RNS Number : 3059P

Paternoster Resources PLC

05 June 2015

5 June 2015

Paternoster Resources plc

("Paternoster" or the "Company")

Final results for the year ended 31 December 2014

Paternoster Resources plc (AIM: PRS), an investment company focused on the natural resources sector, is pleased to announce its audited final results for the year ended 31 December 2014.


   --   Loss from continuing operations of GBP120,372 (2013: loss of GBP21,144). 
   --   Net asset value at 31 December 2014 of GBP2,758,784 (2013: GBP2,644,268). 

-- Cash balances and highly liquid investments at 31 December 2014 of GBP576,639 (2013: GBP1,071,921)

Nicholas Lee, Chairman of Paternoster, commented: "The Company has made good progress with its current portfolio, whilst seeking to add more interesting and attractive investments. At the same time, given the current market environment, the Company is keen to ensure that it maintains a healthy cash balance or cash equivalents in order to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

The current portfolio represents an exciting mix of companies, a number of which are poised for significant further developments."

For more information please visit www.PaternosterResources.com or contact:

Paternoster Resources plc:

   Nicholas Lee, Executive Chairman                                         +44 (0) 20 7580 7576 
   Matt Lofgran, Non-Executive Director                                    +1 480 993 8933 (US) 
   Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker:                                     +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 

Westhouse Securities

Antonio Bossi/David Coaten

Joint Broker: +44 (0) 20 7562 3351

Peterhouse Corporate Finance

Lucy Williams

Executive Chairman's statement


The year ended 31 December 2014, has been a year of significant progress for the Company within its existing investment portfolio, with improving liquidity and value appreciation.


During 2014, the Company made a loss from continuing operations of GBP120,372 (2013: loss of GBP21,144). The net asset value of the Company as at 31 December 2014 was GBP2,758,784 (2013: GBP2,644,268).

The Company's investment portfolio at 31 December 2014, is divided into the following categories:

 Category                Principal investments            Cost or valuation 
----------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------ 
                         Bison Energy Services 
                          Limited, Andiamo Exploration 
 Unlisted/pre             Limited and Elephant 
  IPO                     Oil Limited                               674,692 
                         Metal Tiger plc, MX 
                          Oil plc, Plutus Powergen 
                          plc, Shumba Coal Limited 
 Listed special           and Northcote Energy 
  situations              plc                                     1,399,524 
 Investment portfolio                                             2,074,216 
 Cash and highly 
  liquid listed 
  investments                                                       576,639 
 Total                                                            2,650,855 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------------ 

At 31 December 2014, the Company had cash balances and highly liquid investments amounting to GBP576,639 (2013: GBP1,071,921). However, it is important to note that a number of investments held within the listed category can be moved into cash when additional investment opportunities present themselves.


Details of the investments made in the year, together with development of investments during the year and significant developments since the year end are set out in the Strategic Report.

In September 2014, the Board was strengthened with the appointment of Matt Lofgran as a Director. Mr. Lofgran is also CEO of AIM listed Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company plc and brings global experience in mining and oil and gas, both from the investment and operational sides.

In December 2014, Paternoster raised gross proceeds of GBP242,250 via a placing of 95,000,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 0.255 pence per share, a 7.5% discount to the then prevailing market price. As a consequence, the Board is very pleased to welcome a number of investors as new shareholders in the Company.


The Company has made good progress with its current portfolio, whilst seeking to add more interesting and attractive investments. At the same time, given the current market environment, the Company is keen to ensure that it maintains a healthy cash balance or cash equivalents in order to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

The current portfolio represents an exciting mix of companies, a number of which are poised for significant further developments.

Strategic Report

The Directors present their Strategic Report on the Company for the year ended 31 December 2014.



During the year, Paternoster made an investment in Elephant Oil Limited, an oil and gas exploration company focused on West Africa. Its current asset is a 100% interest in Block B, onshore Benin, on the prolific West Africa Transform Margin. Work is taking place in preparation for a planned seismic acquisition program. Hunt Oil, operator of Block 2 diagonally adjacent to Elephant Oil's Block B, commenced drilling operations in October 2014. Shell and Petrobras have also now begun drilling. Elephant Oil has continued to progress its work programme in Bénin. The company has recently begun the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") covering the area of interest where future surveys and drilling are to be targeted. The EIA is a prerequisite to the new seismic acquisition programme planned in 2016. The company has also identified further potential acquisitions in West Africa and due diligence is being carried out on selected assets.

The Company has continued to take profits on its investment in Quadrise Fuels International plc during the year, and has now sold its entire holding.



