Comverse Technology, Inc. ("CTI") (Nasdaq:CMVT) today announced its results for the three months ended July 31, 2012.

Consolidated Highlights: Below is selected consolidated financial information for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and, where indicated, not in accordance with GAAP ("non-GAAP").

  Three months ended July 31, Six months ended July 31,
(In thousands, except per share data) 2012 2011 2012 2011
Revenue  $ 383,652  $ 377,014 $718,037  $ 717,110
GAAP net loss attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. $ (274) $ (39,697) $ (53,484) $ (98,892)
GAAP loss per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders:        
Basic and Diluted  $ (0.00) $ (0.19) $ (0.24) $ (0.48)
Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. - basic (1)   $ 24,184  $ 21,042  (8,274)  $ 14,011
Non-GAAP net earnings (loss) per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders - basic and diluted  $ 0.11  $ 0.10 $ (0.04)  $ 0.07
(1) "Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc." and "Non-GAAP earnings (loss) per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders" have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP. See "Presentation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" and "Consolidated Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below.

CTI is a holding company that conducts business through its subsidiaries, principally, its wholly-owned subsidiary, Comverse, Inc. ("Comverse"), and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Verint Systems Inc. ("Verint") and Starhome B.V. ("Starhome"). As previously disclosed, CTI intends to distribute 100% of the outstanding common shares of Comverse to CTI shareholders on a pro rata basis. In addition, on August 1, 2012, CTI entered into an agreement (the "Share Purchase Agreement") to sell its interest in Starhome B.V. ("Starhome") to unaffiliated purchasers and on August 12, 2012, entered into an agreement and plan of merger (the "Verint Merger Agreement") with Verint pursuant to which CTI will merge with and into a subsidiary of Verint.

CTI's reportable segments are Comverse Business Support Systems ("Comverse BSS"), Comverse Value-Added Services ("Comverse VAS"), and Verint. The results of all of the other operations of the company, including the Comverse Mobile Internet operating segment ("Comverse MI"), Comverse's Netcentrex operations, Comverse's global corporate functions which include CTI's holding company operations, are included in the column captioned "All Other" in the business segment information provided. As a result of CTI entering into the Starhome Share Purchase Agreement, Starhome's results of operations, which previously were included in "All Other," are included in discontinued operations for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012.

Charles Burdick, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CTI said, "We have made excellent progress toward separating the three CTI operating companies from common ownership. The previously-announced sale of our majority-owned subsidiary Starhome is expected to close by mid-October, yielding proceeds of approximately $37.4 million, the CTI holding company plans to be acquired by our majority-owned subsidiary Verint in early 2013 in a stock-for-stock transaction announced last month, and we remain on track to spin-off our Comverse subsidiary as a well-capitalized publicly-traded company, with distribution targeted for October 31. We will be holding a Shareholder Meeting on October 10 to approve the spin-off of Comverse. We think these transactions represent the most cost and tax efficient way to distribute Comverse and Verint to our shareholders, and put both companies in the best position to maximize value.

"Operationally, we welcome Philippe Tartavull as CEO and Tom Sabol as CFO of Comverse, who are preparing Comverse for life as a public company. In the second quarter Comverse saw sequential revenue and cash flow performance improvement, positive operating income and we expect to generate positive cash flow from operations in the second half of fiscal 2012, along with modest bookings growth for the full fiscal year. In addition, Verint, which announced second quarter results on September 5, continues to achieve solid growth and profitability."

Comverse Subsidiary Highlights: Below is selected financial information for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 for the company's Comverse subsidiary.

Comverse Subsidiary: (2) Three months ended July 31, Six months ended July 31,
(Dollars in thousands) 2012 2011 2012 2011
Total revenue  $ 171,226  $ 182,055  $ 308,976  $ 345,819
Costs and expenses:        
Cost of revenue $ 103,178 $ 113,079 $ 198,601 $ 221,517
Research and development, net 19,792 22,971 38,864 48,717
Selling, general and administrative 34,039 34,451 79,497 90,619
Other operating expenses 427 1,963 1,107 13,050
Total costs and expenses  $ 157,436  $ 172,464  $ 318,069  $ 373,903
Income (loss) from operations  $ 13,790  $ 9,591 $ (9,093) $ (28,084)
Expense adjustments  $ 7,176  $ 7,231  $ 13,962  $ 38,701
Comverse performance  $ 20,966  $ 16,822  $ 4,869  $ 10,617
Interest expense $ (180) $ (141) $ (376) $ (471)
Depreciation and amortization $ (7,910) $ (8,848) $ (15,955) $ (17,347)
Other non-cash items (a) $ (14) $ (29) $ (36) $ (157)
Operating margin 8.1% 5.3% (2.9)% (8.1)%
Comverse performance margin 12.2% 9.2% 1.6% 3.1%
(a) Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.

Revenue from customer solutions for the three months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $99.7 million and $92.5 million, respectively, and maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $71.6 million and $89.6 million, respectively.

Revenue from customer solutions for the six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $172.6 million and $184.3 million, respectively, and maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $136.4 million and $161.5 million, respectively.

