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Stato Attvo
Tipo di Attività: Moneta
Descrizione: LDBC was a solution is the number of chain block chain system stream data. In China, the domestic logistics industry, small and medium micro enterprises accounted for is too high, so the data is highly concentrated relative to the courier, logistics data is very fragmented. The final logistics data connectivity is not smooth, high waste rates. Calculating the number of chains formed by a loop consensus uploaded data collection industry standardized data stream, using the existing document storage block chain technique for data compression, encryption, and finally to support the entire block chain force calculated by the calculated data transfer and token transaction. With the standardization of logistics data, so trace the origin is no longer an empty promise, logistics companies can promptly adjust line, trunk capacity by exchanging logistics data.

LDBC Tecnici

Sorgente Codice:
Estraibile: No
Tipo di Lavoro: -
Pre Minaggio: Sconosciuto
Data della Creazione: -
Rifornimento Massimo: Sconosciuto/Non Disponibile

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