Andiamo Exploration Limited continues to progress its Yacob Dewar deposit in Eritrea. During the year, funding of $1.5 million has been provided by Ortac Resources Limited, an exploration and mine development company listed on AIM. Assay results from the trenching programme confirm high grade gold and oxide copper mineralisation and the company is confident that it can develop a commercial gold-copper project.


Plutus PowerGen plc (formerly Plutus Resources plc) completed the acquisition of Plutus Energy Limited, a company established for the purpose of generating power from flexible stand-by power generation farms and generating revenues through the sale of this power to large energy supply companies during periods of peak electricity demand or Grid instability. The company came back onto the market and raised GBP800,000 to fund the working capital requirements of the enlarged group. The company has also entered into funding arrangements with Rockpool Investments to provide the equity financing component for a number of the company's planned sites. This would amount to around GBP34 million of equity. The company is continuing to make good progress in developing 200MW of flexible energy generation in the UK and now has connection offers for 180MW of capacity on five sites. It is also in the process of securing two management contracts which will generate some immediate income and it has also received two offers of asset finance for GBP2.5 million to complement equity funding from Rockpool Investments.


North American Petroleum plc started the year by raising $725,000 in February 2014 and acquiring additional acreage through acquiring working interests in additional properties. Since then it has agreed to sell its assets to Northcote Energy in return for shares. This acquisition has now been completed with Northcote Energy raising over GBP1.5 million in new funds. Paternoster will be receiving shares in Northcote Energy in exchange for the shares it holds in North American Petroleum. This transaction is a very positive development providing enhanced liquidity for Paternoster's investment as Northcote Energy is listed on AIM.

Recently, the company contracted a drilling rig for a new well on its Shoats Creek prospect where it plans to drill shortly. In addition to its exploration and production operations in the USA, Northcote has also been increasing its exposure to the oil and gas sector in Mexico. The company has appointed a new Executive Vice President for Mexico and has also announced a partnership with Gaia Ecologica S.A. DE C.V, a Mexican environmental service company in order to look at new business opportunities together. In May 2015, the company raised an additional GBP2.8 million and so is well funded to pursue its current business plan. The Northcote Energy share price has increased significantly since the announcement of the acquisition of the North American Petroleum assets.


MX Oil (formerly Astar Minerals plc) has made very good progress in pursuing its strategy of focusing on oil and gas opportunities in Mexico. In particular, it has raised over GBP3 million this year and has entered into a joint venture with Geo Estratos, an established Mexican oil and gas services company.

MX Oil is continuing to work towards securing onshore conventional acreage in Mexico. The tender, known as Bid Round 1, for mature onshore conventional fields in the states of Tabasco, Veracruz and Tamaulipas will open shortly. Furthermore, a recent announcement by the President of the National Hydrocarbons Commission has said that for the third phase of Bid Round 1, those companies that can demonstrate extensive experience in either working with Pemex, the state owned oil company, or a proven track record of developing onshore fields will be prioritized. Given the track record of the company's partner, Geo Estratos, in working with Pemex, this clearly enhances the likelihood of MX Oil being able to secure a licence. As well as participating in Bid Round 1, the company is also working alongside its partner Geo Estratos, to secure existing fields operated by Pemex, via farm out agreements. The share price of MX Oil has increased very significantly since the placing at 1 pence per share in March 2014 when the company adopted this revised focus and the board was strengthened.


Metal Tiger plc (formerly Brady Exploration plc) raised circa GBP400,000 of new funds in May 2014 to focus on investment opportunities in the mining sector in the South East Asia region. Terry Grammer, a highly regarded geologist, has recently been appointed as Chairman and the company has now entered into a memorandum of understanding to enable it to access various gold prospective properties in Thailand.

More recently, the company has revised its strategy and established two distinct investment divisions. The Direct Equities Investment division is focused on taking advantage of the low valuations of many listed junior resource companies. This division has made investments in companies such as Kibo, Eurasia and Ariana and has already realised some significant profits. The Direct Projects Investment division will continue to invest directly in projects in the natural resources sector. This division has been progressing a number of its projects - drilling has commenced at its Lagrosan gold and tungsten project in Spain and operations have also started at its gold project at Chanthaburi in Thailand. The company has also raised some additional funding at the prevailing market price underpinning the company's current valuation.


Shumba Coal, continues to progress its feasibility studies and full environmental impact assessment in connection with its 1 billion tonnes JORC resource compliant coal asset in Botswana. Recently completed mine preliminary feasibility studies have indicated enough mine reserves to support over 30 years of low cost mining to supply a 300MW power station. In the short term, it expects to be able to start supplying coal to the Morupule area by 2016. It is also looking at the possibility of a power plant being constructed on its site given the high demand for power in the region, and also at exporting its coal - the Morupule mine is already exporting coal to Europe via Durban and Maputo. The company has now achieved its listing on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and it has also recently successfully raised $3.1 million from various institutional investors including some major Mauritian investors.

