RNS Number:8820X
26 January 2001

Ericsson extends leadership in 2G and 3G - growing faster than the market

*    In 2000, sales up 27% and orders up 31% (for comparable units
     29% and 33%)

*    Increasing investment in 3G to reinforce success

*    Operating margin in line with outlook

*    Mobile phones: Complete transfer of production. Additional
     restructuring charges in 2000 of SEK 8b. raising cost savings to SEK 15b.
     per year by 2002

*    A capital gain of SEK 15.4b. from sale of Juniper Networks shares

*    Outlook 2001: Sales growth 15-20% and operating margin between
     6 and 8 %, with increased 3G investments.

(SEK b.)                 Fourth                       Twelve months
                       2000  1999   Change %         2000  1999   Change %
Orders                 79.5  66.0      20%          292.3 223.8      31%
Sales                  82.1  73.8      11%          273.6 215.4      27%
Operating income        5.6   8.7     -33%           31.2  17.6      77%
Adjusted Operating     -1.5   8.7                    16.7  17.9      -7%
income 1)
Adjusted Operating    -1.8% 11.8%                    6.1%  8.3%
margin %
Income before tax       4.6   8.5     -46%           28.7  16.4      75%
EPS, fully diluted     0.28  0.78     -64%           2.65  1.54      72%
EPS US GAAP, fully     1.15  0.96      20%           3.44  1.92      79%
diluted (SEK)
Cash flow before       11.6   9.5                     6.4  -2.4
financing activities
1) Adjusted for
Capital gain Juniper   15.4                          15.4
Non-operational        -0.2                           7.0  -0.3
gains/losses &
pension refund
Additional             -8.0                          -8.0
restructuring in

Results in line with guidance
With an adjusted operating margin of 6.1% for 2000 and a positive cash
flow in the fourth quarter, Ericsson delivered a financial performance in
line with guidance. Sales and orders growth were driven once again by
continued strong performance in mobile systems.

In the fourth quarter, Ericsson achieved an operating income of SEK 5.6b.
Adjusted operating income was SEK -1.5b., excluding capital gain from
Juniper shares, SEK 15.4b., non-operational capital losses of SEK -0.2b.,
and additional restructuring charges of SEK 8b. for the full outsourcing
of the mobile phone production. The adjusted operating income includes
earlier announced restructuring costs of SEK 4.7b.

"We have generated a solid growth, and in mobile systems we have once
again  managed  to  grow  even  faster  than  the  market,  with  good
profitability", said Kurt Hellstrom, President and CEO of Ericsson.

"We are now the world leader in both 2G and 3G mobile systems. We have
captured well over 50% of the GPRS and 3G orders so far. We are in a prime
position to increase our market share in the shift to 3G; one of the
largest technology shifts ever. We have achieved this with our customer
base, our technology leadership, and our ability and commitment to deliver
these systems in large volumes. We are now aggressively investing even
more in 3G to secure our commitments.

"The  results  in  our  mobile  phones  business,  while  in  line  with
expectations, remain unsatisfactory. As announced, the losses are caused
by delivery failure from key suppliers and an inadequate product mix in
the entry-level market. The delivery failures have lead to loss of large
sales volumes and serious under-utilization of production capacity, which
has forced us into costly restructuring measures."

"Our back-to-profit program, launched in the middle of last year, is
progressing as planned, and we are on track to reach profitability by the
second half of this year. In light of current market dynamics, we have
taken a fundamental look at how we run the consumer business, and we have
decided to completely outsource supply and production of mobile phones."

"We signed a strategic partnership with Flextronics that allows us to
rapidly achieve better economies of scale and increased flexibility. These
extra measures cause further provisions that we see as an investment that
will give us a very quick payback. Overall, we will reach annual cost
savings of SEK 15b. a year from 2002. As this also creates a sound basis
for long-term profitability, it also confirms our commitment to remain a
top player in mobile phones."

Orders in Mobile Systems up more than 60% in fourth quarter
By the end of the fourth quarter, Ericsson had won 22 of 33 publicly
announced WCDMA agreements and a majority of the GPRS contracts. Operators
in North America and Latin America chose the GSM/GPRS track towards 3G and
Mobile Internet. We are also benefiting as the world's number one in GSM
and 3G. As operators intensify investments in GSM and 3G, we grew our
mobile systems order intake in the fourth quarter by more than 60%. We
have increased R&D, supply and implementation capacity for 3G during the
fourth quarter; a trend that will continue during 2001.

ENGINE wins 35% market share
In the fourth quarter 2000, Ericsson continued to gain a strong foothold
in the market for converting telecom networks from circuit switched
narrow-band to packet-switched broadband technologies supporting high-
speed data and Internet. We won a 35% market share in fierce competition
with traditional datacom suppliers. The market is driven by leading
telecom operators, and ENGINE's success builds on our strong relationships
with these operators, as well as our long standing experience and research
in ATM and IP.

Mobile phones maintain over 10% market share
During the quarter, Ericsson shipped 11.8 million phones. Overall, we sold
43.3 million phones, an increase of 38% and a share of over 10% in an
estimated world market of around 405 - 415 million in 2000. The back-to-
profit program is on target to lead the division to profits in the second
half of 2001. According to our plan, we are transferring the mobile phone
production from our factories in Kumla/Sweden and Lynchburg/Virginia to
low-cost manufacturing units. We have phased out a number of products to
concentrate our product portfolio. Our partnership with Arima/Taiwan to
develop and manufacture entry-level phones for GSM is on schedule, and
this week, we signed another agreement with the Taiwanese manufacturer GVC
who will handle development and production of phones according to our 
specifications.  On  top  of  this,  we  are  now  entering  a  strategic
partnership with Flextronics for complete outsourcing of mobile phones
production. Ericsson will focus on technology, design, branding, marketing
and sales of phones. By the end of this year, the division Consumer
Products will employ 7,000 people, compared to 18,000 last year.

