Bonavista Energy Trust (TSX:BNP.UN) is pleased to report to unitholders its
interim consolidated financial and operating results for the three and six
months ended June 30, 2009.

                                    Three months             Six months
                                   ended June 30,          ended June 30,
                                  2009        2008        2009        2008
($ thousands, except per unit)
Production revenues            166,430     361,555     345,576     657,942
Funds from operations(1)       101,655     183,912     207,340     339,044
 Per unit(1)(2)                   0.85        1.62        1.74        3.06
Distributions declared          47,430      84,282     102,504     161,857
 Per unit                         0.48        0.90        1.04        1.80
 Percentage of funds from
  operations(1)                     47%         46%         49%         48%
Net income                         661      29,282      33,620     101,580
 Per unit(2)                      0.01        0.26        0.28        0.92
Adjusted net income(3)          35,227     107,247      80,688     193,567
 Per unit (2)                      0.29        0.94        0.68        1.75
Total assets                                         2,496,168   2,512,365
Long-term debt, including
 working capital deficiency(4)                         668,637     752,792
Long-term debt, net of
 adjusted working capital(3)(4)                        680,848     631,871
Unitholders' equity                                  1,351,059   1,232,554
Capital expenditures:
 Exploitation and development   41,350      62,166      98,498     155,431
 Acquisitions                      128       4,771      22,225     174,145
Weighted average outstanding
 equivalent trust units:
  Basic                        119,726     113,713     119,238     110,795
  Diluted                      121,851     116,292     121,174     113,228
(boe conversion - 6:1 basis)
 Natural gas (mmcf/day)            176         172         174         175
 Oil and liquids (bbls/day)     22,378      22,974      22,567      23,834
  Total oil equivalent
   (boe/day)                    51,768      51,598      51,559      52,998
Product prices:(5)
 Natural gas ($/mcf)              4.19        9.62        5.26        8.73
 Oil and liquids ($/bbl)         58.61       81.94       54.97       75.05
Operating expenses ($/boe)       10.25        9.37       10.37        9.16
General and administrative
 expenses ($/boe)                 0.89        0.74        0.86        0.72
Cash costs ($/boe)(6)            11.68       11.86       11.90       11.94
Operating netback ($/boe)(7)     23.01       41.66       23.75       37.92


(1) Management uses funds from operations to analyze operating performance,
    distribution coverage and leverage. Funds from operations as presented
    do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP and
    therefore it may not be comparable with the calculations of similar
    measures for other entities. Funds from operations as presented is not
    intended to represent operating cash flow or operating profits for the
    period nor should it be viewed as an alternative to cash flow from
    operating activities, net income or other measures of financial
    performance calculated in accordance with Canadian GAAP. All references
    to funds from operations throughout this report are based on cash flow
    from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital
    and asset retirement expenditures. Funds from operations per unit is
    calculated based on the weighted average number of units outstanding
    consistent with the calculation of net income per unit.

(2) Basic per unit calculations include exchangeable shares which are
    convertible into trust units on certain terms and conditions.

(3) Amounts have been adjusted to exclude unrealized gains or losses on
    financial instruments and its related tax impact.

(4) Amounts exclude convertible debentures.

(5) Product prices include realized gains or losses on financial

(6) Cash costs equal the total of operating, general and administrative,
    and financing expenses.

(7) Operating netback equals production revenues including realized gains
    or losses on financial instruments, less royalties, transportation and
    operating expenses, calculated on a boe basis.

                                             Three months ended            
                              June 30, March 31, December 31,  September 30,
Trust Unit Trading Statistics    2009      2009         2008           2008
($ per unit, except volume)
High                            19.95     18.93        26.39          37.65
Low                             14.84     11.74        14.25          25.01
Close                           18.04     15.30        17.00          26.29
Average Daily Volume - Units  231,577   306,298      425,042        273,074


Bonavista Energy Trust ("Bonavista" or the "Trust") is pleased to report to its
unitholders (the "Unitholders") its consolidated financial and operating results
for the three and six months ended June 30, 2009. The execution of Bonavista's
long term, proven strategies in the second quarter of 2009 continues to validate
the effectiveness of an operationally and technically focused energy trust.
During the quarter, weaker commodity prices persisted compared to the same
period last year and as a result Bonavista continued to adjust to the current
economic environment by curtailing its disciplined capital program. We continued
to focus on the key aspects of our business to ensure production and revenues
are optimized and all costs minimized. This discipline has resulted in excellent
operational and relatively strong financial results for the quarter despite weak
oil and natural gas prices.

Although the North American economy has been slow to recover and industry
fundamentals remain relatively weak, there are signs of stabilization, and this,
coupled with our determination to position Bonavista for long term growth and
profitability provided us the confidence to act on a significant acquisition
opportunity. In this regard, on July 16, 2009 Bonavista announced that it had
agreed to acquire certain long-life, liquids rich natural gas weighted
properties located in its Central Alberta core area (the "Acquired Properties").
The acquisition has an effective date of April 1, 2009 and is expected to close
on or about August 21, 2009 for a cash purchase price, at closing, of
approximately $694 million. The completion of the transaction is subject to
customary regulatory approvals and other conditions. In conjunction with this
acquisition, Bonavista announced equity and bank financings and agreed to a
property disposition. Details of all of these activities are as follows:

a) Acquisition Highlights - The acquisition is consistent with Bonavista's
strategy of acquiring high quality, long-life oil and natural gas assets with
significant low-risk development potential. The Acquired Properties are
characterized by high working interests and operatorship with extensive
gathering and processing infrastructure that enable low operating costs and
efficiently accommodate production additions. The Acquired Properties complement
Bonavista's emerging initiatives involving the use of leading technologies to
access under developed reservoirs, located in close proximity to Bonavista's
existing lands in our Central Alberta core area. The area is characterized as
one of the most prolific multi-zone regions in western Canada with over twelve
different producing horizons and the Acquired Properties provide significant
exposure to the Glauconite, Rock Creek, Cardium, Viking and Notikewin
formations. Utilizing leading technology, Bonavista believes that both
production and recoverable reserves can be increased by over 50% from these
large and scalable under developed reservoirs. While there is extensive
exploration and development potential in many zones within the area, the primary
development program will initially consist of drilling horizontal wells within
the Glauconite and Rock Creek formations utilizing multistage fracture
techniques paralleling Bonavista's success in the area over the past year.
Bonavista has initially identified 165 horizontal drilling locations on the
Acquired Properties in a development program anticipated to generate attractive
future development efficiencies with finding and development costs of
approximately $10 per boe and on-stream costs of approximately $10,000 per boe
per day.

b) Financing - The cash to close the acquisition of approximately $694 million
will be funded through a combination of bank debt and an issuance of
subscription receipts ("Subscription Receipts"). In conjunction with the
acquisition, Bonavista entered into an agreement to sell, on a bought deal
basis, 23 million Subscription Receipts at a price of $16.85 each for gross
proceeds of approximately $388 million. In addition, Bonavista has granted the
underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase an additional two million
Subscription Receipts at the same price. On August 5, 2009, the underwriters
advised that they would elect to exercise on their option to purchase an
additional two million Subscription Receipts for gross proceeds of approximately
$34 million, to be completed on the closing of the equity financing.

In addition, Bonavista is currently arranging to increase its bank facilities by
up to $400 million with the current members of its banking syndicate with the
same maturity and financial covenants of its existing bank credit facility. This
will provide Bonavista with up to $1.4 billion of total bank credit facilities
to fund its ongoing capital programs. In connection with the contemplated
increase, Bonavista has obtained $150 million of commitments from two of its

c) Property Disposition - On July 23, 2009, Bonavista agreed to sell its
Southeast Saskatchewan assets effective June 1, 2009 to Glamis Resources Ltd.
("Glamis") for total consideration of $91.3 million in cash and approximately
four million common shares of Glamis. The rationale for this disposition is as

- The assets comprise less than 2% of overall operations;

- The area has become extremely competitive to expand operations significantly;

- Bonavista received an attractive purchase price with equity upside in a high
growth company;

- The assets are better suited to a junior oil and natural gas company with
plans to aggressively accelerate capital investment to achieve significant
growth objectives; and

- Creates an opportunity for Bonavista to focus both human and capital resources
in areas of greater presence and higher impact, generating superior returns over
the long term.