More recently, the company has reached an agreement for the acquisition of the Mabesekwa Prospecting Licence in Botswana. The estimated JORC in-situ coal resource is over 800 million tonnes, predominately contained in one coal seam, with an average seam thicknesses of greater than 18 metres with a flat and consistent profile with the coal found at average depths of 50-60 metres, to be accessed by open strip mining. Shumba has also executed an agreement with Mulilo Renewable Project Developments for the joint development of the Mabesekwa Export Independent Power Plant at the Mabesekwa Coal Project. The company has also just raised US$2.75 million to finance this expansion at a 27% premium to the prevailing share price, demonstrating a good level of support from investors.


This company is currently in the process of being reorganized in order to be better positioned to explore the various options available to it in order to capitalize on its deposit of frac sand and associated permits in the US.


The key performance indicators are set out below:

COMPANY STATISTICS                 31 December   31 December 
                                          2014          2013  Change % 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
Net asset value                   GBP2,758,784  GBP2,644,268       +4% 
Net asset value - fully diluted 
 per share                              0.404p        0.430p       -6% 
Closing share price                     0.245p        0.340p      -28% 
Share price discount to net 
 asset value - fully diluted             (39%)         (21%) 
Market capitalisation             GBP1,648,500  GBP1,965,000      -16% 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 


Early stage investments in the natural resources sector carry a high level of risk and uncertainty, although the rewards can be outstanding. At this stage there can be no certainty of outcome and, in addition, there is often a lack of liquidity in the Company's investments that are either unquoted or quoted on AIM, such that the Company may have difficulty in realising the full value in a forced sale. Accordingly, a commitment is only made after thorough research into both the management and the business of the target, both of which are closely monitored thereafter. Furthermore, the Company limits the amount of each commitment, both as to the absolute amount and percentage of the target company. Details of other financial risks and their management are given in Note 18 to the financial statements.


Details of the Company's financial risk management objectives and policies are set out in Note 18 to these financial statements.


The Company's assets comprise mainly cash and quoted securities and, accordingly, the Company has adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the directors believe that as at the date of this report it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

Statement of comprehensive income

                                                  2014       2013 
                                                   GBP        GBP 
------------------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
Consultancy income                               4,000          - 
Net gains on investments                        91,981    164,301 
Investment income                               25,263     74,110 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
TOTAL INCOME                                   121,244    238,411 
Operating expenses                           (241,616)  (259,555) 
LOSS BEFORE TAXATION                         (120,372)   (21,144) 
Taxation                                             -          - 
------------------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
 EXPENSE                                     (120,372)   (21,144) 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
Basic and fully diluted loss per 
 share                                        (0.021p)   (0.004p) 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

*The results for 2013 have been restated to reflect the results only of the Company

Statement of changes in equity

                                 Share       Share        (Note      Retained       Total 
                               capital     premium          18)        losses      equity 
                                   GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP         GBP 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  2013                       3,830,796   2,774,849       70,109   (4,031,415)   2,644,339 
 Loss for the year 
  and total comprehensive 
  expense                            -           -            -      (21,144)    (21,144) 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Share based payment 
  costs                              -           -       21,073             -      21,073 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners                             -           -       21,073             -      21,073 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  2013                       3,830,796   2,774,849       91,182   (4,052,559)   2,644,268 
 Loss for the year 
  and total comprehensive 
  expense                            -           -            -     (120,372)   (120,372) 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Share issue                    95,000     147,250            -             -     242,250 
 Share issue costs                   -    (20,592)            -             -    (20,592) 
 Share based payment 
  costs                              -           -       13,230             -      13,230 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners                        95,000     126,658       13,230             -     234,888 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  2014                       3,925,796   2,901,507      104,412   (4,172,931)   2,758,784 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 

Statement of financial position

                                       2014         2013 
                                        GBP          GBP 
-----------------------------   -----------  ----------- 
Investments held for trading      2,291,761    2,028,984 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                  2,291,761    2,028,984 
 -----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Trade and other receivables         172,626      245,481 
Cash and cash equivalents           359,094      400,578 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                    531,720      646,059 
 -----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
TOTAL ASSETS                      2,823,481    2,675,043 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Trade and other payables             64,697       30,775 
                                     64,697       30,775 
 -----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
NET ASSETS                        2,758,784    2,644,268 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Share capital                     3,925,796    3,830,796 
Share premium account             2,901,507    2,774,849 
Capital redemption reserve           27,000       27,000 
Share option reserve                 77,412       64,182 
Retained losses                 (4,172,931)  (4,052,559) 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
TOTAL EQUITY                      2,758,784    2,644,268 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Statement of cash flow

