of COERT, whether now existing or arising in the future, arising out of, based upon, or otherwise related to any action taken or not taken by the Trust or the Trustee under or in connection with this Agreement.


No Warranty. The instrument is made without any warranty of title, whether express or implied, on the part of the Trustee.


Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended, altered or modified except pursuant to a written instrument executed by the Parties.


Further Assurances. The Parties shall from time to time do and perform such further acts and execute and deliver such further instruments, conveyances, and documents as may be required or reasonably requested by the other Party to establish, maintain, or protect the respective rights and remedies of the Parties and to carry out and effectuate the intentions and purposes of this Agreement.


Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term hereof such provision shall be fully severable; this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised apart hereof, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Agreement.


Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Mexico without regard to the rules of conflicts of law of the State of New Mexico or any other jurisdiction that would require the application of the laws of another jurisdiction.


Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed and delivered in several counterparts, all of which are identical except that, to facilitate recordation, certain counterparts hereof may include only that portion of the exhibits which contain descriptions of the properties located in (or otherwise subject to the recording or filing requirements and/or protections of the recording or filing acts or regulations of) the recording jurisdiction in which the particular counterpart is to be recorded, and other portions of the exhibits shall be included in such counterparts by reference only. All of such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Complete copies of this Agreement containing the entire exhibits have been retained by COERT and the Trustee.


No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall entitle any Person other than the Parties to any claim, cause of action, remedy or right of any kind.





Construction. Any rule of construction that a document be construed against the drafter shall not apply to the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.


[Signature Pages Follow]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been signed by or on behalf of each of the Parties as of the day first above written.


  By: /s/ Sarah Newell
  Name: Sarah Newell
  Title: Vice President






BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this 8 day of August personally appeared Sarah Newell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he, being fully authorized to do so, executed and delivered the same as Vice President of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as the act and deed of said company, for the purpose and consideration therein expressed.


In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, at said county, the day and year last above written.


  /s/ Katherine A. Mitchell
  Notary Public in   Texas
  My Commission Expires: 10-10-2026


Signature Page to Partial Release, Reconveyance and Termination Agreement




  COERT Holdings 1 LLC
  By: /s/ Nick Renwick
  Name: Nick Renwick
  Title: President and Officer




STATE OF CONNECTICUT                §


COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD                    §


BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this 8th day of August personally appeared Nick Renwick, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he, being fully authorized to do so, executed and delivered the same as President and Officer of COERT Holdings 1 LLC, as the act and deed of said company, for the purpose and consideration therein expressed.


In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, at said county, the day and year last above written.


  /s/ James Carey McConnell
  Notary Public in Connecticut
  My Commission Expires: January 31, 2027


Signature Page to Partial Release, Reconveyance and Termination Agreement







Divestiture Properties” include and are limited to all of COERT’s right, title, interest and estate (of whatever kind or character, real or personal, recorded or unrecorded, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, vested or contingent, or otherwise) in and to the following:


(a)             the oil and gas leases, fee mineral interests, overriding royalty interests and landowner royalty interests, including those identified on Annex 1 of this Exhibit A, only to the extent lying within the Target Area (as defined on Annex 3 of this Exhibit A), whether producing or non-producing, developed or undeveloped (together with all amendments, extensions, renewals and ratifications thereof), for which Empire or any of its affiliates is currently the operator, or which is or was operated by the immediate predecessor in Empire’s or its affiliates’ interest in the Target Area, together with all leasehold estates and other interests created thereby (including, in each case, all overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits interests, carried interests, reversionary interests and other similar interests) (the “Leases”), and any lands unitized, communitized, pooled or consolidated with any such Leases to the extent lying within the Target Area (the “Lands”);


(b)            all oil and gas, water, carbon dioxide, injection, disposal, monitoring and other wells located on or within or otherwise attributable to any of the Leases, Lands or Units (as defined in subsection (c) below), for which Empire or any of its affiliates is currently the operator, or for which is or was operated by the immediate predecessor in Empire’s or its affiliates’ interest in the Target Area, including all wells identified on Annex 2 of this Exhibit A, in each case, whether producing, non-producing, shut-in, temporarily plugged and/or abandoned or permanently plugged and/or abandoned (the “Wells”);


(c)             to the extent used or held for use in connection with, the ownership or operation of the Leases, Lands or Wells, all rights and interests in, under or derived from all spacing, pooling, production sharing, production allocation, unitization and communitization agreements, declarations and orders in effect with respect to any of the Lands, the Leases or the Wells, and all pooled, communitized or unitized acreage or units created or designated by any of those agreements, declarations or orders (the “Units” and, collectively with the Leases, Wells, and Units, the “Properties”);