Our market view
The strong growth in mobile communications continues. It is driven by the
growing number of subscribers and the large operators' transition to
multi-service  broadband  networks.  In  2000,  the  number  of  mobile
subscribers grew by almost 50% to between 700 and 715 million. For 2001,
we expect the mobile phone market to reach between 500 and 540 million
units, and the number of mobile subscribers to reach 920 - 950 million.
The growing demand for Mobile Internet is demonstrated by the success of
SMS and WAP/i-mode. Over 13 billion SMS messages are sent every month, andthe
number of WAP phones increased from 3 to 26 million from August to
December 2000. This year, GPRS - or 2.5G - will be in operation, and
Ericsson will begin delivery of 3G systems. We strongly believe in Mobile
Internet, and remain committed to drive the market and deliver end-to-end

A more uncertain economic environment and a more cautious capital market
contribute to more uncertainty also in our industry. However, we remain
optimistic about our business.

We have won most of the contracts for the next generation networks.
Therefore we are increasing investments to secure our fast start in 3G.

For the first quarter 2001 we see continued strong growth for systems and
lower sales for phones. Overall we expect to increase sales by around 15%
for comparable units. Income before tax is expected to be around zero,
affected by operating losses in phones and increased 3G investments. Later
in the year we will begin to benefit from the restructuring of our phones

For the full year 2001, we expect sales to grow between 15 and 20% and an
operating margin in the range of 6-8%.

* All numbers in SEK if not stated otherwise


Orders booked in the fourth quarter increased by 20%, with strong systems
orders offsetting lower orders for mobile phones and Other operations.
Adjusting for an exceptionally large order of SEK 4.9b. in Defense Systems
in the fourth quarter of 1999, the increase was 30%. ENGINE and GPRS order
bookings developed favorably. We increased sales by 11%.

Gross margins in our network operators business were stable, but overall
gross margin declined due to lower margins for mobile phones, as price
pressure continued, as expected. We shipped 11.8 million phones in the
quarter to reach a total of 43.3 million for the year, confirming our
position as the world's third largest vendor.

As presented in October, we have begun restructuring of the handset
business in our "Back-to-Profits" program. As forecasted, we had 4.7b.
of restructuring costs, including inventory write-downs for obsolescence.
The new decision to outsource all our manufacturing of mobile phones
resulted in an additional restructuring provision of 8b. in the fourth
quarter, which includes the 2b. previously identified for the back-to-
profits-program. Of the total restructuring amount, 12.7b., around 50%
relate to inventory and supply, and around 20% relate to excess equipment
when outsourcing, and around 30% represent personnel redundancy, and
unabsorbed fixed costs in our production units.

Operating expenses increased in the quarter, following increased R&D
efforts for 3G, as indicated above, and expenses related to restructuring
in Consumer Products. Operating expenses were 35% of sales in the quarter,
above our target of 30%.

Operational capital gains in the quarter other than Juniper Networks were
0.1b., somewhat lower than our outlook of 0.4b.

Income effects of changed currency exchange rates compared to the rates
during last year were approximately +0.4b. Operating income in the quarter
was 5.6b. Adjusted for capital gain of Juniper shares, non-operational
items and additional restructuring provision in phones, the operating
income was -1.5b.

Income before tax was 4.6b. Minority interests in income were higher than
earlier in the year, due to good fourth quarter results in certain


We reduced inventory by 5.1b. in the quarter, of which 5.9b. in phones.
Inventory for systems increased by 0.7b. Accounts receivable increased by
9.1b., driven by the larger sales particularly in December. We managed to
reduce customer financing receivables by 2.9b. Investments in tangible
assets were 3.8b.

Cash flow before financing activities in the quarter was 11.6b., which
includes the favorable effect of sales of shares in Juniper Networks.


Orders booked increased by 31% and sales by 27% (33% and 29%, for
comparable units), slightly above our outlook.

Orders and sales in our Network Operator segment developed well during the
year  with  orders  up  40%  and  sales  up  29%.  Strong  demand  for  2G
infrastructure, GPRS and ENGINE were main drivers. The ENGINE solution for
migration of circuit-switched networks to next-generation packet-switched
technology is to a large extent utilizing earlier development in the
broadband area, such as broadband ISDN and optical transmission systems.

In our mobile phones business, sales and gross margins were severely
impacted by delivery problems from a key supplier, leading to delays and
reductions in sales, lower prices and large inventory write-offs. In
addition, we also decided to implement an aggressive restructuring program
for the phone operations and incurred additional costs.

Operating expenses were 33% of sales, above our target of 30%, due to
increased R&D investments and beginning ramp-up of capacity for 3G.

Overall, we achieved an adjusted operating margin of 6.1%, excluding a
capital  gain  of  15.4b  from  sale  of  Juniper  shares,  additional
restructuring provision in phones 8b. and non-operational items of 7.0b.
This is in line with our guidance.

Income effects of changed currency exchange rates compared to the rates
during last year were around +1.3b. For mobile phones, however, effects
were negative around -3.4b. due to unfavorable exposure from purchases in
Japanese Yen and US dollars combined with a large share of revenues in EUR.

