United States

Securities and exchange commission
washington, d.c. 20549




report of foreign private issuer
pursuant to rule 13
a-16 or 15d-16 of
the securities exchange act of 1934


For the month of December 2024

Commission File Number 1-15224


Energy Company of Minas Gerais

(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Avenida Barbacena, 1200

30190-131 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F   a  Form 40-F ___




Item              Description of Items

1.Notice to the Market dated October 11, 2024 – Fitch upgrades CEMIG ratings to “AAA”
2.Earnings Release – 3Q2024
3.Notice to the Market dated November 13, 2024 – Cemig announces Vice President of Finances and Investor Relations
4.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – CEMIG holds auction for the sale of four power plants
5.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – Payment of Bonds
6.Material Fact dated December 12, 2024 – Cemig discloses investment plan for the 2025-2029 period
7.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – Cemig listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 25 years
8.Notice to Shareholders dated December 17, 2024 – Declaration of Interest on Equity




Forward-Looking Statements


This report contains statements about expected future events and financial results that are forward-looking and subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those predicted in such forward-looking statements. Factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed herein include those risk factors set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CEMIG undertakes no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, and claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.







By: /s/ Andrea Marques de Almeida .

Name: Andrea Marques de Almeida

Title: Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations

Date: December 18, 2024




1.Notice to the Market dated October 11, 2024 – Fitch upgrades CEMIG ratings to “AAA”







Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127



Fitch upgrades CEMIG ratings to “AAA”

COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York and Madrid, hereby informs the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM, B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general that the credit rating agency Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) has upgraded the corporate credit ratings of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Cemig Distribuição S.A. and Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. on a national scale, from “AA+” to “AAA,” with a stable outlook.


As a result, the Company now holds the highest credit rating on a national scale, “AAA”.


The rating upgrade reflects Fitch’s view that CEMIG has strengthened its credit profile, with a solid and diversified asset base, positive operational performance, and robust cash generation.


The Company reaffirms its commitment to increase liquidity and improve its capital structure by extending its debt profile, strategically managing its liabilities, and reducing its cost of capital.



Belo Horizonte, October 11, 2024.



Leonardo George de Magalhães

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations





2.Earnings Release – 3Q2024














Profit and loss accounts 6
Results by business segment 7
Cemig D 9
Billed electricity market 9
Sources and uses of electricity – MWh 10
Client base 10
Performance by sector 10
The Annual Tariff Adjustment 11
Five-year Tariff Reviews compared 12
Supply quality indicators – DEC and FEC 13
Combating default 13
Energy losses 14
Cemig GT and Cemig Holding Company 15
Electricity market 15
Sources and uses of electricity 16
Gasmig 17
Consolidated results 18
Net profit 18
Operational revenue 19
Operational costs, expenses and other revenues 22
Finance income and expenses 25
Equity income (gain/loss in non-consolidated investees) 26
Consolidated Ebitda (IFRS, and Adjusted) 27
Ebitda of Cemig D 28
Cemig GT – Ebitda 29
Investments 30
Debt 31
Covenants – Eurobonds 33
Cemig’s long-term ratings 34
ESG – Report on performance 34
Performance of Cemig’s shares 37
Cemig generation plants 38
RAP: July 2024–June 2025 cycle 39
Regulatory Transmission revenue 40
Complementary information 40
Cemig D 40
Cemig GT 42
Cemig, Consolidated 43
Disclaimer 49






Ebitda – 3Q24

  3Q24 3Q23 Change, %
Ebitda, by company (IFRS)      
(R$ ’000)  
Cemig D (IFRS) 773,388 835,588 –7.4%
Cemig GT (IFRS) 3,797,877 790,747 380.3%
Gasmig (IFRS) 227,194 231,173 –1.7%
Consolidated (IFRS) 4,957,907 2,011,189 146.5%



  3Q24 3Q23 Change, %
Adjusted Ebitda, by company      
(R$ ’000)      
Cemig D 773,388 835,588 –7.4%
Cemig GT 602,500 744,956 –19.1%
Consolidated 1,761,967 1,964,799 –10.3%








Profit and loss accounts

  3Q24 3Q23 Change, %
R$ ’000      
NET REVENUE 10,148,885 9,426,629 7.7%
COSTS -7,252,186 -6,268,746 15.7%
Cost of electricity -4,567,101 -3,778,480 20.9%
Gas purchased for resale -543,988 -527,146 3.2%
Charges for use of national grid -804,946 -769,491 4.6%
Infrastructure construction costs -1,336,151 -1,193,629 11.9%
OTHER COSTS, EXPENSES AND OTHER REVENUES 1,653,809 -1,534,303 -207.8%
People -326,125 -302,927 7.7%
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares -40,965 -43,603 –6.1%
Post-employment liabilities -122,028 -168,786 –27.7%
Materials -34,676 -28,478 21.8%
Outsourced services -497,493 -466,584 6.6%
Depreciation and amortization -345,742 -316,693 9.2%
Provisions -92,837 -99,522 –6.7%
Impairment -1,491 45,791 –103.3%
Provisions (reversals) for client default 50,556 -43,160 –217.1%
Reversal of provision with related party 57,835 -
Other operating costs and expenses, net -144,903 -110,341 31.3%
Total other costs and expenses -1,497,869 -1,534,303 -2.4%
Gain on disposal of investments 1,616,911 -
Revenue – Periodic Tariff Review, net 14,136 -  
Gain on asset purchase 1,520,631 -
Total other revenues 3,151,678 -                 -   
Share of profit (loss) in non–consolidated investees 61,657 70,916 –13.1%
Net finance income (expense)     –71.4%
  -61,545 -214,852  
Profit before income and Social Contribution taxes 4,550,620 1,479,644 207.5%
Income tax and Social Contribution tax -1,270,423 -242,337 424.2%
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 3,280,197 1,237,307 165.1%





Results by business segment


    Electricity Gas Equity interests Elimin-ations TOTAL    
  Generation Transmission Trading Distribution    
  NET REVENUE 721,825 318,668 1,876,418 6,758,463 920,426 26,726 –473,641 10,148,885    



–114,660 –96 –1,761,871 –3,947,320 –543,988 –12,809 464,709 –5,916,035    
  People –35,037 –34,623 2,462 –222,612 –17,599 –18,716                               –    –326,125    
  Employees’ and managers’ profit shares –3,885 –4,134 –221 –24,336                 –    –8,389                               –    –40,965    
  Post-employment liabilities –12,932 –7,992 –1,831 –81,391                 –    –17,882                               –    –122,028    
  Materials, Outsourced services and Other expenses –99,500 –41,965 –6,605 –535,850 –21,737 –23,336 8,932 –720,061    
  Depreciation and amortization –78,654 –6,357 –2 –230,097 –24,744 –5,888                               –    –345,742    
  Provisions –4,035 –926 –7,276 –22,484 1,151 47,633                               –    14,063    
  Infrastructure construction costs                     –              (74,005)                     –          (1,151,083)     (111,063)                         –                                  –          (1,336,151)    
  Other revenues             42,989        1.520.631                     –                        –                    –                1,631,047                               –           3,194,667    
  TOTAL –191,054 1.350.629 –13,473 –2,267,853 –173,992 1,604,469 8,932 317,658    
  TOTAL COSTS, EXPENSES AND OTHER REVENUES –305,714 1,350,533 –1,775,344 –6,215,173 –717,980 1,591,660 473,641 -5,598,377    

Share of profit (loss) in

non-consolidated investees

                    –                        –                        –                        –                    –    61,657                               –    61,657    
  Net finance income (expenses) 3,220 18,255 3,098 –75,596 –8,167 –2,355                               –    –61,545    
  PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES ON PROFIT 419,331 1,687,456 104,172 467,694 194,279 1,677,688                               –    4,550,620    

Income tax and

Social Contribution tax

–152,570 –487,206 –9,103 –95,973 –63,304 –462,267                               –    –1,270,423    
  NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD           266,761        1,200,250             95,069           371,721       130,975             1,215,421                               –           3,280,197    






Cemig’s consolidated electricity market

In September 2024 the Cemig Group invoiced 9.35 million clients – an addition of approximately 179,000 clients, or a 1.95% increase in its consumer base since the end of September 2023.

Of this total number of consumers, 9,344,674 are final consumers (and/or Cemig’s own consumption); and 723 are other agents in the Brazilian power sector.

These charts break down the Group’s sales to final consumers:











Cemig D

Billed electricity market

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Captive clients + Transported energy (MWh)*      
Residential 3,051,336 2,874,159 6.2%
Industrial 5,967,158 5,652,811 5.6%
Captive market 270,836 320,470 –15.5%
Transport 5,696,321 5,332,341 6.8%
Commercial, services and Others 1,511,590 1,500,991 0.7%
Captive market 930,862 1,008,973 –7.7%
Transport 580,728 492,018 18.0%
Rural 935,395 879,384 6.4%
Captive market 914,360 867,641 5.4%
Transport 21,035 11,743 79.1%
Public services 814,299 844,521 –3.6%
Captive market 646,371 733,652 –11.9%
Transport 167,928 110,869 51.5%
Concession holders 91,045 88,198 3.2%
Transport 91,045 88,198 3.2%
Own consumption 6,763 6,783 –0.3%
Total 12,377,586 11,846,846 4.5%
Total, captive market 5,820,529 5,811,677 0.2%
Total, energy transported for Free Clients 6,557,057 6,035,169 8.6%

*Excluding compensated energy from DG


Energy supplied to captive clients plus energy transported for Free Clients and distributors in 3Q24 totaled 12,378 GWh, or 4.5% more than in 3Q23 (excluding compensated energy from DG), mainly reflecting higher consumption by: residential clients ( – up 177.2 GWh or +6.2%); industrial clients ( – up 314.3 GWh or +5.6%); and rural clients ( – up 56.0 GWh or +6.4%). These increases were mainly due to: higher temperatures; higher economic activity; and higher demand for irrigation, in the period.

The growth of 4.5% in total energy distributed comprises: an increase of 8.6% ( +521.9 GWh) in use of the network by Free Clients, and an increase of 0.2% (+8.9 GWh) in consumption by the captive market.










Sources and uses of electricity – MWh

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Metered market – MWh      
Transported for distributors 91,045 87,590 3.9%
Transported for Free Clients 6,537,504 5,956,175 9.8%
Own load + Distributed generation 8,790,421 8,427,677 4.3%
Consumption by captive market 5,836,505 5,806,773 0.5%
Distributed Generation market 1,269,813 960,662 32.2%
Losses in distribution network 1,684,103 1,660,242 1.4%
Total volume carried 15,418,971 14,471,442 6.5%


Client base

In September 2024 Cemig billed 9.34 million consumers, or 1.9% more than in September 2023.

Of these, 3,903 were Free Clients using the distribution network of Cemig D.

