Embargoed Release: 07:00hrs Monday 7th August 2006

                              CMR Fuel Cells Plc                               

                           (`CMR' or the `Company')                            

         Interim Results for the six-month period ended 30th June 2006         

CMR Fuel Cells plc, the Cambridge based compact fuel cell stack specialist, is
pleased to announce its maiden set of interim results since its successful
admission to trading on the AIM market in December of last year.


  * Commercial relationships progressing well with leading consumer electronics
  * Core patent granted in China - a key market
  * Achieved significant technical performance milestone 6 months ahead of
  * Entered into product development program with Solvay SA
  * Demonstrated stack volumetric power densities in excess of 300W/l
  * Recruited some of the world's foremost experts in fuel cell development
  * Strong cash position
Chairman's Statement

It is with great pleasure that I make my first interim report as the Chairman
of your Company. The first half of 2006 has seen sustained progress in line
with the objectives set out during the Company's placing and admission to AIM
in December 2005.

Over the period, market demand for small, long-running portable fuel cells has
continued to grow. Virtually every manufacturer of portable electronic goods
has endorsed methanol fuel cells as the next generation of power source for
their products and CMR is in the vanguard of being able to deliver the fuel
cell stacks that will enable the mass-market deployment of these power sources.

CMR is experiencing strong growth in interest and engagement from consumer
electronics OEMs and fuel cell system integrators around the world - in
particular from Asia. The Company is responding strongly to these opportunities
and has recently appointed representation in Japan to efficiently handle the
growing number of commercial inquiries being received in the region. There are
a number of active, joint projects with partners around the world and these are
progressing well towards our long-term goal of supplying volume product.

On a technical front, the Company has recently been able to announce strong
progress ahead of plan, demonstrating fuel cell stacks of volumetric power
densities of greater than 300 Watts per litre. In addition the Company has
achieved substantial increases in its technical capability and competence over
the first half of 2006 which gives us great confidence that this technical
progress has laid the foundations for us to achieve and exceed the projections
envisaged at the time of our admission to AIM within the projected timetable.
Our move into purpose fitted, world class facilities combined with recruiting
world leading experts has enabled the Company to deliver order of magnitude
increases in performance and repeatability.

CMR has recruited key individuals over the first half of the year, adding very
strong, in-depth technical and commercial capability to our core human
resources. I am very confident that we now have a great team which is able to
execute and deliver our commercial and technical goals. We have now secured the
services of a highly experienced and capable Chief Commercial Officer, who will
be driving our sales and marketing efforts and I look forward to announcing
more details when he joins us in October.

The Company has continued to make good progress with its intellectual property,
both in patents and know-how. We have secured grant of a core patent in China
and we continue to build our portfolio of patents that will ultimately enable
us to derive value from our technology not just within the portable electronics
space, but equally in stationary power and automotive. Our know-how has already
enabled us to complete challenging projects with our partners, growing their
confidence that CMR can be a reliable provider of the products that they need.

Finally I would like to thank all our staff for their commitment, innovation
and hard work that has produced the sustained progress that is central to the
success of the business and I look forward to reporting on their continued
success throughout the rest of the year.

Chief Executive's report

Since demonstrating the world's first mixed-reactant, flow-through direct
methanol fuel cell stack, CMR has been approached by a number of leading OEMs
who see the Company's technology as potentially delivering the small size, high
power density, low cost and mass production features that they need. CMR has
seized these commercial opportunities and made substantial progress over the
first half of 2006, specifically:

  * Successfully completed an initial stack evaluation project with a major
    Korean OEM looking at powering a personal digital assistant (PDA) with a
    miniature direct methanol fuel cell
  * Entered commercial discussions with Japanese OEMs in portable electronic
    applications as diverse as laptop computers, electric wheelchairs, musical
    devices and PDAs
I expect to announce more details of these as they progress.

Our team has grown strongly, and with the imminent arrival of our Chief
Commercial Officer in October, our executive team will be complete. The team
has already demonstrated that it can deliver results on time, within budget and
ahead of plan. I am extremely pleased to have such high capability resources
available to the Company and I am confident that I will be able to continue to
report good progress in due course.

During the first half of 2006, CMR has established a world class facility for
fuel cell component development enabling us to print our own membrane electrode
assemblies (`MEA') as well as to fully characterise the performance of
externally sourced MEAs. As such we were able to announce in June of this year
that our MEA development team had already exceeded its 2006 targets for single
cell performance.

CMR's catalyst team has established key partnerships with organisations
involved in development and supply of selective catalysts. CMR now has one of
the best performing non-platinum catalysts for the DMFC cathode and has
incorporated these performance achievements into a third-generation 7-cell
stack. Developed for evaluation by a potential customer, this stack delivers
power density of more than 300 Watts per litre which we believe is one of the
highest power density DMFC stacks in the world.

Patents have been granted in Australia and China which protect CMR's unique
technology and patent examination is currently underway in the USA with
European examination expected within the next twelve months. Several additional
patent filings have been made during 2006 that are likely to strengthen and
extend the range of CMR's technology protection. Significant intellectual
property is being built within the Company in the form of technical `know-how'
in selective catalysts and in flow-through fuel cells.

