BULGOLD Inc. (TSXV: ZLTO) (the “Company” or
“BULGOLD”) is pleased to announce that it has sourced historic
exploration data relating to the Lutila Gold Project (the
“Property”) located in Slovakia. This information has now been
validated and incorporated into the Company’s database. The Lutila
exploration licence covers an area of 32.2km² and is prospective
for quartz-adularia epithermal gold mineralisation.
1. Highlights
- Historic
soil sampling has outlined a +7km long, paleo-geothermal system as
defined by arsenic and antimony geochemistry which remains open to
the south and northwest.1
- Historic
rock chip sampling, which is limited to the North East Block, has
shown that surface gold grades increase in value (up to 4.44g/t Au)
towards lower elevations which is in line with the Company’s
current geological model. 1
- Historic
exploration drilling, which is also restricted to the North East
Block, has shown that there are anomalous gold grades within the
rhyolite flow dome complexes and their pyroclastic products on
either flank of the Čertov vrch target area; best intersection of
26.2m @ 0.91g/t Au (from 97m). 1
- Rhyolite
flow dome complexes define a series of topographic highs
(ridgelines) within the licence area which cumulatively extend for
approximately 7km; these rhyolite ridges are in turn surrounded by
a large (27km²) sinter field.
- The
sinter field has not been drill tested for gold mineralisation; it
has been extensively drill tested for bentonite (average hole depth
20m). 1
- The
Property is located 5km south, along strike and within the same
volcanic depression that hosts the historic quartz-adularia
Kremnica gold mine (current JORC (2012) mineral resource estimate
of 2.7Moz Au2).
Exploration target: high-grade gold (Au) ± silver (Ag)
quartz veins.
Supporting maps can be found at the end of this
press release:
Figure 1. The Lutila Exploration Licence – Geology & Arsenic
(As) Soil Geochemistry.Figure 2. The Lutila Exploration Licence –
Geology & Antimony (Sb) Soil Geochemistry.Figure 3. The Lutila
Exploration Licence (North East Block) – Geology, Historic Rock
& Historic Exploration Drilling.
Quote from the President & CEO, Mr
Sean Hasson:
“To see the results of a modern soil sampling
survey strongly correlating with the well-mapped geology over +7km
highlights the potential size of the Lutila quartz-adularia
epithermal system. To also have anomalous gold grades from surface
rock chips and historic drilling within the North East Block is a
strong endorsement of BULGOLD’s geological model. Lutila is shaping
up as what we believe to be a strong early-stage gold project.”
The reader is encouraged to view the Company’s
earlier press release “BULGOLD Inc - Acquires the Lutila Gold
Project in Slovakia for 100 EUR” dated September 27, 2023, for
additional background on the Lutila Gold Project: available at
2. Historic
Soil Sampling1During the early 2000’s,
the Lutila exploration area was covered by an extensive soil
sampling grid on a nominal east-west, 200m x 40m grid spacing. Some
3,560 soil samples were collected and subsequently assayed for gold
(Au), silver (Ag), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te),
mercury (Hg), thallium (Tl) and bismuth (Bi).
Following the Company’s review of the historic
soil data it became clear that both arsenic and antimony provide
compelling evidence for an extensive paleo-geothermal system within
the Lutila exploration area. Mercury and thallium soil data provide
some support for selective areas within the exploration area, while
gold, silver, tellurium and bismuth are of a very low overall
tenor, which is to be expected given the level of exposure that the
current land surface represents i.e. the Sinter Field reflects the
Miocene paleosurface while the North East Block probably represents
a surface approximately 50-100m below the same Miocene paleosurface
(as determined from the local topographic high, Čertov vrch
Commonly, arsenic and antimony geochemical
levels are elevated within the upper levels of quartz-adularia,
low-sulfidation epithermal systems. The Lutila Gold Project is no
exception, with extensive As and Sb anomalism defined over
approximately 7km within the rhyolite flow dome complexes and their
pyroclastic products. Within the North East Block, where erosion
has removed the sinters and exposed silicified rhyolites ±
chalcedonic veins, the As and Sb soil geochemistry is broad and
pervasive and correlates very well with mapped geology. Within the
Sinter Field the As and Sb geochemistry drapes the western and
eastern flanks of the prominent 6km long ridgeline (“Rhyolite
Ridge”) strongly suggesting that deeply derived, near neutral pH,
alkali chloride waters have permeated through the rhyolite dome
complexes and their pyroclastic products as evidenced by the large
volume of sinter formation at various topographic levels. The
historic soil sampling also suggests that there is a thin,
post-mineral rhyolite flow dome complex located on the central
portion of the ridgeline where soil geochemistry provides a very
muted response (see Figures 1 & 2).
