Attorney, Businessman and Author Barr McClellan has issued a direct challenge to the U.S. Senate to immediately address tax loopholes and incentives that are essentially paying corporations to move jobs overseas.  These issues, as clearly presented in his current book, "Made in the USA," have elevated into an urgent matter for protecting the American economy and assuring the nation's financial security.  McClellan's book is available in hardcover edition from Hannover House (OTC: HHSE), and can be purchased at selected retail bookstores and through most on-line sellers, including

Last month, Hannover House sent copies of "Made in the USA" to every current member of the U.S. Senate, along with a request from McClellan to consider legislation to remove outsourcing incentives and to protect urgently needed American jobs.  Responses have already been received from more than a dozen Senators or senior administrative aides, showing support for the concepts in the book and representing both Republicans and Democrats.

"We're happy to see strong, bipartisan support for McClellan's book and pro-USA economic theories," said Eric Parkinson, CEO of Hannover House.  "In an otherwise contentious political climate, it's encouraging to see that both parties can agree that incentives and loopholes that ship our jobs overseas are detrimental to the country.  We hope that the Senate will take the important leadership role to take action on legislation that will help keep America economically strong."

The following is a statement from Barr McClellan to the U.S. Senate and to the American People:


America has the strongest economy in the world, but some of the weakest support for its own industries and workers.  The financial doldrums of the last decade are inexcusable, unnecessary and driven by partisan conflict that often ignores the fundamentals of what makes for a strong economy.  Want a stronger America and economy?  Here's what can be done immediately:

Level the playing field:  There is substantial agreement that the tax burdens on American-based enterprises should be reduced to improve the balance of trade by leveling the international playing field and making American products more competition.  The Simpson-Bowles Commission has made this and other pro-USA jobs recommendations.

Close the tax loopholes: To start the improvements needed to boost the national economy, we have to close the loopholes that currently encourage companies to outsource jobs overseas.  The concept of providing tax breaks or incentives to undermine the nation's tax base is economic suicide.  The foundation of a strong economy is a tax base of workers and consumers.  The unemployed do not buy a lot of goods, and in many cases become a societal burden.  We solve many problems (including tax base, jobs deficit and trade imbalance), by encouraging U.S. based employment.

The stalemate must end: Disputes over increasing taxes or reducing the budget deficit have resulted in a stalemate.  If the American consumer could be encouraged to purchase American-made goods, it's possible that the trade deficit of $2.6 trillion over the past four years could have been markedly reduced while simultaneously enhancing the tax base through the additional employment needed fill consumer demand.  Closing the existing tax loopholes that pay corporations to send jobs overseas is the best way to start towards reducing the nation's deficit.

The Sigma Zero concept: For the longer term, a new concept is needed.  Sigma Zero means no deviation from assuring a level playing field.  The difference would improve the gross domestic product to $16.1 trillion, improve tax collections and reduce the budget deficit.

Stimulate the economy: We would also have the stimulus needed by the American enterprise economy to reduce the unemployment deficit, provide the growth needed for a robust business climate, and support the projected healthcare costs and pensions for employees. 

Keep buying America:  Buy America and Sell America must be promoted.  American consumers must be encouraged and supported to buy products and services Made in America by American enterprises.  American consumers should support retailers that provide premium shelf placement for Made in the USA products, and should consider boycotting major retailers that buy primarily foreign-made goods.  Consumers can vote with their wallets and purses, and send a message to retailers to Buy America and protect our jobs and economy. 

Support for the Buy America Initiative:  Since Made in the USA was published, great interest was shown.  With 80 media appearances and over twenty news articles, we showed that mainstream America supports these principles to keep our economy strong.  The U.S. Senate should take action to close loopholes and to encourage American consumers and retailers to think before buying.  If the American consumer is the engine to the world's strongest economy, then the enormous power to transform our economy is in the hands of everyday shoppers.  A purchase of "Made in the USA" products will benefit the national economy, and is immediately in the best economic interests of consumers and retailers to protect jobs at a local level.  It is patriotic to buy Made in the USA products.

Conclusion: Moving forward, close the loopholes: Reducing the loopholes that encouraging outsourcing of jobs would be a major step in the right direction.  The Senate has the credibility and leadership to take these steps as well as to get out the message to "Buy America."

(End of McClellan Statement)

"Made in the USA" is a non-fiction book on economics, tax structure and job-creation theory. It is 351 pages long and available in hardcover format.  Hannover House has cut the suggested retail price of $19.95 in half, to only $9.95, effective immediately and through the end of the year to encourage sales during this election season.  Barr McClellan is a veteran businessman and attorney.  His 2003 book, "Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK" became a New York Times bestseller, and hit the # 1 spot on the non-fiction bestseller's list.

For more information on Barr McClellan or his book, "Made in the USA," please contact Eric Parkinson at Hannover House, 479-751-4500,  McClellan is based in New York City and is available for radio and television interviews upon request.

CONTACT: Eric Parkinson, Hannover House, 479-751-4500 /
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