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Electricite de France SA 4.500% until 04/12/2069

0,00 (0,00%)
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Borsa: Euronext
Tipo: Obbligazione
Valuta: USD

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Data Ora Fonte Titolo
27/1/202508:00UKREGEdf: EDF announces successful tap offerings on outstanding..
27/1/202508:00UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès d’émissions additionnelles..
07/1/202508:37UKREGEdf: EDF announces the success of its senior multi-tranche..
07/1/202508:37UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations..
06/1/202518:23UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations..
06/1/202518:23UKREGEDF: EDF announces the success of its “Formosa” green senior..
21/12/202412:17UKREGEdf: Update on the Flamanville EPR: the reactor produces its..
21/12/202412:17UKREGEDF : Point d’actualité sur l’EPR de Flamanville : le..
18/12/202408:00UKREGEdf: Exercise of Redemption of Perpetual Subordinated Notes
18/12/202408:00UKREGEDF : Exercice de l’option de remboursement de souches..
11/12/202409:03UKREGEDF : EDF réévalue à la hausse l’estimation de production..
11/12/202409:03UKREGEdf: EDF revises higher its estimate nuclear power..
30/11/202409:18UKREGEDF : EDF annonce la signature d’une facilité de crédit..
30/11/202409:18UKREGEDF: EDF announces the signature of a €6 billion syndicated..
31/10/202418:12UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations..
31/10/202418:12UKREGEDF: EDF announces the success of its senior bond issue for..
18/10/202408:00UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations..
18/10/202408:00UKREGEdf: EDF announces the success of its “Samourai” senior..
18/9/202408:20UKREGEDF : EDF annonce les résultats définitifs de l’offre de..
18/9/202408:20UKREGEdf: EDF announces the final results of its tender offer for..
10/9/202419:44UKREGEdf: EDF announces the success of its multi-tranche green..
10/9/202419:44UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations..
10/9/202408:44UKREGEdf: EDF launches a tender offer on two outstanding series..
10/9/202408:44UKREGEDF : EDF lance une offre de rachat portant sur deux souches..
02/9/202420:39UKREGEDF : EDF augmente l’estimation de production nucléaire en..
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02/9/202420:30UKREGEdf: Update on the Flamanville EPR: launch of reactor..
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21/8/202421:53UKREGEDF: EDF announces the success of its senior multi-tranche..
21/8/202421:53UKREGEDF : EDF annonce le succès de son émission d’Obligations..
26/7/202408:30UKREGEDF :RESULTATS S1 2024 Poursuite de la progression de la..
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11/6/202421:36GLOBEEdf: Appointment to EDF’s Board of Directors
11/6/202418:21GLOBEEdf: EDF announces the success of its senior green multi..
05/6/202408:00GLOBEEdf: Exercise of Redemption of Perpetual Subordinated Notes
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04/4/202418:05GLOBEEdf: Press release on the filing of the 2023 Universal..
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18/3/202419:18GLOBEEDF responds to the request of the French government to..
16/2/202407:45GLOBEEdf: 2023 Annual Results: Substantially higher nuclear power..
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