iPoint-media plc 
                ("iPoint-media", the "Group" or the "Company") 
               Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
During the period, the Company focused on implementing projects with mobile 
operators and creating new business opportunities for Vitrage, its leading 
video application platform for fixed line, 3G mobile operators and IP broadband 
users, in particular working closely with Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 
("Ericsson") and Ericsson's market units globally. Several projects were 
delivered to Ericsson's customers during the period. 
The Group experienced slippage with new contracts throughout 2009 as a result 
of a major slowdown in the telecom industry and the global economy, resulting 
in customers taking longer to commit to prospective 3G video calling related 
projects. Consequently, several significant contracts which were anticipated to 
be signed during 2009 were delayed. As a result, turnover for the year ended 31 
December 2009 was significantly lower than expected and the loss before 
taxation for the same period was significantly greater than anticipated. 
iPoint's business is developing enabling technology - service creating platform 
for developing live interactive video calling services. These platforms enable 
telecom operators and media companies to develop and deploy a wide variety of 
applications and services over broadband internet and mobile networks. The 
deliverable consists of a `Telco grade' video application platform that 
incorporates a powerful service creation environment (SCE). The SCE is based on 
a suite of software building blocks and pre-configured application templates 
that enable quick and easy deployment of video calling services over IP and 3G 
iPoint's business strategy is based on delivery to three verticals: telecoms, 
media and content aggregation. The Group's core technology and intellectual 
property are common to all these verticals. 
During 2009, iPoint executed its strategy in the telecoms vertical by working 
closely with Ericsson and implemented signed projects and submitted proposals, 
together with Ericsson's market units, to tenders issued by leading telecom 
operators worldwide. Ericsson is one of the world's leading vendors to the 
telecoms industry and the directors believe that by working closely with 
Ericsson, its presence can be leveraged to generate sales of iPoint's video 
application platform known as Vitrage, which complements the Video Gateway 
(VIG) of Ericsson. To date, the Group has delivered four projects with Ericsson 
to telecom operators in Europe and Asia in which the Vitrage platform is used, 
all of which were delivered in 2009. In addition, iPoint, together with 
Ericsson, built a pipeline of potential tenders for projects with telecom 
operators in Latin America Central and southeast Asia. The Ericsson channel 
comprises approximately 20 distinct underlying projects (in various phases of 
quotation/implementation) with revenues to the Group from each project in the 
range of $200,000 to $2,000,000. 
During the last quarter of 2009 the Group established a representative office 
in China in order to expand its market to Chinese customers from the telecom 
and media sectors. In addition, the Group signed a distribution agreement with 
a leading Chinese distributor which is active in the banking and communications 
The directors expect some of these tenders to be awarded in 2010 although some 
will be delayed until 2011 because of the impact of the global recession. 
iPoint has been in discussions with IBM and the media vertical has been 
expanded to provide user generated content and applications for the printing 
industry, in addition to TV and mobile services already provided. 
iPoint-media's offering will become a standard part of IBM's `Media Hub' 
solution in addition to video calling applications. Based on the cooperation 
with IBM, the Israeli Chief Scientist Office and IBM jointly granted iPoint the 
sum of NIS 500,000 in a special `Tafnit' program to cover the research and 
development costs of integrating Vitrage into IBM's Media Hub. 
As a result of the economic slowdown in the media market and the restructuring 
at IBM, iPoint did not succeed in achieving a significant proportion of the 
revenues expected from the media sector for the period under review. The 
slowdown in advertising revenues has had a significant impact on the media 
sector as a whole and budgets for new projects in particular. Consequently, the 
directors believe that revenues derived from the media vertical will continue 
to be affected during 2010. 
During 2009 iPoint did not succeed in enlarging its revenues from the content 
aggregators vertical although the Group continues to pursue opportunities to 
market its technology called `Glaze', creating an interface to existing 
web-based video chat and content delivery platforms, which enables subscribers 
to connect from 3G mobile to these services. 
Financial review 
The Company generated revenues of GBP1,275,908 ($1,990,416) for the year ended 31 
December 2009 compared to GBP871,802 ($1,608,475) for the year ended 31 December 
2008 and gross profit of GBP1,065,509 ($1,662,194) compared to GBP706,927 
($1,304,281) in 2008. The results represent an increase of 46 per cent. in 
revenue and 51 per cent. in gross profit. The delivery of several projects to 
mobile operators through Ericsson's market units during the period was a key 
factor in the improvement of the results. 