(d)            all facilities, infrastructure, equipment and other personal property, fixtures and improvements located on or under, or owned, leased or used or held for use in connection with the ownership, use, development or operation of any of the Properties (including the production, gathering, treating, storing, transportation, marketing or processing of crude oil, natural gas, casinghead gas, condensate, sulphur, natural gas liquids, plant products and other liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons, including coalbed methane gas, CO2, helium, nitrogen and all other minerals of every kind and character (“Hydrocarbons”) therefrom), including all pipelines, flowlines, gathering, treating and processing systems, platforms, compressors, injection facilities, pumping units, engines, meters, tanks, machinery, tools, pulling machines, utility lines, freshwater ponds, frac pits, towers, roads, communication systems (including the SCADA systems), computers and automation equipment;


Exhibit A




(e)             all surface fee interests, easements, servitudes, rights-of-way, surface leases, licenses, authorizations and other surface rights or interests appurtenant to, to the extent used or held for use in connection with, the ownership or operation of the Properties;


(f)             all Hydrocarbons within, on, under or produced from or attributable to the Properties on and after the Effective Time, and all proceeds or accounts receivable resulting from or attributable to the sale of any such Hydrocarbons; and


(g)            all reversionary interests, carried interests, options, convertible interests and net profits interests that are attributable to or derived from the Properties.


Exhibit A




ANNEX 1 OF Exhibit A



CMIN  30.M0024.00A  SAMSON LONE STAR LLC ET AL  ENDURO OPERATING LLC  01/01/0000  NM  LEA  1714  657  26953  T20S-R37E
                              SEC 13: N2, N2NE, NESW
                              SEC 14: NENE
FED  C.006630.000  BLM NMLC031740A  A E MEYER  1/2/1951  NM  LEA           T21S R36E
LATO #4  LC-031740-A                          SEC 8: SW4
                              SEC 17: S2 NW, SW
                              SEC 18: NE, N2 SE
FED  C.006631.000  BLM NMLC031740B  LOIS E MEYER ET AL  1/10/1954  NM  LEA           T21S R36E
LATO #7  LC-031740-B                          SEC 4: LOT 1, LOT 2, LOT 3, LOT 6, LOT 7, LOT 8, LOT 9, LOT 10, LOT 11,
                              LOT 14, LOT 15, LOT 16, SE, E2SW
                              SEC 8: NW
                              SEC 9: E2 W2
                              SEC 17: E2 SE
                              SEC 18: LOT 1, LOT 2, E2 NW
                              INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR AS THE TOP OF THE GRAYBURG TO BASE OF SAN ANDRES FORMATION - (EMSU A Unit Tracts 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9)
STATE  C.013013.000  ST OF NM B-1534-0000  CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY  12/22/1932  NM  LEA           T22S-R36E
LATO # 2  B-1534                          SEC 2: LOTS 1 AND 2, S2 NE, LOTS 3 AND 4, S2 NW, SE, LIMITED TOP OF
                              GRAYBURG TO 1,500' BELOW SEA LEVEL -(AGU Tract 6)
STATE  C.013017.000  STATE OF NM B-1537-0000  CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY  12/22/1932  NM  LEA           T21S-R36E
LATO #9  B-1537                          SEC 11: SW
                              SEC 15: E2
                              LIMITED FROM TOP OF GRAYBURG TO BASE OF SAN ANDRES -(EMSU A Tracts 25 & 26)
FED  C.017044.000  BLM NMLC030143B  J L REED  1/6/1957  NM  LEA           T20S-R36E
LATO #17  LC-030143-B                          SEC 23: E2, S2 SW
                              SEC 24: SW
FED  C.017959.000  BLM NMLC032099A  J C FRAZIER  1/6/1951  NM  LEA           T21S R36E


