RNS Number:7998G
Phoenix VCT PLC
27 July 2006


27 July 2006

Financial Summary

For the six months ended 30 April 2006

                                                             Ordinary Shares     Ordinary Shares   Ordinary Shares
                                                               30 April 2006       30 April 2005   31 October 2005
                                                                                     (restated)*       (restated)*
Net assets                                                       #11,547,000         #13,177,000       #10,942,000
Net profit/(loss) before tax                                        #726,000          #1,047,000        (#773,000)
Earnings/(loss) per share                                               6.5p                9.4p            (6.9)p
Net asset value per share                                             104.6p              118.2p             97.9p
Dividends per share (proposed and paid)                                 1.0p                2.5p              6.5p
Cumulative dividends                                                   7.65p               2.65p             6.65p

                                                                  'C' Shares          'C' Shares        'C' Shares
                                                               30 April 2006       30 April 2005   31 October 2005
                                                                                     (restated)*       (restated)*
Net assets                                                        #5,248,000          #2,691,000        #4,917,000
Net profit/(loss) before tax                                        #307,000            (#2,000)         (#43,000)
Earnings/(loss) per share                                               6.5p              (1.0)p            (1.3)p
Net asset value per share                                             100.1p               94.9p             94.2p

Phoenix VCT plc ("Phoenix") or ("Company") is a Venture Capital Trust ("VCT").
The Investment Manager is Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus").  The Company
was launched in November 2002 and raised over #11.3 million (#10.8 million net
of expenses) through an offer for subscription.  The Company invests in
AIM-quoted companies and aims to generate attractive long-term returns to

Phoenix raised more money in 2005 in the form of a 'C' Share issue (i.e. the
issue for subscription of a new class of share referred to a "'C' shares"). In
total, Phoenix raised #5.1 million (#5 million net of expenses) by the closing
date of the offer on 30 June 2005.

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the interim results for the
period ended 30 April 2005 and the statutory accounts for the period ended 31
October 2005 and have been restated in accordance with FRS21 in respect of
declared dividends and FRS26 in respect of the valuation of quoted investments
and the treatment of investments as at fair value through profit and loss as
disclosed in note 1.

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to be able to report good progress in both the Ordinary share
portfolio and the 'C' share portfolio during the six-month period to 30 April

Change in accounting standards

Following the introduction of new UK Financial Reporting Standards, we are now
required to value the investments held by Phoenix using the bid price for each
holding.  This compares with the previous accounting convention, used in our
previous announcements of results for Phoenix, under which we had valued the
investments using the mid-market price. The introduction of the new accounting
standards has resulted in a net asset value at 30 April that is approximately
2.2p lower for Ordinary shares and 0.9p lower for 'C' shares than it would have
been under previous accounting standards. Further details of this change and the
effect of the restatement are explained in note 1 to the financial statements.

In the interests of clarity, I will first discuss the performance of the
Ordinary share portfolio, before moving on to discuss the 'C' share portfolio.

Ordinary Share Portfolio

At 30 April 2006, the Ordinary share portfolio was comprised of investments in
36 AIM-quoted companies with a total value of #9.74 million and was 84% (by net
assets) invested in qualifying holdings at the end of the period under review.
During the period, we sold, either partially or wholly, several holdings,
generating a net realised profit of #138,000.  Consequently, the Board proposes
that an interim dividend of 1p per Ordinary share be paid on 7 September 2006 to
shareholders on the register on 11 August 2006. This dividend will be paid out
of capital reserves and will take the total tax-free dividends paid to
shareholders to 7.65p per Ordinary share since the company's launch.

Before providing for the proposed dividend, the Net Asset Value ("NAV") per
Ordinary share increased by 6.7p (after restatement of prior period figures due
to the accounting convention as discussed) to 104.6p during the period, notably
as a result of good performance by a number of the holdings in the portfolio.

The table below shows the movement in the NAV of the Ordinary shares and lists
the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the fund.

Period ended              NAV          Dividend      NAV + cumulative dividends

31 October 2003           100.7p       0.15p         100.85p
30 April 2004             111.7p       -             111.85p
31 October 2004           110.9p       -             111.05p
30 April 2005             118.2p*      2.50p         120.85p
31 October 2005           97.9p*       4.00p         104.55p
30 April 2006             104.6p       -             111.25p

*restated NAV to reflect changes in accounting policies as set out in Note 1.

At 30 April 2006, the share price was 97p.  During the period, 436,652 Ordinary
shares were bought back at an average price of 96.7p.  In addition, 296,543
Ordinary shares were issued at a price of 106.1p.

'C' share Portfolio

At 30 April 2006, the 'C' share portfolio contained investments in 16 AIM-quoted
companies, with a total value of #1.78 million and was 33% (by net assets)
invested in qualifying holdings at the end of the period under review.

I am pleased to be able to report that the NAV rose by 5.9p (after restatement
of prior period figures due to the accounting convention as discussed) to 100.1p
during the period, driven by good performance from a number of the investments.

The table below shows the movement in the NAV of the 'C' shares since the
completion of the fundraising for this class of share.

Period ended                       NAV

30 April 2005*                      94.9p
31 October 2005*                    94.2p
30 April 2006                       100.1p

*restated NAV to reflect changes in accounting policies as set out in Note 1.

