Ordinary Shares      Ordinary Shares
                                 31 October 2006      31 October 2005
Net assets                           �11,211,000          �10,942,000
Net profit/(loss) before tax            �712,000           (�773,000)
Earnings/(loss) per share                   6.4p               (6.9)p
Net asset value per share                 103.8p                97.9p
Dividends per share (proposed
and paid)                                  4.35p                 6.5p
Cumulative dividends since
launch                                    11.00p                6.65p

                                      'C' Shares           'C' Shares
                                 31 October 2006      31 October 2005
Net assets                            �5,495,000           �4,917,000
Net profit/(loss) before tax            �567,000            (�43,000)
Earnings/(loss) per share                  12.0p               (1.3)p
Net asset value per share                 105.1p                94.2p
Dividends per share (proposed)              1.0p                    -
Cumulative dividends since
launch                                      1.0p                    -

Phoenix VCT plc ("Phoenix" or "Fund") is a venture capital trust
("VCT"). The Fund invests in AIM-quoted companies and aims to
generate attractive long-term returns to shareholders. The Investment
Manager is Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus").  Phoenix was
launched in November 2002 and raised over �11.3 million (�10.8
million net of expenses) through an offer for subscription.

Phoenix raised further funds in 2005 in the form of a 'C' Share issue
(i.e. the issue for subscription of a new class of share referred to
as 'C' Shares). In total, Phoenix raised �5.1 million (�5 million net
of expenses) by the closing date of the offer on 30 June 2005.

In these results, as in previous reports, we will be splitting out
and commenting on the progress and performance of each of the
different classes of shares.

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts
for the period ended 31 October 2005 and have been restated in
accordance with FRS21 in respect of declared dividends and FRS26 in
respect of the valuation of quoted investments and the treatment of
investments as at fair value through profit and loss.

Chairman's statement

I am delighted to be reporting an uplift in the Net Asset Value
("NAV") of both the Ordinary and 'C' Shares of Phoenix during what
has been a volatile period for AIM.  It is worth emphasising,
however, that much of the market's volatility over the past year has
been as a result of performance within sectors in which Phoenix does
not invest including overseas companies, the natural resources
sectors and online gaming companies.

The Ordinary Share portfolio has continued to make new investments in
VCT-qualifying AIM quoted companies.  During the period under review,
the Manager completed 9 new and a number of top-up investments,
investing a total of �2,101,000.  In total, �2,194,000 of investments
were sold, realising a profit of �844,000.

It was the first full year of trading for the 'C' Share portfolio,
which completed 12 new and a number of top-up investments totalling
�1,531,000.  During the period the 'C' Share portfolio sold �160,000
of investments, realising a profit of �43,000.

Further information regarding the investment performance of the
Ordinary Share portfolio and the 'C' Share portfolio is provided in
the Investment Manager's Review.

Continuing with our patient approach, the uninvested money within the
fund, totalling �4,491,000 at 31 October 2006, is primarily held in
money market funds until the Manager is confident that the right
investment opportunities have been identified.  This generated
�82,000 of income for the Ordinary Share portfolio and �231,000 of
income for the 'C' Share portfolio.

Update since the year end
In the three months to 31 January 2007, both the Ordinary and 'C'
Share portfolios disposed of their respective holdings in Disperse
Group plc, which experienced a significant downturn in trading over
the Christmas period.   This realised a loss of �490,000 within the
ordinary share portfolio and �158,000 within the C share
portfolio.   During the same period the Managers also realised
several gains totalling �853,000, resulting in a net realised gain of
�94,000 for the Ordinary Share portfolio and �111,000 for the 'C'
Share portfolio.  There has also been strong performance in both
portfolios, driven in particular by Tanfield and Worthington

Following the realisations and the strong overall performance of the
portfolios, the NAV as at 31 January 2007 was 116.4p per share for
the Ordinary Shares and 117.2p per share for the 'C' Shares.  This
represents a substantial increase in the NAV for both portfolios
compared to the figures for 31 October 2006.

Net Asset Value
Ordinary Share Portfolio
As at 31 October 2006, the Fund had a portfolio of 36 investments in
AIM listed companies with a value of �9.4 million and a NAV per share
of 103.8p.  At the end of the period, the Ordinary Share portfolio
was 82.6% invested in qualifying holdings.

The table below shows the movement in the NAV of the Ordinary Shares
and lists the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the

                                                     NAV + cumulative
Period ended             NAV      Dividend                  dividends
31 October 2003       100.7p         0.15p                    100.85p
30 April 2004         111.7p             -                    111.85p
31 October 2004       110.9p         2.50p                    113.55p
30 April 2005         117.1p         4.00p                    123.75p
31 October 2005       100.5p             -                    107.15p
30 April 2006         104.6p         1.00p                    112.25p
31 October 2006       103.8p             -                    111.45p

At 31 January 2007 the NAV had increased to 116.4p per share, taking
the total return (net asset value and paid dividends) to 124.05p per

'C' Share Portfolio
As at 31 October 2006, the Phoenix 'C' Share portfolio consisted of
19 investments in AIM listed companies with a combined value of �2.7
million and a NAV per share  of 105.1p. At the end of the period, the
'C' Share portfolio was 45.9% invested in qualifying holdings.

Period ended             NAV
30 April 2005          94.9p
31 October 2005        94.2p
30 April 2006         100.1p
31 October 2006       105.1p

At 31 January 2007 the NAV had increased to 117.2p per share.

Ordinary Share Portfolio
One of the advantages of a VCT is that all gains can be paid out as
tax-free income to our investors. In August 2006, the Fund paid an
interim dividend of 1p per share to the holders of Ordinary Shares.
Due to the progress made by the portfolio during the second half, the
Board proposes the payment of a final dividend of 3.35p per share,
taking the total tax-free dividends for the year to 4.35p and a
cumulative total of 11p since the launch of the Fund.  This dividend,
if approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, will
be paid on 28 March 2007 to shareholders on the register of members
relating to the Ordinary Shares on 2 March 2007.