Annex 1 of Exhibit A -- page 1 of 15



LATO # 5  LC-032099-A                          SEC 18: LOT 3, LOT 4, E2 SW, S2 SE
FED  C.017960.000  BLM NMLC032099B  R L MANNING  1/7/1952  NM  LEA           T21S-R36E
LATO #6  LC-032099-B                          SEC 13: NWNW
                              SEC 14: W2W2, E2E2
FED  C.018116.000  BLM NMLC031622A  U M SANDERSON  1/10/1956  NM  LEA  1361  730-756  3116  T20S-R36E
LATO #16  LC-031622-A                          SEC 11: SE, S2 SW
                              SEC 14: NE, N2 SE, SE SE, E2 NW, E2 NW NW
FED  C.155811.000  BLM NMNM1151  U M SANDERSON  1/10/1956  NM  LEA           T20S-R36E
LATO #18  NM1151                          SEC 10: E2 E2
                              SEC 14: W2 NW NW, SW NW, SW, SW SE
                              SEC 15: NE NE
FED  C.243779.000  BLM NMNM62665  R L MANNING  1/7/1952  NM  LEA  1361  730-756  3116  T22S-R36E
LATO #1  NM62665                          SEC 1: S2 N2, SE
                              TOP OF GRAYBURG TO 1,500 FEET BELOW SEA LEVEL - (AGU Tract Tract 2)
STATE  C.262630.000  STATE OF NM BO-2333  TIDE WATER OIL COMPANY  2/1/1929  NM  LEA           T20S R36E
LATO #19  B-2333-3                          SEC 13: NESW, SESW LIMITED FROM TOP OF GRAYBURG TO BASE OF SAN
                              ANDRES FORMATION - (EMSU B Unit Tract 109)
ROY  C.420342.000  USA NMLC 031736A  PAN AMERICAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION  1/3/1957  NM  LEA           T20S-R36E
LATO #8  LC-031736                          SEC 25: W2NE, NESW
                              SEC 24: N2, W2SE
                              SEC 8: SWSW


Annex 1 of Exhibit A -- page 2 of 15



                              ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT, LEA COUNTY, NM
                              SEC 18: E2NE, SWNE, SENW, W2W2 - (AGU Tracts 26A & 26B)
ROY  ML002914.000  WHITE, W W, ET AL  GYPSY OIL COMPANY  1/10/1935  NM  LEA  26  416     T20S-R36E
LATO # 13  26/416 DR                          SEC 25: W2SE - RI ONLY
                              SURFACE TO BASE OF QUEEN FORMATION - (AGU Tract 79A)
State     State of New Mexico  H.H. McGee  12/15/1932  NM  LEA           T20S-R37E
LATO #10  B-1463                          SEC 32: E/2 NW and W/2 NE
                              EMSU A Unit Tracts 63A & 63B
State     State of New Mexico  The Texas Company  8/14/1931  NM  LEA           T20S-R37E
LATO #11  B-160                          SEC 31: SE
                              EMSU A Unit Tract 67
State     State of New Mexico  William A. Hudson  4/10/1934  NM  LEA           T20S-R37E
LATO #12  B-2736-9                          SEC 30: NW NE and NE NW
                              EMSU A Unit Tract 74
      R. B. McQuarters et vir.  Robert W. Atha  6/2/1927  NM  LEA           T21S-R37E
LATO #14  8/195 DR                          SEC 11: S/2 NE and NW SE
                              EMSU A Unit Tract 91
      Claude W. Marshall  F.E. Vosburg  8/18/1927  NM  LEA           T21S-R37E
LATO #15  4/356 DR                          SEC 11: E/2 SE and SEC 12: W/2 SW
                              EMSU A Tracts 94A and 94B