  Sep. 2024 Sep. 2023 Change %
Residential 7,897,895 7,673,463 2.9%
Industrial 28,734 28,653 0.3%
Commercial, services and others 918,607 940,938 –2.4%
Rural 399,211 428,177 –6.8%
Public authorities 72,545 69,458 4.4%
Public lighting 6,995 6,554 6.7%
Public services 13,710 13,679 0.2%
Own consumption 757 759 –0.3%
 Total, captive clients 9,338,454 9,161,681 1.9%
Industrial 1,639 1,179 39.0%
Commercial 2,146 1,656 29.6%
Rural 46 18 155.6%
Concession holders 8 8 0.0%
Others 64 23 178.3%
 Total, Free Clients 3,903 2,884 35.3%
Total, Captive market + Free Clients 9,342,357 9,164,565 1.9%


Performance by sector


Industrial: Energy distributed to Industrial clients was 5.6% higher YoY in 3Q24, on higher physical production by industry, and was 48.2% of Cemig D’s total distribution. The greater part was energy transported for industrial Free Clients (46.0%), which was 6.8% higher by volume than in 3Q23. Energy billed to captive industrial clients was 2.2% of the total distributed, and 15.5% less by volume than in 3Q23 – mainly due to migration of clients to the Free Market. Highlights in industry by sector were: Increased consumption in Metallic production (+9.7), Ferroalloys (+13.4%), Foods and beverages (+4.8%) and Chemicals (+7.1%). The only sector with significantly lower power consumption, YoY, was Non-ferrous metals (–7.0%).

Residential: Residential consumption was 24.7% of total energy distributed by Cemig D, and 6.2% higher than in 3Q23. Average monthly consumption per consumer in the quarter, at 128.8 kWh/month, was 3.1% higher than in 3Q23, reflecting temperatures higher than the historic averages, and higher family consumption. Also contributing to higher consumption was the +2.9% growth – an increase of 224,400 – in the number of clients in this category.






Commercial and services: Energy distributed to these consumers was 12.2% of the total distributed by Cemig D in 3Q24, and by volume 0.7% more than in 3Q23. The increase is the result of a 7.7% reduction in the volume of energy billed to captive clients, and an 18.0% increase in the volume of energy transported for Free Clients. The higher consumption reflects: (i) expansion of the services sector, (ii) growth of retail sales, and (iii) temperatures above historical averages. It is worth noting that the increase in this user category happened in spite of the migration of consumers to Distributed Generation, which, along with migration to the Free Market, was reducing captive consumption.

Rural consumers used 7.6% of the total energy distributed by Cemig – and 6.4% more than in 3Q23 – this increase being partly due to lower than average rainfall in the quarter.

Public services consumed 6.6% of the energy distributed in 3Q24, a total 3.6% lower by volume than in 3Q23.


The Annual Tariff Adjustment

The tariffs of Cemig D are adjusted in May each year; and every five years are subjected to a Periodic Tariff Review, also in May. The aim of the Annual Tariff Adjustment is to pass on in full to the client any changes in costs defined as “non-manageable”, and provide inflation adjustment for the costs defined as “manageable”, as specified in the Tariff Review. Manageable costs are adjusted by the IPCA inflation index, less a factor known as the ‘X Factor’, to capture productivity, under a system using the price-cap regulatory model.

On May 14, 2024 Aneel ratified Cemig D’s Tariff Adjustment, to be effective from May 28, 2024 to May 27, 2025, with an average increase, for consumers, of 7.32%. The average effect was, for low-voltage consumers, an increase of 6.72%, and for residential consumers, an increase of 6.70%. The percentage component corresponding to manageable costs (referred to as ‘Portion B’) was 1.27%. The increase relating to non-manageable costs (‘Portion A’ – comprising purchase of energy, transmission, sector charges and non-recoverable revenues) was 0.81%. The increase in the financial components of the tariff contributed 5.23%. The effect in financial components in 2024 comes mainly from removal of the component included in the 2023 adjustment process relating to the repayment to consumers of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes (totaling R$ 1.27 billion).


Average effects of the Tariff Adjustment
High voltage – average 8.63%
Low voltage – average 6.72%
Average effect 7.32%


See more details at this link:






Five-year Tariff Reviews compared

This table compares the Tariff Reviews made in 2023 and in the previous cycle (2018):

Five-year Tariff Reviews 2018 2023
Gross remuneration base – R$ million 20,490 25,587
Net Remuneration Base – R$ million 8,906 15,200
Average depreciation rate 3.84% 3.95%
WACC (after taxes) 8.09% 7.43%
Remuneration of ‘Special Obligations’ – R$ mn 149 272
CAIMI* (Annual support for facilities) – R$ mn 333 484
QRR**   (Depreciation quota)               – R$ mn 787 1,007

* CAIMI: (Cobertura Anual de Instalações Móveis e Imóveis) – Annual support for facilities.

** QRR: ‘Regulatory Reintegration Quota’: Gross base x annual depreciation rate.


See more details at this link:






Supply quality indicators – DEC and FEC

In 2023, Minas Gerais experienced an increase in extreme atmospheric events, causing a slight increase in electricity outages. In the context of this challenging scenario, Cemig has been implementing several initiatives to reduce the number and duration of outages. It is also making major investments in its distribution business to provide a quality service to clients, and intensifying measures to prevent outages in the rainy period of 2024–2025.

These actions are already producing positive results. The DEC indicator (average outage Duration per Consumer) returned to a level within the regulatory limit: in the 12-month window to end-September 2024 Cemig's DEC was 9.43 hours, within the regulatory limit of 9.64 hours.


Combating default

The Company has maintained a high level of collection actions, and this has helped keep the Receivables Recovery Index high: in September 2024 it was 98.67%, an increase of 0.46 percentage points from June 2024.

New payment channels, and online negotiation, have helped to increase the proportion of collection via digital channels (e.g. PIX instant payments, automatic debits, payments by card and app, etc.). This percentage reached 68.0% of the total collected in 3Q24, compared to 61.3% in 3Q23. The PIX system is a highlight: it was used for 27.2% of all collections – now a higher percentage than collection through the traditional channel of lottery shops. This system has saved R$ 26.4 million since it was implemented.

The change in the collection mix has reduced collection costs by 21% in the last year alone – since 3Q23.








Energy losses

Energy losses in the 12 months to the end of September 2024, at 10.76%, were higher than the regulatory target (10.57%). In relation to June 2024, losses decreased by 0.25 pp. The result above the regulatory level is partly due to: higher temperatures in September, and the corresponding supply not being invoiced by the end of that month.

Highlights of our combat of energy losses up to September 2024 include: approximately 301,000 inspections; replacement of more than 467,000 obsolete meters; replacement of 57,000 conventional meters by smart meters (bringing the total of smart meters installed since the project began in September 2021 to 400,000); and regularization of 9,500 clandestine connections made by families living in ‘invaded’ and low-income areas, through our Energia Legal program, which uses ‘bulletproofed’ networks (bringing the total of connections regularized since the start of the project in February 2023 to 18,000).


Total losses



Actual losses



Regulatory losses








Cemig GT and Cemig Holding Company

Electricity market

The total volume of electricity sold by Cemig GT and by the holding company (‘Cemig H’), excluding sales on the wholesale power exchange (CCEE), was 1.5% lower than in 3Q23.

Cemig GT billed 5,125 GWh (including quota sales) in 3Q24, 11.6% less than in 3Q23. The lower figure is the result of transfer of sales contracts to Cemig H (the holding company) – which reported sales of 4,774 GWh in 3Q24, 12.3% more than in 3Q23.

The migration of purchase contracts from Cemig GT to the holding company was begun in 3Q21, and has been gradually increasing since then. It is now around 56%.

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Cemig GT – MWh
Free Clients            3,070,400        3,298,721 –6.9%
    Industrial            2,080,315        2,325,940 –10.6%
    Commercial               856,301          967,754 –11.5%
    Rural                  5,197              5,027 3.4%
       ‘Energy retailer’ Free Clients               128,587                   –   
Free Market – Traders and cooperatives               950,646        1,429,907 –33.5%
Quota supply               543,712          530,439 2.5%
Regulated Market               527,676          507,655 3.9%
Regulated Market – Cemig D                 32,594            31,999 1.9%
Total, Cemig GT            5,125,028        5,798,721 –11.6%
Cemig H – MWh      
Free Clients 2,551,187 2,265,520 12.6%
    Industrial 2,082,965 1,970,109 5.7%
    Commercial 439,244 283,585 54.9%
    Rural 28,978 11,826 145.0%
Free Market – Traders and cooperatives 2,223,641 1,987,902 11.9%
Total Cemig H 4,774,828 4,253,422 12.3%
Cemig GT + H 9,899,856 10,052,143 –1.5%




Sources and uses of electricity










Gasmig is the exclusive distributor of piped natural gas for the whole of the state of Minas Gerais. It supplies industrial, commercial and residential users, compressed natural gas and vehicle natural gas, and gas as fuel for thermoelectric generation plants. Its concession expires in January 2053. Cemig owns 99.57% of Gasmig.

Gasmig’s last Tariff Review was completed in April 2022. Highlights:

  § The WACC used (real, after taxes) was reduced from 10.02% p.a. to 8.71% p.a.
  § The Net Remuneration Base was increased significantly, to R$ 3.48 billion.
  § The regulator recognized the cost of PMSO (Personnel, Materials, outsourced Services, & Other services) in full.


Market (Volume in ’000m3) 2022 2023 9M23 9M24 9M23–9M24
Automotive        40,950      31,907      24,598       17,076 –30.6%
Compressed vehicle natural gas             364          541          417            469 12.5%
Industrial       870,667    830,943    628,159     591,501 –5.8%
Industrial compressed natural gas        13,616      12,473      10,374         7,625 –26.5%
Residential        11,392      11,912       9,434         9,022 –4.4%
Co-generation        13,137      12,075       8,864         9,589 8.2%
Commercial        23,114      21,964      16,461       17,130 4.1%
Subtotal – conventional gas       973,240    921,815    698,307     652,412 –6.6%
Thermal plants        37,991  –            –                 –                 –   
Subtotal – gas sold    1,011,231    921,815    698,307     652,412 –6.6%
Industrial – Free Market        87,133      92,362      70,190       71,954 2.5%
Industrial compressed natural gas – Free Market               –               –     –         7,328 0.0%
Thermal – Free Market          7,119      19,050    913       41,369 4,431%
Total (sales + Free Clients) 1,105,483 1,033,227 769,410 773,063 0.5%



Ebitda (R$ ’000) 3Q24 3Q23
Profit (loss) for the period 130,977 139,343
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 65,007 70,968
Net finance income (expenses) 8,168 –1,205
Depreciation and amortization 23,042 22,067
Ebitda per CVM Resolution 156 227,194 231,173



The volume of gas sold in 3Q24 was 3.7% lower than in 3Q23, while the volume distributed to industrial Free Clients was 102% higher, due to thermal dispatch. In the first nine months of the year, volume sold was 6.6% lower.

Gasmig’s 3Q24 Ebitda was 1.7% lower than in 3Q23, reflecting: (i) lower volume of gas sold, and (ii) the reduction of R$ 6.9 million received in the compensatory component included in the tariff (for differences between actual costs and cost included in the tariff award calculation).

The number of Gasmig’s clients increased by 9.7% from 3Q23, to a total of 101,273 consumers in 3Q24. This reflects expansion of both the commercial and the residential client bases (addition of 8,900 clients).






Consolidated results

Net profit


For 3Q24, Cemig reports: net profit of R$ 3.28 billion; and adjusted net profit of R$ 1.12 billion.