'C' Share Portfolio
The Board is pleased to propose a 1p per share final dividend to the
holders of 'C' Shares for its first full year of trading. This
dividend, if approved by the shareholders at the Annual General
Meeting, will be paid on 28 March 2007 to shareholders on the
register of members relating to the 'C' Shares on 2 March 2007.

It remains the intention of the Board to maintain the payment of
tax-free dividends to shareholders, when appropriate.

Qualifying status
The Directors believe that Phoenix VCT continues to comply with the
conditions laid down by HM Revenue & Customs for maintaining its
approval as a VCT and have retained PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, one
of the UK's leading firms of accountants, to advise in this area.

Share price and buy-back facility
The Board has adopted a share buy-back policy whereby the Fund, when
able, will buy-back shares at no more than a 10% discount to the
prevailing NAV.  This is designed to prevent the shares from trading
at a wide discount to NAV.  Shareholders should note that if they
sell their shares within three years of the original purchase, they
will lose any tax advantages that had been obtained.

In the period under review, the Fund repurchased 671,177 Ordinary
Shares and 120,370 'C' Shares at average prices of 94p and 95p

The Bank of England reacted to the headline Retail Price Index
inflation figure reaching its highest level for 15 years with a 0.25%
rate rise in interest rates in January.  The largest inflationary
contributors were utility prices, which have now stabilised and are
expected to ease over the coming months.  We believe this will
provide the breathing space for the Bank of England to adopt more of
a 'wait and see' policy for the remainder of the quarter,
particularly in view of record levels of unsecured personal debt.

The markets have to date shrugged off the recent interest rate rise
as investors continue to focus on merger and acquisition activity.
Octopus has been acutely aware of the deterioration of consumer
confidence and has positioned the portfolio accordingly.  Octopus
continues to assess new investment opportunities and believes the
portfolio is well positioned to deliver attractive returns for
shareholders over the medium-term.

Stephen Hazell-Smith,
15 February 2007

Investment Manager's Review

The strong pipeline of companies joining AIM has continued throughout
2006.  As at 31 October 2006, there were 1,582 companies listed on
AIM with a combined market value of �79.5 billion.  This compares to
1,330 companies as at 31 October 2005, with a combined market value
of �47.5 billion.

Review of Ordinary Share Portfolio
At 31 October 2006, the Ordinary Share portfolio had a total of 36
holdings with 82.6% of the portfolio invested in VCT qualifying

A total of 9 new holdings were added to the Ordinary Share portfolio
during the year;

Worthington Nicholls Group installs and maintains air conditioning,
heating, ventilation and chilled water systems, principally for
clients in the leisure and retail sectors.
Autoclenz is the UK's leading provider of valeting services to
automotive retailers, car auction houses and car rental companies.
The company also provides specialist decontamination services.
Clarity Commerce Solutions is a developer of software for the retail
and leisure sectors and is the leading provider of cinema ticketing
Ovum is a leading provider of research, market analysis and advisory
services to the global information, communication and technology
Cohort was established to acquire suppliers of specialist technical
services to the defence and security sectors.  The company is focused
on command, control, computing, communications and intelligence
systems and crisis management for non-military customers.
Jelf Group is a corporate intermediary offering commercial insurance,
healthcare and financial services to small and medium sized
Brulines is the leading provider of volume and revenue protection
systems for draught alcoholic drinks for the UK licensed and tenanted
pub sectors.
Invocas is a leading Scotland-based debt solutions and corporate
insolvency business.  The company specialises in the processing and
management of Protected Trust Deeds, the Scottish equivalent of an
Individual Voluntary Agreement.
Plethora Solutions targets the diagnosis, treatment and management of
urological disease.  The company aims to license its products to
major pharmaceutical companies.

 We also continued to take profits over the period.  Holdings in five
portfolio companies were disposed of in their entirety; Armour Group,
Air Music & Media, TRL Electronics, Belgravium Technologies and
Abcam.  TRL Electronics received a cash offer from a US defence
electronics company during the year at a 177% premium to the original
purchase price.  The holdings in Sovereign Oilfield Services, Bond
International Software, Zetar, Tanfield, Media Square, BBI Holdings
and Worthington Nicholls were all reduced, taking the total realised
gains for the year to �844,000. Since the financial year end Ovum has
also received a cash offer from a competitor at a 58% premium to the
original purchase price.

The most significant contributors to performance during the period
were TRL Electronics, Tanfield and Worthington Nicholls.  The latter
two are the largest holdings in the portfolio and we remain excited
about the prospects for both companies.  Bond International Software
and BBI Holdings have also both continued to perform well.  On the
negative side, Screen FX had a difficult year as revenues were slower
to materialise than originally expected.  The company has since
raised further capital that it expects will take it through to
profitability.  Public Recruitment Group has also had a difficult
year. However the company has now confirmed that trading has
stabilised and that its banking facilities have been reorganised,
which we believe will give the company a good base to move forward.

The deal flow of VCT qualifying investments has continued to be
strong and we anticipate that we will make further investments during
the current financial year for the Ordinary Share portfolio, while
also taking advantage of strength in the share prices of existing
holdings to take profits where appropriate.

Review of 'C' Share Portfolio
At 31 October 2006, the 'C' Share portfolio had investments in a
total of 19 companies.  As at the period end, 45.9% of the portfolio
was invested in VCT qualifying investments.

The 'C' Share portfolio has made good progress over the year, having
completed a further 12 new investments in qualifying holdings. Of the
12 investments made 9 were along side the Ordinary Share portfolio
and are mentioned above, the remaining three investments are outlined

BBI Holdings develops and manufactures rapid result, non invasive
diagnostic tests for the point of care market.

Access Intelligence is a provider of business critical information,
advice and services to businesses and public bodies on a subscription

Concateno is acquiring and consolidating businesses in the life
science testing sector.  The company has completed two recent
acquisitions; Medscreen and Altrix Healthcare.

