Pan Orient Energy Corp. ("Pan Orient") (TSX VENTURE:POE) is pleased to provide
highlights of its 2009 year end and fourth quarter consolidated financial and
operating results, and provide an outlook for 2010. Please note that all amounts
are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated and all oil volumes are net to
Pan Orient.

The Corporation today filed its audited consolidated financial statements as at
and for the year ended December 31, 2009 and related management's discussion and
analysis with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Copies of these
documents may be obtained online at or the Corporation's website,


--  Pan Orient had an active 2009 drilling program in Thailand with the
    drilling of 24 wells (15.2 net wells) focused on exploration and
    appraisal wells to add new reserves and new development drilling
    opportunities for 2010. Six wells (4.4 net) were drilled in the fourth
    quarter of 2009, with two horizontal wells at Bo Rang, an exploration
    well at Si Thep, an appraisal well at NSE-G2, and two exploration wells
    in Concession L53. Total capital expenditures in Thailand were $16.4
    million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a total of $52 million in
--  Pan Orient drilled 22 wells in Concession L44 during 2009 resulting in
    16 producing wells, one well awaiting testing, and oil discoveries at Bo
    Rang, NSE-F1, L44-W, Si Thep, NSE-H3, and NSE-J1 plus significant
    appraisal wells at NSE-E2 and NSE-H1. 
--  The December 31, 2009 Thailand reserves evaluation assigned proved oil
    reserves of 9.5 million barrels, proved plus probable oil reserves of
    36.7 million barrels and proved, probable and possible oil reserves of
    85.6 million barrels (increases of 71%, 47% and 55% respectively from
    December 31, 2008). Oil discoveries for Concession L44, net of a
    technical revision which transferred reserves from the Na Sanun East
    ("NSE") field to the new NSE-F1 field, were 13.4 million barrels. The
    net present value of proved and probable reserves after tax for
    Concession L44 and Concession SW1, using forecast prices and discounted
    at 10%, was $459 million and represents $9.68 per Pan Orient share.  
--  Average Thailand oil sales in 2009 were 4,496 BOPD and 3,370 BOPD for
    the fourth quarter of 2009.  
--  Oil sales averaged 3,816 BOPD in the first quarter of 2010 (excluding an
    average of 150 BOPD of oil production from the L53-A well which is being
    stored in tanks until a production license for Concession L53 is
--  Pan Orient drilled the first two exploration wells at Concession L53
    (100% working interest) during the fourth quarter of 2009 and work on
    these wells continued into the first quarter of 2010. The L53-A well has
    produced approximately 13,500 barrels of crude oil to tanks under a 90
    day production test which expired on April 2nd. A contingent resource
    report for the 2009 L53-A oil discovery is anticipated to be completed
    by late April 2010 and will form the basis of a production license
    application to be submitted to the Thailand Department of Mineral Fuels.
--  Pan Orient had cash flow from operations of $9.9 million in the fourth
    quarter of 2009 ($0.21 per share) and $53.0 million for 2009 ($1.15 per
    share). Pan Orient had net income of $7.0 million in the fourth quarter
    of 2009 ($0.15 per share) and $15.1 million for 2009 ($0.33 per share). 
--  Strong generation of after tax funds flow from Thailand operations
    contributed $11.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2009 ($35.69 per
    barrel) and $54.8 million for 2009 ($33.40 per barrel).  
--  At December 31, 2009 Pan Orient had $32.7 million in working capital and
    deposits, and no long-term debt.  
--  Total 2009 capital programs in Thailand, Indonesia and Canada of $63.5
    million were financed 83% by after tax funds flow from operations and
    17% from working capital. 
--  The December 31, 2009 reserves evaluation for the Sawn Lake, Alberta
    heavy oil project operated by Andora Energy Corporation ("Andora")
    (which is owned 53.2% by Pan Orient) assigned probable recoverable oil
    reserves of 70.1 million barrels net to the 53.2% ownership interest of
    Pan Orient. The associated net present value, using forecast prices and
    discounted at 10%, is $466 million to Pan Orient and represents $9.82
    per Pan Orient share. In 2009 Andora received Commercial Scheme Approval
    for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) recovery process under the
    Oil Sands Conservation Act from the Energy Resources Conservation Board
    (ERCB) and approval from the Government of Alberta under the
    Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA). The Pilot location
    is on Andora 100% owned acreage within the South Block of its Sawn Lake
    Property in the Peace River Oil Sands Region. 
--  At the Batu Gajah PSC in Indonesia (onshore Sumatra - POE 90% working
    interest and operator) the acquisition of 500 line kilometres of 2D
    seismic continues with completion anticipated in the second quarter of
    2010. Up to nine well locations have been submitted for approval to the
    Ministry of Forestry. The 2010 Indonesian high impact drilling program
    will commence with three Batu Gajah exploration wells in the second half
    of 2010. The exact timing largely a function of Ministry of Forestry
    approvals for proposed well locations. 
--  At the Citarum PSC in Indonesia (onshore Java - Pan Orient 69% working
    interest and operator) the acquisition of more than 1,100 line
    kilometres of 2D seismic data continues with completion anticipated late
    in the second quarter of 2010. Seismic data processing and mapping of
    the first third of the program has been completed with the
    identification of three prospects in the region of the block directly
    adjacent to the Pasar Jadi and Subang gas fields. Target depths are
    shallow, ranging between 800 to 1,800 meters and mapped structural
    closures are up to 25 square kilometres in maximum areal extent. The
    three exploration wells at Citarum will start drilling immediately after
    the three well program on the Batu Gajah PSC.  