Other significant accomplishments for Bonavista in the first half of 2009 include:

- Operationally, production volumes averaged 51,768 boe per day during the
second quarter of 2009, versus 51,598 boe per day in 2008. Production volumes
averaged 51,559 boe per day for the first half of 2009 versus 52,998 boe per day
in 2008. Bonavista's proforma production rate is approximately 62,000 boe per
day after accounting for the Acquired Properties and the Southeast Saskatchewan

- Maintained a disciplined capital program during both the second quarter and
first half of 2009. In the second quarter of 2009 Bonavista invested $41.4
million in exploitation and development activities compared to $62.2 million in
the same period of 2008 by drilling 20 wells with an overall 100% success rate.
For the first six months of 2009, Bonavista invested $98.5 million in
exploitation and development activities, drilling 56 wells with an overall 98%
success rate and completed six transactions for $22.2 million;

- Drilled 27 successful horizontal wells, year to date, on seven different play
types within our existing core regions. Six of these wells were drilled on a
highly prospective Glauconite trend at Willesden Green in Central Alberta. The
first three horizontal Glauconite wells began production at six times the
initial rate of the offsetting verticals with all three averaging in excess of
400 boe per day per well for the first three months of production. In addition,
Bonavista has drilled three Elkton horizontal wells in the Garrington area which
are currently producing at seven mmcf per day in aggregate. Finally, three heavy
oil wells drilled in the second quarter have added 400 bbls per day of
incremental heavy oil production;

- Continued to participate at Crown land sales and freehold purchases, investing
$7.7 million in land activity, further enhancing our future drilling prospect
inventory for several years. Bonavista's undeveloped land position was improved
to 1.3 million net acres;

- Generated funds from operations of $101.7 million ($0.85 per unit) in the
second quarter of 2009 and $207.3 million ($1.74 per unit) in the first half of
2009. Of the total funds from operations generated in the respective periods,
Bonavista distributed 47% of these funds in the second quarter and 49% of these
funds for the first half of 2009 to Unitholders with the remaining funds
reinvested in the business to continue growing our production base;

- Continued to record attractive levels of profitability in the first half of
2009 with a return on equity of 12% adjusting net income to negate the impact of
unrealized gains or losses on financial instruments and its related tax impact,
and an adjusted net income to funds from operations ratio of 39%; and

- Since inception as a Trust, Bonavista has delivered cumulative distributions
of $1.6 billion or $20.15 per unit. These cumulative distributions are in excess
of our closing price of $16.00 per unit on the first trading day after we became
an energy trust on July 2, 2003.

Strengths of Bonavista Energy Trust

Upon restructuring from an exploration and production corporation into an energy
trust in July 2003, Bonavista brought forward the same attributes that resulted
in the tremendous success of the company between 1997 and 2003. We have
maintained a high level of investment activity on our asset base, increasing
production more than 50% since 2003. This activity stems from the operational
and technical focus of our Trust, the attention to detail, and the ability to
continuously generate economic prospects on our asset base within the Western
Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Our experienced technical teams have a solid
understanding of our assets and possess the necessary discipline and commitment
to deliver profitable results to our Unitholders over the long term. We actively
participate in undeveloped land acquisitions through Crown land sales, property
purchases or farm-in opportunities, which have all continued to add to our
already extensive low-risk drilling inventory. This has led to low cost reserve
additions, lengthening of our reserve life index, an increase in the quality and
quantity of our drilling inventory and a growing production base. Our production
base, including the recently announced property transactions is balanced 61% in
favour of natural gas and 39% towards oil and liquids and is geographically
focused within select medium depth, multi-zone regions in Alberta, British
Columbia and Saskatchewan. This asset base has a low operating cost structure
resulting in attractive operating netbacks. In addition, the high working
interest asset base is predominantly operated by Bonavista, ensuring that
operating and capital cost efficiencies are maintained and that Bonavista
controls the pace of its operations.

Our team brings a successful track record of executing low to medium risk
development programs, including both asset and corporate acquisitions, along
with a solid track record of sound financial management. With our recently
announced acquisition, Bonavista is confident that the acquired properties can
be integrated quickly and seamlessly into our current base of operations due to
the concentrated nature of the assets and our existing presence in the area. Our
management team and Board of Directors possess extensive experience in the oil
and natural gas business, navigating successfully through many different
economic cycles utilizing a proven strategy consisting of strict cost controls
and prudent financial management. Directors, management and employees also own
approximately 15% of the Trust after giving effect to the recent financing,
resulting in a close alignment of interests with all Unitholders.


Management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") of the financial condition and
results of operations should be read in conjunction with Bonavista Energy
Trust's ("Bonavista" or the "Trust") audited consolidated financial statements
and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2008. The following MD&A of the
financial condition and results of operations was prepared at, and is dated
August 6, 2009. Our audited consolidated financial statements, Annual Report,
and other disclosure documents for 2008 are available through our filings on
SEDAR at or can be obtained from Bonavista's website at

Basis of Presentation - The financial data presented below has been prepared in
accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). The
reporting and the measurement currency is the Canadian dollar. For the purpose
of calculating unit costs, natural gas is converted to a barrel of oil
equivalent ("boe") using six thousand cubic feet of natural gas equal to one
barrel of oil unless otherwise stated. A boe may be misleading, particularly if
used in isolation. A boe conversion of 6 Mcf to one barrel is based on an energy
equivalent conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not
represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Forward-Looking Statements - Certain information set forth in this document,
including management's assessment of Bonavista's future plans and operations,
contains forward-looking statements including; (i) forecasted capital
expenditures; (ii) exploration, drilling and development plans and prospects;
(iii) anticipated production rates; (iv) expected royalty rate; (v) annualized
debt to funds from operations; (vi) funds from operations, (vii) anticipated
operating costs; (viii) expected service agreement fees; (ix) expected finding
and development costs; (x) expected on-stream costs; (xi) closing of the
acquisition of the Acquired Properties and the expected timing of such closing,
which are provided to allow investors to better understand our business. By
their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and
uncertainties; some of which are beyond Bonavista's control, including the
impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of
commodity prices, currency fluctuations, imprecision of reserve estimates,
environmental risks, changes in environmental tax and royalty legislation,
competition from other industry participants, the lack of availability of
qualified personnel or management, stock market volatility and ability to access
sufficient capital from internal and external sources. Readers are cautioned
that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although
considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and,
as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.
Bonavista's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially
from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements or if
any of them do so, what benefits that Bonavista will derive there from.
Bonavista disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise, except as required by law. Investors are also cautioned
that cash-on-cash yield represents a blend of return of an investor's initial
investment and a return on investors' initial investment and is not comparable
to traditional yield on debt instruments where investors are entitled to full
return of the principal amount of debt on maturity in addition to a return on
investment through interest payments.

Non-GAAP Measurements - Within Management's discussion and analysis, references
are made to terms commonly used in the oil and natural gas industry. Management
uses "funds from operations" and the "ratio of debt to funds from operations" to
analyze operating performance and leverage. Funds from operations as presented
does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP and therefore
it may not be comparable with the calculation of similar measures for other
entities. Funds from operations as presented is not intended to represent
operating cash flow or operating profits for the period nor should it be viewed
as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities, net income or other
measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with Canadian GAAP.
All references to funds from operations throughout this report are based on cash
flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital and
abandonment expenditures. Funds from operations per unit is calculated based on
the weighted average number of trust units outstanding consistent with the
calculation of net income per unit. Operating netbacks equal production revenue
and realized gains or losses on financial instruments, less royalties,
transportation and operating expenses calculated on a boe basis. Total boe is
calculated by multiplying the daily production by the number of days in the
period. Management uses these terms to analyze operating performance and

Operations - Bonavista's exploitation and development program for the first six
months of 2009 led to the drilling of 56 wells in our four core regions with an
overall success rate of 98%. This program resulted in 32 natural gas wells and
23 oil wells. Bonavista continues to pursue deeper and higher impact drilling
opportunities focusing on unconventional development through the use of
horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracture stimulation technology particularly
in our Southern Alberta core area, where we have experienced excellent success
and attractive finding and development costs over the past few years. These
activities have also continued to enhance the predictability in our overall
production base in addition to lengthening our reserve life index.

Production - For the second quarter of 2009, production increased slightly to
51,768 boe per day when compared to 51,598 boe per day for the same period a
year ago and compared to the first quarter level of 51,347 boe per day.
Specifically, average natural gas production increased 2% to 176 mmcf per day in
the second quarter of 2009 from 172 mmcf per day for the same period a year ago,
while total oil and liquids production decreased 3% to 22,378 bbls per day in
the second quarter of 2009 (comprised of 16,531 bbls per day of light and medium
oil and 5,847 bbls per day of heavy oil) from 22,974 bbls per day (comprised of
16,659 bbls per day of light and medium oil and 6,315 bbls per day of heavy oil)
for the same period in 2008. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, production
decreased 3% to 51,559 boe per day when compared to 52,998 boe per day for the
same period a year ago. Natural gas production decreased slightly to 174 mmcf
per day in the first six months of 2009 from 175 mmcf per day for the same
period a year ago, while total oil and liquids production decreased 5% to 22,567
bbls per day in the first six months of 2009 (comprised of 16,874 bbls per day
of light and medium oil and 5,693 bbls per day of heavy oil) from 23,834 bbls
per day (comprised of 17,199 bbls per day of light and medium oil and 6,635 bbls
per day of heavy oil) for the same period in 2008. Bonavista's balanced
commodity investment approach minimizes our dependence on any one product and
helped us report consistent results in the quarter. Upon closing the Central
Alberta acquisition and the Southeast Saskatchewan disposition, our production
is estimated to be 62,000 boe per day consisting of 61% natural gas, 30% light
and medium oil and 9% heavy oil. We now anticipate production volumes in 2009 to
average between 55,500 and 56,000 boe per day with the completion of the
property transactions.