We have begun to take profits in a number of companies.  The holdings
in both Abcam and Belgravium Technologies were sold in their entirety
and the holdings in Sovereign Oilfield Services and Worthington
Nicholls were both reduced following strong share price performance,
taking the total realised gains for the year to �43,000.

During the current financial year, we have continued to make
investments for the 'C' Share portfolio as we focus on the HM Revenue
& Customs requirement under the VCT legislation for the 'C' Share
portfolio to be 70% invested in qualifying companies by 31 October

Personal Service
At Octopus, we pride ourselves not only on our team's strong track
record but also on our personalised customer service.  We believe in
open communication and our regular investment updates are designed to
keep you involved and informed.

If you have any questions about this review, or if it would help to
speak to one of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to contact
Octopus on 020 7710 2800.

Simon Rogerson
Chief Executive
Octopus Investments

Valuation of Investments
All investments are in the ordinary share capital of companies quoted
on AIM and carry full voting rights. These are stated at Bid price.

Ordinary Share portfolio

|                      |     Date of| Book|Valuation| Market sector|  % of|
|                      |       first| cost|         |              |Equity|
|                      |  investment|     |         |              |  held|
|AIM quoted investments|            |�'000|    �'000|              |      |
|Tanfield Group plc    |    December|  205|      866|    Industrial|  0.53|
|                      |        2004|     |         |   Engineering|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Worthington Nicholls  |   June 2006|     |         |       Support|  0.97|
|plc                   |            |  463|      795|      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Cello Group plc       |October 2004|  501|      611|      Media  &|  1.44|
|                      |            |     |         |  Entertaining|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|BBI Holdings plc      |  April 2004|  191|      527| Life Sciences|  1.51|
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Concateno plc         |  April 2005|  500|      455|       General|  1.34|
|                      |            |     |         |     Financial|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Staffline Recruitment |    December|     |         |       Support|  1.80|
|Group plc             |        2005|  301|      432|      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Augean plc            |    December|  500|      384|       Support|  0.42|
|                      |        2004|     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Autoclenz Holdings plc|    December|  425|      377|       Support|  3.27|
|                      |        2005|     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Bond International    |  March 2004|     |         |    Software &|  0.93|
|Software plc          |            |  105|      365|     Computing|      |
|                      |            |     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Zetar plc             |  April 2005|  161|      354|Food Producers|  0.74|
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Access Intelligence   |    December|     |         |       Support|  4.55|
|plc                   |        2004|  500|      350|      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Clarity Commerce      |  April 2006|     |         |    Software &|  2.78|
|Solutions plc         |            |  367|      338|      Computer|      |
|                      |            |     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Disperse Group plc    |   July 2004|  500|      333|Personal Goods|  3.36|
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Media Square plc      |  April 2004|  254|      307|       Media &|  0.38|
|                      |            |     |         | Entertainment|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Brooks Macdonald Group|  March 2005|     |         |       General|  1.14|
|plc                   |            |  156|      237|     Financial|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Ovum plc              |  March 2006|  150|      231|       Support|  0.56|
|                      |            |     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Real Good Food Company|January 2004|     |         |Food Producers|  0.57|
|plc                   |            |  500|      219|              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|SectorGuard plc       | August 2005|  200|      214|       Support|  1.85|
|                      |            |     |         |      Services|      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|Top Ten Holdings plc  |October 2003|  200|      206|Leisure Hotels|  0.78|
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |
|                      |            |     |         |              |      |

|               |          | Profit/(loss) |      Net | % of equity |
|  Date of last |          |    before tax |   assets |        held |
|      accounts | Turnover |               |          |    by other |
|               |          |               |          |       funds |
|               |          |               |          |  managed by |
|               |          |      �million | �million |     Octopus |
|               | �million |               |          | Investments |
|   31 December |          |           2.0 |     11.8 |        3.98 |
|          2005 |     22.4 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|         First |          |             - |        - |        4.61 |
|  accounts due |          |               |          |             |
|       for the |          |               |          |             |
|  period to 30 |        - |               |          |             |
|     September |          |               |          |             |
|          2006 |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |     52.1 |           4.2 |     45.5 |        5.06 |
|          2005 |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|      31 March |          |           1.1 |      7.2 |        1.62 |
|          2006 |      6.4 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
| 31 March 2006 |        - |         (0.6) |        - |        1.33 |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |     61.5 |           2.5 |     31.6 |        4.71 |
|          2006 |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |     26.1 |         (6.7) |    104.7 |        1.62 |
|          2005 |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |     24.3 |           1.8 |      0.9 |        8.28 |
|          2005 |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |          |           2.7 |     11.8 |           - |
|          2005 |     13.9 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
| 30 April 2006 |     57.9 |           2.5 |     15.8 |        1.55 |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   30 November |          |        (0.01) |      5.5 |        5.82 |
|          2005 |      1.9 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
| 31 March 2006 |     18.9 |           0.9 |     10.3 |           - |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |          |         (0.2) |     10.8 |        1.24 |
|          2005 |     24.2 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   28 February |          |           2.3 |     58.6 |        1.09 |
|          2006 |    126.4 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|  30 June 2006 |      8.2 |           0.8 |      3.1 |        0.81 |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
| 31 March 2006 |     18.8 |           0.4 |     16.2 |        2.15 |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|   31 December |          |         (0.4) |     66.9 |           - |
|          2005 |    117.7 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|  30 September |          |           0.8 |      8.2 |           - |
|          2005 |     16.4 |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
| 31 March 2006 |     23.7 |           2.4 |     21.5 |        0.65 |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |
|               |          |               |          |             |

