(New: Renaissance BJM has restated his forecast for the EPS)

FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for British American Tobacco plc (BAT) full year results, based on a poll of six analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million pounds, EPS diluted, dividend and target price in pence, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released February 26.

                            Operating      Net 
                               Profit  attrib.         EPS 
Full year        Revenue         adj.   profit  diluted(a) 
AVERAGE           13,873        5,382    3,761         207 
Prev. Year        15,260        5,820    3,904         217 
+/- in %            -9.1         -7.5     -3.7        -4.3 
MEDIAN            13,854        5,379    3,823         207 
Maximum           13,983        5,446    3,919         210 
Minimum           13,770        5,321    3,478         204 
Amount                 6            6        4           6 
Berenberg         13,983        5,446    3,919         210 
J.P. Morgan       13,770        5,321       --         206 
Jefferies         13,840        5,366       --         204 
Nomura            13,976        5,429    3,746         210 
Renaissance BJM   13,867        5,392    3,478         207 
UBS               13,800        5,340    3,900         208 
            Target price  Rating                  DPS 2014 
AVERAGE            3.893  positive 5       AVERAGE     148 
Prev. Quarter      3.962  neutral  1       Prev. Year  142 
+/- in %            -1.7  negative 0       +/- in %   +3.6 
MEDIAN             3.860                   MEDIAN      147 
Maximum            4.140                   Maximum     151 
Minimum            3.650                   Minimum     145 
Amount                 6                   Amount        5 
Berenberg          3.850  Buy                          148 
J.P. Morgan        4.100  Overweight                    -- 
Jefferies          4.140  Buy                          147 
Nomura             3.870  Buy                          151 
Renaissance BJM    3.650  Hold                         147 
UBS                3.750  Buy                          145 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Adjusted.


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