(2) For additional information concerning the presentation of financial information for the company's Comverse subsidiary and the computation of "Comverse Performance," see "Supplemental Financial Information" below.

Comverse BSS and VAS Segment Highlights: Below is selected financial information for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 for the company's Comverse BSS and Comverse VAS segments, as well as Comverse Other:

  Three Months Ended July 31, Six Months Ended July 31,
  2012 2011 2012 2011
  (Dollars in thousands)
Comverse BSS        
Segment revenue  $ 69,052  $ 85,471  $ 126,732  $ 160,672
Gross margin 38.5% 49.1% 35.9% 44.3%
Income from operations 14,632 20,853 19,029 25,912
Operating margin 21.2% 24.4% 15.0% 16.1%
Segment performance 18,679 25,356 27,780 36,975
Segment performance margin 27.1% 29.7% 21.9% 23.0%
Comverse VAS        
Segment revenue  $ 91,289  $ 84,105  $ 157,211  $ 163,580
Gross margin 46.8% 43.6% 44.8% 41.5%
Income from operations 31,180 29,865 47,020 50,651
Operating margin 34.2% 35.5% 29.9% 31.0%
Segment performance 31,323 29,905 47,936 51,892
Segment performance margin 34.3% 35.6% 30.5% 31.7%
Comverse Other (a)        
Segment revenue  $ 10,885  $ 12,479  $ 25,033  $ 21,567
Gross margin (11.4)% (77.5)% (22.1)% (68.5)%
Loss from operations (32,022) (41,127) (75,142) (104,647)
Operating margin (294.2)% (329.6)% (300.2)% (485.2)%
Segment performance (29,036) (38,439) (70,847) (78,250)
Segment performance margin (266.8)% (308.0)% (283.0)% (362.8)%
(a) Consists of all the operations of the company's Comverse Subsidiary, other than the company's Comverse BSS and Comverse VAS segments.

Revenue from Comverse BSS customer solutions for the three months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $33.3 million and $42.8 million, respectively, and Comverse BSS maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $35.7 million and $42.7 million, respectively.

Revenue from Comverse BSS customer solutions for the six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $60.2 million and $86.0 million, respectively, and Comverse BSS maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $66.6 million and $74.6 million, respectively.

Revenue from Comverse VAS customer solutions for the three months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $58.2 million and $40.3 million, respectively, and Comverse VAS maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $33.1 million and $43.8 million, respectively.

Revenue from Comverse VAS customer solutions for the six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $93.3 million and $82.8 million, respectively, and Comverse VAS maintenance revenue for such fiscal periods was $64.0 million and $80.8 million, respectively.

Revenue from customer solutions at Comverse Other for three months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $8.2 million and $9.4 million, respectively, and maintenance revenue at Comverse Other for such fiscal periods was $2.7 million and $3.1 million, respectively.

Revenue from customer solutions at Comverse Other for six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011 was $19.1 million and $15.5 million, respectively, and maintenance revenue at Comverse Other for such fiscal periods was $5.9 million and $6.1 million, respectively.

Selected Balance Sheet Highlights: Below is selected balance sheet data as of July 31, 2012 and April 30, 2012 for CTI and its Comverse subsidiary:

(In millions) July 31, 2012 April 30, 2012
CTI and Comverse Subsidiary    
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 241.3  $ 269.5
Restricted cash and bank time deposits  $ 37.6  $ 38.1
Total  $ 278.9  $ 307.6
Indebtedness  $ 2.2  $ 2.2

During the three months ended July 31, 2012, CTI and Comverse made significant disbursements, including approximately $6.5 million paid for professional fees and other expenses in connection with our evaluation of strategic alternatives, and $2.3 million in restructuring payments. In addition, during the three months ended July 31, 2012, CTI's holding company operations and Comverse experienced negative cash flows from operations.

Verint Segment

Verint is a majority-owned subsidiary of CTI. Its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol "VRNT." As previously disclosed, on August 12, 2012, CTI entered into the Verint Merger Agreement with Verint pursuant to which CTI will merge with and into a subsidiary of Verint and become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verint (the "Verint Merger").

For additional information concerning Verint's results for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011, please see the press release issued by Verint on September 5, 2012, which is available on Verint's website, and included as an exhibit to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Verint with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and Verint's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the three months ended July 31, 2012.

Conference Call Information

We will be conducting a conference call today at 8:30 am Eastern Daylight Time to discuss our results for the three months ended July 31, 2012.  An on-line, real-time webcast of the conference call will be available on our website at The conference call can also be accessed live via telephone at 1-678-825-8369.  Please dial in 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. A live webcast can be accessed at

A replay of the call will be available, beginning at approximately 11:00 am on September 7, 2012, for seven days, at 1-404-537-3406, and archived via webcast at The replay access code is 27030074.

Segment Performance

CTI evaluates its business by assessing the performance of each of its operating segments. CTI's Chief Executive Officer is its chief operating decision maker ("CODM"). The CODM uses segment performance, as defined below, as the primary basis for assessing the financial results of the operating segments and for the allocation of resources. Segment performance, as the company defines it in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standard Board's ("FASB") guidance relating to segment reporting, is not necessarily comparable to other similarly titled captions of other companies.

