RNS Number : 3177A
  Skipton Building Society
  31 July 2008


    Skipton Building Society Group's half-year results, to 30 June 2008, show the Society and its 19 subsidiaries giving a resilient
performance against difficult trading conditions.  
    Chief executive John Goodfellow commented, "The first six months of the year has been more about stability through good asset quality
and less about profitability.  We are in good shape, profitability is down, as I warned it would be, but we are generating earnings, have no
exposure to US sub-prime markets and have been able to generate more than enough retail funding to cover the Group's net mortgage advances. 

    "When considered in the context of the current financial climate, these results show that a modern mutual can deal with even the
toughest market conditions. The indications are that, despite no imminent end to economic pressures, the Group can expect a reasonable
second half of the year as we maintain our healthy liquidity position."

    Financial highlights include: 
    At 30 June 2008
    *     Group assets �13.4bn 
    *     Group pre-tax profit �44.1m (including exceptional profits of �9.0m)
    *     Mortgage balances �9.4 billion
    *     Retail savings balances �7.8 billion 
    *     Liquidity 27.05%
    For the half year
    *     Group assets up 6.6% (year-on-year 17.7%)
    *     Group mortgage balances up 2.2% (year-on-year 9.5%)
    *     Customer investment balances up 8.9% (year-on-year 17.5%)
    Retail Savings and Mortgages
    The popularity of Skipton savings products in the first half has enabled the Group to generate retail savings inflows that more than
funded the Group's mortgage growth, being 170% of net advances. The successes of limited edition Spring and Summer fixed-rate savings bonds
were particular highlights; the bonds generated �400 million of inflows between them and savings balances have increased by 17.5%
year-on-year to �7.8 billion.
    The excellent performance of retail inflows, combined with prudent lending policies and a lengthening of the wholesale funding position,
mean that the Group's lending remains sustainable for the foreseeable future. The current climate has seen mortgage growth targets below the
levels of recent years, with Group mortgage assets growing at 2.2% in the first half, to stand at �9.4 billion.
    In addition, the quality of these loans has endured, borne out by the fact that, at Group level, the number of cases 6 months or more in
arrears or in possession was 282, representing only 0.46% of the book by value.
    The Skipton Group
    With financial advice a key area for the Group, the first half of 2008 has seen two acquisitions support the growth plan - Torquil Clark
and Thomson Shepherd. Torquil Clark is an IFA, employs 117 staff and has �660 million of funds under management and is one of only three
IFAs in the UK to hold the Gold Standard Award for independent financial advice.  
    Scottish-based Thomson Shepherd is a high quality financial planning business which employs 35 staff and has �400 million of funds under
advice. There are now five Group financial advice businesses - including Skipton Financial Services, Pearson Jones and Parnell Fisher Child.
Between them they boast a total turnover of �51 million, with 30% recurring annual income. The aim is to consolidate and grow this part of
the Group's offering even further.
    The other four areas of focus for the Group are savings and lending, mortgage servicing, estate agency and data provision. To keep the
focus on these, we took a strategic decision to sell both Direct Life & Pension Services and Amber Select during the first half of the year.
Whilst both had grown under the Group's ownership, it was felt their buyers were better positioned to develop the businesses to their full
    A notable success has been the Callcredit Information Group (CIG, formerly Skipton Information Group) which is responding to lenders'
needs for quality credit data and is now a profitable part of the Group, doubling its income year-on-year. In addition, one of CIG's
subsidiaries, Broadsystem, recently completed the development of the News International data warehouse and won a significant project to
develop a large intranet service for the Learning Skills Council.
    A further subsidiary which continues to develop is Homeloan Management Limited (HML), as demand for its credit management services
increases. The company recently started construction on new offices in Skipton, to house 800 of its 2,000 staff.
    Despite a near 40% reduction in housing transactions and the average asking price dropping by 15%, Connells Group has demonstrated its
adaptability and continued to be profitable.  This has been achieved through increased activity in surveys and valuations (as many
homeowners remortgage), lettings, asset management and strong cost control.
    The future
    The first half of 2008 has seen a robust performance from the Skipton Group demonstrate the strength of its asset quality and the value
of mutual status. Mr Goodfellow concluded, "The first half of the year has been about strength over growth, caution over risk and quality
over quantity.  We expect more of the same for the rest of the year, something which plays to the very strengths of the mutual model.
    "We believe we will remain one of the UK's top performing building societies despite the expected reduction in year-on-year profit. The
Group continues to benefit from its diverse business model where, even in these difficult times, a number of areas continue to flourish.

