RNS Number : 4888U
  Bioganix PLC
  15 May 2008


    15th MAY 2008

    Bioganix plc ('Bioganix' or 'the Group'), the AIM listed waste management services group, today announces its unaudited preliminary
results for the year ended 31st December 2007. 


    *     During the year the Group raised approximately £2.24 million after expenses from a placing of 1,659,311 new ordinary shares.
    *     The planning and lease arrangements for the new Sharpness plant were agreed and a substantial amount of construction work was
completed. Since the year end, this plant has commenced processing waste material.
    *     Bioganix was made the preferred bidder for a 15 year contract with Buckinghamshire County Council to process 30,000 tonnes of
organic waste per annum. 
    *     The Directors successfully resolved a dispute with a major customer over contracted volumes of gate fee material for the Group's
Parham Plant.
    *     Post year end, the Group formed a strategic alliance with Kompogas AG and Kuttner Gmbh to be lead bidder on their Anaerobic
Digestion projects in UK.
    *     Turnover of £2.06m (2006 - £1.60m)

    Commenting on these results, Andrew Walker, Chairman, said: "2007 has been a year of significant progress for Bioganix, both in
developing our in-vessel composting capacity and in developing complementary ways of handling organic wastes. Many of the fundamentals of
our market place have changed, particularly driven by commodity prices, and this presents us with opportunities as well as challenges. 2008
has started very positively, in no small part due to the hard work and achievements of the team in 2007."


 Nick Helme                                       01568 619115
 Managing Director * Bioganix Plc                             
 Julian Morgan                                    01568 619101
 Finance and Commercial Director * Bioganix Plc               
 Mike Coe                                        0117 933 0020
 Blue Oar Securities Plc                                      
 Tom Cooper / Paul Vann                          0117 920 0092
 Winningtons Financial                           0797 122 1972


    I am pleased to report on the Group's results for the year ended 31 December 2007.  


    Turnover for the 12 months ended 31 December 2007 was £2,056,039 compared with £1,600,626 for the 12 month period ended 31 December
2006.  Not included in turnover are the receipts from the DEFRA New Technologies Demonstrator Programme and the amortisation of the capital
grant received in respect of the Parham Plant which are included in other operating income.

    Pre-tax losses for the year were £1,063,884 compared with a pre-tax loss of £65,782 for the year ending 31 December 2006. The loss for
the year is stated after charging £24,035 (2006: £24,291) in respect of IFRS2 (Share Based Payments). As in the previous year, the Group
has taken advantage of the research and development tax credit arrangements and, therefore, the loss after tax was £985,782 compared with a
loss after tax in the previous year of £41,744. Total Equity at 31 December 2007 was £5,746,048 compared with Total Equity of £4,465,791
at the end of the previous year. During the year, the Group raised £2.24 million (net of expenses) from a placing of 1,659,311 new ordinary

    Cash out-flow from operations during the year amounted to £183,030 compared with a cash in-flow of £704,035 in the previous year. As
at 31 December 2007, the Group had bank borrowings amounting to £286,848 and had asset related borrowings of £365,798.


    During the year the Group operated two plants at Wharton in Herefordshire and at Parham in Suffolk and also started to build a new plant
at Sharpness in Gloucestershire.  In addition to these activities the Group continued to seek long-term contractual opportunities to process
organic waste streams.

    The year on year growth in turnover reflects the increase in volumes being processed at the Parham Plant. As previously reported, the
overall volumes processed in the Parham Plant during the year were significantly lower than originally anticipated due to a major Customer
("the Customer") delivering significantly less waste material to the Parham Plant during the year than had been contracted for. As a result
of these shortfalls in delivery, Bioganix sought a remedy from the Customer through formal arbitration. As previously reported, agreement
was reached with the Customer in April 2008 whereby the Customer agreed to a substantial settlement ("the Settlement") in Bioganix's favour
with a value of approximately £1 million.  Of this, only £70,000, approximately, has been reflected in the results for the year.  The
balance of the Settlement value will be recognised in Bioganix's future financial statements in respect of the periods up to September

    The scale of the losses made in the year were primarily a function of the shortfall in delivery of material from the Customer as
described above. The costs of the upgrade work to the Parham Plant in the early part of the year (as previously reported) also contributed
to the overall loss for the year.

