The risk management process is integrated into the culture of the Group and is led by the Group Management Board (GMB), which is supported by three Executive Risk Management Committees:

-- The (Non-Life) Insurance Risk Committee which has oversight of the non-life insurance risks of the Group including counterparty risk

-- The Investment and Market Risks Committee which has oversight of the investment and market risks of the Group

-- The Group Operational Risk Committee which has oversight of the operational risks of the Group.

The risk management process supports accountability, performance measurement and reward, thus promoting operational efficiency at all levels.

On an annual basis the GMB identifies key strategic risks and allocates responsibility for each of them. Any risk management actions that arise are regularly monitored.

The key to the success of this process is the deployment of a strong Three Lines of Defence Model whereby:

-- The first line (Business Management) is responsible for strategy, performance and managing risks arising;

-- The second line (Reporting, Oversight and Guidance) is responsible for establishing minimum standards, appropriate reporting, oversight and challenge of our risk profiles and risk management activities within each of our businesses. This includes Executive Risk Management Committees and is subject to oversight and challenge by the Group Risk Committee; and

-- The third Line (Assurance) provides independent and objective assurance of the effectiveness of the Group's systems of internal control. This activity principally comprises the Internal Audit function which is subject to oversight and challenge by the Group Audit Committee.

We have a continuously evolving approach to Enterprise Risk Management and use emerging experience to refine our approach. During 2014 key improvements included:

-- Strengthening of the Risk function with increased technical knowledge and actuarial capability;

-- Improved embedding of the risk framework within the first line of defence which included establishing local risk committees;

-- Commencement of risk oversight visits that are being conducted by the second line;

-- Enhancement of the qualitative risk profiles including an increased focus on business plans and emerging risks;

-- Continued development of quantitative risk profiling capabilities;

-- A refreshed Group-wide risk appetite proposal which was approved by the Group Risk Committee, and included strategic business units' (SBUs) risk appetites;

-- Improved reporting to the Group Risk Committee; and

-- Refinements to the Own Risk Solvency Assessment (ORSA) process which were approved by the Board and submitted to the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA).

Risk appetite

The risk appetite defines the level of risk-taking that the Board feel is appropriate for the Group as we pursue our business objectives. It has been defined in line with the different categories of risk that the Group faces, and provides the backdrop against which the business plan is developed and validated. This ensures that the risk profile resulting from the business plan is in line with the risk-taking expectations of the Board. Compliance with the risk appetite is reported to the Group Risk Committee at each meeting. A formal escalation process exists for activities outside of risk appetite.

The risk appetite is refreshed annually and is signed off and approved by the Board.

The principles that underpin our risk appetite are based on the overall ambition of Ecclesiastical to operate as an independent and successful financial services group, operating with the highest standards of integrity to deliver financial products and services for the benefit of the church and community. As such, the Board takes the reputation of the Group seriously and will not undertake any activity whose outcome might reasonably be expected to have a sufficiently negative reputational impact on the Group and undermine the sustainability of the business model.

At the highest level of our risk appetite there are strategic statements which set the minimum levels of capital and solvency that the Group wishes to maintain, and they contain broad ranges of the magnitude of exposure to different risk types that are desirable. This includes limits on the type, nature, size and concentration of insurance risks that will be accepted by the Group together with the Board's requirements for a Group-wide reinsurance strategy. We purchase reinsurance cover to protect against property catastrophe events that are predicted to occur once every 250 to 500 years, depending upon the territory.

A key objective of our risk appetite is to ensure that we have sufficient capital to meet our liabilities in extreme adverse scenarios. The risk appetite aims to achieve and support a credit rating of at least single A minus from Standard & Poor's (S&P) and A.M. Best.

Quantitative risk measures and stress testing framework

The primary tool used to measure aggregate risk is our internal model, which has been calibrated to estimate the capital resources required to deliver our business plan and meet UK regulatory risk-based capital requirements.

Over the last year we have improved both the scope and methodology of our internal model to better reflect the risk profile. The model has become further embedded in our strategic decision-making processes. For example, the internal model was used to inform the setting of the refreshed risk appetite and as an input to the development of our reinsurance strategy and pricing decisions.

We have continued to refine a comprehensive stress testing and scenario analysis framework to complement our quantitative risk measures and meet regulatory requirements.

This framework seeks to stress the business plan and identifies potential outcomes generated in the scenarios other than those in the central plan assumptions, providing evidence to the Board that the plan is robust. This is also used to identify additional actions that can be taken, including contingency plans, to mitigate any risks or potential adverse experiences identified. As such the Group uses stress and scenario testing as a key component of its business planning process.

Principal risks

The following table shows the principal risks we face that could have the highest potential to damage our Group both in the short and long term.

 Principal Risks 
 Risk type and description               Why we have it                          How we mitigate it 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Insurance Risks                         General insurance is a highly           Disciplined underwriting and pricing 
  Business mix, underwriting and          competitive business. The premium       is central to our business and key 
  pricing risk                            required for an insurance               to the success of 
  The risk of failing to price            policy needs to reflect the cover       the Group. Since 2010 we have 
  adequately for claims costs,            provided and the risk factors           established sales, claims and 
  expenses, cost of capital and profit    present.                                underwriting academies to support 
  requirements; failure to manage                                                 these activities and to ensure the 
  portfolio risk; failure to manage                                               correct skill set is maintained and 
  the underwriting cycle;                                                         developed. Significant 
  diversification and concentration;                                              investment in underwriting and 
  failure to establish appropriate                                                pricing capabilities across the 
  underwriting disciplines.                                                       Group has continued into 2014, 
                                                                                  and a revised structure has been 
                                                                                  implemented within the UK general 
                                                                                  insurance business. A strict 
                                                                                  risk appetite has been adopted to 
                                                                                  ensure there is a clear focus on our 
                                                                                  chosen niches and classes 
                                                                                  of business. Concentration risk is a 
                                                                                  key consideration and limits are 
                                                                                  established within the 
                                                                                  risk appetite. 
                                                                                  The size of this risk has fallen 
                                                                                  over the year due to underwriting 
                                                                                  actions taken to improve 
                                                                                  the quality of the business we write 
                                                                                  coupled with the investment in our 
                                                                                  underwriting capabilities. 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Claims reserving risk                   Claims reserving risk is a natural      Claims development and reserving 
Grafico Azioni Ecclesiastl.8fe (LSE:ELLA)
Da Dic 2024 a Gen 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Ecclesiastl.8fe
Grafico Azioni Ecclesiastl.8fe (LSE:ELLA)
Da Gen 2024 a Gen 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Ecclesiastl.8fe