    "As time goes on, the economic conditions become less about liquidity and more about the wider economic environment; the second half of
2008 will bring tougher trading conditions than the first.  However, the inherent strengths of our business model put us in a good position
to weather the economic storm and we are confident our full year results will prove this true."
    For further information, please contact the Skipton Press Office on 08456 017247, 
email newsline@skipton.co.uk or visit the press section of our website at www.skipton.co.uk

    Jason Clarke, head of media relations
    Tel: 01756 705761

    If outside Press Office hours (8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday), please call 07867 851628

    Skipton Building Society
    Results for the Half Year ended 30 June 2008

    Unaudited results for the half-year to 30 June 2008 

    Condensed consolidated income statement

                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                         to 30.06.08  to 30.06.07  to 31.12.07
                                                  �m           �m           �m
 Interest receivable and similar               386.4        310.4        683.2
 Interest payable and similar                (338.3)      (257.5)      (573.5)
 Net interest receivable                        48.1         52.9        109.7
 Fees and commissions receivable               210.9        247.0        496.0
 Fees and commissions payable                 (15.6)       (20.9)       (46.5)
 Fair value gains and losses on                  6.0          2.0        (3.9)
 financial instruments
 Other operating income                         12.4          4.2         16.1
 Total operating income                        261.8        285.2        571.4
 Administrative expenses                     (222.4)      (216.8)      (442.0)
 Impairment losses on loans and                (7.9)        (0.7)        (5.4)
 Provisions for liabilities                      0.2          0.8          0.2
 Share of profits from joint                     3.4          3.1          5.3
 ventures and associates
 Profit on part disposal of                        -         36.0         36.0
 Profit on disposal of subsidiaries              9.0            -            -
 Profit before tax                              44.1        107.6        165.5
 Tax expense                                   (9.2)       (19.0)       (38.9)
 Profit for the period                          34.9         88.6        126.6
 Attributable to:                                                             
     Members of Skipton Building                34.7         87.9        125.5
     Minority interests                          0.2          0.7          1.1
                                                34.9         88.6        126.6


     Unaudited results for the half-year to 30 June 2008 

    Condensed consolidated balance sheet 

                                               Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                                   as at      as at      as at
                                                30.06.08   30.06.07   31.12.07
                                                      �m         �m         �m
 Cash in hand and balances with the Bank           153.5       33.3      136.0
 of England
 Loans and advances to credit institutions       1,315.1      447.4      409.3
 Debt securities                                 1,819.7    1,754.4    2,124.8
 Derivative financial instruments                  228.1      103.7      122.3
 Loans and advances to customers                 9,358.1    8,590.2    9,291.9
 Deferred tax asset                                 18.8       25.1       18.7
 Investments in subsidiaries, joint                  7.3        8.6        6.1
 ventures and associates
 Intangible assets                                 252.3      198.9      230.4
 Property, plant and equipment                      76.4       75.9       79.6
 Investment property                                 7.5        4.9        5.1
 Other assets                                      120.6      107.7      106.3
 Total assets                                   13,357.4   11,350.1   12,530.5
 Shares                                          7,823.7   6,662. 1    7,191.1
 Amounts owed to credit institutions               689.3      505.5      402.8
 Amounts owed to other customers                 2,331.5    1,793.0    2,207.8
 Debt securities in issue                        1,311.2    1,249.1    1,533.5
 Derivative financial instruments                   31.8       24.4       50.4
 Current tax                                         1.9       13.4        9.1
 Other liabilities                                 122.1      122.0      117.8
 Accruals and deferred income                       46.5       26.5       51.1
 Deferred tax liability                              7.2       17.5        6.9
 Retirement benefit obligations                     33.7       14.9       22.3
 Provisions for liabilities                          2.3        4.1        2.5
 Subordinated liabilities                          183.3      183.2      183.7
 Subscribed capital                                 26.3       26.3       26.3
 Total liabilities                              12,610.8   10,642.0   11,805.3
 Capital and reserves attributable to members of
 General reserve                                   757.5      695.1      731.4
 Available-for-sale reserve                       (16.5)      (1.2)      (5.7)
 Cash flow hedging reserve                           1.1        6.4      (4.9)
 Translation reserve                                 0.7        1.3        0.9
                                                   742.8      701.6      721.7
 Minority interests                                  3.8        6.5        3.5
 Total liabilities and reserves                 13,357.4   11,350.1   12,530.5

