Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")



(a)   Name of exempt principal trader:   BARCLAYS CAPITAL SECURITIES LTD 
(b)   Name of offeror/offeree            TUI TRAVEL PLC 
      in relation to whose 
      relevant securities 
      this form relates: 
(c)   Name of the party to the           TUI TRAVEL PLC 
      offer with which exempt 
      principal trader is connected 
(d)   Date position held/dealing         17 September 2014 
(e)   Has the EPT previously             YES: 
      disclosed, or is it 
      today disclosing, under            TUI AG 
      the Code in respect 
      of any other party to this offer? 



(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:      ORD 
                                 Interests          Short Positions 
                                 Number      (%)    Number      (%) 
(1)   Relevant securities owned 
      and/or controlled:         12,193,832  1.08%  4,812,587   0.42% 
(2)   Derivatives (other than 
      options):                  917,369     0.08%  8,766,988   0.77% 
(3)   Options and agreements to 
      purchase/DEALING:             0           0.00%  0           0.00% 
      TOTAL:                     13,111,201  1.16%  13,579,575  1.20% 
Class of relevant security:      Convertible Bond XS0503743949 
                                 Interests          Short Positions 
                                 Number      (%)    Number      (%) 
(1)   Relevant securities owned 
      and/or controlled:         2,000,000   0.50%  0           0.00% 
(2)   Derivatives (other than 
      options):                  0           0.00%  0           0.00% 
(3)   Options and agreements to 
      purchase/DEALING:             0           0.00%  0           0.00% 
      TOTAL:                     2,000,000   0.50%  0           0.00% 
Class of relevant security:      Convertible Bond XS0455660216 
                                 Interests          Short Positions 
                                 Number      (%)    Number      (%) 
(1)   Relevant securities owned 
      and/or controlled:         9,300,000   3.16%  0           0.00% 
(2)   Derivatives (other than 
      options):                  0           0.00%  0           0.00% 
(3)   Options and agreements to 
      purchase/DEALING:             0           0.00%  0           0.00% 
      TOTAL:                     9,300,000   3.16%  0           0.00% 

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.


Details of any open derivative or option positions, or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).


(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other executive options)

Class of relevant security in relation 
to which subscription right  exists: 
Details, including nature of the rights 
concerned and relevant  percentages: 

If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.




(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant   Purchase/DEALING  Number of   Price per unit 
security                           securities 
Convertible Bond    Purchase       3,000,000   101.8000 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       311         3.6649 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       345         3.6615 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       504         3.6625 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       527         3.6730 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       702         3.6614 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       746         3.6517 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       779         3.6656 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       818         3.6635 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       1,035       3.6605 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       1,441       3.6655 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       1,529       3.6570 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       1,713       3.6665 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       1,763       3.6630 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       4,333       3.6674 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       4,850       3.6670 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       6,698       3.6640 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       7,117       3.6680 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       8,113       3.6644 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       8,726       3.6653 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       12,024      3.6610 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       12,415      3.6620 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       13,483      3.6639 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       16,735      3.6660 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       18,237      3.6690 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       28,779      3.6650 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       30,469      3.6646 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       30,950      3.6600 GBP 
ORD                 Purchase       53,184      3.6611 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           246         3.6663 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           311         3.6649 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           504         3.6613 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           504         3.6625 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           527         3.6730 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           655         3.6530 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           702         3.6614 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           779         3.6656 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           982         3.6653 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,008       3.6575 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,008       3.6643 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,008       3.6658 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,086       3.6645 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,468       3.6635 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,809       3.6570 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           1,974       3.6648 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           2,668       3.6618 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           2,902       3.6615 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           3,447       3.6665 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           3,453       3.6590 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           3,833       3.6605 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           5,055       3.6571 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           5,934       3.6655 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           9,352       3.6633 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           12,942      3.6580 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           16,770      3.6591 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           18,237      3.6690 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           30,095      3.6680 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           40,413      3.6636 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           65,837      3.6670 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           66,609      3.6640 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           74,931      3.6626 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           87,087      3.6620 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           92,112      3.6630 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           140,005     3.6610 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           159,568     3.6660 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           202,325     3.6650 GBP 
ORD                 Sale           239,990     3.6600 GBP 

(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)

Class of   Product      Nature of dealing  Number of   Price per 
relevant   description                     reference   unit 
security                                   securities 
ORD        SWAP         Long               41,450      3.6618 GBP 
ORD        CFD          Short              3,939       3.6585 GBP 
ORD        CFD          Short              7,809       3.6650 GBP 
ORD        CFD          Short              8,113       3.6644 GBP 
ORD        CFD          Short              8,415       3.6653 GBP 
ORD        CFD          Short              26,530      3.6661 GBP 

(c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities


(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of   Product      Writing,     Number      Exercise  Type       Expiry date  Option 
relevant   description  purchasing,  of          price     e.g.                    money 
security   e.g.         selling,     securities  per unit  American,               paid/ 
           call         varying      to                    European                received 
           option       etc.         which                 etc.                    per 
                                     option                                        unit 

(ii) Exercising

Class of relevant   Product description  Number         Exercise price 
security            e.g. call option     of securities  per unit 

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant   Nature of dealing   Details  Price per unit (if 
security            e.g. subscription,           applicable) 

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.




(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, 
or any agreement or  understanding, formal or 
informal, relating to relevant securities  which 
may be an inducement to deal or refrain 
from dealing entered  into by the exempt principal 
trader making the disclosure and any 
party to the offer or any person acting in 
concert with a party to  the offer: 
If there are no such agreements, arrangements 
or understandings,  state "none" 

(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, 
formal or  informal, between the 
exempt principal trader making the disclosure 
and any other person relating to: 
(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option;  or 
(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any 
relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced: 
If there are no such agreements, arrangements 
or understandings,  state "none" 

(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   NO 
Date of disclosure:                                   18 Sep 2014 
Contact name:                                         Rajesh Muthanna 
Telephone number:                                     020 3555 4634 

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at monitoring@disclosure.org.uk. The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.


The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk.

This information is provided by Business Wire 
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