Gledhow Investments plc 
                         ("Gledhow" or the "Company") 
                      First Half Results to 31 March 2017 
23 May 2017 
Gledhow is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the current 
financial year, from 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017. 
The Company continues to pursue its investment strategy which has the objective 
of achieving long-term capital growth. 
The Company had cash of GBP 173,566 at the period end. The Company made a 
pre-tax profit of GBP 58,217. The EUR40,000 previously invested into Bolt 
Mobility BV, a Dutch company developing the AppScooter, an electric scooter it 
hopes will be "the Dutch Tesla on two wheels" was revalued upwards by 78 per 
cent following a new round of financing at the higher value. 
Despite the uncertain economic environment the Company is in a strong position, 
thanks to its strong cash position, and we look forward to being able to make 
opportunistic investments in small to medium sized undervalued companies as 
they arise. 
For further information please contact: 
Guy Miller:                                            020 7220 9795 
             (Gledhow Investments plc) 
The Directors of the issuer accept responsibility for the contents of this 
Profit and Loss Account 
for the six months ended 31 March 2017 
                                                                       Continuing operations 
                                                  Six months to                Six months to 
                                                      31-Mar-17                    31-Mar-16 
                                                            GBP                          GBP 
Proceeds from sale of investments                       530,294                        1,226 
Cost of sales (including unrealised losses 
and gains on 
investments held for resale)                          (453,221)                     (64,245) 
                                                       ________                     ________ 
Gross profit / (loss)                                    77,073                      -63,019 
Administrative expenses                                (18,856)                     (19,129) 
                                                       ________                     ________ 
Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities before            58,217                     (82,148) 
Taxation                                                      -                            - 
                                                       ________                     ________ 
Profit / (loss) for the year                             58,217                     (82,148) 
                                                        =======                      ======= 
Earnings / (loss) per share - Basic (pence)               0.12p 
                                                          =====                       ====== 
Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2017 
                                                                      2017            2016 
                                                                       GBP             GBP 
Current assets 
Investments held for resale                                        339,572         229,946 
Debtors                                                                  -               - 
Cash at bank and in hand                                           173,566         190,432 
                                                                 _________       _________ 
                                                                   513,139         420,378 
Creditors: amounts falling due  within one                         (3,000)         (5,931) 
                                                                 _________       _________ 
Net current assets and total assets 
less current liabilities                                           510,139         414,447 
                                                                  ========        ======== 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                            490,000         490,000 
Share premium account                                               71,122          71,122 
Profit and loss account                                           (95,085)       (190,777) 
Other reserve                                                       44,102          44,102 
                                                                 _________       _________ 
Shareholders' funds 
- equity interests                                                 510,139         414,447 
                                                                  ========        ======== 
1.       The interim results together with the related notes set out below have 
been approved by the board of directors of Gledhow Investments plc. 
2.       The Company's strategy is to make short to medium term investments in 
small to medium sized quoted or 
          unquoted companies. These investments are carried in the accounts as 
current asset investments and are valued at lower of cost and net realisable 
3.       The financial results detailed above are unaudited, and have not been 
reviewed by the auditors of the Company. 
4.       Earnings per share - Basic 
The earnings per share for the six months ended 31 March 2017 is calculated on 
the profit on ordinary activities after tax of GBP58,217 (2016: loss of GBP82,148) 
divided by the weighted average number of 49,000,000 (2016: 49,000,000) 
ordinary shares of 1p each in issue during the period. 
5.        The financial information in this report does not constitute 
Statutory Accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2016 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the auditors' report on those 
financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement made under 
Section 498(2) or Section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 23, 2017 13:20 ET (17:20 GMT)

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