Income before tax was 28.7 (16.4)b., up 75%. The tax rate year to date was
as low as 27%, since a portion of the capital gains was non-taxable.

Earnings per share, fully diluted were SEK 0:28 (0:78) in the quarter and
2:65 (1:54) year to date. The dilutive effect of this year's employee
stock option programs was around 0.2%. Earnings per share according to US
GAAP were SEK 3:44 (1:92).

Inventory turnover for the year reached 5.2 (4.8), affected by inventory
write-downs. Our long-term target is a level of more than 5.0. Receivables
turnover for the year was 3.9 (3.7) turns, slightly below target of 4.0.

Customer financing is granted very selectively and preferably as bridge-
financing until a permanent solution is found by our customers. During the
year, we managed to reduce on-balance sheet risks by 20%, while off-
balance sheet exposure increased only slightly.

Investments in tangible assets were 12.3b., of which 5.1b. in Sweden.

The equity ratio at year-end was 37.7 (35.2)%. We did not reach our target
of 40% and we will continue our efforts to improve capital efficiency, in
particular regarding inventory and receivables.

Cash flow before financing activities year to date was 6.4b, with the
favorable effect of capital gains offsetting increases in inventory and

At year-end 2000 Ericsson had 105,129 employees world-wide, a net increase
of 1,839 during the year, mainly a result of increased R&D efforts for 3G.


The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting an
unchanged dividend of SEK 0:50 per share.


The Annual Report will be distributed to shareholders and be available at
our head office at Telefonplan, Stockholm, as of March 9, 2001.


The Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Wednesday March
28, 2001 in Stockholm Globe Arena.


*      Segment review

*      Market review

*      Orders, sales and margins by segment by quarter

*      Employees

*      Restated segment data for new segment structure


Kurt Hellstrom
President and CEO

As earlier communicated, the Board of Directors appointed Kurt Hellstrom
also Chief Executive Officer effective as of January 1, 2001.

Uncertainties in the Future.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995:

Some statements in this interim report are forward looking and actual
results may differ materially from those stated. In addition to the
factors discussed, among other factors that may affect results are product
demand, the effect of economic conditions, exchange-rate and interest-rate
movements, the impact of competing products and their pricing, product
development, commercialization and technological difficulties, political
risks in the countries in which the Company has operations or sales,
supply constraints, and the result of customer financing efforts.

Date for next report: April 20, 2001

Roland Klein, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Phone: +46 8 719 2128, +44 7776 162997; E-mail:roland.klein@clo.ericsson.se

Pia Gideon, Vice President, External Relations
Phone: +46 8 719 2864, +46 70 519 2864; E-mail: pia.gideon@lme.ericsson.se

Investor relations:
Gary Pinkham, Vice President, Investor Relations
Phone: +1 212 685 4030; E-mail: gary.pinkham@ericsson.com

Lars Jacobsson, Vice President, Financial Reporting and Analysis
Phone: +46 8 719 9489, +46 70 519 9489; E-mail: lars.jacobsson@lme.ericsson.se

Segment results fourth quarter 2000
Segment (SEK b.  Orders  Order   Sales  Sales  Adjusted     Adjusted
                        growth         growth Operating  Operating margin
Network           60.2     47%   61.4    21%       9.4       15% (17%)
Consumer          14.9     -5%   13.9   -17%     -10.3      -74%  (6%)
Enterprise         4.7      1%    5.8     8%       0.3        5%  (8%)
Other              3.8     -58%   4.8   -12%      -0.2       -5%  (0%)
Unallocated                                       -0.7
Inter-segment     -4.2           -3.7
TOTAL             79.5      20%  82.1    11%      -1.5       -2% (12%)
Capital gain                                      15.4
Non-                                              -0.2
Additional                                        -8.0
Operating                                          5.6

Network Operators
Sales increased by 21% and now generate 75% of total sales. GSM systems
showed the strongest sales growth and very strong order bookings. Wireline
systems showed a good quarter based on ENGINE demand. Latin America
achieved particularly strong sales, whereas Western Europe had a slow
growth rate. Increased R&D spending, along with a changed sales mix of
products and markets, caused the operating margin to drop from 17 to 15%.

Consumer Products
In the quarter we sold 11.8 million phones. As indicated in our outlook,
pressure on prices resulted in reduced margins The Back-to-Profits program
is on its way to return the business into profits in the second half 2001.

Enterprise Solutions
Enterprise solutions are in the process of changing the distribution
channel strategy to work with third party channels. As these efforts
slowed down the business, sales growth and operating income were modest.

Other operations and Unallocated
Due to a large Defense Systems order in the fourth quarter last year, this
year's order bookings appear low. This year, Energy Systems were divested
from April 1,which has reduced sales this year. Our Cables business has
done  very  well  with  strong  demand  for  fiber  optic  cables.
Microelectronics' sales has been somewhat hurt by the lower volumes for
mobile phones. Operating income is negative due to unfavorable development
in our joint venture with Hewlett-Packard. On a comparable basis, orders
decreased by 10% and sales increased by 5%. Unallocated costs were
slightly lower than in the fourth quarter last year.


