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Aterian Plc

3,00 (5,88%)
31 Gen 2025 - Chiuso
Dati in Delay di 15 minuti
Borsa: Londra
Tipo: Azione Ordinaria
Valuta: GBX

Ultime notizie

Data Ora Fonte Titolo
28/1/202508:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Rio Tinto Drilling Update, Rwanda
08/1/202510:35ALNCNewsAterian identifies high-grade gold targets at Tata and Azrar..
08/1/202508:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Operational Update: Tata and Azrar Projects
06/1/202512:15LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR-1: Notification of Major Holdings
30/12/202409:39ALNCNewsAterian in talks with potential partner to fund minerals..
30/12/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Issue of Convertible Bond and Warrants
02/12/202412:32ALNCNewsAterian hails copper discoveries at Tata project in Morocco
02/12/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Operational Update
29/11/202413:04LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Total Voting Rights
20/11/202412:30ALNCNewsIN BRIEF: Aterian celebrates gold, silver and copper find in..
20/11/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Azrar Copper-Gold Project and Portfolio Review
08/11/202418:24LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Variation of Warrants and Issue of New Shares
17/10/202412:55ALNCNewsAterian granted exploration licence; suspends activities at..
17/10/202410:58LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Director/PDMR Share Purchases
17/10/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Rwanda Musasa Licence and Mineral Trading
07/10/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC New Copper Zones Identified
01/10/202410:14LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Director/PDMR Share Purchases
30/9/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Operational Update: Agdz Project, Morocco
30/9/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Total Voting Rights
25/9/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Issue of Equity and Grant of Warrants
24/9/202414:46LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR-1: Notification of Major Holdings
24/9/202414:36LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Executive Director/PDMR Share Purchases
23/9/202410:59ALNCNewsAterian loss narrows; focuses on developing metal resources..
23/9/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Interim Results
13/9/202412:09LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR-1 Replacement: Notification of Major Holdings
12/9/202414:12LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR-1: Notification of Major Holdings
10/9/202413:22ALNCNewsAterian touts potential of Botswana licences following..
10/9/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Operational Update: Botswana
19/8/202412:40ALNCNewsAterian says testing and planning "well advance" on Rio..
19/8/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Rwanda Exploration Update
06/8/202420:51ALNCNewsTRADING UPDATES: Fuller, Smith & Turner expands; Ramsdens..
06/8/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Drilling to Commence at Agdz Copper-Silver..
30/7/202415:42ALNCNewsAterian subsidiary to discuss terms for larger exploration..
30/7/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Rwanda Exploration Update
10/7/202411:49ALNCNewsAterian notes Rwandan subsidiary inks off-take deal with..
10/7/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Off-take Agreement and Trade Finance Facility
28/6/202417:26LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Total Voting Rights
28/6/202417:06LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Director/PDMR Share Purchases
28/6/202417:01LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR-1: Notification of Major Holdings
26/6/202415:31ALNCNewsEARNINGS AND TRADING: Directa Plus loss narrows to EUR4.3..
26/6/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC CLN Conversion and Issue of new shares
10/6/202414:29LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Result of AGM
15/5/202417:20LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Posting of Annual Report & Notice of AGM
14/5/202420:41ALNCNewsTRADING UPDATES: Headlam warns of loss; EnSilica predicts..
14/5/202408:00LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Rio Tinto Earn-In JV Update, Rwanda
10/5/202410:09LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR1: Notification of Major Holdings
10/5/202410:06LSEG_RNSAterian PLC TR1: Notification of Major Holdings
03/5/202419:02ALNCNewsIN BRIEF: Aterian raises GBP500,000 through issue of CLNs
03/5/202417:08LSEG_RNSAterian PLC Issue of Convertible Loan Notes
02/5/202418:44ALNCNewsIN BRIEF: Aterian plans to raise GBP500,000 through issue of..
Apertura: 54,00 Min: 54,00 Max: 54,00
Chiusura: 51,00

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