Annex 1 of Exhibit A -- page 3 of 15



ANNEX 2 OF Exhibit A



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 001 8405300100 3002504484 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 101 8405300200 3002530220 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 103 8405300300 3002504331 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 104 8405300400 3002504321 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 105 8405300500 3002504335 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 107 8405300600 3002504320 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 108 8405300700 3002504330 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 109 8405300800 3002504324 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 110 8405300900 3002506284 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 111 8405301000 3002506283 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 112 8405301100 3002506282 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 115 8405301200 3002506295 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 116 8405301300 3002506290 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 117 8405301400 3002529396 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 118 8405301500 3002529598 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 119 8405301600 3002504327 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 120 8405301700 3002504332 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 122 8405301800 3002530277 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 123 8405301900 3002529957 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 125 8405302000 3002504322 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 126 8405302100 3002506288 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 127 8405302200 3002529819 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 129 8405302300 3002529397 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 133 8405302400 3002506314 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 134 8405302500 3002506306 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 135 8405302600 3002529910 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 138 8405302700 3002504432 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 139 8405302800 3002512544 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 140 8405302900 3002504425 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 141 8405303000 3002504429 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 142 8405303100 3002504428 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 143 8405303200 3002504424 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 144 8405303300 3002512543 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 145 8405303400 3002512545 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 146 8405303500 3002506304 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 147 8405303600 3002529913 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 4 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 148 8405303700 3002529946 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 149 8405303800 3002529394 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 151 8405303900 3002506317 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 152 8405304000 3002506318 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 161 8405304100 3002506305 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 162 8405304200 3002504419 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 163 8405304300 3002504420 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 164 8405304400 3002529820 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 165 8405304500 3002504427 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 166 8405304600 3002504426 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 169 8405304700 3002529583 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 170 8405304800 3002506297 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 171 8405304900 3002506296 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 172 8405305000 3002529912 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 173 8405305100 3002529395 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 174 8405305200 3002506206 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 176 8405305300 3002506322 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 177 8405305400 3002506323 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 179 8405305500 3002504447 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 181 8405305600 3002504479 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 182 8405305700 3002529868 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 183 8405305800 3002504493 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 184 8405305900 3002504513 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 185 8405306000 3002504512 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 186 8405306100 3002504516 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 187 8405306200 3002504515 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 188 8405306300 3002504533 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 189 8405306400 3002529614 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 190 8405306500 3002504536 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 193 8405306600 3002504535 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 194 8405306700 3002529599 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 195 8405306800 3002504532 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 196 8405306900 3002504514 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 197 8405307000 3002504511 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 198 8405307100 3002529682 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 199 8405307200 3002504510 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 200 8405307300 3002504492 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 201 8405307400 3002504472 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 202 8405307500 3002529866 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 207 8405307600 3002504450 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 208 8405307700 3002504470 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 209 8405307800 3002504473 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 210 8405307900 3002504469 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 211 8405308000 3002529615 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 212 8405308100 3002504504 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 213 8405308200 3002504503 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 5 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 214 8405308300 3002504507 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 215 8405308400 3002504508 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 216 8405308500 3002508704 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 217 8405308600 3002529911 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 219 8405308700 3002530225 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 221 8405308800 3002508706 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 222 8405308900 3002504531 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 223 8405309000 3002504530 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 224 8405309100 3002504506 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 225 8405309200 3002529683 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 226 8405309300 3002504501 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 227 8405309400 3002504502 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 228 8405309500 3002504490 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 229 8405309600 3002504467 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 231 8405309700 3002504464 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 232 8405309800 3002504452 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 236 8405309900 3002504458 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 237 8405310000 3002529905 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 238 8405310100 3002504466 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 239 8405310200 3002504468 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 240 8405310300 3002529867 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 241 8405310400 3002504489 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 242 8405310500 3002504519 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 243 8405310600 3002504518 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 244 8405310700 3002504497 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 245 8405310800 3002504498 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 246 8405310900 3002504527 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 247 8405311000 3002529575 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 248 8405311100 3002504521 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 249 8405311200 3002504525 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 250 8405311300 3002504526 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 251 8405311400 3002504520 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 253 8405311500 3002508702 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 254 8405311600 3002504500 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 255 8405311700 3002520072 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 256 8405311800 3002504495 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 257 8405311900 3002504496 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 258 8405312000 3002521251 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 260 8405312100 3002504463 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 261 8405312200 3002504471 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 262 8405312300 3002504454 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 262H 8405312301 3002504454 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 263 8405312400 3002504456 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 264 8405312500 3002504457 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 265 8405312600 3002504459 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 266 8405312700 3002526101 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 6 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 267 8405312800 3002504440 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 270 8405312900 3002504611 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 271 8405313000 3002504612 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 272 8405313100 3002504610 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 273 8405313200 3002504609 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 274 8405313300 3002504602 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 275 8405313400 3002504598 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 276 8405313500 3002504603 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 278 8405313600 3002520133 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 279 8405313700 3002504581 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 280 8405313800 3002504573 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 281 8405313900 3002504577 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 282 8405314000 3002521902 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 283 8405314100 3002504569 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 284 8405314200 3002504561 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 285 8405314300 3002524563 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 286 8405314400 3002504540 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 287 8405314500 3002529909 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 288 8405314600 3002504552 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 289 8405314700 3002508707 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 290 8405314800 3002504543 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 293 8405314900 3002504539 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 294 8405315000 3002504562 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 295 8405315100 3002504560 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 296 8405315200 3002504566 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 297 8405315300 3002504568 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 298 8405315400 3002504575 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 299 8405315500 3002504571 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 300 8405315600 3002504579 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 301 8405315700 3002504587 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 302 8405315800 3002504588 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 303 8405315900 3002504594 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 304 8405316000 3002504601 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 305 8405316100 3002504597 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 306 8405316200 3002504604 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 307 8405316300 3002508708 