For comparison, in 3Q23: reported net profit was R$ 1.24 billion, and adjusted net profit R$ 1.23 billion.

Main factors in this result were:


  · Profit of Cemig GT, at R$ 2.63 billion, 436.6% higher than in 3Q24 – due to:
  · Completion of the sale of Aliança, with effect on net profit of R$ 1,120.8 million – comprising a capital gain of R$ 1,082.7 million, and R$ 38.2 million in reversal of provisions.
  · Positive effects of the transmission tariff review: R$ 1,033.6 million, mainly due to the investments made in the cycle, and revaluations in the Aneel price bank.
  · Cemig D distributed 4.5% more energy in 3Q24 than in 3Q23.
  · In Cemig D, change of the time limit for 100% recognition of client credit default losses, from 24 to 36 months – to better reflect the profile of losses in practice. This produced a positive effect of R$ 59.4 million.
  · Negative impact on profit of Cemig D from energy losses exceeding the regulatory level in this quarter.
  · Higher effective tax rate: 27.9% in 3Q24, compared to 16.4% in 3Q23, mainly due to the sale of Cemig’s stake in Aliança and to transmission tariff review taxed at higher rates.
  · Lower profit from power trading in 3Q: R$ 82.4 million, due to (i) a negative effect from price differences in submarkets in 3Q24, and (ii) a higher than normal profit in 3Q23, the result of a differentiated strategy that resulted in a higher margin in 2023.


More details of these variations are given below.





Operational revenue

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
 R$ ’000      
Revenue from supply of electricity 8,556,096 8,130,020 5.2%
Revenue from use of distribution systems (TUSD charge) 1,337,614 1,125,693 18.8%
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustments 357,377 80,237 345.4%

Reimbursement (to consumers) of credits of

PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes – Amounts realized

                             –    311,748 –100.0%
Transmission – Operation and Maintenance revenue 144,576 95,828 50.9%
Transmission – Construction revenue 112,500 39,394 185.6%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 40,422 115,693 –65.1%
Generation capital assets reimbursement 21,218 23,867 –11.1%
Distribution construction revenue 1,262,146 1,165,087 8.3%
Adjustment to expectation of cash flow from indemnifiable financial assets of the distribution concession 16,454 49,577 –66.8%
Gain on financial updating of Concession Grant Fee 93,691 85,073 10.1%
Settlements on CCEE 26,651 36195 –26.4%
Retail supply of gas 1,038,057 989,284 4.9%
Fine for continuity indicator shortfall –29,163 –21,480 35.8%
Other operational revenues 662,540 590,628 12.2%
Taxes and charges reported as deductions from revenue –3,491,294 –3,390,215 3.0%
Net operational revenue 10,148,885 9,426,629 7.7%


Revenue from supply of electricity

  3Q24 3Q23 Change, %
  MWh R$ ’000 Average price billed – R$/MWh (1) MWh R$ ’000 Average price billed – R$/MWh (1) MWh R$ ’000
Residential 3,449,635 3,123,509 905.46 3,163,575 2,698,430 852.97 9.0% 15.8%
Industrial 4,581,216 1,378,843 300.98 4,680,243 1,517,529 324.24 –2.1% –9.1%
Commercial, services and others 2,847,501 1,577,181 553.88 2,735,654 1,507,626 551.1 4.1% 4.6%
Rural 1,116,959 735,049 658.08 1,009,847 664,428 657.95 10.6% 10.6%
Public authorities 236,535 219,664 928.67 218,980 190,624 870.51 8.0% 15.2%
Public lighting 242,334 141,116 582.32 263,650 120,576 457.33 –8.1% 17.0%
Public services 230,985 183,657 795.1 257,850 203,362 788.68 –10.4% –9.7%
Subtotal 12,705,165 7,359,019 579.21 12,329,799 6,902,575 559.83 3.0% 6.6%
Own consumption 6,763 –                                                      6,783 –                                                                –0.3%                         –   
Retail supply not yet invoiced, net –                                              –46,050  –                                                         91,649  –                         
  12,711,928 7,312,969 579.21 12,336,582 6,994,224 559.83 3.0% 4.6%

Wholesale supply to

other concession holders (2)

4,200,330 1,143,909 272.34 4,410,689 1,042,287 236.31 –4.8% 9.7%
Wholesale supply not yet invoiced, net  –                                                               99,218  –                                                             93,509 6.1%
Total 16,912,258 8,556,096 502.97 16,747,271 8,130,020 474.59 1.0% 5.2%


  (1) The calculation of average price does not include revenue from supply not yet billed.
  (2) Includes Regulated Market Electricity Sale Contracts (CCEARs) and ‘bilateral’ contracts with other agents.





Consolidated volume of energy sold (GWh): +1.0%





Energy sold to final consumers

Gross revenue from energy sold to final consumers, at R$ 7,313.0 million in 3Q24, was 4.6% higher than in 3Q23 (R$ 6,994.2 million), mainly reflecting total energy sold 3.0% higher, led by 9.0% higher residential volume (when considering compensated energy from DG).


Wholesale supply

Revenue from wholesale supply in 3Q24 was R$ 1,231 million, compared to R$ 1,135.8 million in 3Q23. The higher figure reflects higher volume settled by Cemig D in the Surpluses/Deficits Compensation Mechanism (MCSD) in 3Q24.




  3Q24 3Q23 Change % 
Operation and Maintenance 144,576 95,828 50.9%
Infrastructure Construction / updating / enhancement 112,500 39,394 185.6%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 40,422 115,693 –65.1%
 Total 297,498 250,915 18.6%


Transmission revenue was R$ 46.6 million higher than in 3Q23, mainly on Construction revenue R$ 73.1 million higher, reflecting projects in progress for construction, strengthening and enhancement of the transmission network.




Gross revenue from supply of gas in 3Q24 totaled R$ 1,038.1 million, compared to R$ 989.3 million in 3Q23. The increase mainly reflects the upward adjustment of gas sale prices made in 3Q24.





Revenue from Use of Distribution Systems – The TUSD charge


  3Q24 3Q23 Change % 
TUSD (R$ ’000) 
Use of the Electricity Distribution System  1,337,614 1,125,693 18.8%


In 3Q24 revenue from the TUSD – charged to Free Consumers on the distribution of energy to them – was R$ 211.9 million higher than in 3Q23, mainly on 8.6% higher volume of energy transported for Free Clients (the main contributors being the industrial and commercial client categories).


  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Industrial 5,696,321 5,332,341 6.8%
Commercial 580,728 492,018 18.0%
Rural 21,035 11,743 79.1%
Public services  167,928 110,869 51.5%
Concession holders 91,045 88,198 3.2%
Total energy transported  6,557,057 6,035,169 8.6%








Operational costs, expenses and other revenues


  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
CONSOLIDATED (R$ ’000)      
Electricity bought for resale 4,567,101 3,778,480 20.9%
Charges for use of national grid 804,946 769,491 4.6%
Gas purchased for resale 543,988 527,146 3.2%
Construction cost 1,336,151 1,193,629 11.9%
People 326,125 302,927 7.7%
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares 40,965 43,603 -6.1%
Post-employment liabilities 122,028 168,786 -27.7%
Materials 34,676 28,478 21.8%
Outsourced services 497,493 466,584 6.6%
Depreciation and amortization 345,742 316,693 9.2%
Provisions 92,837 99,522 -6.7%
Impairments (reversal) 1,491 -45,791 -103.3%
Provisions (reversals) for client default -50,556 43,160 -217.1%
Reversal of provision with related party -57,835 - -
Other operating costs and expenses, net 144,903 110,341 31.3%
Total costs and expenses 8,750,055 7,803,049 12.1%
Gain on disposal of investments -1,616,911 - -
Gain on purchase -14,136 - -
Result of the Transmission Periodic Tariff Review -1,520,631 - -
Total other revenues -3,151,678 - -
Total 5,598,377 7,803,049 -28.3%


Operational costs and expenses in 3Q24 totaled R$ 5.60 billion, considering the effect of other revenues recorded in 3Q24 (items that reduce expenditure), compared to R$ 7.80 billion in 3Q23. Excluding the effect of other revenues, costs and expenses totaled R$8.75 billion, representing an increase of 12.1%.

The difference reflects: positive items –

  (i) the capital gain of R$ 1.62 billion on the sale of Cemig’ s stake in Aliança Geração, plus reversal of the provision of R$ 57.8 million associated with that sale;
  (ii) effect of R$ 1.52 billion from the Transmission Tariff Review

– and higher costs:

(iii)  cost of electricity purchased for resale R$ 788.6 million higher,

(iiii)  construction cost R$ 142.5 million higher, and

(iiii)  expenditure on charges for use of the national grid R$ 35.5 million higher.


See more details on costs and expenses in the pages below.




Electricity purchased for resale

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
CONSOLIDATED (R$ ’000)      
Electricity acquired in Free Market 1,571,941 1,569,959 0.1%
Electricity acquired in Regulated Market auctions 1,225,278 979,149 25.1%
Distributed generation 838,210 551,037 52.1%
Supply from Itaipu Binacional 318,459 323,440 –1.5%
Physical guarantee quota contracts 213,402 219,039 –2.6%
Individual (‘bilateral’) contracts 124,309 128,695 –3.4%
Proinfa 116,080 127,894 –9.2%
Spot market 434,033 107,621 303.3%
Quotas for Angra I and II nuclear plants 92,407 92,000 0.4%
Credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes –367,018 –320,354 14.6%
  4,567,101 3,778,480 20.9%


The consolidated expense on electricity bought for resale in 3Q24 was R$ 4.57 billion, an increase of R$ 788.6 million (20.9%) from 3Q23. This reflects, mainly:

  § Costs of spot market energy R$ 326.4 million higher, mainly due (i) the higher cost associated with hydrological risk, caused by low hydrology in 2024; and (ii) 37% lower revenue from energy sold, mainly in response to the hour-to-hour spot price variations.
  § Expenses on energy acquired in the Regulated Market R$ 246.1 million (+25.1%) higher than in 3Q23 – reflecting (i) the annual adjustments to contracts, by the IPCA inflation index, and (ii) entry of new contracts.
  § The expense on distributed generation was R$ 287.3 million (+52.1%) higher, reflecting (i) the addition of 46,000 distributed generation units – increasing the total number of units to 286,000 in September 2024 (from 240,000 in September 2023), and (ii) a 32.9% YoY increase in the volume of energy injected, from 1,163 GWh in 3Q23 to 1,535 GWh in 3Q24.
  § The cost of energy acquired in the Free Market (the Company’s highest cost of purchased energy) totaled R$ 1,571.9 million, or R$ 1.9 million (+0.1%) more than in 3Q23.


Note that for Cemig D, purchased energy is a non-manageable cost: the difference between the amounts used as a reference for calculation of tariffs and the costs actually incurred is compensated for in the next tariff adjustment.

