26 November 2009 
                 NB Private Equity Partners Limited 
     Results of Placing and Offer for Subscription of ZDP Shares 
The Board of  NB Private  Equity Partners Limited  (the "Company"  or 
"NBPE") is pleased to announce that  pursuant to a placing and  offer 
for subscription (the "ZDP Placing and Offer"), the Company has today 
raised GBP30  million  (US$  50  million) through  the  issue  of  zero 
dividend  preference  shares  ("ZDP  Shares").   This  represents  an 
Initial Cover for the ZDP Shares at Admission of 5.86x. 
The Directors believe that the issue  of the new class of ZDP  Shares 
will be beneficial for the Company for a number of reasons. 
  * The Company's capital position is currently strong with excess 
    capital resources over unfunded commitments of US$52.0 million at 
    31 October 2009 and US$102 million after taking into account the 
    proceeds from the ZDP Placing and Offer. 
  * An issue of ZDP Shares will further enhance the Company's capital 
    position and would provide additional resources to enable the 
    Investment Manager to take advantage of current market 
    opportunities without affecting the Company's conservative 
    capital structure and commitment coverage. 
  * The Directors believe that a number of potentially attractive 
    investment opportunities, including secondary and distressed 
    investments, are accessible in the current market environment and 
    that opportunities for attractive investments will continue to be 
    available over the next two years. 
  * The Directors believe that the Company's existing private equity 
    Investment Portfolio is well-positioned to generate attractive 
    returns over the long term and that the ZDP Issue is expected to 
    be accretive to Class A Shareholders over the long term. 
Application has been made  for the new ZDP  Shares to be admitted  to 
trading on the Specialist  Fund Market of  the London Stock  Exchange 
plc. Application has  also been  made for the  new ZDP  Shares to  be 
listed and admitted  to trading  on the  Daily Official  List of  the 
Channel Islands Stock Exchange. Dealings on both markets are expected 
to commence at 8 a.m. on 1 December 2009. 
Immediately following the issue,  the Company's issued share  capital 
will consist  of 51,059,592  shares  of US$0.01  (excluding  treasury 
shares) each classified as Class  A Shares, 10,000 shares of  US$0.01 
(excluding treasury shares)  each classified  as Class  B Shares  and 
30,000,000 shares of no par value each classified as ZDP Shares. 
For further information, please contact: 
NBPE Investor Relations      +1 214 647 9593 
Oriel Securities Limited    +44 20 7710 7600 
Joe Winkley 
Sapna Shah 
Financial Dynamics          +44 20 7269 7114 
Robert Bailhache 
Nick Henderson 
About NB Private Equity Partners Limited 
NBPE is a closed-end private equity fund of funds investment  company 
admitted to trading  on Euronext  Amsterdam and  the Specialist  Fund 
Market of  the  London  Stock  Exchange.  NBPE  holds  a  diversified 
portfolio   of   private   equity   fund   investments   and   direct 
co-investments selected  by the  NB Alternatives  group of  Neuberger 
Berman, diversified  across private  equity asset  class,  geography, 
industry, vintage year and sponsor. 
This press release appears  as a matter of  record only and does  not 
constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase 
any security. 
NBPE is established as a  closed-end investment company domiciled  in 
Guernsey.  NBPE has  received the necessary  consent of the  Guernsey 
Financial Services  Commission  and  the States  of  Guernsey  Policy 
Council.  NBPE is registered with  the Netherlands Authority for  the 
Financial Markets  (Autoriteit Financiële  Markten) as  a  collective 
investment scheme which may  offer participations in The  Netherlands 
pursuant to article  2:66 of  the Financial  Markets Supervision  Act 
(Wet op het financial toezicht). 
The distribution of this Announcement  and the ZDP Placing and  Offer 
in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. No action has been 
taken by the Company or Oriel Securities Limited ("Oriel") that would 
permit an offering of the ZDP Shares or possession or distribution of 
this  Announcement  or  any  other  offering  or  publicity  material 
relating to such  shares in  any jurisdiction where  action for  that 
purpose is required. Persons into whose possession this  Announcement 
comes are  required by  the Company  and Oriel  to inform  themselves 
about, and to observe, such restrictions. 
The information presented herein is not an offer for sale within  the 
United States  of  any  equity  shares or  other  securities  of  the 
Company. The Company has  not been and will  not be registered  under 
the US Investment Company  Act of 1940,  as amended (the  "Investment 
Company Act"). In addition, the ZDP Shares have not been and will not 
be registered under the  US Securities Act of  1933, as amended  (the 
"Securities Act") or any other  applicable law of the United  States. 