    The Wharton Plant continued to be used to conduct research work for DEFRA under the NTDP programme during the year.  The project has
yielded some very useful engineering results that will be used to inform the design of future plants as well as acting as a demonstrator for
the Bioganix process. The crop growing experiments undertaken, as part of the project, continue to demonstrate the relative agronomic value
of Bioganix compost fertiliser compared with other organic and inorganic manures.  Volumes at the Wharton Plant remained broadly similar to
the prior year and were in-line with expectations.

    The planning, design and build of the new Sharpness (Gloucestershire) plant absorbed a substantial proportion of the Group's resources
during the year. The Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) awarded Bioganix a capital grant of £381,250 during the year towards the cost
of the Sharpness facility. The designs of the major components within the Sharpness Plant have embodied the results of research work and
practical experience gained from the existing plants at Wharton and Parham. As a result of these, the Directors anticipate a reduction in
operating costs per tonne of waste processed compared with the Parham Plant.

    During the year the Group continued to seek out new opportunities to build additional organic waste recycling plants. In particular the
Group submitted a bid to Buckinghamshire County Council to process approximately 30,000 tonnes of green and kitchen waste per year for 15
years in a new plant to be built near Aylesbury. As previously reported, Bioganix were awarded preferred bidder status by Buckinghamshire
County Council in January 2008.

    The Board was strengthened during the year by the appointments of Oliver O'Toole as Operations Director (executive) and Professor Jeremy
Tavaras a non-executive director of the Company.

    Market Assessment

    In a rapidly evolving sector such as that represented by the processing of organic waste, there are challenges as well as opportunities.
The collection, and therefore the availability for processing, of organic waste have been slower to develop than the environmental and
regulatory frameworks might have indicated to be likely.  However opportunities such as that presented by the Group's preferred bidder
status with Buckinghamshire County Council continue to present themselves and Bioganix is currently pursuing a number of significant Local
Authority contracts for long term waste streams. 

    In addition, the Group's recently announced strategic alliance relationship with Kompogas AG and Kuttner GmbH represents an exciting
opportunity to be among the first to build anaerobic digestion ("AD") energy-producing capacity in the UK, using technology which is already
in use in more than fifty plants worldwide, the majority being in Germany and Switzerland.  Long term Government contracts for the receipt
of waste, together with a proven processing system with process guarantees from Kompogas, and the potential to produce "green" electricity
present new opportunities for the handling of organic waste.

    The significant increases in the price of artificial fertilisers experienced by farmers during the year coupled with the rises in global
cereal prices have led to even greater demand for Bioganix compost fertiliser compared with previous years. As a result, the average prices
charged for product produced at both of the Group's plants have increased during the year. The compost produced by the Wharton Plant was
submitted for approval under the PAS100 Accredited Compost Standard during the year and the Standard was awarded to Bioganix on April 22nd
2008.  Some of the costs associated with compost sales continue to present challenges to the business; these include fuel costs and the not
insignificant expense of complying with the regulatory framework imposed by the Environment Agency.

    The increase in global cereal and pulse prices, and in particular those destined for animal feeds, has encouraged renewed interest in
the recycling of certain organic wastes to produce animal feed material for the pig, poultry and fish farming sectors. Unfortunately this
has resulted in some of the feather material previously processed by Bioganix no longer being available for composting at economic gate
fees. This situation is expected to continue for the next few years although in the future consumer sentiment may lead to some degree of
rejection of foods produced by feeding feathers to farm animals. 


    The Board are looking forward to a year of significant growth for Bioganix.  During 2008 as a whole, Parham is expected to perform
financially much better than in previous years as a result of increased volumes being processed and the terms of the Settlement with the
Customer. Although the performance of the Parham Plant was adversely impacted during the early part of 2008 as a result of the dispute with
the Customer, new sources of gate fee material have now been secured for the Parham Plant. During the course of the year Parham is expected
to return to operating at capacity. The volume of material processed at the Sharpness plant, which has now started operating, will also
increase during the year although full operating capacity is not expected to be achieved by the year end.  No positive financial
contribution is expected from Sharpness during 2008. In the later part of the year, the Wharton Plant will be progressively run down and
some of the material currently being processed at Wharton will be transferred to Sharpness. Thus the contribution from the Wharton Plant will diminish during the year to nil by year end.  

    Planning for the proposed new plant near Aylesbury is now underway and, subject to planning permission being obtained, it is hoped that
construction of the new plant will commence during 2009 on a leased site.  The Board is currently reviewing its options for the financing of
the proposed plant.  Bioganix aims to include AD technology as part of its planning application in Aylesbury and would expect to be
producing up to 10,000 MWeh of electricity per year. The potential value of this electricity could add approximately £1.25m to the plant
sales, in addition to the gate fees for receipt of waste material.  Buckinghamshire County Council plan to start collecting green and
kitchen waste from April 2009, and between then and when the new plant becomes operational Bioganix plan to process this material at the
Sharpness Plant.