                                           2014         2013 
                                            GBP          GBP 
-----------------------------------   ---------  ----------- 
Loss before tax - continuing 
 operations                           (120,372)     (21,144) 
Share based payment expense              13,230       21,073 
Investment income                      (25,263)     (74,110) 
Net gains on investments               (91,981)    (164,301) 
 MOVEMENTS IN WORKING CAPITAL         (224,386)    (238,482) 
Decrease/(increase) in trade 
 and other receivables                   12,855    (137,731) 
Increase/(decrease) in trade 
 and other payables                      33,922      (6,197) 
 ACTIVITIES                           (177,609)    (382,410) 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
Purchase of investments               (722,826)    (892,806) 
Disposal of investments                 552,030      227,731 
Repayment of loans and receivables       60,000            - 
Investment income received               25,263        6,886 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
 ACTIVITIES                            (85,533)    (658,189) 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
Gross proceeds of share 
 issues                                 242,250            - 
Share issue expenses                   (20,592)            - 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
NET CASH FROM FINANCINGACTIVITIES       221,658            - 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
 CASH EQUIVALENTS                      (41,484)  (1,040,599) 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the beginning of the 
 year                                   400,578    1,441,177 
 AT THE END OF THE YEAR                 359,094      400,578 
------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 

Notes to the financial statements

   The principal accounting policies adopted 
    in the preparation of these financial statements 
    are set out below. These policies have been 
    consistently applied throughout all periods 
    presented in the financial statements. 
    As in prior periods, the Company financial 
    statements have been prepared in accordance 
    with International Financial Reporting Standards 
    (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. The 
    financial statements have been prepared using 
    the measurement bases specified by IFRS for 
    each type of asset, liability, income and 
    expense. The measurement bases are more fully 
    described in the accounting policies below. 
    The financial statements are presented in 
    pounds sterling (GBP) which is the functional 
    currency of the Company. 
    At the year end Paternoster Resources plc 
    had one wholly owned subsidiary, Viridas Brasil 
    Agronegocios Ltd, a company incorporated in 
    Brazil which has not traded since incorporation 
    and which has no material assets or liabilities. 
    The Company's only other subsidiary, Viridas 
    GmbH, a company incorporated in Germany was 
    dissolved following the payment of a final 
    distribution to the Company in January 2014, 
    which was included in the accounts for 2013. 
    As such, no consolidated financial statements 
    have been prepared on the basis that in accordance 
    with section 405 of the Companies Act 2006 
    the inclusion of these two companies is not 
    material for the purpose of giving a true 
    and fair view. The 2013 financial statements 
    were prepared on a consolidated basis, so 
    on the income statement the comparative figures 
    for 2013 have been restated to reflect the 
    results only of the Company. 
    An overview of standards, amendments and interpretations 
    to IFRSs issued but not yet effective, and 
    which have not been adopted early by the Company 
    are presented below under 'Statement of Compliance'. 
    The directors have, at the time of approving 
    the financial statements, a reasonable expectation 
    that the Company and the Group have adequate 
    resources to continue in existence for the 
    foreseeable future. Thus they continue to 
    adopt the going concern basis of accounting 
    in preparing the financial statements. 
    The preparation of financial statements in 
    conformity with IFRS requires the use of estimates 
    and assumptions that affect the reported amounts 
    of assets and liabilities at the date of the 
    financial statements and the reported amounts 
    of revenues and expenses during the reporting 
    year. These estimates and assumptions are 
    based upon management's knowledge and experience 
    of the amounts, events or actions. Actual 
    results may differ from such estimates. 
    Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated 
    and are based on historical experience and 
    other factors, including expectations of future 
    events that are believed to be reasonable 
    under the circumstances. 
    In certain circumstances, where fair value 
    cannot be readily established, the Company 
    is required to make judgements over carrying 
    value impairment, and evaluate the size of 
    any impairment required. 
    The calculation of the fair value of equity-settled 
    share based awards and the resulting charge 
    to the statement of comprehensive income requires 
    assumptions to be made regarding future events 
    and market conditions. These assumptions include 
    the future volatility of the Company's share 
    price. These assumptions are then applied 
    to a recognised valuation model in order to 
    calculate the fair value of the awards. 
    The Company holds investments that have been 
    designated as held for trading on initial 
    recognition. Where practicable the Company 
    determines the fair value of these financial 
    instruments that are not quoted (Level 3), 
    using the most recent bid price at which a 
    transaction has been carried out. These techniques 
    are significantly affected by certain key 
    assumptions, such as market liquidity. Other 
    valuation methodologies such as discounted 
    cash flow analysis assess estimates of future 
    cash flows and it is important to recognise 
    that in that regard, the derived fair value 
    estimates cannot always be substantiated by 
    comparison with independent markets and, in 
    many cases, may not be capable of being realised 
    The financial statements comply with IFRS 
    as adopted by the European Union. At the date 
    of authorisation of these financial statements 
    the following Standards and Interpretations 
    affecting the Company, which have not been 
    applied in these financial statements, were 
    in issue, but not yet effective. The company 
    does not plan to adopt these standards early. 
   -- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments 
    -- IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers 
    -- IFRS 11 (amendments) Accounting for Acquisitions 
    of Interests in Joint Operations 
    -- IAS 16 and IAS 38 (amendments) Clarification 
    of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and 
    -- IAS 19 (amendments) Defined Benefit Plans: 
    Employee Contributions 
    -- IAS 27 (amendments) Equity Method in Separate 
    Financial Statements 
    -- IFRS 10 and IAS 28 (amendments) Sale or 
    Contribution of Assets between an Investor 
    and its Associate or Joint Venture 
    -- Annual Improvements to IFRSs: 2010-2012 
    Amendments to: IFRS 2 Share-based Payment, 
    IFRS 3 Business Combinations, IFRS 8 Operating 
    Segments, IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, 
    IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, IAS 
