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Intact Financial Corporation

0,00 (0,00%)
26 Feb 2025 - Chiuso
Dati in Delay di 15 minuti
Borsa: Toronto
Tipo: Azione
Valuta: CAD

Ultime notizie

Data Ora Fonte Titolo
19/2/202515:36GLOBECDPQ announces increase to previously announced sale of..
18/2/202523:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Chief Executive Officer Charles..
18/2/202522:25GLOBECDPQ to sell 2,500,000 common shares of Intact Financial
13/2/202514:00PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation announces approval for normal..
11/2/202523:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation reports Q4-2024 results
27/1/202523:01PRNCAMedia Advisory - Intact Financial Corporation to announce..
22/1/202523:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Announces Transition in Global..
14/1/202515:00PRNUSIntact Surety Adds Features to Intact BondClick, an Online..
27/11/202414:30PRNCAIntact et la Ligue professionnelle de hockey féminin..
21/11/202419:01PRNCAReport Climate Solutions, Not Causes
20/11/202417:00PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Announces CFO Transition
14/11/202414:00PRNCAIntact Financial acquires Jiffy, Canada's No. 1 home..
12/11/202413:30PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation and its leaders help fund a..
11/11/202423:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Chief Executive Officer Charles..
11/11/202414:05PRNCAAVIS AUX MÉDIAS - Intact Corporation financière fera une..
05/11/202423:01PRNCAIntact Corporation financière annonce ses résultats du..
21/10/202423:01PRNCAMedia Advisory - Intact Financial Corporation to announce..
10/10/202423:01PRNCAIntact Corporation financière fait le point sur le coût..
09/10/202414:31PRNCACanadians are vigilant about fire prevention but are missing..
02/10/202416:30PRNCAIntact Corporation financière s'associe à l'Université de..
25/9/202423:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Chief Financial Officer Louis..
09/9/202414:00PRNCALa période de demandes du programme de subventions aux..
03/9/202423:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Chief Executive Officer Charles..
22/8/202401:10PRNCAIntact Corporation financière annonce le coût estimatif des..
30/7/202423:01PRNCAIntact Corporation financière annonce ses résultats du..
17/7/202415:30PRNUSIntact Appoints New Leaders for Striior Insurance Solutions..
15/7/202423:01PRNCAMedia Advisory - Intact Financial Corporation to announce..
11/7/202416:30PRNUSIntact Hires Erik Janssens as SVP of West Coast Commercial..
18/6/202415:30PRNUSIntact Insurance Specialty Solutions Awards 16 College..
10/6/202414:00PRNCAIntact doubles down on its Municipal Climate Resiliency..
04/6/202423:00BWAM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Intact Financial..
13/5/202423:05PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Chief Executive Officer Charles..
10/5/202401:00PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation Announces $300 Million Medium..
08/5/202423:21PRNCAIntact Corporation financière annonce les résultats des..
08/5/202423:20PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation announces the results of the..
07/5/202423:01PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation reports Q1-2024 results
07/5/202411:00PRNCAIntact Corporation financière lance le nouveau service..
22/4/202423:01PRNCAAvis aux médias - Intact Corporation financière annoncera..
22/4/202421:29PRNCAIntact Corporation financière publie son rapport sur sa..
22/4/202421:26PRNCAIntact Financial Corporation publishes its 2023 Social..
15/4/202419:25PRNUSScott Reinke Joins Intact as Chief Underwriting Officer,..
28/3/202401:49PRNCAIntact Corporation financière publie son rapport annuel 2023..
26/3/202422:01PRNCALe chef de la direction d'Intact Corporation financière,..
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Chiusura: 283,55

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