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Win $250 On Advfn

Moderato da: clem
- 12/2/2004 19:22
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
ADVFN is offering a $250 prize for the best thread started here by the end of February.

In addition we are also offering $250 to the best post to a thread.

The winners will be judged by myself in conjunction with the Intercasters Partricia and Marc and announced in the first week of March.

Anybody can qualify so long as they dont work at ADVFN.

The thread or post must be about a US or Canadian topic.


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31 Commenti
MODERATO landhoboy (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 11 - Iscritto da: 12/2/2004
2 di 31 - 12/2/2004 19:46
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
.... posts advertising products and services like the above are as likely to win as Saddam is of becoming the next Pope! :)
3 di 31 - 13/2/2004 22:01
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Looks like a wide open field. :)
4 di 31 - 14/2/2004 13:55
Paulismyname N° messaggi: 14 - Iscritto da: 25/9/2001
The way the dollar is falling Clem the US might have been better off if George III hadn?t lost the Colonies!!! :-)
5 di 31 - 15/2/2004 11:41
rarther N° messaggi: 37 - Iscritto da: 09/3/2003
Haven't seen much (or ANY) thread creation since your incentive was announced clem.

Just goes to show that investors generally create threads for research purposes rather than anything else.

I will try and create a few over the week, although the US market is so massive - where does one start ? I was going to do something with the Nasdaq like with Ofex but I didn't realise there were some 5-10,000 companies listed! Mind boggling.

This US BB is a bit like humans vs the universe... so many planets out there which could harbour life, but how do you know which ones?

E-bay, Yahoo & Microsoft are close to their suns, have water and nice atmospheres, so those may be the first places to conquer I suppose :)
6 di 31 - 16/2/2004 22:03
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Rather good luck! :) Look like free money. :)
7 di 31 - 18/2/2004 00:30
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Excellent some contenders for $500 in prizes. Only 11 days to run so get posting.
8 di 31 - 19/2/2004 23:30
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
$500 still going begging :)
9 di 31 - 20/2/2004 19:42
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Maybe I should make a thread and win the prize :)
10 di 31 - 21/2/2004 14:23
Paulismyname N° messaggi: 14 - Iscritto da: 25/9/2001
As a shareholder Clem could I suggest it may be better to encourage US members to post on the main UK board where there are literaly hundreds of thousands of posts daily/weekly, rather than try to start a new US BB from cold?

11 di 31 - 21/2/2004 19:03
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Paul. There are several reasons not to do this, so structural, some marketing and some content based. We are not taking the hard route for the fun of it. :)
12 di 31 - 23/2/2004 15:12
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Two $250 prizes still going begging. :)
13 di 31 - 25/2/2004 19:39
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Hum I might have to win this money if no one else wants it. :)
14 di 31 - 25/2/2004 20:27
rarther N° messaggi: 37 - Iscritto da: 09/3/2003
Looks like that spammer guy is going to get a bonus ??
15 di 31 - 26/2/2004 17:22
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Rather. Looks like you are gunning for the cash... :)
16 di 31 - 26/2/2004 22:26
Paulismyname N° messaggi: 14 - Iscritto da: 25/9/2001
No, give it to me Clem for my George III post, (or pay me in afn shares) :-)
17 di 31 - 28/2/2004 22:26
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Last chance for a crack at the prizes!!!!
18 di 31 - 01/3/2004 23:28
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
OK Im going to the judging for Febs competition this week once Im over the flu.
19 di 31 - 02/3/2004 19:41
intercasta N° messaggi: 5 - Iscritto da: 21/7/2003
We are still looking to a worthy winner here--and may well decide this Friday 5th March--visit 'CHAT' and hear the debate about it on Friday 9AM ET ish.

Marcus & Patricia.
20 di 31 - 03/3/2004 01:43
clem (premium) Moderatore N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
Go on Marcus and Patricia you select the winner.
31 Commenti

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