At this early stage of the development of the 'C' share portfolio, it is not
appropriate to propose the payment of an interim dividend.

At 30 April 2006, the price per 'C' share was 100p.  During the period, 104,250
'C' shares were bought back at a price of 95p per share.  In addition, 127,567 '
C' shares were issued at an average price of 99p.

VCT status

The Directors believe that the Company continues to comply with the conditions
laid down by HM Revenue & Customs for maintaining its approval as a VCT.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has been retained by the Company to work closely with
the Investment Manager to ensure that Phoenix continues to meet the criteria of
a qualifying VCT.


Since the end of the period the AIM market has been impacted by the volatility
that has hit global financial markets.  However, the recent downward movement in
AIM has been led by the natural resources sector, which is a sector we do not
invest in, and the performance of the holdings in Phoenix has been much better
than the overall market.  Going forward, the Investment Manager will continue to
look for new investment opportunities and focus on established businesses with
either a niche or proprietary product or service.

Stephen Hazell-Smith
27 July 2006

Investment Manager's Review

Personal Service

At Octopus, we pride ourselves not only on our team's track record but also on
our personalised customer service.  We believe in open communication and our
regular updates are designed to keep you involved and informed.

If you have any questions about this review, or if it would help to speak to one
of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 7710 2800.

The AIM Market

The AIM market continued to increase in size in early 2006, reaching almost 1500
companies at 30 April 2006.  However, many of the companies that took advantage
of buoyant market conditions to float on AIM were overseas companies or were in
sectors such as natural resources which we do not invest in. Our focus remains
on investing in those businesses which we believe have the appropriate
characteristics to generate attractive medium-term returns for shareholders.

We have set out below a review of the Ordinary share portfolio, including
details of our new investments and the portfolio's ten largest holdings, and
then following this an equivalent review for the 'C' share portfolio.

Review of Ordinary Share Portfolio

As at 30 April 2006, the Ordinary share portfolio comprised investments in 36
companies, accounting for 84% of the Ordinary share portfolio by net assets.
During the period, we disposed of two holdings: Armour Group and Air Music &
Media Group, both of which were sold in early 2006 in order to reduce the
portfolio's exposure to companies which are dependent on the level of consumer
spending.  In addition, we took advantage of share price appreciation to reduce
our holdings in a further five companies: TRL Electronics, Sovereign Oilfield
Group, Bond International Software, Zetar, and Tanfield Group.  In total, we
generated a net realised profit of #138,000 from the disposal of investments
during the six-month period to 30 April 2006.

Seven new investments were made during the period:

Autoclenz Holdings plc

Autoclenz, founded in 1990, is the UK's leading provider of valeting services to
automotive retailers, auction houses, rental companies and car supermarkets.
The company floated on AIM in December 2005, having previously been a subsidiary
of Yule Catto, the chemical company.

Clarity Commerce Solutions plc

Clarity is a leading supplier of management software solutions for the
entertainment, ticketing, hospitality, retail and leisure sectors.  The company
has won large contracts from companies such as Sodexho, the global catering

Plethora Solutions Holdings plc

Plethora is a speciality pharmaceutical company that is focused on the
development of products that are targeted at a range of urological disorders.

Jelf Group plc

Jelf provides commercial insurance, healthcare cover and financial services to
small-and medium-sized businesses.  The company was founded in 1989 and floated
on AIM during 2004.  Phoenix participated in a #4 million fundraising in
February 2006 at the time of Jelf's acquisition of Goss Group, an established
independent insurance broking and financial services business with four regional

Ovum plc

Ovum is a leading information, communication and technology research
consultancy. The company acts as a source of industry data, knowledge and
expertise on the commercial impact of technology, regulatory and market changes.
This data is packaged into detailed research documents and distributed through a
range of bespoke and tailored products. Current clients include IBM, BT, and
Vodafone as well as Government bodies such as the Department of Trade and

Invocas plc

Invocas is the leading provider of personal insolvency solutions in Scotland
with a 16% share of the Protected Trust Deed market.  The company has been
profitable and cash generative for the past seven years.  Demand in Scotland for
Protected Trust Deeds, which help individuals who are having difficulty
servicing their debt, grew by 14% in 2005 and is expected to grow by 20% in

Cohort plc

Cohort was incorporated to acquire Systems Consultants Services (SCS), a UK
based company providing training support and equipment trials to the defence
sector.  The market for technical services, outside of the recently privatised
Government agency Qinetiq, is largely fragmented but has been consolidating.
Cohort's strategy is to acquire complementary technical services companies and
position them alongside the fast-growing SCS business.

The combined book cost of these seven investments was #1.36 million and the
market value at 30 April 2006 was #1.48 million.

The Ordinary share portfolio is at an investment level of approximately 84%
which is well above the HM Revenue & Customs requirement to remain at least 70%
invested in VCT qualifying companies after the initial investment period of
three years.

A full list of the VCT qualifying investments is set out below.  There were no
non-qualifying investments as 30 April 2006.

AIM quoted Qualifying Investments                     Book cost         Valuation          Unrealised
                                                                     at Bid Price         gain/(loss)
                                                          #'000             #'000               #'000
Tanfield Group plc                                          285               656                 371
Cello Group plc                                             500               635                 135
BBI Holdings plc                                            248               555                 307
TRL Electronics plc                                         188               501                 313
Staffline Recruitment Group plc                             300               491                 191
Media Square plc                                            303               458                 155
Disperse Group plc                                          500               444                (56)
Autoclenz Holdings plc                                      425               435                  10
Augean plc                                                  500               436                (64)
Strategic Thought Group plc                                 194               409                 215
Clarity Commerce Solutions plc                              367               367                   -
Access Intelligence plc                                     500               375               (125)
Concateno plc                                               500               350               (150)
Bond International Software plc                             120               348                 228
Zetar plc                                                   158               296                 138
Real Good Food Company plc                                  500               274               (226)
Sovereign Oilfield Group plc                                140               265                 125
SectorGuard plc                                             200               243                  43
Brooks Macdonald Group plc                                  156               251                  95
Top Ten Holdings plc                                        200               260                  60
Tissue Science Laboratories plc                             246               238                 (8)
Ovum plc                                                    150               156                   6
Cohort plc                                                  135               156                  21
Public Recruitment Group plc                                500               132               (368)
fountains plc                                               240               134               (106)
Invocas Group plc                                            80               131                  51
Abcam plc                                                    89               129                  40
Plethora Solutions Holdings plc                             122               117                 (5)
Jelf Group plc                                               78               116                  38
Inditherm plc                                               200                80               (120)
Belgravium Technologies plc                                  67                80                  13
Asfare Group plc                                             95                69                (26)
4Less Group plc                                             200                57               (143)
Dawmed Systems plc                                           79                42                (37)
Screen FX plc                                               244                33               (211)
Bright Futures Group plc                                    125                21               (104)

Total Qualifying Investments                              8,934             9,740                 806

Ten largest holdings in Ordinary share portfolio

Tanfield Group plc

Tanfield has a range of subsidiaries that are focused on providing zero emission
vehicles and industrial products.  Smith Electric Vehicles is one of the largest
manufacturers of electric vehicles in the world with more than 500 customers
operating both in the private and public sectors.  Norquip is one of the world's
leading providers of ground support equipment in the form of airport service
vehicles and passenger transfer units.  Another Tanfield division, Aerial
Access, is a manufacturer of electrically powered aerial lifts and access

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   285
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  656
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.11%

Cello Group plc

Cello Group was created as a vehicle to identify and acquire well-established
media services companies operating in niche markets. In October 2004 the company
raised #15 million to complete three acquisitions, provide working capital for
further growth and to float on AIM. Since November 2004, Cello has successfully
completed the acquisition of further companies.

Initial Investment                                                                                    October 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   500
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  635
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.59%

BBI Holdings plc

BBI develops and manufactures diagnostic tests for the point of care market. The
company derives income from the manufacture and supply of gold colloids, bespoke
product development for third parties and the manufacture of diagnostic tests
for industry partners. In April 2006, the company acquired Alchemy Laboratories
Ltd, a Dundee based company with operations in similar fields to BBI.

Initial Investment                                                                                      April 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   248
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  555
Equity Held                                                                                                  2.34%

TRL Electronics plc

TRL Electronics, a former division of Telematrix plc, floated on AIM in July
2004 at a price of 130p per share. The company is a specialist defence
electronics group focused on the protection against terrorism and subversive
threats, organised crime and drug trafficking. It designs and develops a range
of intercept, surveillance, electronic warfare and communications products,
which are supplied to military and Government security organisations around the
world. In May 2006 the company received an agreed bid from L-3 Communications, a
US company, at a price of 350p per share.

Initial Investment                                                                                       July 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   188
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  501
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.58%

Staffline Recruitment Group plc

Staffline is a specialist supplier of blue collar contract staff to industry. It
operates 21 branches throughout the UK and through "OnSite" operations located
in customers' premises.  The company also runs a division called Techsearch
which specialises in temporary and permanent placements in the engineering,
manufacturing, IT and technical sectors.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   300
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  491
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.77%

Media Square plc

Media Square is the holding company for a group of businesses engaged in a
diverse range of marketing communications, retail marketing services, specialist
advertising services and on-line advertising. Since it floated on AIM in 2000
the company has acquired more than 16 others and is now the fifth largest quoted
marketing communications and marketing services business based in the UK.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2003
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   303
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  458
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.69%

Disperse Group plc

Disperse Group operates in the branded cosmetics industry and comprises several
divisions. One of the divisions, Disperse Technology, owns patents associated
with technology concerning the absorption of cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams
and lotions into the skin. Disperse also owns Elizabeth French, a designer,
importer and distributor of branded cosmetic products. In June 2005 Disperse
acquired Woods of Windsor, an established operator in the premium quality
toiletry and home fragrance market.