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 308 8405316400 3002504618 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 309 8405316500 3002504617 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 311 8405316600 3002529600 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 312 8405316700 3002504616 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 313 8405316800 3002504608 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 314 8405316900 3002504605 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 315 8405317000 3002504600 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 316 8405317100 3002529882 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 317 8405317200 3002504590 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 318 8405317300 3002529901 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 7 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 319 8405317400 3002504584 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 320 8405317500 3002504578 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 321 8405317600 3002504570 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 322 8405317700 3002504574 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 323 8405317800 3002504555 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 324 8405317900 3002504554 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 325 8405318000 3002504556 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 326 8405318100 3002504559 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 327 8405318200 3002504546 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 328 8405318300 3002529586 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 329 8405318400 3002529576 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 330 8405318500 3002504549 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 331 8405318600 3002504550 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 332 8405318700 3002504545 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 333 8405318800 3002504547 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 334 8405318900 3002504544 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 335 8405319000 3002504558 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 336 8405319100 3002504557 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 337 8405319200 3002504565 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 338 8405319300 3002529601 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 339 8405319400 3002504576 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 340 8405319500 3002504572 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 341 8405319600 3002504580 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 342 8405319700 3002504583 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 343 8405319800 3002504589 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 344 8405319900 3002504592 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 345 8405320000 3002529823 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 346 8405320100 3002529881 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 347 8405320200 3002504606 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 348 8405320300 3002504607 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 350 8405320400 3002504614 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 351 8405320500 3002504622 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 352 8405320600 3002504625 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 353 8405320700 3002504630 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 354 8405320800 3002504640 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 355 8405320900 3002504636 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 356 8405321000 3002504629 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 357 8405321100 3002504643 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 358 8405321200 3002504642 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 359 8405321300 3002504651 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 360 8405321400 3002504649 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 361 8405321500 3002504655 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 362 8405321600 3002504662 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 363 8405321700 3002504661 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 364 8405321800 3002504659 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 365 8405321900 3002521871 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 8 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 366 8405322000 3002504699 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 367 8405322100 3002520202 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 368 8405322200 3002504697 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 369 8405322300 3002504676 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 370 8405322400 3002504684 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 374 8405322500 3002504685 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 375 8405322600 3002529837 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 376 8405322700 3002504680 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 377 8405322800 3002504689 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 378 8405322900 3002504687 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 380 8405323000 3002504701 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 382 8405323100 3002504663 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 383 8405323200 3002504658 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 384 8405323300 3002504656 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 385 8405323400 3002504650 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 386 8405323500 3002504652 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 387 8405323600 3002504645 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 388 8405323700 3002504641 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 389 8405323800 3002504631 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 390 8405323900 3002504635 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 392 8405324000 3002504632 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 395 8405324100 3002529821 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 396 8405324200 3002504633 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 397 8405324300 3002504646 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 398 8405324400 3002504647 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 399 8405324500 3002508710 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 400 8405324600 3002504653 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 401 8405324700 3002504667 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 402 8405324800 3002504665 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 403 8405324900 3002529779 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 404 8405325000 3002504688 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 406 8405325100 3002504696 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 407 8405325200 3002524588 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 408 8405325300 3002504692 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 409 8405325400 3002504678 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 410 8405325500 3002530281 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 413 8405325600 3002504673 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 417 8405325700 3002504686 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 419 8405325800 3002504695 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 423 8405325900 3002504666 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 425 8405326000 3002530452 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 426 8405326100 3002508711 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 427 8405326200 3002504644 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 429 8405326300 3002504634 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 434 8405326400 3002529602 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 435 8405326500 3002529822 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 9 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 438 8405326600 3002504740 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 440 8405326700 3002504735 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 441 8405326800 3002504737 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 442 8405326900 3002529584 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 445 8405327000 3002504752 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 446 8405327100 3002504753 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 449 8405327200 3002525351 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 450 8405327300 3002525320 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 456 8405327400 3002504736 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 457 8405327500 3002529149 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 458 8405327600 3002529618 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 459 8405327700 3002529826 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 462 8405327800 3002529622 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 554 8405327900 3002534845 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 560 8405328000 3002535461 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 561 8405328100 3002533595 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 562 8405328200 3002535462 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 574 8405328300 3002535160 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 575 8405328400 3002534824 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 576 8405328500 3002534640 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 577 8405328600 3002537318 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 584 8405328700 3002534139 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 585 8405328800 3002535157 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 596 8405328900 3002534846 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 597 8405329000 3002535158 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 609 8405329100 3002531406 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 610 8405329200 3002531407 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 612 8405329300 3002535159 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 613 8405329400 3002535161 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 614 8405329500 3002535453 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 620 8405329600 3002530511 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 621 8405329700 3002533186 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 622 8405329800 3002535454 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 623 8405329900 3002535455 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 624 8405330000 3002531408 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 625 8405330100 3002531425 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 626 8405330200 3002531465 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 628 8405330300 3002537279 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 638 8405330400 3002531426 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 639 8405330500 3002531409 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 640 8405330600 3002534212 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 641 8405330700 3002533189 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 642 8405330800 3002530958 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 643 8405330900 3002530512 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 649 8405331000 3002533187 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 650 8405331100 3002533800 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 10 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 652 8405331200 3002534140 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 653 8405331300 3002534213 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 658 8405331400 3002537280 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 660 8405331500 3002537319 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 669 8405331600 3002534138 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 670 8405331700 3002534214 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 671 8405331800 3002535456 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 673 8405331900 3002537320 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 676 8405332000 3002535457 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 679 8405332100 3002531009 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 680 8405332200 3002533597 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 681 8405332300 3002537281 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 688 8405332400 3002535205 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 695 8405332500 3002535162 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 696 8405332600 3002534137 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 697 8405332700 3002535163 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 698 