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Cemig D (R$ ’000)      
Supply acquired in auctions on the Regulated Market 1,236,203 1,010,691 22.3%
Distributed generation 838,211 551,036 52.1%
Supply from Itaipu Binacional 318,459 323,440 –1.5%
Physical guarantee quota contracts      217,697 219,654 –0.9%
Individual (‘bilateral’) contracts 124,309 128,695 –3.4%
Proinfa 116,080 127,894 –9.2%
Quotas for Angra I and II nuclear plants 92,407 92,000 0.4%
Spot market – CCEE 350,492 80,826 333.6%
Credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes –215,613 –173,189 24.5%
  3,078,245 2,361,047 30.4%







Charges for use of the transmission network and other system charges

Charges for use of the transmission network in 3Q24 were R$ 804.9 million, 4.6% higher than in 3Q23. The higher figure reflects higher contracting of Transmission System Volume (MUST – Montantes de Uso do Sistema de Transmissão) in 3Q24, reflecting the increase in Cemig D’s load; and also an increase in the Tariff for Use of the Transmission System (TUST) in the annual tariff adjustment that came into effect in July.

These are non-manageable costs in the distribution business: the difference between the amounts used as a reference for calculation of tariffs and the costs actually incurred is compensated for in the next tariff adjustment.

Gas purchased for resale

The expense on acquisition of gas in 3Q24 was R$ 544.0 million, or 3.2% higher than in 3Q23. This variation reflects the higher price of gas purchased for resale in 3Q24, but with lower volume.

Outsourced services

Expenditure on outsourced services was R$ 30.9 million higher (+6.6%) than in 3Q23, including higher expenditure on:

  · maintenance of electrical installations and equipment (up R$ 12 million, or +7.6%, YoY);
  · cleaning of power line pathways (up R$ 11.4 million, or +36.2%); and
  · tree pruning (up R$ 6.5 million, or +40.7%)

– higher execution of all of these services was contracted to avoid and/or diminish the duration of outages.

Another service on which the expense was increased is inspection of consumer units – up R$ 6.0 million YoY, or +80.0%, on a higher volume of inspections in the period.

Provisions for client default

In 3Q24 a reversal of R$ 50.6 million was made in provisions for expected client default – compared to new provisions of R$ 43.2 million made in 3Q23. This resulted from the alteration, in August 2024, of the time limit for 100% recognition of past due receivables from 24 to 36 months, to give a more precise reflection of the profile of client default losses in practice. The effect of the change was R$ 90.0 million.


Contingency provisions of R$ 92.8 million were posted in 3Q24, compared to R$ 99.5 million in 3Q23.

In 3Q24 there was also a reversal of provisions in the amount of R$ 57.8 million, relating to contingencies under contractual obligations with Aliança Geração entered into before Cemig and Vale S.A. subscribed assets into that company. That contingency ceased to exist with the sale of Cemig’s stake in Aliança.

Post-employment liabilities

The impact of the Company’s post-retirement obligations on operational profit in 3Q24 was an expense of R$ 122.0 million, compared to an expense of R$ 168.8 million in 3Q23. The difference is mainly due to reduction in the number of participants in the Integrated Health Plan (Plano de Saúde Integrado – PSI) due to active employees voluntarily subscribing to the new health plan (the Premium Plan), offered by the Company.

Gain on disposal of investments

A capital gain of R$ 1,616.9 million was recognized, reducing the Other expenses line, on completion of the sale of Cemig’s interest in Aliança Geração, in August 2024.






Personnel expenses in 3Q24 totaled R$ 326.1 million, compared to R$ 302.9 million in 3Q23. The main factor in the higher figure was the collective salary increase of 4.14%, in effect from November 2023.


Cost of personnel

R$ million, excluding PDVP (voluntary severance program).



Number of employees – by company



Finance income and expenses

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
(R$ ’000)      
Finance income 262,565 345,678 –24.0%
Finance expenses –324,110 –560,530 –42.2%
Net finance income (expenses) –61,545 –214,852 –71.4%


For 3Q24 the Company posted consolidated net financial expenses of R$ 61.5 million, compared to net financial expenses of R$ 214.8 million in 3Q23. Main factors:

  § R$ 31.7 million difference in inflation correction on credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes arising from the Court ruling on ICMS tax. (A financial revenue (gain) of R$ 5.3 million was recognized in 3Q24, and a net financial expense of R$ 26.4 million in 3Q23.)
  § In 3Q24 the US dollar appreciated by 2.0% against the Real, compared to a depreciation of 3.9% in 3Q23, generating a gain of R$ 42.2 million in 3Q24, compared to an expense of R$ 142.5 million in 3Q23.
  § The fair value of the financial instrument contracted to hedge the Company’s Eurobonds gained R$ 13.3 million in value in 3Q24; and R$ 102 million in 3Q23. This reflects (i) the lower volume of hedge, following partial redemption of the bonds at the end of 2023, and (ii) the proximity of their maturity date.





  § Monetary updating on the balances of CVA, and Other financial components, in tariff increases: a gain (financial revenue item) of R$ 5.3 million in 3Q24, compared to an expense of R$ 11.0 million in 3Q23. This variation is basically due to the constitution of CVA revenue for the sectoral ESS (System Services Charge), and Reserve Energy Charges (ERR), approved in the tariff adjustment of 2024, while these items were an expense in the tariff adjustment of 2023.


Eurobonds: Effects in the quarter (R$ mil)


  3Q24 3Q23
Effect of FX variation on the debt 42,227 –142,451
Effect on the hedge 13,285 102,428
Net effect in Finance income (expenses) 55,512 –40,023


Equity income (gain/loss in non-consolidated investees)


  3Q24 3Q23 Change R$ ’000
Gain/loss on equity in non-consolidated investees      
Taesa 87,359 58,196 29,163
Aliança Geração           –    33,621 –33,621
Paracambi 3,787 3,942 –155
Hidrelétrica Pipoca 1,123 3,006 –1,883
Hidrelétrica Cachoeirão 1,924 2,906 –982
Guanhães Energia –1,413 2,291 –3,704
Cemig Sim (Equity holdings) 5,354 993 4,361
Belo Monte (Aliança Norte and Amazônia Energia) –36,477 –34,039 –2,438
Total 61,657 70,916 –9,259



The total gain in equity value of non-consolidated investees in 3Q24 was R$ 9.3 million lower than in 3Q23.

No equity gain is recognized in Aliança Geração, since it was classified, in April 2024, as a non-current asset held for sale. The equity income gain in Aliança Geração in 3Q23 was R$ 33.6 million.

The equity gain in Taesa in 3Q24 was R$ 87.4 million, or R$ 29.2 million more than in 3Q23.




Consolidated Ebitda (IFRS, and Adjusted)

Ebitda is a non-accounting metric, prepared by the Company, reconciled with its consolidated financial statements in accordance with the specifications in CVM Circular SNC/SEP 01/2007 and CVM Resolution 156 of June 23, 2022. It comprises: Net profit adjusted for the effects of: (i) Net financial revenue (expenses), (ii) Depreciation and amortization, and (iii) Income tax and the Social Contribution tax. Ebitda is not a metric recognized by Brazilian GAAP nor by IFRS; it does not have a standard meaning; and it may be non-comparable with metrics with similar titles provided by other companies. Cemig publishes Ebitda because it uses it to measure its own performance. Ebitda should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for net profit or operational profit, nor as an indicator of operational performance or cash flow, nor to measure liquidity nor the capacity for payment of debt. In accordance with CVM Instruction 156/2022, the Company adjusts Ebitda to exclude extraordinary items which, by their nature, do not contribute to information on the potential for gross cash flow generation.

Consolidated 3Q24 Ebitda
R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Distribution Gas Holding co. and equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 266,761 1,200,250 95,069 371,721 130,975 1,215,421 3,280,197

Income tax and

Social Contribution tax

152,570 487,206 9,103 95,973 63,304 462,267 1,270,423
Net finance income (expenses) –3,220 –18,255 –3,098 75,596 8,167 2,355 61,545
Depreciation and amortization 78,654 6,357 2 230,097 24,744 5,888 345,742
Ebitda per CVM Resolution 156 494,765 1,675,558 101,076 773,387 227,190 1,685,931 4,957,907

Net profit attributed to

non–controlling stockholders

–563 –563
Gain on disposal of investments  – –1,616,911 –1,616,911
Reversal of provision with related party  – –57,835 –57,835
Result of the Transmission Periodic Tariff Review –1,520,631  – –1,520,631
Adjusted Ebitda 494,765 154,927 101,076 773,387 226,627 11,185 1,761,967


Consolidated 3Q23 Ebitda
R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Distribution Gas Holding co. and equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 338,718 87,658 177,506 475,927 139,339 18,159 1,237,307  

Income tax and

Social Contribution tax

93,507 15,687 78,275 54,973 69,265 –69,370 242,337  
Net finance income (expenses) 28,977 36,236 –9,523 99,428 –1,205 60,939 214,852  
Depreciation and amortization 80,826 –60 4 205,258 23,769 6,896 316,693  
Ebitda per CVM Resolution 156 542,028 139,521 246,262 835,586 231,168 16,624 2,011,189  

Non-recurring and

non-cash effects


Net profit attributed to

non-controlling stockholders

–599 –599  
Reversal of impairment of assets – Small Hydro plants held for sale –45,791 –45,791  
Adjusted Ebitda 496,237 139,521 246,262 835,586 230,569 16,624 1,964,799  






Ebitda of Cemig D

  3Q24 3Q23 Change %
Cemig D Ebitda – R$ ’000      
Net profit for the period 371,723 475,927 –21.9%
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 95,972 54,973 74.6%
Net finance income (expenses) 75,596 99,429 –24.0%
Amortization 230,097 205,259 12.1%
Ebitda 773,388 835,588 –7.4%


Cemig D reports 3Q24 Ebitda of R$ 773.4 million, 7.4% lower than in 3Q23.

Main effects in the quarter:

  § Total energy distributed (excluding distributed generation) was 4.5% higher than in 3Q23 – comprising increases of 0.2% in the captive market and 8.6% in the Free Market. Highlights of growth in the consumer categories were: 6.2% in residential consumption, 5.6% in industrial consumption, and 6.4% in rural consumption – reflecting: (i) high temperatures, (ii) growth in industrial production, and (iii) higher demand for irrigation.
  § The total cost of outsourced services was R$ 19.4 million higher, in particular (i) cleaning of power line pathways, and tree pruning, to prevent/reduce outages, and (ii) increased inspections of consumer units, to reduce the indicator of energy losses.
  § Negative effect from total energy losses, which at 10.76% exceeded than the regulatory requirement of 10.57% for the 12-month period.
  § Lower New Replacement Value (‘VNR’) revenue, of R$ 16.5 million, in 3Q24, vs. R$ 49.6 million in 3Q23.
  § Reversal of R$ 47.7 million in customer default provisions, compared to new provisions of R$ 41.1 million in 3Q23. This reflects the alteration, in August 2022, of the time limit for 100% recognition of unpaid receivables from 24 to 36 months, to better reflect the profile of losses in practice. The effect of the change was R$ 90.0 million.


  We remain focused on the commitment to reduce energy losses to within the regulatory parameters for the full year.