Segment results full year 2000

Segment (SEK  Orders  Order Sales Sales  Adjusted  Adjusted  Employees
b.)                  growth       growth Operating Operating
                                          income    margin
Network        212.4   40%  194.1    29%     33.1   17%(13%)    70,317
Consumer        57.0   20%   56.3    21%    -16.2  -29% (1%)    16,840
Enterprise      17.8   -1%   17.5     1%        0    0% (0%)     8,324
Other           18.6  -16%   19.0    14%      1.7    9% (2%)     8,520
Unallocated                                  -1.9                1,128
Inter-segment  -13.5        -13.4
TOTAL          292.3   31%  273.6     27%    16.7    6% (8%)   105,128
Capital gain                                 15.4
Non-                                          7.0
Additional                                   -8.0
Operating                                    31.2

Network Operators
With order growth and sales stronger than the market, we improved our
operating margin to 17 (13)%. Orders and sales were strong for all mobile
standards, and good orders bookings were achieved for our ENGINE solution.
Also Mini-link transmission equipment had a strong increase from last
year. The operating income reflects an increased investment level in R&D
and other preparations for rapid roll-out of 3G.

Consumer Products
We increased unit sales by 38% to 43.3 million units. Revenues grew 21%,
to 56.3b., a result of lost sales due to component supply, unfavorable
product mix and an over-supply situation in the end of the year, with
strong price erosion. The full year loss at -16.2b. is in line with
guidance after nine months and includes 4.7b. of restructuring charges.

Enterprise Solutions
The business consulting business grew substantially during the year and
was  increasingly  focused  on  Internet  applications.  The  traditional
business with enterprise communications solutions of PABXs and data
networks was reorganizing its distribution channels during the year, which
slowed down the business development. Orders and sales were flat and the
operating margin was slightly down.

Other Operations and unallocated costs
During the year we have divested our Energy systems business and real
estate  properties.  These  effects  are  reported  among  non-operational
capital  gains.  Among  remaining  business  operations,  Cables,  Defense
systems and Microelectronics all had very strong sales increases. Orders
increased very well too, except for Defense systems, where a large ERIEYE
order last year makes this year's bookings lower. Unallocated costs
decreased more than 20% compared to last year. A pension refund of 1.1b.
is included in non-operational items.

New segment reporting for 2001
For enhanced comparability with peer companies in our industry as well as
competitive reasons, we will in 2001 report orders, sales and operating
income according to our primary areas of business - Systems, Phones and
Other operations. Within the Systems business, orders and sales for mobile
systems and multi-service networks will be separately disclosed, although
there is a high degree of integration within systems for R&D, customers,
implementation and support services. Attached is a restated segment report
for year 2000 by quarter in the new format.


External Sales by Market Area, fourth quarter 2000
Market     Network Consumer Enterprise    Other    Total    % of   Increase
Area     Operators Products Solutions    Operations         Total
Western       19.6      5.4       2.9       2.2    30.1      37%      2%
CEEMA *)      10.1      1.1       0.4       0.2    11.9      14%     16%
North          4.6      2.3       0.1       0.4     7.5       9%     -1%
Latin         12.2      2.4       0.4       0.2    15.2      19%     34%
Asia          14.0      2.5       0.4       0.5    17.5      21%     15%
Total**)      60.5     13.8       4.3       3.4    82.1     100%     11%

External Sales by Market Area, full year 2000
Market        Network Consumer  Enterprise   Other     Total    % of   Increase
Area        Operators Products  Solutions    Operations         Total
Western          60.7     23.3       8.4       7.8      100.2     36%     17%
CEEMA *)         29.6      6.2       0.9       1.0       37.7     14%     27%
North            23.4      9.9       0.4       1.5       35.2     13%     40%
Latin            35.9      6.1       1.3       0.9       44.1     16%     46%
Asia             43.4     10.5       1.2       1.2       56.3     21%     25%
Total **)       193.0     56.0      12.1      12.4      273.6    100%     27%
*) Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa
**) Excluding inter-segment sales

Sales increases slowed down the fourth quarter, in particular in Western
Europe, North America and Japan.

In Europe, operators have begun to cut subsidies of mobile phones,
reducing the growth of new subscribers and slowing down replacement. As
the penetration is now around 70% in many countries, the main objective
for operators is to keep the current customer base. A number of firm
contracts for 3G were signed in the fourth quarter, underlining our
leading position. ENGINE continues to dominate the "Circuit-to-Packet"
market. A major break-through order for IP backbone network including
Juniper routers was won with Telia International, evidence of the strong
partnership with Juniper, which has now lead to a joint venture agreement.
Our joint venture with Microsoft reported the first contract for its first
product, Outlook via Mobile.

Our North American operations increased sales for the year strongly.
Operators have decided to go for GSM for their 2.5G networks as a way into
3G, which is favorable for us as the market leader in GSM and GPRS. GPRS
trials are ongoing. CDMA sales started to pick up momentum and a strategic
order for cable modems was won. As part of the back-to-profits program in
our Consumer Business, around 2000 employees will be transferred to SCI in
early 2001, following the outsourcing of manufacturing operations in
Lynchburg, USA. In the end of the year, Ericsson acquired Microwave Power
Devices, a leading developer of multi-carrier power amplifier technology,
an important competence for development of 3G systems.

In Latin America, sales were very strong in Mexico and Argentina in
particular, plus Brazil. Also in Latin America, operators will go the
GSM/GPRS-way to 3G.

In Asia Pacific, the two major markets China and Japan showed slightly
different developments. China had moderate sales increases, but strong
orders booked. Sales in Japan were very strong but orders increased
slower. It seems as if the market in China is beginning to pick up
momentum after a comparatively low investment level in 2000.