--  Pan Orient had an active 2009 drilling program in Thailand with the
    drilling of 24 wells (15.2 net wells) focused on exploration and
    appraisal to add new reserves and new development drilling opportunities
    for 2010. Total capital expenditures in Thailand for 2009 were $52.0
    million for drilling, increased water handling capability, increased
    levels of equipment inventory for future drilling, installation of
    electric submersible pumps, and land purchase and construction for
    future drilling locations. Capital expenditures in Thailand were fully
    funded by oil sales in Thailand which generated $54.8 million in funds
    flow from operations. In the fourth quarter of 2009 Pan Orient drilled
    six wells (4.4 net) in Thailand and had capital expenditures of $16.4
--  The independent reserves evaluation conducted by Gaffney, Cline &
    Associates (Consultants) Pte. Ltd. of Singapore ("Gaffney Cline") for
    the Thailand assets at December 31, 2009 assigned proved oil reserves of
    9.5 million barrels, proved plus probable oil reserves of 36.7 million
    barrels and proved, probable and possible oil reserves of 85.6 million
    barrels. Compared with the reserves evaluation by Gaffney Cline at
    December 31, 2008, this represents increases of 71%, 47% and 55%
    respectively. The net present value of proved and probable reserves
    after tax in Concession L44 (and including Concession SW1), using
    forecast prices and discounted at 10%, is $459 million and represents
    $9.68 per Pan Orient share. 
    Pan Orient had average oil sales of 4,496 barrels per day in 2009.
    Reserve replacement of 2009 oil sales was approximately 3.4 times based
    on proved reserves and 8.1 times based on proved and probable reserves.
    Oil discoveries for Concession L44 were 13.4 million barrels, net of the
    technical revision. The negative technical revision of approximately 6.6
    million barrels of proved and probable reserves for the NSE Central
    field was primarily a result of recognition in the December 31, 2009
    reserve report that the NSE Central field and the new NSE-F1 field are
    distinctly separate oil pools, and resulted in the transfer of volumes
    previously attributed to the NSE-F1 area in the December 31, 2008
    reserve report as part of the NSE Central field, to the new NSE-F1 field
    as an oil discovery in 2009. The 2009 reserves growth in Concession L44
    is attributed entirely to exploration success with new pool oil
    discoveries made at NSE-F1, Bo Rang A, Bo Rang B, L44-W, NSE-J1, Si
    Thep-2 and NSE-H3. The vast majority of estimated proved and probable
    reserve additions are generally evenly distributed across four main
    fields: Bo Rang A, Bo Rang B, NSE-F1 and NSE Central providing greater
    depth to the overall reserve base in comparison to any prior year. The
    December 31, 2009 Thailand reserves evaluation does not include any
    contingent resources that are anticipated to be assigned to Concession
    L53 (in which Pan Orient has a 100% working interest). 