      Unaudited results for the half year to 30 June 2008 

    Condensed consolidated statement of recognised income and expense 

                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                         to 30.06.08  to 30.06.07  to 31.12.07
                                                  �m           �m           �m
 Available-for-sale investments:                                              
 Valuation losses taken to equity             (15.2)        (0.4)        (7.2)
 Cash flow hedges:                                                            
 Gains / (losses) taken to equity                8.4          5.7       (10.5)
 Exchange differences on translation of        (0.3)          1.3          0.3
 foreign operations
 Actuarial gains / (losses) on                (13.9)         17.2          8.7
 retirement benefit obligations
 Tax on items taken directly to or               7.3        (6.7)          4.3
 transferred from equity
 Net income / (expense) not recognised        (13.7)         17.1        (4.4)
 directly in the income statement
 Profit for the period                          34.9         88.6        126.6
 Total recognised income and expense            21.2        105.7        122.2
 for the period
 Total income and expense for the                                             
 period attributable to:
 Members of Skipton Building Society            21.0        105.0        121.1
 Minority interests                              0.2          0.7          1.1
                                                21.2        105.7        122.2
Movements in general reserve note
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                         to 30.06.08  to 30.06.07  to 31.12.07
                                                  �m           �m           �m
 At 1 January                                  731.4        598.1        598.1
 Profit for the period                          34.7         87.9        125.5
 Actuarial gains / (losses) on                 (8.6)          9.1          5.7
 retirement benefit obligations
 Other taxation                                    -            -          2.1
 At end of period                              757.5        695.1        731.4

    Movements in general reserve note


       Unaudited results for the half-year to 30 June 2008 

    Condensed consolidated cash flow statement 

                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                            6 months     6 months   12 months 
                                         to 30.06.08  to 30.06.07  to 31.12.07
                                                  �m           �m           �m
 Cash flows from operating activities  
 Profit before taxation                         44.1        107.6        165.5
 Movement in prepayments and accrued             1.4          3.0        (7.0)
 Movement in accruals and deferred            (89.2)       (54.3)        107.6
 Impairment losses on loans and                  7.9          0.7          5.4
 Loans and advances written off, net             0.1          1.5        (5.5)
 of recoveries                         
 Depreciation and amortisation                  11.0         10.1         21.7
 Interest on capital and subordinated            6.9          6.9         14.0
 Profit on sale of property, plant             (0.1)        (0.6)        (0.4)
 and equipment and investment          
 Movement in provisions for                    (0.3)          0.5        (1.1)
 liabilities and charges               
 Share of profits from joint ventures          (3.4)        (3.1)        (5.3)
 and associates                        
 Profit on disposal of subsidiaries            (9.0)            -            -
 Profit on part disposal of associate              -       (36.0)       (36.0)
 Other non-cash movements                    (133.8)        (9.9)       (14.4)
 Net cash inflows / (outflows) from          (164.4)         26.4        244.5
 trading activities                    
 Net movement in loans and advances           (66.1)      (492.9)    (1,322.7)
 to customers                          
 Net movement in shares                        745.2        574.6        973.5
 Net movement in amounts owed to               387.4        548.8        868.6
 credit institutions and other         
 Net movement in debt securities in          (232.1)      (346.6)       (99.1)
 Net movement in loans and advances          (897.4)      (142.0)      (102.9)
 to credit institutions                
 Purchase of mortgage portfolios               (8.1)      (412.6)      (412.6)
 Sale of mortgage portfolios                       -        296.9        427.1
 Net movement in other assets                    2.9       (28.9)        (5.4)
 Net movement in other liabilities              11.2       (39.5)          8.7
 Income taxes paid                            (16.0)        (9.8)       (40.5)
 Net cash inflows / (outflows) from          (237.4)       (25.6)        539.2
 operating activities                  