Top 10 Markets in Orders and Sales, Year 2000

Market            Share of    Share of Total
                Total Orders      Sales
USA                  12%            12%
China                8%             7%
United Kingdom       7%             8%
Mexico               6%             6%
Italy                6%             6%
Brazil               6%             6%
Spain                5%             5%
Japan                5%             5%
Turkey               4%             4%
Sweden               3%             3%


                                  Oct-Dec Oct-Dec  Jan-Dec      Jan-Dec
SEK                                 2000    1999     2000         1999
Net sales                          82,109  73,755  273,569      215,403

Cost of sales                     -63,113 -42,385 -180,392     -125,881

Gross margin                       18,996  31,370   93,177       89,522
Gross margin as percentage          23.1%   42.5%    34.1%        41.6%
of net sales

Research and development and
other technical expenses          -13,458  -9,873  -41,921      -33,123
Selling expenses                  -11,340 -10,387  -34,706      -30,005
Administrative expenses            -4,254  -3,487  -13,311      -11,278
Operating expenses                -29,052 -23,747  -89,938      -74,406
Operating expenses as
percentage of net sales             35.4%   32.2%    32.9%        34.5%

Other operating revenues          15,586   1,066    27,652        2,224
Share in earnings of
associated companies                  117      -2      274          250
Operating income                    5,647   8,687   31,165       17,590
Operating margin as
percentage of net sales              6.9%   11.8%    11.4%         8.2%

Financial income                      720     562    2,929        2,273
Financial expenses                 -1,314    -457   -4,449       -2,971
Income after financial items        5,053   8,792   29,645       16,892

Minority interest in                 -460    -313     -953         -506
income before taxes
Income before taxes *)              4,593   8,479   28,692       16,386

Taxes                              -2,343  -2,156   -7,674       -4,256

Net income *)                       2,250   6,323   21,018       12,130

*) Of which capital
  gains/losses, net of minority    15,221     728   25,229        1,843
    Operational gains/losses       15,452     769   19,296        2,171
    Non-operational gains/losses     -231     -41    5,933         -328

Operating margin adjustments for items
affecting comparability:
 Capital gain Juniper Networks     15,383           15,383
 Non-operational gains/losses        -231     -41    5,933         -328
 Pension refund                                      1,100
 Additional restructuring          -8,000           -8,000
 provision in Consumer Products
Total adjustments                   7,152     -41   14,416         -328

Adjusted operating margin          -1,505   8,728   16,749       17,918

Adjusted operating margin
as percentage of net sales           -1.8%   11.8%     6.1%         8.3%

The average rate for conversion from US dollars to SEK was 9.1716 for
income statement items


                                          Dec 31      Dec 31
SEK millions                                2000        1999

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                         12,833      10,548

Tangible assets                           22,378      24,719

Financial assets
 Equity in associated companies            2,790       2,712
 Other investments                         2,484       1,751
 Long-term customer financing              6,364       6,657
 Other long-term receivables               3,657       4,972
      Total fixed assets                  50,506      51,359
Current assets
Inventories                               43,933      25,701

 Accounts receivable - trade and short-
term customer financing                   76,240      65,333
 Other receivables                        44,029      31,227

Short-term cash investments, 
 cash and bank                            35,606      29,008
        Total current assets             199,808     151,269
Total assets                             250,314     202,628

Stockholders' equity                      91,686      69,176

Minority interest in
consolidated subsidiaries                  2,764       2,182

Convertible debentures                     4,347       5,453

Interest bearing provisions
and liabilities                           42,216      39,567

Non-interest bearing
provisions and liabilities               109,301      86,250

Total stockholders' equity,
provisions and liabilities               250,314     202,628

The closing rate for conversion from US dollars to SEK
was 9.4990 for balance sheet items.

                                                Jan-Dec     Jan-Dec
SEK millions                                       2000        1999
Cash flow from operating
activities                                      -10,848      12,925
Investments                                      17,244     -15,364
Cash flow before financing
activities                                        6,396      -2,439
Financing                                          -236      13,550
Effect of exchange rate changes on
cash                                                438        -336
Net change in cash                                6,598      10,775

                                    Jan-Dec       Jan-Dec      Changes
SEK                                    2000          1999         in %
Net sales                           273,569       215,403         27%

Adjusted operating margin as
percentage of net sales                 6.1%          8.3%
Income before taxes                   28,692        16,386       100%
Net income                            21,018        12,130       106%
Average number of
shares (millions)                      7,869         7,817

Average number of shares, fully
diluted (millions)                     8,004         7,987
Earnings per share (SEK)                2.70          1.58        71%
Earnings per share,
fully diluted (SEK)                     2.65          1.54        72%
Earnings per share, fully diluted,
in accordance with U.S. GAAP (SEK)      3.44          1.92        79%
Equity ratio                            37.7%         35.2%
Additions to tangible
fixed assets                          12,294         9,085        35%
Total depreciation on tangible         9,957         6,532        52%
and intangible assets
- Of which
goodwill                                 761           684        11%
Number of employees,                 105,129       103,290         2%
end of period
Orders booked                        292,344       223,828        31%

Capital turnover ratio                   2.1           2.1

Calculation of
earnings per share:
Net income                            21,018        12,130
Interest on convertible
debentures, net after tax                207           185
Adjusted net income                   21,225        12,315
Average number of shares,
                                   @/@ 8,004     @/@ 7,987
fully diluted (millions)
Earnings per share, fully
                                      = 2.65        = 1.54
diluted (SEK)
(SEK m.)