Cemig GT – Ebitda


Cemig GT: 3Q24 Ebitda          
R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 260,501 1,205,338 –5,005 1,168,543 2,629,377
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 152,571 486,563 9,005 472,950 1,121,089
Net finance income (expenses) –3,220 –18,090 –3,098 –11,968 –36,376
Depreciation and amortization 83,784 1 2 83,787
Ebitda per CVM Resolution 156 493,636 1,673,812 904 1,629,525 3,797,877
Gain on disposal of investments –1,616,911 –1,616,911
Reversal of provision with related parties –57,835 –57,835

Result of the Transmission

Periodic Tariff Review

–1,520,631 –1,520,631
Adjusted EBITDA 493,636 153,181 904 –45,221 602,500






Cemig GT: 3Q23 Ebitda          
R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 340,291 85,786 86,237 –22,300 490,014
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 93,508 15,023 31,259 –27,154 112,636
Net finance income (expenses) 28,977 36,518 –9,524 51,296 107,267
Depreciation and amortization 80,825 5 80,830
Ebitda per CVM Resolution 156 543,601 137,327 107,977 1,842 790,747

Reversal of impairment of assets

– Small Hydro plants held for sale

–45,791 –45,791
Adjusted Ebitda 497,810 137,327 107,977 1,842 744,956




Cemig GT reports 3Q24 Ebitda of R$ 3.8 billion; adjusted Ebitda for the quarter is R$ 602.5 million, compared to R$ 745.0 million in 3Q23. Effects on Ebitda in this YoY comparison:


  § Sale of the stake in Aliança Geração generated a gain of R$ 1,674.7 million (capital gain of R$ 1,616.9 million, plus reversal of a R$ 57.8 million provision related to a prior contractual obligation to Aliança).
  § Positive effect of R$ 1,520.6 million from the Transmission Tariff Review, on updating of contractual assets.
  § Negative effect of differences in the spot price between submarkets: a significant part of the energy bought is in the Northeast and a large proportion of it is traded in other submarkets, generating a surplus in the Northeast, with exposure in other submarkets that had higher spot prices in the quarter.
  § The volume of energy sold by Cemig GT, excluding settlements on the CCEE, was 11.6% lower, due to transfer of some of the contracts to the Cemig holding company.
  § Lower equity income (share of gain/loss in non-consolidated investees): R$ 30.4 million in 3Q24, compared to R$ 12.4 million in 3Q23, mainly reflecting that no equity gain is recognized from Aliança Geração in 3Q24, due to its sale. The gain in value of Cemig’s stake in Aliança in 3Q23 was R$ 33.6 million. The negative result in 3Q24 was influenced by a R$ 36.4 million negative value in Belo Monte (which also produced negative equity income, of R$ 34.0 million, in 3Q23)..
  § In 3Q23 there was reversal of a provision of R$ 45.8 million for potential loss on sale of a group of Small Hydro plants held for sale – following their successful sale at auction.





Cemig has invested a total of R$ 4.04 billion in 9M24, 21.4% more than in 9M23. Of this total, the distribution company, Cemig D, has invested R$ 3.14 billion in these nine months, 33.9% more than in 9M23.

Execution of the largest investment program in Cemig’s history will modernize and improve the reliability of its electricity system, in line with its strategic plan of focusing on Minas Gerais and its core businesses, providing ever-improving service to clients. Investment totaling R$ 35.6 billion is planned for 2024–2028, of which R$ 6.2 billion is to be invested in 2024. Energizing of the photovoltaic solar plants began in June 2024. At the Eduardo Soares (Boa Esperança) solar plant, 100% of the generation units are now in commercial operation. At the Jusante solar plant, 5 of the 7 are in operational testing. The two plants together are expected to be in 100% commercial operation by December 2024 – making a further forceful contribution to our growth in renewable generation sources. They will add 188 MWp to our total generation capacity.

Gasmig has begun works on its Center-West Project, with allocated capex of R$ 780 million, for construction of 300 kilometers of pipeline network.








CONSOLIDATED (R$ ’000) Sep. 2024 2023 Change, %
Gross debt 14,134,273 9,831,139 43.8%
Cash and equivalents + Securities 6,752,090 2,311,464 192.1%
Net debt 7,382,183 7,519,675 –1.8%
Debt in foreign currency 2,147,796 1,854,093 15.8%


CEMIG GT – R$ ’000 Sep. 2024 2023 Change, %
 Gross debt 3,200,809 2,868,093 11.6%
 Cash and equivalents + Securities 3,504,691 937,518 273.8%
 Net debt (Net cash) –303,882 1,930,575         –   
      Debt in foreign currency 2,147,796 1,854,093 15.8%


CEMIG D (R$ ’000) Sep. 2024 2023 Change, %
 Gross debt 9,951,674 5,887,622 69.0%
 Cash and equivalents + Securities 2,631,974 450,748 483.9%
 Net debt 7,319,700 5,436,874 34.6%
      Debt in foreign currency


Debt amortization timetable

R$ million



In 3Q24, Gasmig amortized debt of R$ 90 million.

In September 2024 Cemig D (Distribution) concluded its 11th debenture issue, for R$ 2.5 billion, characterized as ‘ESG bonds’ – i.e. proceeds to be used for sustainable projects. Offered to the public of qualified investors, it was oversubscribed by a factor of 1.53x.

  · The first series, of R$ 1 billion, is remunerated at the CDI rate + 0.55%, with maturity at seven years.
  · The second, of R$ 1.5 billion, pays IPCA inflation plus 6.5769%, with maturity at 12 years.

This increased the average tenor of Cemig’s consolidated debt by approximately 1 year, to 4.3 years in September 2024.

Leverage (Net debt / Adjusted Ebitda) remains low, at 0.88x.






Gasmig               89,999
Total 89,999




* Debt in USD is protected by a hedge instrument, within an FX band and with interest converted to a percentage of the Brazilian CDI rate.






Covenants – Eurobonds

Last 12 months Sep. 2024   2023
R$ mn GT H   GT H
Net profit (loss) 4,295 8,008   2,403 5,767
Net financial revenue (expenses) 232 222   96 379
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 1,549 2,198   584 1,084
Depreciation and amortization 338 1,364   329 1,274
Profit (loss) in minority holdings 5 52   –141 –432
Provisions for change in obligations under the put option 58 58   58 58
Non-operational profit (loss) – includes any gains on sales of assets and any writeoffs of value in, or impairment of, assets –1,901 –1,901   –289 –289
Non-recurring non-monetary expenses and/or charges –22 –509   –21 –57
Any non-recurring non-monetary credits/gains increasing profit –1,521 –1,512   23

Non-monetary gains related to

transmission and/or generation reimbursements

–580 –400   –515 –524

Dividends received in cash from minority investments

(as measured in the Cash flow statement)

377 604   363 592
Inflation correction on concession charges –426 –426   –412 –412
Cash inflows related to concession charges 340 –172   331 331

Cash inflows related to transmission revenue

for coverage of cost of capital

875 693   738 747
Adjusted Ebitda 3,619 8,279   3,524 8,541


12 months Sep. 2024   2023
R$ mn GT H   GT H
Consolidated debt 3,201 14,134   2,868 9,831
Derivative hedge instrument –500 –500   –368 –368
Debt contracts with Forluz 113 500   138 611
Consolidated cash and cash equivalents and consolidated securities posted as current assets –3,505 –6,752   –938 –2,311
Adjusted net debt (net cash) –691 7,382   1,700 7,763


  Sep. 2024   2023
Net debt covenant / Ebitda covenant (1) 0.89   0.48 0.91
Limit for: Net debt covenant / Ebitda covenant 2.50 3.00   2.50 3.00
Consolidated debt with asset guarantees  
(Consolidated debt with guarantees) / (Ebitda covenant)  
Limit for: (Consolidated debt with guarantees) / (Ebitda covenant) 1.75   1.75


(1)           In September 2024, Cemig GT’s holding in cash exceeded its debt.




Cemig’s long-term ratings

Cemig’s ratings have improved significantly in recent years, and are currently at their highest ever.

In 2021 the three principal rating agencies upgraded their ratings for Cemig.

In April 2022, Moody’s again upgraded its rating for Cemig, this time by one notch.

In May 2024, Moody’s raised its rating to AA+, and in October Fitch raised its rating to AAA, Cemig’s highest-ever rating – recognizing:

  · consistent results and cash generation,
  · a diversified asset base, and
  · discipline in capital allocation.

This table shows the current ratings:






ESG – Report on performance



  § Cemig D (Distribution) concluded its 11th debenture issue, comprising ESG debentures, for a total of R$ 2.5 billion, with R$ 1 billion maturing in seven years and R$ 1.5 billion in 12 years. This is the largest value of this type of debenture issued by Cemig, and one of the largest in the country to date. It was offered to qualified investors, and demand totaled R$ 3.067 billion, or 1.53 times the volume offered. The initial offer was of R$ 2 billion, so an additional tranche of R$ 0.5 billion was added.


  § Cemig has developed a process that expands the use of smart meters by connecting models from several different manufacturers and technologies with a Field Area Network (FAN) structure, now operating.

By 2027, about 1.25 million smart meters will have been installed throughout the state.



  § Cemig published the 17 proposals approved in the 2024 public call for proposed energy efficiency projects. In the coming months, the Company will allocate R$ 19 million for consumer units to perform the improvements proposed in these projects, with the aim of reducing energy waste. With the conclusion of all the proposals, the company expects a saving of 6 GWh/year.


  § Cemig has now opened applications for projects to benefit sport, the elderly, and children and adolescents. Cemig has allocated more than R$ 40 million to sports projects since 2019. Around 12% of these funds were allocated to projects that work exclusively with people with disabilities in various types of sport and regions of the state.


  § Cemig runs a range of programs with the communities living or working around its operations: One is the Vamos Project, which aims to raise awareness about dam safety, and integrate Dam Emergency Action Plans (‘PAEs’) with the Population Mobilization Contingency Plans (‘PlanCons’) of Municipalities, to be used in the event of emergencies.



  § Cemig approved its new Top Risks Matrix for 2024-2025: this strategic corporate risk management tool enables accurate assessments of the probabilities of adverse events and their impacts on the business.