Initial Investment                                                                                       July 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   500
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  444
Equity Held                                                                                                  3.25%

Autoclenz Holdings plc

Autoclenz is a leading provider of valet services to automotive retailers, car
auction houses, car supermarkets and car rental companies in the UK. The company
also provides specialist deep cleaning and decontamination services to rail
companies, prisons and the police.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   425
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  435
Equity Held                                                                                                  3.22%

Augean plc

Augean was incorporated in September 2004 in order to acquire assets in the
waste sector. The company raised a further #100 million on AIM in November 2004
to fund the purchase of two hazardous waste landfill sites: Atlantic Waste
Holdings and Zero Waste Holdings. Over the last twelve months the company has
acquired Proactive Waste Solutions and Credential Hazardous Waste, both of which
are leading hazardous waste treatment operators.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2004
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   500
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  436
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.67%

Strategic Thought Group plc

Strategic Thought is a technology and services company specialising in risk
management. The company's enterprise risk management system is used by a number
of leading companies and organisations such as NASA, Boeing, and BAE Systems.
The company also has a division which is focused on the provision of high
quality solutions and consultancy associated with the IBM WebSphere family of
products.  The company floated on AIM in July 2005 after raising #3 million.
Since then the company has won a number of significant new contracts.

Initial Investment                                                                                       July 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   194
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  409
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.61%

Review of 'C' share Portfolio

At 30 April 2006, the 'C' share portfolio comprised investments in 16 companies,
an increase of eight compared with the figure at 31 October 2005.  The portfolio
of investments in AIM quoted companies at the end of the period represented a
total of 33% of the 'C' share fund by net assets, with the remainder being held
in money market securities. This is in line with our expectations for the
portfolio at this stage. We expect to make a number of further investments in
AIM quoted companies in the coming months as we progress towards the HM Revenue
& Customs requirement to invest 70% of the 'C' share fund in VCT qualifying
investments by 31 October 2007.

We did not dispose of any holdings over the period, although we did take
advantage of an increase in the share price to reduce the holding in Sovereign
Oilfield Services, which was sold at a 42% premium to the purchase price.

Eight new investments were made during the period:

Autoclenz Holdings plc

Autoclenz, founded in 1990, is the UK's leading provider of valeting services to
automotive retailers, auction houses, rental companies and car supermarkets.
The company floated on AIM in December 2005, having previously been a subsidiary
of Yule Catto, the chemical company.

Clarity Commerce Solutions plc

Clarity is a leading supplier of management software solutions for the
entertainment, ticketing, hospitality, retail and leisure sectors.  The company
has won large contracts from companies such as Sodexho, the global catering

Plethora Solutions Holdings plc

Plethora is a speciality pharmaceutical company that is focused on the
development of products that are targeted at a range of urological and sexual

Jelf Group plc

Jelf provides commercial insurance, healthcare cover and financial services to
small-and medium-sized businesses.  The company was founded in 1989 and floated
on AIM during 2004.  Phoenix participated in a #4 million fundraising in
February 2006 at the time of Jelf's acquisition of Goss Group, an established
independent insurance broking and financial services business with four regional

Ovum plc

Ovum is a leading information, communication and technology research
consultancy. The company acts as a source of industry data, knowledge and
expertise on the commercial impact of technology, regulatory and market changes.
This data is packaged into detailed research documents and distributed through a
range of bespoke and tailored products. Current clients include IBM, BT, and
Vodafone as well as Government bodies such as the Department of Trade and

Invocas plc

Invocas is the leading provider of personal insolvency solutions in Scotland
with a 16% share of the Protected Trust Deed market.  The company has been
profitable and cash generative for the past seven years.  Demand in Scotland for
Protected Trust Deeds, which help individuals who are having difficulty
servicing their debt, grew by 14% in 2005 and is expected to grow by 20% in

Cohort plc

Cohort was incorporated to acquire Systems Consultants Services (SCS), a UK
based company providing training support and equipment trials to the defence
sector.  The market for technical services, outside of the recently privatised
government agency Qinetiq, is largely fragmented but has been consolidating.
Cohort's strategy is to acquire complementary technical services companies and
position them alongside the fast-growing SCS business.

BBI Holdings plc

BBI develops and manufactures diagnostic tests for the point of care market.
BBI has also established a healthcare division, the lead product of which is
GlucoGel, a dextrose gel that is used by diabetics.  BBI completed a #3 million
fund raising in May 2006 in order to complete the acquisition of its main
competitor, Alchemy.

The combined book cost of these eight investments was #825,000 and the market
value as at 30 April 2006 was #916,000.

A full list of the 'C' share qualifying investments is set out below.  There
were no non-qualifying investments at 30 April 2006.

AIM Listed Qualifying Investments                                 Book cost         Valuation         Unrealised
                                                                                 at Bid Price        gain/(loss)
                                                                      #'000             #'000              #'000
Tanfield Group plc                                                      160               184                 24
Clarity Commerce Solutions plc                                          183               183                  -
Autoclenz Holdings plc                                                  169               173                  4
Disperse Group plc                                                      160               160                  -
Strategic Thought Group plc                                              68               143                 75
SectorGuard plc                                                         100               121                 21
Sovereign Oilfield Group plc                                             62               118                 56
BBI Holdings plc                                                         93               108                 15
Ovum plc                                                                 94                97                  3
Cohort plc                                                               85                98                 13
Invocas Group plc                                                        50                82                 32
Plethora Solutions Holdings plc                                          81                78                (3)
InterQuest Group plc                                                     75                72                (3)
Jelf Group plc                                                           51                76                 25
Abcam plc                                                                44                65                 21
Belgravium Technologies plc                                              23                26                  3

Total Qualifying Investments                                          1,498             1,784                286

Ten largest holdings in 'C' share Portfolio

Tanfield Group plc

Tanfield has a range of subsidiaries that are focused on providing zero emission
vehicles and industrial products.  Smith Electric Vehicles is one of the largest
manufacturers of electric vehicles in the world with more than 500 customers
operating both in the private and public sectors.  Norquip is one of the world's
leading providers of ground support equipment in the form of airport service
vehicles and passenger transfer units.  Another Tanfield division, Aerial
Access, is a manufacturer of electrically powered aerial lifts and access

Initial Investment                                                                                        May 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   160
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  184
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.31%

Clarity Commerce Solutions plc

Clarity Commerce's principal activities encompass system solutions, software
tools for business management, marketing and decision support applications, and
IT support services. The company has secured contracts with cinema operators,
hotel and restaurant networks, bar operators, sport and leisure facilities and
high street retailers. The #1.95 million raised through a placing in April 2006
will be used to acquire Matra Systems, a global software and solutions provider
to the retail sector, and to provide further working capital.

Initial Investment                                                                                      April 2006
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   183
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  183
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.46%

Autoclenz Holdings plc

Autoclenz is a leading provider of valet services to automotive retailers, car
auction houses, car supermarkets and car rental companies in the UK. The company
also provides specialist deep cleaning and decontamination services to rail
companies, prisons and the police.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   169
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  173
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.27%

Disperse Group plc

Disperse Group operates in the branded cosmetics industry and comprises several
divisions. One of the divisions, Disperse Technology, owns patents associated
with technology concerning the absorption of cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams
and lotions into the skin. Disperse also owns Elizabeth French, a designer,
importer and distributor of branded cosmetic products. In June 2005 Disperse
acquired Woods of Windsor, an established operator in the premium quality
toiletry and home fragrance market.

Initial Investment                                                                                       June 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   160
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  160
Equity Held                                                                                                  1.17%

Strategic Thought Group plc

Strategic Thought is a technology and services company specialising in risk
management. The company's enterprise risk management system is used by a number
of leading companies and organisations such as NASA, Boeing, and BAE Systems.
The company also has a division which is focused on the provision of high
quality solutions and consultancy associated with the IBM WebSphere family of
products.  The company floated on AIM in July 2005 after raising #3 million.
Since then the company has won a number of significant new contracts.

Initial Investment                                                                                       July 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                    68
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  143
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.21%

SectorGuard plc

Sectorguard operates in the security industry, providing businesses with manned
guarding solutions, mobile patrols, key holding/alarm response and electronic
security services. The company floated on AIM in March 2002 and raised
additional funds in order to pursue further acquisitions in the manned guarding

Initial Investment                                                                                     August 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                   100
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  121
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.92%

Sovereign Oilfield Services plc

Sovereign Oilfield Group is an Aberdeen-based oil services group.  The company
provides engineering, fabrication and drilling services to a number of oil and
gas companies in the UK and internationally.  In addition, the company offers
high-technology solutions that can enhance the level of oil and gas drilling and

Initial Investment                                                                                  September 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                    62
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  118
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.27%

BBI Holdings plc

BBI develops and manufactures diagnostic tests for the point of care market. The
company derives income from the manufacture and supply of gold colloids, bespoke
product development for third parties and the manufacture of diagnostic tests
for industry partners. In April 2006, the company acquired Alchemy Laboratories
Ltd, a Dundee based company with operations in similar fields to BBI.

Initial Investment                                                                                   December 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                    93
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                  108
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.45%

Ovum plc

Ovum is a leading information, communication and technology research
consultancy. The company acts as a source of industry data, knowledge and
expertise on the commercial impact of technology, regulatory and market changes.
The data is packaged into detailed research documents and distributed through a
range of bespoke and tailored products. The company floated on AIM in March 2006
having raised #7 million to fund product development and acquisitions.

Initial Investment                                                                                      March 2005
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                    94
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                   97
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.40%

Cohort plc

Cohort was incorporated to acquire Systems Consultants Services (SCS), a UK
based company providing training support and equipment trials to the defence
sector. The company's strategy is to acquire complementary technical services
companies and position them side by side with the fast-growing SCS business. The
company floated on AIM in February 2006 having raised #5 million.

Initial Investment                                                                                   February 2006
Cost (#'000)                                                                                                    85
Valuation at 30.04.06 (#'000)                                                                                   98
Equity Held                                                                                                  0.31%

If you have any questions about the information set out in this review, please
contact one of the team on 020 7710 2800.