|              |     Date of| Book|Valuation|        Market sector|  % of|
|              |       first| cost|         |                     |equity|
|              |  investment|     |    �'000|                     |  held|
|              |            |�'000|         |                     |      |
|Sovereign     |   September|     |         |       Oil Services &|  0.61|
|Oilfield      |        2005|     |         |            Equipment|      |
| Group plc    |            |  140|      205|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Cohort plc    |    February|  135|      185|  Aerospace & Defense|  0.37|
|              |        2006|     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|fountains plc |   July 2004|  240|      182|     Support Services|  1.29|
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Public        |  April 2004|     |         |     Support Services|  1.12|
|Recruitment   |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Group plc     |            |  500|      154|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Strategic     |   July 2005|     |         |  Software & Computer|  0.62|
|Thought       |            |     |         |             Services|      |
|Group plc     |            |  194|      149|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Brulines      |October 2006|     |         |     Support Services|  0.41|
|(Holdings)    |            |     |         |                     |      |
| plc          |            |  123|      142|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Jelf Group plc|  March 2006|   77|      124|    General Financial|  0.30|
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Invocass Group|January 2006|     |         |    General Financial|  0.25|
|plc           |            |   80|      110|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Plethora      |January 2006|     |         |        Life Sciences|  0.22|
|Solutions     |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Holdings plc  |            |  122|      106|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Asfare Group  |    December|     |         |     Support Services|  1.90|
|plc           |        2003|   95|       98|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Tissue Science|  March 2005|     |         |        Life Sciences|  0.27|
|Laboratories  |            |     |         |                     |      |
|plc           |            |  246|       88|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Screen FX plc |January 2005|  344|       62|Media & Entertainment|  1.65|
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Inditherm plc |    December|  200|       60|           Industrial|  4.70|
|              |        2003|     |         |          Engineering|      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Bright Futures|October 2004|     |         |    General Financial|  4.35|
|Group plc     |            |  125|       40|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|DawMed Systems|    November|     |         |  Healthcare Services|  1.71|
|plc           |        2003|   79|       28|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|4 Less Group  |  April 2004|     |         |    General Financial|  2.30|
|plc           |            |  200|       22|                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|              |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Total         |            |     |         |                     |      |
|Qualifying    |            |     |         |                     |      |
| Investments  |            |9,079|    9,356|                     |      |

|                 |          | Profit/(loss) |    Net | % of equity |
|    Date of last |          |    before tax | assets |        held |
|        accounts | Turnover |               |        |    by other |
|                 |          |               |        |       funds |
|                 |          |               |        |  managed by |
|                 |          |               |        |     Octopus |
|                 |          |               |        | Investments |
|   31 March 2006 |     15.0 |           0.4 |    9.5 |           - |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   30 April 2006 |     17.8 |           1.4 |    8.9 |        1.26 |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|    30 September |     35.2 |           0.9 |   12.4 |        2.63 |
|            2005 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |     80.2 |           1.7 |   19.4 |           - |
|            2005 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   31 March 2006 |     11.2 |           2.4 |    7.4 |        0.21 |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   First audited |          |             - |      - |        1.81 |
|    accounts due |          |               |        |             |
|  for the period |        - |               |        |             |
|     to 30 March |          |               |        |             |
|            2007 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|    30 September |          |           1.0 |    4.4 |        0.47 |
|            2005 |     11.5 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   31 March 2006 |      6.1 |           2.4 |    2.5 |        0.85 |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |          |         (5.6) |    5.8 |        0.14 |
|            2005 |     0.02 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   31 March 2006 |      4.9 |           0.4 |    4.0 |           - |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |          |         (2.4) |   11.2 |        0.27 |
|            2005 |     10.2 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |          |         (3.6) |    2.3 |           - |
|            2005 |      0.5 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |          |         (1.3) |    2.8 |           - |
|            2005 |      1.0 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|     31 December |          |         (3.1) |    1.3 |           - |
|            2005 |      3.5 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|    30 September |          |          0.03 |    1.1 |        2.20 |
|            2005 |      6.2 |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|   31 March 2006 |    278.8 |         (0.6) |    1.5 |           - |
|                 |          |               |        |             |
|                 |          |               |        |             |

'C' Share portfolio

|              |Date of first| Book|Valuation|       Market sector|  % of|
|              |   investment| cost|         |                    |equity|
|              |             |     |         |                    |  held|
|AIM quoted    |             |�'000|    �'000|                    |      |
|investments   |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Worthington   |         June|     |         |    Support Services|  0.82|
|Nicholls plc  |         2005|  266|      458|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Tanfield Group|          May|     |         |          Industrial|  0.28|
|plc           |         2005|  164|      348|         Engineering|      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Access        |      October|     |         |             Support|  2.28|
|Intelligence  |         2006|     |         |            Services|      |
|plc           |             |  150|      175|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Clarity       |        April|     |         | Software & Computer|  1.49|
|Commerce      |         2006|     |         |            Services|      |
|Solutions plc |             |  183|      169|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|BBI Holdings  |     December|     |         |       Life Sciences|  0.47|
|plc           |         2005|  115|      156|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Autoclenz     |     December|     |         |    Support Services|  1.30|
|Holdings plc  |         2005|  169|      150|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Ovum plc      |        March|   94|      144|    Support Services|  0.40|
|              |         2005|     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Brulines      |      October|     |         |    Support Services|  0.38|
|(Holdings) plc|         2006|  111|      128|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Disperse Group|         June|     |         |      Personal Goods|  1.21|
|plc           |         2005|  160|      120|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Cohort plc    |     February|   85|      116| Aerospace & Defence|  0.23|
|              |         2006|     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|InterQuest    |          May|     |         |   Support  Services|  0.48|
|Group plc     |         2005|   77|      108|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|SectorGuard   |       August|     |         |    Support Services|  0.92|
|plc           |         2005|  100|      107|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Concateno plc |        April|   85|       91|   General Financial|  0.27|
|              |         2005|     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Sovereign     |    September|     |         |        Oil Services|  0.27|
|Oilfield      |         2005|     |         |         Equipment &|      |
|Group plc     |             |   62|       91|        Distribution|      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Jelf Group Plc|        March|   51|       82|   General Financial|  0.20|
|              |         2006|     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Plethora      |      January|     |         |       Life Sciences|  0.14|
|Solutions     |         2006|     |         |                    |      |
|Holdings      |             |     |         |                    |      |
| plc          |             |   81|       70|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Invocas Group |        March|     |         |   General Financial|  0.16|
|plc           |         2006|   50|       68|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Strategic     |         July|     |         | Software & Computer|  0.22|
|Thought       |         2005|     |         |            Services|      |
| Group plc    |             |   68|       52|                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|Screen FX plc |      January|   50|       24|Media & Entertaining|  1.26|
|              |         2005|     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |     |         |                    |      |
|              |             |2,121|    2,666|                    |      |

