LAFAYETTE, La., Oct. 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Stone Energy Corporation (NYSE:SGY) today announced net income of $21.8 million, or $0.79 per share, on operating revenue of $182.2 million for the third quarter of 2006 compared to net income of $33.0 million, or $1.20 per share, on operating revenue of $159.3 million in the third quarter of 2005. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006, net income totaled $44.3 million, or $1.62 per share, on operating revenue of $509.8 million compared to net income of $110.4 million, or $4.06 per share, on operating revenue of $500.7 million during the comparable 2005 period. Net income for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2006 includes a net charge of $25.3 million pre-tax to earnings associated with the proposed merger with Energy Partners, Ltd. (NYSE:EPL), which is expected to be reversed in the fourth quarter of 2006. All per share amounts are on a diluted basis. As previously announced, on October 11, 2006, Stone, EPL and EPL Acquisition Corp., LLC terminated their Merger Agreement dated June 22, 2006. As part of the termination agreement, EPL paid $8 million to Stone and released all claims related to the payment of the $43.5 million termination fee that was advanced by EPL to Plains Exploration and Production Company ("Plains") in connection with the termination of the Plains Merger Agreement. The $43.5 million termination fee was recorded as a merger expense in the second quarter income statement. Of this amount, $25.3 million was potentially reimbursable to EPL under certain circumstances described in the EPL Merger Agreement and therefore was recorded as deferred revenue on the balance sheet as of June 30, 2006 and September 30, 2006. As a result of the termination of the EPL Merger Agreement and the release of all claims relating to the repayment of the Plains termination fee, the remaining $25.3 million of the Plains termination fee will be recognized in earnings in the fourth quarter of 2006, as will the $8 million fee paid by EPL to Stone. Discretionary cash flow decreased 7% to $106.8 million during the three months ended September 30, 2006 compared to $114.5 million generated during the third quarter of 2005. Net cash flow provided by operating activities, as defined by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), totaled $121.9 million during the third quarter of 2006 compared to $151.8 million in the third quarter of 2005. For the first nine months of 2006, discretionary cash flow totaled $329.9 million compared to $372.3 million for the comparable 2005 period. Net cash flow provided by operating activities totaled $293.2 million and $402.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively. (Please see "Non-GAAP Financial Measure" and the accompanying financial statements for a reconciliation of discretionary cash flow, a non- GAAP financial measure, to net cash flow provided by operating activities.) Net daily production volumes during the third quarter of 2006 averaged approximately 215 MMcfe, which represented a 4% increase over average daily production for the second quarter of 2006 of 206 MMcfe and a 2% increase from average daily production for the comparable quarter in 2005 of 211 MMcfe. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006, net average daily production volumes were approximately 205 MMcfe, or 23% lower than average daily production for the nine months ended September 30, 2005. Production volumes in 2006 continued to trail volumes produced during 2005 due to the combination of natural declines from producing wells and extended Gulf Coast production shut- ins due to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. For the fourth quarter of 2006, Stone expects net daily production to average between 235-245 MMcfe. Prices realized during the third quarter of 2006 averaged $67.13 per barrel (Bbl) of oil and $7.59 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas, which represent a 12% increase, on an Mcfe basis, over third quarter 2005 average realized prices of $53.89 per Bbl of oil and $7.81 per Mcf of natural gas. Average realized prices during the first nine months of 2006 were $65.05 per Bbl of oil and $7.84 per Mcf of natural gas representing a 24% increase on an Mcfe basis compared to $49.99 per Bbl of oil and $6.70 per Mcf of natural gas realized during the first nine months of 2005. All unit pricing amounts include the cash settlement of effective hedging contracts. During the third quarter of 2006, effective hedging transactions increased the average price we received for natural gas by $1.05 per Mcf. Realized oil prices were not impacted by hedging during the third quarter and year-to-date 2006. Hedging transactions reduced realized oil and gas prices during the third quarter of 2005 by $5.47 per Bbl and $0.37 per Mcf. Hedging transactions for natural gas increased the average price received for natural gas by $0.77 during the first nine months of 2006, compared to a decrease of $0.25 per Mcf during the first nine months of 2005. Realized oil prices for the first nine months of 2005 were reduced by $1.83 as a result of effective hedges. Lease operating expenses incurred during the third quarter of 2006 totaled $52.4 million compared to $30.9 million for the comparable quarter in 2005. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005, lease operating expenses were $119.8 million and $88.5 million, respectively. During the third quarter of 2006, lease operating expenses included an approximate $8 million increase in property and control-of-well insurance premiums, $9.7 million of repairs in excess of estimated insurance recoveries related to damage from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ivan and increased major maintenance repair activity. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006, lease operating costs included an approximate $13 million increase in property and control-of-well insurance premiums and $20.0 million of repairs in excess of estimated insurance recoveries related to damage from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ivan. Lease operating expenses for 2006 were also impacted by an increase in the number of active wells. Depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A) on oil and gas properties for the third quarter of 2006 totaled $82.0 million compared to $56.6 million for the third quarter of 2005. DD&A expense on oil and gas properties for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 totaled $221.3 compared to $189.5 million during the same year-to-date period of 2005. Salaries, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses (exclusive of incentive compensation) for the third quarter of 2006 were $8.0 million compared to $5.2 million in the third quarter of 2005. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005, SG&A (exclusive of incentive compensation) totaled $25.1 million and $14.7 million, respectively. The increase in SG&A expenses is due to additional compensation expense associated with restricted stock issuances, stock option expensing and higher legal and consulting fees. Borrowings outstanding at September 30, 2006 under our bank credit facility totaled $172.0 million with a weighted average interest rate of approximately 6.8%, and letters of credit totaling $56.9 million had been issued under the facility. In July 2006, the borrowing base under the credit facility was increased to $325 million in connection with the preferential rights acquisition of the additional working interests in Mississippi Canyon Blocks 108 and 109. Additionally, we executed a $34.0 million letter of credit in connection with the acquisition. As of October 31, 2006, we have $172.0 million of borrowings outstanding under the facility and $52.8 million committed to letters of credit resulting in $100.2 million of available borrowings. The borrowing base under the credit facility is re-determined periodically based on the bank group's evaluation of our proved oil and gas reserves. As a result of the issuance of our $225 million senior floating rate notes in June 2006 and increased interest rates, interest expense increased 50% to $11.6 million in the third quarter of 2006 compared to $5.8 million, in the third quarter of 2005. Interest expense totaled $24.4 million and $17.5 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Capital expenditures during the third quarter of 2006 totaled $299.4 million, including $196.9 million of acquisition costs, $7.3 million of capitalized salaries, general and administrative expenses (inclusive of incentive compensation) and $4.9 million of capitalized interest. Year-to- date 2006 additions to oil and gas property costs of $591.7 million include $219.9 million of acquisition costs, $18.1 million of capitalized salaries, general and administrative expenses (inclusive of incentive compensation) and $13.4 million of capitalized interest. These investments were financed with cash flow from operating activities, working capital, proceeds from the senior floating rate notes issued in June 2006, and bank borrowings. Increase in 2006 Capital Budget The board of directors authorized an increase in the 2006 capital budget from $360 million to $385 million primarily due to additional expenditures for the exploration venture in Bohai Bay, China as well as general cost increases. This figure excludes property acquisitions, lease acquisitions, asset retirement costs and capitalized G&A and interest. Operations Update Gulf Coast Basin Mississippi Canyon 109. On July 14, 2006, Stone completed the preferential rights acquisition of the Amberjack platform and additional working interests to depths of 20,000 feet in Mississippi Canyon Blocks 108 and 109. The platform was shut-in awaiting repairs and rerouting of the oil pipeline damaged during Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Limited oil production from the Amberjack Platform was initially restored in early September via barging, but the restoration of the oil pipeline in late September has allowed Stone to produce from the platform at a rate of approximately 50-55 MMcfe per day, net to Stone. Stone has identified various exploitation and