Production revenues - Production revenues for the second quarter of 2009
decreased 54% to $166.4 million when compared to $361.6 million for the same
period a year ago, primarily due to lower average commodity prices. In the
second quarter of 2009, natural gas prices decreased 56% to $4.19 per mcf, when
compared to $9.62 per mcf realized in the same period in 2008. The average oil
and liquids price also decreased 28% to $58.61 per bbl (comprised of $59.23 per
bbl for light and medium oil and $56.83 per bbl for heavy oil) for the second
quarter of 2009 from $81.94 per bbl (comprised of $84.26 per bbl for light and
medium oil and $75.83 per bbl for heavy oil) for the same period in 2008. For
the six months ended June 30, 2009, production revenues decreased 47% to $345.6
million when compared to $657.9 million for the same period a year ago,
primarily due to lower average commodity prices and lower oil and liquids
production. In the first half of 2009, natural gas prices decreased 40% to $5.26
per mcf, when compared to $8.73 per mcf realized in the same period in 2008. The
average oil and liquids price also decreased 27% to $54.97 per bbl (comprised of
$56.79 per bbl for light and medium oil and $49.56 per bbl for heavy oil) in the
first half of 2009 from $75.05 per bbl (comprised of $76.86 per bbl for light
and medium oil and $70.34 per bbl for heavy oil) for the same period in 2008.

The following table highlights Bonavista's realized commodity pricing for the
three and six months ended June 30:

                                    Three months             Six months
                                   ended June 30,          ended June 30,
                                  2009        2008        2009        2008
Natural gas ($/mcf):
 Production revenues             $3.82       $9.70       $4.92       $8.76
 Realized gains (losses) on
  financial instruments           0.37       (0.08)       0.34       (0.03)
                                  4.19        9.62        5.26        8.73
Light and medium oil ($/bbl):
 Production revenues             50.35      102.53       46.83       89.78
 Realized gains (losses) on
  financial instruments           8.88      (18.27)       9.96      (12.92)
                                 59.23       84.26       56.79       76.86
Heavy oil ($/bbl):
 Production revenues             55.23       95.06       46.34       81.04
 Realized gains (losses) on
  financial instruments           1.60      (19.23)       3.22      (10.70)
                                $56.83      $75.83      $49.56      $70.34

Commodity price risk management - As part of our financial management strategy,
Bonavista has adopted a disciplined commodity price risk management program. The
purpose of this program is to stabilize funds from operations against volatile
commodity prices and protect acquisition economics. Bonavista's Board of
Directors has approved a commodity price risk management limit of 60% of
forecast production, net of royalties, primarily using costless collars. Our
strategy of primarily using costless collars limits Bonavista's exposure to
downturns in commodity prices, while allowing for participation in commodity
price increases.

In the second quarter of 2009, our risk management program on financial
instruments resulted in a net loss of $27.8 million, consisting of a realized
gain of $20.2 million and an unrealized loss of $48.0 million. The realized gain
of $20.2 million consisted of a $6.0 million gain on natural gas commodity
derivative contracts and a $14.2 million gain on crude oil commodity derivative
contracts. For the same period in 2008, our risk management program on financial
instruments resulted in a net loss of $148.2 million, consisting of a realized
loss of $40.0 million and an unrealized loss of $108.2 million. The realized
loss of $40.0 million consisted of a $1.2 million loss on natural gas commodity
derivative contracts and a $38.8 million loss on crude oil commodity derivative
contracts. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, our risk management program
on financial instruments resulted in a net loss of $20.8 million, consisting of
a realized gain of $44.5 million and an unrealized loss of $65.3 million. The
realized gain of $44.5 million consisted of a $10.8 million gain on natural gas
commodity derivative contracts and a $33.7 million gain on crude oil commodity
derivative contracts. For the same period in 2008, our risk management program
on financial instruments resulted in a net loss of $181.9 million, consisting of
a realized loss of $54.2 million and an unrealized loss of $127.7 million. The
realized loss of $54.2 million consisted of a $887,000 loss on natural gas
commodity derivative contracts and a $53.3 million loss on crude oil commodity
derivative contracts.

Royalties - For the three months ended June 30, 2009, royalties decreased 71% to
$21.0 million from $73.0 million for the same period a year ago, largely
attributed to a decrease in commodity prices. In addition, royalties as a
percentage of revenues (including realized gains and losses on financial
instruments) for the second quarter of 2009 decreased to 11.2% compared to 22.7%
in 2008 for similar reasons discussed above and the impact of realized gains on
financial instruments in the second quarter of 2009 compared to realized losses
on financial instruments in the comparable period of 2008. For the three months
ended June 30, 2009, royalties by product as a percentage of revenues (including
realized gains and losses on financial instruments) were 10.8% for natural gas,
11.0% for light and medium oil and 12.8% for heavy oil. In the second quarter of
2008, royalties by product, as a percentage of revenue (including realized gains
and losses on financial instruments) were 23.4% for natural gas, 21.6% for light
and medium oil and 23.6% for heavy oil. For the six months ended June 30, 2009,
royalties also decreased by 59% to $53.9 million from $130.5 million for the
same period a year ago, for similar reasons discussed above. In addition,
royalties as a percentage of revenue (including realized gains and losses on
financial instruments) for the six month period also decreased from 21.6% in
2008 to 13.8% in 2009, for the same reasons as discussed above. For the six
months ended June 30, 2009, royalties by product as a percentage of revenues
(including realized gains and losses on financial instruments) were 14.9% for
natural gas, 13.0% for light and medium oil and 13.0% for heavy oil. For the six
months ended June 30, 2008, royalties by product as a percentage of revenue
(including realized gains and losses on financial instruments) were 22.2% for
natural gas, 20.9% for light and medium oil and 21.6% for heavy oil.

On October 25, 2007, the Alberta Government announced the New Royalty Framework
("NRF") which was subsequently revised on April 10, 2008 to provide further
clarification on the NRF as well as to introduce two new royalty programs
related to the development of deep oil and natural gas reserves. The NRF was
legislated in November 2008 and took effect on January 1, 2009. Subsequent to
legislation of the NRF, the Government of Alberta introduced the Transitional
Royalty Plan ("TRP") in response to the decrease in development activity in
Alberta resulting from declining commodity prices and the global economic
downturn. The TRP offers reduced royalty rates for new wells drilled on or after
November 19, 2008 that meet certain depth requirements. An election must be
filed on an individual well basis in order to qualify for the TRP. The TRP is in
place for a maximum of 5 years to December 31, 2013. All wells drilled between
2009 and 2013 that adopt the transitional rates will be required to shift to the
NRF on January 1, 2014. On March 3, 2009, the Alberta Government announced a
further royalty incentive program consisting of a three-point incentive program
to stimulate new and continued economic activity in Alberta which includes a
drilling royalty credit for new conventional oil and natural gas wells and a new
royalty incentive program. The net effect of these programs will add
approximately $8 to $9 million of funds from operations and credits in 2009.

Operating expenses - Operating expenses for the second quarter of 2009 increased
10% to $48.3 million compared to $44.0 million for the same period a year ago.
Due to reduced industry activities during the second quarter, Bonavista has
experienced a slight reduction in its operating expenses on a per boe basis
compared to the first quarter. Bonavista remains optimistic that operating costs
will continue to decrease over the remainder of 2009. Average per unit operating
expenses increased by 9% to $10.25 per boe for the three months ended June 30,
2009, from $9.37 per boe in the comparable period of 2008. For the second
quarter of 2009, operating expenses by product were $1.48 per mcf for natural
gas, $10.87 per bbl for light and medium oil and $15.47 per bbl for heavy oil
compared to $1.36 per mcf for natural gas, $9.93 per bbl for light and medium
oil and $13.35 per bbl for heavy oil for the same period in 2008. Operating
expenses for the first half of 2009 increased 9% to $96.7 million compared to
$88.4 million for the same period a year ago. An increase in operating costs
coupled with a 3% decrease in production volumes led to a 13% increase in
average per unit operating expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2009 to
$10.37 per boe, from $9.16 per boe in the comparable period of 2008. Operating
expenses by product for the first half of 2009 were $1.52 per mcf for natural
gas, $10.93 per bbl for light and medium oil and $15.20 per bbl for heavy oil
compared to $1.30 per mcf for natural gas, $9.84 per bbl for light and medium
oil and $13.37 per bbl for heavy oil for the same period in 2008.