    24 Related Party Disclosures and IAS 38 Intangible 
    -- Annual Improvements to IFRSs: 2011-2013 
    Amendments to: IFRS 3 Business Combinations, 
    IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement and IAS 40 
    Investment Property 
    -- Annual Improvements to IFRSs: 2012-2014 
    Cycle Amendments to: IFRS 5 Non-current Assets 
    Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, 
    IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures, 
    IAS 19 Employee Benefits and IAS 34 Interim 
    Financial Reporting 
   The Directors anticipate that the adoption 
    of the above Standards and Interpretations 
    in future periods will have little or no impact 
    on the financial statements of the Company. 
    Dividend income from financial assets at fair 
    value through profit or loss is recognised 
    in the statement of comprehensive income on 
    an ex-dividend basis. Interest on fixed interest 
    debt securities is recognised using the effective 
    interest rate method. Bank deposit interest 
    is recognised on an accruals basis. 
    Consultancy fees are recognised over the period 
    that the services are provided. 
    Current taxation is the taxation currently 
    payable on taxable profit for the year. 
    Deferred income taxes are calculated using 
    the liability method on temporary differences. 
    Deferred tax is generally provided on the 
    difference between the carrying amounts of 
    assets and liabilities and their tax bases. 
    However, deferred tax is not provided on the 
    initial recognition of an asset or liability 
    unless the related transaction is a business 
    combination or affects tax or accounting profit. 
    Temporary differences include those associated 
    with shares in subsidiaries and joint ventures 
    and are only not recognised if the Company 
    controls the reversal of the difference and 
    it is not expected for the foreseeable future. 
    In addition, tax losses available to be carried 
    forward as well as other income tax credits 
    to the Company are assessed for recognition 
    as deferred tax assets. 
    Deferred tax liabilities are provided in full, 
    with no discounting. Deferred tax assets are 
    recognised to the extent that it is probable 
    that the underlying deductible temporary differences 
    will be able to be offset against future taxable 
    income. Current and deferred tax assets and 
    liabilities are calculated at tax rates that 
    are expected to apply to their respective 
    period of realisation, provided they are enacted 
    or substantively enacted at the statement 
    of financial position date. Changes in deferred 
    tax assets or liabilities are recognised as 
    a component of tax expense in the income statement, 
    except where they relate to items that are 
    charged or credited to equity in which case 
    the related deferred tax is also charged or 
    credited directly to equity. 
    The accounting policy for identifying segments 
    is now based on internal management reporting 
    information that is regularly reviewed by 
    the chief operating decision maker, which 
    is identified as the Board of Directors. 
    In identifying its operating segments, management 
    generally follows the Company's service lines 
    which represent the main products and services 
    provided by the Company. The Directors believe 
    that the Company's continuing investment operations 
    comprise one segment. 
    The Company's financial assets comprise investments 
    held for trading, associated undertakings, 
    cash and cash equivalents and loans and receivables. 
    All investments determined upon initial recognition 
    as held at fair value through profit or loss 
    were designated as investments held for trading. 
    Investment transactions are accounted for 
    on a trade date basis. Assets are de-recognised 
    at the trade date of the disposal. Assets 
    are sold at their fair value, which comprises 
    the proceeds of sale less any transaction 
    cost. The fair value of the financial instruments 
    in the balance sheet is based on the quoted 
    bid price at the balance sheet date, with 
    no deduction for any estimated future selling 
    cost. Unquoted investments are valued by the 
    directors using primary valuation techniques 
    such as recent transactions, last price and 
    net asset value. Changes in the fair value 
    of investments held at fair value through 
    profit or loss and gains and losses on disposal 
    are recognised in the consolidated statement 
    of comprehensive income as "Net gains on investments". 
    Investments are initially measured at fair 
    value plus incidental acquisition costs. Subsequently, 
    they are measured at fair value in accordance 
    with IAS 39. This is either the bid price 
    or the last traded price, depending on the 
    convention of the exchange on which the investment 
    is quoted. 
    Associated undertakings are those entities 
    in which the Company has significant influence, 
    but not control, over the financial and operating 
    policies. Investments that are held as part 
    of the Company's investment portfolio are 
    carried in the statement of financial position 
    at fair value even though the Company may 
    have significant influence over those companies. 
    This treatment is permitted by IAS 28 "Investment 
    in Associates", which requires investments 
    held by a company as a venture capital provider 
    to be excluded from its scope where those 
    investments are designated, upon initial recognition, 
    as at fair value through profit or loss and 
    accounted for in accordance with IAS 39, with 
    changes in fair value recognised in the statement 
    of comprehensive income in the period of the 
    change. The Company has no interests in associates 
    through which it carries on its business. 
    Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on 
    hand and demand deposits, together with other 
    short-term, highly liquid investments that 
    are readily convertible into known amounts 
    of cash and which are subject to an insignificant 
    risk of changes in value. 
    Loans and receivables from third parties are 
    initially recognised at fair value and subsequently 
    carried at amortised cost using the effective 
    interest rate method. 
    The Company's financial liabilities comprise 
    trade payables. Financial liabilities are 
    obligations to pay cash or other financial 
    assets and are recognised when the Company 
    becomes a party to the contractual provisions 
    of the instruments. 
    Trade payables are initially measured at fair 
    value and are subsequently measured at amortised 
    cost, using the effective interest rate method. 
    All share based payments are accounted for 
    in accordance with IFRS 2 - "Share-based payments". 
    The Company issues equity-settled share based 
    payments in the form of share options to certain 
    directors and employees. Equity settled share 
    based payments are measured at fair value 
    at the date of grant. The fair value determined 
    at the grant date of equity-settled share 
    based payments is expensed on a straight line 
    basis over the vesting period, based on the 
    Company's estimate of shares that will eventually 
    Fair value is estimated using the Black-Scholes 
    valuation model. The expected life used in 
    the model has been adjusted, on the basis 
    of management's best estimate for the effects 
    of non-transferability, exercise restrictions 
    and behavioural considerations. At each balance 
    sheet date, the Company revises its estimate 
    of the number of equity instruments expected 