3. Historic
Rock Sampling1Historic rock chip sampling
was confined to the North East Block only, there have reportedly
been no rock chip samples taken from within the Sinter Field.
A total of 80 rock chip samples were taken
within the North East Block (including 4 samples taken by the
Company as part of its due diligence) and assayed for gold and
silver, together with multi-element data for various elements. The
Company’s review of this data strongly indicates that there is a
topographic control on the gold data in that all rock samples
located above the 600mRL return an average gold grade of
<0.001g/t Au (n = 45), while all rock samples below the 600mRL
return an average gold grade of 0.68g/t Au (n = 35). Base metal
content of the rock samples for copper, lead and zinc are very low
and average <2ppm, <13ppm and <19ppm respectively (see
Table 1 and Figure 3).
Table 1. North East Block: All Rock Chip Samples
>0.1g/t Au
X_UTM34N |
Y_UTM34N |
Z_UTM34N |
Au_BEST_ppm |
Ag_BEST_ppm |
As_BEST_ppm |
Sb_BEST_ppm |
5072 |
345737 |
5391390 |
519 |
4.44 |
36.8 |
78 |
444 |
5071 |
345731 |
5391370 |
508 |
3.60 |
33.1 |
49 |
562 |
5070 |
345728 |
5391360 |
508 |
2.89 |
22 |
69 |
512 |
5073 |
345727 |
5391405 |
519 |
2.63 |
26.5 |
111 |
264 |
5074 |
345744 |
5391434 |
528 |
1.37 |
22.8 |
60 |
439 |
5076 |
345740 |
5391520 |
542 |
1.06 |
12.5 |
93 |
568 |
5075 |
345737 |
5391441 |
532 |
1.04 |
6.8 |
21 |
277 |
X_UTM34N |
Y_UTM34N |
Z_UTM34N |
Au_BEST_ppm |
Ag_BEST_ppm |
As_BEST_ppm |
Sb_BEST_ppm |
45045 |
344520 |
5392500 |
545 |
0.81 |
5.42 |
50 |
10 |
45047 |
344540 |
5392507 |
550 |
0.76 |
6.78 |
151 |
14 |
5077 |
345751 |
5391583 |
532 |
0.64 |
15.5 |
56 |
373 |
45048 |
344580 |
5392505 |
562 |
0.62 |
2.53 |
438 |
61 |
5080 |
345781 |
5392383 |
539 |
0.60 |
4.7 |
335 |
104 |
5062 |
345845 |
5390833 |
440 |
0.57 |
2.1 |
666 |
2019 |
5113 |
344523 |
5392485 |
549 |
0.47 |
4.5 |
167 |
205 |
5078 |
345748 |
5391594 |
527 |
0.35 |
5.2 |
117 |
164 |
45046 |
344530 |
5392515 |
550 |
0.34 |
1.7 |
74 |
10 |
5065 |
345829 |
5390811 |
439 |
0.29 |
2.1 |
1566 |
223 |
5079 |
345787 |
5392400 |
543 |
0.28 |
2.5 |
540 |
94 |
5063 |
345829 |
5390811 |
439 |
0.25 |
1.2 |
759 |
372 |
5069 |
345725 |
5391352 |
508 |
0.23 |
1.4 |
507 |
374 |
5115 |
344441 |
5392502 |
531 |
0.22 |
1 |
465 |
456 |
5124 |
344777 |
5392017 |
557 |
0.17 |
<1 |
183 |
184 |
5114 |
344458 |
5392506 |
531 |
0.12 |
1 |
270 |
216 |
4. Historic
Exploration Drilling1Historic exploration
diamond drilling was confined to the North East Block only, the
Sinter Field has not been drill tested for gold mineralisation; it
has been extensively drill tested for bentonite (average hole depth
The Company has divided the historic exploration
drilling into two separate phases:
Historic Drill Holes: 10 diamond drill holes
were completed into the eastern flank of the North East Block for a
total of 1,984.3m during the 1990’s. The majority of these drill
holes were drilled horizontally into the side of the hill above the
village of Bartošova Lehôtka. No assay data is available for these