Transportation expenses - For the three months ended June 30, 2009,
transportation expenses remained steady at $9.0 million ($1.91 per boe) when
compared to $9.0 million ($1.91 per boe) for 2008. For the six months ended June
30, 2009, transportation expenses decreased 7% to $17.8 million ($1.90 per boe)
when compared to $19.0 million ($1.97 per boe) for 2008. Transportation expenses
by product for the second quarter of 2009 were $0.34 per mcf for natural gas,
$0.93 per bbl for light and medium oil and $4.05 per bbl for heavy oil compared
to $0.37 per mcf for natural gas, $0.86 per bbl for light and medium oil and
$3.31 per bbl for heavy oil for the same period in 2008. For the first half of
2009 transportation expenses by product were $0.35 per mcf for natural gas,
$0.91 per bbl for light and medium oil and $3.93 per bbl for heavy oil compared
to $0.39 per mcf for natural gas, $0.85 per bbl for light and medium oil and
$3.32 per bbl for heavy oil for the same period in 2008.

General and administrative expenses - General and administrative expenses, after
overhead recoveries, increased 21% to $4.2 million for the three months ended
June 30, 2009 from $3.5 million in the same period in 2008 and increased 15% to
$8.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2009 from $7.0 million in the
same period in 2008. On a per boe basis, general and administrative expenses
increased 20% for the three months ended June 30, 2009 to $0.89 per boe from
$0.74 per boe in the same period in 2008 and increased 19% for the six months
ended June 30, 2009 to $0.86 per boe from $0.72 per boe in the same period in
2008. These increases are largely due to the termination of general and
administrative cost recoveries under the services agreement with NuVista Energy
Ltd., higher costs of personnel required to manage our operations and increasing
cost pressures currently experienced throughout our industry.

In connection with its Trust Unit Incentive Rights and Restricted Trust Unit
Plans, Bonavista recorded a unit-based compensation charge of $2.8 million and
$5.6 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2009 respectively,
compared to $2.5 million and $4.8 million for the same periods in 2008.

Financing expenses - Financing expenses, which include interest expense on
long-term debt and convertible debentures, decreased 69% to $2.5 million for the
three months ended June 30, 2009, from $8.2 million for the same period in 2008
and on a boe basis, decreased 69% to $0.54 per boe for the three months ended
June 30, 2009 from $1.75 per boe for the same period in 2008. For the six months
ended June 30, 2009 financing expenses decreased 68% to $6.3 million, from $19.8
million for the same period in 2008 and on a boe basis, decreased 67% to $0.67
per boe for the first half of 2009 from $2.05 per boe for the same period in
2008. This decrease is due to lower average debt levels used to fund Bonavista's
capital program, proceeds received in April 2008 from a $214.0 million equity
financing and a declining interest rate environment. During the second quarter
of 2009, Bonavista paid cash interest of $3.3 million compared to $9.2 million
in 2008. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, Bonavista paid cash interest of
$6.8 million compared to $20.1 million for the same period in 2008. Bonavista's
effective interest rate as at June 30, 2009 was approximately 1.0% (2008 -

Depreciation, depletion and accretion expenses - Depreciation, depletion and
accretion expenses increased 4% to $66.7 million for the three months ended June
30, 2009 from $64.0 million for the same period of 2008. For the six months
ended June 30, 2009, depreciation, depletion and accretion expenses increased by
2% to $132.3 million from $129.3 million for the same period in 2008. These
increases are due to higher costs of finding, developing and acquiring reserves
and a larger asset base in 2009 offset by a 3% decline in overall production
year over year. For the three months ended June 30, 2009, the average cost
increased to $14.17 per boe from $13.62 per boe for the same period in 2008 and
for the six months ended June 30, 2009, the average cost increased to $14.18 per
boe from $13.41 per boe for the same period a year ago. Over the past few years
our industry has seen cost escalation in all areas of our activities.

Income taxes - For the three months ended June 30, 2009, the provision for
income tax was a recovery of $16.5 million compared to a recovery of $20.0
million for the same period in 2008. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, the
provision for income tax was a recovery of $29.4 million compared to a recovery
of $24.3 million for the same period in 2008. Bonavista made no cash payments
relating to installments for the three months ended June 30, 2009, or for the
comparative period in 2008.

Funds from operations, net income and comprehensive income - For the three
months ended June 30, 2009, Bonavista experienced a 45% decrease in funds from
operations to $101.7 million ($0.85 per unit, basic) from $183.9 million ($1.62
per unit, basic) for the same period in 2008. For the six months ended June 30,
2009, Bonavista experienced a 39% decrease in funds from operations to $207.3
million ($1.74 per unit, basic) from $339.0 million ($3.06 per unit, basic) for
the same period in 2008. Funds from operations decreased for the three and six
months ended June 30, 2009 primarily due to both lower commodity prices and
production volumes partially offset by the impact of realized gains on financial
instruments. Net income and comprehensive income for the three months ended June
30, 2009, decreased 98% to $661,000 ($0.01 per unit, basic) from $29.3 million
($0.26 per unit, basic) for the same period in 2008. For the six months ended
June 30, 2009, net income and comprehensive income decreased 67% to $33.6
million ($0.28 per unit, basic) from $101.6 million ($0.92 per unit, basic) for
the same period in 2008. The following table is a reconciliation of a non-GAAP
measure, funds from operations, to its nearest measure prescribed by GAAP:

                                    Three months             Six months 
Calculation of Funds From          ended June 30,          ended June 30,
 Operations:                      2009        2008        2009        2008
Cash flow from operating
 activities                   $101,122    $180,694    $181,683    $345,343
Asset retirement expenditures    3,018       4,204       5,258       7,122
Changes in non-cash working
 capital                        (2,485)       (986)     20,399    (13,421)
Funds from operations         $101,655    $183,912    $207,340    $339,044

Capital expenditures - Capital expenditures for the three month period ended
June 30, 2009 were $41.5 million, primarily consisting of exploitation and
development spending. For the same period in 2008 capital expenditures were
$66.9 million, consisting of $62.2 million on exploitation and development
spending and $4.7 million on property acquisitions. Capital expenditures for the
six month period ended June 30, 2009 were $120.7 million, consisting of $98.5
million on exploitation and development spending and $22.2 million on property
acquisitions. For the same period in 2008 capital expenditures were $329.6
million, consisting of $155.4 million on exploitation and development spending
and $174.2 million on property acquisitions. We continued to see some downward
movement in service costs in the second quarter, and we anticipate this trend to
continue for the remainder of the year such that our exploitation and
development program will continue to generate an attractive return on
investment. The substantial reduction in exploitation and development capital
expenditures compared to last year, is a testament to our commitment to
maintaining our financial flexibility and strong balance sheet.

Liquidity and capital resources - As at June 30, 2009, long-term debt including
working capital (excluding unrealized gains on financial instruments, its
related tax impact and convertible debentures) was $680.8 million with a debt to
2009 annualized funds from operations ratio of 1.7:1. Bonavista has significant
flexibility to finance future expansions of its capital programs, through the
use of its current funds generated from operations and our bank loan facility of
$1.0 billion, of which $319.2 million is unused borrowing capability.
Bonavista's bank loan facility is provided by a syndicate of 12 domestic and
international banks. The bank loan facility is a three year revolving facility
and may at the request of the Trust and with the consent of the lenders be
extended on an annual basis. On August 25, 2008, Bonavista and its lenders
agreed to extend its bank loan facility to August 10, 2011 with no principal
repayments required until then.

Under the terms of the credit facility, the Trust has provided the covenant that
its: (i) consolidated senior debt borrowing will not exceed three times net
income before unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments, interest,
taxes and depreciation, depletion and accretion; (ii) consolidated total debt
will not exceed three and one half times consolidated net income before
unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments, interest, taxes and
depreciation, depletion and accretion; and (iii) consolidated senior debt
borrowing will not exceed one-half of consolidated total debt plus consolidated
unitholders' equity of the Trust, in all cases calculated based on a rolling
prior four quarters.

In 2009, Bonavista plans to invest between $225 and $250 million on its capital
programs, excluding the recently announced major acquisition, to expand its core
regions. From this point forward, the Trust intends on financing its remaining
2009 capital program with a combination of funds from operations and to the
extent required, its existing credit facility. The Trust remains committed to
the fundamental principle of maintaining financial flexibility and the prudent
use of debt going forward.

Unitholders' equity - As at June 30, 2009, Bonavista had 119.8 million
equivalent trust units outstanding. This includes 9.9 million exchangeable
shares, which are exchangeable into 20.8 million trust units. The exchange ratio
in effect at June 30, 2009 for exchangeable shares was 2.10695:1. As at August
6, 2009, Bonavista had 120.2 million equivalent trust units outstanding. This
includes 9.9 million exchangeable shares, which are exchangeable into 21.0
million trust units. The exchange ratio in effect at August 6, 2009 for
exchangeable shares was 2.12539:1. In addition, Bonavista has 4.2 million trust
unit incentive rights outstanding at August 6, 2009, with an average exercise
price of $21.71 per trust unit.