    to vest as a result of the effect of non-market 
    based vesting conditions. The impact of the 
    revision of the original estimates, if any, 
    is recognised in profit or loss such that 
    the cumulative expense reflects the revised 
    estimate, with a corresponding adjustment 
    to retained earnings. 
    Dividend distributions payable to equity shareholders 
    are included in "current financial liabilities" 
    when the dividends are approved in general 
    meeting prior to the statement of financial 
    position date. 
    Equity comprises the following: 
     *    "Share capital" represents the nominal value of 
          equity shares. 
     *    "Share premium" represents the excess over nominal 
          value of the fair value of consideration received for 
          equity shares, net of expenses of the share issue. 
     *    "Capital redemption reserve" represents the nominal 
          value of shares repurchased or redeemed by the 
     *    "Option reserve" represents the cumulative cost of 
          share based payments. 
     *    "Retained losses" represents retained losses. 
   The Company is organised around business class 
    and the results are reported to the Chief 
    Operating Decision Maker according to this 
    class. There is one continuing class of business, 
    being the investment in the natural resources 
    Given that there is only one continuing class 
    of business, operating within the UK no further 
    segmental information has been provided. 
                                             2014     2013 
                                              GBP      GBP 
 --------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
 Net realised gains on disposal 
  of investments                          124,383   33,641 
 Movement in fair value of investments   (32,402)  130,660 
 Net gain on investments                   91,981  164,301 
 --------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
                                     2014    2013 
                                      GBP     GBP 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Dividends from investments         6,975   5,491 
 Deposit interest receivable            -   1,395 
 Other interest receivable         18,288  59,027 
 Final distribution from Viridas 
  GmbH                                  -   8,197 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                   25,263  74,110 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                            2014     2013 
                                             GBP      GBP 
 -------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
 Operating expenses include: 
 Wages and salaries                      126,504  141,173 
 Share based payment expense              13,230   21,073 
 -------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
  During the year the Company obtained the following 
   services from the Company's auditor: 
                                            2014     2013 
                                             GBP      GBP 
 -------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
  Fees payable to the Company's 
   auditor for the audit of the 
   parent company and the Company 
   financial statements                   10,000   10,000 
  Fees payable to the Company's 
   auditor and its associates 
   for other services: 
      Other services relating to 
       taxation                            2,000    2,000 
 -------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
                                          12,000   12,000 
 -------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
                                                  2014       2013 
                                                   GBP        GBP 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Current tax - continuing operations                 -          - 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
  The tax on the Company's profit before tax 
   differs from the theoretical amount that would 
   arise using the weighted average rate applicable 
   to profits of the Consolidated entities as 
                                                  2014       2013 
                                                   GBP        GBP 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Loss before tax from continuing 
  operations                                 (120,372)   (21,144) 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Loss before tax multiplied by 
  rate of corporation tax in the 
  UK of 20% (2013: 20%)                       (24,074)    (4,229) 
 Expenses not deductible for tax 
  purposes                                         523        800 
 Unrelieved tax losses carried 
  forward                                       23,551      3,429 
 Total tax                                           -          - 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
  Unrelieved tax losses of GBP3,582,000 (2012: 
   GBP3,555,000) remain available to offset against 
   future taxable trading profits. No deferred 
   tax asset has been recognised in respect of 
   the losses as recoverability is uncertain. 
  The basic earnings per share is based on the 
   profit/(loss) for the year divided by the 
   weighted average number of shares in issue 
   during the year. The weighted average number 
   of ordinary shares for the year ended 31 December 
   2013 assumes that all shares have been included 
   in the computation based on the weighted average 
   number of days since issue. 
                                                  2014         2013 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/profit attributable to 
  equity holders of the Company: 
 (Loss)/profit from continuing 
  operations                                 (120,372)     (21,144) 
 (Loss)/profit for the year attributable 
  to equity holders of the Company           (120,372)     (21,144) 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares in issue for basic earnings       579,940,148  577,857,956 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares in issue for fully diluted 
  earnings*                                579,940,148  577,857,956 
  - Basic (loss)/earnings per 
   share from continuing and total 
   operations                                 (0.021p)     (0.004p) 
  - Fully diluted (loss)/earnings 
   per share from continuing and 
   total operations                           (0.021p)     (0.004p) 
 ----------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
  For 2014 and 2013 the share options in issue 
   are anti-dilutive in respect of the loss per 
   share calculation and have therefore not been 
                                              2014       2013 
                                               GBP        GBP 
 --------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 At 1 January - fair value               2,028,984  1,199,608 
 Acquisitions                              722,826    892,806 
 Disposal proceeds                       (552,030)  (227,731) 
 Net gain on disposal of investments       124,383     33,641 
 Movement in fair value of investments    (32,402)    130,660 
 --------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 .At 31 December - fair value            2,291,761  2,028,984 
 --------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Categorised as: 
 Level 1 - Quoted investments            1,617,069  1,554,292 
 Level 2 - Unquoted investments                  -    100,000 
 Level 3 - Unquoted investments            674,692    374,692 
 --------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                         2,291,761  2,028,984 
 --------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 