Profit and loss account
for the six months to 30 April 2006                           Ordinary Shares         'C' Shares            Total
                                                                        #'000              #'000            #'000
Gain on disposal of investments held at fair                              138                  6              144
Unrealised gain on fair value of investments                              712                248              960
Investment income                                                          92                143              235
Investment management fees                                              (133)               (59)            (192)
Other expenses                                                           (83)               (31)            (114)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                             726                307            1,033
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                                   -                  -                -
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                              726                307            1,033
Earnings per share                                                       6.5p               6.5p

Profit and loss account                                           (restated)*        (restated)*      (restated)*
for the period to 30 April 2005                               Ordinary Shares         'C' Shares            Total
                                                                        #'000              #'000            #'000

Gain on disposal of investments held at fair                              450                  -              450
Unrealised gain on fair value of investments                              710                  -              710
Investment income                                                         105                  5              110
Investment management fees                                              (145)                (4)            (149)
Other expenses                                                           (73)                (3)             (76)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before                             1,047                (2)            1,045
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                                   -                  -                -
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after                              1,047                (2)            1,045
Earnings/(loss) per share                                                9.4p             (1.0)p

Profit and loss account                                           (restated)*        (restated)*      (restated)*
for the period to 31 October 2005                             Ordinary Shares         'C' Shares            Total
                                                                        #'000              #'000            #'000

Gain on disposal of investments held at fair                              104                  -              104
Unrealised loss on fair value of investments                            (574)               (17)            (591)
Investment income                                                         165                 74              239
Investment management fees                                              (291)               (54)            (345)
Other expenses                                                          (177)               (46)            (223)
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                             (773)               (43)            (816)
Taxation on loss on ordinary activities                                     -                  -                -
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation                              (773)               (43)            (816)
Loss per share                                                         (6.9)p             (1.3)p

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the interim results for the
period ended 30 April 2005 and the statutory accounts for the period ended 31
October 2005 and have been restated in accordance with FRS21 in respect of
declared dividends and FRS26 in respect of the valuation of quoted investments
and the treatment of investments as at fair value through profit and loss as
disclosed in note 1.

Note of historical cost profits and losses
for the six months ended 30 April 2006                                 Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares        Total
                                                                                 #'000           #'000        #'000
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                      726             307        1,033
Realisation of prior years' net unrealised (loss)/gains on                          18               2           20
Historical cost (loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation               744             309        1,053
Historical cost (loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation                744             309        1,053

Note of historical cost profits and losses                                 (restated)*     (restated)*  (restated)*
for the period ended 30 April 2005                                     Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares        Total
                                                                                 #'000           #'000        #'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                             1,047             (2)        1,045
Realisation of prior years' net unrealised gains on investment                     390               -          390
Historical cost profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation             1,437             (2)        1,435
Historical cost profit/(loss)on ordinary activities after taxation               1,437             (2)        1,435

Note of historical cost profits and losses                                 (restated)*     (restated)*  (restated)*
for the period ended 31 October 2005                                   Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares        Total
                                                                                 #'000           #'000        #'000
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                      (773)            (43)        (816)
Realisation of prior years' net unrealised gains on investment                     680               -          680
Historical cost profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation              (93)            (43)        (136)
Historical cost profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation               (93)            (43)        (136)

Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2006
                                                      Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares         Total
                                                                #'000           #'000         #'000
Fixed asset investments                                         9,740           1,784        11,524
Current assets:
Investments                                                     1,665           2,976         4,641
Debtors                                                           252             136           388
Cash                                                             (96)             385           289
                                                                1,821           3,497         5,318
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                        (14)            (33)          (47)
Net current assets                                              1,807           3,464         5,271
Total assets less current liabilities                          11,547           5,248        16,795
Capital and reserves:
Share capital                                                   1,104             524         1,628
Share premium                                                     323           4,550         4,873
Special distributable reserve                                   9,168               -         9,168
Capital redemption reserve                                         52              10            62
Revaluation reserve                                               806             229         1,035
Profit and loss account                                            94            (65)            29
Shareholders' funds                                            11,547           5,248        16,795
Net asset value per share                                      104.6p          100.1p
 Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2005
                                                          (restated)*     (restated)*   (restated)*
                                                      Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares         Total
                                                                #'000           #'000         #'000
Fixed asset investments                                        10,056               -        10,056
Current assets:
Investments                                                     2,668               -         2,668
Debtors                                                             9               -             9
Cash                                                              474           2,691         3,165
                                                                3,151           2,691         5,842
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                        (30)               -          (30)
Net current assets                                              3,121           2,691         5,812
Total assets less current liabilities                          13,177           2,691        15,868
Capital and reserves:
Share capital                                                   1,115             260         1,375
Share premium                                                       -           2,213         2,213
Special distributable reserve                                   9,615               -         9,615
Shares to be issued                                                 -             220           220
Capital redemption reserve                                          7               -             7
Revaluation reserve                                             1,668               -         1,668
Profit and loss account                                           772             (2)           770
Shareholders' funds                                            13,177           2,691        15,868
Net asset value per share                                      118.2p           94.9p

The interim accounts were approved by the Directors on 27 July 2006 and signed
on their behalf by:


Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2005
                                                          (restated)*     (restated)*   (restated)*
                                                      Ordinary Shares      'C' Shares         Total
                                                                #'000           #'000         #'000
Fixed asset investments                                         8,422             690         9,112
Current assets:
Investments                                                     1,865           4,030         5,895
Debtors                                                            19               5            24
Cash                                                              745             287         1,032
                                                                2,629           4,322         6,951
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                       (109)            (95)         (204)
Net current assets                                              2,520           4,227         6,747
Total assets less current liabilities                          10,942           4,917        15,859
Capital and reserves:
Share capital                                                   1,118             522         1,640
Share premium                                                      54           4,438         4,492
Special distributable reserve                                   9,587               -         9,587
Capital redemption reserve                                          9               -             9
Revaluation reserve                                                94            (17)            77
Profit and loss account                                            80            (26)            54
Shareholders' funds                                            10,942           4,917        15,859
Net asset value per share                                       97.9p           94.2p

* Comparative figures have been extracted from the interim results for the
period ended 30 April 2005 and the statutory accounts for the period ended 31
October 2005 and have been restated in accordance with FRS21 in respect of
declared dividends and FRS26 in respect of the valuation of quoted investments
and the treatment of investments as at fair value through profit and loss as
disclosed in note 1.

