RNS Number : 6955J
  Astek Group PLC
  08 December 2008
    Astek Group plc / Epic: AKG / Index: AIM / Sector: Medical Supplies

    Astek Group plc ('Astek' or 'the Company')
    Interim Results
                                Six months      Six months           Year 
                                     ended           ended           ended
                                    30 Sep          30 Sep       31 March 
                                      2008            2007            2008
                               (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                         �               �               �
 Revenue                           550,342         504,409       1,096,213
 Gross Profit                      240,657         210,016         472,442
 EBITDA                           (52,594)       (176,873)       (467,145)
 Retained loss for the period     (99,111)      (215,701)        (552,651)

 Loss per share (in pence)            0.1p            0.3p           0.8p 

    *     Anaesthetic Safety Syringe and special Sharps box, branded as InSafe* system, launched
    *     First shipments took place in October and November;
    *     Exclusive distribution agreements in UK with Schottlander for syringe and IMS, a division of Rentokil, for the sharps box in the
UK and Eire;
    *     Exclusive distribution agreement for both with Medentex in Germany;
    *     Negotiations under way with potential distributors in other territories
    *     Positive EBITDA achieved in September and October
    *     Note that the results in these months were affected by:
    *     The continued reduction of directors' salaries by 50% as reported in the Annual Report and Accounts for 2008;
    *     The adverse effect on margins of sterling movements against the dollar;
    *     Pro-Tip� sold well during the period;
    *     New converters now in production will open up new geographical markets
    *     Other developments in progress funded by a Grant
    *     Reduction in loss after tax to �99,111 (2007: loss �215,701)
    *     Cash balance of �60,208 (31 March 2008: �215,466)

    Directors' Statement
    The period under review has seen a marked improvement in trading performance which was anticipated in the review of the year end results
in July 2008. Gross margin also increased to 43.6% from 41.7%. Both of these were due to the recovery in Pro-Tip� sales as Dentsply, the
Company's worldwide distributor of Pro-Tip�, absorbed its acquisition of SultanHC.

    Work has now been completed on converters for the Italian and Japanese markets which should enable Pro-Tip� to penetrate these markets
leading to a further increase in sales of this product.

    The Company is in receipt of a North West Grant for Research and Development. This has enabled new projects relating to cross-infection
prevention to be progressed earlier than might otherwise have been the case.

    Towards the end of the period the Group's monthly results attained positive EBITDA. It is expected that the InSafe* sales which have
commenced in the second half will further improve the trading performance.  Exclusive distribution agreements for the sale of the syringe in
the UK were entered into with Schottlander and in Germany with Medentex.  Astek's partners for collection and disposal of the patented
sharps box in UK / Eire and Germany respectively are IMS and Medentex, divisions of Rentokil plc.  Negotiations are in progress in respect
of other worldwide territories.

    The period under review has seen further significant new product launches which will enhance Astek's portfolio of products and its
ability to operate effectively in a competitive but potentially rewarding market.  The directors believe that Astek's market will be
relatively unaffected by the global economic downturn and, although currency fluctuations may adversely affect Euro-zone sales, the Group's
competitive position in Dollar zone markets will be improved.  Some supplies are priced in dollars but Astek has hedged to a certain extent
by holding foreign currencies and will continue to take action to try and maintain margins in partnership with its suppliers.

    The quality and stature of the Group's distributors and other strategic partners demonstrates that Astek is now achieving substantial
market recognition and that it is known as a business well able to identify opportunities, design and manufacture effective solutions and
bring them to market.  Astek has the design, development and marketing skills to innovate solutions to real challenges in the field of
dental care especially those associated with cross-infection.

    Whilst well aware of the significant external challenges to relatively young /innovative companies, not least from turbulent currency
markets and rising costs, the Board feels that the Group has surmounted the difficulties experienced in the previous period and is on track
to begin fulfilling its potential.


    as at 30 September 2008

                                      As at       As at         As at 
                                   30 Sept      30 Sept       31 March
                                       2008         2007          2008
                                (unaudited)  (unaudited)     (audited)
 Assets                                   �            �             �
 Non-current Assets
 Goodwill                           105,837      105,837       105,837
 Intangible Assets                  102,248       78,521       102,658
 Property, plant and equipment      225,861      104,905       203,673
                                    433,946     289,263       412,168 
 Current Assets
 Inventories                        140,019     142,698       137,654 
 Trade and other receivables        214,672     316,333       258,024 
 Cash and cash equivalents           60,208     479,121       215,466 
                                    414,899      938,152       611,144
 Total assets                                  1,227,415    1,023,312 

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables         (155,096)    (107,977)     (231,101)
 Bank loan                         (25,006)     (25,006)      (25,006)
                                  (180,102)    (132,983)     (256,107)
 Non-current liabilities          (141,640)    (166,645)     (154,144)
 Bank loan
                                  (321,742)    (299,628)     (410,251)
 Total Liabilities
 Net Assets                         527,103      927,787      613,061 

 Share capital                      350,000     350,000       350,000 
 Share premium account              823,319     823,319       823,319 
 Reverse acquisition reserve        966,889     966,889       966,889 
 Retained earnings              (1,613,105)  (1,212,421)   (1,527,147)
 Total Equity                       527,103      927,787      613,061 


    for the period ended 30 September 2008

                                  Six months       Six months            Year 
                                       ended            ended            ended
                                      30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                        2008             2007             2008
                                 (unaudited)      (unaudited)        (audited)
                                           �                �                �
 Revenue                            550,342        504,409        1,096,213   
 Cost of sales                     (309,685)      (294,393)       (623,771)   
 Gross Profit                        240,657       210,016          472,442   
 Trading costs                     (334,627)     (434,166)        (900,965)   
 Non trading income                    1,290         1,664            2,580   
 Operating loss before            (92,680)          (222,486)      (425,943)  
 exceptional items
 Exceptional items                         -                -        (137,212)
 Operating loss                     (92,680)        (222,486)        (563,155)
 Financial income                   2,218              15,833          24,680 
 Finance costs                    (8,649)             (9,048)        (14,176) 
 Loss before taxation              (99,111)         (215,701)       (552,651) 
 Tax on loss on ordinary                -                   -             -   
 Retained loss for the period     (99,111)        (215,701)          (552,651)

 Loss per share (in pence)              0.1p             0.3p            0.8p 


                                                         Share              Reverse             Profit 
                                 Share capital  premium account  acquisition reserve  and loss account 

                                             �                �                    �                  �          �
 At 1 April 2007                       350,000          823,319              966,889        (1,019,220)  1,120,988
 Loss for period                             -                -                    -          (215,701)  (215,701)
 Adjustment for share based
 payments                                    -                -                    -             22,500     22,500
 At 30 September 2007
                                       350,000          823,319              966,889        (1,212,421)    927,787
 Adjustment for share based                  -                -                    -             22,224     22,224
 Loss for period                                                                              (336,950)  (336,950)
 At 31 March 2008                      350,000          823,319              966,889        (1,527,147)    613,061
 Adjustment for share based                  -                -                    -             13,153     13,153
 Loss for period                                                                               (99,111)   (99,111)
 At 30 September 2008                  350,000          823,319              966,889        (1,613,105)  (527,103)


    For the period ended 30 September 2008 

                                       Six months     Six months         Year 
                                            ended          ended         ended
                                           30 Sep         30 Sep     31 March 
                                             2008           2007          2008
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                �              �             �
 Cash absorbed by operations             (87,612)      (244,922)     (333,178)
 Interest paid                            (8,649)        (9,432)      (14,176)
 Corporation tax repaid                         -         15,949             -
 Net cash absorbed from operating        (96,261)      (238,405)     (347,354)
 Investing activities                                             
 Interest received                          2,218         15,806        24,680
 Purchases of intangible fixed           (26,037)       (24,512)      (63,161)
 Capital grant received                    12,566              -             -
 Purchases of property, plant and        (35,240)       (11,273)     (123,702)
 Net cash used in investing              (46,493)       (19,979)     (162,183)
 Financing activities                                             
 Bank loans repaid                       (12,504)       (12,504)      (25,006)
 Net cash used in financing              (12,504)       (12,504)      (25,006)
 Net decrease in cash and cash          (155,258)      (270,888)     (534,543)
 Cash and cash equivalents net of         215,466        750,009       750,009
 bank overdraft at beginning of                                   
 Cash and cash equivalents net of          60,208        479,121       215,466
 bank overdraft at end of period                                  