|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          | Profit/(loss) |    Net |  % of equity |
|   Date of last |          |    before tax | assets |      held by |
|       accounts | Turnover |               |        |  other funds |
|                |          |               |        |      managed |
|                |          |               |        |   by Octopus |
|                |          |               |        |  Investments |
| First  audited |          |             - |      - |         4.57 |
|   accounts due |          |               |        |              |
| for the period |        - |               |        |              |
|          to 30 |          |               |        |              |
| September 2006 |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |           2.0 |   11.8 |         4.14 |
|           2005 |     22.4 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|    30 November |          |        (0.01) |    5.5 |         5.82 |
|           2005 |      1.9 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |     18.9 |           0.9 |   10.3 |            - |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |      6.4 |           1.1 |    7.2 |         1.63 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |           1.8 |    0.9 |         8.28 |
|           2005 |     24.3 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |     18.3 |           0.4 |   16.2 |         2.15 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
| First audited  |          |             - |      - |         1.80 |
|   accounts due |          |               |        |              |
| for the period |        - |               |        |              |
|    to 31 March |          |               |        |              |
|           2007 |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |         (0.2) |   10.8 |         1.24 |
|           2005 |     24.2 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  30 April 2006 |     17.8 |           1.4 |    8.9 |         1.26 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |           1.4 |    8.9 |         3.95 |
|           2005 |     27.6 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|   30 September |          |           0.8 |    8.2 |            - |
|           2005 |     16.4 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |        - |         (0.6) |      - |         0.99 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |     15.0 |           6.4 |    9.5 |            - |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|   30 September |          |           1.0 |    4.4 |         0.47 |
|           2005 |     11.5 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |         (5.6) |    5.8 |         0.14 |
|           2005 |     0.02 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |      6.1 |           2.4 |    2.5 |         0.85 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|  31 March 2006 |     11.2 |           2.4 |    7.4 |         0.21 |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|    31 December |          |         (3.6) |    2.3 |            - |
|           2005 |      0.5 |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |
|                |          |               |        |              |

Profit and loss account
for the year ended 31
October 2006                  Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Gain on disposal of
investments held at fair
value                                     844          43         887
Unrealised gain on fair
value of investments                      183         480         663
Investment income                         126         238         364
Investment management fees              (262)       (116)       (378)
Other expenses                          (179)        (78)       (257)
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation                712         567       1,279
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities                         -           -           -
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation                 712         567       1,279
Earnings per share                       6.4p       12.0p

Profit and loss account           (restated)* (restated)* (restated)*
for the period to 31 October
2005                          Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Gain on disposal of
investments held at fair
value                                     104           -         104
Unrealised loss on fair
value of investments                    (574)        (17)       (591)
Investment income                         165          74         239
Investment management fees              (291)        (54)       (345)
Other expenses                          (177)        (46)       (223)
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation                         (773)        (43)       (816)
Taxation on loss on ordinary
activities                                  -           -           -
Loss on ordinary activities
after taxation                          (773)        (43)       (816)
Loss per share                         (6.9)p      (1.3)p

Note of historical cost
 and losses
for the period ended 31
 October 2006                 Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                           712         567       1,279
Realisation of prior years'
unrealised gains on
investment                                321          11         332
Historical cost profit on
activities before taxation              1,033         578       1,611
Historical cost profit on
activities after taxation               1,033         578       1,611

Note of historical cost
profits and losses                (restated)* (restated)* (restated)*
for the period ended 31
October 2005                  Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Loss on ordinary activities
 taxation                               (773)        (43)       (816)
Realisation of prior years'
net unrealised
 gains on investment                      680           -         680
Historical cost loss on
ordinary activities
 before taxation                         (93)        (43)       (136)
Historical cost loss on
ordinary activities
after taxation                           (93)        (43)       (136)

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts
for the period ended 31 October 2005 and have been restated in
accordance with FRS21 in respect of declared dividends and FRS26 in
respect of the valuation of quoted investments and the treatment of
investments as at fair value through profit and loss.

Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2006

                                    Ordinary Shares 'C' Shares  Total
                                              �'000      �'000  �'000
Fixed asset investments                       9,356      2,666 12,022
Current assets:
Investments                                     417      2,189  2,606
Debtors                                         155        159    314
Cash                                          1,299        586  1,885
                                              1,871      2,934  4,805
Creditors: amounts falling due
 within one year                               (16)      (105)  (121)
Net current assets                            1,855      2,829  4,684
Total   assets    less    current
liabilities                                  11,211      5,495 16,706
Capital and reserves:
Share capital                                 1,080        523  1,603
Share premium                                   323      4,436  4,759
Special distributable reserve                 8,846          -  8,846
Capital redemption reserve                       76         12     88
Revaluation reserve                             277        463    740
Profit and loss account                         609         61    670
Shareholders' funds                          11,211      5,495 16,706
Net asset value per share                    103.8p     105.1p

Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2005

                                  (restated)* (restated)* (restated)*
                              Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Fixed asset investments                 8,422         690       9,112
Current assets:
Investments                             1,865       4,030       5,895
Debtors                                    19           5          24
Cash                                      745         287       1,032
                                        2,629       4,322       6,951
Creditors: amounts  falling
due within one year                     (109)        (95)       (204)
Net current assets                      2,520       4,227       6,747
Total assets  less  current
liabilities                            10,942       4,917      15,859
Capital and reserves:
Share capital                           1,118         522       1,640
Share premium                              54       4,438       4,492
Special       distributable
reserve                                 9,587           -       9,587
Capital redemption reserve                  9           -           9
Revaluation reserve                        94        (17)          77
Profit and loss account                    80        (26)          54
Shareholders' funds                    10,942       4,917      15,859
Net asset value per share               97.9p       94.2p

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts
for the period ended 31 October 2005 and have been restated in
accordance with FRS21 in respect of declared dividends and FRS26 in
respect of the valuation of quoted investments and the treatment of
investments as at fair value through profit and loss.