At the year end, the Company held 4.3% of the issued share capital of MX Oil plc, a company of which Nicholas Lee is a director.


At the year end, the Company held 5.5% shareholding in Elephant Oil Limited, a company of which Matt Lofgran is a director and a significant shareholder.

  The table of investments sets out the fair 
   value measurements using the IFRS 7 fair value 
   hierarchy. Categorisation within the hierarchy 
   has been determined on the basis of the lowest 
   level of input that is significant to the 
   fair value measurement of the relevant asset 
   as follows: 
   Level 1 - valued using quoted prices in active 
   markets for identical assets. 
   Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation 
   techniques using observable inputs other than 
   quoted prices included within Level 1. 
   Level 3 - valued by reference to valuation 
   techniques using inputs that are not based 
   on observable market data. 
   The valuation techniques used by the company 
   are explained in the accounting policy note, 
   "Investments held for trading". 
   Level 2 financial assets comprise a convertible 
   instrument valued by reference to the bid 
   price of the underlying equity and taking 
   into account the contractual arrangements 
   in place regarding the asset. 
   Reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurement 
   of financial assets 
                                       2014          2013 
                                        GBP           GBP 
  Brought forward                   374,692       170,597 
  Purchases                         300,000       204,095 
 ---------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Carried forward                   674,692       374,692 
 ---------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Level 3 valuation techniques used by the Company 
   are explained on page 17 (Fair value of financial 
                                     2014     2013 
                                      GBP      GBP 
 -------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Other receivables                108,630  178,043 
 Prepayments and accrued income    63,996   67,438 
 -------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                  172,626  245,481 
 -------------------------------  -------  ------- 

Other receivables include short term loans made on normal market terms. The Directors consider that the carrying amount of short term loans and other receivables is approximately equal to their fair value.