Segment performance is computed by management as income (loss) from operations adjusted for the following: (i) stock-based compensation expense; (ii) amortization of acquisition-related intangibles; (iii) compliance-related professional fees; (iv) compliance-related compensation and other expenses; (v) strategic evaluation related costs; (vi) impairment of property and equipment; (vii) litigation settlements and related costs; (viii) acquisition-related charges; (ix) restructuring charges; and (x) certain other gains and charges, including changes in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities associated with business combinations. Compliance-related professional fees and compliance-related compensation and other expenses relate to fees and expenses recorded in connection with the company's efforts to (a) complete certain financial statements and audits of such financial statements, and (b) become current in its periodic reporting obligations under the federal securities laws, and (c) remediate material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting. Strategic evaluation related costs include financial advisory, accounting, tax, consulting and legal fees incurred in connection with company's evaluation of strategic alternatives, including the proposed share distribution and the Verint Merger.

In evaluating each segment's performance, management uses segment revenue, which consists of revenue generated by the segment. Certain segment performance adjustments relate to expenses included in the calculation of income (loss) from operations, while, from time to time, certain segment performance adjustments may be presented as adjustments to revenue. In calculating Verint's segment performance for the three and six months ended July 31, 2012 and 2011, the presentation of segment revenue gives effect to segment revenue adjustments that represent the impact of fair value adjustments required under the FASB's guidance relating to acquired customer support contracts that would have otherwise been recognized as revenue on a stand-alone basis with respect to acquisitions consummated by Verint.

Presentation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

CTI provides Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. and Non-GAAP earnings (loss) per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders as additional information for its operating results. These measures are not in accordance with, or alternatives for, GAAP financial measures and may be different from, or not comparable to similarly titled or other non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies. CTI believes that the presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures provides useful information to investors regarding certain additional financial and business trends relating to its results of operations as viewed by management in monitoring the company's businesses. In addition, management uses these non-GAAP financial measures for reviewing financial results and for planning purposes. See "Consolidated Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below.

About Comverse Technology, Inc.

Comverse Technology, Inc., through its wholly-owned subsidiary Comverse, is the world's leading provider of software and systems enabling converged billing and active customer management and value-added voice, messaging and mobile Internet services. Comverse's extensive customer base spans more than 125 countries and covers over 450 communication service providers serving more than two billion subscribers. CTI also holds majority ownership positions in Verint (Nasdaq:VRNT) and privately-held Starhome.