    In summary, the Directors are pleased that despite some challenges the Group is making excellent progress in developing as a significant
UK operator in the processing of organic waste, including some difficult types of waste which require special processing capability. The
initiatives already identified for the coming year are consistent with further progress for Bioganix in a sector which continues to offer
great commercial opportunity.

    Mr A J Walker


                                  Year to 31 December  Year to 31 December 2006 (audited and restated)
                                     2007 (unaudited)
                                                    £                                                £
 GROUP REVENUE                              2,056,039                                        1,600,626
 Cost of sales                            (1,591,179)                                      (1,013,399)
 Gross profit                                 464,860                                          587,227
 Distribution costs                         (303,799)                                        (196,925)
 Administrative expenses                  (1,456,761)                                        (876,795)
 Other operating income                       238,516                                          426,200
 Finance income                                19,545                                           21,298
 Finance expenses                            (26,245)                                         (26,787)
 (LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION            (1,063,884)                                         (65,782)
 Corporation tax received                      78,102                                           24,038
 (LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE                      (985,782)                                         (41,744)
 Basic loss per share                        (14.88p)                                          (0.97p)

    There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit or loss for the above financial periods. None of the Group's activities
were acquired or discontinued during the year to 31st December 2007.  

    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31st December 2007

                                  Year to 31 December     Year to 31 December 2006
                                     2007 (unaudited)       (audited and restated)
                                                    £                            £
 Balance at start of periodas               4,467,992                    (736,202)
 originally stated under UK
 Change of accounting policy to                     -                            -
 comply with IFRS
 Restated balances at start of              4,467,992                    (736,202)
 (Loss) / Profit for the period             (985,782)                     (41,744)
 (2006: as restated)
 Share options reserve                         24,035                       24,291
 Issue of new shares                          165,931                      645,825
 Premium on issue of new shares             2,073,872                    4,573,621
 Restated balances at end of                5,746,048                    4,465,791


                                      31 December2007  31 December2006 (audited and restated)
                                                    £                                       £
 Non-current assets                                                                          
 Property, plant and equipment              7,881,318                               5,427,930
 Intangible assets                             35,757                                  71,515
 Total non-current assets                   7,917,075                               5,499,445
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                                              
 Inventories                                   31,344                                  32,213
 Debtors                                      763,189                                 373,759
 Cash at bank                                       -                                 141,886
 Total current assets                         794,533                                 547,858
 Total Assets                               8,711,608                               6,047,303
 EQUITIES AND LIABILITIES                                                                    
 Equity attributable to equity                                                               
 holders of the company
 Share capital                                811,767                                 645,836
 Merger reserves                            4,308,335                               4,308,335
 Share Premium                              7,039,163                               4,965,290
 Reverse Acquisition reserve              (4,700,004)                             (4,700,004)
 Other reserves                                48,326                                  24,291
 Retained losses                          (1,761,539)                               (777,957)
 Total Equity                               5,746,048                               4,465,791
 Non-current liabilities                                                                     
 Long-term borrowings                         224,656                                 166,559
 Long-term property lease                     746,667                                       -
 Long-term grant                              699,963                                 799,963
 Total non-current liabilities              1,671,286                                 966,522
 Current liabilities                                                                         
 Trade and other payables                     712,951                                 396,784
 Short-term borrowings                        427,990                                 118,206
 Short-term property lease                     53,333                                       -
 Short-term grant                             100,000                                 100,000
 Total current liabilities                  1,294,274                                 614,990
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               8,711,608                               6,047,303


