RNS Number:1540X
Widney PLC
24 May 2007

The headline for Widney Plc announcement released today Thursday 24 May at 07:00
under RNS No 1362X should read Interim Results. 

The announcement text is unchanged and is reproduced in full below.

Interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2007

Widney plc is the holding company for Widney UK and Belcot Tool and Die Limited.

Widney UK designs and manufactures window systems for specialist vehicles and
telescopic slides. Belcot Tool and Die Limited manufactures metal press tools
for the automotive industry.
*    Loss before taxation of #2,062,000 (2006: #388,000) stated after losses on 
     discontinued activities of #1,006,000 and non-recurring operating items of 

*    Loss before taxation stated before profit on sale of Widney Pressings
     Limited and two freehold properties

*    Dividend 1/2p (2006 : nil)

*    Contracts exchanged for sale of Widney Pressings for #1,400,000 plus
     surplus plant and equipment for #750,000

*    Contracts exchanged to sell two freehold properties for #7,000,000

*    Pro-forma balance sheet net assets of #7,905,000 (31.03.07 : #3,355,000)

*    Remaining group is profitable and debt free

Commenting on prospects, Joe Grimmond, Chairman, said:

"If we had not taken the decision to discontinue cab operations and to sell off
Group assets there would have been no prospects for the Group as a whole.

With bank debt eliminated and with substantial cash reserves our situation is
immeasurably improved.

Widney UK has a strong position in its marketplace and continues to perform

Belcot operates in a marketplace that requires consolidation.  We intend to play
our part in that process.

With our strengthened balance sheet and profitable core I am confident that our
group has a secure and profitable future."

                                                                     24 May 2007


Widney plc                                             020 7457 2020 (today)
    Joe Grimmond, Chairman                             0121 327 5500 (thereafter)
    Graham Errington, Finance Director

Insinger de Beaufort                                   020 7190 7000
    Chris Caldwell

College Hill                                           020 7457 2020
    Richard Pearson

Chairman's Statement


Turnover on continuing operations was #9,823,000 plus #7,616,000 from Widney
Pressings (2006:  #31,468,000) and Operating Profit on continuing operations
before non-recurring operating items was #220,000 plus #314,000 from Widney
Pressings (2006:  #585,000).  The loss before taxation was #2,062,000 (2006:
#388,000) stated after losses on discontinued activities of #1,006,000 and
non-recurring operating items of #3,288,000.  The group loss before taxation is
stated before the profit on the sale of Widney Pressings Limited and two
freehold properties which have been reflected in the consolidated pro forma
balance sheet included in this interim statement.


The Board proposes paying an interim dividend of 0.5p per share (2006:  nil) on
12 July 2007 to shareholders on the register on 8 June 2007.

Widney Cabs Limited Administration

In spite of substantial new business won during 2006, demand failed to meet
anticipated levels during late December 2006 and early January 2007 and it
became clear that the forecast levels of sales would not be met.  A review of
customer demand expected in the first quarter of 2007 confirmed that sales were
not going to be sufficient to prevent very serious losses.  Your Board decided
to withdraw support from our subsidiary and Administrators were appointed on 22
January 2007.  Widney plc was the largest individual unsecured creditor and
these results include losses to the Group of #3,327,000.

The primary cause of this Administration was the unexpected decision made, for
strategic reasons, by our major customer Caterpillar UK Limited to resource all
its cab business to our competitors in France.  We had only recently been
awarded this business against the same competitors after months of investigation
by Caterpillar's Procurement team.

The loss of this business and the effect of this decision in our market place
proved devastating.

I am very disappointed that our widely acknowledged success in turning a
substantially loss making, poorly performing operation into a substantially
profitable, competitive, quality full trim cab supplier resulted in such an
undeserved ill reward.

To those suppliers who lost money as a consequence of this Administration I
apologise.  To those ex-colleagues who worked so hard to succeed and lost their
jobs and careers you deserved better.

