Indonesia, May 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Bank
BRI (IDX: BBRI) has partnered with PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk.
(IDX: TLKM) to provide access to financial services for 5
million people in Indonesia over
the next two years. They synergize to expand the use of digital
technology in the financial sector for reliable telecommunication
infrastructures to accelerate digital economy.
According to a report by UOB, PwC, and Singapore Fintech
Association (SFA), 50% of the population in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, do not have access to financial
services or are unbanked. In Indonesia alone, 28 million people are
"The synergy between BRI and Telkom pushes financial inclusion
to remote areas in Indonesia.
Telkom is here to support BRI's needs of internet network with
their expertise," said Erick Thohir, Indonesian Minister of
State-Owned Enterprises.
One of the priority agendas of Indonesia's Presidency on this year's G20
Summit is digital transformation that includes providing financial
services to remote areas.
As Indonesia is predicted to
become the fourth largest country in the world economy, the
Ministry will continue to encourage digital transformation for
Indonesia's economy in 2045.
"Digital transformation carried out by the Ministry is very
important for state-owned enterprises to continue to grow in the
midst of technological developments," added Eric.
Sunarso, President Director of BRI explained, "BRI's aspires to
efficiently serve as many people as possible. The most effective
way to reach 17,000 islands in Indonesia is through digitalization. Thus, we
collaborate with Telkom to develop the digital infrastructure."
The collaboration from 2020 to 2021 has provided banking access
to around 5 million people in Indonesia, or 0.1 percent of the world's
Telkom's infrastructure has reached remote and disadvantaged
areas in all regions of Indonesia,
through their fiber optics, terrestrial networks, base transceiver
station and satellites.
"Digital connectivity encourages access of information across
all sectors, including the financial sector. Thus, Telkom supports
BRI's commitment to providing digital-based banking services to
remote areas in Indonesia," said
Ririek Adriansyah, President Director of PT Telkom Indonesia.
This is expected to contribute to a larger economy because
growth in access to banking finance in Indonesia can contribute to the economic
growth Asian region as well.
More information about BRI can be accessed at www.bri.co.id.
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SOURCE PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI)