Disrupting Regulatory Measures and the Overall Tense Economic Situation Impact Results for the First Half Year 2009
19 Agosto 2009 - 7:15AM
PR Newswire (US)
- Fixed Net line loss cut by 2/3 in 1H 09 to 20,600 lines - Double
digit subscriber growth of 10.1% to 18.1 million customers in
Mobile Communication - Revenues decline by 5.8% to EUR 2,388.8
million primarily driven by lower Fixed Net revenues - EBITDA
decreases by 5.2% to EUR 904.8 million while operating costs
decline by 6.7% - Operating free cash flow grows by 5.9% while free
cash flow per share increases by 2.4% to 0.75 EUR - Outlook for
2009 on a constant currency basis fully reiterated, as announced on
the occasion of the 1Q 09 results - Dividend per share floor of 75
cent per share reiterated for 2009-2012 - Management Board has
resolved to cancel 17 million treasury shares or 3.7% of share
capital as of August 24, 2009, thus, the number of shares will be
reduced to 443 million - Share buyback envisaged for 2010, subject
to stable conditions % % in EUR million 2Q 09 2Q 08 change 1H 09 1H
08 change Revenues 1,191.7 1,276.2 -6.6% 2,388.8 2,535.8 -5.8%
EBITDA 450.0 468.5 -3.9% 904.8 954.2 -5.2% Operating income 170.2
174.1 -2.2% 350.3 376.4 -6.9% Net income 82.3 96.3 -14.5% 167.6
226.0 -25.8% Earnings per share (in EUR) 0.19 0.22 -14.5% 0.38 0.51
-25.8% Free cash flow per share (in EUR) 0.45 0.40 12.1% 0.75 0.73
2.4% Capital expenditures 149.3 190.7 -21.7% 265.3 350.3 -24.3%
June 30, Dec.31, % in EUR million 09 08 change Net debt 4,003.9
3,993.3 0.3% Net debt/EBITDA (12 months) excluding restructuring
program 2.1x 2.1x All financial figures are based on IFRS; if not
stated otherwise, all comparisons are given year-on-year. EBITDA is
defined as net income excluding interest, income tax expense,
depreciation and amortization, impairment charges, equity in
earnings of affiliates, income/loss from investments and foreign
exchange differences. This equals operating income before
depreciation, amortization and impairment charges. Group Review
Vienna, August 19, 2009 - Telekom Austria Group (VSE: TKA, OTC US:
TKAGY) today announced its results for the first half 2009 and the
second quarter ending June 30, 2009. Hannes Ametsreiter, CEO
Telekom Austria Group, said: "The challenging economic situation
and a disrupting regulatory framework impacted results for the
first half year 2009. The decrease in group revenues is mainly
attributable to lower Fixed Net revenues, which in turn resulted
from lower traffic volumes and declining wholesale revenues. Our
product bundles showed a favourable development, proving successful
in reducing Fixed Net access line loss by 2/3 and counteracting the
Fixed Net business downward trend. Lower contributions from both
segments led to a decline in EBITDA, with a strict cost management
curbing the impact of lower revenues on EBITDA. Despite a stable
performance on the domestic market, the Mobile Communication
segment was affected by the weak economic development in Eastern
and South-Eastern Europe, currency translation effects along with
the roaming regulation. Mobile Communication customer base showed a
further favourable development with a double-digit growth rate and
reached the 18 million subscriber mark, with contract customers
accounting for 90% of this growth. Last but not least, we reiterate
once again our guidance for the full year 2009 based on a constant
currency basis and further confirm a dividend floor of EUR 0.75 per
share." Summary Year-to-date comparison: In the first half of 2009
revenues decreased by 5.8% to EUR 2,388.8 million primarily due to
lower revenues in the Fixed Net segment resulting from lower
wholesale revenues and voice volumes as well as the sale of the
Fixed Net subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and in
Poland respectively. While total operating expenses were reduced by
6.7%, EBITDA declined by 5.2% to EUR 904.8 million due to lower
contributions from both business segments. Operating income fell by
6.9% to EUR 350.3 million, with a higher contribution from the
Fixed Net segment partly compensating for a lower operating income
in the Mobile Communication segment. Net income was EUR 167.6
million in the first six months of 2009 compared to EUR 226.0
million in the same period of the previous year. Total capital
expenditures decreased from EUR 350.3 million to EUR 265.3 million
driven by a reduction of capital expenditures in both segments due
to postponements and restrictive investment policy. Operating free
cash flow grew by 5.9%, while free cash flow per share increased by
2.4% to EUR 0.75. Net debt remained almost stable at EUR 4,003.9
million at the end of June 2009 compared to year-end 2008. Net debt
to EBITDA (last 12 months) excluding the impact of the provision in
4Q 2008 for the restructuring program was 2.1x. Quarterly
comparison: In 2Q 09 revenues declined by 6.6% to EUR 1,191.7
million and EBITDA decreased by 3.9% to EUR 450.0 million. These
declines were driven primarily by the Fixed Net segment with almost
stable contributions from the Mobile Communication segment.
Reductions in operating expenses resulted in a higher profitability
of the Fixed Net segment despite lower revenues. Both the domestic
mobile business and the operation in Belarus reported EBITDA growth
rates, while start-up operations in the Republic of Serbia and the
Republic of Macedonia further reduced their EBITDA losses. EBITDA
trends for the operations in Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia
improved as rates of decline slowed down compared to 1Q 09.
Operating income decreased by 2.2% to EUR 170.2 million as a higher
contribution from the Fixed Net segment partly offset a lower
operating income in the Mobile Communication segment. Net income
decreased by 14.5% to EUR 82.3 million in 2Q 09 compared to EUR
96.3 million in 2Q 08. A restrictive investment policy and
postponements of investments supported a reduction of capital
expenditures from EUR 190.7 million to EUR 149.3 million which
allowed an increase of free cash flow per share by 12.1% to EUR
0.45 in 2Q 09. Operating free cash flow increased by 8.2%. Market
Environment While the sustained migration of Fixed Net voice
customers to the Mobile Communication segment has been the main
challenge for several years, mobile broadband continues to make
steady inroads into the market for internet access. However,
following the introduction of attractive product bundles, line loss
decelerated significantly during recent quarters. Against this
background the Fixed Net segment continues to focus on the
stabilization of cash flows by means of a market-oriented product
portfolio and attractive pricing schemes as well as a comprehensive
cost-cutting program. The Mobile Communication segment continued to
show subscriber growth both in Austria and in its international
markets. Austria is regarded as a highly developed mobile
communications market characterized by fierce competition.
Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia still offer untapped potential in
terms of contract customers and innovative data products, however,
fierce competition and the economic slowdown in these markets led
to price cuts and declining ARPUs. The impact of the economic
crisis in the consumer segment of our Eastern and South-Eastern
operations in Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia and Belarus is limited.
The impact is predominantly apparent in the business segment.
Velcom in Belarus was impacted by continuing devaluation of the
Belarusian Ruble. Since the beginning of the year the Belarusian
Ruble has devaluated by 29.3% against the Euro. The
counter-measures adopted to mitigate the negative impact include a
tariff increase effective as of mid-February 2009 as well as a
rebalancing of costs based on the local currency. A segment-wide
risk monitoring system has been put in place to identify risk
factors such as currency fluctuations or long-term macro-economic
trends in order to react in due time. Regulation remains an
important external disrupting factor in all markets primarily
impacting roaming tariffs and termination charges. Update on Share
Buyback Program As announced at the Capital Market Day in January
2009, Telekom Austria Group evaluated the potential for a share
buyback. Although financial markets make financing available, the
operating performance in South- and Eastern Europe is subject to
uncertainties and the risk of currency devaluations still remains.