Sale of Group Assets

The Administration of Widney Cabs left the Group in a seriously over-borrowed
situation.  We had no alternative but to sell assets to reduce our indebtedness.
  We agreed a programme of action with our bankers and immediately put our
freehold properties up for sale along with surplus plant and equipment.  During
negotiations to sell these assets the opportunity arose to sell Widney Pressings
Limited.  Pressings had been an excellent acquisition but our priority had to be
debt reduction and we accepted an attractive offer to sell the business.  We
exchanged contracts, subject to shareholder approval, for the sale of the
business on 30 March 2007 for the sum of #1,400,000.  In addition surplus plant
and equipment was sold to the same purchaser for the sum of #750,000.

Following intensive efforts and negotiations the following week we exchanged
contracts to sell two freehold properties for #7,000,000.  Contracts were
exchanged on 5 April 2007 subject to shareholder approval.  Shareholder approval
was given on the 20 and 30 April 2007 for the sale of Widney Pressings Limited
and the two freehold properties.  Further surplus plant and equipment was sold
for #191,500.

The experience, industrial expertise and support of my fellow board members was
invaluable throughout this period.  I would also like to thank Maclay Murray &
Spens, our solicitors, for their superb support and service during this
difficult period.

The very real improvement in our group position after completion of these sales
is reflected in the attached consolidated pro forma balance sheet.


The period was dominated by our decision to place Widney Cabs Ltd into

In spite of this all other operations operated profitably.

The engineering sector has been difficult in general and the automotive sector
in particular as tough as I can remember.  Against this background our
businesses performed very well.

Widney Pressings

Widney Pressings lost further business to Turkey and had to counter adverse
comment and concern over group viability.  We were awarded a prestigious new
contract for the supply of aftermarket components for the Jaguar S series in
March 2007.  I wish the company well under its new ownership.


In the most difficult conditions Belcot operated profitably.  Management
continues to cut costs in line with expected business demand.  We do not expect
to see any improvement in this area over the next year, but will look to use our
financial strength to increase our share of a declining market.

Widney UK

Widney UK introduced a major new contract into production during the period,
creating some disruption, which was to be expected.  We have completed the
design and prototyping of a new slide product with considerable sales potential.
  Despite the strength of sterling export performance has been remarkable with
70% of sales going to export markets.

Pro-Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet

A balance sheet reflecting completion of the various asset sales has been
included in these interim statements.


If we had not taken the decision to discontinue cab operations and to sell off
Group assets there would have been no prospects for the Group as a whole.

With bank debt eliminated and with substantial cash reserves our situation is
immeasurably improved.

Widney UK has a strong position in its marketplace and continues to perform

Belcot operates in a marketplace that requires consolidation.  We intend to play
our part in that process.

With our strengthened balance sheet and profitable core I am confident that our
group has a secure and profitable future.

 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                                                 6 months to          6 months to         Year to
                                                                   31/3/07              31/3/06           30/9/06
                                                                                     (As restated)
                                                                 (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                    #'000                #'000             #'000

 Turnover    - Continuing operations     - Group                        9,823               31,468          64,165
                                         - Widney Pressings             7,616                    -               -
             - Discontinued operations                                  6,756                    -               -

                                                                       24,195               31,468          64,165

 Operating (loss)/profit before non-recurring operating
 Continuing operations                   - Group                          220                  585           1,120
                                         - Widney Pressings               314                    -               -
 Discontinued operations                                              (1,006)                    -               -

                                                                        (472)                  585           1,120

 Non-recurring operating items (Note 3)
 Continuing operations                                                (3,169)                (638)           (610)
 Discontinued operations                                                (119)                    -               -

                                                                      (3,288)                (638)           (610)

 Operating (loss)/profit after non-recurring
 operating items                                                      (3,760)                 (53)             510
 Profit on Administration of
discontinued operations                                                 2,021                    -               -
 Interest payable                                                       (295)                (307)           (599)
 Other finance costs                                                     (28)                 (28)            (60)

 (Loss) before taxation                                               (2,062)                (388)           (149)

 Taxation (Note 4)                                                          -                   61              59

 Loss after taxation                                                  (2,062)                (327)            (90)
 Dividends   - non-equity                                                   -                    -               -
             - equity                                                       -                (646)               -

 Retained (loss) for the financial period                             (2,062)                (973)            (90)

 Basic loss per share (Note 5)                                        (7.98p)              (1.27p)         (0.35p)
 Diluted loss per share (Note 5)                                      (7.98p)              (1.27p)         (0.35p)
 Average number of ordinary shares in
 issue ('000's) (Note 5)                                               25,827               25,827          25,827

 Note:  Continuing operations include the results of Widney Pressings Ltd, since
the contract for the sale of the whole of the issued share capital had not been
completed prior to the date of these interim results.

 Consolidated Balance Sheet
 as at 31 March 2007
                                                                  31/3/07             31/3/06           30/9/06
                                                                (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                   #'000               #'000             #'000

 Fixed assets
 Intangible assets
 Positive goodwill                                                        948                 998             973
 Negative goodwill                                                    (2,029)             (2,567)         (2,500)

                                                                      (1,081)             (1,569)         (1,527)
 Tangible assets                                                        3,152              13,426          12,270

                                                                        2,071              11,857          10,743

 Current assets
 Land & buildings held for resale                                       6,463                   -             735
 Stock                                                                  2,455               5,214           5,192
 amounts falling due within one year                                    6,924              10,708          12,207

                                                                       15,842              15,922          18,134

 Amounts falling due within one year                                 (10,531)            (16,882)        (18,252)

 Net current assets/(liabilities)                                       5,311               (960)           (118)

 Total assets less current liabilities                                  7,382              10,897          10,625

 Amounts falling due after more than one year                         (3,436)             (5,042)         (4,501)
 Provisions for liabilities and charges                                     -                (16)            (65)

 Net assets excluding pension liabilities                               3,946               5,839           6,059

 Pension liabilities
 Total of defined benefit schemes with net liabilities                  (591)               (735)           (591)

 Net assets including pension liabilities                               3,355               5,104           5,468

 Capital and reserves
 Called up share capital                                                  258                 258             258
 Share premium account                                                  2,092               2,092           2,092
 Merger reserve                                                           501                 501             501
 Profit and loss account                                                  504               2,253           2,617

 Shareholders funds                                                     3,355               5,104           5,468

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                            6 months to       6 months to        Year to
                                                            31/3/07           31/3/06            30/9/06
                                                            (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                            #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                   1,107              (348)                630

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
 Interest paid                                               (237)             (263)              (551)
 Interest element of finance lease rentals paid               (51)              (37)               (48)
 Non-equity dividends                                          (7)               (7)                  -

Net cash outflow from returns on investment and
servicing of finance                                                  (295)              (307)              (599)

 UK Corporation Tax (paid)                                                -              (333)              (517)

 Capital expenditure
 Purchase of tangible fixed assets                           (397)             (182)              (508)
 Sale of tangible fixed assets                               1,257                 2                  1
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital
 expenditure                                                            860              (180)              (507)

 Purchase of assets                                                       -          (1,422)            (1,445)

 Equity dividends paid                                                    -              (646)              (646)

 Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                           1,672            (3,236)            (3,084)

 New loans                                                       -               300                300
 Loan repayments                                           (1,219)             (316)              (675)
 Capital element of finance lease rentals                    (143)             (230)              (500)

 Net cash outflow from financing                                    (1,362)              (246)              (875)

 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                              310            (3,482)              3,959

 Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                             6 months to          6 months to            Year to
                                                               31/3/07              31/3/06              30/9/06
                                                             (Unaudited)         (As restated)          (Audited)
                                                                #'000                #'000                #'000

 (Loss)/profit for the period                                     (2,062)                 (327)               (90)
 Actuarial gain (loss) recognised in the pension scheme              (51)                  (51)                108
 Deferred tax arising on losses in the pension scheme                   -                     -               (32)

 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the                (2,113)                 (378)               (14)

Notes to the Financial Statements

Basis of Preparation

1. The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's 2006 statutory accounts.

On 22 January 2007 Widney Cabs Limited was placed into Administration.  These
financial statements present the consolidated results for Widney Cabs Limited up
to the point the Administrators were appointed.