    Unaudited results for the half-year to 30 June 2008 

    Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (continued)
                                                         Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                          6 months     6 months   12 months 
                                                       to 30.06.08  to 30.06.07  to 31.12.07
                                                                �m           �m           �m
 Net cash inflows / (outflows)                             (237.4)       (25.6)        539.2
 from operating activities
 Cash flows from investing
 Purchase of debt securities                             (2,965.6)    (1,711.0)    (3,545.7)
 Proceeds from disposal of debt                            3,255.5      1,751.2      3,208.7
 Purchase of intangible assets                               (3.8)        (1.7)       (10.4)
 Purchase of property, plant                                 (8.4)        (6.3)       (17.5)
 and equipment and investment
 Proceeds from disposal of                                     2.7          0.7          2.2
 property, plant and equipment
 and investment property
 Purchase of subsidiary                                     (18.2)        (8.8)       (31.0)
 Net cash acquired with                                        0.4          0.8          3.2
 Further investment in existing                              (9.7)       (32.2)       (67.3)
 Purchases of other business                                     -            -        (1.0)
 Net cash acquired with other                                    -            -          0.3
 business units
 Cash received from disposal of                               16.4            -            -
 Net cash disposed with                                      (3.4)            -            -
 Cash received from part                                       0.1            -            -
 disposal of subsidiaries
 Cash received from part                                         -         38.0         38.0
 disposal of associate and
 joint venture
 Net cash flows from investing                               266.0         30.7      (420.5)

 Cash flows from financing
 Interest paid on subordinated                               (5.3)        (5.3)       (10.7)
 Interest paid on permanent                                  (1.6)        (1.5)        (3.2)
 interest bearing shares
 Dividends paid to minority                                      -            -        (2.1)
 Net cash flows from financing                               (6.9)        (6.8)       (16.0)

 Net increase in cash and cash                                21.7        (1.7)        102.7
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                154.3         51.6         51.6
 start of period
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                176.0         49.9        154.3
 end of period
 Analysis of the cash balances as shown in the Balance Sheet:
                                                         Unaudited                   Audited
                                                          6 months         Cash   12 months 
                                          to 30.06.08        flows  to 31.12.07
                                                   �m           �m           �m
 Cash in hand and balances with the Bank of England          153.5         17.5        136.0
 Mandatory reserve deposit with the Bank of England          (8.3)          0.5        (8.8)
                                                             145.2         18.0        127.2
 Loans and advances to credit institutions repayable          30.8          3.7         27.1
 on demand
 Included in cash and cash equivalents as at end of          176.0         21.7        154.3

    Editors' notes

    1. Skipton is the UK's sixth largest building society, with a national presence represented by its 84 branches, covering the country
from Aberdeen to Plymouth.  It heads the Skipton Building Society Group, whose subsidiary companies have significant interests in estate
agency and related businesses (through the Connells and Sequence groups), third party mortgage servicing (Homeloan Management), credit
referencing (Callcredit) and market data supply, independent financial and related advisory businesses and support services to the mutual

    2. Skipton is the first UK-wide financial services provider to receive the Customer First Framework - a quality assurance standard aimed
at putting the customer first.  

This information is provided by RNS
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