--  Pan Orient drilled 22 wells in Concession L44 in Thailand which resulted
    in significant growth in proved and probable oil reserves, and the
    diversification of reserves, production and drilling opportunities
    through the discovery of new oil fields. 
    --  The drilling of ten wells in Na Sanun East at a cost of
        approximately $12.8 million resulted in eight producing wells and
        included significant appraisal wells at NSE-E2 and NSE-H1, a new
        volcanic pool oil discovery at NSE-H3, and the discovery of a new
        producing sandstone reservoir at NSE-J1. These wells produced
        245,228 barrels of oil in 2009 and generated an estimated $9.4
        million in after tax funds flow from operations. Production for the
        first quarter of 2010 from these wells was 515 BOPD. 
    --  Pan Orient had a significant oil discovery at Bo Rang with the new
        volcanic Bo Rang "A" and Bo Rang "B" pools. Five producing wells
        were drilled in the Bo Rang field in 2009 at a cost of approximately
        $10.7 million. Late in the fourth quarter of 2009 Pan Orient drilled
        the first of four horizontal wells to develop the Bo Rang field. The
        reserves evaluation at December 31, 2009 assigned 11.1 million
        barrels of proved and probable reserves to this new field. These
        wells produced 65,634 barrels of oil in 2009 and generated an
        estimated $2.9 million in after tax funds flow from operations.
        Production for the first quarter of 2010 from these wells was
        125,582 barrels of oil, or 1,395 barrels per day. 
        During the first quarter of 2010, Pan Orient drilled two new
        horizontal development wells at Bo Rang "B" which were put on
        production in March 2010 at approximately 360 BOPD each. Production
        for the first quarter of 2010 from Bo Rang, including these two new
        wells was 1,670 BOPD. 
    --  Pan Orient had an oil discovery at L44-W in the first half of 2009.
        Four wells were drilled in 2009 at a cost of approximately $8.8
        million and resulted in two producing wells. The L44-W exploration
        well produced 23,000 barrels of oil during the 90 day production
        testing period which expired in July 2009. The production license
        necessary to resume production was granted in December 2009; however
        production from this well could not be re-established due to close
        proximity of the well to the field oil water contact resulting in a
        high water cut. The L44-W4 horizontal well was drilled in the fourth
        quarter and average production in the quarter was 331 BOPD. The
        reserves evaluation at December 31, 2009 assigned 1.1 million
        barrels of proved and probable reserves to this new field. These
        wells produced 53,543 barrels of oil in 2009 and generated an
        estimated $2.2 million in after tax funds flow from operations.
        Production from L44-W4 for the first quarter of 2010 was 22,924
        barrels of oil, or 255 BOPD. 
    --  The NSE-F1 vertical well resulted in the discovery of the NSE-F1
        field and established commercial production 1 kilometer from the
        nearest Na Sanun East producer. The reserves evaluation at December
        31, 2009 assigned 7.2 million barrels of proved and probable
        reserves to the new NSE-F1 field and noted that there was a transfer
        of previously assigned volumes from Na Sanun East Central following
        the discovery of the new NSE-F1 accumulation, which is now regarded
        as a separate pool from the main Na Sanun East Central Field. This
        well produced 8,331 barrels of oil in 2009 and generated an
        estimated $0.3 million in after tax funds flow from operations.
        Production for the first quarter of 2010 from the NSE-F1 well was 21
        BOPD. Pan Orient will commence development of the NSE-F1 field using
        horizontal wells during the second quarter of 2010. 
    --  Starting in February 2010 Pan Orient began drilling with a new
        drilling rig with superior equipment and which is better suited to
        horizontal drilling. This new drilling rig is capable of drilling
        approximately three wells per month, improving drilling performance,
        and reducing the overall cost of drilling. 
    --  In July 2009, Pan Orient received formal approval for the three year
        extension of Concession L44 and Concession L33 to July 16, 2012.
        This extension of Concession L44 had new commitments for three
        exploration wells and Pan Orient drilled these required wells by the
        end of 2009 through activity at Bo Rang and L44-W. The extension of
        Concession L33 has new commitments of two exploration wells plus
        geological studies with a combined expenditure obligation to Pan
        Orient of US$0.6 million. 
    --  Pan Orient was granted the new Bo Rang production license in
        Concession L44 by the Thailand Department of Mineral Fuels in
        December 2009, which includes the Bo Rang, L44-W and NSE-F1 fields.
        Pan Orient also received environmental approval for eighteen surface
        pad locations which can accommodate two to three wells each. Of
        these new approved surface locations, nine are at Bo Rang, five at
        NSE-F1 and four at L44-W. 
--  Pan Orient drilled the first two exploration wells in Concession L53
    (100% working interest) during the fourth quarter of 2009 and work
    continued on these wells into the first quarter of 2010. Total capital
    expenditures relating to Concession L53, including the drilling of the
    two wells, plus equipment inventory for additional drilling was $8.1
    million in 2009. There is approximately $3.8 million in additional
    capital expenditures incurred in the first two months of 2010. The L53-A
    well has produced approximately 13,500 barrels of crude oil to tanks
    under a 90 day production test which expired on April 2nd. Results for
    the L53-D well were disappointing and far below pre-drill expectations
    with regard to oil bearing reservoir thickness and areal extent. The
    December 31, 2009 Thailand reserves evaluation does not include any
    contingent resources that are expected to be assigned to Concession L53.
    A contingent resource report for the 2009 L53-A oil discovery is
    anticipated to be completed by late April 2010 and will form the basis
    of a production license application to be submitted to the Thailand
    Department of Mineral Fuels. It is expected that a production license
    will be granted by the end of July, and at that time oil production will
    resume, the crude oil inventory will be sold, and further development
    will proceed. 
--  Thailand oil sales for the fourth quarter of 2009 were 3,370 BOPD
    compared with 3,648 BOPD for the third quarter of 2009. Oil sales
    averaged 4,496 BOPD in 2009 compared with 4,947 BOPD in 2008. Oil sales
    averaged 3,816 BOPD in the first quarter of 2010 (excluding an average
    of 150 BOPD of oil production from the L53-A well which is being stored
    in tanks until a production license for Concession L53 is granted). 
    Pan Orient experienced significant fluctuations in production levels
    during 2009. Production had peaked in the fourth quarter of 2008 at
    6,982 BOPD as a result of strong initial production from wells drilled
    during the second half of 2008 in the Na Sanun East field. Production
    declined as a result of the natural production decline in volcanic
    reservoirs which can be initially very prolific, accelerated drainage of
    one pool in Na Sanun East, increased water production, and reduced
    production from the L44-HD1 well which had produced 1,575 BOPD in 2008
    and produced 607 BOPD in 2009. Pan Orient's 2009 drilling program was
    concentrated on exploration and appraisal drilling for discovery of new
    oil pools which added new reserves and future drilling opportunities,
    but did not result in immediate production equal to the decline. The 22
    wells drilled in Concession L44 during 2009 produced 372,968 barrels of
    oil, or 1,022 BOPD on average for the year, and these wells produced on
    average 2,189 BOPD in the first quarter of 2010. Looking forward, the
    oil discoveries of Pan Orient in 2009 have diversified and expanded the
    oil reserves, production portfolio and drilling opportunities. 
--  Capital expenditures in Indonesia were $2.0 million for the fourth
    quarter and a total of $10.6 million for 2009. These expenditures were
    primarily related to ongoing seismic programs being conducted in both
    the Citarum Production Sharing Contract area and Batu Gajah Production
    Sharing Contract area. These seismic programs will be completed in the
    first half of 2010 with an additional cost of approximately $10 million.