Consequently, the ZDP Shares may not be offered or sold or  otherwise 
transferred within the United  States, or to, or  for the account  or 
benefit of,  US  Persons  (as  defined  in  Regulation  S  under  the 
Securities  Act),   except  pursuant   to  an   exemption  from   the 
registration  requirements   of   the  Securities   Act   and   under 
circumstances which will  not require the  Company to register  under 
the Investment Company Act. No public  offering of the ZDP Shares  is 
being made in the United States. The ZDP Shares may only be resold or 
transferred in  accordance with  the restrictions  set forth  in  the 
prospectus issued by the Company  in connection with the ZDP  Placing 
and Offer dated 16 November 2009 and related subscription  documents. 
This communication should not be distributed, forwarded, transferred, 
reproduced, or otherwise transmitted, directly or indirectly, to  any 
persons within the United  States or to any  US Persons unless it  is 
lawful to do so. 
This communication is directed only at (i) persons outside the United 
Kingdom to  whom it  is lawful  to communicate  it, or  (ii)  persons 
having professional experience in matters relating to investments who 
fall within the definition  of "investment professionals" in  Article 
19(5) of  the  Financial Services  and  Markets Act  2000  (Financial 
Promotion)  Order  2005  (as  amended),  or  (iii)  high  net   worth 
companies, unincorporated associations and partnerships and  trustees 
of high value trusts as described  in Article 49(2) of the  Financial 
Services and Markets  Act 2000 (Financial  Promotion) Order 2005  (as 
amended), each  a "Relevant  Person", and  persons who  receive  this 
communication who do not fall within (i), (ii) or (iii) above  should 
not rely on or act upon this communication. 
This Announcement  is  for information  purposes  only and  does  not 
constitute an invitation  to subscribe  for or  otherwise acquire  or 
dispose of  securities  in  the  Company  in  any  jurisdiction.  The 
information contained in this Announcement is for background purposes 
only and does not purport to be full or complete. No reliance may  be 
placed  for  any  purpose  on  the  information  contained  in   this 
Announcement or its accuracy or completeness, This announcement  does 
not constitute or form  part of any  offer to issue  or sell, or  any 
solicitation of any offer to  subscribe or purchase, any  investments 
nor shall it (or the fact of its distribution) form the basis of,  or 
be relied on in connection with, any contract therefor. 
This announcement may  include certain "forward-looking  statements". 
These statements are based on the current expectations of the Company 
and are  naturally  subject to  uncertainty  and changes  in  certain 
circumstances.   Forward-looking    statements   typically    include 
statements   containing   words   such   as   "intends",   "expects", 
"anticipates", "targets", "plans", "estimates"  and words of  similar 
import. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk  and 
uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances 
that will occur in the future.  There are various factors that  could 
cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those 
expressed  or  implied  by  such  forward-looking  statements.  These 
factors  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  changes  in  economic 
conditions, changes in  the regulatory  environment, fluctuations  in 
value of real  estate, interest  and exchange rates,  the outcome  of 
litigation and  government actions.  Other unknown  or  unpredictable 
factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in 
the forward-looking statements.  The Company does  not undertake  any 
obligation to update publicly  or revise forward-looking  statements, 
whether as a result of  new information, future events or  otherwise, 
except to the extent legally required. 
All investments are subject to risk. Past performance is no guarantee 
of future returns.  The value of investments may fluctuate.   Results 
achieved in  the  past are  no  guarantee of  future  results.   This 
document is  not  intended to  constitute  legal, tax  or  accounting 
advice or  investment  recommendations.   Prospective  investors  are 
advised to seek expert legal,  financial, tax and other  professional 
advice before making any investment decision. Statements contained in 
this document  that are  not historical  facts are  based on  current 
expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of  NBPE's 
investment manager. Such statements involve known and unknown  risks, 
uncertainties and other  factors, and  undue reliance  should not  be 
placed thereon. Additionally, this document contains "forward-looking 
statements". Actual events  or results or  the actual performance  of 
NBPE may differ  materially from those  reflected or contemplated  in 
such targets or forward-looking statements. 
Oriel Securities  Limited  is acting  for  NBPE and  no-one  else  in 
connection with the ZDP Placing and Offer and will not be responsible 
to anyone  other than NBPE  for providing  the protections   afforded 
to customers of Oriel or for providing advice in relation to the  ZDP 
Placing and Offer. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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Grafico Azioni Nb Private Equity Partners (LSE:NBPE)
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