Cemig in the main sustainability indices








Climate change and renewable energy 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
  % of generation from renewable sources 100% 100% 100%
  Consumption of electricity per employee (MWh) 2.26 2.11 1.89
Consumption of renewable fuels (GJ) 35,620 153,415 268,577
  Consumption of non-renewable fuels (GJ) 851,121 768,881 760,135
  Index of energy losses in the national grid (Cemig GT)(%) 2.51 2.44 2.05
  I–REC (renewable-source) certificates sold 1,627,823 333,159 46,371
  Cemig renewable-source RECs sold 1,667,149 322,211 123,265
  Number of smart meters installed 30,179 25,574 1,719
  Environmental impact and protection      
  Number of transformers refurbished 233                  –                     –   
  Percentage of waste sent for reuse 98.00% 98.99 99.78
  Water resources      
  Water consumption (m³) 46,609.12 47,688.95 41,638.84
  Surface Water Monitoring Management Indicator (%) 100 100 100
  Sustainable social development      
  Allocations to the Children’s and Adolescents’ Fund (FIA) (R$) 814,970 874,932                  –   
  Allocated to the Fund for the Aged (R$) 814,970 874,932                  –   
  Allocated via the Sports Incentive Law (R$) 1,629,939.79 1,749,865 6,627,030
  Allocated to culture (R$) 19,997,993 24,040,837 61,447,720
  Number of homes connected via the Energia Legal Program 3,714 4,138 5,845
  Health and safety      
  Accident frequency rate (employees + outsourced) 3.46 3.78 3.2
  Number of fatal or non-fatal accidents involving the public 20 42 53
  % of shares held by members of Boards 0.01                  –                     –   
  Number of independent members of the Board of Directors 10 8 10
Ethics and Integrity      
  Total accusations received 136 182 305
  Total completed cases ruled valid or partially valid 47 19 21
  Diversity and equity      
  Number of registered employees 4,893 5,013 4,937
  ‘White’ employees, % 57.1% 56.1% 55.3%
  African-Brazilian employees, % 38.3% 39.4% 40.2%
Mixed-race employees, % 0.5% 0.4% 0.5%
  Indigenous-origin employees, % 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
  Employees not declaring race, % 4.1% 3.9% 3.9%
  Women in Cemig workforce, % 14.1% 14.2% 14.0%
  Women in leadership positions: % 19.7% 19.5% 19.8%
  African-Brazilians in leadership positions, % 17.2% 18.0% 17.8%
  Employees below age 30, % 5.7% 7.5% 7.4%
  Employees aged 30 to 50, % 60.6% 60.7% 61.8%
  Employees aged over 50, % 33.6% 31.7% 30.8%





Performance of Cemig’s shares

Security Sep. 2024 2023 Change, %
Prices (2)
CMIG4 (PN) at the close (R$/share) 11.40 7.95 43.31%
CMIG3 (ON) at the close (R$/share) 14.58 10.67 36.68%
CIG (ADR for PN shares), at close (US$/share) 2.06 1.60 28.95%
CIG.C (ADR for ON shares) at close (US$/share) 2.63 3.12 –15.75%
XCMIG (Cemig PN shares on Latibex), close (€/share) 1.89 1.88 0.53%
Average daily trading
CMIG4 (PN) (R$ mn) 140.00 131.35 6.59%
CMIG3 (ON) (R$ mn) 4.07 7.82 –47.95%
CIG (ADR for PN shares)  (US$ mn) 4.47 8.98 –50.22%
CIG.C (ADR for ON shares)  (US$ mn) 0.41 0.17 141.18%
IEE 89,817 94,957 –5.41%
IBOV 131,816 134,185 –1.77%
DJIA 42,157 37,689 11.85%
Market valuation at end of period, R$ mn 35,652 27,948 27.57%
Enterprise value (EV), R$ mn (1) 44,383 35,892 23.66%
Dividend yield of CMIG4 (PN) (%) (3) 14.00 11.24 2.76 pp
Dividend yield of CMIG3 (ON) (%) (3) 10.94 8.53 2.41 pp


(1) EV = Market valuation [= R$/share x number of shares] + consolidated Net debt.
(2) Share prices adjusted for corporate action payments, including dividends.  
(3) (Dividends distributed in last 4 quarters) / (Share price at end of the period).


Cemig’s shares, by volume (aggregate of common (ON) and preferred (PN) shares), were the fourth most liquid in Brazil’s electricity sector, and among the most traded in the Brazilian equity market.

On the NYSE, trading volume in the ADRs for Cemig’s preferred shares (CIG) in 9M24 was US$837.6 million – reflecting investors’ continued recognition of Cemig as a global investment option.

In São Paulo, the benchmark Ibovespa index of the B3 Stock Exchange fell 1.77%, while Cemig’s PN (preferred) shares rose 43.31% and its ON shares rose 36.68%. These were the highest rises of any Brazilian power sector stock in the period.

In New York the ADRs for Cemig’s preferred shares rose 28.95% in the period, and the ADRs for the common shares fell 15.75%.








Cemig generation plants

Plant Company Cemig power (MW) Cemig physical guarantee (MW) End of concession Type Cemig interest    
Emborcação Cemig GT 1,192 475 May 2027 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Nova Ponte Cemig GT 510 257 Aug. 2027 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Três Marias Cemig GT 396 227 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Irapé Cemig GT 399 198 Sep. 2037 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Salto Grande Cemig GT 102 74 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Sá Carvalho      Sá Carvalho 78 54 Aug. 2026 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Rosal Rosal Energia 55 28 Dec. 2035 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Itutinga Cemig Geração Itutinga 52 27 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Camargos Cemig Ger. Camargos 46 22 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Volta do Rio Cemig GT 42 18 Dec. 2031 Wind 100.00%      
Poço Fundo Cemig GT 30 17 May 2052 Small Hydro 100.00%      
Pai Joaquim              Cemig PCH 23 14 Oct. 2033 Small Hydro 100.00%      
Piau Cemig Ger. Sul 18 14 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Praias do Parajuru Cemig GT 29 8 Sep. 2032 Wind plant 100.00%      
Gafanhoto Cemig Ger. Oeste 14 7 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Peti Cemig Ger. Leste 9 6 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Joasal Cemig Ger. Sul 8 5 Jan. 2053 Hydroelectric 100.00%      
Queimado   Cemig GT 87 53 July 2034 Hydroelectric 82.50%      
Belo Monte Norte 1,313 534 Jul. 2046 Hydroelectric 11.69%      
Paracambi Paracambi Energética 12 10 Jan. 2034 Small Hydro 49.00%      
Cachoeirão                         Hidrelétrica Cachoeirão 13 8 Sep. 2033 Small Hydro 49.00%      
Pipoca Hidrelétrica Pipoca 10 6 Dec. 2034 Small Hydro 49.00%      

(Eduardo Soares)

– Boa Esperança

UFV Boa Esperança 85                                  –    Aug. 2057 Solar 100.00%      
Others   84 41            
Subtotal   4,607 2,103            
Cemig Sim (MWp) Via equity interests 29   Solar 49.00%      
Cemig Sim (MWp) Owned 36   Solar 100.00%      
Total   4,672 2,103            




Expansion of solar generation

Project Company Installed capacity (MWac)



Planned operational startup date
Três Marias Jusante Solar plant Cemig GT 70.0 88.0 Dec. 2024
Ouro Solar Project Cemig SIM 40.5 57.5 Oct. 2024 – Jan. 2025
Bloco Azul project Cemig SIM 23.0 32.6 Oct. 2024 – Jun. 2025
Solar do Cerrado Project Cemig SIM 50.0 70.0 Jun.–Nov. 2025
Total   183.5 248.1  




RAP: July 2024–June 2025 cycle

The RAP of Cemig GT, including the Adjustment Component, received an increase of 18.8% as from July 2024, reflecting:

(i)  inflation in the period;

(ii)  strengthening and enhancements of the network; and

(iii)        flow from reprofiling of the National Grid Financial Component.

ANEEL RATIFYING RESOLUTION (ReH) 3348/2024 (2024–2025 cycle)
R$ ’000  RAP Adjustment component Total  Expiration
Cemig 1,243,011 115,284 1,358,295  
Cemig GT 1,161,990 117,855 1,279,845 Dec. 2042
Cemig Itajubá 43,096 –1,524 41,572 Oct. 2030
Centroeste 26,008 –1,284 24,724 Mar. 2035
Sete Lagoas 11,917 237 12,154 Jun. 2041
Taesa (Cemig stake: 21.68%) 625,278 –32,793 592,485  
TOTAL RAP     1,950,780  



R$ ’000

– by cycle










–2025 (1)









Economic 144,547 144,547 144,547 144,375 21,662 83,019 26,039
Financial 332,489 88,662 129,953 275,556 275,556 275,556                    –   
TOTAL 477,036 233,209 274,500 419,931 297,218 358,575 26,039

* The figures for indemnity of National Grid components are included in the RAP of Cemig (first table).

(1) 2024–2025 includes the Adjustment Component for postponement of the 2023 Review.



Cemig currently has state environmental (REA) approval for additional large-scale strengthening and enhancement works, with total capex of R$ 885 million, and for investments of R$ 220 million related to Lot 1 of Auction 02/2022 (with completion of works planned for 2028).

Planned operational startup date Capex (R$ ’000) RAP (R$ ’000)
2024 233,722 35,176
2025 301,424 49,239
2026 257,702 41,480
2027 91,850 15,221
2028 219,615 3,721
Total 1,104,313 144,837







Regulatory Transmission revenue

Regulatory Transmission revenue – 3Q24
R$ ’000 GT Centroeste Sete Lagoas
REVENUE 441,332 6,320 2,757
  Transmission operations revenue 441,332 6,320 2,757
Taxes on revenue –39,208 –220 –254
  PIS and Pasep taxes –6,993 –39 –45
  Cofins tax –32,214 –181 –209
  ISS tax -1                  –                       –   
Sector charges –87,471 –240 –100
  Research and Development (R&D) –3,141 –59 –24
  Global Reversion Reserve (RGR)                    –    –158 –65
  Energy Development Account (CDE) –67,630                  –                       –   
  Electricity Services Inspection Charge (TFSEE) –1,320 –23 –11
  Other charges –15,380                  –                       –   
Net revenue 314,653 5,860 2,403


Complementary information

Cemig D


1Q22 5,738 5,397 11,136 36.2
2Q22 6,050 5,853 11,904 36.7
3Q22 5,942 5,790 11,733 34.7
4Q22 6,047 5,755 11,802 40.5
1Q23 5,723 5,566 11,289 38
2Q23 5,949 6,058 12,007 38.5
3Q23 5,812 6,028 11,840 39.2
4Q23 6,376 6,068 12,445 39.9
1Q24 5,930 6,097 12,027 40.4
2Q24 5,924 6,301 12,225 42.4
3Q24 5,821 6,557 12,378 43.6


(1) This refers to the ‘energy’ portion for calculation of the regulatory charges to Free Clients (‘Portion A’).

(2) Total energy distributed.

