RNS Number : 1262R

Berkeley Resources Limited

31 October 2011

Quarterly Activities Report - September 2011


-- Works completed to initiate the licensing and permitting process for Berkeley's 100%owned Salamanca 1 project. An 18 month permitting process is forecast with Project construction expected to commence in 2013.

   --    Appointment of independent director, Mr Laurie Marsland strengthens Berkeley Board. 
   --    Basic Engineering and Design works nearing completion for Berkeley's Salamanca JV project. 


September was a milestone quarter for Berkeley as it completed works to initiate the permitting process for the Company's 100%owned Salamanca 1 Uranium project. As announced, subsequent to the end of the quarter, licensing and permitting was initiated on 11th October, 2011.

On 27th October, the Salamanca 1 project received a significant boost with the signing of a cooperation agreement between Berkeley, and the municipalities of Retortillo and Villavieja de Yeltes. This step is critical in allowing Berkeley to accelerate, and provide a firmer timeframe, on the licensing and permitting process. As a result, Berkeley now forecast that project construction will commence in 2013.

In early December, Berkeley will provide more detail on the Salamanca 1 project, and on the permitting progress.

Prioritising and developing Salamanca 1 independently of Berkeley's other joint-venture projects within the region is an important step for the Company. The Scoping study completed, along with works completed to date on the Salamanca 1 Feasibility Study, indicates a robust development opportunity at an initial production rate of c.1.5Mlb pa. Nearby deposits, and the Gambuta deposit, hold similar development potential and, are expected to support increased production over time. In addition, the Company's 100% owned licenses in the Salamanca and Caceres provinces have significant exploration upside.

As Berkeley's 100% owned resources are separate from the State Reserves, the permitting process is conducted through the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon, a Region with a long and recent history of uranium mining, along with a number of other successful hydrometallurgical mining projects, including heap leaching. Initial discussions with both Regional and Local Governments indicate strong support for the project. Berkeley now anticipates that the licensing and permitting process will take approximately 18 months.

Berkeley's priority is to become a profitable uranium producer in the near term, and generate a strong cash flow for its shareholders, and for the Company's wide range of stakeholders in Spain. Accelerating the Salamanca 1 project is the optimum way to achieve this goal.

As reported in the June quarter, the Company is completing the Basic Engineering and Design at the Salamanca JV project, including an Independent Technical Review. This work is the next-stage of the Mining Domain Feasibility Study and will be completed by the end of October.

The September quarter also saw the appointment of Mr Laurie Marsland as a Non-Executive Director, effective from the 25th August 2011. Mr Marsland, an Engineer with more than 30 years of diverse experience in the international mining industry, and with a strong background in project development, is a welcome addition to the Berkeley Board.

   Enquiries - Managing Director:           Brendan James          Tel: +34 630 517 559 
   RBC Capital Markets:              Martin Eales / Daniel Conti   Tel: +44 20 7029 7881 


Berkeley 100% Salamanca 1 Uranium Project

A Scoping Study based on exploitation of Berkeley's 100% owned Retortillo and Santidad deposits was completed in August. It demonstrated technical capability, and very strong project feasibility. This study was developed as a conceptual heap leach operation, considering two production scenarios: 1Mlb/yr and 2 Mlb/yr.

Following these encouraging results, a Feasibility Study for the Salamanca 1 uranium project was immediately initiated. PPM Solutions is acting as principal engineer. The study will be completed in December 2011.

As a result of the strong Scoping Study results, and early indications from the Feasibility Study, Berkeley initiated the Exploitation Project, Environmental Impact Assessment, Closure Plan and Radiological Impact Scoping Document. All of these documents will be submitted to the Regional Administration before the year-end as part of the permitting process for these deposits, that (as announced) Berkeley initiated on the 11th of October 2011 by submitting the required application and the Environmental Scoping Document.