Distributions - Bonavista's distribution policy is constantly monitored and is
dependent upon its forecasted operations, funds from operations, debt levels and
capital expenditures. One of the paramount objectives of the Trust is to be a
sustainable entity, which is defined as maintaining both production and reserves
over an extended period of time. This is accomplished by retaining sufficient
funds from operations to replace the reserves that have been produced. With
these considerations, for the three months ended June 30, 2009 the Trust
declared distributions of $47.4 million ($0.48 per unit) compared to $84.3
million ($0.90 per unit) in the same period in 2008. For the six months ended
June 30, 2009 the Trust declared distributions of $102.5 million ($1.04 per
unit) compared to $161.9 million ($1.80 per unit) in the same period in 2008. We
continuously monitor all the factors influencing our distribution rate and the
necessity to adjust the monthly distribution in the future.

The following table illustrates the relationship between cash flow provided from
operating activities and distributions declared, as well as net income and
distributions declared. Net income includes significant non-cash charges, such
as depreciation, depletion and accretion, unrealized gains and losses on
financial instruments, fluctuations in future income taxes due to changes in tax
rates and tax rules, these non-cash charges do not represent the actual cost of
maintaining our production capacity given the natural declines associated with
oil and natural gas assets. For the three months ended June 30, 2009, the
non-cash charges amounted to $101.0 million compared to $154.6 million for the
same period in 2008. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, the non-cash
charges amounted to $173.7 million compared to $237.5 million for the same
period in 2008. In instances where distributions exceed net income, a portion of
the cash distribution paid to Unitholders may be considered an economic return
of Unitholders' capital.

                                    Three months              Six months
                                    ended June 30,         ended June 30,
Distribution Analysis             2009        2008        2009        2008

Cash flow provided from
 operating activities         $101,122    $180,694    $181,683    $345,343
Net income                         661      29,282      33,620     101,580
Distributions declared          47,430      84,282     102,504     161,857
Excess of cash flow provided
 from operating activities
 over distributions declared    53,692      96,412      79,179     183,486
Excess (shortfall) of net
 income over distributions
 declared                      (46,769)    (55,000)    (68,884)    (60,277)

Bonavista announces its distribution policy on a quarterly basis. Distributions
are determined by the Board of Directors and are dependent upon the commodity
price environment, production levels, and the amount of capital expenditures to
be financed from funds from operations. Bonavista's current monthly distribution
rate is $0.16 per unit, down from $0.30 per unit at the same time last year. Our
objective is to distribute up to 50% of our funds from operations, which allows
us to withhold sufficient funds to finance capital expenditures required to
maintain or modestly grow our production base over a longer period of time. Our
distribution rate of $0.16 per unit per month will place us slightly below this
range for 2009, assuming current strip prices are realized.

Subsequent Events - On July 16, 2009, Bonavista agreed to acquire certain
natural gas weighted properties in its Central Alberta core region for a cash
purchase price, at closing, of approximately $694 million. The acquisition is
effective April 1, 2009 and expected to close on or about August 21, 2009.
Completion of the acquisition is subject to customary regulatory approval and
other conditions.

In connection with the acquisition, Bonavista agreed to sell, to a syndicate of
underwriters, 23 million Subscription Receipts at a price of $16.85 per
subscription receipt for gross proceeds of approximately $388 million. Bonavista
has granted the underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase an additional
two million Subscription Receipts at the same price. On August 5, 2009, the
underwriters advised that they would elect to exercise on their option to
purchase an additional two million Subscription Receipts for gross proceeds of
approximately $34 million, to be completed on the closing of the equity

In addition, Bonavista is currently arranging to increase its bank facilities by
up to $400 million with the current members of its banking syndicate with the
same maturity and financial covenants of its existing bank credit facility. This
will provide Bonavista with up to $1.4 billion of total bank credit facilities
to fund its ongoing capital programs. In connection with the contemplated
increase, Bonavista has obtained $150 million of commitments from two of its

On July 23, 2009, Bonavista agreed to dispose of all of its Southeast
Saskatchewan property interests for approximately $91.3 million in cash and
approximately four million common shares of the purchaser. The transaction is
effective June 1, 2009 and is expected to close on or about August 31, 2009. The
transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and other conditions.

Quarterly financial information - The following table highlights Bonavista's
performance for the eight quarterly periods ending on September 30, 2007 to June
30, 2009:

                         2009                         2008
                June 30   March 31  December 31   September 30     June 30
($ thousands,
 except per unit
 revenues       166,430    179,146      221,782        354,667      361,555
Net income          661     32,959      129,192        207,594       29,282
Net income
 per unit:
  Basic            0.01       0.28         1.09           1.77         0.26
  Diluted          0.01       0.28         1.09           1.75         0.26

                                  March 31    December 31    September 30
($ thousands,
 except per unit
Production revenues                296,387        242,361         219,885
Net income                          72,298         63,631          58,990
Net income per unit:
 Basic                                0.67           0.60            0.56
 Diluted                              0.67           0.59            0.55

Production revenues over the past eight quarters has fluctuated between a low of
$166.4 million in the second quarter of 2009 to a high of $361.6 million in the
second quarter of 2008, largely due to the volatility of commodity prices as our
volumes have remained relatively constant throughout the last two years. Net
income in the past eight quarters has fluctuated from a low of $661,000 in the
second quarter of 2009 to a high of $207.6 million in the third quarter of 2008.
These fluctuations are primarily influenced by commodity prices, realized and
unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments and future income tax
recoveries associated with the reduction in corporate income tax rates. Net
income decreased 98% in the second quarter of 2009 as compared to the second
quarter of 2008. The decrease in net income in the second quarter of 2009 is
largely attributed to lower overall commodity prices over the comparable period
in 2008.

Disclosure and internal controls - Disclosure controls and procedures have been
designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by Bonavista is
accumulated and communicated to management, as appropriate, to allow timely
decisions regarding required disclosures. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer have concluded, as of the end of the period covered by the
interim filings, that Bonavista's disclosure controls and procedures are
effectively designed to provide reasonable assurance that material information
related to the issuer is made known to them by others within the Trust. It
should be noted that while the Trust's Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer believe that the disclosure controls and procedures provide a
reasonable level of assurance that they are effective, they do not expect that
the disclosure controls and procedures or internal control over financial
reporting will prevent all errors and fraud. A control system, no matter how
well conceived or operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance
that the objective of the control system is met. There were no material changes
made to the internal controls over financial reporting for the period ended June
30, 2009.

Update on regulatory and financial reporting matters - On March 3, 2009, the
Government of Alberta announced a three-point incentive program to stimulate new
and continued economic activity in Alberta which included a drilling royalty
credit program for new conventional oil and natural gas wells and a new well
royalty incentive program. Under the drilling royalty credit program a $200 per
metre royalty credit will be available on new conventional oil and natural gas
wells drilled between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010, subject to certain
maximum amounts. The maximum credits available will be determined by the
company's production level in 2008 and its drilling activity between April 1,
2009 and March 31, 2010. The new well incentive program will apply to wells
beginning production of conventional oil and natural gas between April 1, 2009
and March 31, 2010 and provides for a maximum 5% royalty rate for the first 12
months of production, up to a maximum of 50,000 bbls of oil or 500 mmcf of
natural gas. On June 25, 2009, the Alberta Government announced the extension of
these drilling incentives by one year to March 31, 2011.

On February 13, 2008, Canada's Accounting Standards Board confirmed January 1,
2011 as the effective date for complete convergence of Canadian GAAP to
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Canadian generally
accepted accounting principles as we currently know them, will cease to exist
for all publicly reporting entities. In July 2009 an amendment to IFRS 1 First
Time Adoption of International Reporting Standards was issued that applies to
oil and natural gas assets. The amendment allows an entity that used full cost
accounting under its previous GAAP to elect, at its time of adoption, to measure
exploration and evaluation assets at the amount determined under the entity's
previous GAAP and to measure oil and natural gas assets in the development or
production phases by allocating the amount determined under the entity's
previous GAAP for those assets to the underlying assets pro rata using reserve
volumes or reserve values as of that date. The Canadian Securities
Administrators continue to examine changes to securities rules as a result of
this initiative. Bonavista has completed a preliminary analysis of the
accounting differences and has plans in place to perform a detailed assessment
of the impact of IFRS on our results of operations, financial position and
disclosures in 2009.

Effective January 1, 2009, Bonavista adopted Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants ("CICA") Section 3064, "Goodwill and Intangible Assets", which
defines the criteria for the recognition of intangible assets. The adoption of
this standard did not impact the Trust's consolidated financial statements.