Cash resources continue to be managed carefully. During the period, the Company
spent �1.4m in financing operations and planned capital expenditure. It is
anticipated that as the Company enters the next stage of development and
accelerates expenditure on staffing levels, R&D and commercial activities, the
`cash burn' rate will increase over the next six months.

Further Information

John Halfpenny             CMR Fuel Cells plc         01223 875 544            
Andrew Tan                 Hansard Communications Ltd 020 7245 1100            
Account Director                                                               

Interim results for the 6 Months Ended 30th June 2006

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                    Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                               6 months ended   6 months ended       Year ended
                                      30 June          30 June      31 December
                                         2006             2005             2005
                       Note             �'000            �'000            �'000
Turnover                                    -                -                -
Administrative                          (820)            (260)            (679)
Other operating                             -               47               93
Operating loss                          (820)            (213)            (586)
Interest receivable                       264                -               52
Loss on ordinary                        (556)            (213)            (534)
activities before                                                              
Tax on profit on                            -                -                -
ordinary activities                                                            
Loss for financial                      (556)            (213)            (534)
Loss per share -        2               2.74p            1.56p            3.92p
basic and diluted                                                              

Consolidated Balance Sheet

at 30 June 2006

                                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                            30 June          30 June      31 December
                                               2006             2005             2005
                                              �'000            �'000            �'000
Fixed assets                                                                         
Intangible assets                                52               74               63
Tangible assets                                 314               12               47
                                                366               86              110
Current assets                                                                       
Debtors                                         200                4               95
Cash at bank and in hand                     11,533               58           12,640
                                             11,733               62           12,735
Creditors: amounts falling due                (182)             (27)            (372)
within one year                                                                      
Net current assets                           11,551               35           12,363
Net assets                                   11,917              121           12,473
Capital and reserves                                                                 
Called up share capital                       2,030            1,360            2,030

Share premium account                         9,776                -            9,776
Other reserve                                 1,335            (892)            1,335
Profit and loss account                     (1,224)            (347)            (668)
Shareholders' funds                          11,917              121           12,473

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                         Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                  Six months ended Six months ended             Year
                                           30 June          30 June            ended
                                              2006             2005      31 December
                             Note            �'000            �'000            �'000
Net cash outflow from         3            (1,069)            (177)            (275)
operating activities                                                                
Returns on investment and                                                           
servicing of finance                                                                
Interest received                              264                -               52
Net cash inflow from returns                   264                -               52
on investment and servicing                                                         
of finance                                                                          
Capital expenditure                                                                 
Payments for tangible fixed                  (302)              (2)             (47)
Net cash outflow from                        (302)              (2)             (47)
capital expenditure                                                                 
Cash outflow before the                    (1,107)            (179)            (270)
management of liquid                                                                
Management of liquid                                                                
Decrease/(increase) in short                   700                -         (12,100)
term deposits                                                                       
Net cash outflow/(inflow)                      700                          (12,100)
from the management of                                                              
liquid resources                                                                    
Issue of ordinary share                          -               79           13,834
Expenses of issuing ordinary                     -                -          (1,082)
share capital                                                                       
Cash inflow from financing                       -               79           12,752
(Decrease)/increase in cash   4              (407)            (100)              382

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

1. Basis of Preparation

The Company was incorporated on 12 September 2005. On 30 September 2005 the
Company acquired the entire share capital of CMR Fuel Cells (UK) Limited by
means of a share for share exchange. The directors consider that the
transaction meets the definition of a group reconstruction and it has therefore
been accounted for using merger accounting principles. Prior year information
for June 2005 and December 2005 has been included on a proforma basis.

The financial report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent
with those set out in the Admission Document of the company dated 16 December

The financial report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning
of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial report is unaudited.

2. Loss Per Share

                                          Unaudited    Unaudited        Unaudited    
                                         Six months       Six months             Year
                                              Ended            ended            ended
                                            30 June          30 June      31 December
                                               2006             2005             2005
                                              �'000            �'000            �'000
Loss per share has been calculated              556              213              534
on the loss of:                                                                      
The weighted average number of           20,304,806    13,600,299          13,878,164
shares used was:                                                                     

 3. Reconciliation of Operating Loss to Net Cash Outflow from Operating
                                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                   Six Months ended Six Months ended  12 months ended
                                            30 June          30 June      31 December   
                                               2006             2005             2005
                                             � '000           � '000           � '000
Operating loss                                (820)            (213)            (586)
Depreciation of tangible fixed                   35                7               17
Amortisation of intangible fixed                 11               11               22
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                (105)                4             (86)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors              (190)               14              358
Net cash outflow from operating             (1,069)            (177)            (275)

 4. Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds
                                       Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                Six Months ended Six Months ended       Year ended
                                         30 June          30 June      31 December
                                            2006             2005             2005
                                          � '000           � '000           � '000
(Decrease)/increase in cash                (407)            (100)              382
(Decrease)/increase in liquid              (700)                -           12,100
(Decrease)/increase in net               (1,107)            (100)           12,482
funds from cash flows                                                             
Opening net funds                         12,640              158              158
Closing net funds                         11,533               58           12,640


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