--  Fourth Quarter of 2009 
    --  The financial results for Pan Orient in the fourth quarter of 2009
        compared to the third quarter of 2009 reflect an 8% decrease in oil
        production offset by a 6% increase in realized crude oil prices, and
        foreign exchange losses due to the strengthening Canadian dollar.
        Pan Orient continued its active drilling program in Thailand in the
        fourth quarter of 2009 with four wells (2.4 net) drilled in
        Concession L44 and two exploration wells (2.0 net) in the 100% owned
        Concession L53. Pan Orient was also active in Indonesia during the
        quarter with seismic acquisition programs at the Citarum and the
        Batu Gajah PSCs. 
    --  Funds flow from operations for the fourth quarter was $9.9 million
        compared with $11.2 million for the third quarter of 2009 and $25.0
        million for the fourth quarter of 2008. Funds flow from operations
        per share (basic) was $0.21 for the fourth quarter of 2009. There
        was a $1.1 million decrease in funds flow from operations compared
        with the third quarter of 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2009, the
        Company recorded a $0.7 million foreign exchange loss as a result of
        the strengthening Canadian dollar and the movement of funds from the
        Thailand operations to Canada. In addition, general and
        administrative expenses in the fourth quarter of 2009 for Canada,
        including Andora Energy Corporation ("Andora"), were $0.4 million
        compared with a slight net general and administrative expense
        recovery reported for the third quarter of 2009. 
    --  For the fourth quarter of 2009, Thailand generated $11.1 million in
        funds flow from operations, compared with $11.2 million the third
        quarter of 2009 primarily as a result of the 8% decrease in oil
        sales volumes offset by a 6% increase in the realized price for
        crude oil. For the quarter, transportation expenses were $2.45 per
        barrel, operating expenses $7.35 per barrel, general and
        administrative expenses $2.37 per barrel and amounts to the Thailand
        government of $23.94 per barrel resulted in after tax funds flow
        from operations per barrel of $35.69. The WTI reference price for
        crude oil per barrel increased 8% during the quarter to CDN$81.42
        from CDN$75.43 in the third quarter of 2009, as the 12% increase in
        the United States dollar WTI reference price was reduced through the
        rise in the Canadian dollar. Operating expenses increased to $2.3
        million or $7.35 per barrel in the fourth quarter from $2.0 million
        or $5.95 per barrel in the third quarter of 2009 as a result of
        lower production levels and additional expenses for maintenance and
        water hauling. For the fourth quarter of 2009, Thailand crude oil
        revenue was allocated 17% to expenses for other royalties,
        transportation, operating, and general & administrative, 33% to the
        government of Thailand in the form of royalties, Special
        Remuneratory Benefit ("SRB") and Income Tax, and 50% to Pan Orient
        (before interest income and realized foreign exchange gain).  
    --  Net income of $7.0 million, or $0.15 per share (basic), for the
        fourth quarter of 2009 compared with net income of $10.8 million, or
        $0.24 per share (basic), for the fourth quarter of 2008.  
--  Year Ended December 31, 2009 
    --  The 2009 financial results for Pan Orient compared to the 2008
        financial results reflect the 9% decrease in oil production on a
        year over year basis, a relatively consistent funds flow from
        operations in Thailand per barrel, and foreign exchange losses due
        to the Canadian dollar strengthening 11% against the Thai Baht and
        16% against the U.S. dollar. 
    --  Funds flow from operations for 2009 was $53.0 million compared with
        $63.9 million for 2008, representing funds flow from operations per
        share (basic) of $1.15 compared with $1.40 for the prior year. The
        $10.9 million decrease in funds flow from operations from the prior
        year is primarily due to a $7.0 million reduction in funds flow from
        Thailand operations and a $4.2 million reduction in funds flow from
    --  Thailand operations in 2009 generated $54.8 million in funds flow
        from operations after tax, or $33.40 per barrel in 2009 compared
        with $61.9 million or $34.17 per barrel in 2008. The Thailand
        operations in 2009 experienced a 9% decrease in oil sales volumes
        and a 27% decrease in the realized crude oil price; however funds
        flow from operations in Thailand per barrel was relatively
        consistent due to reductions in Thailand SRB and income tax. For
        2009, transportation expenses were $2.36 per barrel, operating
        expenses $4.60 per barrel, general and administrative expenses $2.07
        per barrel and amounts to the Thailand government of $17.61 per
        barrel resulted in after tax funds flow from operations per barrel
        of $33.40. Operating expenses increased to $7.6 million or $4.60 per
        barrel in 2009 from $3.8 million or $2.10 per barrel in 2008 due to
        the increased number of wells, expenses for maintenance and water
        hauling, and a lower production level. For 2009, Thailand crude oil
        revenue was allocated 15% to expenses for other royalties,
        transportation, operating, and general & administrative, 29% to the
        government of Thailand in the form of royalties, SRB and income tax,
        and 55% to Pan Orient (before interest income and realized foreign
        exchange gain). 
    --  Each of the four concessions in Thailand are subject to the SRB tax
        at sliding scale rates of 0-75%, applied on a concession by
        concession basis to petroleum profits as defined in Thai tax
        legislation which includes a deduction for capital spent. Concession
        L44, which contributed 95% of Pan Orient's oil production in 2009,
        is the only producing concession which currently pays SRB. The SRB
        tax rate for a concession is largely based on the amount of revenue
        for the concession. The SRB expense as a percentage of crude oil
        sales was reduced to 7% in 2009 compared with 24% in 2008 due to the
        significant level of capital reinvestment in Concession L44 and
        lower revenue resulting from the lower oil price and production
    --  For the calculation of Thailand taxable income the SRB is fully
        deductible, exploratory expenses for producing concessions
        (including expenditures for drilling and representing approx.68% of
        capital expenditures) are fully deductible, other capital
        expenditures in the field (representing approx.28% of capital
        expenditures) are deducted as tax depletion based on the amount of
        production compared to the reserve base. Additions to the inventory
        of capital items (representing approx.4% of capital expenditures)
        are not deductible until used in field operations. The reduction in
        Thailand income taxes in 2009 also reflects lower oil revenue and
        the significant level of capital reinvestment in Concession L44. 
    --  The Canadian dollar appreciated 11% against the Thai Baht and 16%
        against the U.S. dollar in 2009. The impact of foreign exchange was:
        --  The realized foreign exchange gain in 2009 was $3.7 million
            resulting from the movement of funds from Thailand to Canada,
            and the associated reclassification of accumulated historic
            exchange gains on repatriation of funds. Of this amount, it is
            deemed that there was a $0.2 million loss associated with
            operating activities and a $3.9 million gain related to
            investing activities (associated with the investment in
        --  The translation of the carrying value of all foreign operations,
            including all assets and liabilities in Thailand and Indonesia,
            into Canadian dollars resulted in a total translation loss of
            $18.8 million in 2009 due to the strengthening of the Canadian
            dollar. Of this amount, a $10.6 million was recorded as an
            unrealized foreign exchange loss in the income statement, and
            $8.2 million was recorded as a loss to accumulated other
            comprehensive income.  
    --  Funds flow from Canada was negative $1.7 million in 2009 compared
        with a funds flow of $2.5 million in 2008. General and
        administrative expenses for Canada were $1.4 million in 2009
        compared with $3.1 million in 2008. In 2009, the Company recorded a
        realized foreign exchange loss of $0.2 million compared with the
        realized foreign exchange gain of $5.9 million in 2008 resulting
        from the movement of funds from Thailand to Canada, and the
        associated reclassification of accumulated historic exchange gains
        and losses on repatriation of funds. 
    --  Net income for 2009 was $15.1 million or $0.33 per share (basic)
        compared with $31.8 million or $0.70 per share (basic) for 2008. The
        lower net income in 2009 is the result of a lower level of funds
        flow from operations in 2009 and foreign exchange losses. 
    --  Pan Orient continues to maintain its financial strength and
        flexibility. At December 31, 2009 Pan Orient had $32.7 million of
        working capital and deposits, and no long-term debt. In 2009 Pan
        Orient had internally generated funds flow from operations of $53.0
        million, funding 83% of the $63.5 million of capital expenditures in
        Thailand, Indonesia and Canada. In addition, at December 31, 2009
        Pan Orient had $6.9 million of equipment inventory to be utilized
        for future Thailand and Indonesia operations that is included in
        petroleum and natural gas assets on the balance sheet. 
    --  Capital expenditures in Indonesia were $2.0 million for the fourth
        quarter and a total of $10.6 million for 2009. These expenditures
        were primarily related to ongoing seismic programs being conducted
        in both the Citarum Production Sharing Contract area and Batu Gajah
        Production Sharing Contract area. These seismic programs will be
        completed in the first half of 2010 with an additional cost of
        approximately $10 million. 