                            2000                      1999
              0003A   0006A   0009A   0012A   9903A   9906A   9909A   9912A
Operators &
Providers    38,718  84,819 132,693 194,074  28,505  64,314  99,208  149,943
Consumer     14,794  28,145  42,483  56,343   9,696  20,064  29,797   46,444
Solutions     3,858   7,864  11,635  17,479   3,446   7,841  11,949   17,345
operations    5,343   9,935  14,269  19,027   3,312   7,301  11,326   16,750
Less :
sales        -3,628  -6,645  -9,620 -13,354  -3,388  -7,137  -10,632 -15,079
Total        59,085 124,118 191,460 273,569  41,571  92,383  141,648 215,403

                                Change %
                        0003A 0006A 0009A 0012A
Network Operators &
Service Providers         36%   32%   34%   29%
Consumer Products         53%   40%   43%   21%
Enterprise Solutions      12%    0%   -3%    1%
Other operations          61%   36%   26%   14%
Less : Intersegment
sales                      7%   -7%  -10%  -11%
Total                     42%   34%   35%   27%

Isolated quarters
                       2000                          1999
                Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4      Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4
& Service
Providers   38,718 46,101 47,874 61,381  28,505 35,809 34,894 50,735
Products    14,794 13,351 14,338 13,860   9,696 10,368  9,733 16,647
Enterprise   3,858  4,006  3,771  5,844   3,446  4,395  4,108  5,396
Other        5,343  4,591  4,334  4,758   3,312  3,989  4,025  5,424
Less :
sales       -3,628 -3,016 -2,975 -3,734  -3,388 -3,749 -3,495 -4,447
Total       59,085 65,033 67,342 82,109  41,571 50,812 49,265 73,755

                             Change %
                          Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Network Operators &
Service Providers         36%  29%  37%  21%
Consumer Products         53%  29%  47% -17%
Enterprise Solutions      12%  -9%  -8%   8%
Other operations          61%  15%   8% -12%
Less : Intersegment
sales                      7% -20% -15% -16%
Total                     42%  28%  37%  11%

(SEK m.)

                         2000                            1999
             0003A  0006A   0009A   0012A   9903A  9906A   9909A  9912A
& Service
Providers   57,465 102,735 152,262 212,440  32,672 69,879 110,916 151,762
Consumer    14,562  27,988  42,123  57,001  10,116 20,196  31,948  47,552
Solutions    5,486   9,428  13,097  17,834   4,259  8,835  13,290  17,978
operations   5,854  10,770  14,724  18,573   3,795  8,134  12,769  22,021
sales       -3,893  -6,726  -9,340 -13,504  -3,381 -7,371 -11,111 -15,485
Total       79,474 144,195 212,866 292,344  47,461 99,673 157,812 223,828

                             Change %
                       0003A 0006A 0009A 0012A
Network Operators &
Service Providers        76%   47%   37%   40%
Consumer Products        44%   39%   32%   20%
Enterprise Solutions     29%    7%   -1%   -1%
Other operations         54%   32%   15%  -16%
Less: Intersegment
sales                    15%   -9%  -16%  -13%
Total                    67%   45%   35%   31%

Isolated quarters
                         2000                          1999
                 Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4        Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4
Operators &
Providers     57,465 45,270 49,527 60,178    32,672 37,207 41,037 40,846
Products      14,562 13,426 14,135 14,878    10,116 10,080 11,752 15,604
               5,486  3,942  3,669  4,737     4,259  4,576  4,455  4,688
Other          5,854  4,915  3,954  3,849     3,795  4,339  4,635  9,252
sales         -3,893 -2,832 -2,614 -4,164    -3,381 -3,990 -3,740 -4,374
Total         79,474 64,721 68,671 79,478    47,461 52,212 58,139 66,016

                             Change %
                          Q1   Q2    Q3   Q4
Network Operators &      76%   22%   21%  47%
Service Providers
Consumer Products        44%   33%   20%  -5%
Enterprise Solutions     29%  -14%  -18%   1%
Other operations         54%   13%  -15% -58%
Less: Intersegment       15%  -29%  -30%  -5%
Total                    67%   24%   18%  20%

(SEK m.)
                        2000                            1999
            0003A   0006A   0009A   0012A   9903A  9906A   9909A   9912A
Western    23,578  47,011  70,090 100,234  17,350 36,374  55,890  85,329
Europe,     7,323  16,799  25,850  37,701   4,779 12,621  19,528  29,736
East &
America     8,549  19,263  27,704  35,193   4,179 11,387  17,610  25,175
Latin       7,781  17,334  28,953  44,118   4,920 12,186  18,916  30,263
Asia       11,854  23,711  38,863  56,323  10,343 19,815  29,704  44,900
Total      59,085 124,118 191,460 273,569  41,571 92,383 141,648 215,403

* Of
Sweden      2,380   4,371   6,704   8,732   1,685  3,868   5,461   7,551
* Of       22,052  44,031  65,754  94,293  16,261 34,299  52,411  80,345
which EU