8405332800 3002534847 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 699 8405332900 3002534215 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 707 8405333000 3002535164 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 708 8405333100 3002534848 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 709 8405333200 3002534849 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 710 8405333300 3002534825 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 711 8405333400 3002534850 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 713 8405333500 3002537321 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 734 8405333600 3002534851 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 735 8405333700 3002534826 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 736 8405333800 3002534852 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 737 8405333900 3002534853 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 738 8405334000 3002535165 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 739 8405334100 3002535458 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 746 8405334200 3002537356 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 747 8405334300 3002535167 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 748 8405334400 3002534632 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 749 8405334500 3002534641 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 750 8405334600 3002535168 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 774 8405334700 3002535166 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 775 8405334800 3002535459 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT 776 8405334900 3002535460 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 850 8405400100 3002504218 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 851 8405400200 3002504221 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 852 8405400300 3002504222 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 853 8405400400 3002504198 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 855 8405400500 3002531080 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 856 8405400600 3002504224 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 857 8405400700 3002504220 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 11 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 858 8405400800 3002504212 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 859 8405400900 3002504213 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 860 8405401000 3002504223 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 861 8405401100 3002512723 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 863 8405401200 3002504206 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 864 8405401300 3002504217 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 865 8405401400 3002504216 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 866 8405401500 3002504215 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 867 8405401600 3002524297 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 868 8405401700 3002504255 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 869 8405401800 3002504256 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 871 8405401900 3002504262 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 872 8405402000 3002504265 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 873 8405402100 3002504276 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 877 8405402200 3002504267 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 878 8405402300 3002504263 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 879 8405402400 3002512542 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 880 8405402500 3002504257 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 881 8405402600 3002531112 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 882 8405402700 3002504253 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 883 8405402800 3002504264 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 884 8405402900 3002504268 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 885 8405403000 3002504272 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 887 8405403100 3002531126 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 889 8405403200 3002504271 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 890 8405403300 3002504266 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 891 8405403400 3002504254 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 893 8405403500 3002504252 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 895 8405403600 3002504308 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 897 8405403700 3002504312 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 898 8405403800 3002504315 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 900 8405403900 3002504297 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 901 8405404000 3002504288 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 902 8405404100 3002504292 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 903 8405404200 3002504290 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 904 8405404300 3002504291 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 905 8405404400 3002504301 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 906 8405404500 3002504295 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 907 8405404600 3002504317 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 908 8405404700 3002504316 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 909 8405404800 3002504314 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 910 8405404900 3002504313 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 912 8405405000 3002504305 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 914 8405405100 3002504298 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 915 8405405200 3002504300 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 916 8405405300 3002504289 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 12 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 918 8405405400 3002504302 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 919 8405405500 3002504303 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 921 8405405600 3002504296 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 923 8405405700 3002504304 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 924 8405405800 3002531119 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 925 8405405900 3002532122 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 926 8405406000 3002539194 LEA NM
EUNICE MONMT SOUTH UNIT B 927 8405406100 3002539176 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 106 8404600100 3002523324 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 107 8404600200 3002521620 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 108 8404600300 3002523949 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 113 8404600400 3002531519 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 114 8404600500 3002524189 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 115 8404600600 3002523939 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 116 8404600700 3002523995 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 119 8404600800 3002504932 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 120 8404600900 3002529093 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 121 8404601000 3002504914 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 124 8404601100 3002504916 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 125 8404601200 3002531433 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 126 8404601300 3002504930 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 127 8404601400 3002504933 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 128 8404601500 3002524105 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 131 8404601600 3002531247 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 132 8404601700 3002504929 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 133 8404601800 3002504939 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 134 8404601900 3002504920 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 135 8404602000 3002504917 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 138Y 8404602100 3002532827 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 139 8404602200 3002531305 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 140 8404602300 3002504921 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 141 8404602400 3002504938 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 142 8404602500 3002504928 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 143 8404602600 3002504940 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 144 8404602700 3002531633 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 148 8404602800 3002531393 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 149 8404602900 3002508733 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 150 8404603000 3002508741 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 151 8404603100 3002508738 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 155 8404603200 3002531417 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 156 8404603300 3002508748 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 157 8404603400 3002508740 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 158 8404603500 3002508721 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 159 8404603600 3002508723 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 160 8404603700 3002524272 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 13 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 166 8404603800 3002508724 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 167 8404603900 3002508728 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 168 8404604000 3002508727 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 169 8404604100 3002508739 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 170 8404604200 3002531435 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 171 8404604300 3002531734 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 172 8404604400 3002508735 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 174 8404604500 3002531304 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 175 8404604600 3002508745 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 176 8404604700 3002508742 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 177 8404604800 3002508729 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 178 8404604900 3002531559 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 179 8404605000 3002508726 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 181 8404605100 3002531580 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 184 8404605200 3002510094 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 186 8404605300 3002531722 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 187 8404605400 3002508886 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 188 8404605500 3002531723 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 189 8404605600 3002508872 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 190 8404605700 3002531724 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 194 8404605800 3002508881 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 195 8404605900 3002508882 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 196 8404606000 3002508883 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 197 8404606100 3002531631 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 198 8404606200 3002510092 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 199 8404606300 3002531560 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 200 8404606400 3002531752 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 201 8404606500 3002531675 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 202 8404606600 3002531561 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 203 8404606700 3002531379 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 204 8404606800 3002526478 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 205 8404606900 3002526659 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 206 8404607000 3002508890 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 209 8404607100 3002526534 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 210 8404607200 3002526391 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 211 8404607300 3002531534 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 212 8404607400 3002531388 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 213 8404607500 3002531582 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 214 8404607600 3002510096 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 215 8404607700 3002531751 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 216 8404607800 3002510351 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 217 8404607900 3002531562 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 218 8404608000 3002531301 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 219 8404608100 3002531609 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 220 8404608200 3002531437 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 225 8404608300 3002531410 LEA NM