The Comverse Technology logo is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements appearing in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements include financial projections, statements of plans and objectives for future operations, statements of future economic performance, and statements of assumptions relating thereto. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "may," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "estimates," "believes," "potential," "projects," "forecasts," "intends," or the negative thereof or other comparable terminology. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results, performance and the timing of events to differ materially from those anticipated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements in this press release. The risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results, performance and the timing of events to differ materially are described in CTI's filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, in Item 1A, "Risk Factors" and Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2012 and in Part II, Item 1A, "Risk Factors" of subsequently filed Quarterly Reports, and include the risk that we will not be able to complete the proposed Comverse share distribution due to our inability to satisfy the requisite conditions thereto, including, among others, receipt of CTI shareholder approval, completion of the review process of the related registration statement by the SEC or for any other reason, including a decision of our Board of Directors not to proceed with the Comverse share distribution; risks associated with the Comverse share distribution, including the potential harm to our business as a result of management's distraction from our business due to our efforts to complete the Comverse share distribution, the incurrence of expenses in connection therewith in excess of our expectations, and the risks that if the Comverse share distribution is completed, each of CTI (until elimination of the holding company structure) and Comverse will be smaller companies that may be subject to increased instability, our share price may decline if there are excessive sales of our stock by shareholders that invested in our company because of our holdings in Comverse and, prior to any elimination of the CTI holding company structure, our dependence on Comverse's performance of various transition services agreements necessary for our ongoing operations; the effect of the Comverse share distribution on our and Comverse's business relationships, operating results and business generally; the risks relating to CTI's failure to consummate the proposed Comverse share distribution, including Verint's resulting ability to terminate the Verint Merger Agreement and, in certain circumstances, if so terminated for a period of 18 months following such termination, (i) Verint would have the right to purchase for cash a number of our shares of Verint preferred stock (or shares of Verint common stock if necessary) that would cause CTI to lose its majority controlling interest in Verint and (ii) CTI would not be able to nominate more than two directors to Verint's board of directors, would be subject to other limitations on the voting of its Verint voting securities and would be prohibited from acquiring any additional Verint capital stock; uncertainties regarding the tax consequences of the Verint Merger; the risk that we will not be able to complete the Verint Merger; the risk of diminishment in our capital resources as a result of, among other things, future negative cash flows from operations at Comverse, the continued incurrence of professional fees by CTI and Comverse in connection with the filing by CTI of periodic reports under the federal securities laws and the remediation of a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting and the costs associated with the proposed Comverse share distribution; the risk that if Comverse BSS customer solution order activity does not increase, Comverse's revenue and profitability would likely be materially adversely affected and we, if the Comverse share distribution is not completed, and Comverse, if the Comverse share distribution is completed, may be required to implement further cost reduction measures to preserve or enhance our operating results and cash position; risks related to the implementation of Comverse's strategy to expand its BSS business and pursue primarily higher margin VAS projects that resulted and may continue to result in lower VAS revenue, which may not be offset by increases in BSS revenue, if any; Comverse's advanced offerings may not be widely adopted by existing and potential customers and increases in revenue from Comverse's advanced offerings, if any, may not exceed or fully offset potential declines in revenue from traditional solutions; the potential loss of business opportunities due to continued concern on the part of customers and partners, about our or Comverse's financial condition; the difficulty in predicting quarterly and annual operating results as a result of a high percentage of orders typically generated late in fiscal quarters and in fiscal years, lengthy and variable sales cycles, the competitive bidding process required by customers, focus on large customers and installations and short delivery windows required by customers; the effects of any potential decline or weakness in the global economy (due to among other things, the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and European sovereign debt crisis) on the telecommunications industry, which may result in reduced information technology spending and reduced demand for our subsidiaries' products and services; the risk that, if CTI ceases to maintain a majority of the voting power of Verint Systems' outstanding equity securities and ceases to maintain control over Verint's operations, it may be required to no longer consolidate Verint's financial statements within its consolidated financial statements and, in such event, the presentation of CTI's consolidated financial statements would be materially different from the presentation for prior fiscal periods; the continuation of a material weakness related to income taxes or the discovery of additional material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting and any delay in the implementation of remedial measures; the risk of disruption in the credit and capital markets which may limit our ability to access capital; rapidly changing technology in our subsidiaries' industries and our subsidiaries' ability to enhance existing products and develop and market new products; our subsidiaries' dependence on contracts for large systems and large installations for a significant portion of their sales and operating results, including, among other things, the lengthy, complex and highly competitive bidding and selection process, the difficulty predicting their ability to obtain particular contracts and the timing and scope of these opportunities; the deferral or loss of one or more significant orders or customers or a delay in an expected implementation of such an order could materially and adversely affect our results of operations in any fiscal period, particularly if there are significant sales and marketing expenses associated with the deferred, lost or delayed sales; the potential incurrence by our subsidiaries of penalties if our subsidiaries' solutions develop operational problems and significant costs to correct previously undetected operational problems in their complex solutions; and other risks described in the company's filings with the SEC. The documents and reports we file with the SEC are available through CTI, or its website,, or through the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR) at CTI undertakes no commitment to update or revise any forward-looking statements except as required by law.