Pan Orient's total capital program budget for 2010 is $67 million. This capital
program will be funded through cash flow generated from the Thailand operations
plus an additional $6.9 million of equipment inventory on hand at the beginning
of 2010, and will utilize to the extent necessary a portion of the $32.7 million
of working capital and deposits at December 31, 2009. 

--  Thailand 
    --  Average oil sales target of 6,000 BOPD 
    --  At this level of production, we expect operating expenses of $4.25
        per barrel, transportation expense of $2.05 per barrel and general &
        administrative expenses of $2.10 per barrel. 
    --  2010 Thailand capital program of $38 million that includes the
        drilling of 34 wells on Concessions L44, L53 and L33.  
    --  Full scale development of the Bo Rang B, Bo Rang A, L44-W and NSE-F1
        discoveries made in 2009 will commence towards the end of April when
        four surface pads, capable of handling three wells per pad, are
        completed. This drilling is part of the remaining development well
        program planned for the remainder of 2010 with up to 27 wells
        utilizing a single drilling rig. In the event of oil prices
        remaining near current levels, consideration will be given to
        utilizing a second rig to target the significant exploration
        potential that is currently undrilled on Pan Orient's Thailand
        acreage in Concession L44 and Concession L53. 
    --  Exploration drilling will commence upon the completion of this
        current phase of development and appraisal drilling. 
    --  In the first quarter of 2010, Pan Orient drilled five wells. Two
        horizontal development wells were drilled at Bo Rang "B" (L44V-D3
        and L44V-D4) and are each on production at 360 BOPD net to Pan
        Orient. The NSE-G3 exploration well drilled in the first quarter is
        currently suspended and will be re-entered and sidetracked in order
        to test a deeper volcanic objective after completion of the current
        development drilling program. The NSE-E3 horizontal well has been
        drilled on the NSE-E1 structure and is currently being tested. The
        NSE-H3 well is currently drilling through the primary reservoir
    --  The current political situation in Thailand has not affected Pan
        Orient's operations in any way to date and is believed by management
        to be unlikely to affect operations in the future. Any change to
        this assessment will be immediately communicated to shareholders. 
--  Indonesia 
    --  2010 Indonesia capital program of $29 million 
    --  $10 million for the completion of the 500 kilometers of 2D seismic
        in the Batu Gajah PSC, and 1,110 kilometers of 2D seismic in the
        Citarum PSC 
    --  $19 million for the 2010 Indonesian high impact drilling program in
        the second half of 2010 starting with the drilling three wells at
        the Batu Gajah PSC and then continuing with three wells at the
        Citarum PSC. The exact timing of the drilling program will largely
        be a function of Ministry of Forestry approvals for proposed well
--  Sawn Lake, Canada 
    --  The work program for the Sawn Lake heavy oil project will be
        determined in the first half of 2010. 

Pan Orient is a Calgary, Alberta based oil and gas exploration and production
company with operations currently located onshore Thailand, Indonesia and in
Western Canada.

This news release contains forward-looking information. Forward-looking
information is generally identifiable by the terminology used, such as "expect",
"believe", "estimate", "should", "anticipate" and "potential" or other similar
wording. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not
limited to, references to: well drilling programs and drilling plans, estimates
of reserves and potentially recoverable resources, and information on future
production and project start-ups. By their very nature, the forward-looking
statements contained in this news release require Pan Orient and its management
to make assumptions that may not materialize or that may not be accurate. The
forward-looking information contained in this news release is subject to known
and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual
results, expectations, achievements or performance to differ materially,
including without limitation: imprecision of reserve estimates and estimates of
recoverable quantities of oil, changes in project schedules, operating and
reservoir performance, the effects of weather and climate change, the results of
exploration and development drilling and related activities, demand for oil and
gas, commercial negotiations, other technical and economic factors or revisions
and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Pan Orient. Although
Pan Orient believes that the expectations reflected in its forward-looking
statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of
any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct.