Cash Flow Statement
for the six months to 30 April 2006                         Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares           Total
                                                                      #'000             #'000           #'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities                            (452)             (139)           (591)
Financial investment:
Purchase of listed securities                                       (1,356)             (806)         (2,162)
Sale of listed securities                                               889                22             911
Net cash outflow from financial investment                            (467)             (784)         (1,251)

Management of liquid resources:
Return of cash investments                                              199               996           1,195
Issue of own shares                                                     308               125             433
Purchase of own shares                                                (420)             (100)           (520)
Share issue expenses                                                    (9)                 -             (9)
(Decrease)/increase in cash resources                                 (841)                98           (743)

Cash Flow Statement                                             (restated)*       (restated)*     (restated)*
for the period ended 30 April 2005                          Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares           Total
                                                                      #'000             #'000           #'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities                              (8)               (2)            (10)
Financial investment:
Purchase of listed securities                                       (4,070)                 -         (4,070)
Sale of listed securities                                             1,637                 -           1,637
Net cash outflow from financial investment                          (2,433)                 -         (2,433)

Equity dividends paid                                                 (280)                 -           (280)
Management of liquid resources:
Return of cash investments                                            3,173                 -           3,173
Issue of own shares                                                       -             2,693           2,693
Purchase of own shares                                                 (40)                 -            (40)
Increase in cash resources                                              412             2,691           3,103

Cash Flow Statement                                                   (restated)*       (restated)*    (restated)*
for the period ended 31 October 2005                              Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares          Total
                                                                            #'000             #'000          #'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                         (129)                64           (65)
Financial investment:
Purchase of listed securities                                             (4,798)             (707)        (5,505)
Sale of listed securities                                                   2,368                 -          2,368
Net cash outflow from financial investment                                (2,430)             (707)        (3,137)

Equity dividends paid                                                       (726)                 -          (726)
Management of liquid resources:
Return/(purchase) of cash investments                                       3,976           (4,030)           (54)
Issue of own shares                                                            59             5,112          5,171
Purchase of own shares                                                       (67)                 -           (67)
Share issue expenses                                                            -             (152)          (152)
Increase in cash resources                                                    683               287            970

Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from
operating activities for the six months to 30 April
                                                                  Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares          Total
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                      726               307          1,033
Gain on disposal of fixed asset investments                                 (138)               (6)          (144)
Unrealised gain on fair value of investments                                (712)             (248)          (960)
Increase in debtors                                                         (233)             (131)          (364)
Decrease in creditors                                                        (95)              (61)          (156)
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                  (452)             (139)          (591)

Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from                  (restated)*       (restated)*    (restated)*
operating activities for the period ended 30 April
                                                                  Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares          Total
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                    1,047               (2)          1,045
Gain on disposal of fixed asset investments                                 (450)                 -          (450)
Unrealised gain on fair value of investments                                (710)                 -          (710)
Decrease in debtors                                                            97                 -             97
Increase in creditors                                                           8                 -              8
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                    (8)               (2)           (10)

Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from                  (restated)*       (restated)*    (restated)*
operating activities for the period ended 31 October
                                                                  Ordinary Shares        'C' Shares          Total
Loss on ordinary activities before tax                                      (773)              (43)          (816)
Gain on disposal of fixed asset investments                                 (104)                 -          (104)
Unrealised loss on fair value of investments                                  574                17            591
Decrease in debtors                                                            87               (5)             82
Increase in creditors                                                          87                95            182
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                         (129)                64           (65)

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                                                      Ordinary Shares   'C' Shares           Total
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1 November 2005                                #'000        #'000           #'000
As previously reported                                                         11,229        4,946          16,175
Prior year adjustment:
Adjustment in valuation of quoted investments to bid price                      (287)         (29)           (316)
As restated                                                                    10,942        4,917          15,859

Return on ordinary activities after tax                                           726          307           1,015
Net proceeds of share issue                                                       299          124             423
Shares purchased for cancellation                                               (420)        (100)           (520)
Equity shareholders funds at 30 April 2006                                     11,547        5,248          16,795

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                                                      Ordinary Shares   'C' Shares           Total
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1 November 2004                                #'000        #'000           #'000
As previously reported                                                         12,405            -          12,405
Prior year adjustment:
Adjustment in valuation of quoted investments to bid price                      (236)            -           (236)
Proposed dividend not accounted for until declared and paid                       281            -             281
As restated                                                                    12,450            -          12,450

Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after                                      1,047          (2)           1,045
Dividends recognised in                                                         (280)            -           (280)
Shares awaiting issue                                                                          220             220
Net proceeds of share issue                                                         0        2,473           2,473
Shares purchased for cancellation                                                (40)            -            (40)
Equity shareholders funds at 30 April 2005                                     13,177        2,691          15,868

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                                                      Ordinary Shares   'C' Shares           Total
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1 November 2004                                #'000        #'000           #'000
As previously reported                                                         12,405            -          12,405
Prior year adjustment:
Adjustment in valuation of quoted investments to bid price                      (236)            -           (236)
Proposed dividend not accounted for until declared and paid                       281            -             281
As restated                                                                    12,450            -          12,450

Loss on ordinary activities after tax                                           (773)         (43)           (816)
Dividends recognised in                                                         (726)            -           (726)
Net proceeds of share issue                                                        59        4,960           5,019
Shares purchased for cancellation                                                (68)            -            (68)
Equity shareholders funds at 31 October 2005                                   10,942        4,917          15,859

Notes to the interim financial statements

1.             Accounting policies

The Company is required to comply with a number of new UK Financial Reporting
Standards (FRSs) in presenting its financial statements for the year ending 31
October 2006.  These standards have been introduced as part of the process of
converging UK standards with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The financial information provided in the unaudited interim results for the
six months ended 30 April 2006 has been prepared on a consistent basis with the
accounting policies as disclosed in the Company's annual report and accounts for
the period ended 31 October 2005 except for such changes as are required by the
new FRSs.  These changes arise from the adoption of FRS21 "Events after the
Balance Sheet Date" and FRS26 "Financial Instruments: Measurement".

The nature and effect of these changes are explained below and the comparative
figures for the period ended 30 April 2005 and the year ended 31 October 2005
have been restated accordingly.

Under FRS21, dividends to shareholders are accounted for in the period in which
the company is liable to pay them rather than in the period in respect of which
they are declared.  Therefore, the dividend of #446,000 that was shown as
proposed in the 2005 Interim Report and Accounts has been added back to the
profit and loss account and deducted from creditors in the comparative figures
for the period ended 30 April 2005, and has been recognised as paid in the six
months ended 31 October 2005. Also the dividend of #281,000 that was proposed in
the Annual Report and Accounts for the period to 31 October 2004 has been added
back to the profit and loss account and deducted from creditors and recognised
as paid in the six months ended 30 April 2005.

Under FRS26, quoted investments are valued at bid price rather than mid-market
price.  The effect of this is to decrease the valuations at which such
investments are stated in the balance sheet and to decrease the unrealised gains
on investments shown in the capital column of the statement of total return.
This change resulted in reductions of #329,000 and #287,000 in the valuation of
Ordinary share fixed asset investments at 30 April 2005 and 31 October 2005
respectively and a corresponding decrease in the unrealised revaluation reserve
at those dates.  This change also resulted in a reduction of #29,000 in the
valuation of 'C' share fixed asset investments at 31 October 2005 and a
corresponding decrease in the unrealised revaluation reserve at these dates.

The Company invests in financial assets with a view to profiting from their
total return through income and capital growth. These investments are managed
and their performance is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with a
documented investment strategy. Accordingly as permitted by FRS 26, the
investments are designated as at fair value through profit and loss. Unrealised
gains or losses on valuation are now recognised through the profit and loss

The interim results for the six months ended 30 April 2006 and the period ended
30 April 2005 do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985 and have not been audited or delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.  The comparative figures for the period ended 31 October
2005 have been extracted, before restatement, from the audited financial
statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The independent auditors' report on those financial statements under
Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified.

2.             Earnings per share

Ordinary Share

The earnings per share is based on a profit from ordinary activities after tax
of #726,000 and on 11,116,657 shares, being the weighted-average number of
shares in issue during the period (31/10/05 -#(773,000) and 11,171,000 shares &
30/04/2005 - #1,047,000 and 11,188,361 shares).

'C' Share

The earnings per share is based on a profit from ordinary activities after tax
of #307,000 and on 4,699,457 shares, being the weighted-average number of shares
in issue during the period (31/10/2005 - #(43,000) and 3,436,012 shares & 30/04/
2005 - #(2,000) and 193,521 shares).

There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, therefore,
no diluted return per share figures are relevant.

3.             Net asset value per share

             The calculation of net asset value per ordinary share is based on
the net assets at 30 April 2006 and on 11,036,298 (30 April 2005:11,186,882 and
31 October 2005:11,176,407) being the number of shares in issue at the same
date. It should be noted that the value of shares awaiting issue are excluded
from this calculation.

             The calculation of net asset value per 'C' share is based on the
net assets at 30 April 2006 and on 5,244,505 (30 April 2005:2,603,275 and 31
October 2005:5,221,188) being the number of shares in issue at the same date. It
should be noted that the value of shares awaiting issue are excluded from this

4.             The proposed interim dividend of 1.0p per share for the year
ending 31 October 2006 will be paid on 7 September 2006 to shareholders on the
register at the close of business on 11 August 2006.

5.          Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders. Copies
are available from the registered office of the Company at 8 Angel Court,
London, EC2R 7HP.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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