The year ended 31 December 2009 produced a net loss of GBP547,378 compared to GBP 
2,612,894 for the year ended 31 December 2008. The net loss of 2008 included GBP 
1,293,900 loss from impairment of goodwill compared to GBPnil in 2009. The 
reduction in net loss in the year ended 31 December 2009 compared to 2008 was 
achieved principally due to the increase in revenue and a 23% reduction in 
operating expenses. 
Although revenues were still relatively modest, the Group has commenced certain 
projects already which are due to complete in 2010 and the Directors believe 
that there are good growth prospects in iPoint's key markets and that the 
Group's products and capabilities are well-matched to market requirements. 
On 14 August 2009 the Group announced a Subscription Offer (with priority to 
existing shareholders) of GBP1,727,000 in Units comprising: 
  * 7,040,000 placing shares at 4 pence per Ordinary Share; and 
  * GBP1,408,000 8% Unsecured Loan Notes due in 2013 with 14,960,000 Bonus Shares 
    at par. 
On 13 November 2009, the Group announced that it had received applications 
under the Open Offer and the Subscription Offer amounting to GBP1,090,412 and 
extended the closing date of the Subscription Offer to 15 February 2010. On 17 
February 2010, the Group announced that it had received applications under the 
Open Offer and the Subscription Offer amounting to GBP1,727,000, the maximum 
aggregate amount that could be raised under the Open Offer and the Subscription 
The Bonus Shares are not capable of being sold, transferred or pledged to any 
third party for a period of one year from issue and for a period of a further 
year in respect of 50% of these Bonus Shares. 
Nisko Investments Ltd agreed not to withdraw or otherwise impair Nisko's 
guarantee of iPoint Media Ltd's overdraft facility with United Mizrahi Bank Ltd 
for the duration of the term of the Loan Notes issued by the Group(for a period 
of 4 years from date of issue), up to NIS 1,970,000 (the "Guarantee"). The 
above undertaking shall replace Nisko's existing undertaking (provided in 
December 2008) not to withdraw or otherwise impair the guarantee (in an amount 
of NIS 3,500,000) until 31 December 2009. 
Operational highlights during the period 
Material operational achievements for the Group in the year ended 31 December 
2009 were: 
  * Ericsson and iPoint-media jointly demonstrated the new 'GOliveCare' product 
    at the Mobile World Congress 2009. GOliveCare is a new live interactive 
    mobile video solution for healthcare providers. 
  * In March 2009, the Group announced that following an extensive trial 
    period, a major mobile operator has selected the Group's Vitrage platform 
    to provide interactive video calling services over its newly deployed 3G/ 
    UMTS network through the Group's partnership with Ericsson Turkey & Israel. 
  * In October 2009, the Group was awarded a patent which covers key elements 
    of its video distribution technology, known as `Vitrage'. The unique video 
    proxy technology is the basis for the video application platform and 
    enables large scale video distribution and transparent connectivity and 
    switching of multiple video sources. 
  * During 2009 the Group succeeded to deliver, through Ericsson's marketing 
    channel, four projects and several trials with European and Asian mobile 
  * In December 2009 a Chinese national MobileTV operator selected the Group's 
    new product GOliveStudio (based on the Vitrage video application platform 
    and the GOliveTV application) for immediate deployment. The purchase of the 
    GOliveStudio will enable the MobileTV Operator's production workstations to 
    manage, audit and publish video interactive show settings and production. 
Outlook and Strategy 
In 2010, iPoint will be focusing on completing the sales cycle and deploying 
its solutions with several operators through Ericsson. Several trials with 
Ericsson are ongoing or have been concluded successfully. The directors believe 
that several projects through Ericsson will materialise during 2010. 
The Group faces a challenging year in 2010 due to the uncertainty of the 
revenue streams and the significant delay in revenues that has occurred during 
the first half of 2010. The ability of the Group to continue its operational 
existence is subject to the fulfillment of the Group's forecasts and/or its 
ability to raise funds in the short term. In addition costs could be reduced 
should the forecasted revenue streams not be achieved. 
Our strategic decision to open a representative office in China is important 
for the Group and we're happy to have been selected by a leading Chinese 
national MobileTV Operator so soon after we started activities in China and 
hope that it is an indication of the large potential of the Chinese market for 
our Vitrage video application platform. 