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 14 of 15



Well Name Well ID API Number County State
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 226 8404608400 3002531674 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 227 8404608500 3002531245 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 228 8404608600 3002531246 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 229 8404608700 3002531740 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 231 8404608800 3002510355 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 233 8404608900 3002525878 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 234 8404609000 3002531610 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 235 8404609100 3002531390 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 239 8404609200 3002531710 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 240 8404609300 3002531632 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 241 8404609400 3002531535 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 242 8404609500 3002531329 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 245 8404609600 3002510359 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 247 8404609700 3002510362 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 324 8404609800 3002535419 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 328 8404609900 3002537282 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 329 8404610000 3002534842 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 330 8404610100 3002534843 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 335 8404610200 3002534636 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 336 8404610300 3002534297 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 337Y 8404610400 3002535543 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 342 8404610500 3002534637 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 343 8404610600 3002534844 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 344 8404610700 3002534665 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 351 8404610800 3002534927 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 352 8404610900 3002534823 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 359 8404611000 3002535423 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 360 8404611100 3002537283 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 369 8404611200 3002534298 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 390 8404611300 3002534299 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 391 8404611400 3002537284 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 398 8404611500 3002537285 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 404 8404611600 3002539195 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 405 8404611700 3002539196 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 408 8404611800 3002537286 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 600 8404611900 3002531234 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 410 8404612000 3002541300 LEA NM
ARROWHEAD GRAYBURG UNIT 414 8404612100 3002541301 LEA NM
EMSU/EMSU B 8405399900 FAC    
EMSU/EMSU B WTR SUPP 8405406200      
FAC-EMSU/EMSU B WTR INJ 8405406300      


Annex 2 of Exhibit A -- page 15 of 15



ANNEX 3 OF Exhibit A


(surface boundaries, subject to depth limitation)


Target Area” means (a) the surface boundary of the “Unit Area”, depth-limited to the “Unit Formation”, of the Eunice Monument South Unit as are defined in that certain Unit Agreement recorded as instrument no. 43095 under book 440, page 607, of the property records of Lea County, New Mexico and as expanded by that certain Eunice Monument South Unit Expansion recorded as instrument no. 72928 under book 536, page 163, of the property records of Lea County, New Mexico and (b) the surface boundary of the “Unit Area”, depth-limited to the “Unit Formation”, of the Arrowhead Grayburg Unit as are defined in that certain Unit Agreement recorded as instrument no. 8052 under book 544, page 437, of the property records of Lea County, New Mexico; in each case, only to the extent lying within the boundaries of the tracts identified below.