drill holes; however, geology information is available. Of
particular interest was drill hole VKS-4, which was one of the few
angle holes drilled, which intercepted minor rhyolite from 0-10m
after which andesite volcanic rocks were intersected to end of hole
and therefore verifying that andesite volcanic rocks are present
beneath the rhyolite flow dome complexes in a similar stratigraphic
setting to the nearby Kremnica gold mine (see Table 2 & Figure
Modern Drill Holes: 21 diamond drill holes for a
total of 4,791.1m were completed within the Čertov vrch target
area. The drilling programme was completed by the Tournigan Gold
Corporation (a delisted TSXV company) during the period 2004-2006
(see Table 3 & Figure 3):
- Čertov vrch
prospect area located on and around the topographic high (748mRL)
and the northernmost cluster of drill holes within the North East
Block; 8 drill holes for 2,287m.
- Kopernica
Structure prospect area located 900m southwest of the Čertov vrch
prospect area; 6 drill holes for 826.2m.
- Bartošova
Lehôtka prospect area located 2km south-southeast of the Čertov
vrch prospect area; 3 drill holes for 826.2m (KG-BL-1 & KG-BL-2
are annotated in Figure 3).
- Čertov vrch East
prospect area located 1.15km southeast of the Čertov vrch prospect
area; 4 drill holes for 907.1m.
Assay data is unavailable for the majority of
drill holes and some geology information is available; however, it
is believed that drilling in the Čertov vrch and Čertov vrch East
prospect areas resulted in no gold mineralisation being recorded.
The Čertov vrch drilling did, however, intersect andesite volcanic
rocks approximately 150m beneath the topographic high at 748mRL.
The Kopernica Structure drilling was apparently a combined project
sterilisation/exploration programme and minor anomalous gold
intervals were recorded within rhyolite pyroclastic rocks. The
Bartošova Lehôtka prospect area also recorded some gold anomalous
intervals within the rhyolite flow dome complex and their
pyroclastic products and represent the drill holes collared at some
of the lowest elevations to date within the Lutila exploration
Gold anomalous intervals from the Bartošova
Lehôtka and Kopernica Structure prospect areas are outlined
Bartošova Lehôtka:
- 5.3m @ 1.26g/t Au (from 84.4m)
- 26.2m @ 0.91g/t Au (from 97m)
- 5.1m @ 0.63g/t Au (from 138m)
- 24.3m @ 0.76g/t Au (from
- 11.7m @ 0.94g/t Au (from
*2m minimum composite length, 2m maximum
internal dilution, 0.5g/t Au cut-off.
Figure 4: Strongly silicified rhyolite tuff,
brecciated, with dark chalcedony and stibnite stockwork infill plus
limonite (orange) after sulfides (KG-BL-1: 104.1-105.5m; 2.98g/t
Kopernica Structure:
- 12.8m @ 0.26g/t Au (from
- 6m @ 0.29g/t Au (from 1m)
- 3.1m @ 0.15g/t Au (from 86.9m)
- 22.4m @ 0.34g/t Au (from
**2m minimum composite length, 2m maximum
internal dilution, 0.1g/t Au cut-off; the Company considers this to
represent a ‘geological cut-off’ which shows that gold is present
in rhyolite volcanic rocks at anomalous values.