Environmental matters - On February 19, 2008 the Government of British Columbia
introduced a consumer-based carbon tax that became effective on July 1, 2008.
The Trust is required to pay carbon tax on all fuel used in the province of
British Columbia through its normal course of operations. For the period ending
June 30, 2009 Bonavista has paid approximately $123,000 (2008 - nil) with
respect to the carbon tax. The British Columbia consumer-based carbon tax rate
will increase 50% effective July 1, 2009.


As we progress into our twelfth year since restructuring the Company in 1997,
and our sixth year since converting to an energy trust, we continue to benefit
from the same qualities that drove the success of Bonavista as a public
corporation and an energy trust. We continue to apply a proven strategy and
execute this strategy in a disciplined and cost-effective manner much the same
way we did in 1997 when we started on our mission of creating value for our
investors. The foundation of this strategy is to actively pursue low to
medium-risk drilling opportunities on our extensive undeveloped land base within
geographically concentrated areas of operations. Despite a very active
exploitation and development program over the past several years, the quality
and quantity of our inventory of opportunities continues to improve as we
progress through 2009. Our consistent strategy also involves a component of
strategic and timely acquisitions where we can add value utilizing our own
technical expertise. In the third quarter of this year we expect to close on the
most significant acquisition in our history. This acquisition grows our prospect
inventory by 25% to approximately 850 locations adding high quality, low cost
drilling prospects to our healthy inventory of opportunities. This transaction
will not only enhance our presence in the Central Alberta area with operatorship
of an extensive gathering and processing infrastructure but it will also provide
low cost growth opportunities for many years to come. Our timely and prudent
approach to capital investments has been very effective in the past, and
together with our steadfast commitment to adding Unitholder value and attention
to detail, will continue to provide the foundation for the future success of the
Trust. Today our activity, efficiency and productivity remains among the
strongest levels in our eleven year history.

In the short term we remain concerned about weak natural gas prices due to
current storage levels and depressed industrial demand. This price weakness will
continue to pressure funds from operations generated from natural gas
production. For the remainder of 2009, given the current instability of
commodity prices and the reduced funds from operations, Bonavista will continue
to focus on its reduced capital budget of approximately $225 to $250 million
(excluding the recently announced transactions), which is a reduction of over
30% from the 2008 exploitation and development budget. We expect production
levels to average between 55,500 and 56,000 boe per day for the year upon
closing of our property transactions and given our level of capital spending. 
Our development program will result in the drilling of 110 to 120 wells, of
which, 50 to 60 will be high impact horizontal wells focusing on multi-stage
fracture stimulation with thick, tight sandstone like the Glauconite formation
in our Central Alberta core area. In addition, Bonavista believes that new
micro-seismic, drilling and completion technologies will have a significant
impact on our vast land holdings in all of our core regions. This will
inevitably lead to further development of several under developed resources and
the economic extraction of incremental reserves from proven reservoirs over the
next several years. We will closely monitor our capital programs and will remain
flexible to reallocate or expand our capital program on additional assets, land
acquisitions or drilling opportunities as success and economic conditions
dictate. In the meantime, our prudent approach to capital spending, balance
sheet management and distributions will preserve our financial strength and
should serve our Unitholders well in the current environment.

We are extremely proud of our achievements over the past eleven years and
despite some short term commodity weakness, we remain enthusiastic and excited
about the future and the growing opportunities that exist for Bonavista. We
would like to thank our employees for their significant effort and their
continued enthusiasm and perseverance as we pursue these opportunities in the
current economic environment. Despite the setbacks we have endured over the past
couple of years, including the passage of federal legislation on the taxation of
distributions from certain publicly traded Canadian trusts, the introduction of
the New Royalty Framework by the Government of Alberta, and the volatile capital
and commodity markets, Bonavista's commitment and value creation process has not
changed and we remain comfortable that our operating philosophy works well in
this challenging environment. Throughout many business cycles and changes in the
business environment, Bonavista has converted adversity into opportunity,
pursued counter-cyclical strategies and has emerged an even stronger entity as a
result of this approach. Our success is based on the consistent application of
our core philosophy and operating strategies. Although our legal structure may
ultimately change come 2011, our steadfast commitment to creating Unitholder
value will not, regardless of our environment. Our team remains committed to
this vision over the long term.

Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
(thousands)                                             2009           2008
 Current assets:
  Accounts receivable                              $ 109,467      $ 106,116
  Unrealized gains on financial
   instruments                                        27,328         76,203

                                                     136,795        182,319
 Oil and natural gas properties and equipment      2,318,052      2,319,600
 Goodwill                                             41,321         41,321

                                                 $ 2,496,168    $ 2,543,240

Liabilities and Unitholders' Equity:
 Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities         $ 115,486      $ 143,093
  Distributions payable                               15,835         28,731
  Unrealized losses on financial
  instruments                                         10,090              -
  Convertible debentures                              37,474              -
  Future income taxes                                  5,027         22,221

                                                     183,912        194,045
 Unrealized losses on financial instruments            6,325              -
 Long-term debt                                      658,994        588,792
 Convertible debentures                                    -         43,711
 Asset retirement obligations                        130,862        127,467
 Future income taxes                                 165,016        177,253
 Unitholders' equity:
  Unitholders' capital and debenture
   conversion component                            1,116,082      1,100,768
  Exchangeable shares                                 60,332         69,488
  Contributed surplus                                 12,500         10,687
  Accumulated earnings                               162,145        231,029

                                                   1,351,059      1,411,972

                                                 $ 2,496,168    $ 2,543,240
See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Operations, Comprehensive Income and Accumulated

(thousands, except per unit amounts)       Three months       Six months
                                          ended June 30,     ended June 30,
                                         2009      2008      2009      2008

 Production                          $166,430  $361,555  $345,576  $657,942
 Royalties                            (20,974)  (72,999)  (53,889) (130,450)
                                      145,456   288,556   291,687   527,492

 Realized gains (losses) on
  financial instruments                20,193   (39,967)   44,477   (54,250)
 Unrealized losses on
  financial instruments               (47,949) (108,224)  (65,291) (127,688)

                                      (27,756) (148,191)  (20,814) (181,938)

                                      117,700   140,365   270,873   345,554
 Operating                             48,272    44,005    96,749    88,400
 Transportation                         8,994     8,977    17,767    19,043
 General and administrative             4,193     3,455     8,043     6,974
 Financing                              2,535     8,240     6,265    19,781
 Unit-based compensation                2,823     2,460     5,577     4,773
 Depreciation, depletion and
  accretion                            66,749    63,965   132,283   129,331

                                      133,566   131,102   266,684   268,302

Income before taxes                   (15,866)    9,263     4,189    77,252
 Income tax reductions                (16,527)  (20,019)  (29,431)  (24,328)
Net income and comprehensive
 income                                   661    29,282    33,620   101,580

Accumulated earnings, beginning
 of period                            208,914   119,926   231,029   125,203
 Distributions declared               (47,430)  (84,282) (102,504) (161,857)

Accumulated earnings, end of
 period                              $162,145  $ 64,926  $162,145  $ 64,926
Net income per unit - basic          $   0.01  $   0.26  $   0.28  $   0.92
Net income per unit - diluted        $   0.01  $   0.26  $   0.28  $   0.92

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(thousands, except per unit amounts)       Three months          Six months
                                          ended June 30,      ended June 30,
                                         2009      2008      2009      2008
Cash provided by (used in):
Operating Activities:
 Net income                          $    661 $  29,282  $ 33,620 $ 101,580
 Items not requiring cash
  from operations:
  Depreciation, depletion
   and accretion                       66,749    63,965   132,283   129,331
  Unit-based compensation               2,823     2,460     5,577     4,773
  Unrealized losses on financial
   instruments                         47,949   108,224    65,291   127,688
  Future income tax reductions        (16,527)  (20,019)  (29,431)  (24,328)
 Asset retirement expenditures         (3,018)   (4,204)   (5,258)   (7,122)
 Changes in non-cash working
  capital items                         2,485       986   (20,399)   13,421
                                      101,122   180,694   181,683   345,343
Financing Activities:
 Issuance of equity, net
  of issue costs                          932   214,401     1,384   219,103
 Distributions                        (47,375)  (81,915) (115,400) (159,343)
 Changes in long-term debt             (1,405) (248,772)   70,202  (105,522)
 Repayment of convertible
  debentures                           (6,586)        -    (6,586)        -
 Changes in non-cash working
  capital items                          (765)     (989)     (486)     (326)
                                      (55,199) (117,275)  (50,886)  (46,088)
Investing Activities:
 Exploitation and development         (41,350)  (62,166)  (98,498) (155,431)
 Property acquisitions                   (128)   (4,771)  (22,225) (174,145)
 Changes in non-cash working
  capital items                        (4,445)    3,518   (10,074)   30,321
                                      (45,923)  (63,419) (130,797) (299,255)
Change in cash                              -         -         -         -

Cash, beginning of period                   -         -         -         -
Cash, end of period                  $      - $       -  $      -  $      -
See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

For the three and six months ended June 30, 2009 (unaudited)

Structure of the Trust and Basis of Presentation:

Bonavista Energy Trust ("Bonavista" or the "Trust") is an open-ended
unincorporated investment trust governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta.
The Trust was established on July 2, 2003 under a Plan of Arrangement entered
into by the Trust, Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. ("BPL") and its subsidiaries and
partnerships and NuVista Energy Ltd. ("NuVista"). Under the Plan of Arrangement,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust amalgamated with BPL and became the
successor company. The Trust has two significant subsidiaries in which it owns
100% of the common shares of BPL (excluding the exchangeable shares - see note
6) and 100% of the units of Bonavista Trust (2003) ("BT"). The activities of
these entities are financed through interest bearing notes from the Trust and
third party debt as described in the notes to the consolidated financial
statements. The business of the Trust is carried on through the entities owned
by the subsidiaries of the Trust, Bonavista Petroleum, a general partnership
("BP") and Bonavista Energy Limited Partnership ("BELP"). The net income of the
Trust is generated from interest on notes advanced to its subsidiaries, royalty
payments on oil and natural gas assets owned by BP, as well as any dividends or
distributions paid by its subsidiaries. The Trustee must declare payable to the
Trust Unitholders all of the taxable income of the Trust.