exploration projects, and expects to be active on this field in 2007. Stone has a 100% working interest (WI) in Block 109 and a 24.8% WI in Block 108 and is the operator of the field. East Cameron Block 121. The No. 1 Well at East Cameron Block 121 was placed on production on September 10, 2006 after the installation of surface facilities and flowlines. The well was drilled in the fourth quarter of 2005 to test the Lexus Prospect and logged 85 net feet of pay in three sands. Production from the No. 1 Well is currently 5 MMcfe per day and is expected to trend higher. Stone has a 100% WI and 80.3% net revenue interest (NRI) in the well. Rocky Mountain Gas Pinedale Anticline. Stone is currently drilling the Antelope 16-5D Well and plans to drill one additional Pinedale location prior to year-end with a single drilling rig in the field. Since project commencement, 31 wells have been drilled or spud, of which 26 are producing, three are waiting on completion, one is drilling and one was a dry hole. Stone has a 50% WI and a 41% NRI in the Pinedale project and is the operator of the drilling portion of the project. Waltman Arch. During the third quarter, Stone participated in the drilling of the Cooper Deep No. 1 Well in the Waltman Arch Field in Wyoming. This exploratory well was designed to test multiple sections and reached a total depth of 16,824 feet in August. Initial analysis indicates potential pay in five sections. Additional drilling and development will be contingent upon further testing and analysis of the Cooper Deep No. 1 Well. Stone has a 17.5% WI and 14.4% NRI in 27,269 gross acres of the Waltman Arch Field. Williston Basin Williston Basin. Stone is currently operating a two-rig drilling program in the Williston Basin horizontal Bakken play. During the third quarter of 2006, Stone drilled three company operated wells; one is in the final drilling phase, one is waiting on completion operations and one is producing. In 2006, Stone has drilled or participated in 16 Bakken development wells with a 100% success rate and expects to drill an additional three company operated wells and up to four outside operated wells during the remainder of 2006. Stone has a 62% average WI and 52% average NRI in this program. International Bohai Bay, China. As previously announced, Stone drilled its first well, the CFD 22-2-1 Well, in Bohai Bay, China during the second quarter of 2006 and encountered potential oil pay in two separate intervals. The possible discovery is awaiting appraisal to determine if it is commercial and whether development will proceed. Drilling is in-progress on the second exploratory test well, the CFD 7-3-1, on a separate offshore concession in Bohai Bay. Stone entered into an agreement to participate in the drilling of two exploratory wells on two offshore concessions in Bohai Bay, China. After drilling these two wells, Stone will have the option to earn interests in the two concessions, which collectively cover approximately 750,000 acres. 2006 Updated Guidance Estimates for Stone's future production volumes are based on assumptions of capital expenditure levels and the assumption that market demand and prices for oil and gas will continue at levels that allow for economic production of these products. The production, transportation and marketing of oil and gas are subject to disruption due to transportation and processing availability, mechanical failure, human error, hurricanes, and numerous other factors. Our estimates are based on certain other assumptions, such as well performance, which may vary significantly from those assumed. Lease operating expenses, which include major maintenance costs, vary in response to changes in prices of services and materials used in the operation of our properties and the amount of maintenance activity required. Estimates of DD&A rates can vary according to reserve additions, capital expenditures, future development costs and other factors. Therefore, we can give no assurance that our future production volumes, lease operating expenses or DD&A rate will be as estimated. The following is an update of our 2006 guidance: Production. For the fourth quarter of 2006, Stone expects net daily production to average between 235-245 MMcfe and maintains its guidance for full year 2006 average daily production to be in the range of 200-230 MMcfe per day. Lease Operating Expenses. Stone expects lease operating costs, excluding production taxes, to range between $155-$165 million for 2006 based upon current operating conditions and budgeted maintenance activities. This increase from the previous $125-$150 million guidance is due to incremental production costs from the Amberjack acquisition, higher hurricane related repairs, higher insurance costs, and generally higher service costs. Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization. Stone expects its DD&A rate to range between $3.95-$4.15 per Mcfe during 2006, which represents an increase from previous guidance of $3.60-$3.90 per Mcfe. Salaries, General & Administrative Expenses. Stone expects its SG&A expenses (excluding incentive compensation expense) to range between $33-$36 million during 2006. Capital Expenditures. Stone's capital spending budget for 2006 has been increased from $360 million to $385 million, excluding property and lease acquisitions, asset retirement costs and capitalized interest and general and administrative costs. Corporate Tax Rate. Stone previously disclosed that its corporate tax rate was expected to be 35%-36%, with substantially all of the taxes deferred. While significant fluctuations in the rate have occurred in the second and third quarters of 2006 due to merger activities, we continue to expect the average tax rate to remain in the previously disclosed range. Hedge Position The following table illustrates Stone's current hedge positions for 2006, 2007 and 2008. All contracts are 12-month contracts that settle monthly. Zero-Premium Collars ------------------------------------------------------ Natural Gas Oil --------------------------- ------------------------- Daily Daily Volume Floor Ceiling Volume Floor Ceiling (MMBtus/d) Price Price (Bbls/d) Price Price ---------- ----- ------- -------- ----- ------- 2006 10,000 $8.00 $14.28 3,000 $55.00 $76.40 2006 20,000 9.00 16.55 2,000 60.00 78.20 2006 20,000 10.00 16.40 ====================================================================== 2007 3,000 60.00 78.35 2007 3,000 60.00 93.05 ====================================================================== 2008 3,000 60.00 90.20 Non-GAAP Financial Measure In this press release, we refer to a non-GAAP financial measure we call "discretionary cash flow." Management believes discretionary cash flow is a financial indicator of our company's ability to internally fund capital expenditures and service debt. Management also believes this non-GAAP financial measure of cash flow is useful information to investors because it is widely used by professional research analysts in the valuation, comparison, rating and investment recommendations of companies within the oil and gas exploration and production industry. Discretionary cash flow should not be considered an alternative to net cash provided by operating activities or net income, as defined by GAAP. (See reconciliation of discretionary cash flow to cash flow provided by operating activities in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Net Cash Flow Information.) Other Information Stone Energy has planned a conference call for 11:00 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 to discuss the operational and financial results for the third quarter of 2006. Anyone wishing to participate should visit our website at for a live web cast or dial 1-877-228-3598 and request the "Stone Energy Call." If you are unable to participate in the original conference call, a replay will be available immediately following the completion of the call on Stone Energy's Web site. The replay will be available for one week. Stone Energy is an independent oil and natural gas company headquartered in Lafayette, Louisiana, and is engaged in the acquisition and subsequent exploration, development, operation and production of oil and gas properties located in the conventional shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, the deep shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico, the Rocky Mountain region and the Williston Basin. Stone is also engaged in an exploratory joint venture in Bohai Bay, China. For additional information, contact Kenneth H. Beer, Chief Financial Officer, at 337-237-0410-phone, 337-237-0426-fax or via e-mail at . Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking and are based upon Stone's current belief as to the outcome and timing of future events. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities that Stone plans, expects, believes, projects, estimates or anticipates will, should or may occur in the future, including future production of oil and gas, future capital expenditures and drilling of wells and future financial or operating results are forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements herein include the timing and extent of changes in commodity prices for oil and gas, operating risks and other risk factors as described in Stone's Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties occur, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, Stone's actual results and plans could differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. STONE ENERGY CORPORATION SUMMARY STATISTICS (In thousands, except per share/unit amounts) (Unaudited) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, -------------------- -------------------- 2006 2005 2006 2005 FINANCIAL RESULTS ------- ------- ------- -------- Net income $21,758 $32,978 $44,314 $110,372 Net income per share $0.79 $1.20 $1.62 $4.06 PRODUCTION QUANTITIES Oil (MBbls) 1,465 1,111 3,803 4,080 Gas (MMcf) 10,971 12,728 33,139 44,260 Oil and gas (MMcfe) 19,761 19,394 55,957 68,740 AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION Oil (MBbls) 16 12 14 15 Gas (MMcf) 119 138 121 162 Oil and gas (MMcfe) 215 211 205 252 REVENUE DATA (A) Oil revenue $98,340 $59,872 $247,375 $203,979 Gas revenue 83,216 99,403 259,726 296,687 Total oil and gas -------- -------- -------- -------- revenue $181,556 $159,275 $507,101 $500,666 AVERAGE PRICES (A) Oil (per Bbl) $67.13 $53.89 $65.05 $49.99 Gas (per Mcf) 7.59 7.81 7.84 6.70 Per Mcfe 9.19 8.21 9.06 7.28 COST DATA Lease operating expenses $52,403 $30,895 $119,825 $88,503 Salaries, general and administrative expenses (B) 8,027 5,205 25,092 14,698 DD&A expense on oil and gas properties 82,016 56,552 221,310 189,508 AVERAGE COSTS (per Mcfe) Lease operating expenses $2.65 $1.59 $2.14 $1.29 Salaries, general and administrative expenses (B) 0.41 0.27 0.45 0.21 DD&A expense on oil and gas properties 4.15 2.92 3.96 2.76 AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING - Diluted 27,619 27,389 27,429 27,194 (A) Includes the cash settlement of effective hedging contracts. (B) Exclusive of incentive compensation expense. STONE ENERGY CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND NET CASH FLOW INFORMATION (In thousands) (Unaudited) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, -------------------- -------------------- 2006 2005 2006 2005 -------- -------- -------- -------- STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Operating revenue: Oil production $98,340 $59,872 $247,375 $203,979 Gas production 83,216 99,403 259,726 296,687 Derivative income 602 --- 2,670 --- Total operating -------- -------- -------- -------- revenue 182,158 159,275 509,771 500,666 -------- -------- -------- -------- Operating expenses: Lease operating expenses 52,403 30,895 119,825 88,503 Production taxes 3,413 3,273 11,515 9,698 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 83,038 57,345 224,214 191,764 Accretion expense 3,153 1,790 9,238 5,369 Salaries, general and administrative expenses 8,027 5,205 25,092 14,698 Incentive compensation expense 3,025 246 3,630 1,259 Derivative expenses --- 4,831 --- 4,831 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total operating expenses 153,059 103,585 393,514 316,122 -------- -------- -------- -------- Income from operations 29,099 55,690 116,257 184,544 -------- -------- -------- -------- Other (income) expenses: Interest 11,579 5,781 24,386 17,546 Other income, net (2,023) (827) (4,683) (2,659) Merger expenses, net 490 --- 28,773 --- Total other -------- -------- -------- -------- expenses 10,046 4,954 48,476 14,887 -------- -------- -------- -------- Income before taxes 19,053 50,736 67,781 169,657 Provision (benefit) for income taxes: -------- -------- -------- -------- Current 170 --- 170 --- Deferred (2,875) 17,758 23,297 59,285 Total income -------- -------- -------- -------- taxes (benefit) (2,705) 17,758 23,467 59,285 -------- -------- -------- -------- Net income $21,758 $32,978 $44,314 $110,372 ======== ======== ======== ======== NET CASH FLOW INFORMATION Reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measure: Discretionary cash flow $106,784 $114,489 $329,896 $372,335 Net working capital changes and other 15,091 37,268 (36,669) 29,657 -------- -------- -------- -------- Net cash flow provided by operating activities $121,875 $151,757 $293,227 $401,992 ======== ======== ======== ======== STONE ENERGY CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (In thousands) (Unaudited) September 30, December 31, 2006 2005 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $28,053 $79,708 Accounts receivable 258,538 211,685 Other current assets 18,917 10,266 ---------- ---------- Total current assets 305,508 301,659 Oil and gas properties: Proved, net 1,934,302 1,564,312 Unevaluated 247,098 246,647 Building and land, net 5,838 5,521 Fixed assets, net 8,709 9,331 Other assets, net 18,355 12,847 ---------- ---------- Total assets $2,519,810 $2,140,317 ========== ========== Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable to vendors $160,716 $160,682 Undistributed oil and gas proceeds 52,078 59,187 Asset retirement obligations 68,600 53,894 Deferred merger expense reimbursement 25,300 --- Other accrued liabilities 29,573 11,390 ---------- ---------- Total current liabilities 336,267 285,153 81/4% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2011 200,000 200,000 63/4% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2014 200,000 200,000 Senior Floating Rate Notes due 2010 225,000 --- Bank debt 172,000 163,000 Deferred taxes 256,311 231,961 Asset retirement obligations 114,499 113,043 Other long-term liabilities 3,886 3,037 ---------- ---------- Total liabilities 1,507,963 1,196,194 ---------- ---------- Common stock 275 272 Treasury stock (1,161) (1,348) Additional paid-in capital 500,098 500,228 Unearned compensation --- (15,068) Retained earnings 499,465 455,183 Accumulated other comprehensive income 13,170 4,856 ---------- ---------- Total stockholders' equity 1,011,847 944,123 Total liabilities and stockholders' ---------- ---------- equity $2,519,810 $2,140,317 ========== ========== DATASOURCE: Stone Energy Corporation CONTACT: Kenneth H. Beer, Chief Financial Officer of Stone Energy Corporation, +1-337-237-0410, or fax, +1-337-237-0426, or Web site:


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