Extension to Share Buy-Back Programme 
28 February 2013 
NB  Private  Equity  Partners  Limited  ("NBPE"  or "the Company"), a closed-end 
private  equity fund of funds investment  company, today announces the extension 
of  the share  buy-back programme  (the "Programme")  that was  implemented with 
effect  from 22 October  2010.  The Programme,  which was  due to  expire on 28 
February  2013, was  designed  with  the  objective  of implementing the capital 
return  policy announced by  the Company on  15 October 2010.  The Board believe 
that it is in the interests of shareholders in the Company to extend the term of 
the  Programme to 31 May 2013.  The other  terms and conditions of the Programme 
will not be amended in any way. 
NBPE  has appointed Jefferies International  Limited ("Jefferies") to manage the 
Programme  and authorised Jefferies  to effect on-market  repurchases of class A 
ordinary shares ("Shares") on behalf of the Company on Euronext Amsterdam and/or 
the   Specialist  Fund  Market  of  the  London  Stock  Exchange  plc  (each  an 
Pursuant  to and during  the term of  the Programme, Jefferies may independently 
of,  and without  influence by  NBPE, purchase  Shares from  time to time at its 
absolute discretion provided that: 
  i. the maximum price payable for a Share on an Exchange may not exceed the 
     higher of (i) the price of the last independent trade; and (ii) the highest 
     current independent bid, in each case with respect to the Shares on the 
     relevant Exchange; and 
 ii. the aggregate number of Shares which may be acquired on behalf of the 
     Company in connection with the Programme (inclusive of any Shares 
     repurchased by the Company prior to the date of this announcement) shall 
     not exceed 6,776,250 (representing 13% of the Company's issued share 
     capital as at the date of this announcement). 
As  at the date of this announcement,  2,269,028 Shares have been bought back by 
the  Company pursuant to  the Programme.  As  such, the Company  is permitted to 
purchase up to 4,507,222 more Shares under the terms of the Programme. 
Share  buy-backs under  the Programme  will be  made pursuant to the shareholder 
authority  granted to the Company  at the Annual General  Meeting held on 15 May 
2012, as detailed in the announcement made by the Company on 16 May 2012. 
Due to the limited liquidity in the Shares, a buy-back of Shares pursuant to the 
Programme  on any trading day is likely to represent a significant proportion of 
the  daily trading volume in the Shares  on the relevant Exchange (and is likely 
to  materially exceed the 25% and 50% limits of the average daily trading volume 
during  September  2010 as  referred  to  in  the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 
2273/2003 on buy-back programmes). 
NBPE  will continue to  make a public  announcement of any  market repurchase of 
Shares  no later  than 7:30a.m. (London  time)/8:30a.m. (Amsterdam  time) on the 
business  day  following  the  calendar  day  on which the repurchase occurred. 
Shares bought back under the Programme will be cancelled. 
For further information, please contact: 
  NBPE Investor Relations   +1 214 647 9593 
  FTI Consulting            +44 20 7269 7237 
  Neil Doyle 
  Edward Berry 
About NB Private Equity Partners Limited 
NBPE  is a  closed-end private  equity investment  company with class A ordinary 
shares  admitted to trading on Euronext Amsterdam and the Specialist Fund Market 
of  the London Stock  Exchange. NBPE has  ZDP shares admitted  to trading on the 
Specialist  Fund Market of the London Stock Exchange and the Daily Official List 
of  the Channel  Islands Stock  Exchange. NBPE  holds a diversified portfolio of 
private  equity fund investments and direct  / co-investments selected by the NB 
Alternatives  group of Neuberger Berman, diversified across private equity asset 
class, geography, industry, vintage year, and sponsor. 
About Neuberger Berman 
Established  in 1939, Neuberger  Berman is  one of  the world's leading private, 
independent  employee-controlled asset management  firms, managing approximately 
$205 billion in assets as of 31 December 2012. Neuberger Berman provides a broad 
range  of global  investment solutions  to institutions  and individuals through 
customized   separately  managed  accounts,  funds  and  alternative  investment 
products.  For more information, please visit our website at www.nb.com 
This press release appears as a matter of record only and does not constitute an 
offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any security. 
NBPE  is established as a closed-end  investment company domiciled in Guernsey. 
NBPE  has  received  the  necessary  consent  of the Guernsey Financial Services 
Commission  and the States of Guernsey  Policy Council.  NBPE is registered with 
the  Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets as a collective investment scheme 
which  may offer participations  in The Netherlands  pursuant to article 2:66 of 
the  Financial  Markets  Supervision  Act  (Wet  op het financial toezicht). All 
investments  are subject  to risk.  Past performance  is no  guarantee of future 
returns.  The value of  investments may fluctuate.  Results achieved in the past 
are  no guarantee of future results. This document is not intended to constitute 
legal,  tax  or  accounting  advice  or  investment recommendations. Prospective 
investors   are   advised  to  seek  expert  legal,  financial,  tax  and  other 
professional  advice before making any investment decision. Statements contained 
in   this   document  that  are  not  historical  facts  are  based  on  current 
expectations,  estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of NBPE's investment 
manager.  Such  statements  involve  known  and unknown risks, uncertainties and 
other  factors, and undue  reliance should not  be placed thereon. Additionally, 
this document contains "forward-looking statements." Actual events or results or 
the  actual performance  of NBPE  may differ  materially from those reflected or 
contemplated in such targets or forward-looking statements. 
Jefferies  is acting for NBPE and no  one else in connection with the repurchase 
of  Shares pursuant to the Programme and will not be responsible to anyone other 
than  NBPE for providing the protections afforded to clients of Jefferies or for 
providing  advice in relation to such repurchases, or to the matters referred to 
in this announcement. 
Buy-Back Programme: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: NB Private Equity Partners Limited via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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