Table 2: Historic Drill Hole Information
X_UTM34N |
Y_UTM34N |
Z_UTM34N |
VKS1 |
345922 |
5390876 |
422 |
249 |
200 |
-60 |
100 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS2 |
345922 |
5390876 |
422 |
386 |
51 |
-45 |
280 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS3 |
345784 |
5390960 |
427 |
356 |
100.5 |
-45 |
90 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS4 |
345941 |
5391767 |
433 |
290 |
209.3 |
-43 |
260 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS5 |
345996 |
5391498 |
418 |
418 |
255.5 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS6 |
346022 |
5393123 |
443 |
443 |
300 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS7 |
346159 |
5392284 |
419 |
419 |
300 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS7a |
346159 |
5392284 |
419 |
419 |
71 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS8 |
345890 |
5390549 |
396 |
396 |
197 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
VKS9 |
346052 |
5392841 |
445 |
445 |
300 |
0 |
270 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
Table 3: Modern Drill Hole Information
X_UTM34N |
Y_UTM34N |
Z_UTM34N |
KG-BL-1 |
345791 |
5391545 |
519 |
346 |
200 |
-60 |
240 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
KG-BL-2 |
345684 |
5391551 |
539 |
383 |
220.8 |
-45 |
120 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
KG-BL-3 |
345891 |
5391387 |
483 |
236 |
350 |
-45 |
300 |
Bartošova Lehôtka |
KG-BS-1 |
345307 |
5392660 |
586 |
409 |
250 |
-45 |
270 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-1 |
344949 |
5393398 |
753 |
567 |
186 |
-90 |
360 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-2 |
344915 |
5393284 |
758 |
578 |
208 |
-60 |
320 |
Čertov vrch |
X_UTM34N |
Y_UTM34N |
Z_UTM34N |
KG-CV-3 |
344992 |
5393262 |
760 |
500 |
300.3 |
-60 |
325 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-4 |
344872 |
5393401 |
726 |
327 |
487.4 |
-55 |
120 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-5 |
344878 |
5393497 |
719 |
488 |
301.3 |
-50 |
145 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-6 |
345212 |
5393279 |
730 |
495 |
332 |
-45 |
325 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-CV-7 |
345218 |
5393373 |
736 |
544 |
222 |
-60 |
325 |
Čertov vrch |
KG-KP-1 |
344666 |
5392370 |
592 |
500 |
130 |
-45 |
320 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-KP-2 |
344643 |
5392565 |
582 |
490 |
130 |
-45 |
335 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-KP-2a |
344673 |
5392593 |
596 |
507 |
98.5 |
-65 |
285 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-KP-3 |
344588 |
5392645 |
596 |
472 |
175 |
-45 |
100 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-KP-5 |
344730 |
5392665 |
617 |
521 |
135.4 |
-45 |
280 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-KP-5a |
344729 |
5392666 |
617 |
465 |
157.3 |
-75 |
280 |
Kopernica Structure |
KG-VKS-7 |
345802 |
5392412 |
543 |
413 |
158.1 |
-55 |
220 |
Čertov vrch East |
KG-VKS-9 |
345966 |
5392739 |
488 |
332 |
220 |
-45 |
320 |
Čertov vrch East |
KG-VKS-9a |
345971 |
5392735 |
488 |
311 |
251 |
-45 |
90 |
Čertov vrch East |
KG-VKS-9b |
345970 |
5392736 |
488 |
247 |
278 |
-60 |
90 |
Čertov vrch East |
5. DiscussionHistoric
soil sampling has outlined a significant, +7km long,
paleo-geothermal system as defined by arsenic and antimony
geochemistry. Historic rock chip sampling, which is limited to the
North East Block, has shown that surface gold grades increase in
value towards lower elevations, which is in line with the Company’s
current geological model. Historic exploration drilling, which is
also restricted to the North East Block, has shown that there are
anomalous gold grades within the rhyolite flow dome complexes and
their pyroclastic products on either flank of the Čertov vrch
target area which is centred on the Čertov vrch peak (748mRL).
At the nearby Kremnica gold mine, which is
hosted in andesite volcanic rocks, rhyolite dykes are intimately
associated with and often well mineralised where they are
cross-cut, or run parallel to quartz-adularia veins, thus
indicating that extrusive rhyolite volcanism was likely a
pre-(syn?) mineral event. The historic exploration drilling has
indicated that andesite volcanic rocks are present below the
exposed rhyolite flow dome complexes and their associated
pyroclastic products within the area of the North East Block and it
is likely that andesite volcanic rocks are present beneath the
rhyolite stratigraphy currently exposed within the Sinter
The Company believes that the Lutila Gold
Project reflects a continuation of the same volcanic depression
(which hosts the Kremnica gold mine), which has been downfaulted,
creating a preserved graben of rhyolite flow domes complexes and
their pyroclastic products together with a very large sinter
This review of the historic exploration data,
from primarily within the North East Block, taken together with the
extensive Sinter Field, which reflects the position of the Miocene
paleosurface and is an indication of boiling at depth within an
epithermal system which, if present, is preserved from erosion,
would tend to strongly support the Company’s conceptual exploration
model, which is outlined below:
Figure 5: The BULGOLD conceptual exploration
model for the Lutila Gold Project.
6. Next
- Complete the procedure for
obtaining permission for the Company’s inaugural drilling programme
from Slovak authorities and commence drilling on the Lutila Gold
- Continue to conduct meetings with
local and national stakeholders.
7. About
the Slovak Republic
- EU and NATO member since 2004.
- Eurozone member since 2009.
- Established mining industry,
clearly defined mining legislation.
- No restrictions on foreign
- 21% corporate tax rate.
- 5% NSR for gold and silver.
- The use of cyanide for extractive
purposes has been prohibited since 2014.
- Low-cost profiles, skilled local
- Exploration licences can be held
for a 10-year period (4+4+2).
About BULGOLD Inc.
BULGOLD is a gold exploration company focused on
the exploration and development of mineral exploration projects in
Central and Eastern Europe. The Company controls 100% of three
quality quartz-adularia epithermal gold projects located in the
Slovakian and Bulgarian portions of the Western Tethyan Belt: the
Lutila Gold Project, the Kostilkovo Gold Project and the Kutel Gold
Project. Management of the Company believes that its assets show
potential for high-grade, good-metallurgy, low-sulfidation
epithermal gold mineralisation.
- Historic
Sampling and Drilling Data and Information
The historical sampling and drilling data and
information disclosed in this press release is related to
historical exploration results. The reader is cautioned that the
historical sampling and drilling data and information are based on
prior data and reports previously prepared by third parties without
the involvement of the Company. Information has been sourced from
the Slovak Geological Survey in reports 83971 (December 1997) and
92416 (February 2013). BULGOLD has not undertaken any independent
investigation of the historical sampling and drilling data and
information, nor has it independently analysed the results of the
historical sampling and drilling exploration work in order to
verify the results. The reader is cautioned not to treat them, or
any part of them, as current and that a qualified person has not
done sufficient work to verify the results and that they may not
form a reliable guide to future results. No independent
quality assurance/quality control protocols are known for these
historic samples and drill holes and therefore the analytical
results, data and information may be unreliable. BULGOLD considers
the historical sample and drill data and information to be relevant
as BULGOLD is using this data and information, in conjunction with
the sampling conducted by BULGOLD, as a guide to plan its
exploration program for the Lutila Gold Project. BULGOLD’s current
exploration work includes verification of the historical data and
information through further exploration.