                               Three Months Ended      Year Ended    Change 
Operations Summary                 December 31,       December 31,          
(thousands of Canadian                                                      
dollars except where                                                        
indicated)                       2009      2008      2009      2008         
Oil revenue, before royalties                                               
 and transportation expense    22,280    36,329    98,236   147,554     -33%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 (Note 1)                       9,945    24,973    52,950    63,897     -17%
 Per share - basic           $   0.21  $   0.55  $   1.15  $   1.40     -18%
 Per share - diluted         $   0.20  $   0.52  $   1.10  $   1.31     -18%
Funds flow from operations by                                               
 region (Note 1)                                                            
 Canada                        (1,062)    5,149    (1,716)    2,490         
 Thailand                      11,063    20,102    54,811    61,865     -11%
 Indonesia                        (56)     (278)     (145)     (458)    -68%
 Total                          9,945    24,973    52,950    63,897     -17%
Net Income                      6,996    10,813    15,145    31,751     -52%
 Per share - basic           $   0.15  $   0.24  $   0.33  $   0.70     -53%
 Per share - diluted         $   0.14  $   0.22  $   0.31  $   0.65     -52%
Working capital                28,659    42,087    28,659    42,087     -32%
Working capital plus deposits  32,738    46,386    32,738    46,386     -29%
Long-term debt                      -         -         -         -         
Capital expenditures (Note 2)  18,960    16,598    63,495    40,491      57%
Acquisition - Indonesia
 (Note 3)                           -       516         -    20,180         
Shares outstanding                                                          
 (thousands)                   46,313    45,568    46,313    45,568       2%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 per barrel                                                                 
 Canada operations           $  (3.42) $   8.02  $  (1.04) $   1.37         
 Thailand operations            35.69     31.30     33.40     34.17      -2%
 Indonesia operations - G&A                                                 
  expense                       (0.18)    (0.43)    (0.09)    (0.26)    -65%
                             $  32.09  $  38.88  $  32.27  $  35.28      -9%
Capital Expenditures (Note 2)                                               
Canada                            567       909       917     1,827     -50%
Thailand                       16,351    10,460    51,996    31,319      66%
Indonesia                       2,042     5,229    10,582     7,345      44%
Total                          18,960    16,598    63,495    40,491      57%
Working Capital and Deposits                                                
Working Capital & Deposits -                                                
 beginning of period           39,830    40,022    46,386    40,763      14%
 Funds flow from operations                                                 
  (Note 1)                      9,945    24,973    52,950    63,897     -17%
 Capital expenditures
 (Note 2)                     (18,960)  (16,598)  (63,495)  (40,491)     57%
 Indonesia acquisition              -     1,131         -   (15,157)        
 Foreign exchange impact on                                                 
  working capital               1,338    (2,803)   (4,214)   (1,964)    115%
 Net (expenditures) proceeds                                                
  on share transactions           585      (339)    1,111      (662)        
Working Capital & Deposits
 - end of period               32,738    46,386    32,738    46,386     -29%
Canada Operations                                                           
Interest income                    12        70        43       485     -91%
General and administrative                                                  
 expense                         (359)     (989)   (1,450)   (3,134)    -54%
Realized foreign exchange                                                   
 gain (loss)                     (692)    6,179      (247)    5,870    -104%
Foreign new ventures                                                        
 expenditures                     (23)     (111)      (62)     (731)    -92%
Funds flow from operations     (1,062)    5,149    (1,716)    2,490    -169%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 per barrel                                                                 
 Interest income             $   0.04  $   0.11  $   0.03  $   0.26     -90%
 General and administrative                                                 
  expense                       (1.16)    (1.54)    (0.88)    (1.73)    -49%
 Realized foreign exchange                                                  
  gain (loss)                   (2.23)     9.62     (0.15)     3.24    -105%
 Foreign new ventures                                                       
  expenditures                  (0.07)    (0.17)    (0.04)    (0.40)    -91%
                             $  (3.42) $   8.02  $  (1.04) $   1.37    -176%