                            Change %
                      0003A 0006A 0009A 0012A
Western Europe*         36%  29%   25%  17%
Central- and Eastern
Middle East & Africa    53%   33%  32%  27%
North America          105%   69%  57%  40%
Latin America           58%   42%  53%  46%
Asia Pacific            15%   20%  31%  25%
Total                   42%   34%  35%  27%
* Of which Sweden       41%   13%  23%  16%
* Of which EU           36%   28%  25%  17%
Isolated quarters
                       2000                          1999
                Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4         Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4
Europe*     23,578 23,433 23,079 30,144      17,350 19,024 19,516 29,439
East &
Africa       7,323  9,476  9,051 11,851       4,779  7,842  6,907 10,208
America      8,549 10,714  8,441  7,489       4,179  7,208  6,223  7,565
Latin        7,781  9,553 11,619 15,165       4,920  7,266  6,730 11,347
Asia        11,854 11,857 15,152 17,460      10,343  9,472  9,889 15,196
Total       59,085 65,033 67,342 82,109      41,571 50,812 49,265 73,755
* Of which   2,380  1,991  2,333  2,028       1,685  2,183  1,593  2,090
* Of which
EU          22,052 21,980 21,723 28,539      16,261 18,038 18,112 27,934

                            Change %
                          Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Western Europe*          36%  23%  18%   2%
Central- and Eastern
Middle East & Africa     53%  21%  31%  16%
North America           105%  49%  36%  -1%
Latin America            58%  31%  73%  34%
Asia Pacific             15%  25%  53%  15%
Total                    42%  28%  37%  11%
* Of which Sweden        41%  -9%  46%  -3%
* Of which EU            36%  22%  20%   2%

(SEK m.)

                          2000                            1999
               0003A   0006A   0009A   0012A    9903A   9906A    9909A   9912A
Europe*       25,048  50,870  71,807 105,684   19,096   40,380  63,882  95,707
and Eastern
Middle East
& Africa      17,388  24,503  32,104  40,972    9,197   14,764  25,786  30,626
North          9,148  19,082  27,326  37,977    6,024   12,523  19,622  27,468
Latin          9,695  19,312  33,053  44,959    3,432   11,032  17,816  27,797
Asia Pacific  18,195  30,428  48,576  62,752    9,712   20,974  30,706  42,230
Total         79,474 144,195 212,866 292,344   47,461   99,673 157,812 223,828
* Of which     2,924   6,010   7,983   9,876    1,565    3,517   5,248   7,182
* Of which    23,261  47,523  67,194  99,951   17,826   37,990  60,050  90,562

                            Change %
                      0003A  0006A  0009A 0012A
Western Europe*         31%   26%    12%   10%
Central- and Eastern
Middle East & Africa    89%   66%    25%   34%
North America           52%   52%    39%   38%
Latin America          182%   75%    86%   62%
Asia Pacific            87%   45%    58%   49%
Total                   67%   45%    35%   31%
* Of which Sweden       87%   71%    52%   38%
* Of which EU           30%   25%    12%   10%

Isolated quarters
                          2000                          1999
                   Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4        Q1        Q2      Q3      Q4
Western Europe* 25,048  25,822 20,937  33,877    19,096 21,284  23,502  31,825
Central- and    17,388   7,115  7,601   8,868     9,197  5,567  11,022   4,840
Eastern Europe,
Middle East &
North America   9,148    9,934  8,244  10,651     6,024  6,499   7,099   7,846
Latin America   9,695    9,617 13,741  11,906     3,432  7,600   6,784   9,981
Asia Pacific   18,195   12,233 18,148  14,176     9,712 11,262   9,732  11,524
Total          79,474   64,721 68,671  79,478    47,461 52,212  58,139  66,016
* Of which      2,924    3,086  1,972   1,893     1,565  1,952   1,731   1,934
* Of which EU  23,261   24,262 19,671  32,757    17,826 20,164  22,060  30,512

                            Change %
                          Q1    Q2   Q3    Q4
Western Europe*          31%   21%  -11%   6%
Central- and Eastern    
Middle East & Africa     89%   28%  -31%  83%
North America            52%   53%   16%  36%
Latin America           182%   27%  103%  19%
Asia Pacific             87%    9%   86%  23%
Total                    67%   24%   18%  20%
* Of which Sweden        87%   58%   14%  -2%
* Of which EU            30%   20%  -11%   7%

(SEK m.)

                           2000                           1999
                0003A  0006A  0009A   0012A    9903A 9906A  9909A  9912A
Operators &
Providers       5,760 15,581 23,688  33,072    2,108 5,758 10,919 19,637
Products          457 -1,829 -5,932 -16,195      -23   -56   -675    253
Solutions          29    -21   -256      22     -222  -216   -382     64
                  543  1,060  1,925   1,708      221   629    426    403
Unallocated *    -414 -1,257 -1,171  -1,858     -205  -666 -1,098 -2,439
Total           6,375 13,534 18,254  16,749    1,879 5,449  9,190 17,918
items               0  5,838  7,264   7,033      -93  -287   -287   -328
 Additional         0      0      0  -8,000        0     0      0      0
 Capital gain
Networks            0      0      0  15,383        0     0      0      0
As percentage of Net Sales

                               2000                   1999
                       0003A 0006A 0009A 0012A   9903A 9906A 9909A 9912A
Network Operators &     15%  18%    18%   17%      7%   9%    11%   13%
Service Providers                                            
Consumer Products        3%  -6%   -14%  -29%      0%   0%    -2%    1%
Enterprise Solutions     1%   0%    -2%    0%     -6%  -3%    -3%    0%
Other operations        10%  11%    13%    9%      7%   9%     4%    2%
Total                   11%  11%    10%    6%      5%   6%     6%    8%