Quality Assurance/Quality
With respect to sample information in this new
release that was prepared by the Company and is not historic
sampling and drilling information, rock samples are shipped to SGS
Bor, Serbia, which is an independent laboratory. Quality control
samples, comprising certified reference materials, blanks, and
field duplicates, are inserted into each batch of samples and
locations for crushed duplicates and pulp replicates are specified.
At the SGS Bor laboratory, the submitted rock samples are dried at
105°C for a minimum of 12 hours, and then jaw crushed to about 80%
passing 4mm. Sample preparation duplicates are created by riffle
splitting crushed samples on a 1 in 20 basis. Larger samples are
riffle split prior to pulverizing, whereas smaller samples are
pulverized entirely. Pulverizing specifications are 90% passing 75
microns. Gold analyses are done using a conventional 50-gram fire
assay and AAS finish.
On December 31, 2023, BULGOLD had approximately
$2.0 million in its treasury and BULGOLD’s issued and outstanding
shares were 27,597,928 of which approximately 39.54% were held by
Founders, Directors and Management. Additional information about
the Company is available on BULGOLD’s website (www.BULGOLD.com) and
on SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.ca).
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information in this
news release was reviewed and approved by Mr Sean Hasson, a
Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and
President and Chief Executive Officer to the Company.
For further information, please contact:
BULGOLD Inc.Sean Hasson, President
and Chief Executive OfficerTelephone: +359 2 989 2361Email:
information@BULGOLD.comWebsite: www.BULGOLD.com
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains forward‐looking
statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of
applicable securities laws (collectively, “forward-looking
statements”). These statements relate to future events or future
performance and include statements relating to the Lutila Gold
Project and the status of the Lutila Gold Project as a strong
early-stage gold project in Europe, the Kremnica gold mine, the
reason for the Kremnica gold mine being exploited over a long
period of time, the Lutila Gold Project reflecting a continuation
of the same Kremnica volcanics, the Company’s conceptual
exploration model for the Lutila Gold Project, the potential of the
Lutila Gold Project to benefit the Company’s stakeholders, the
mineralised inventory within the Kremnica deposit through time, the
exploration plans of the Company and the timing thereof. All
statements other than statements of historical fact may be
forward‐looking statements or information. The forward‐looking
statements and information are based on certain key expectations
and assumptions made by management of the Company. Although
management of the Company believes that the expectations and
assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and
information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be
placed on the forward‐looking statements and information since no
assurance can be given that they will prove to be correct.
Forward-looking statements and information are
provided for the purpose of providing information about the current
expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the
future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and
information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as
making investment decisions. Since forward‐looking statements and
information address future events and conditions, by their very
nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual
results could differ materially from those currently anticipated
due to a number of factors and risks, including the inherent
uncertainty of mineral exploration; risks related to title to
mineral properties; and credit, market, currency, operational,
commodity, geopolitical, liquidity and funding risks generally,
including changes in economic conditions, interest rates or tax
rates and general market and economic conditions. Accordingly,
readers should not place undue reliance on the forward‐looking
statements and information contained in this press release. Readers
are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive.
The forward‐looking statements and information contained in this
press release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is
given to update publicly or revise any forward‐looking statements
or information, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities
laws. The forward-looking statements and information contained in
this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary
Figure 1. The Lutila Exploration Licence –
Geology & Arsenic (As) Soil Geochemistry.
Figure 2. The Lutila Exploration Licence –
Geology & Antimony (Sb) Soil Geochemistry.
Figure 3. The Lutila Exploration Licence (North
East Block) – Geology, Historic Rock & Historic Exploration
Figures 4 and 5 accompanying this announcement are available
at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b08c54bf-90bb-43d8-829c-dae0439c3689https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4845fce4-30ee-4d82-956f-16bd0514feba
Grafico Azioni Bulgold (TSXV:ZLTO)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni Bulgold (TSXV:ZLTO)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025