Lea County, New Mexico


Eunice Monument South Unit a/k/a EMSU



Section 25: All

Section 36: All



Section 30: S/2, S/2 N/2, NE/4 NW/4, and NW/4 NE/4

Section 31: All

Section 32: All



Section 2: S/2 S/2

Section 3: Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14 and S/2

Section 4 through 11: All

Section 12: W/2 SW/4

Section 13: NW/4 NW/4

Sections 14 through 18: All

Section 21: N/2 and N/2 S/2

Section 22: N/2 and N/2 S/2


Eunice Monument South Unit B a/k/a EMSU B (expansion)



Section 10: E/2 E/2

Section 11: All, except E/2 NE/4

Section 13: W/2 and S/2 SE/4

Section 14: All

Section 15: NE/4 NE/4

Section 23: All

Section 24: All, except E/2 SE/4


Annex 3 of Exhibit A




Arrowhead Grayburg Unit a/k/a AGU



Section 25: All

Section 26: SE/4 SE/4

Section 35: E/2, SE/4 NW/4, NE/4 SW/4 and S/2 SW/4

Section 36: All



Section 1: All

Section 2: All

Section 11: NE/4 NW/4, NE/4 and NE/4 SE/4

Section 12: All

Section 13: NW/4 NW/4, E/2 NW/4, NE/4 SW/4 and E/2

Section 24: NE/4 NE/4



Section 6: W/2 NW/4 and SW/4

Section 7: W/2, NW/4 SE/4 and S/2 SE/4

Section 18: All

Section 19: N/2 N/2


Annex 3 of Exhibit A




Exhibit 99.1



Permianville Royalty Trust Announces Closing of Permian Basin Divestiture


HOUSTON, Texas — (BUSINESS WIRE) — August 9, 2023


Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL, the “Trust”) today announced that COERT Holdings 1, LLC (the “Sponsor”) has advised The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee, that the Sponsor has completed the divestiture of certain oil and natural gas properties in the Permian Basin (the “Divestiture Properties”) that constitute part of the properties burdened by the Trust’s 80% net profits interest. As previously announced, at a special meeting of the Trust unitholders on July 19, 2023, the Trust unitholders approved a transaction pursuant to which (i) the Sponsor would sell the Divestiture Properties, (ii) the Trust would release the related net profits interest associated with the Divestiture Properties, and (iii) the net proceeds received by the Trust with respect to such sale would be distributed to the unitholders.


The total proceeds received by the Sponsor from the Divestiture Properties, after preliminary closing adjustments, were approximately $6.5 million, inclusive of the escrow funded by the buyer and partial expense reimbursement associated with the proxy solicitation. The Sponsor will deduct final transaction expenses from the sales proceeds, along with an escrow amount of $250,000 to cover possible indemnification obligations under the purchase and sale agreement, to arrive at final net proceeds, based upon the Trust’s 80% net profits interest. The Sponsor will set a record date and the special distribution, reflecting 50% of the Trust’s share of the net proceeds, will be paid to Trust unitholders on or before September 22, 2023. The remaining 50% of the Trust’s share of the net proceeds will be temporarily retained by the Sponsor as a source of payment of the Trust’s proportionate share of any post-closing purchase price adjustments, with any amount remaining after such adjustments to be paid to the Trust within five business days after finalization of the settlement statement (which is expected to occur within 90 days following the closing of the sale) and included in a distribution to unitholders. Within 12 months after the closing of the sale, any remaining amount held in the indemnification escrow will be released to the Trust and included in a distribution to unitholders.


About Permianville Royalty Trust


Permianville Royalty Trust is a Delaware statutory trust formed to own a net profits interest representing the right to receive 80% of the net profits from the sale of oil and natural gas production from certain, predominantly non-operated, oil and gas properties in the states of Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. As described in the Trust’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), the amount of the periodic distributions is expected to fluctuate, depending on the proceeds received by the Trust as a result of actual production volumes, oil and gas prices, the amount and timing of capital expenditures, and the Trust’s administrative expenses, among other factors. Future distributions are expected to be made on a monthly basis. For additional information on the Trust, please visit www.permianvilleroyaltytrust.com.


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Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Statements


This press release contains statements that are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements contained in this press release, other than statements of historical facts, are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of these provisions. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding the anticipated distribution to unitholders as a result of the disposition of certain properties and expected expenses. The anticipated distribution is based, in large part, on the amount of cash received or expected to be received by the Trust from the Sponsor as a result of the sale of the underlying properties. Other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include expenses of the Trust and reserves for anticipated future expenses. Statements made in this press release are qualified by the cautionary statements made in this press release. Neither the Sponsor nor the Trustee intends, and neither assumes any obligation, to update any of the statements included in this press release. An investment in units issued by the Trust is subject to the risks described in the Trust’s filings with the SEC, including the risks described in the Trust’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the SEC on March 23, 2023. The Trust’s quarterly and other filed reports are or will be available over the Internet at the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.




Permianville Royalty Trust

The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee

601 Travis Street, 16th Floor

Houston, Texas 77002

Sarah Newell 1 (512) 236-6555


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Grafico Azioni Permianville Royalty (NYSE:PVL)
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