RNS Number : 5776E

Semper Fortis Esports PLC

31 October 2022

31 October 2022


("Semper" or the "Company")


Semper Fortis Esports PLC (AQSE: SEMP), the esports company focused on establishing esports teams, Web3 communities and forming brand technology partnerships , announces its unaudited half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 July 2022 and provides an update on post-period events.


-- Revenues of GBP0.05m (H1 2021: nil) were made up of sponsorship, revenue share on sales from the official Rocket League esports shop and prize winnings.

-- Loss before tax of GBP0.46m (H1 2021: GBP0.65m) which included investment in esports teams and play-to-earn guild, content creation, professional fees, general operating costs and impairment of NFT values.

   --      Cash at bank as of 31 July 2022 GBP0.63m (H1 2021: GBP1.77m). 


   --      Secured first commercial sponsor for an amount of GBP10,000 with The Topps Company, Inc. 

-- Launched, and subsequently made an impairment on the new blockchain based play-to-earn gaming division, SMPR Guild.

-- Established an Employee Benefit Trust ("EBT") for the benefit of current and future employees.


-- Significantly reduced overheads in the period to an annualised amount of GBP265,000, choosing not to renew all existing contracts with previous esports talent associated with the company.

   --      In October 2022, the company sold SMPR player "Archie" for a transfer fee of $35,000. 

Jassem Ossieran, Chief Operating Officer, said : " We have reduced our overheads in this climate whilst we are searching as a Board for the right strategy in and around the esports and gaming sector. We have tried a number of approaches but have never over invested on any single one, which we feel has been more prudent. We will report back to our stakeholders when the Board has determined on the right future direction for the Company."

For more information, please contact:

 Semper Fortis Esports plc                            via Square1 Consulting 
   Jassem Osseiran, Chief Operating Officer 
   Max Deeley, Finance Director 
 Hybridan LLP - AQSE Corporate Adviser and Broker      https://hybridan.com 
                                                        +44 203 764 2341 
 Claire Noyce, Managing Partner, Corporate Finance 
  Niall Pearson, Head of Corporate Broking & Sales       +44 203 764 2343 
 Square1 Consulting                                     +44 207 929 5599 
 David Bick                                             +44 7831 381201 

Interim Management Report


During the prior period, the Company had made significant investment into its esports teams and content creation and enjoyed success with its Rocket League team.

However, the monetisation of these teams has proved difficult. This is a key challenge across the esports industry, despite the growth of participation in the sector.

Therefore, given the current economic uncertainty, the Company has taken steps to significantly reduce its overheads.

Esports Team

During the period, the Company generated revenues of GBP0.05m through its Rocket League team. This came from three sources: sponsorship; revenue share on sales from the official Rocket League shop and prize winnings.

However, with team costs being considerably higher than these earnings and with no visibility on significant increases in revenues in the near future, the decision was made to end all contracts with esports talent associated with the Company; with a view to considering an esports strategy with a lower cost base. This led to the Company selling one of its Rocket League players ("Archie") for a transfer fee $35,000 in October 2022.


In February 2022, the Company launched a new play-to-earn gaming division known as SMPR Guild, believing it would bring the Company material revenues.

Play-to-earn is a relatively new category in video gaming where blockchain based games reward players with tokens which are free to convert into cryptocurrency and then into fiat currency.

The Company purchased in-game items (non-fungible tokens known as NFTs) which are characters required to play a game and then provided access to these to active game players ("scholars") on a revenue share basis.

The play-to-earn industry revolves around the Cryptocurrency market which suffered a significant crash in May 2022 with some stable coins losing 97% of their value. This dramatically reduced the value of the in-game items and the earning potential of scholars.

The Company has therefore prudently raised an impairment of GBP32,650 against the value of the NFTs it owns reducing the values to zero.

Establishment of Employee Benefit Trust

During the period, the Company established an Employee Benefit Trust ("EBT") for the benefit of current and future employees.

In March 2022, the EBT acquired all the Ordinary Shares (41,000,000 Ordinary Shares) and all the Redeemable Preference Shares (12,587 Redeemable Preference Shares) held by GIMA Group Inc for a total consideration of GBP56,747. This concluded all matters relating to the departure of Mr Soltani (the former CEO) who held his share interests in the Company through GIMA Group Inc.

Board change

On 20 July 2022 Nolan Bushnell stepped down as non-executive director. The Board would like to thank Nolan for his invaluable assistance in starting the Semper Fortis Esports business.


The Company has significantly reduced its overheads in order to conserve its cash position. Moving forward, the Company will continue to focus on opportunities in and around the esports and gaming sector.

Max Deeley

Finance Director

28 October 2022


                                                                  Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited 
                                                           Six months ended   Six months ended             Year 
                                                     Note      31 July 2022       31 July 2021  31 January 2022 
                                                                        GBP                GBP              GBP 
 Revenue                                                             55,824                  -           31,629 
 Operating and administrative expenses                3           (511,629)          (651,287)      (1,252,966) 
                                                           ----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Loss before income tax                                           (455,805)          (651,287)      (1,221,367) 
 Income tax                                                               -                  -                - 
 Loss for the period and total comprehensive loss             (455,805)              (651,287)      (1,221,367) 
                                                           ================  =================  =============== 
 Earnings per share attributable to equity owners 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share                 4             (0.001)            (0.002)          (0.003) 
                                                           ----------------  -----------------  --------------- 


                                          Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited 
                                              As at         As at             As at 
                                           3 1 July       31 July   31 January 2022 
                                               2022          2021 
                                  Note          GBP           GBP               GBP 
 Current assets 
 Other receivables                           97,543        73,214           107,622 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  634,502    1 ,770,442         1,328,418 
                                        -----------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Total assets                              73 2,045     1,843,656         1,436,040 
                                        ===========  ============  ================ 
 Equity attributable to owners 
 Share capital                     5         76,550        76,550            76,550 
 Share premium                            2,487,410     2,562,410         2,487,410 
 Share based payments reserve               156,327         1,989           155,077 
 Investment in own shares                  (56,747)             -                 - 
 Retained earnings                      (2,029,978)   (1,007,961)       (1,574,173) 
                                           6 33,562     1,632,988         1,144,864 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                    98,483       210,668           291,176 
 Total equity and liabilities              7 32,045     1,843,656         1,436,040 
                                        ===========  ============  ================ 


                                             Share based 
                                           payments reserve 
                     Share       Share                          Retained       Investment in 
                     capital     premium                        earnings          own shares     Total 
                      GBP         GBP            GBP              GBP             GBP             GBP 
 At 1 February 
  2022               7 6,550   2 ,487,410          1 55,077   ( 1,574,173)                 -   1,144,864 
  loss for the 
  period                   -            -                 -      (455,805)                 -   (455,805) 
 Share based 
  payment                  -            -             1,250              -                 -       1,250 
 Shares owned by 
  Benefit Trust            -            -                 -              -          (56,747)    (56,747) 
                   ---------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 At 31 July 2022      76,550    2,487,410           156,327    (2,029,978)          (56,747)       633,562 
                   =========  ===========  ================  =============  ================  ============ 
                                Share       Share       Share based payments        Retained 
                                capital    premium             reserve               earnings      Total 
                                 GBP         GBP                 GBP                   GBP          GBP 
 At 1 February 2021              50,500           -                            -     (356,674)     (306,174) 
 Issue of ordinary shares        26,050   2,562,410                            -             -     2,588,460 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the year                        -           -                            -     (651,287)     (651,287) 
 Share based payments                 -           -                        1,989                       1,989 
 At 31 July 2021                 76,550   2,562,410                        1,989   (1,007,961)     1,632,988 
                              =========  ==========  ===========================  ============  ============ 
                               Share       Share       Share based payments       Retained 
                               capital    premium            reserve               earnings       Total 
                                GBP         GBP                GBP                   GBP           GBP 
 At 1 February 2021             50,500           -                           -     (356,674)       (306,174) 
 Issue of ordinary shares       26,050   2,562,410                           -             -       2,588,460 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the year                       -           -                           -   (1,221,367)     (1,221,367) 
 Share based payments                -    (75,000)                     158,945             -          83,945 
 Forfeiture of share 
  options                            -           -                     (3,868)         3,868               - 
 At 31 January 2022             76,550   2,487,410                     155,077   (1,574,173)       1,144,864 
                             =========  ==========  ==========================  ============  ============== 