Salamanca JV project

Works continued on the Mining Domain Conceptual Basic Engineering Report (MDCBER) for the Alameda and Aguila projects, which commenced on 7(th) July, 2011 and continued throughout the Quarter. The primary focus was on advancing key stages of the project, and on optimization of the study. The study will be completed at the end of October and reported in November.

In parallel, the internationally recognized company, Tecnicas Reunidas, is completing an independent review of the MDCBER.

Variability tests on the leaching process and IX-SX optimization tests were completed during the quarter. Further comminution test work, managed by Orway Minerals and Miller Metallurgical Services, was also initiated to evaluate SAG milling versus the previous ball and rod mill options for the Alameda and Aguila deposits.


Key Points

The major Retortillo RC drill campaign was initiated at the start of July 2011 and completion of the combined infill, near mine exploration and condemnation drill program, totaling approximately 200 holes, is planned for November. The resource estimate will then be recalculated.

Data from the recent RC drilling in Alameda, Sageras and Palacios has been integrated into the existing models which are being updated by AMC, prior to reestimation of the resources in the December quarter.

Exploration targets in the Salamanca and the Caceres permits have been reviewed. An exploration program in these areas is being developed with focus on the prospective areas close to the Retortillo and Gambuta deposits.

    Deposit        RC March Qtr 2011     RC June Qtr 2011     RC Sept Qtr 2011     RC Year to date 
---------------  --------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                   Holes      Metres     Holes     Metres     Holes     Metres     Holes     Metres 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Alameda South       5         404        39       2,157       10        419        54       2,980 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
     Mimbre          -          -          -         -          6        426         6        426 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
   Retortillo        3         205         9        599        115      6,861       127      7,665 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
    Sageras          -          -          -         -         11        422        11        422 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
     Total           8         609        48       2,756       142      8,128       198      11,493 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
    Deposit           DDH Q1 2011          DDH Q2 2011          DDH Q3 2011        DDH Year to date 
---------------  --------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                   Holes      Metres     Holes     Metres     Holes     Metres     Holes     Metres 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Alameda South       15       1,422        -         -          -         -         15       1,422 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
   Retortillo        20       1,615        -         -          -         -         20       1,615 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
  Sageras West       8         459         -         -          -         -          8        459 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
     Total           43       3,496        0         0          0         0         43       3,496 
---------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 

Figure 1 - Drilling Summary September Quarter Salamanca Uranium Project

Exploration and Drilling

Exploration and infill drilling in Alameda South, Mimbre and Sageras West have been completed. Notable intersections are tabulated in Figure 2 (below). A summary of all received chemical data can be reviewed in the appendix.

    Deposit       Hole ID    From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
                             (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
 Alameda South    ASR-120     3     15       12         700 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 Alameda South    ASR-127     14    29       15         595 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 Alameda South    ASR-128     0     21       21         570 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-147     58    72       14        1,599 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-159     3     12       9          889 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-159     70    100      30         897 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-162     9     42       33        1,288 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-196     0     11       11         775 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
   Retortillo     RTR-216     0     19       19         425 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  Sageras West    ZMR-088     0     22       22         650 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  Sageras West    ZMR-089     0     12       12        1,118 
---------------  ---------  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 

Figure 2 - Notable intersections (chemical assays with intersections calculated at a 200 ppm cut-off)


The Retortillo infill drill campaign started on the 6th of July with the aim of completion in November. A total of 115 RC holes, for 6,861m were drilled. This campaign has four main objectives:

1. More detailed confirmation of the historic dataset and generating a more detailed geological model;

   2.   Infill drilling to upgrade Inferred resources  to the Indicated category; 
   3.   Extension of  existing resources through exploration drilling; and 
   4.   Condemnation drilling for mine and plant design purposes. 

As previously announced, a progress estimate of Retortillo resources in early October, based on 98% e-grade data for the new RC holes, indicated a possible decrease in the Retortillo resources compared to the 2007 estimations.

The more detailed drill coverage confirms a strong structural control of the mineralization and the main fracture systems indicate continuity of mineralization beyond the current resource outline. Encouraging results from the north-western sector also indicate continuity between the main deposit and the north western lobe.


The infill program at the Alameda deposit was finalized with ten outstanding holes, drilled to test lateral extensions of the deposit. Six holes intercepted mineralization with a resultant increase in the Indicated resource component.

At Mimbre, six exploration holes were drilled to follow up the encouraging results of ASR-082 (5m@424ppm U(3) O(8) ). They only intersected minor mineralization, with the best result being 1m @ 223 ppm in MBR 004. However, a further nineteen holes are planned along the highly prospective granite-metasediment contact zone that hosts the known deposits in this area to test for a distance of 2km south of the state reserve boundary.


In Sageras, 11 infill holes were drilled with the aim of upgrading the small component of Inferred resources to Indicated. The deposit is still open to the north-west where further exploration has been planned.


Only minor greenfield exploration work was undertaken in the Salamanca - Retortillo area and the Caceres Province during the September quarter.

The primary objective for the next quarter will be exploration within proximity of the Retortillo and Santidad deposits, particularly at Zona 7, Las Carbas, Mina Cristina and Mina Caridad.

Good potential has been identified in the 1.3km undrilled corridor between Zona 7 (3.6 Mlbs U(3) O(8) ) and Las Carbas (0.6Mlbs U(3) O(8) ). Of additional interest are areas SE of Mina Cristina and Caridad, partially covered by soil and Tertiary sediments. No historic exploration is known in the covered areas, but the 2007 aeromagnetic survey indicated lithological continuity beneath the Tertiary cover. Exploration techniques will utilise ground radiometrics, detailed geological mapping, and downhole probing of existing water bore holes. In permits to the west-northwest of Retortillo-Santidad, field work will focus on existing targets and additional possibilities.

In the Caceres province an infill program of RC drilling is being designed for the Gambuta project with the aim of upgrading the geological model and current resource estimate. The satellite prospects (e.g. El Zarzal, Ojaranzo, ElChorrero) and the granite-metasediment contact zone will also be investigated.

APPENDIX: CHEMICAL DATA (with intersections calculated at a 200 ppm cut-off)


 Hole ID    Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth   Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
              (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)      ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
 ASR-110    690075    4500906      750.2     56.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-111    690034    4500865      748.1     60.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-112    690109    4500937      751.3     82.00      0      -90    60    61       1         1,191 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-113    688660    4501263      735.0     35.00      0      -90    19    20       1          265 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-114    688618    4501278      734.5     22.00      0      -90 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-115    688763    4501781      730.2     62.00      0      -90    9     22       13         518 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      26    27       1         1,093 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      41    43       2          254 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-116    688500    4501767      724.9     50.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-117    688459    4501755      723.9     50.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-118    689674    4501181      757.2     52.00      0      -90    23    28       5          392 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      31    36       5          525 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-119    688669    4501314      739.0     58.00      0      -90    18    19       1          400 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      43    47       4         1,482 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-120    688620    4501326      736.0     34.00      0      -90    3     15       12         700 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-121    688583    4501386      736.0     30.00      0      -90    0      2       2          288 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      6     10       4          269 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-122    688632    4501374      737.0     54.00      0      -90    32    33       1          251 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      42    43       1          238 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-123    688681    4501363      741.0     67.00      0      -90    18    20       2          382 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-124    688643    4501423      740.0     58.00      0      -90    45    46       1          420 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 