Cash Flow Statement
for the year  ended to 31  October
2006                               Ordinary Shares 'C' Shares   Total
                                             �'000      �'000   �'000
Net cash outflow from operating
activities                                   (544)      (182)   (726)
Financial investment:
Purchase of listed securities              (2,101)    (1,531) (3,632)
Sale of listed securities                    2,194        160   2,354
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
financial investment                            93    (1,371) (1,278)

Dividends paid                               (110)          -   (110)

Management of liquid resources:
Return of cash investments                   1,448      1,841   3,289
Issue of own shares                            308        125     433
Purchase of own shares                       (632)      (114)   (746)
Share issue expenses                           (9)          -     (9)
Increase in cash resources                     554        299     853

Cash Flow Statement               (restated)* (restated)* (restated)*
for  the   period  ended   31
October 2005                  Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities               (129)          64        (65)
Financial investment:
Purchase of listed securities         (4,798)       (707)     (5,505)
Sale of listed securities               2,368           -       2,368
Net cash outflow from
financial investment                  (2,430)       (707)     (3,137)

Equity dividends paid                   (726)           -       (726)
Management of liquid
Return/(purchase) of cash
investments                             3,976     (4,030)        (54)
Issue of own shares                        59       5,112       5,171
Purchase of own shares                   (67)           -        (67)
Share issue expenses                        -       (152)       (152)
Increase in cash resources                683         287         970

Notes to the preliminary announcement

Accounting policies

Basis of accounting
The Fund is  required to  prepare financial  statements which  comply
with United Kingdom  Accounting Standards  (United Kingdom  Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice).  The financial information provided in
the Fund's annual report and accounts  for the year ended 31  October
2006 has  been prepared  on a  consistent basis  with the  accounting
policies as disclosed in  the Fund's annual  report and accounts  for
the period  ended 31  October 2005  except for  such changes  as  are
required by the new FRSs.   These changes arise from the adoption  of
FRS21 "Events  after the  Balance Sheet  Date" and  FRS26  "Financial
Instruments: Measurement".

The nature and effect  of these changes are  explained below and  the
comparative figures for the  period ended 31  October 2005 have  been
restated accordingly.

Under FRS21, if an entity declares dividends after the balance  sheet
date, such dividends are no longer  recognised as a liability at  the
year end.  Therefore, the dividend  of �281,000 that was proposed  in
the Annual Report and Accounts for the period to 31 October 2004  has
been added back  to the  profit and  loss account  and deducted  from
creditors and recognised as paid in the period ended 31 October 2005.

Fixed asset investments
Under FRS26, quoted investments are  valued at bid price rather  than
mid-market price.  The Fund's investments have been designated by the
directors as  being stated  at  fair value  through profit  and  loss
("FVTPL") for the  purposes of FRS  26.  In  the case of  investments
quoted on a recognised stock  exchange, fair value is established  by
reference to the closing bid price on the relevant date (that is  the
balance sheet  date).    The  effect  of  this  is  to  decrease  the
valuations at which such investments are stated in the balance  sheet
and to decrease  the unrealised  gains on investments.   This  change
resulted in reduction of �287,000 in the valuation of Ordinary  share
fixed asset  investments  at  31  October  2005  respectively  and  a
corresponding decrease in the unrealised revaluation reserve at those
dates.  This change  also resulted in a  reduction of �29,000 in  the
valuation of 'C' share fixed asset investments at 31 October 2005 and
a corresponding  decrease in  the unrealised  revaluation reserve  at
these dates.

The Fund invests in  financial assets with a  view to profiting  from
their  total  return  through   income  and  capital  growth.   These
investments are managed and their performance is evaluated on a  fair
value basis  in accordance  with  a documented  investment  strategy.
Accordingly as permitted by FRS 26, the investments are designated as
at fair value through profit and loss. Unrealised gains or losses  on
valuation are now recognised through the profit and loss account.

Current asset investments
Current asset  investments comprise  money  market deposits  and  are
shown at amortised cost.

Investment income  comprises interest  earned  on bank  balances  and
money market securities and includes income tax withheld at source.
Dividend income is shown net of any related tax credit.

Dividends receivable  are brought  into  account on  the  ex-dividend
date.   Fixed  returns  on  debt  and  money  market  securities  are
recognised on  a  time  apportionment  basis so  as  to  reflect  the
effective yield, provided there is  no reasonable doubt that  payment
will be received in due course.

All expenses are accounted  for on an accruals  basis.  Expenses  are
charged wholly  to  revenue  with the  exception  of  the  investment
management fee, which has been charged 25% to the revenue account and
75% to the  realised capital  reserve to reflect,  in the  Directors'
opinion, the  expected long  term split  of returns  in the  form  of
income and capital gains respectively from the investment portfolio.

Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the current
rate.    The  tax  effect  of  different  items  of  income/gain  and
expenditure/loss is allocated between capital and revenue on the same
basis as the particular  item to which it  relates, using the  Fund's
effective rate of tax for the accounting period.

Deferred tax is  recognised, without discounting,  in respect of  all
timing  differences  between  the  treatment  of  certain  items  for
taxation and accounting purposes which  have arisen but not  reversed
by the balance sheet date.