(3) Sum of TUSD billed, according to demand contracted (‘Portion B’)










Cemig D 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
Operational revenue (R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Supply of electricity 6,021 5,882 5,490 2.4% 9.7%

Reimbursement (to consumers) of

PIS/Pasep/Cofins tax credits

0 190 312 –100.0% –100.0%
TUSD 1,344 1,261 1,134 6.6% 18.5%

CVA and Other financial components

in tariff adjustments

357 –57 80 346.3%
Construction revenue 1,151                1,079                1,030 6.7% 11.7%

Adjustment to expectation of cash flow from reimbursable concession financial assets

(New Replacement Value (VNR))

16 22 50 –27.3% –68.0%
Others 609 673 532 –9.5% 14.5%
Subtotal 9,498 9,050 8,628 5.0% 10.1%
Deductions 2,740 2,723 2,633 0.6% 4.1%
Net revenue 6,758 6,327 5,995 6.8% 12.7%


Cemig D 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
Operational expenses (R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
People 223 283 204 –21.2% 9.3%
Employee profit shares 24 29 27 –17.2% –11.1%
Post-employment obligations 81 64 112 26.6% –27.7%
Materials 26 26 21 0.0% 23.8%
Outsourced services 409 425 390 –3.8% 4.9%
Amortization 231 224 205 3.1% 12.7%
Provisions 22 –379 117 –105.8% –81.2%
Charges for use of the national grid 869 850 809 2.2% 7.4%
Electricity purchased for resale 3,078 2,545 2,361 20.9% 30.4%
Construction cost 1,151 1,079 1,030 6.7% 11.7%
Other expenses 101 76 88 32.9% 14.8%
Total 6,215 5,222 5,364 19.0% 15.9%


Cemig D 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
Profit and loss accounts       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Net revenue 6,758 6,327 5,995 6.8% 12.7%
Operational expenses 6,215 5,222 5,364 19.0% 15.9%
Operational profit 543 1,105 631 –50.9% –13.9%
EBITDA 773 1,329 836 –41.8% –7.5%
Net finance income (expenses) –75 306 –99 –124.5% –24.2%

Provision for income tax, Social Contribution

and deferred income tax

–96 –350 –55 –72.6% 74.5%
Net profit 372 1,060 476 –64.9% –21.8%





Cemig GT


Cemig GT – Operational revenue 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Sales to final consumers 899 777 979 15.7% –8.2%
Wholesale supply 501 409 548 22.5% –8.6%
Charges for Use of the Transmission Network 198 177 198 11.9% 0.0%
Gain on financial updating of Concession grant fee 94 107 85 –12.1% 10.6%
Transactions in electricity on CCEE –2 2 0 –200.0% -
Construction revenue 118 100 36 18.0% 227.8%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 111 136 114 –18.4% –2.6%
Generation capital reimbursement 21 21 24 0.0% –12.5%
Others 31 33 26 –6.1% 19.2%
Subtotal 1,971 1,762 2,010 11.9% –1.9%
Deductions 378 345 389 9.6% –2.8%
Net revenue 1,593 1,417 1,621 12.4% –1.7%


Cemig GT - Costs, expenses and other revenues 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
CONSOLIDATED (R$ ’000)       3Q-2Q 3Q-3Q
People 78 99 77 -21.2% 1.3%
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares 9 11 10 -18.2% -10.0%
Post-employment liabilities 25 20 36 25.0% -30.6%
Materials 7 6 6 16.7% 16.7%
Outsourced services 63 62 60 1.6% 5.0%
Depreciation and amortization 84 84 81 0.0% 3.7%
Provisions 7 -18 12 -138.9% -41.7%
Provisions (reversals) for client default 2 2 1 0.0% -
Loss on other credits - 16 - - -
Charges for use of national grid 73 73 70 0.0% 4.3%
Electricity bought for resale 587 390 574 50.5% 2.3%
Construction cost 74 73 27 1.4% 174.1%
Impairments (reversal) 2 4 -46 -50.0% -
Reversal of provision with related party -58 - - 0.0% 0.0%
Other expenses 33 22 15 50.0% 120.0%
Total costs and expenses 986 844 923 16.8% 6.8%
Gain on disposal of investments -1,617 - - - -
Result of the Transmission Periodic Tariff Review -1,521 - - - -
Total other revenues -3,138 - - - -
Total -2,152 844 923 -355.0% -333.2%






Cemig GT – Income statements 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Net revenue 1,593 1,417 1,621 12.4% -1.7%
Costs, expenses and other revenues -2,152 844 923 -355.0 -333.2%
Operational profit 3,745 573 698 553.6% 436.5%
Share of gain (loss) in non–consolidated investees -30 -16 12 87.5% –350.0%
EBITDA 3,798 641 791 492.5% 380.2%
Net finance income (expenses) 37 -190 -107 -119.5% -134.6%

Provision for income tax, Social Contribution, and

deferred income tax

-1,121 -40 -113 2702.5% 892.0%
Net profit 2,629 328 490 701.5% 436.5%



Cemig, Consolidated


Revenue from supply of electricity 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change Change
(GWh)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Residential 3,450 3,151 3,164 9.5% 9.0%
Industrial 4,581 4,368 4,680 4.9% –2.1%
Commercial 2,848 2,447 2,736 16.4% 4.1%
Rural 1,117 780 1,010 43.2% 10.6%
Other 709 699 739 1.4% –4.1%
Subtotal 12,705 11,445 12,329 11.0% 3.0%
Own consumption 7 7 7 0.0% 0.0%
Wholesale supply to other concession holders 4,200 3,953 4,411 6.2% –4.8%
TOTAL 16,912 15,405 16,747 9.8% 1.0%



Consolidated – Revenue from supply of electricity 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change Change
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Residential 3,124 3,067 2,698 1.9% 15.8%
Industrial 1,379 1,327 1,518 3.9% –9.2%
Commercial 1,577 1,610 1,508 –2.0% 4.6%
Rural 735 600 664 22.5% 10.7%
Other 544 538 514 1.1% 5.8%
Subtotal 7,359 7,142 6,902 3.0% 6.6%
Retail supply not yet invoiced, net -46 68 92
Wholesale supply to other concession holders 1,243 934 1,136 33.1% 9.4%
TOTAL 8,556 8,144 8,130 5.1% 5.2%






Consolidated – Net revenue 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change Change
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Sales to final consumers 7,313 7,210 6,994 1.4% 4.6%
Wholesale supply 1,243 934 1,136 33.1% 9.4%
TUSD 1,338 1,252 1,126 6.9% 18.8%
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustments 357 –57 80 346.3%
Reimbursement to consumers of PIS, Pasep, Cofins tax credits 0 190 312 –100.0% –100.0%
Transmission revenue 145 80 96 81.3% 51.0%
Financial remuneration of transmission contract 40 134 116 –70.1% –65.5%
Transactions in electricity on CCEE 27 14 36 92.9% –25.0%
Supply of gas 1,038 972 989 6.8% 5.0%
Construction revenue 1,375 1,259 1,204 9.2% 14.2%
Others 764 876 728 –12.8% 4.9%
Subtotal 13,640 12,864 12,817 6.0% 6.4%
Taxes and charges reported as deductions from revenue 3,491 3,428 3,390 1.8% 3.0%
Net revenue 10,149 9,436 9,427 7.6% 7.7%


Costs, expenses and other revenues 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change % Change %
CONSOLIDATED (R$ ’000)       3Q-2Q 3Q-3Q
People 326 417 303 -21.8% 7.6%
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares 41 43 44 -4.7% -6.8%
Post-employment liabilities 122 98 169 24.5% -27.8%
Materials 35 34 28 2.9% 25.0%
Outsourced services 497 508 467 -2.2% 6.4%
Depreciation and amortization 346 338 317 2.4% 9.1%
Provisions 93 -430 100 - -
Impairments (reversal) 1 4 -46 -75.0% -
Charges for use of national grid 805 817 769 -1.5% 4.7%
Electricity bought for resale 4,567 3,693 3,778 23.7% 20.9%
Gas purchased for resale 544 509 527 6.9% 3.2%
Construction cost 1,336 1,227 1,194 8.9% 11.9%
Provisions (reversals) for client default -51 77 43 -166.2% -218.6%
Reversal of provision with related party -58 - - - -
Other expenses 146 107 110 36.4% 32.7%
Total costs and expenses 8,750 7,442 7,803 17.6% 12.1%
Gain on disposal of investments -1,617 - - - -
Gain on purchase -14 - - - -
Result of the Transmission Periodic Tariff Review -1,521 - - - -
Total other revenues -3,152 - - - -
Total 5,598 7,442 7,803 -24.8% -28.3%





Finance income (expenses) – Consolidated 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change Change
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Financial revenues          
Income from cash investments 105 117 121 -10.3% -13.2%
Late fees on sale of electricity 72 74 67 -2.7% 7.5%
Inflation adjustment – CVA 5
Monetary updating on Court escrow deposits 18 15 23 20.0% –21.7%
Pasep and Cofins taxes charged on financial revenues -49 -49 -49
Gains on financial instruments – Swap 13 70 102 -81.4% -87.3%
Foreign exchange variations – Loans and debentures 42
Reimbursement of credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes charged on amounts of ICMS tax 5 406 –98.8%
Updating of Corporate income tax credit on PAT 1 50 –98.0%
Others 51 42 82 21.4% -37.8%
  263 725 346 -63.7% -24.0%
Finance expenses          
Borrowing cost – Loans and debentures 237 241 280 -1.7% -15.4%
FX variations – Loans and debentures 214
Monetary updating – loans and debentures 40 53 27 -24.5% 48.1%
Updating on PIS, Pasep and Cofins tax repayments 26 _–
Others 48 99 228 -51.5% -78.9%
  325 607 561 -46.5% -42.1%
Net finance income (expenses) –62 118 –215 -152.5% -71.2%


Consolidated profit and loss account 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 Change Change
(R$ mn)       3Q – 2Q 3Q – 3Q
Net revenue 10,149 9,436 9,427 7.6% 7.7%
Costs, expenses and other revenues 5,598 7,442 7,803 -24.8% -28.3%
Operational profit 4,451 1,994 1,624 128.2% 180.2%
Share of gain (loss) in non-consolidated investees 62 39 71 59.0% -12.7%
EBITDA 4,958 2,371 2,011 109.1% 146.5%
Net finance income (expense) -62 118 -215 –152.5% -71.2%
Provision for income tax, Soc. Contr., and deferred income tax -1,270 -462 -242 174.9% 424.8%
Net profit 3,280 1,689 1,237 94.2% 165.2%
Recurring net profit: reconciliation    
R$ mn 3Q24 3Q23
Net profit – R$ mn 3,280 1,237
FX exposure – Eurobond hedge -37 26
Gain on disposal of investments -1,083
Reversal of provision with related party –38
Result of the Transmission Periodic Tariff Review -1,004
Reversal of impairment of assets – Small Hydro plants held for sale (30)
Recurring net profit 1,118 1,233






Cash flow statement Sep. 2024 Sep. 2023
(R$ mn)    
Cash at start of period 1,537 1,441
Cash from operations 4,638 4,724
Net profit 6,122 3,881
Recoverable taxes 332 869
Depreciation and amortization 1,012 923
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustments –376 64
Share of gain (loss) in non–consolidated investees –191 –293
Adjustment of expectation of cash flow from financial and concession contract assets –782 –957
Effects of Periodic Tariff Review of RAP –1,676
Interest and inflation adjustment 205 523
Provisions for client default 103 72
Provisions for contingencies –242 277
Current and deferred income tax and Social Contribution tax 2,082 968

Reimbursement (to consumers) of credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes

– Amounts realized

–513 –1,569
Reversal of amounts to be returned to consumers –411
Gain on disposal of investments –1,617 –30
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment –43 -
Dividends and Interest on Equity received 291 279
Interest paid on loans and debentures –558 –521
Change in fair value of derivatives – Swap and options –125 60
FX variation on loans 231 –159
Post-employment liabilities 366 447
Other 428 –110
Investment activity –3,200 –4,113
Cash investments –2,288 109
Sale of investments 2,737
Investees: acquisition of holdings, cash injections –16 –37
Reduction of share capital in investee 48 30
Settlement of put option –780
Disposal of fixed assets 101 -
PP&E, Intangible; Other / gas distribution infrastructure –3,782 –3,435
Financing activities 686 304
Leasing liabilities paid –54 –52
Dividends and Interest on Equity paid –2,977 –912
Loans and debentures paid –666 –720
Loans obtained 4,383 1,988
Total cash available 3,661 2,356