(In thousands, except share and per share data)
  July 31, 2012 January 31, 2012
Current assets:    
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 415,153  $ 483,171
Restricted cash and bank time deposits 39,372 41,756
Auction rate securities 272
Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $11,297 and $12,097, respectively 315,758 286,767
Inventories 40,426 41,689
Deferred cost of revenue 38,909 46,315
Deferred income taxes 22,849 23,208
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 80,787 100,742
Current assets of discontinued operations 43,357 40,773
Total current assets 996,611 1,064,693
Property and equipment, net 74,855 74,540
Goodwill 1,045,923 1,049,672
Intangible assets, net 176,855 206,264
Deferred cost of revenue 101,629 121,163
Deferred income taxes 17,871 19,620
Other assets 94,067 101,455
Noncurrent assets of discontinued operations 8,826 8,961
Total assets  $ 2,516,637  $ 2,646,368
Current liabilities:    
Accounts payable and accrued expenses  $ 340,064  $ 374,716
Convertible debt obligations 2,195 2,195
Deferred revenue 487,747 504,663
Deferred income taxes 12,164 9,798
Bank loans 6,292 6,228
Income taxes payable 7,246 8,473
Other current liabilities 53,129 41,950
Current liabilities of discontinued operations 28,003 27,984
Total current liabilities 936,840 976,007
Bank loans 587,675 591,151
Deferred revenue 172,517 227,985
Deferred income taxes 91,640 81,599
Other long-term liabilities 186,494 211,444
Noncurrent liabilities of discontinued operations 4,816 5,430
Total liabilities 1,979,982 2,093,616
Commitments and contingencies    
Comverse Technology, Inc. shareholders' equity:    
Common stock, $0.10 par value - authorized, 600,000,000 shares; issued 220,565,694 and 219,708,779 shares, respectively; outstanding, 219,229,956 and 218,636,842 shares, respectively 22,057 21,971
Treasury stock, at cost, 1,335,738 and 1,071,937 shares, respectively (9,641) (8,011)
Additional paid-in capital 2,213,262 2,198,086
Accumulated deficit (1,819,848) (1,766,364)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 2,730 (4,174)
Total Comverse Technology, Inc. shareholders' equity 408,560 441,508
Noncontrolling interest 128,095 111,244
Total equity 536,655 552,752
Total liabilities and equity  $ 2,516,637  $ 2,646,368
(In thousands, except share and per share data)
  Three Months Ended July 31, Six Months Ended July 31,
  2012 2011 2012 2011
Product revenue  $ 153,943  $ 161,260  $ 293,528  $ 298,330
Service revenue 229,709 215,754 424,509 418,780
Total revenue 383,652 377,014 718,037 717,110
Costs and expenses:        
Product costs 66,126 66,720 126,635 119,649
Service costs 113,032 115,468 216,274 226,326
Research and development, net 49,987 49,779 97,462 101,893
Selling, general and administrative 128,231 133,900 268,558 281,346
Other operating expenses:        
Restructuring charges 427 1,963 1,107 13,050
Total costs and expenses 357,803 367,830 710,036 742,264
Income (loss) from operations 25,849 9,184 8,001 (25,154)
Interest income 350 1,524 705 2,607
Interest expense (7,878) (8,005) (15,798) (17,133)
Loss on extinguishment of debt (8,136)
Other (expense) income, net (2,931) 12,609 (3,439) 11,980
Income (loss) before income tax provision 15,390 15,312 (10,531) (35,836)
Income tax provision (9,183) (49,638) (29,348) (56,902)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations 6,207 (34,326) (39,879) (92,738)
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax 2,477 2,437 2,959 3,731
Net income (loss) 8,684 (31,889) (36,920) (89,007)
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest (8,958) (7,808) (16,564) (9,885)
Net loss attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. $ (274) $ (39,697) $ (53,484) $ (98,892)
Weighted average common shares outstanding:        
Basic and diluted 219,108,299 206,079,868 218,983,165 205,892,853
Earnings (loss) per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders:        
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share        
Continuing operations $ (0.01) $ (0.20) $ (0.25) $ (0.49)
Discontinued operations 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Basic and diluted loss per share $ (0.00) $ (0.19) $ (0.24) $ (0.48)
Net loss attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.        
Net loss from continuing operations $ (1,895) $ (41,201) $ (55,433) $ (101,216)
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax 1,621 1,504 1,949 2,324
Net loss attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. $ (274) $ (39,697) $ (53,484) $ (98,892)
(In thousands)
  Six Months Ended July 31,
  2012 2011
Cash flows from operating activities:    
Net cash used in operating activities - continuing operations $ (45,037) $ (80,018)
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities - discontinued operations (2,987) 4,653
Net cash used in operating activities (48,024) (75,365)
Cash flows from investing activities:    
Proceeds from sales and maturities of investments 394 25,780
Acquisition of businesses, including adjustments, net of cash acquired (660) (11,958)
Purchase of property and equipment (9,454) (9,291)
Capitalization of software development costs (2,298) (1,662)
Net change in restricted cash and bank time deposits 1,816 (13,114)
Settlement of derivative financial instruments not designated as hedges (266) (1,178)
Other, net 309 1,569
Net cash used in investing activities - continuing operations (10,159) (9,854)
Net cash used in investing activities - discontinued operations (153) (144)
Net cash used in investing activities (10,312) (9,998)