Isolated quarters
                        2000                            1999
                Q1     Q2     Q3      Q4        Q1     Q2    Q3     Q4
Operators &
Service       5,760  9,821  8,107   9,384     2,108  3,650  5,161   8,718
Consumer       457 - 2,286 -4,103 -10,263       -23    -33   -619     928
Solutions       29    -50    -235    278       -222      6   -166     446
operations     543    517    865    -217        221    408   -203     -23
*             -414   -843     86    -687       -205   -461   -432  -1,341
Total        6,375  7,159  4,720  -1,505      1,879  3,570  3,741   8,728

items            0  5,838  1,426    -231        -93    -194     0     -41
restructuring    0      0      0  -8,000          0       0     0      0
gain Juniper     0      0      0  15,383          0       0     0      0

As percentage of Net Sales

                               2000                   1999
                         Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4     Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Network Operators &
Service Providers       15%  21%  17%  15%     7%  10%  15%  17%
Consumer Products        3% -17% -29% -74%     0%   0%  -6%   6%
Enterprise Solutions     1%  -1%  -6%   5%    -6%   0%  -4%   8%
Other operations        10%  11%  20%  -5%     7%  10%  -5%   0%
Total                   11%  11%   7%  -2%     5%   7%   8%  12%

* "Unallocated" consists mainly of costs for corporate staffs,
certain goodwill amortization and non-operational gains and losses

                          2000                                1999
              0003A   0006A   0009A   0012A      9903A   9906A   9909A   9912A
Network      63,616  65,005  66,973  70,317     65,530  65,909  65,359  64,695
Operators &
Products     17,290  17,710  18,137  16,840     14,116  14,053  14,970  16,446
Enterprise    9,130   8,687   8,739   8,324      9,856  10,329  10,262   9,615
Other        11,257   8,839   8,461   8,520     11,046  11,278  11,474  11,525
Unallocated   1,030   1,076   1,084   1,128        669     809     712   1,009
Total       102,323 101,317 103,394 105,129    101,217 102,378 102,777 103,290  
                             Change %

                         Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Network Operators &     -3%  -1%   2%   9%
Service Providers
Consumer Products       22%  26%  21%   2%
Enterprise Solutions    -7% -16% -15% -13%
Other operations         2% -22% -26% -26%
Unallocated             54%  33%  52%  12%
Total                    1%  -1%   1%   2%


SEK b.
OPERATIONAL         Q1   Q2     Q3    Q4   YTD
Network Operators
Service Providers
Saraide            0,7               0,1
Across Wireless          1,0
AU-system                0,2   0,1
iD2                      0,3
Juniper                              15,4
                   0,7   1,5   0,1   15,5  17,8

Consumer Products
Saraide            0,3                0,1
Across Wireless          0,5
                   0,3   0,5     0    0,1   0,9

Information        0,1                0,1

Other Operations
Other              0,3   0,1   0,2   -0,1   0,5

Total              1,4   2,1   0,3   15,5  19,3

Energy Systems           4,5
Real estate              0,2   1,5   -0,2
Other                                -0,1
Total                0   4,7   1,5   -0,3   5,9
ERICSSON G/L NET OF                        25,2

(SEK m.)

Isolated quarters                         2000
                             Q1      Q2      Q3       Q4       YTD
Systems                  57,944  45,559  49,706   59,891   213,100
 of which Mobile System  48,471  37,286  39,981   49,871   175,609
 Multi Service Networks   9,473   8,273   9,725   10,020    37,491
Phones                   14,562  13,426  14,135   14,878    57,001
Other operations         11,266   8,725   7,674    8,086    35,751
Less:Intersegment sales  -4,298  -2,989  -2,844   -3,377   -13,508
Total                    79,474  64,721  68,671   79,478   292,344

(SEK m.)
Isolated quarters                         2000                                  
                             Q1      Q2      Q3       Q4     Total
Systems                  38,910  46,433  48,087   61,253   194,683
 of which Mobile System  32,481  37,858  38,722   49,022   158,083
 Multi Service Networks   6,429   8,575   9,365   12,231    36,600
Phones                   14,794  13,351  14,338   13,860    56,343
Other operations          9,297   8,504   8,087   10,039    35,927
Less:Intersegment sales  -3,916  -3,255  -3,170   -3,043   -13,384
Total                    59,085  65,033  67,342   82,109   273,569

(SEK m.)
Isolated quarters                         2000
                             Q1      Q2      Q3       Q4       YTD
Systems                   5,753   9,812   8,242    9,416    33,223
Phones                      457  -2,286  -4,103  -10,263   -16,195
Other operations            578     480     492       29     1,579
Unallocated*               -413    -847      89     -687    -1,858
Total                     6,375   7,159   4,720   -1,505    16,749
 Non-operational items        0   5,838   1,426     -231     7,033
restructuring                 0       0       0   -8,000    -8,000
 Capital gain Juniper         0       0       0   15,383    15,383

* "Unallocated" consists mainly of costs for corporate staffs,
certain goodwill amortization and non-operational gains and losses


Isolated quarters                         2000
                             Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4     YTD
Systems                     15%     21%     17%     15%     17%
Phones                       3%    -17%    -29%    -74%    -29%
Other operations             6%     -6%      6%      0%      4%
Total                       11%     11%      7%     -2%      6%


                                   0003A   0006A   0009A   0012A
Systems                           64,836  66,207  68,571  71,102
Phones                            17,290  17,710  18,137  16,840
Other Operations                  20,197  17,400  16,686  17,187
Total                            102,323 101,317 103,394 105,129

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