The outlook of the media vertical looks promising with the new product of the 
GOlivestudio that was initially developed for the Chinese market and now might 
approach the media market in Europe. With the collaboration with IBM, the Group 
expects new opportunities to be presented. 
Existing business with content aggregators is slowing down and it is more 
difficult to assess the outlook of this vertical. 
I should like to thank all of our team for their commitment, professionalism 
and creativity, which has placed iPoint as a frontier technology pioneer in the 
broadcast and media sector. 
iPoint remains utterly committed to its core values: total quality and 
innovation, increasing its revenues and developing its relationships with 
partners and customers. 
E Sagi 
Further enquiries: 
iPoint-media plc                                            +(0) 972 544 450 
Muki Geller(CEO) 
Libertas Capital Corporate Finance Limited                  +44 (0) 207 569 
Nomad and Broker 
Andrew McLennan/Thilo Hoffmann 
Consolidated Income Statement 
For the Year ended 31 December 2009 
                                                        2009        2008 
                                              Notes       GBP           GBP 
Revenue                                              1,275,908   871,802 
Cost of sales                                        (210,399)   (164,875) 
Gross profit                                         1,065,509   706,927 
Research and development                             (498,458)   (695,499) 
Selling and marketing                                (604,422)   (822,551) 
Administrative expenses                              (458,495)   (527,590) 
Other costs (2008- impairment of goodwill)           -           (1,293,900) 
Loss from ordinary activities before income          (495,866)   (2,632,613) 
tax and finance costs 
Net finance (costs)/income                           (51,512)    19,719 
Loss before income tax                               (547,378)   (2,612,894) 
Tax on loss on ordinary activities                   -           - 
Net loss for the year                                (547,378)   (2,612,894) 
Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
Translation difference on overseas operations        49,557      (71,447) 
Total comprehensive loss for the year                (497,821)   (2,684,341) 
Loss per share 
- basic and diluted                                  (0.4)p      (2.3)p 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
As at 31 December 2009 
                                                          2009         2008 
                                                            GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                      188,200     157,871 
Property, plant and equipment                          36,493      63,249 
                                                       224,693     221,120 
Current assets 
Trade receivables                                      278,831     157,896 
Other receivables                                      50,985      55,171 
Cash and cash equivalents                              545,424     65,163 
                                                       875,240     278,230 
TOTAL ASSETS                                           1,099,933   499,350 
Share capital and reserves 
Issued capital                                         593,933     530,789 
Share premium                                          3,577,075   3,050,777 
Other components of equity                             448,175     322,760 
Merger reserve                                         854,146     854,146 
Reverse acquisition reserve                            1,098,894   1,098,894 
Retained earnings                                      (6,758,673) (6,211,295) 
Translation reserve                                    (102,604)   (152,161) 
TOTAL EQUITY                                           (289,054)   (506,090) 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                             430,371     51,008 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                               441,636     380,983 
Amounts owed to related parties                        6,644       25,513 
Deferred income                                        149,877     71,136 
Borrowings                                             360,459     476,800 
Total current liabilities                              958,616     954,432 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      1,388,987   1,005,440 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                           1,099,933   499,350 
                                                         2009          2008 
                                          Notes           GBP             GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash receipts from customers                        1,235,735      920,320 
Cash paid to suppliers and employees                (1,702,869)    (2,355,388) 
Cash absorbed by operations                         (467,134)      (1,435,068) 
Interest paid                                       (25,933)       (1,845) 
Interest received                                   170            21,564 
Net cash outflow from operating                     (492,897)      (1,415,349) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of equipment                               (23,510)       (23,866) 
Exchange differences on fixed assets                4,603          (13,982) 
depreciation and cost 
Proceeds from sale of equipment                     -              4,459 
Net cash outflow used in investing                  (18,907)       (33,389) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of shares                       581,541        - 
Proceeds from issue of loan notes                   888,870        - 
Less: costs of issue                                (337,489)      (3,286) 
Exercise of share options                           -              6,708 
Payment of finance leases                           -              (28,699) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) used in                   1,132,922      (25,277) 
financing activities 
Exchange differences                                49,557         (71,446) 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash            670,675        (1,545,461) 
Cash and cash equivalents brought                   (411,637)      1,133,824 