Statement of financial position –


Sep. 2024 Dec. 2023
(R$ mn)    
Cash and cash equivalents 3,661 1,537
Securities 2,960 774
Consumers, Traders, concession holders (power transport) 5,212 5,434
Concession financial and sector assets 1,026 814
Contractual assets 1,129 850
Recoverable taxes 626 635
Income and Social Contribution taxes recoverable 2 411
Derivative financial instruments 500 368
Dividends receivable 45 50
Public Lighting Contribution 269 261
Other assets 803 676
Assets classified as held for sale 39 58
TOTAL, CURRENT          16,272                  11,868
Securities 131
Consumers, Traders, concession holders (power transport) 227 43
Recoverable taxes 1,404 1,319
Income and Social Contribution taxes recoverable 602 445
Deferred income tax and Social Contribution tax 2,685 3,045
Escrow deposits in litigation 1,276 1,243
Accounts receivable from Minas Gerais State 43 13
Concession financial and sector assets 6,506 5,726
Contractual assets 10,172 7,676
Investments 3,368 4,632
Property, plant and equipment 3,591 3,256
Intangible 16,204 15,249
Right of use 379 398
Other assets 147 87
TOTAL, NON-CURRENT 46,735 43,132
TOTAL ASSETS          63,007                  55,000








Statement of financial position –


Sep. 2024 Dec. 2023
(R$ mn)    
Suppliers 3,160 3,017
Regulatory charges 357 487
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares 126 165
Taxes 606 644
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 800 111
Interest on Equity, and dividends, payable 2,659 2,924
Loans and debentures 4,795 2,630
Payroll and related charges 307 239
Public Lighting Contribution 436 425
Post-employment liabilities 227 329
Accounts payable for energy generated by consumers 1,145 705
Amounts to be returned to consumers 516 854
Leasing liabilities 75 79
Other liabilities 389 484
TOTAL, CURRENT 15,598 13,093
Regulatory charges 204 90
Loans and debentures 9,339 7,201
Taxes 489 362
Deferred income tax and Social Contribution tax 1,651 1,112
Provisions 1,767 2,200
Post-employment liabilities 5,217 5,088
Amounts to be returned to consumers 170 664
Leasing liabilities 344 354
Other liabilities 164 180
TOTAL, NON-CURRENT 19,345 17,251
Share capital 14,309                  11,007
Capital reserves 393                    2,250
Profit reserves 10,175                  13,041
Equity valuation adjustments –1,665 1,648
Retained earnings 4,847                           –   
STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY 28,064                  24,656
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 63,007                  55,000






Certain statements and estimates in this material may represent expectations about future events or results which are subject to risks and uncertainties that may be known or unknown. There is no guarantee that events or results will occur as referred to in these expectations.

These expectations are based on present assumptions and analyses from the point of view of our management, in accordance with their experience and other factors such as the macroeconomic environment, market conditions in the electricity sector, and expected future results, many of which are not under our control.

Important factors that could lead to significant differences between actual results and the projections about future events or results include: Cemig’s business strategy, Brazilian and international economic conditions, technology, our financial strategy, changes in the electricity sector, hydrological conditions, conditions in the financial and energy markets, uncertainty on our results from future operations, plans and objectives, and other factors. Due to these and other factors, our results may differ significantly from those indicated in or implied by such statements.

The information and opinions herein should not be understood as a recommendation to potential investors, and no investment decision should be based on the veracity, currentness or completeness of this information or these opinions. None of our staff nor any party related to any of them or their representatives shall have any responsibility for any losses that may arise as a result of use of the content of this material.

To evaluate the risks and uncertainties as they relate to Cemig, and to obtain additional information about factors that could give rise to different results from those estimated by Cemig, please consult the section on Risk Factors included in the Reference Form filed with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) – and in the 20–F Form filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  · Financial amounts are in R$ million (R$ mn) unless otherwise stated.
  · Financial data reflect the adoption of IFRS.







3.Notice to the Market dated November 13, 2024 – Cemig announces Vice President of Finances and Investor Relations







Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127



Cemig announces Vice Presidente of Finances and Investor Relations

COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“Cemig” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, hereby informs the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A.- Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general, that the Company’s Board of Directors elected Ms. Andrea Marques de Almeida as Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations, with her term of office beginning on December 02, 2024.


Ms. Andrea has significant executive experience, including abroad, across all financial functions, with more than 20 years in leadership positions at companies across various segments, mainly at Vale S.A. In the last few years, she served as Vice President of Finance and Strategy at Santander Brazil and Executive Director of Finances and Investor Relations at Petrobras.


The Board of Directors members recognize and thank Mr. Leonardo George de Magalhães for his outstanding performance as Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations, a role he will hold until December 01, 2024. Mr. Leonardo was essential in the process of restoring the Company’s economic and financial capacity and strength, achieving, among other things, the lowest leverage ratios. They also emphasize his steadfast leadership, consistently ensuring and upholding the Company’s financial and capital discipline.




Belo Horizonte, November 13, 2024.


Leonardo George de Magalhães

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations


Reynaldo Passanezi Filho







4.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – CEMIG holds auction for the sale of four power plants






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127





Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 06.981.176/0001-58

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300020550






CEMIG holds auction for the sale of four power plants



COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, and CEMIG GERAÇÃO E TRANSMISSÃO S.A. (“CEMIG GT”), a publicly-held company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of CEMIG, hereby inform the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM, B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general, further to the Notice to the Market disclosed on September 23, 2024, that it held, today, a public auction on B3, whose purpose is the onerous transfer of the Machado Mineiro, Sinceridade, Martins, and Marmelos power plants.


The winning bid was submitted by Âmbar Hidroenergia LTDA in the amount of R$52 million, representing a premium of 78.8% over the minimum price of R$29.1 million. The next stages will follow the schedule of the published Bid Notice, with the signing of the Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Assets and approval from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) and the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE).


The aforementioned sale is in line with the guidelines of CEMIG’s Strategic Planning that recommends optimizing the portfolio and bettering capital allocation.


CEMIG and CEMIG GT reaffirm their commitment to keeping shareholders, the market in general, and other stakeholders duly and timely informed about this matter, under the rules issued by the CVM and legislation in force.




Belo Horizonte, December 05, 2024.





Andrea Marques de Almeida

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations






5.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – Payment of Bonds






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127




Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 06.981.176/0001-58

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300020550



Payment of Bonds

COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“Cemig” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, and CEMIG GERAÇÃO E TRANSMISSÃO S.A. – CEMIG-GT, a category “B” publicly-held company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cemig (“Cemig GT”), hereby inform the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A.- Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general about the settlement, on this date, of the debt instruments issued in the foreign market (“Eurobonds”), by Cemig GT, according to their maturity. The net impact in the Company’s cash will be R$1.866 billion, considering the payment of R$2.309 billion (US$381 million at the exchange rate of R$6.0585), net of the Hedge impact of R$443 million.


Such payment refers to the issue of Eurobonds by Cemig GT, between late 2017 and mid-2018, totaling US$1.5 billion, with a maturity of seven years, semi-annual interest payment, and principal payment in December 2024. Aiming to protect against foreign exchange variation, Cemig GT contracted a hedge transaction through a combination of derivative operations. To take targeted actions for the prudent management of its liabilities and reduce foreign currency exposure risks, the Company started a process of partial buybacks between 2021 and 2023, totaling US$1.119 million.


This settlement reinforces the Company’s commitment to responsible financial management and the fulfillment of its obligations to creditors, contributing to the maintenance of its financial soundness and credibility in the market.


The Company will remain available to provide any clarifications through its Investor Relations department.


Belo Horizonte, December 05, 2024.


Andrea Marques de Almeida

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations







6.Material Fact dated December 12, 2024 – Cemig discloses investment plan for the 2025-2029 period






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127






Cemig discloses investment plan for the 2025-2029 period


COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, under CVM Resolution 44/2021, of August 23, 2021, hereby announces its investment plan for the 2025-2029 period, in the amount of R$39.2 billion, as detailed below, to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general.


Description (R$ billion)
Distribution 23.2
Generation 4.2
Transmission 4.3
Distributed Generation 2.6
Natural Gas 1.6
Innovation 2.3
IT 1.0
Total 39.2


It is important to emphasize that the investments are based on the assumption that they will create value for shareholders and that return rates will be higher than the cost of capital, ensuring the sustainability of the Company’s business.


CEMIG reiterates its commitment to focusing on the state of Minas Gerais, mainly engaging in the generation, transmission, and distribution of energy, providing excellent services for customers, with safety and maximum efficiency, through sustainable and results-oriented management, making the greatest investment in the Company’s history.


The Company emphasizes that the plan disclosed herein is a mere estimate and does not constitute a promise of performance as it involves various factors that are beyond its control, and may undergo changes.


Belo Horizonte, December 12, 2024.



Andrea Marques de Almeida

Chief Finance and Investor Relations Officer







7.Notice to the Market dated December 5, 2024 – Cemig listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 25 years






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127



Cemig listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 25 years


COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“Cemig” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, according to its commitment to adopting the best Corporate Governance practices, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that it has been selected, for the 25th time, to be part of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World).


The Company is the only company in the energy sector in the Americas included in the list and one of the few corporations continuously featured since the creation of the indicator in 1999.


The DJSI World, prepared by S&P Global and audited by Deloitte, assesses the sustainability performance of 3,300 companies. A total of 73 companies were evaluated in the global energy sector, and only Cemig and seven other European companies were included in the index. The rigorous evaluation considers questionnaires, annual reports, public information, and the ability to create value for shareholders in the medium and long terms.


In 2024, Cemig’s score improved by 6 points compared to the previous year. The company achieved leadership in the Transparency and Reporting, Renewable Generation, and Human Rights categories, consolidating its position as a benchmark in sustainability within the global energy sector.


Being included in the Dow Jones index for the 25th consecutive year is the result of the Company’s meticulous ESG strategy and reaffirms its commitment to a more sustainable future, driving the energy transition in Brazil.


Further details on the socio-environmental practices adopted by Cemig are available in the sustainability reports at www.cemig.com.br.


Belo Horizonte, December 16, 2024.


Andrea Marques de Almeida

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations







8.Notice to Shareholders dated December 17, 2024 – Declaration of Interest on Equity






CORPORATE TAXPAYER’S ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64





Declaration of Interest on Equity


We hereby inform our shareholders that the Executive Board approved the declaration of Interest on Equity - IoE. Detailed information about the payment is as follows:


  1. Gross amount: R$560,143,000.00 (five hundred and sixty million, one hundred and forty-three thousand reais);


  2. Gross amount per share: R$0.19580751126 per share, to be paid with the mandatory minimum dividend for 2024, with a 15% withholding income tax, excluding shareholders exempt from said withholding, under the law in force;


  3. Date “with rights”: shareholders of record on December 23, 2024, holding common and preferred shares will be entitled to the payment;


  4. Date “ex-rights”: December 26, 2024;


  5. Payment date: 2 (two) equal installments, the first of which to be paid by June 30, 2025, and the second by December 30, 2025.


Shareholders whose shares are not held in custody at CBLC and whose registration data is outdated are advised to go to a branch of Banco Itaú Unibanco S.A. (the institution managing CEMIG’s Registered Share System) bearing their personal documents for the due update of their registration data.



Belo Horizonte, December 17, 2024.



Andrea Marques de Almeida

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations










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