Tax on ordinary activities

Ordinary Shares

The corporation tax charge for the year was �nil. (2005: �nil)

Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period
The current tax charge for the period differs from the standard  rate
of corporation tax in  the UK (19%).   The differences are  explained

Current tax reconciliation                          2006         2005
                                                   �'000        �'000
Profit/(loss)  on   ordinary   activities   before   712        (773)

Current tax at 19%                                   135        (146)

Income not liable to tax                           (195)         (89)
Excess management charges                             60          235
Total current tax charge                               -            -

'C' Shares

The corporation tax charge for the period was �nil. (2005: �nil)

Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period
The current tax charge for the period differs from the standard  rate
of corporation tax in  the UK (19%).   The differences are  explained

Current tax reconciliation                           2006       2005
                                                    �'000      �'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax       567       (43)

Current tax at 19%                                    108        (8)

Income not liable to tax                             (99)          3
Excess management charges                               9          5
Total current tax charge                                -          -

Excess management  expenses of  �857,000 (2005:  �529,000) have  been
carried forward  at  31 October  2006  and are  available  to  offset
against future  taxable  income  subject to  agreement  with  the  HM
Revenue & Customs.   These have not been  recognised as deferred  tax
assets due to uncertainty as to their recoverability.


Ordinary Shares                  31 October 2006      31 October 2005
                                           �'000                �'000
Interim  dividend  per  share  -             110                  446
1.0p (2005 - 4.0p)
Final dividend per share - 3.35p             369                    -
(2005 - nil)

'C' Shares                       31 October 2006      31 October 2005
                                           �'000                �'000
Interim dividend per share - nil               -                    -
(2005 - nil)
Final dividend  per share  -  1p              52                    -
(2005 - nil)

Earnings per share

Ordinary Share
The return per share  is based on a  profit from ordinary  activities
after tax of �712,000  and on 11,049,006  shares, being the  weighted
average  number  of  shares  in  issue  during  the  period  (2005  -
�(773,000) and 11,171,000 shares).

'C' Share
The return per share  is based on a  profit from ordinary  activities
after tax of  �567,000 and  on 4,716,824 shares,  being the  weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period (2005 - �(43,000)
and 3,436,012 shares).

There are no potentially dilutive  capital instruments in issue  and,
therefore, no diluted return per share figures are relevant.

Fixed asset investments

                          Ordinary Shares    'C' Shares      Combined
                          31 October 2006    31 October    31 October
                                                   2006          2006
                                    �'000         �'000         �'000
Cost at 1 November 2005             8,328           707         9,035
Unrealised gain at 1                   94          (17)            77
November 2005
Valuation at 1                      8,422           690         9,112
November 2005
Movement in year:
Purchases at cost                   2,101         1,531         3,632
Disposal proceeds                 (2,194)         (160)       (2,354)
Profit on realisation of              844            43           887
Net unrealised gain                   183           562           745
 on revaluation
Valuation   as   at    31           9,356         2,666        12,022
Cost at 31 October 2006             9,079         2,121        11,200
Unrealised gain at 31                 277           545           822
 October 2006

Further details of these investments  are provided in the  Investment
Manager's Review.

Current asset investments

Current asset investments at 31  October 2006 comprised money  market

                                 Ordinary    'C' Shares      Combined
                               31 October 31    October    31 October
                                     2006          2006          2006
                                    �'000         �'000         �'000
Money  market  securities   at
Bonds                                   -         1,921         1,921
Floating rate notes                     -           350           350
Open     ended      investment        397             -           397
Unrealised   gain/(loss)    on
money market securities:
Bonds                                   -          (82)          (82)
Open     ended      investment         20             -            20
Valuation  as  at  31  October        417         2,189         2,606

Share capital

                                   31 October 2006    31 October 2005
                                             �'000              �'000
Equity   -   30,000,000   Ordinary           3,000              3,000
Shares of 10p
Equity - 10,000,000 'C' Shares  of           1,000              1,000
Total                                        4,000              4,000

                                      31 October 2006 31 October 2005
                                                �'000           �'000
Equity - 10,801,773 (2005-11,176,407)           1,080           1,118
Ordinary Shares of 10p
Equity -  5,228,385  (2005-5,221,188)             523             522
'C' Shares of 10p
Total                                           1,603           1,640

The 'C' Share  funds will  be managed as  a separate  pool of  assets
until they are  converted into new  Ordinary Shares.   The effect  of
this is  that the  net asset  value of  the Ordinary  Shares will  be
unaffected by the issue of  the 'C' Shares.   The 'C' Shares will  be
converted into new Ordinary Shares based on the net asset value as at
the 31 October 2008, or with effect from the close of business on the
day on which the Directors  resolve that force majeure  circumstances
have arisen or  are imminent if  sooner, in the  ratio which the  net
asset value attributable to each 'C'  Share at 31 October 2008  bears
to the net asset  value then attributable  to each existing  Ordinary
Share.  The Ordinary Shares and the 'C' Shares rank pari passu as  to
the rights to attend and  vote at any general  meeting of the Fund.
The rights of the shareholders  to receive dividends is derived  from
the net income attributable to the net assets of each class of share.

During the  year  ended  31  October  2006,  the  Fund  allotted  and
repurchased for cancellation the following ordinary shares.

            Price       Shares Consideration                       Special
              per    allotted/        net of           Share Distributable
Date        share  repurchased     discounts Capital Premium       Reserve
                                       �'000   �'000   �'000         �'000
30/01/2006 �0.970      (6,100)           (6)   (0.6)       -         (5.4)
07/02/2006 �0.950     (83,175)          (79)   (8.3)       -        (70.7)
08/02/2006 �0.950     (10,200)          (10)   (1.0)       -         (8.7)
16/02/2006 �0.950     (13,260)          (13)   (1.3)       -        (11.2)
02/03/2006 �0.950     (24,179)          (23)   (2.4)       -        (20.3)
20/03/2006 �0.950      (3,060)           (3)   (0.3)       -         (2.6)
29/03/2006 �0.970    (176,410)         (171)  (17.6)       -       (153.4)
05/04/2006 �0.970     (63,318)          (61)   (6.3)       -        (55.1)
05/04/2006 �1.061      296,543           315    29.6   269.3             -
25/04/2006 �0.950     (56,950)          (54)   (5.7)       -        (48.4)
01/09/2006 �0.900    (147,758)         (133)  (14.8)       -       (118.2)
19/10/2006 �0.913     (86,767)          (79)   (8.7)       -        (70.5)

During the  year  ended  31  October  2006,  the  Fund  allotted  and
repurchased for cancellation the following 'C' shares.