    for the period ended 30 September 2008 

    1    General Information
        Astek Group plc is incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 1985. These condensed consolidated financial
statements are presented in Pounds Sterling because that is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the group operates.   

        The condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985.

    The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2008 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that period. The auditors'
report on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under S237 of the
Companies Act 1985. The auditors however included an emphasis of matter paragraph in their report as follows:

    "In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not qualified, we have considered the adequacy of the disclosures in note
1 to the financial statements concerning the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. The Company incurred a net loss of �552,651
(including an exceptional non-recurring item totalling �137,212 being the costs incurred in relation to a proposed acquisition which failed
to complete) during the year ended 31 March 2008. This result depleted the Group's available cash resources and this, together with the
other matters explained in note 1 to the financial statements, indicates the existence of a material uncertainty which may affect the
Group's ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that would result if the company was
unable to continue as a going concern."

    A copy of those accounts has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 

    2    Basis of preparation 

        The Group has presented its results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted in the EU ("IFRS")
using the same accounting policies and methods of computation as were used in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March
2008. As permitted, the interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules for companies and is not compliant in all respects
with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements. The condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all of the information
required for full annual financial statements and cannot be construed to be in full compliance with IFRS.
    The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes that the Group will
have sufficient financial resources to enable it to continue trading for the foreseeable future. Certain uncertainties were highlighted in
the audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2008. The directors continue to believe that it is appropriate to
prepare its financial information on a going concern basis, especially given the recent developments and financial performance described in
the Directors' statement.
    However the forecasts on which the directors have based their opinion are necessarily based on the achievement of and timing of targets
some of which, although believed to be reasonable by the directors, are nevertheless outside the Company's direct control. If significant
delays or underperformance by distributors were to take place, these may render the Group's cash resources insufficient.

    3    Exceptional items 

        Exceptional items are those significant items which are separately disclosed by virtue of their size or incidence to enable a full
understanding of the Group's financial performance. The exceptional item disclosed in the year ended 31 March 2008 relates to professional
costs in connection with a proposed takeover of an independent third party which was ultimately aborted.  

    4    Loss per share 

               The calculation of loss per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation and number of
        shares as set out below:
                      Six months        Six months          Year 
                           ended             ended          ended
                   30 September      30 September       31 March 
                            2008              2007           2008
                     (unaudited)       (unaudited)      (audited)
                               �                 �              �
 Loss for period        (99,111)         (215,701)      (552,651)
 Number of shares     70,000,000        70,000,000     70,000,000

    5     Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities
    for the period ended 30 September 2008 

                                       Six months     Six months         Year 
                                            ended          ended         ended
                                           30 Sep         30 Sep     31 March 
                                             2008           2007          2008
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                �              �             �
 Operating loss                          (92,680)      (222,486)     (563,155)
 Adjustments for:                                                 
 Amortisation and impairment               13,881         13,538        28,050
 Depreciation                              13,052          9,575        23,236
 Share based payment expense               13,153         22,500        44,724
 Operating cash flows before             (52,594)      (176,873)     (476,145)
 movements in working capital                                     
 (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories       (2,365)        (3,572)         1,472
 Decrease in receivables                   43,352         40,367       114,597
 (Decrease)/Increase in payables         (76,005)      (104,844)        17,898
 Cash absorbed by operations             (87,612)      (244,922)     (333,178)

    * * ENDS * *

    For further information please visit www.astekgroup.co.uk or contact:
    Alan Segal               Astek Group plc            Tel: 0161 942 3900
    Alex Clarkson /        Zeus Capital                  Tel: 0161 831 1512 
    Tom Rowley

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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