As the directors of the company have had limited access to the accounting
records of Widney Cabs Limited since the date it was placed into Administration,
in preparing the consolidated financial statements they have included amounts
extracted from the Widney Cabs Limited management accounts for the period up to
31 December 2006, the period end closest to the point at which Widney Cabs
Limited was put into Administration (namely 22 January 2007). Its net book
liabilities at this point in time have been eliminated from the consolidation.
With this exception, the consolidated financial statements are based on
financial statements which are cotermious with those of the parent company and
the directors are not aware of any other matters that should have been disclosed
in these consolidated financial statements.

The financial information for the half year ended 31 March 2007 and 31 March
2006 have not been audited, although the auditor has carried out a review as set
out on page 11 of this statement.  The information set out herein does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies 1985.
The accounts for the year to 30 September 2006 have been reported on by the
company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's
report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under
section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information for the half year ended 31 March 2006 has been
restated to take into account the effects of FRS25 where dividends on preference
shares have been transferred to interest-paid.

 2.  The Group's activities solely comprise Engineering and therefore no
analysis of activity by business segment is provided.

 3.  The non-recurring operating items are made up of the following:
                                                                                Continuing         Discontinued
                                                                  Total         Operations           Operations
                                                                  #'000              #'000                #'000

     Redundancy and reorganisation                                (616)              (497)                (119)
     Bad debts and other costs relating to Widney Cabs          (3,327)            (3,327)                    -
     Profit on sale of fixed assets and release of
     negative goodwill                                              655                655                    -

                                                                (3,288)            (3,169)                (119)

4.       Taxation

There is no taxation charge arising on the loss for the period.

5.       The earnings per share calculation is as follows:

                                                         6 months to            6 months to           Year to
                                                           31/3/07                31/3/06             30/9/06
                                                         (Unaudited)            (Unaudited)          (Audited)
                                                            #'000                  #'000               #'000

 Loss for the period                                         (2,062)                  (327)               (90)

 Average number of shares in issue ('000)                     25,827                 25,827             25,827

 Basic loss per share                                        (7.98p)                (1.27p)            (0.35p)

 Diluted loss per share                                      (7.98p)                (1.27p)            (0.35p)

 6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating
                                                        6 months to             6 months to            Year to
                                                          31/3/07                 31/3/06              30/9/06
                                                        (Unaudited)             (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                                           #'000                   #'000                #'000

 Operating (loss)/profit after non-recurring                 (3,760)                    (53)                510
operating items
 Depreciation                                                    577                     683              1,469
 Amortisation of goodwill                                         25                      28                 53
 Release of negative goodwill                                  (463)                   (211)              (259)
 Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                -                       -                (1)
 (Increase)/decrease in stocks                                   144                    (92)               (64)
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors                                3,273                 (3,356)            (4,768)
 Increase/(decrease) in creditors                              1,210                   2,653              3,690
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating                      1,007                   (348)                630

7.       Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt.

                                                            6 months to           6 months to           Year to
                                                              31/3/07               31/3/06             30/9/06
                                                            (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)          (Audited)
                                                               #'000                 #'000               #'000

 Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the period                         310               (3,482)            (3,959)
 Cash increase/(decrease) from increase/(decrease)
 in debt  finance                                                1,219                    16                375
 Cash outflow from finance leases                                  143                   230                500

 Change in net debt resulting from cash flow                     1,672               (3,236)            (3,084)
 Inception of finance leases                                     (139)                 (668)              (705)
 Non cash items                                                  1,882                     -                  -

 Movement in net debt for the period                             3,415               (3,904)            (3,789)
 Opening net debt                                             (10,244)               (6,255)            (6,455)

 Closing net debt                                              (6,829)              (10,159)           (10,244)

 Non cash items relate to Widney Cabs overdraft movement.