1. Changes in accounting policies:

a) Goodwill:

On January 1, 2009, the Trust adopted CICA Handbook Section 3064 "Goodwill and
Intangible Assets", which defines the criteria for the recognition of intangible
assets. The adoption of this standard did not impact the Trust's consolidated
financial statements.

b) International Financial Reporting Standards:

On February 13, 2008, Canada's Accounting Standards Board confirmed January 1,
2011 as the effective date for the convergence of Canadian GAAP to International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The Canadian Securities Administrators
are in the process of examining the changes to securities rules as a result of
this initiative. Bonavista has completed a preliminary analysis of the
accounting differences and has plans in place to perform a detailed assessment
of the impact of IFRS on our results of operations, financial position and

2. Business relationships:

Bonavista and NuVista are considered related as two directors of NuVista, one of
whom is NuVista's chairman, are directors and officers of Bonavista and a
director and an officer of NuVista are also officers of Bonavista.

Pursuant to the Plan of Arrangement, Bonavista entered into a Technical Services
Agreement ("TSA") with NuVista, whereby, Bonavista received payment for certain
technical and administrative services provided by it to NuVista on a cost
recovery basis. Effective January 1, 2007 the terms of the TSA were amended to
reflect the reduced level of services provided by Bonavista and subsequently on
August 31, 2007 the TSA was terminated and replaced with a new services
agreement. This new services agreement was terminated on November 1, 2008.

For the three months ended June 30, 2009, Bonavista charged NuVista nil (2008 -
$373,000) in fees relating to general and administrative services provided to
NuVista, in addition, NuVista charged Bonavista management fees for a jointly
owned partnership totaling $337,500 (2008 - $337,500). For the six months ended
June 30, 2009, Bonavista charged NuVista nil (2008 - $786,000) in fees relating
to general and administrative services provided to NuVista, in addition, NuVista
charged Bonavista management fees for a jointly owned partnership totaling
$675,000 (2008 - $675,000). As at June 30, 2009, the amount payable to NuVista
was $215,000.

3. Asset retirement obligations:

The Trust's asset retirement obligations result from net ownership interests in
oil and natural gas assets including well sites, gathering systems and
processing facilities. The Trust estimates the total undiscounted amount of
expenditures required to settle its asset retirement obligations is
approximately $601.4 million (2008 - $556.7 million) which will be incurred over
the next 51 years. The majority of the costs will be incurred between 2010 and
2038. A credit-adjusted risk-free rate of 7.5% (2008 - 7.5%) and an inflation
rate of 2% (2008 - 2%) were used to calculate the fair value of the asset
retirement obligations.

A reconciliation of the asset retirement obligations is provided below:

                                                       Six months
                                                      ended June 30,
                                                 2009                  2008
Balance, beginning of period                $ 127,467     $         116,893
 Accretion expense                              4,525                 4,190
 Liabilities incurred                           1,579                 4,682
 Liabilities acquired                           2,128                 2,487
 Liabilities settled                           (5,258)               (7,122)
 Change in assumptions                            421                     -
Balance, end of period                      $ 130,862    $          121,130

4. Long-term debt:

The Trust has a $1.0 billion credit facility with a syndicate of chartered
banks. This facility is an unsecured, covenant-based, extendible revolving
facility and includes a $50 million working capital facility. The facility
provides that advances may be made by way of prime rate loans, bankers'
acceptances and/or US dollar LIBOR advances. These advances bear interest at the
banks' prime rate and/or at money market rates plus a stamping fee. The facility
is a three year revolving credit and may, at the request of the Trust with the
consent of the lenders, be extended on an annual basis. On August 25, 2008 the
facility was extended to August 10, 2011 with no principal payments required
until then. This facility also includes an accordion feature providing that at
anytime during the term, on participation of any existing or additional lenders,
we can increase the facility by $250 million.

Under the terms of the credit facility, the Trust has provided the covenant that
its: (i) consolidated senior debt borrowing will not exceed three times net
income before unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments, interest,
taxes and depreciation, depletion and accretion; (ii) consolidated total debt
will not exceed three and one half times consolidated net income before
unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments, interest, taxes and
depreciation, depletion and accretion; and (iii) consolidated senior debt
borrowing will not exceed one-half of consolidated total debt plus consolidated
unitholders' equity of the Trust, in all cases calculated based on a rolling
prior four quarters.

Financing expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2009 include interest on
bank loans of $4.7 million (2008 - $18.1 million) and convertible debentures of
$1.5 million (2008 - $1.7 million). For the six months ended June 30, 2009,
Bonavista paid cash interest of $6.8 million (2008 - $20.1 million). Our
effective interest rate for the period ending June 30, 2009 was approximately
1.1% (2008 - 3.9%).

5. Convertible debentures:

The debt component of the debentures has been recorded net of the fair value of
the conversion feature and issue costs. The fair value of the conversion feature
of the debentures included in Unitholders' equity at the date of issue was $4.7
million. The issue costs are amortized to net income over the term of the
obligation. The debt portion is accreted over the term of the obligation to the
principal value on maturity with a corresponding charge to net income. On June
30, 2009 the 7.5% convertible debentures matured and were cash settled. The
following table sets out the convertible debenture activities to June 30, 2009:

                                                        Debt        Equity
                                                   Component     Component
Balance, December 31, 2008                          $ 43,711     $     933
 Accretion                                                22             -
 Issue expenses related to conversion trust units          2             -
 Amortization of issue expenses                          336             -
 Conversion to trust units                               (11)           (2)
 Repayment of convertible debenture on maturity       (6,586)         (123)
Balance, June 30, 2009                              $ 37,474     $     808

6. Unitholders' equity:

a) Authorized:

Unlimited number of voting trust units.

b) Issued and outstanding:

(i) Trust units:

                                                  Number of
                                                      Units         Amount
Balance, December 31, 2008                           95,770    $ 1,099,835
 Issued on conversion of convertible debentures           1             11
 Issued on conversion of exchangeable shares          3,016          9,156
 Issued upon exercise of trust unit incentive
  rights                                                118          1,384
 Conversion of restricted trust units                    65              -
 Issue costs, related to debenture conversion             -             (2)
 Adjustment to equity component of debenture
  on conversion                                           -              2
 Adjustment to equity component of debenture on
  repayment                                               -            123
 Unit-based compensation                                  -          4,765
Balance, June 30, 2009                               98,970    $ 1,115,274

(ii) Contributed surplus:
Balance, December 31, 2008                                 $         10,687
 Unit-based compensation expense                                      5,577
 Unit-based compensation capitalized                                  1,001
 Exercise of trust unit incentive rights and conversion
  of restricted trust units                                          (4,765)
Balance, June 30, 2009                                     $         12,500

(iii) Exchangeable shares:
                                                          Number     Amount
Balance, December 31, 2008                                11,375   $ 69,488
 Exchanged for trust units                                (1,499)    (9,156)
Balance, June 30, 2009                                     9,876     60,332
Exchange ratio, June 30, 2009                            2.10695          -
Trust units issuable on exchange                          20,809   $ 60,332

As a result of minimal conversions of exchangeable shares into trust units over
the last few years, Bonavista elected to redeem 10% of its exchangeable shares
outstanding on January 16, 2009. This redemption allows Bonavista to manage the
dilution created by the compounding effect of the exchangeable shares, maintain
an optimal capital and tax efficient trust structure for the Trust and its
unitholders. On January 16, 2009, 1.1 million exchangeable shares were redeemed
for 2.3 million trust units.

c) Long term incentive plans:

For the three months ended June 30, 2009 there were 6,895 restricted trust units
granted and 49,900 trust unit incentive rights issued with an average exercise
price of $16.00 per trust unit and an estimated fair value of $8.87 per trust
unit. As at June 30, 2009 there were 238,810 restricted trust units outstanding
and 4.2 million trust unit rights outstanding with an average exercise price of
$22.16 per trust unit. The Trust uses the fair value based method for the
determination of the unit-based compensation costs. The fair value of each
incentive right granted was estimated on the date of grant using the modified
Black-Scholes option-pricing model. In the pricing model, the risk free interest
rate was 3.5%; volatility of 66%; a forfeiture rate of 10% and an expected life
of 4.5 years.

d) Per unit amounts:

The following table summarizes the weighted average trust units, exchangeable
shares and convertible debentures used in calculating net income per trust unit:

                                                               Three months
                                                        ended June 30, 2009
Trust units                                                          98,727
Exchangeable shares converted at the exchange ratio                  20,999
Basic equivalent trust units                                        119,726
Convertible debentures                                                1,614
Trust unit incentive rights                                             272
Restricted trust units                                                  239
Diluted equivalent trust units                                      121,851

For the purposes of calculating net income per trust unit on a diluted basis,
net income has been increased by $1.0 million (2008 - $1.0 million) with respect
to the accretion, amortization and interest expense on the convertible

7. Financial instruments:

The Trust has exposure to credit, liquidity and market risks from its use of
financial instruments. This note provides information about the Trust's exposure
to each of these risks, the Trust's objectives, policies and processes for
measuring and managing risk. Further quantitative disclosures are included
throughout these financial statements.

a) Credit risk:

The carrying amount of accounts receivable represents the maximum credit
exposure. As at June 30, 2009 the Trust's receivables consisted of $59.9 million
of receivables from crude oil and natural gas marketers which has substantially
been collected, $30.0 million from joint venture partners of which $2.2 million
has been subsequently collected, and $19.6 million of Crown deposits and prepaid
expenses. As at June 30, 2009 the Trust has $7.6 million in accounts receivable
that is considered to be past due. Although these amounts have been outstanding
for greater than 90 days, they are still deemed to be collectible. The Trust
does not have an allowance for doubtful accounts as at June 30, 2009 and did not
provide for any doubtful accounts nor was it required to write-off any
receivables during the period ended June 30, 2009.

b) Liquidity risk:

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Trust will encounter difficulty in meeting
obligations associated with the financial liabilities. The Trust's financial
liabilities consist of accounts payable and accrued liabilities, financial
instruments, bank debt and convertible debentures. Accounts payable consists of
invoices payable to trade suppliers for office, field operating activities,
capital expenditures, and distributions payable. The Trust processes invoices
within a normal payment period.

Accounts payable and financial instruments have contractual maturities of less
than one year. The Trust maintains a three year revolving credit facility, as
outlined in note 4, which may, at the request of the Trust with the consent of
the lenders, be extended on an annual basis. The Trust also has a series of
convertible debentures outstanding. The 6.75% debentures have a conversion price
of $29.00 per trust unit, maturing on June 30, 2010. The Trust may elect to
satisfy the principal obligation of this debenture by issuing trust units to the
holders of the debentures. The Trust also maintains and monitors a certain level
of cash flow which is used to partially finance all operating, investing and
capital expenditures.

c) Commodity price risk:

Commodity price risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows will
fluctuate as a result of changes in commodity prices. Commodity prices for crude
oil and natural gas are impacted not only by global economic events that dictate
the levels of supply and demand but also by the relationship between the
Canadian and United States dollar. The Trust has attempted to mitigate a portion
of the commodity price risk through the use of various financial instruments and
physical delivery sales contracts. The Trust's policy is to enter into commodity
price contracts when considered appropriate to a maximum of 60% of net after
royalty, forecasted production volumes.

i) Financial instruments:

As at June 30, 2009, the Trust has hedged by way of costless collars to sell
natural gas and crude oil as follows:

Volume                          Average Price                          Term
                                                             July 1, 2009 -
20,000 gjs/d          CDN$ 6.75- CDN$ 8.53 - AECO          October 31, 2009
                                                         November 1, 2009 -
5,000 gjs/d          CDN$ 5.00 - CDN$ 6.50 - AECO            March 31, 2010
                                                            April 1, 2010 -
5,000 gjs/d          CDN$ 5.00 - CDN$ 7.00 - AECO          October 31, 2010
                                                             July 1, 2009 -
1,000 bbls/d   CDN$ 70.00- CDN$ 78.00 - Bow River         December 31, 2009
                                                             July 1, 2009 -
8,000 bbls/d       CDN$ 78.44 - CDN$ 117.48 - WTI         December 31, 2009
                                                             July 1, 2009 -
1,000 bbls/d         US$ 85.00 - US$ 105.60 - WTI         December 31, 2009
                                                          January 1, 2010 -
4,500 bbls/d        CDN$ 60.56 - CDN$ 92.72 - WTI         December 31, 2010

Financial instruments are recorded on the consolidated balance sheet at fair
value at each reporting period with the change in fair value being recognized as
an unrealized gain or loss on the consolidated statements of operations,
comprehensive income and accumulated earnings. These financial instruments had
the following gains and losses reflected in the consolidated statements of
operations, comprehensive income and accumulated earnings:

                                                               Three months
                                                              ended June 30,
                                                         2009          2008
Realized gains (losses) on financial instruments    $  20,193   $   (39,967)
Unrealized losses on financial instruments            (47,949)     (108,224)
                                                    $ (27,756)  $  (148,191)

Bonavista mitigates its risk associated with fluctuations in commodity prices by
utilizing financial instruments. A $0.10 increase or decrease to the price per
thousand cubic feet of natural gas - AECO would have an impact of approximately
$270,000 on net income for those financial instruments that were in place as at
June 30, 2009. A $1.00 increase or decrease to the price per barrel of oil - WTI
would have an impact of approximately $1.8 million on net income for those
financial instruments that were in place as at June 30, 2009.

ii) Physical purchase contracts:

As at June 30, 2009, the Trust has entered into direct sale costless collars to
sell natural gas as follows:

Volume       Average Price (CDN$ - AECO)                               Term
20,000 gjs/d            $ 6.03 - $ 7.79     July 1, 2009 - October 31, 2009
10,000 gjs/d            $ 5.25 - $ 6.53   November 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010
5,000 gjs/d             $ 5.25 - $ 7.00    April 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010

Physical purchase contracts are being accounted for as they are settled.

Fair value of financial instruments

The fair value of financial instruments is determined by the financial
intermediary to extinguish all rights or obligations of the financial
instruments. As at June 30, 2009, the fair market value of these financial
instruments was an asset of approximately $10.9 million (2008 - $172.7 million

Fair market value of the convertible debentures as at June 30, 2009 is $38.8
million (2008 - $61.6 million), as determined by its most recent closing trading

Bank debt bears interest at a floating market rate and accordingly the fair
market value approximates the carrying value.

8. Subsequent events:

a) Property acquisition and financing:

On July 16, 2009, Bonavista agreed to acquire certain natural gas weighted
properties in its Central Alberta core region for a cash purchase price, at
closing, of approximately $694 million. The acquisition is effective April 1,
2009 and expected to close on or about August 21, 2009. Completion of the
acquisition is subject to customary regulatory approval and other conditions.

In connection with the acquisition, Bonavista agreed to sell, to a syndicate of
underwriters, 23 million Subscription Receipts at a price of $16.85 per
Subscription Receipt for gross proceeds of approximately $388 million. Bonavista
has granted the underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase an additional
two million Subscription Receipts at the same price. On August 5, 2009, the
underwriters advised that they would elect to exercise on their option to
purchase an additional two million Subscription Receipts for gross proceeds of
approximately $34 million, to be completed on the closing of the equity

In addition, Bonavista is currently arranging to increase its bank facilities by
up to $400 million with the current members of its banking syndicate with the
same maturity and financial covenants of its existing bank credit facility.  In
connection with the contemplated increase, Bonavista has obtained $150 million
of commitments from two of its lenders.  

b) Property disposition:

On July 23, 2009, Bonavista agreed to dispose of all of its Southeast
Saskatchewan property interests for approximately $91.3 million in cash and
approximately four million common shares of the purchaser. The transaction is
effective June 1, 2009 and is expected to close on or about August 31, 2009. The
transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and other conditions.


Bonavista Energy Trust is a natural gas weighted energy trust which is committed
to maintaining its emphasis on operating high quality oil and natural gas
properties, delivering consistent distributions to unitholders and ensuring
financial strength and sustainability.

Corporate information provided herein contains forward-looking information. The
reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such
information, particularly those pertaining to cash distributions, production
volumes, commodity prices, operating costs and drilling results, which are
considered reasonable by Bonavista at the time of preparation, may be proven to
be incorrect. Actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from
the information provided herein and the variations may be material. There is no
representation by Bonavista that actual results achieved during the forecast
period will be the same in whole or in part as those forecast.

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