                            Three Months             Year Ended      Change 
                               Ended                 December 31,           
                            December 31,                                    
(thousands of Canadian                                                      
dollars except where                                                        
indicated)                 2009      2008         2009         2008         
Thailand Operations                                                         
Total production        310,006   642,302    1,640,894    1,810,439      -9%
Average daily oil                                                           
 production (bbls/d)      3,370     6,982        4,496        4,947      -9%
Average oil sales                                                           
 price, before                                                              
 (CDN$/bbl)            $  71.87  $  56.56  $     59.87  $     81.50     -27%
Reference Price (volume                                                     
 weighted) and                                                              
 Crude oil (WTI                                                             
  $US/bbl)             $  75.97  $  58.15  $     58.56  $     93.49     -37%
 Exchange Rate $US/$Cdn   1.072     1.211        1.157        1.087       6%
 Crude oil (WTI                                                             
  $Cdn/bbl)            $  81.42  $  70.41  $     67.72  $     98.93     -32%
 Sales price / WTI                                                          
  reference price            88%       80%          88%          82%      6%
Funds flow from                                                             
 Crude oil sales         22,280    36,329       98,236      147,554     -33%
 Government royalty      (1,344)   (2,897)      (6,729)     (10,027)    -33%
 Other royalty              (37)      (29)        (114)        (309)    -63%
 Transportation expense    (761)   (1,557)      (3,866)      (4,551)    -15%
 Operating expense       (2,278)   (1,114)      (7,555)      (3,809)     98%
 Field Netback           17,860    30,732       79,972      128,857     -38%
 General and                                                                
  expense                  (735)     (182)      (3,394)      (1,900)     79%
 Interest Income             14       354          407          506     -20%
 Special Remuneratory                                                       
  Benefit (SRB)          (1,868)   (6,358)      (6,751)     (35,489)    -81%
 Current income tax      (4,208)   (4,445)     (15,423)     (30,109)    -49%
 Funds flow from                                                            
  operations             11,063    20,102       54,811       61,865     -11%
Funds flow from                                                             
 operations per barrel                                                      
 Crude oil sales       $  71.87  $  56.56  $     59.87  $     81.50     -27%
 Government royalty       (4.34)    (4.51)       (4.10)       (5.54)    -26%
 Other royalty            (0.12)    (0.05)       (0.07)       (0.17)    -59%
 Transportation expense   (2.45)    (2.42)       (2.36)       (2.51)     -6%
 Operating expense        (7.35)    (1.73)       (4.60)       (2.10)    119%
 Field Netback            57.61     47.85        48.74        71.17     -32%
 General and                                                                
  expense                 (2.37)    (0.28)       (2.07)       (1.05)     97%
 Interest Income           0.05      0.55         0.25         0.28     -11%
 Special Remuneratory                                                       
  Benefit (SRB)           (6.03)    (9.90)       (4.11)      (19.60)    -79%
 Current income tax      (13.57)    (6.92)       (9.40)      (16.63)    -43%
 Thailand - Funds flow                                                      
  from operations      $  35.69  $  31.30  $     33.40  $     34.17      -2%
Government royalty as                                                       
 percentage of sales          6%        8%           7%           7%      0%
SRB as percentage of                                                        
 crude oil sales              8%       18%           7%          24%    -17%
Income tax as                                                               
 percentage of crude                                                        
 oil sales                   19%       12%          16%          20%     -5%
As percentage of crude                                                      
 oil sales                                                                  
 Expenses -                                                                 
  operating, G&A and                                                        
  other                      17%        8%          15%           7%      8%
 Government royalty,                                                        
  SRB and income tax         33%       38%          29%          51%    -22%
 Funds flow from                                                            
  operations, before                                                        
  interest income and                                                       
  realized foreign                                                          
  exchange gain              50%       54%          55%          42%     14%
Wells drilled                                                               
         Gross                6         7           24           22       9%
         Net                4.4       4.2         15.2         13.2      15%
                                            Year Ended December 31,  Change 
(thousands of Canadian dollars except                                       
 where indicated)                                2009         2008          
Onshore Thailand                                                            
(reserves assigned to concessions SW1                                       
 and L44/43; 60% interest) Note4                                            
 Proved oil reserves (thousands of                                          
  barrels)                                      9,525        5,580       71%
 Proved plus probable oil reserves                                          
  (thousands of barrels)                       36,684       24,963       47%
 Net present value of proved + probable                                     
  reserves, after tax discounted at 10%       459,000      357,000       29%
  Per Pan Orient share - basic Note 6       $    9.68    $    7.83       24%
 Net present value of proved + probable                                     
  reserves, after tax discounted at 15%       362,000      296,000       22%
  Per Pan Orient share - basic Note 6       $    7.63    $    6.50       17%
(53.2% share of the oil sands leases of                                     
 Andora at Sawn Lake, Alberta) Note 5                                       
 Probable oil reserves (thousands of                                        
  barrels)                                     70,121       70,253        0%
 Net Present value of probable reserves,                                    
  after tax discounted at 10%                 466,000      487,695       -4%
  Per Pan Orient share - basic Note 6       $    9.82    $   10.70       -8%
 Net present value of probable reserves,                                    
  after tax discounted at 15%                 318,000      320,796       -1%
  Per Pan Orient share - basic Note 6       $    6.70    $    7.04       -5%

International Concessions at December 31, 2009  
All amounts                                  Financial                    
 reflect Pan                             Commitments -                  P+P
 Orient's                   Net Square     Note 7 (CDN    2009 Avg Reserves
 interest         Status    Kilometers       thousands) Production    (Mstb)
Onshore Thailand                                                            
SW1A (60% working Developed         14       -       -         232    1,980
 interest &                                                                 
L44/43 (60%       Partially        539 $    19 to July       4,264   34,704
 working interest developed                       2012                    
 & operator)                                                                
L33/43 (60%       Undeveloped      557 $   680 to July           -        -
 working interest                                 2012                    
 & operator)                                                                
L53/48 (100%      Undeveloped    3,997 $ 1,498      to           -        -
 working interest                              January                    
 & operator)                                      2013                    
Indonesia                                                                 -
Citarum PSC, West Undeveloped    1,986  18,562      to           -        -
 Java (69% working                             October                    
 interest &                                       2010                    
 operator) Note 8                                                           
 & 9                                                                        
Batu Gajah PSC,   Undeveloped    2,270  27,902      to           -        -
 South Sumatra                                 January                    
 (90% working                                     2011                    
 interest &                                                                 
 operator) Note 8                                                           
South CPP PSC,    Undeveloped    4,026   5,231      to           -        -
 Central Sumatra                              November                    
 (90% working                                     2011                    
 interest &                                                                 
 operator) Note 9                                                           
(1) Funds flow from operations ("funds flow" before changes in non-cash     
    working capital and reclamation costs) is used by management to analyze 
    operating performance and leverage. Funds flow as presented does not    
    have any standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP and therefore 
    it may not be comparable with the calculation of similar measures of    
    other entities.                                                         
    Funds flow is not intended to represent operating cash flow or operating
    profits for the period nor should it be viewed as an alternative to cash
    flow from operating activities, net earnings or other measures of       
    financial performance calculated in accordance with Canadian GAAP. All  
    references to funds flow throughout this report are based on funds flow 
    from operations before changes in non-cash working capital and          
    reclamation costs.                                                      
(2) Cost of capital expenditures, excluding any asset retirement obligation 
    and excluding the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates.          
(3) Cost of Indonesian acquisition in 2008 allocated to                     
    petroleum and natural gas properties.                                   
(4) Thailand reserves as at December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 as      
    evaluated by Gaffney Cline & Associates (Consultants) Pte. Ltd. of      
    Singapore assessed at forecast crude oil reference prices and costs. The
    reference price for crude oil per barrel (US$ WTI per barrel) is $80.00 
    for 2010, $83.60 for 2011, $87.40 for 2012, $91.30 for 2013, $95.30 for 
    2014, $99.40 for 2015, and prices increase at 2% per year thereafter.   
    The engineered values disclosed may not represent fair market value.    
(5) Pan Orient's 53.2% share of the reserves of Andora Energy Corporation, a
    private company, as at December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 as       
    evaluated by DeGolyer and MacNaughton Canada Limited assessed at        
    forecast crude oil reference prices and costs. The reference price for  
    crude oil per barrel (crude bitumen 9 API Plant Gate in Canadian        
    dollars) is $58.32 for 2010, $59.21 for 2011, $58.83 for 2012 and prices
    increasing to $67.81 in 2021. The engineered values disclosed may not   
    represent fair market value.                                            
(6) Per share values calculated based on 47,414,200 Pan                     
    Orient Shares outstanding at March 31, 2010.                            
(7) Share of commitments reflect amounts to be paid by Pan Orient, including
    carried interest partners in Indonesia. Note that commitments for a     
    concession in Thailand or a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC") in      
    Indonesia include the completion of a work program as well as the amount
    of expenditure. Work program commitment is based on the original        
    contract and timing is subject to government approval.                  
(8) Indonesia financial commitments as provided above represent the current 
    exploration phase that the Company is conducting. The obligation period 
    ending for Citarum and Batu Gajah differs from the PSC agreement as     
    commitments from previous years have been deferred and rolled forward.  
    Every year the Company submits a work program for each PSC to the GOI   
    and along with it, a request to roll forward any incomplete commitments 
    from the previous year. Although this request is a departure from the   
    original contract, it is considered standard practice in Indonesia. The 
    above obligation periods for Citarum and Batu Gajah are consistent with 
    this practice.                                                          
(9) Amounts recorded in the financial statements and work commitments for   
    Indonesian PSCs include amounts paid by Pan Orient on behalf of a       
    partner's carried interest (10% for Batu Gajah, 11% for Citarum and 10% 
    for South CPP).                                                         