Alameda intersections from June quarter drilling

 Hole ID    Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth   Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
              (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)      ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-125    688597    4501434      738.5     50.00      0      -90    31    32       1          232 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      35    36       1          291 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-126    688548    4501444      737.8     29.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-127    688900    4501748      731.0     46.00      0      -90    14    29       15         595 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-128    688659    4501812      727.8     34.00      0      -90    0     21       21         570 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      24    25       1          368 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-129    688343    4501998      705.8     20.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 ASR-130    688300    4502019      701.8     28.00      0      -90    2      3       1          231 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      10    11       1          876 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      17    18       1          309 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-131    688950    4501733      727.7     40.00      0      -90    15    17       2          246 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      26    29       3          264 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-132    689715    4501171      757.2     40.00      0      -90    31    32       1         1,060 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-133    689703    4501123      754.3     64.00      0      -90    36    39       3          435 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      44    45       1          289 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      50    53       3          353 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                      56    57       1         1,152 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 ASR-134    689783    4501034      751.5     68.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 MBR-001    690262    4499343      736.1     64.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 MBR-002    690131    4499213      736.9     76.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 MBR-003    689983    4499063      733.8     76.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 MBR-004    690334    4499701      739.3     70.00      0      -90    32    33       1          223 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
 MBR-005    690406    4499485      740.9     70.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
 MBR-006    689912    4499273      729.1     70.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 

