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Ritter Pharmaceu - Rttr.O (RTTR)

- 19/12/2017 14:03
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007
Grafico Intraday: Ritter Pharmaceuticals IncGrafico Storico: Ritter Pharmaceuticals Inc
Grafico IntradayGrafico Storico

Ritter Pharmaceuticals, Inc. develops therapeutic products that modulate the human gut microbiome to treat gastrointestinal diseases. The Company's segment is focusing on the development and commercialization of RP-G28. The Company conducts human gut health research by exploring metabolic capacity of the gut microbiota and translating the functionality of prebiotic-based therapeutics into applications intended to have impact on a patient's health. The Company's compound, RP-G28, is under development for the treatment of lactose intolerance. The Company has completed a Phase IIa clinical trial of its product candidate, RP-G28, an orally administered oligosaccharide. RP-G28 is designed to stimulate the growth of lactose-metabolizing bacteria in the colon. The Company has not generated any revenues.

Lista Commenti
3 Commenti
1 di 3 - 19/12/2017 14:04
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007
2 di 3 - Modificato il 02/3/2020 17:43
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007

MODERATO Betsabea (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 2352 - Iscritto da: 09/4/2020
3 Commenti
Titoli Discussi
NASDAQ:RTTR 0.45 0.0%
Ritter Pharmaceuticals Inc
Ritter Pharmaceuticals Inc
Ritter Pharmaceuticals Inc
Indici Internazionali
Australia -0.8%
Brazil 0.2%
Canada 0.6%
France 1.6%
Germany 3.4%
Greece 2.0%
Holland -0.5%
Italy 2.0%
Portugal 0.5%
US (DowJones) 0.5%
US (NASDAQ) 0.9%
United Kingdom -0.0%
Rialzo (%)
BIT:WS3D25 0.14 37.0%
BIT:ARIS 4.22 24.6%
BIT:1S 17.90 24.1%
BIT:1KGX 44.05 18.4%
BIT:1HEI 166 18.2%
BIT:WTWL26 0.32 17.6%
BIT:BZU 49.32 16.5%
BIT:ALA 33.80 14.2%
BIT:1LXS 32.06 13.5%
BIT:WABTG 0.12 13.4%

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