Cash flows from financing activities:    
Debt issuance costs and other debt-related costs (159) (15,034)
Proceeds from borrowings, net of original issuance discount 597,000
Repayment of bank loans, long-term debt and other financing obligations (3,518) (589,811)
Repurchase of common stock (1,630) (1,425)
Net (payments) proceeds from (repurchase) issuance of common stock by a subsidiary (615) 7,889
Proceeds from exercises of stock options 1,420
Payments of contingent consideration for business combinations (financing portion) (5,140) (2,004)
Net cash used in financing activities - continuing operations (9,642) (3,385)
Net cash used in financing activities - discontinued operations
Net cash used in financing activities (9,642) (3,385)
Effects of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents (3,157) 8,048
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (71,135) (80,700)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period including cash from discontinued operations 515,637 581,390
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period including cash from discontinued operations $ 444,502 $ 500,690
Less: cash and cash equivalents of discontinued operations, end of period $ (29,349) $ (24,985)
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 415,153 $ 475,705
Non-cash investing and financing transactions:    
Accrued but unpaid purchases of property and equipment $ 2,363 $ 889
Inventory transfers to (from) property and equipment $ 1,102 $ 14,151
Liabilities for contingent consideration recorded for business combination $ — $ 904
Leasehold improvements funded by lease incentive $ 2,406 $ —
Table of Reconciliation from GAAP Net Loss Attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. to Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. Three Months Ended July 31, Six Months Ended July 31,
(In thousands) 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net loss attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. $ (274) $ (39,697) $ (53,484) $ (98,892)
Revenue adjustments related to acquisitions 2,642 727 6,246 962
Stock-based compensation expense 9,073 8,231 17,096 19,205
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 13,677 12,598 27,733 25,292
Compliance-related professional fees 149 9,484 157 28,881
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 435 1,874 1,553 3,907
Strategic evaluation related costs 9,879 2,904 14,684 3,124
Impairment of property and equipment 14 29 36 157
Litigation settlements and related costs (13) 3 (243) 562
Acquisition-related charges 2,820 (39) 5,194
Restructuring charges 427 1,963 1,107 13,050
Other (4,036) 652 (5,929) 1,977
Unrealized (gains) losses on derivatives, net (61) (378) (397) 729
Loss on extinguishment of debt 8,136
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax (1,621) (1,504) (1,949) (2,324)
Income from litigation settlement (4,750) (4,750)
Tax impact on Non-GAAP adjustments (1) 3,070 36,108 4,414 34,984
Noncontrolling interest impact of Non-GAAP adjustments (2) (9,177) (10,022) (19,259) (26,183)
Total Non-GAAP adjustments 24,458 60,739 45,210 112,903
Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. $ 24,184 $ 21,042 $ (8,274) $ 14,011
Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share Attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s Shareholders Three Months Ended July 31, Six Months Ended July 31,
(In thousands, except per share data) 2012 2011 2012 2011
Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. - basic $ 24,184 $ 21,042 $ (8,274) $ 14,011
Adjustment for subsidiary stock options (93) (172) (272) (417)
Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc. - diluted $ 24,091 $ 20,870 $ (8,546) $ 13,594
Basic weighted average common shares outstanding 219,108 206,080 218,983 205,893
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding 219,528 206,697 218,983 206,684
Non-GAAP earnings (loss) per share attributable to Comverse Technology, Inc.'s shareholders        
Basic and diluted $ 0.11 $ 0.10 $ (0.04) $ 0.07
(1)  The tax impact on the Non-GAAP adjustments is an allocation of the tax provision as applied to the consolidated income (loss) before income tax provision. 
(2)  Represents the minority shareholders' interest in non-GAAP adjustments attributable to Verint. 
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Verint All Other Eliminations Consolidated
  (In thousands)
Three Months Ended July 31, 2012            
Total revenue $ 69,052 $ 91,289 $ 212,426 $ 10,885 $ — $ 383,652
Total costs and expenses $ 54,420 $ 60,109 $ 186,163 $ 57,098 $ 13 $ 357,803
Income (loss) from operations $ 14,632 $ 31,180 $ 26,263 $ (46,213) $ (13) $ 25,849
Computation of segment performance:            
Total revenue $ 69,052 $ 91,289 $ 212,426 $ 10,885    
Segment revenue adjustment  —  — 2,642  —    
Segment revenue $ 69,052 $ 91,289 $ 215,068 $ 10,885    
Total costs and expenses $ 54,420 $ 60,109 $ 186,163 $ 57,098    
Segment expense adjustments:            
Stock-based compensation expense 5,922 3,151    
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 3,998 9,679    
Compliance-related professional fees 149    
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 48 143 244    
Strategic evaluation related costs 2,428 7,451    
Impairment of property and equipment 1 13    
Litigation settlements and related cost (13)    
Restructuring charges 427    
Other (4,001) (1) (35)    
Segment expense adjustments 4,047 143 14,028 11,387    
Segment expenses 50,373 59,966 172,135 45,711    