8.  Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and copies are
available from the company's registered office at Plume Street, Aston,
Birmingham B6 7SA

Independent review report by KPMG Audit plc to Widney plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the financial information for the
six months ended 31 March 2007 which comprises the consolidated profit and loss
account, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated cash flow statement,
consolidated statement of recognised gains and losses and the related notes. We
have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with
the financial information. This report is made solely to the company in
accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our review has been undertaken so
that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it
in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law,
we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for
our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the AIM
Rules which require that the interim report must be prepared and presented in a
form consistent with that which will be adopted in the company's annual accounts
having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.

Review work performed

We conducted our review having regard to the guidance contained in Bulletin 
1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices
Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and
transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

We planned our review so as to obtain all the information and explanations
necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable
assurance that there are no material modifications required to the financial
information included in this report. However, the evidence available to us was
limited because, due to the appointment of administrators to the group's
subsidiary, Widney Cabs Limited, as explained in note 1, we were unable to
obtain access to its accounting records.

Therefore, we were unable to review either the results of Widney Cabs Limited
included in the consolidated profit and loss account as discontinued operations
in respect of the period to 22 January 2007 (the date the administrators were
appointed) or the related disclosures in the notes to the consolidated profit
and loss account.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review, with the exception of the matters referred to below,
we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the
financial information in the consolidated balance sheet as presented for the six
months ended 31 March 2007.

Because of the possible effect of the limitation in evidence available to us, we
are unable to form a conclusion as to whether the loss of the discontinued
operations and the profit on administration of discontinued operations are
fairly stated in the consolidated profit and loss account for the six months
ended 31 March 2007; or that the consolidated statement of cash flows presents
fairly the cash flows relating to discontinued operations.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Acc

Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
  as at 31 March 2007                                                          Pro Forma
                                                           31/3/07            adjustments           Pro Forma
                                                         (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)
                                                            #'000                #'000                #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Positive goodwill                                                 948                      -                948

Negative goodwill                                             (2,029)                  2,029                  -
                                                              (1,081)                  2,029                948
Tangible assets                                                 3,152                  (912)              2,240

                                                                2,071                  1,117              3,188

Current assets
Land & buildings held for resale                                6,463                (6,463)                  -
Stock                                                           2,455                      -              2,455
amounts falling due within one year                             6,924                    250              7,174
amounts falling due after one year                                  -                    500                500
Cash at bank                                                        -                  3,026              3,026

                                                               15,842                (2,687)             13,155

Amounts falling due within one year                          (10,531)                  3,409            (7,122)

Net current assets                                              5,311                    722              6,033
Total assets less current liabilities                           7,382                  1,839              9,221

Amounts falling due after more than one year                  (3,436)                  2,711              (725)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                             -                       -                  -
Net assets excluding pension liabilities                        3,946                  4,550              8,496

Pension liabilities
Total of defined benefit schemes with net liabilities           (591)                      -              (591)

Net assets including pension liabilities                        3,355                  4,550              7,905

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                           258                      -                258
Share premium account                                           2,092                      -              2,092
Merger reserve                                                    501                      -                501
Profit and loss account                                           504                  4,550              5,054

                                                                3,355                  4,550              7,905

 The above consolidated pro forma balance sheet has been prepared on the basis
that the resolutions approved at Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 20th
and 30 April 2007 occurred on 31 March as follows:

 1. The completion of the sale of land and buildings held for resale for
    consideration of #7,000,000 and the consequent release of negative goodwill
    to reserves.
 2. The completion of the sale of the whole of the issued share capital of Widney
    Pressings Limited for #1,400,000 and the assumption of its debt by the
 3. The sale of surplus plant at Northampton for #191,500 received in cash and
    #750,000 receivable in equal instalments over three years.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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