                                      31 December2007     31 December 2006 (audited
                                         (unaudited)                  and restated)
                                                    £                             £
 (Loss) before finance income /           (1,057,185)                      (60,293)
 expenses and tax
 Adjustments for:                                                                  
 Depreciation                                 844,413                       523,119
 Changes in working capital                                                        
 (excluding the effects of
 Inventories                                      868                        57,992
 Trade and other receivables                (311,328)                     (138,044)
 Trade and other payables                     316,167                       296,970
 Other provisions                              24,035                        24,291
 Cash (lost) / generated from               (183,030)                       704,035
 Corporation tax received                           -                        83,883
 Net cash (lost) / generated                (183,030)                       787,918
 from operations
 Cash flows from investing                                                         
 Finance income received                       19,545                        21,298
 Finance expenses                           (126,245)                     (126,826)
 Purchase of property, plant              (2,532,667)                   (4,181,411)
 and equipment
 Investment in intangible fixed                     -                     (109,989)
 Net cash used in investing               (2,639,367)                   (4,396,928)
 Cash flows from financing                                                         
 Repayment of finance leases                        -                       (7,175)
 Repayment of bank loans                     (96,142)                     (111,142)
 Issue of equity share capital              2,406,000                     6,263,573
 Repayment of convertible                           -                   (1,760,406)
 unsecured loan notes
 Expenses incurred in                       (166,195)                     (532,056)
 connection with new shares
 Repayment of amounts owed to                       -                   (1,081,620)
 group undertakings
 Interest on loan notes                             -                     (512,072)
 New grants received                                -                     1,000,000
 New bank loan                                250,000                             -
 Net cash generated / (used) in             2,393,663                     3,259,102
 financing activities
 Net (decrease) in cash and                 (428,734)                     (349,908)
 cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 141,886                       491,794
 beginning of period
 (Borrowings) / Cash and cash               (286,848)                       141,886
 equivalents at end of period


    1.    Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

    For all periods up to 31 December 2006 Bioganix plc prepared its financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (UK GAAP). AIM Rules require that the annual consolidated financial statements of Bioganix plc for the year ended 31
December 2007 be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    Accordingly, these preliminary financial statements which are for the year ending 31 December 2007, are the first full year statements
that have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and are covered by IFRS1, First-time Adoption of IFRS.

    In preparing these preliminary financial statements the comparative figures previously reported under UK GAAP have been restated for the
transition to IFRS. The disclosures required by IFRS1 regarding the transition for the relevant periods are given in Note 3 below. Other
than changes to accounting policies as a result of the adoption of IFRS, the same accounting policies have been followed in the preliminary
financial statements as compared with the most recent annual financial statements.

    2.    Loss per ordinary share

    The calculation of the basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the result for the Period, for continuing operations as well as
total acquisitions, and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

                                 31 December 2007 (unaudited)  31 December 2006 

 Weighted average number of                         7,149,735          4,309,223
 ordinary shares in issue

 (Loss) after tax                                 (1,063,884)           (41,744)

 Basic (loss) per share - pence                      (14.88p)            (0.97p)
 share (p)

 Diluted (loss) per share -                          (14.88p)            (0.97p)
 pence per share (p)

    Basic and diluted loss per share are the same in respect of all the periods as the effect of outstanding options is anti-dilutive and
therefore excluded.

    3.    Transition from UK GAAP to IFRS

    As required under IFRS1, the equity reconciliations at 1 January 2006 (the transition date for IFRS) and at 31 December 2006 (date of
last UK GAAP financial statements) are set out below

    The net effect of adopting IFRS rather than the UK GAAP for the year ending 31 December 2006 is to increase total assets from
£5,976,679 to £6,047,303 due to the capitalisation of leases. This change also has the effect of slightly increasing the loss on ordinary
activities for the year ending 31 December 2006 from £39,543 to £41,744.

    Reconciliation of UK GAAP equity to IFRS equity:

                                            31 December  1 January
                                                   2007       2007
                                                      £          £

 Capital and reserves according to UK GAAP    5,746,048  4,467,992

 Effect of adopting IAS17 - Leases                    -    (2,201)

 Equity according to IFRS                     5,746,048  4,465,791

    Reconciliation of UK GAAP balance sheets to IFRS balance sheets:

                                                                           As at 31 December 2006                                           
    As at 30 June 2006
                                        As previously  Effect of transition     As restated under         As previously  Effect of
transition     As restated under
                                    reported under UK                                        IFRS     reported under UK                     
                                                 GAAP                                                              GAAP
                                                    £                     £                     £                     £                 
   £                     £
 Non-current assets                                                                                                                         
 Property, plant and equipment              5,357,306                70,624             5,427,930             4,661,091                    
-             4,661,091
 Other tangible assets                         71,515                     -                71,515                     -                    
-                     -
 Total non-current assets                   5,428,821                     -             5,499,445             4,661,091                    
-             4,661,091
 Current Assets                                                                                                                             
 Inventories                                   32,213                     -                32,213               159,981                    
-               159,981
 Trade Receivables                            373,759                     -               373,759               300,528                    
-               300,528
 Cash and cash equivalents                    141,886                     -               141,886             1,011,134                    
-             1,011,134
 Total current assets                         547,858                     -               547,858             1,471,643                    
-             1,471,643
 Total Assets                               5,976,679                70,624             6,047,303             6,132,734                    
-             6,132,734
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                                                                                     
 Equity attributable to equity                                                                                                              
 holders of the parent
 Share capital                                645,836                     -               645,836               645,834                    
-               645,834
 Merger reserve                                     -             4,308,335             4,308,335                     -            
4,308,335             4,308,335
 Share premium reserve                      4,573,621               391,669             4,965,290             4,576,771              
391,669             4,968,440
 Reverse acquisition reserve                                    (4,700,004)           (4,700,004)                     -          
(4,700,004)           (4,700,004)
 Other reserves                                24,291                     -                24,291                     -                    
-                     -
 Retained earnings                          (775,756)               (2,201)             (777,957)             (728,176)                    
-             (728,176)
 Total equity                               4,467,992               (2,201)             4,465,791             4,494,429                    
-             4,494,429
 Non-current liabilities                                                                                                                    
 Long-term borrowings                         115,678                50,881               166,559               161,369                    
-               161,369
 Long-term Government Grants                  799,963                     -               799,963               849,963                    
-               849,963
 Total Non-current liabilities                915,641                50,881               966,522             1,011,332                    
-             1,011,332
 Current liabilities                                                                                                                        
 Trade and other payables                     396,784                     -               396,784               411,295                    
-               411,295
 Short-term Government Grants                 100,000                     -               100,000               100,000                    
-               100,000
 Current portion of long-term                  96,262                21,944               118,206               115,678                    
-               115,678
 Total current liabilities                    593,046                21,944               614,990               626,973                    
-               626,973
 Total liabilities                          1,508,687                72,825             1,581,512             1,638,305                    
-             1,638,305
 Total equity and liabilities               5,976,679                70,624             6,047,303             6,132,734                    
-             6,132,734

    Reconciliation of UK GAAP income statements to IFRS income statements:

                                                                           As at 31 December 2006                                           
    As at 30 June 2006
                                        As previously  Effect of transition     As restated under         As previously  Effect of
transition     As restated under
                                    reported under UK                                        IFRS     reported under UK                     
                                                 GAAP                                                              GAAP
                                                    £                     £                     £                     £                 
   £                     £
 Revenue                                    1,600,626                     -             1,600,626               826,681                    
-               826,681
 Cost of Sales                            (1,016,293)                 2,894           (1,013,399)             (354,766)                    
-             (354,766)
 Gross Profit                                 584,333                 2,894               587,227               471,915                    
-               471,915
 Other income                                 426,200                     -               426,200                                          
 Distribution expenses                      (196,925)                     -             (196,925)              (53,823)                    
-              (53,823)
 Administrative expenses                    (876,795)                     -             (876,795)             (389,799)                    
-             (389,799)
 Finance income                                21,298                     -                21,298                 2,481                    
-                 2,481
 Finance expenses                            (21,692)               (5,095)              (26,787)              (22,736)                    
-              (22,736)
 (Loss) / profit before tax                  (63,581)               (2,201)              (65,782)                 8,038                    
-                 8,038
 Taxation                                      24,038                     -                24,038                     -                    
-                     -
 (Loss) / profit for the period              (39,543)               (2,201)              (41,744)                 8,038                    
-                 8,038
 (Loss) / profit per share                    (0.92)p                (.05p)               (0.97p)                 0.35p                    
-                 0.35p

    4.    Business Combination

    On 28th April 2006 Bioganix plc completed the purchase of the entire share capital of Bioganix Composting Limited. The Business
Combination has been accounted for as a reverse acquisition in accordance with IFRS 3.

    5.    Segmental reporting

    The group operates in one business segment, that of the provision of waste management services, and in one geographic segment, within
the UK. Accordingly no segmental analysis is required.

    6.    Taxation

    Due to the Company's losses, no taxation charge has arisen for the period. Corporation tax received has arisen from research and
development tax credits.

    7.    Final Dividend

    The directors have not declared a final dividend.

    8.    Preliminary Financial Statements

    The preliminary financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 May 2008. These
financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985 and are neither reviewed nor audited.
 The figures for the year ended 31 December 2007 are unaudited. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been filed with
the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 237 (2)
or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    9.    Copies of Statement

    Copies of this statement are available to shareholders and members of the public, free of charge, from the Company's registered office
at Wharton Court, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0NX.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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