Segment performance $ 18,679 $ 31,323 $ 42,933 $ (34,826)    
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (7,867) $ (11) $ — $ (7,878)
Depreciation and amortization $ (4,800) $ (1,243) $ (14,169) $ (1,930) $ — $ (22,142)
Other non-cash items (2) $ (1) $ — $ 69 $ (13) $ — $ 55
(1)  Consists of changes in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities associated with business combinations.
(2)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Verint All Other Eliminations Consolidated
  (In thousands)
Three Months Ended July 31, 2011            
Total revenue $ 85,471 $ 84,105 $ 194,959 $ 12,479 $ — $ 377,014
Total costs and expenses $ 64,618 $ 54,240 $ 173,549 $ 75,445 $ (22) $ 367,830
Income (loss) from operations $ 20,853 $ 29,865 $ 21,410 $ (62,966) $ 22 $ 9,184
Computation of segment performance:            
Total revenue $ 85,471 $ 84,105 $ 194,959 $ 12,479    
Segment revenue adjustment  —  — 727  —    
Segment revenue $ 85,471 $ 84,105 $ 195,686 $ 12,479    
Total costs and expenses $ 64,618 $ 54,240 $ 173,549 $ 75,445    
Segment expense adjustments:            
Stock-based compensation expense 6,641 1,590    
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 4,498 8,100    
Compliance-related professional fees 17 9,467    
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 5 35 1,835    
Strategic evaluation related costs 2,904    
Impairment of property and equipment 5 24    
Litigation settlements and related costs 3    
Acquisition-related charges 2,820    
Restructuring charges 1,963    
Other 671 (1) (19)    
Segment expense adjustments 4,503 40 18,249 17,767    
Segment expenses 60,115 54,200 155,300 57,678    
Segment performance $ 25,356 $ 29,905 $ 40,386 $ (45,199)    
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (7,857) $ (148) $ — $ (8,005)
Depreciation and amortization $ (5,374) $ (1,097) $ (12,585) $ (2,439) $ — $ (21,495)
Other non-cash items (2) $ — $ (5) $ (19) $ (24) $ — $ (48)
(1)  Consists of changes in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities associated with business combinations.
(2)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Verint All Other Eliminations Consolidated
  (In thousands)
Six Months Ended July 31, 2012            
Total revenue $ 126,732 $ 157,211 $ 409,061 $ 25,033 $ — $ 718,037
Total costs and expenses $ 107,703 $ 110,191 $ 361,815 $ 130,318 $ 9 $ 710,036
Income (loss) from operations $ 19,029 $ 47,020 $ 47,246 $ (105,285) $ (9) $ 8,001
Computation of segment performance:            
Total revenue $ 126,732 $ 157,211 $ 409,061 $ 25,033    
Segment revenue adjustment  —  —  6,246  —    
Segment revenue $ 126,732 $ 157,211 $ 415,307 $ 25,033    
Total costs and expenses $ 107,703 $ 110,191 $ 361,815 $ 130,318    
Segment expense adjustments:            
Stock-based compensation expense 11,633 5,463    
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 8,072 19,661    
Compliance-related professional fees 157    
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 678 916 (41)    
Strategic evaluation related costs 3,339 11,345    
Impairment of property and equipment 1 35    
Litigation settlements and related costs (243)    
Restructuring charges 1,107    
Other (5,760) (1) (208)    
Segment expense adjustments 8,751 916 28,873 17,615    
Segment expenses 98,952 109,275 332,942 112,703    
Segment performance $ 27,780 $ 47,936 $ 82,365 $ (87,670)    
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (15,585) $ (213) $ — $ (15,798)
Depreciation and amortization $ (9,663) $ (2,444) $ (28,265) $ (3,974) $ — $ (44,346)
Other non-cash items (2) $ (1) $ — $ (537) $ (35)  $ — $ (573)
(1)  Consists of changes in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities associated with business combinations.
(2)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Verint All Other Eliminations Consolidated
  (In thousands)
Six Months Ended July 31, 2011            
Total revenue $ 160,672 $ 163,580 $ 371,291 $ 21,567 $ — $ 717,110
Total costs and expenses $ 134,760 $ 112,929 $ 331,047 $ 163,572 $ (44) $ 742,264
Income (loss) from operations $ 25,912 $ 50,651 $ 40,244 $ (142,005) $ 44 $ (25,154)
Computation of segment performance:            
Total revenue $ 160,672 $ 163,580 $ 371,291 $ 21,567    
Segment revenue adjustment  —  — 962  —    
Segment revenue $ 160,672 $ 163,580 $ 372,253 $ 21,567    
Total costs and expenses $ 134,760 $ 112,929 $ 331,047 $ 163,572    
Segment expense adjustments:            
Stock-based compensation expense 14,191 5,014    
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 8,996 16,296    
Compliance-related professional fees 1,008 27,873    
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 2,067 1,236 604    
Strategic evaluation related costs 3,124    
Impairment of property and equipment 5 152    
Litigation settlements and related costs 562    
Acquisition-related charges 5,194    
Restructuring charges 13,050    
Other 2,006 (1) (29)    
Segment expense adjustments 11,063 1,241 38,695 50,350    
Segment expenses 123,697 111,688 292,352 113,222    
Segment performance $ 36,975 $ 51,892 $ 79,901 $ (91,655)    
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (16,651) $ (482) $ — $ (17,133)
Depreciation and amortization $ (10,840) $ (2,033) $ (25,539) $ (4,609) $ — $ (43,021)
Other non-cash items (2) $ — $ (5) $ (222) $ (152) $ — $ (379)
(1)  Consists of changes in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities associated with business combinations.
(2)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.


