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Us Antimony - Uamy.A (UAMY)

- 19/12/2017 13:59
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007
Grafico Intraday: United States Antimony CorpGrafico Storico: United States Antimony Corp
Grafico IntradayGrafico Storico

United States Antimony Corporation is engaged in the production and sale of antimony, silver, gold and zeolite products. The Company is a mining, transportation, milling, smelting and marketing company. It has three segments: United States antimony operations, Mexican antimony operations and United States zeolite operations. Its operations include a smelter and a metal refinery in Montana, and a smelter and over three mills in Mexico. It operates through Antimony Division and Zeolite Division. Its antimony smelter and metals plant is located in the Burns Mining District of Sanders County, Montana. It also sells antimony metal for use in bearings, storage batteries and ordnance. The property includes over two five-acre mill sites. Bear River Zeolite Company has zeolite on the United States Bureau of Land Management land. The property has over two dryer circuits, one for lines one and two, and one for the Raymond mill. The Raymond mill has a rated capacity of over 10 tons per hour.

Lista Commenti
12 Commenti
1 di 12 - 19/12/2017 14:00
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007
400% sikulosikulo
2 di 12 - 22/2/2018 16:31
meteorini N° messaggi: 163 - Iscritto da: 24/11/2013
Qui come butta?
3 di 12 - 27/2/2018 19:08
recepito N° messaggi: 337 - Iscritto da: 23/2/2010
come va?
4 di 12 - 22/6/2018 22:57
giannirolll N° messaggi: 27 - Iscritto da: 21/6/2018

ci vediamo a 1$
MODERATO Giuseppe Cavaletta (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 1796 - Iscritto da: 29/1/2018
MODERATO Giuseppe Cavaletta (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 1796 - Iscritto da: 29/1/2018
MODERATO Giuseppe Cavaletta (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 1796 - Iscritto da: 29/1/2018
MODERATO FANT0MAX (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 498 - Iscritto da: 12/9/2018
12 di 12 - 03/11/2018 12:17
rampani N° messaggi: 72925 - Iscritto da: 03/9/2007
Cinese pittulale e fale goccedolo… ahahah

12 Commenti
Titoli Discussi
AMEX:UAMY 1.76 6.7%
United States Antimony Corp
United States Antimony Corp
United States Antimony Corp
Indici Internazionali
Australia 0.4%
Brazil 0.4%
Canada 0.4%
France 0.5%
Germany 0.2%
Greece 0.7%
Holland -0.3%
Italy -0.2%
Portugal -0.2%
US (DowJones) 1.2%
US (NASDAQ) 0.6%
United Kingdom 0.3%
Rialzo (%)
BIT:WERFO 0.03 86.3%
BIT:WSGC28 0.03 36.0%
BIT:WFTC26 0.02 34.6%
BIT:WAMB26 0.05 29.8%
BIT:NTW 0.01 25.5%
BIT:WSOS26 0.06 24.4%
BIT:1VOLVB 25.70 22.0%
BIT:SGC 0.29 11.5%
BIT:EPRB 1.38 11.3%
BIT:1RDDT 171 11.2%

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