                                                               U naudited         U naudited     A udited 
                                                              S ix months                           Y ear 
                                                                    ended   Six months ended        ended 
                                                                 31 J uly           31 Ju ly  3 1 January 
                                                                     2022               2021         2022 
                                                                      GBP                GBP          GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss before income tax                                         (455,805)          (651,287)  (1,221,367) 
 S hare based payments                                              1,250              1,989       83,945 
 Movement in working capital 
 Increase in receivables                                           10,079           (15,869)     (50,277) 
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                                (192,693)          (226,009)    (145,501) 
                                                              -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
 Net cash flow from operating activities                        (637,169)          (891,176)  (1,333,200) 
                                                              -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
 C ash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of own shares                                         ( 56,747)                  -            - 
 Net cash flows from investing activities                       ( 56,747)                  -            - 
                                                              -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Issue of ordinary shares                                  6            -         2,5 88,460    2,588,460 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                               -         2,5 88,460    2,588,460 
                                                              -----------  -----------------  ----------- 
 Net ( decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents         (693,916)         1,6 97,284    1,255,260 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period               1,328,418             73,158       73,158 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                       634,502         1 ,770,442    1,328,418 
                                                              ===========  =================  =========== 

The accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the six months ended 31 July 2022

   1.          Basis of preparation 

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and Interpretations (collectively IFRSs), as adopted by the UK.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with accounting policies that are consistent with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2022.

The unaudited results for the six months ended 31 July 2022 do not constitute statutory accounts for that period under 435 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2022 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The auditors' report on the accounts for 31 January 2022 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

   2.          Changes in significant accounting policies 

The accounting policies applied in these interim financial statements are the same as those applied in the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 January 2022.

   3.          Operating expenses by nature 
                             U naudited     Una udited    A udited 
                             Six months    S ix months       Y ear 
                                  ended          ended       ended 
                               3 1 July        31 July  31 January 
                                   2022           2021       202 2 
 Directors' Remuneration       1 25,563        128,963    2 40,313 
 Professional fees              157,090       3 56,852    5 75,502 
 Esports team costs             157,727       1 29,456    2 97,757 
 S hare based payments            1,250         1 ,989     8 3,945 
 Sundry expenses                 69,999         34,027     5 5,479 
                               5 11,629        651,287  1 ,252,996 
                            -----------  -------------  ---------- 
   4.            Earnings per share 

The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue.

The loss attributable to equity holders and weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of calculating diluted earnings per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary share. The weighted average number of shares excludes shares held by an Employee Benefit Trust and has been adjusted for the issue/purchase of shares during the period.

                                                                U naudited     Una udited         A udited 
                                                                Six months    S ix months             year 
                                                                     ended          ended            ended 
                                                                   31 July        31 July 
                                                                      2022           2021  31 January 2022 
                                                                       GBP            GBP              GBP 
 Loss for the period attributable to equity holders (GBP)        (455,805)      (651,287)     (1 ,221,367) 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue                    387,637,922    294,077,148     3 55,287,471 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share (GBP)                        (0.001)        (0.002)          (0.003) 
                                                             =============  =============  =============== 
   5.   Share capital 

The issued share capital as at 31 July 2022 was 415,499,800 of GBP0.0001 each ordinary shares (31 July 2021: 415,499,800; 31 January 2022: 415,499,800) and 35,000 of GBP1.00 each redeemable deferred shares (31 July 2021: 35,000; 31 January 2022: 35,000).

The ordinary shares have full voting, dividend and capital distribution (including on winding up) rights.

The redeemable deferred shares hold no voting rights or rights to receive dividends.

In March 2022 an Employee Benefit Trust established by the Company acquired all the Ordinary Shares (41,000,000 Ordinary Shares) and all the Redeemable Preference Shares (12,587 Redeemable Preference Shares) held by GIMA Group Inc for a total consideration of GBP56,747. This concluded all matters relating to the departure of Mr Soltani (the former CEO) who held his share interests in the Company through GIMA Group Inc. This has been included as part of Other Reserves within equity.

   6.   Share based payments 

On 26 April 2021, the Company granted options over 12,464,994 ordinary shares at an exercise price of GBP0.031 and a vesting period of 2 to 4 years. One third of the shares subject to options vest on each of the 2(nd) , 3(rd) and 4(th) anniversaries of admission to AQSE.

One of the directors has since left the company, resulting in 8,309,996 options lapsing.

At 31 July 2022, 4,154,998 options were outstanding with an average exercise price of GBP0.031 per share.

The charge for share based payments in the six months ended 31 July 2022 was GBP1,250 (31 July 2021: GBP1,989; 31 January 2022: GBP83,945).

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 31, 2022 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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