Cash and cash equivalents carried                   259,038        (411,637) 
Represented by: 
Cash balances                                       545,424        65,163 
Short-term borrowings                               (286,386)      (476,800) 
                                                    259,038        (411,637) 
Share capitalShare premiumOther components of equityTranslation reserveReverse 
acquisition reserveMerger reserveRetained earningsTotal 
                     GBP            GBP         GBP            GBP          GBP         GBP          GBP            GBP 
At 1 January      528,418     3,039,066  395,564     (80,714)   1,098,894  854,146  (3,671,205)  2,164,169 
Shares issued     91          9,909      -           -          -          -        -            10,000 
in year for 
Shares issued     23          637        -           -          -          -        -            660 
on acquisition 
Exercise of       2,257       4,451      (72,804)                                   72,804       6,708 
share options 
Share issue       -           (3,286)    -           -          -          -        -            (3,286) 
Total             -           -          -           (71,447)   -          -        (2,612,894)  (2,684,341) 
income for the 
At 31 December    530,789     3,050,777  322,760     (152,161)  1,098,894  854,146  (6,211,295)  (506,090) 
Shares issued     53,776      527,765    -           -          -          -        -            581,541 
in year for 
Equity            -           -          162,412     -          -          -        -            162,412 
component of 
loan notes 
Shares issued     9,326       72,652     -           -          -          -        -            81,978 
in year for 
Shares issued     42          1,164      -           -          -          -        -            1,206 
on acquisition 
of ANV 
Issue of share    -           -          23,705      -          -          -        -            23,705 
Share issue       -           (75,283)   (60,702)    -          -          -        -            (135,985) 
Total             -           -          -           49,557     -          -        (547,378)    (497,821) 
income for the 
At 31 December    593,933     3,577,075  448,175     (102,604)  1,098,894  854,146  (6,758,673)  (289,054) 
The financial information in this announcement, which was approved by the Board 
on 11 May 2010, does not comprise statutory accounts for the purpose of Section 
435 of the Companies Act 2006 for the years ended 31 December 2008 or 2009. It 
has been extracted from the Company's consolidated accounts for the period to 
31 December 2009. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008 have been delivered 
to the Registrar of Companies and included an audit report which was 
unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 
will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. 
Whilst the information in this announcement has been prepared in accordance 
with recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRSs) this announcement in itself does not give sufficient 
information to comply with IFRSs. 
Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting standards and IFRIC interpretations issued and effective or 
issued and early adopted as at the time of preparing these statements (March 
2010) and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies 
reporting under IFRS. The financial statements have been prepared under the 
historical cost convention and a summary of the more important accounting 
policies is set out below. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted 
accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect 
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. 
Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the 
amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those 
The Group elected to disclose its cash flows from operating activities using 
the direct method that requires the disclosure of gross cash receipts and gross 
cash payments to be disclosed. Additionally, IAS 7 encourages the use of the 
direct method for the reporting of operating cash flows. 
This year the Group adopted IFRS 8 "Operating Segments", which replaces IAS 14 
segment Reporting. The standard is applied retrospectively. The accounting 
policy for identifying segments is now based on internal management reporting 
information that is regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker. 
In contrast, IAS 14 required the Group to identify two sets of segments 
(business and geographical) based on risks and rewards of the operating 
segments. This change has resulted in the UK and Israel being identified as 
separate operating segments for the Group. The Group had adopted IAS I Revised 
`Presentation of Financial Statements' during the year. 
No separate income statement is presented for the company as provided by 
section 408, Companies Act 2006. 
Going concern 
The Group incurred a net loss of GBP547,000 during the year ended 31 December 
2009 and the results of the first six months of 2010 are well below expectation 
and will not be profitable. The unused cash proceeds of the Group as at 30 
April 2010 totalled approximately GBP663,000 (which include a short-term 
borrowings, guaranteed for the next four years by Nisko Investments Ltd , up to 
the amount of NIS 1,970,000 ). 
The Group faces a challenging year in 2010 due to the uncertainty of the 
revenue streams and the significant delay in revenues that has occurred during 
the first half of 2010. The aforementioned factors indicate the existence of a 
material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the Group's ability 
to continue as a going concern. The ability of the Group to continue its 
operational existence is subject to the fulfilment of the Group's forecasts and 
/or its ability to raise funds in the short term. In addition costs could be 
reduced should the forecasted revenue streams not be achieved. The directors, 
after reviewing the forecasted revenues and having considered the Group's 
ability to raise funds in the short term and taking into account the 
possibility of reducing costs, adopt the going concern basis in preparing the 
1.    Loss per share 
      The basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable 
      to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue. 