                                  2014     2013 
                                   GBP      GBP 
 ----------------------------  -------  ------- 
   Cash and cash equivalents   359,094  400,578 
 ----------------------------  -------  ------- 

The Directors consider the carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents approximates to their fair value.

                                     2014    2013 
                                      GBP     GBP 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Trade payables                    29,278  11,406 
 Social security and other taxes        -       - 
 Accrued expenses                  35,419  19,369 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                   64,697  30,775 
 --------------------------------  ------  ------ 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade payables approximates to their fair value.

                         Number of shares           Share capital         Share 
                        Deferred     Ordinary    Deferred    Ordinary    premium 
                                                      GBP         GBP        GBP 
 -----------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 At 1 January 
 Deferred shares 
  of 9.9p each        32,857,956            -   3,252,938           - 
 Ordinary shares 
  of 0.1p each                 -  577,857,956           -     577,858  2,774,849 
 -----------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 At 31 December 
  2013                32,857,956  577,857,956   3,252,938     577,858  2,774,849 
 Issue of shares                   95,000,000                  95,000    147,250 
 Share issue 
  costs                                                                 (20,592) 
 -----------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                32,857,956   95,000,000   3,252,938     672,858  2,901,507 
 -----------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

On 23 December 2014 the Company issued 95,000,000 new ordinary shares for cash at 0.255p per share, raising GBP242,250 before expenses.

                                   Capital      Share       Total 
                                redemption     option       Other 
                                   reserve    reserve    reserves 
                                       GBP        GBP         GBP 
 ---------------------------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Balance at 1 January 2013         27,000     43,109      70,109 
  Share based payment costs              -     21,073      21,073 
  Balance at 31 December 
   2013                             27,000     64,182      91,182 
  Share based payment costs              -     13,230      13,230 
  Balance at 31 December 
   2014                             27,000     77,412     104,412 
 ---------------------------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
  The Company uses financial instruments, other 
   than derivatives, comprising cash to provide 
   funding for the Company's operations. 
 The IAS 39 categories of financial asset included 
  in the statement of financial position and 
  the headings in which they are included are 
  as follows: 
                                           2014       2013 
                                            GBP        GBP 
 -----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents              359,094    400,578 
 Loans and receivables                  108,630    178,043 
 Investments held for trading         2,291,761  2,028,984 
 -----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 The IAS 39 categories of financial liabilities 
  included in the statement of financial position 
  and the headings in which they are included 
  are as follows: 
                                           2014       2013 
                                            GBP        GBP 
 -----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Trade and other payables                29,278     11,406 
 -----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   Transactions between the company and its subsidiaries, 
    which are related parties, have been eliminated 
    on consolidation and are not disclosed in 
    this note. 
    The compensation payable to Key Management 
    personnel comprised GBP118,400 (2013: GBP131,000) 
    paid by the Company to the Directors in respect 
    of services to the Company. Full details of 
    the compensation for each Director are provided 
    in Note 7. 
    Nicholas Lee is a director and controlling 
    shareholder of ACL Capital Limited which invoiced 
    the Company GBP19,000 in respect of consultancy 
    fees due for the year (2013: GBP42,000). GBP2,000 
    of this amount was invoiced and paid after 
    the year end. No other amounts were owed at 
    31 December 2014. 
    Nicholas Lee is also a director of MX Oil 
    plc ("MX Oil"), in which the Company has a 
    4.3% shareholding. During the year, the Company 
    invoiced MX Oil plc GBP2,000 (2013: GBPnil) 
    for consultancy services. 
    The loan to Brady Exploration plc (subsequently 
    renamed Metal Tiger plc) of GBP60,000 which 
    was outstanding at 31 December 2013 was settled 
    partly in cash and partly in shares during 
    the year. In June 2014, Nicholas Lee resigned 
    as a director of Metal Tiger plc. At the year 
    end, the Company had a 10.8% shareholding 
    in Metal Tiger plc. 
    In September 2014, the Company acquired a 
    5.5% shareholding in Elephant Oil Limited, 
    a company of which Matt Lofgran is a director 
    and a significant shareholder. Subsequent 
    to Paternoster's acquisition of its shareholding 
    Matt Lofgran was appointed a director of the 
    A copy of the annual report and of the notice 
    of AGM to be held at the offices Adams & Remers 
    LLP, Dukes Court, 32 Duke Street St James's, 
    London SW1Y 6DF on 29 June 2015 at 11.30 am 
    is available from the Company's website at 
    www.paternosterresources.com and is being 
    posted to shareholders today. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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