17 February 2025
East Star Resources
("East Star" or the
VMS Copper Drilling
Results expected to add
tonnes to existing resources and lower strip ratio of open pit
East Star Resources Plc (LSE:EST),
which is exploring for copper and gold in Kazakhstan, is pleased to
provide initial drill results from Q4 2024 drilling at the Verkhuba
Copper Deposit ("Verkhuba") in the East Region of Kazakhstan.
Assays from all 238 core samples taken from three drill holes have
been received with several new mineralised zones
· All
holes intersected ore grade mineralisation
Mineralisation is recorded outside the current modelled ore
bodies but within the open pit shell, potentially leading to a
Mineral Resource increase
Intercepts include:
0.7m @ 2.94% Cu and 0.17% Zn from
4.0m @ 0.69% Cu from 210.1m
including 0.5m @ 2.59% Cu from 211.8m
0.6m @ 1.99% Cu from
5.1m @ 1.43% Cu from
0.5m @ 1.63% Cu from
1.4m @ 2.88% Zn and 0.28% Cu from
Alex Walker,
East Star CEO, commented:
"We are very
pleased with these results, having drilled outside the current
resource envelope and intersected numerous ore grade intervals. In
the current open pit model, provided by AMC Consulting, these new
intersections that were previously classified as waste will now be
converted to ore. This supports our view that the ore lenses
comprising the current resource model extend further and so
additional drilling in these areas will potentially grow the
resource and improve the economics.
It is
important to note that the three drill holes completed were not
targeting the thickest, shallowest or highest-grade portions of the
resource and so we look forward to getting the drill rig turning
again in Q2 2025."
The new intervals were intercepted within the
previously modelled open pit shell but
outside of East Star's 2024 Verkhuba Mineral Resource
Estimate (See Figure 1). The
mineralised intervals appear to correlate with the same stratigraphic unit as existing modelled ore bodies,
allowing these to join up along strike and therefore these drill
results should add tonnes to the existing resources and lower the
strip ratio of an open pit development. Holes VU_24_DD_007A and
VU_24_DD_008A infilled gaps in the southern part of the deposit to
approximately 100m drill spacing. Highlighted
intercepts were reported using cut off grades of 0.3% for copper
and 0.8% for zinc and limit of 2m maximum consecutive internal

Figure 1: 2024 drilling demonstrating ore in gaps in
the current resource envelope
East Star
Resources Plc
Alex Walker, Chief Executive
Tel: +44 (0)20 7390 0234 (via Vigo
Capital (Corporate Broker)
Nick Emerson
Tel: +44 (0)1483 413 500
Vigo Consulting (Investor Relations)
Ben Simons / Peter Jacob
Tel: +44 (0)20 7390 0234
About East
Star Resources Plc
East Star Resources is focused on the discovery
and development of copper and gold in Kazakhstan. East Star's
management are based permanently on the ground, supported by local
expertise. The Company is pursuing three exploration
· A
Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) discovery with a maiden JORC
MRE of 20.3Mt @ 1.16% copper, 1.54% zinc and 0.27% lead, in an
infrastructure-rich region, amenable to a low capex
Copper porphyry and epithermal gold exploration, with
multiple opportunities for Tier 1 deposits, supported by an initial
$500k grant from BHP Xplor in 2024
Sediment-hosted copper exploration with Getech where the
initial targeting strategy is at no cost to East Star
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The person who
arranged for the release of this announcement was Alex Walker, CEO
of the Company.
Person Statement
Scientific or technical information
in this disclosure related to exploration was reviewed by Dr
Tremain Woods, a full-time employee of Discovery Ventures
Kazakhstan Ltd, a 100% owned subsidiary of East Star Resources PLC.
Dr Woods is a member in good standing with the Geological Society
of South Africa. He has sufficient experience that is relevant to
the commodity, style of mineralization or type of deposit under
consideration and activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person under the JORC code (2012 Edition).