sion project was delayed until   Aug. 
                                Mid-July, and subsequently 
                                delayed until August. 
Marathon    Robinson     204.0  Crude unit, two coker units      n/a 
                                shut Mar. 9 for planned main- 
                                tenance; no restart timing 
Sunoco      Toledo, OH   160.0  FCCU turnaround lasting 6 weeks  4Q08 
                                planned for 4q 2008 or 1Q 2009 
Sunoco      Tulsa, Okla.  85.0  Turnaround maintenance will      n/a 
                                take place in Feb., the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 5. 
                                Refinery could close by end 
                                of 2009 if buyer not found. 
Valero      Memphis, TN  195.0  FCCU upgrade originally slated   2012 
                                for completion in 2009 has been 
                                shifted to 2012, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 27. 
Conoco      Billings,    61.0   On Mar. 5 the Co. delayed for    Jan. 
            MT                  one year an expansion project    2010 
                                which will increase capacity 
                                to 71,000 bbls. Construction of 
                                a new crude is now scheduled 
                                to begin in January 2010. 
                                Co. said April 14 that planed 
                                work was ongoing at the refinery. 
                                Co. did not give more specifics. 
Frontier    Cheyenne      52.0  12,000-b/d FCCU at planned       Mar 
            WY                  rates on Mar. 27 following two   27 
                                weeks of planned maintenance. 
                                The refinery is operating at re- 
                                duced rates for economic reasons. 
Suncor      Commerce City 90.0  32,000-b/d crude unit,           n/a 
            CO                  10,500-b/d reformer will 
                                shut in March for planned 
                                maintenance, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 26. 
Alon        Paramount     55.0  Hydrocracker project post- 
            CA                  poned indefinitely, the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 4