Alameda intersections from September quarter drilling

             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth    Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)       ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
  RTR-132    720374    4519698      745.9     64.00       0      -90    39    43       4          223 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        47    48       1         1,094 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-133    720280    4519735      744.3     76.00       0      -90    38    47       9          561 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-134    720462    4519651      748.9     60.00       0      -90    43    47       4          312 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-135    719715    4520157      739.0     40.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-136    720326    4519609      751.0     115.00      0      -90    51    52       1          402 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-137    719683    4520114      739.8     46.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-138    719728    4520092      743.3     46.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-139    719799    4520113      745.3     58.00       0      -90    29    30       1          441 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        36    38       2          649 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        41    42       1         1,527 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        45    47       2          653 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-140    720243    4519658      750.2     116.00      0      -90    76    77       1          202 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        87    91       4          197 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        96    97       1          512 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       110    111      1          277 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-141    719816    4520047      748.2     55.00       0      -90    40    43       3          248 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-142    720200    4519679      750.7     91.00       0      -90    64    66       2          383 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        70    71       1          507 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        77    79       2          306 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-143    720154    4519704      750.6     88.00       0      -90    64    71       7          474 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        87    88       1          399 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-144    719786    4520269      733.3     95.00       0      -90    15    16       1         1,006 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        20    25       5          401 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-145    719855    4520292      738.9     50.00       0      -90    25    30       5          209 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        38    39       1          347 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-146    719894    4520288      740.5     55.00       0      -90    32    37       5          277 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-147    720134    4520105      721.4     82.00      207     -60    32    41       9          517 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        45    54       9          542 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        58    72       14        1,599 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        76    77       1          373 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-148    719077    4520550      719.8     30.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-149    719028    4520463      730.4     64.00       0      -90    46    47       1          218 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-150    718960    4520441      734.0     65.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-151    718982    4520374      742.7     91.00       0      -90    24    25       1          219 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        53    55       2          270 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        84    85       1          291 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth    Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)       ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
  RTR-152    719004    4520639      711.9     28.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-153    719098    4520480      725.7     80.00       0      -90    14    15       1          216 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        18    19       1          243 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        59    65       6          647 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        69    71       2         1,585 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        77    78       1          289 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-154    719156    4520500      723.5     94.00       0      -90    4      5       1          627 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        7      8       1         1,063 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        43    56       13         240 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        60    62       2          676 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        67    68       1          238 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        75    82       7          256 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-155    719228    4520414      733.6     68.00       0      -90    24    31       7          230 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-156    719180    4520438      727.8     86.00       0      -90    23    38       15         273 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        45    46       1          222 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        49    50       1          320 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-157    719250    4520460      733.4     72.00       0      -90    13    15       2          970 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        19    22       3          654 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        25    26       1          325 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        37    45       8          603 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        48    52       4          254 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        57    58       1          277 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        60    63       3          214 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-158    719061    4520418      735.7     77.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-159    719242    4520542      735.1     100.00     207     -60    3     12       9          889 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        25    36       11         448 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        41    50       9          324 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        54    66       12         263 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        70    100      30         897 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-160    718664    4521157      755.1     77.00       0      -90    20    27       7          230 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        29    54       25         301 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-161    718641    4521233      752.8     64.00       0      -90    16    31       15         327 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-162    719277    4520614      738.1     52.00       0      -90    9     42       33        1,288 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-163    718576    4521322      747.1     35.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-164    719294    4520663      736.3     48.00       0      -90    23    32       9          220 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-165    718723    4521081      750.4     82.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-166    719366    4520679      739.4     45.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-167    718747    4521008      736.1     55.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-168    719334    4520612      745.2     100.00     207     -60            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-169    718701    4521032      741.7     58.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-170    718635    4521011      736.5     52.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth   Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)      ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
  RTR-171    718879    4521052      732.6     53.00      0      -90    30    31       1          256 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       44    47       3          330 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-172    718649    4521054      743.7     55.00      0      -90    6      9       3          226 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-173    718766    4521050      743.1     86.00      0      -90    42    51       9          222 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       73    74       1          232 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-174    718896    4521093      730.3     51.00      0      -90    33    35       2          847 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-175    718816    4521025      734.7     45.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-176    718927    4521133      729.5     52.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-177    720503    4519516      755.5     82.00      0      -90    51    53       2          325 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-178    718835    4521072      740.0     64.00      0      -90    35    38       3          211 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       49    50       1          993 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-179    718883    4521161      740.3     40.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-180    718860    4521118      739.1     78.00      0      -90    59    60       1          825 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-181    718838    4521183      749.3     64.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-182    718699    4520920      724.2     35.00      0      -90    9     10       1          233 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       14    15       1          248 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-183    718611    4520967      730.4     35.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-184    718756    4521231      754.5     68.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-185    718566    4520991      732.3     42.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-186    718621    4521411      753.8     40.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-187    718457    4521106      724.6     26.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-188    718436    4521171      718.9     20.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-189    718420    4521240      722.6     20.00      0      -90    3      8       5          195 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-190    718554    4521389      747.3     50.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-191    718328    4521280      714.0     48.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-192    719411    4520769      731.2     40.00      0      -90    0      6       6          301 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-193    719430    4520815      728.2     35.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-194    720460    4519436      760.8     91.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-195    719391    4520836      726.7     40.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-196    719368    4520792      728.8     51.00      0      -90    0     11       11         775 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-197    719370    4520901      723.4     31.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-198    719346    4520859      724.9     35.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-199    719423    4520895      724.0     73.00     27      -60    16    20       4         1,524 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       25    30       5          326 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       34    40       6          335 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       47    58       11         192 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-200    719325    4520816      726.9     41.00      0      -90    5     12       7          194 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-201    719168    4520949      715.4     25.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-202    719278    4520728      728.6     50.00      0      -90    4     23       19         232 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       26    36       10         212 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth    Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)       ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
  RTR-203    719147    4520908      715.8     45.00       0      -90    32    33       1          220 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-204    720415    4519556      755.0     82.00       0      -90    56    57       1          228 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-205    719190    4520775      720.2     40.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-206    719102    4520931      712.6     45.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-207    719145    4520797      716.8     29.00       0      -90    9     11       2          219 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        18    19       1          202 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-208    719124    4520861      714.9     34.00       0      -90    5     23       18         233 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-209    719104    4520819      714.2     28.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-210    719058    4520844      711.3     40.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-211    719211    4520706      724.2     37.00       0      -90    0      3       3          242 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        16    18       2          206 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        27    28       1          403 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-212    719143    4520686      720.0     30.00       0      -90    0      8       8          182 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-213    719058    4520731      713.7     25.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-214    720393    4519528      757.1     109.00      0      -90    81    84       3          556 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-215    719245    4520281      746.2     60.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-216    719162    4520614      723.4     40.00       0      -90    0     19       19         425 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-217    719120    4520640      719.3     30.00       0      -90    9     10       1          200 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-218    719076    4520666      715.6     20.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-219    719155    4520382      737.1     65.00       0      -90    27    28       1          238 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-220    719104    4520414      736.3     100.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-221    720240    4519536      758.4     111.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-222    720023    4519883      746.0     76.00       0      -90    44    45       1          601 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-223    719952    4519869      750.2     86.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-224    719890    4520066      745.4     58.00       0      -90    34    42       8          423 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-225    720155    4519925      740.0     57.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-226    719917    4520008      745.5     60.00       0      -90    37    40       3          323 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        44    48       4          831 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-227    720265    4519810      740.5     55.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-228    720319    4519787      740.2     61.00       0      -90    28    29       1          296 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-229    719955    4519974      744.9     79.00       0      -90    35    41       6          646 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        50    51       1          265 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        55    62       7          182 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-230    720054    4519750      752.3     109.00      0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-231    720359    4519768      740.9     63.00       0      -90    43    44       1          204 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-232    720016    4519771      753.0     82.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-233    720392    4519912      734.6     50.00       0      -90    25    37       12         624 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-234    720086    4519904      740.9     88.00       0      -90    32    34       2         1,996 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        39    40       1          262 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        45    56       11         726 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth    Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)       ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
  RTR-234    720086    4519904      740.9     88.00       0      -90    32    34       2         1,996 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        39    40       1          262 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                        45    56       11         726 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  RTR-235    720370    4519476      761.4     62.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-236    720236    4519888      737.4     58.00       0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-237    720337    4519515      759.3     103.00      0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-238    720336    4519827      736.4     50.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-239    718883    4520416      739.2     50.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-240    720304    4519555      756.8     115.00      0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-241    718937    4520510      725.8     64.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-242    718825    4520513      725.0     32.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-243    718872    4520601      717.0     50.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-244    720092    4519683      753.0     91.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-245    718919    4520688      709.8     19.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  RTR-246    719058    4520844      711.1     47.00       0      -90            Results pending 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 