           Price per   allotted/ Consideration net of           Share
Date           share repurchased            discounts Capital Premium
                                                �'000   �'000   �'000
27/02/2006    �0.950      26,250                   25     2.6    22.3
01/03/2006    �0.950   (104,250)                (100)  (10.4)  (88.6)
05/04/2006    �0.987     101,317                  100    10.2    89.9
26/10/2006    �0.950    (16,120)                 (15)   (1.6)  (13.7)


Ordinary Shares    Share       Special    Capital Revaluation     and
                 premium distributable redemption     reserve    loss
                               reserve    reserve             account
                   �'000         �'000      �'000       �'000   �'000
Balance per 2005
statements            54         9,587          9         381      80
Prior       year
Adjustment in
valuation of
investments to
bid price              -             -          -       (287)       -
As restated           54         9,587          9          94      80
Issue of shares      278             -          -           -       -
Share      issue
costs                (9)             -          -           -       -
Repurchase    of
shares                 -         (632)         67           -       -
Capital  interim
dividend               -         (110)          -           -       -
Net   unrealised
gain on
revaluation   of
investments            -             -          -         183   (183)
Retained  profit
for the year           -             -          -           -     712
                     323         8,846         76         277     609

'C' Shares                    Share    Capital Revaluation Profit and
                            premium redemption     reserve       Loss
                                       reserve                Account
                              �'000      �'000       �'000      �'000
Balance per 2005 financial
statements                    4,438          -          12       (26)
Prior year adjustment:            -          -        (29)          -
Adjustment in valuation of
 quoted investments to bid
price                         4,438          -        (17)       (26)
Issue of shares                 112
Repurchase of shares          (114)         12           -          -
Net unrealised gain on
revaluation of investments        -          -         480      (480)
Retained  profit  for   the
year                              -          -           -        567
                              4,436         12         463         61

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                             Shares 'C' Shares  Total
Equity shareholders' funds at 1 November
2005                                          �'000      �'000  �'000
As previously reported                       11,229      4,946 16,175
Prior year adjustment:
Adjustment in valuation of quoted
investments to bid price                      (287)       (29)  (316)
As restated                                  10,942      4,917 15,859

Return on ordinary activities after tax         712        567  1,279
Net proceeds of share issue                     299        125    424
Shares purchased for cancellation             (632)      (114)  (746)
Capital dividend recognised in period         (110)          -  (110)
Equity shareholders funds at 31 October
2006                                         11,211      5,495 16,706

Reconciliation of Movements in
Shareholders' Funds
                                             Shares 'C' Shares  Total
Equity shareholders' funds at 1 November
2004                                          �'000      �'000  �'000
As previously reported                       12,405          - 12,405
Prior year adjustment:
Adjustment   in   valuation   of    quoted
investments to bid price                      (236)          -  (236)
Proposed dividend not accounted for  until
declared and paid                               281          -    281
As restated                                  12,450          - 12,450

Loss on ordinary activities after tax         (773)       (43)  (816)
Dividends recognised in period                (726)          -  (726)
Net proceeds of share issue                      59      4,960  5,019
Shares purchased for cancellation              (68)          -   (68)
Equity shareholders funds at 31 October
2005                                         10,942      4,917 15,859

Net asset value per share

Ordinary Shares
The calculation of net asset value per share as at 31 October 2006 is
based on net assets of �11,211,000 divided by the 10,801,773 Ordinary
Shares in  issue at  that  date (2005  - �11,229,000  and  11,176,407

'C' Shares
The calculation of net asset value per share as at 31 October 2005 is
based on net assets of �5,496,000 divided by the 5,228,385 'C' Shares
in issue at that date (2005 - �4,946,000 and 5,221,188 shares).

Reconciliation of  operating  profit  to  cash  flow  from  operating

                              Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                               31 October  31 October
                              31 October 2006        2006        2006
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Profit on ordinary activities
 before tax                               712         567       1,279
Gain on disposal of fixed
asset investments                       (844)        (43)       (887)
Unrealised gain on fair
value of fixed asset
investments                             (183)       (562)       (745)
Increase in debtors                     (136)       (154)       (290)
Decrease in creditors                    (93)          10        (83)
Net cash outflow from
operating activities                    (544)       (182)       (726)

                                  (restated)* (restated)* (restated)*
                              Ordinary Shares  'C' Shares       Total
                                               31 October  31 October
                              31 October 2005        2005        2005
                                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Loss on ordinary activities
before tax                              (773)        (43)       (816)
Gain on disposal of fixed
asset investments                       (104)           -       (104)
Unrealised loss on fair
value of investments                      574          17         591
Decrease in debtors                        87         (5)          82
Increase in creditors                      87          95         182
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities               (129)          64        (65)

Related party transactions

Matt Cooper, a non-executive Director of Phoenix VCT plc, is a
Director of Octopus.  Phoenix VCT plc has employed Octopus throughout
the period as investment manager.  Phoenix VCT plc has paid Octopus
�223,000 (2005 - �248,000) for Ordinary Shares and �99,000 (2005 -
�46,000) for 'C' Shares in the period as a management fee and there
is �nil outstanding at the balance sheet date.  The management fee is
payable quarterly in advance and is based on 2.0% of the net asset
value calculated at annual intervals as at 31 October.  Octopus also
provides accounting and administrative services to the fund for a fee
of �25,000 for Ordinary Shares and �25,000 for 'C' Shares per annum,
which increases annually in line with the movement in RPI.  There was
�nil outstanding at the balance sheet date for the accounting and
administrative services.

In addition, Octopus is entitled to an annual performance related
incentive fee in the event that performance criteria in relation to
the increase in net assets, after adding back distributions, are


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2007. All rights reserved.

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