The company revised its reportable segments as a result of the implementation of the Phase II Business Transformation at Comverse and the manner in which its CODM reviews the financial results of Comverse and allocates resources to the company's operating segments. The company is providing the following additional information, presenting the results of operations of the previous Comverse reportable segment. The company believes that such presentation provides useful information to investors regarding the performance of the company's Comverse subsidiary, including comparability to previously reported financial information. The additional information provided is not a replacement for or a subset of business segment information presented above. The results of operations presented in the column below under "Comverse Other" relate to all the operations of the company's Comverse subsidiary, other than the company's Comverse BSS and Comverse VAS reportable segments and include the Comverse MI operating segment, Comverse's Netcentrex operations and Comverse's global corporate functions that support its business units. The information presented for "Comverse Other" includes unallocated global corporate function costs that are consistent with prior internal allocation practices. The results of operations of "Comverse Other" are included in the company's "All Other" column.
Comverse performance represents the operating results of the company's Comverse subsidiary without the impact of significant expenditures incurred by Comverse in connection with the company's efforts to become or remain current in periodic reporting obligations under the federal securities laws and the remediation of material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting, certain non-cash charges, and certain other gains and charges.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Comverse Other Total Comverse
  (In thousands)
Three Months Ended July 31, 2012        
Total revenue  $ 69,052  $ 91,289  $ 10,885  $ 171,226
Total costs and expenses  $ 54,420  $ 60,109  $ 42,907  $ 157,436
Income (loss) from operations  $ 14,632  $ 31,180 $ (32,022)  $ 13,790
Computation of Comverse performance:        
Total revenue  $ 69,052  $ 91,289  $ 10,885  $ 171,226
Total costs and expenses  $ 54,420  $ 60,109  $ 42,907  $ 157,436
Expense adjustments:        
Stock-based compensation expense 2,201 2,201
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 3,998 3,998
Compliance-related professional fees 149 149
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 48 143 244 435
Impairment of property and equipment 1 13 14
Litigation settlements and related costs (13) (13)
Restructuring charges 427 427
Other (35) (35)
Expense adjustments 4,047 143 2,986 7,176
Expenses after adjustments 50,373 59,966 39,921 150,260
Comverse performance $ 18,679 $ 31,323 $ (29,036) $ 20,966
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (180) $ (180)
Depreciation and amortization $ (4,800) $ (1,243) $ (1,867) $ (7,910)
Other non-cash items (1) $ (1) $ — $ (13) $ (14)
(1)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Comverse Other Total Comverse
  (In thousands)
Three Months Ended July 31, 2011        
Total revenue  $ 85,471  $ 84,105  $ 12,479  $ 182,055
Total costs and expenses  $ 64,618  $ 54,240  $ 53,606  $ 172,464
Income (loss) from operations  $ 20,853  $ 29,865 $ (41,127)  $ 9,591
Computation of Comverse performance:        
Total revenue  $ 85,471  $ 84,105  $ 12,479  $ 182,055
Total costs and expenses  $ 64,618  $ 54,240  $ 53,606  $ 172,464
Expense adjustments:        
Stock-based compensation expense 1,029 1,029
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 4,498 4,498
Compliance-related professional fees (2,142) (2,142)
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 5 35 1,835 1,875
Impairment of property and equipment 5 24 29
Litigation settlements and related costs (1) (1)
Restructuring charges 1,963 1,963
Other (20) (20)
Expense adjustments 4,503 40 2,688 7,231
Expenses after adjustments 60,115 54,200 50,918 165,233
Comverse performance $ 25,356 $ 29,905 $ (38,439) $ 16,822
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (141) $ (141)
Depreciation and amortization $ (5,374) $ (1,097) $ (2,377) $ (8,848)
Other non-cash items (1) $ — $ (5) $ (24) $ (29)
(1)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Comverse Other Total Comverse
  (In thousands)
Six Months Ended July 31, 2012        
Total revenue  $ 126,732  $ 157,211  $ 25,033  $ 308,976
Total costs and expenses  $ 107,703  $ 110,191  $ 100,175  $ 318,069
Income (loss) from operations  $ 19,029  $ 47,020 $ (75,142) $ (9,093)
Computation of Comverse performance:        
Total revenue  $ 126,732  $ 157,211  $ 25,033  $ 308,976
Total costs and expenses  $ 107,703  $ 110,191  $ 100,175  $ 318,069
Expense adjustments:        
Stock-based compensation expense 3,632 3,632
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 8,072 8,072
Compliance-related professional fees 13 13
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 678 916 (41) 1,553
Impairment of property and equipment 1 35 36
Litigation settlements and related costs (243) (243)
Restructuring charges 1,107 1,107
Other (208) (208)
Expense adjustments 8,751 916 4,295 13,962
Expenses after adjustments 98,952 109,275 95,880 304,107
Comverse performance $ 27,780 $ 47,936 $ (70,847) $4,869
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (376) $ (376)
Depreciation and amortization $ (9,663) $ (2,444) $ (3,848) $ (15,955)
Other non-cash items (1) $ (1) $ — $ (35) $ (36)
(1)  Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
  Comverse BSS Comverse VAS Comverse Other Total Comverse
  (In thousands)
Six Months Ended July 31, 2011        
Total revenue  $ 160,672  $ 163,580  $ 21,567  $ 345,819
Total costs and expenses  $ 134,760  $ 112,929  $ 126,214  $ 373,903
Income (loss) from operations  $ 25,912  $ 50,651 $ (104,647) $ (28,084)
Computation of Comverse performance:        
Total revenue  $ 160,672  $ 163,580  $ 21,567  $ 345,819
Total costs and expenses  $ 134,760  $ 112,929  $ 126,214  $ 373,903
Expense adjustments:        
Stock-based compensation expense 1,697 1,697
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles 8,996 8,996
Compliance-related professional fees 10,467 10,467
Compliance-related compensation and other expenses 2,067 1,236 604 3,907
Impairment charges 5 152 157
Litigation settlements and related costs 474 474
Restructuring charges 13,050 13,050
Other (47) (47)
Expense adjustments 11,063 1,241 26,397 38,701
Expenses after adjustments 123,697 111,688 99,817 335,202
Comverse performance $ 36,975 $ 51,892 $ (78,250) $ 10,617
Interest expense $ — $ — $ (471) $ (471)
Depreciation and amortization $ (10,840) $ (2,033) $ (4,474) $ (17,347)
Other non-cash items (1) $ — $ (5) $ (152) $ (157)
(1) Other non-cash items consist of write-downs of property and equipment.
CONTACT: Paul D. Baker
         Comverse Technology, Inc.
         (212) 739-1060
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