Thailand 2009 Drilling Program                                              
                          Oil Sales - 2009 Drilled Wells     2009           
                                 (net Pan Orient)           Wells     Field
                                                             Only  Reserves
Net to Pan                                                   2009  Year end
Orient (Cdn$ 2009 Capital    2009  % of   2010 Q1           Funds       P+P
thousands)   Expenditures   (bbls) 2009     (bbls)(bbls/d)   flow    (mmbls)
                                                          (Note 3)  (Note 4)
Na Sanun                                                                    
 (Note 1)          12,829 245,228    15%   46,357     515   9,367      13.8
NSE-D2                     16,946           2,604      29     519           
NSE-G1                          -               -       -                   
NSE-H1                     77,276          14,917     166   2,905           
NSE-H2                     23,238           3,779      42     851           
NSE-E2                    104,993          23,011     256   4,232           
NSE-H3 (new                                                                 
 reservoir)                15,322             379       4     570           
NSE-I1                        970               -       -      28           
NSE-J1 (new                                                                 
 reservoir)                  5599           1,238      14     233           
NSE-J2                        883             428       5      29           
NSE-G2                          -               -       -                   
 (Note 1)           1,259   8,331     1%    1,877      21     260       7.2
L44-W (new                                                                  
 field)             8,809  53,543     3%   22,924     255   2,223       1.1
L44-W                      23,106              12       0     795           
L44-W2                          4               -       -                   
L44-W3 (HZ)                     -               -       -                   
L44-W4 (HZ)                30,433          22,912     255   1,428           
Bo Rang A&B                                                                 
 (new fields)      10,688  65,634     4%  125,582   1,395   2,940      11.1
BR-1RD                      8,161               -       -     323           
BR-2(HZ)                    5,516          40,731     453     200           
L44V-D2(HZ)                17,209          10,054     112     773           
BR-3D1(HZ)                 23,890          41,113     457   1,134           
BR-4D1(HZ)                 10,858          33,684     374     510           
 Buri, Na                                                                   
 Sanun, POE-6,                                                              
 Si Thep                                                                3.5
Si Thep 2                                                                   
 zones)                       232             262       3      10           
L44R-2                                                               No P+P
                      488       -               -       -       -  assigned
 L53 -100%                                                                  
 POE (Note                                                                  
 2) (new                                                              To be
 field)             6,357       -               -       -        determined
Capital -                                                                   
 Drilling          42,089 372,968    23%  197,002   2,189  14,800      36.7
 inventory          2,352                                                   
2008 Wells          1,896                                                   
 capital            5,659                                                   
 Capital           51,996                                                   
 1 Gaffney, Cline & Associates (Consultants) Pte. Ltd. of Singapore states  
   that the negative technical revisions relate to the transfer of volumes  
   from Na Sanun Central following the discovery of the NSE-F1 accumulation,
   by wells NSE-F1 and NSE-F1ST, which is now regarded as a separate pool   
   from the main Na Sanun Central Field. As the NSE-F wells were drilled in 
   2009, the transferred volume from the Na Sanun Central field is now      
   included in the "Discoveries" category.                                  
 2 Pan Orient is in the process of applying for a production license for    
   Concession L53/48. Contingent resources will be determined by Gaffney    
   Cline as part of the application process. During the first quarter of    
   2010, approximately 13,500 barrels of oil was produced under a 90 day    
   test permit and is being stored in tanks until the production license is 
 3 Estimated funds flow from operations after general and administrative    
   expenses, SRB and income tax. SRB and income tax allocated to each       
   property using an average effective SRB and income tax rate for the year.
 4 Independent reserves evaluation as at December 31, 2009 by Gaffney, Cline
   & Associates (Consultants) Pte. Ltd. of Singapore ("Gaffney Cline") for  
   the Thailand assets and was prepared in accordance with National         
   Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities.    
   Reserves shown for the field, including all wells drilled to Dec31-09.   

To vew the Thailand 2009 Drilling - Consession L44/43 map, please click the
following link:

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