      Warrants and share options were excluded from the calculation of the 
      total diluted number of shares as the impact of these is anti-dilutive. 
      The weighted average number of shares in the year were: 
                                                          2009         2008 
                                                         Number       Number 
      Basic                                            124,581,644  113,162,943 
                                                            GBP            GBP 
      Loss attributable to equity shareholders           (547,378)  (2,612,894) 
                                                         =========    ========= 
      Basic and diluted loss                                (0.4)p       (2.3)p 
      per share 
                                                         =========    ========= 
Loss for the year attributable to parent company 
The loss for the financial year dealt within the financial statements of the 
parent company iPoint Media plc was GBP223,895 (2008: GBP10,005,579). As permitted 
by section 406 Companies Act 2006, no separate income statement is presented in 
respect of the company. 
2.  Cash and cash equivalents                                2009       2008 
                                                               GBP         GBP 
    Cash at bank and in hand                               545,424   65,163 
                                                           ========= ====== 
The interest rate applicable on the deposit account base rate is less 0.5% For 
the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise the 
following at 31 December 2009. 
                                                       2009                2008 
                                                         GBP                  GBP 
   Cash at bank and in hand                     545,424             65,163 
   Short-term borrowings                        (286,386)           (476,800) 
                                                ------------------- ------------------ 
                                                259,038             (411,637) 
                                                =========           ========= 
The Group's short-term borrowings are guaranteed by Nisko Investments up to 
1,970,000 NIS (approximately GBP322,359), a shareholder of the Company. E Sagi is 
a director of both companies. 
The credit quality of cash at bank included in cash and cash equivalents, 
assessed by reference to ratings awarded by international credit rating 
agencies, is analysed as follows: 
                                                             2009       2008 
                                                               GBP         GBP 
    A - or equivalent                                      545,424   65,163 
                                                           ========= ========= 
Cash at bank and in hand earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank 
deposit rates. The fair value of cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2009 
was GBP545,424 (2008: GBP65,163). 
At the year end the carrying amounts of the Group's cash at bank and in hand 
were denominated in the following currencies: 
                                                            2009       2008 
                                                             GBP           GBP 
British pound                                            477,649         48,551 
US dollar                                                45,376               - 
Euro                                                     15,742          20,429 
Israeli Shekel                                           6,657          (3,817) 
                                                         545,424         65,163 
Cash at bank and in hand                                 441,678            285 
3. Post balance sheet events 
On 17 February 2010, the Company announced that it has received applications 
under the Open Offer and the Subscription Offer amounting to GBP1,727,000, the 
maximum aggregate amount that could be raised under the Open Offer and the 
Subscription Offer. The Group raised GBP1,090,000 of the GBP1,727,000 before 31 
December 2009. 
During the first quarter of 2010, the Group issued 1,050,000 options to six 
employees of iPoint-Media Limited. The grant date for 150,000 options was 28 
January 2010, and a further 900,000 options were issued on 8 March 2010. 
On 13 April 2010, a further 350,000 options were exercised into350,000 shares 
(150,000 options with an exercise price of 0.25p per share and 200,000 with an 
exercise price of 2.38p per share) . 
On 22 April 2010, the board approved issuance of 2,500,000 options to the CEO 
of the Group with the following terms: 
In any financial year, in which the Company achieves or exceeds the 
consolidated profit figures for the group set out in the optimistic forecasts 
as presented to and approved by the board of directors of the Company in 
respect of such financial year (the "Optimistic Forecast"), as reflected in its 
audited financial statements for such financial year, the exercise price for 
each option that vests in such financial year shall be equal to the nominal 
value of the Ordinary Shares. 
In any financial year in which the Company achieves 75 percent or more of the 
Optimistic Forecast, as reflected in its audited financial statements for such 
financial year, the exercise price for each option that vests in such financial 
year shall be as follows: 
in 2010 - GBP0.03; 
in 2011 - the average mid-market closing price of the Ordinary Shares during 
January 2011, but in any event not less than GBP0.03; 
in 2012 - the average mid-market closing price of the Ordinary Shares during 
January 2012, but in any event not less than GBP0.03. 
In any financial year in which the Company achieves less than 75 percent of the 
Optimistic Forecast, as reflected in its audited financial statements for such 
financial year, then the options that vest in such financial year shall lapse. 

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