Retortillo intersections from September quarter

             Easting   Northing   Elevation   Depth   Azimuth   Dip   From   To    Interval   U(3) O(8) 
  Hole ID 
               (m)       (m)         (m)       (m)      ( )     ( )   (m)    (m)     (m)        (ppm) 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-083    699521    4503110       669       52        0      -90    13    17       4          371 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       23    31       8          315 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       38    39       1          400 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-084    699500    4503089       665       52        0      -90    13    14       1          287 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       17    23       6          403 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       44    45       1          296 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-085    699457    4503116       660       57        0      -90    6     24       18         336 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       26    33       7          435 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       36    40       4          394 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       43    44       1          245 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-086    699432    4503126       658       52        0      -90    3      6       3          325 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       12    14       2          317 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       17    19       2          374 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       22    23       1          219 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       25    28       3          434 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       31    35       4          495 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       41    44       3          415 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       47    49       2          286 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-087    699418    4503147       656       52        0      -90    0      2       2          190 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       4      8       4          253 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       12    13       1          213 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       16    17       1          259 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       23    27       4          252 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       37    38       1          323 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-088    699381    4503113       651       38        0      -90    0     22       22         650 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-089    699320    4503082       650       22        0      -90    0     12       12        1118 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-090    699317    4503043       649       25        0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 
  ZMR-091    699270    4503067       648       22        0      -90    0      3       3          301 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       9     12       3          814 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-092    699295    4503092       648       28        0      -90    4     14       10         306 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                                       27    28       1          213 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  -----  ----  ---------  ---------- 
  ZMR-093    699323    4503121       647       22        0      -90            Not mineralized 
----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  --------  ----  ---------------------------------- 

Sageras intersections from September quarter

The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Dr. James Ross, who is a Fellow of The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and an employee of Berkeley Resources Limited. Dr. Ross has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Dr. Ross consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Grafico Azioni Berkeley Energia (LSE:BKY)
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