Nevertheless, the Telekom Austria Group envisages in accordance
with the capital allocation policy to start share buybacks in 2010
depending on the normalization of business, stable currencies and
provided no investment with a higher return is available. About 1/3
of free cash flow after dividends is available for a potential
share buyback. The rest remains as a reserve. Outlook 2009
Reiterated As announced in May 2009 and based on a constant
currency assumption, the Telekom Austria Group anticipates slightly
weaker revenues than originally expected for the year 2009 due to
lower Fixed Net wholesale revenues as well as lower Mobile
Communication interconnection and equipment revenues, which will be
accompanied by a proportionate reduction in costs. Therefore, on a
constant currency basis EBITDA guidance remains unchanged at about
EUR 1.9 billion in 2009. Capital expenditures for the year 2009 are
expected to amount to approximately EUR 800 million, which will
result into an operating free cash flow (EBITDA less capital
expenditures) of around EUR 1.1 billion. The Telekom Austria Group
expects to distribute 65% of net income in form of dividends at a
minimum floor of 75 cent per share. Outlook 09 Outlook 09 Outlook
09 as of as of May as of Feb. Outlook 09 August 19 13 25 as of Jan.
29 Telekom Austria Group Revenues Slightly Slightly ~ EUR 5.1bn ~
EUR 5.1bn weaker than weaker than originally originally expected
expected EBITDA ~ EUR 1.9bn ~ EUR 1.9bn ~ EUR 1.9bn ~ EUR 1.9bn
Capital expenditures ~ EUR 0.8bn ~ EUR 0.8bn ~ EUR 0.8bn ~ EUR
0.8bn Operating Free Cash Flow ~ EUR 1.1bn ~ EUR 1.1bn ~ EUR 1.1bn
~ EUR 1.1bn Dividend 65% of net 65% of net 65% of net 65% of net
income, DPS income, DPS income, DPS income, DPS of 75 cent of 75
cent of 75 cent of 75 cent minimum minimum minimum minimum Outlook
based on constant currency basis as announced on the Capital Market
Day in January 2009 Further Information For more detailed
information about the half year results 2009 please refer to the
corresponding report on Telekom Austria Group's website at
http://www.telekomaustria.com/interim_reports Disclaimer: This news
release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are usually
accompanied by words such as "believe," "intend," "anticipate,"
"plan," "expect" and similar expressions. Actual results may differ
materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking
statements as a result of a number of factors. Forward-looking
statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of
important factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ
materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement.
These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: - the
level of demand for telecommunications services or equipment,
particularly with regard to access lines, traffic, bandwidth and
new products; - competitive forces in liberalized markets,
including pricing pressures, technological developments,
alternative routing developments and new access technologies, and
our ability to retain market share in the face of competition from
existing and new market entrants; - the effects of our tariff
reduction or other marketing initiatives; - the regulatory
developments and changes, including the levels of tariffs, the
terms of interconnection, unbundling of access lines and
international settlement arrangements; - our ability to achieve
cost savings and realize productivity improvements; - the success
of new business, operating and financial initiatives, many of which
involve start-up costs, and new systems and applications,
particularly with regard to the integration of service offerings; -
our ability to secure the licenses we need to offer new services
and the cost of these licenses and related network infrastructure
build-outs; - the progress of our domestic and international
investments, joint ventures and alliances - the impact of our new
business strategies and transformation program; - the availability,
terms and deployment of capital and the impact of regulatory and
competitive developments on capital expenditure; - the outcome of
litigation in which we are involved; - the level of demand in the
market for our shares which can affect our business strategies; -
changes in the law including regulatory, civil servants and social
security law, including pensions and tax law; and general economic
conditions, government and regulatory policies, and business
conditions in the markets we serve. - Through its expansion into
the Eastern and South-eastern European region, the company operates
in markets that have been experiencing political and economic
change. This circumstance has affected, and may continue to affect,
the activities of enterprises operating in this environment.
Consequently, operations in the Eastern and South-eastern European
region involve uncertainties, including tax uncertainties that
typically do not exist in other markets. Contacts: Elisabeth Mattes
Group Spokeswoman Tel.: +43-664-331-2730 E-Mail: Peter Zydek Head
of Investor Relations Tel.: +43(0)59059-1-19000 E-Mail: DATASOURCE:
Telekom Austria Group CONTACT: Contacts: Elisabeth Mattes, Group
Spokeswoman, Tel.: +43-664-331-2730, E-Mail: . Peter Zydek, Head of
Investor Relations, Tel.: +43(0)59059-1-19000, E-Mail: