RNS Number:0779L
Bristol Water PLC
24 May 2000


 The company is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings plc
 which is also reporting its results today

                             READY FOR THE FUTURE

     Year ended 31 March 2000       2000    1999    % change
                       Before      After              Before
                  Exceptional Exceptional        Exceptional
                        Items      Items               Items
                         #000       #000    #000
     Turnover          69,453     69,453  66,793         4%
     Operating profit  20,334     18,743  19,300         5%
     Pre-tax profit    15,364     13,980  14,785         4%
     Net profit        12,549     11,244  13,572        -8%

     Earnings per 
     ordinary share     191.0p     169.2p  205.3p       -7%
     Dividend per 
     ordinary share      72.6p      72.6p   64.8p       12%

     "    Pre-exceptional pre-tax profit up by 4%
     "    Capital expenditure #21 million
     "    Water quality compliance greater than 99.9%
     "    Customer service continues at high levels
     "    Restructuring programme implemented, staff numbers
           in appointed business reduced by 20%
     "    Well positioned to meet Final Determination targets

For further information -
Alan Parsons                                               Lulu Bridges
Andy Nield                             Tavistock Communications Limited
Bristol Water plc                                    Tel: 0171 600 2288
Tel: 0117 953 6400

Or contact:Bristol  Water  Corporate Affairs on 0117 953  6470  during  office
hours or 0831 453924
      or 0831 518964 at any time.
Bristol Water plc


The Company is undergoing significant change to deal with the challenges of -
the  new  price  limits  set for the next five years  for  the  regulated
business, and the expected growth of competition in the water industry.

In preparation we have made a number of changes to the senior management team.
I  have  stepped up to become Chairman of the Company and its Chief Executive.
Andy Nield, who came from a senior position at Anglian Water, replaced me this
April as Finance Director and Roger Wyatt becomes Managing Director.

We have made significant commercial decisions in focussing our business on the
tasks  ahead.  We have introduced a continuing major cost reduction  programme
for  the regulated business.  This has reduced the workforce by more than  one
hundred,  about one fifth of the total since mid 1999. The Accounts include  a
provision  for  the  continuation of this programme. We  have  established  an
environment of continual challenge to the cost base and business processes  to
achieve future efficiency targets.

During  last  year  the Company continued to make good progress  with  pre-tax
profits  before  exceptional  items  4% higher  at  #15.4  million.   We  have
recommended the final ordinary dividend be increased to 53.2 pence per  share.
Including  preference dividends, the total cost of dividends will increase  by
6%  over  1999. We believe that this provides a sound base for the future.

Our first priority for the coming year is to make the most of the new business
environment  in which we operate. The financial results will be  significantly
affected by the price reductions imposed by OFWAT.

Our sincere thanks go to John Browning who retired in March after more than 30
years with Bristol Water and who in that time made a major contribution to the
Company.  The Board's  thanks go to our staff who have again shown high levels
of  commitment in difficult circumstances during the year. We wish  colleagues
who have left us well for the future and we congratulate those promoted to new
and challenging roles.

We are committed to provide good returns to shareholders while fully complying
with the framework established by our regulators. Our new management structure
is  in  place  to meet the challenges of the future and to maintain  our  high
standards of service to customers.

Alan Parsons

Bristol Water plc


Summary:                      2000  1999   % change
                                #m    #m

Turnover                      69.5  66.8         4%
Operating profit before 
exceptional charges           20.4  19.3         5%
Exceptional charges            1.6     -
Pre-tax profits after 
exceptional items             14.0  14.8        -5%

Revenue  increased broadly in line with inflation and the 1% K factor and  was
reflected  in the growth in underlying operating profit.  Following acceptance
of  the  price  limits for the next five years, we are committed to  achieving
continuing  efficiency gains. We have made a provision for  the  initial  cost
reduction programme.

The  profit  before  tax  has fallen due to the restructuring  offsetting  the
underlying  profit growth.  The tax charge has returned to more normal  levels
following the one-off ACT benefits last year. As a result attributable profits
and  earnings  per share after exceptional items have fallen by  approximately
one fifth.

Before  the exceptional items, interest was covered 4.1 times and the ordinary
dividend covered 2.6 times.

The  Board  proposes to increase the final ordinary dividend for the  year  to
53.2  pence,  giving a dividend of 72.6 pence per share, a 12%  increase  over
1999.  It will be paid to shareholders on 24 July 2000 and represents  96%  of
the ordinary dividend paid to the shareholders of Bristol Water Holdings plc.


Operationally the year was very successful with the recognised high levels  of
service  maintained or improved.  The combination of good rainfall and  slowly
diminishing  demand from customers ensured that there was  no  risk  of  water
restrictions.  Water quality compliance was again better than 99.9%.  We  also
successfully  met  the mandatory maximum level of leakage  set  by  OFWAT.  We
continue to operate at the highest levels of customer service.


The  most  significant event of the year for the regulated  business  was  the
issue  by  the  Director General of Water Services in  November  1999  of  the
Periodic Review Final Determination. This set maximum price limits for charges
to  customers for the five years to March 2005. The price limits  included  an
uplift  to recognise our high levels of customer service compared to our  peer

Price limits set for the next five years are:
2000/01                           -10%
2001/02                           +1%
2002/03                           +1%
2003/04                            0%
2004/05                         -1.9%

The limits, known as K factors, and movements in the RPI
index apply to a basket of tariffs defined in the company's

For  Bristol Water the determination has resulted in an initial real reduction
in  our regulated Tariff Basket revenues of 10% for 2000/01. This will have  a
materially  adverse effect on future profit levels. The price  limits  reflect
the  Director  General's  assessment of  the  costs  of  meeting  quality  and
environmental obligations that we must deliver in part funded by his  view  of
potential efficiency gains. In essence we are passing the efficiencies we have
achieved  in  the  last  five years and assumed future  efficiencies  back  to
customers as lower prices.
The  key outputs required by the Price Determination in the five years to 2005

 A  major  capital investment programme of around #25m per year.  This  is
 equivalent to more than #50 per customer per year

 Installing  treatment required by new more stringent regulations  at  key
 groundwater sources to minimise the risk of a breakthrough of Cryptosporidium

 Potential  replacement of 68,000 of the company's lead  supply  pipes  to
 meet new quality standards

 Renovation of 254 kilometres of water mains by December 2002 for  quality

 Treatment improvements at key works to meet new EC standards

 Improving the security of supply for customers dependent on River  Severn
 water carried to our treatment works by British Waterways Board's Gloucester
 to Sharpness Canal.

The  Price  Determination  represents a tough challenge  for  the  Company  to
deliver  the outputs while maintaining the existing high levels of service  to
customers within the financial constraints imposed by the price limits.

To  achieve  this we are working hard to reduce the Company's cost  base,  and
have  established  a  group  of senior managers whose  role,  along  with  the
directors,  is to challenge all costs and processes. Key initiatives  to  date

 Reduction  in  employee numbers, through a combination of  voluntary  and
 compulsory redundancies, by around one hundred since mid 1999 in the
 functions monitored by OFWAT. In total this will save around #2m per annum of
 operating and capital costs.

 The  outsourcing  of  our  optional  metering  programme  reducing  costs

 New  partnership  arrangements for elements of our capital  programme  to
 increase capital expenditure efficiency.

This  focus  on  driving down all costs will continue while maintaining   high
standards of customer service.
Bristol Water plc
for the year ended 31 March 2000

                                                          2000     1999
                        Notes       Before
                               Exceptional Exceptional   Total    Total
                                     items       items
                                      #000        #000    #000     #000

Turnover                            69,453           -  69,453   66,793

Operating costs          2,3        49,119       1,591  50,710   47,493       

Operating profit/(loss)             20,334      (1,591) 18,743   19,300

Profit on disposal of 
tangible fixed assets     4              -        (207)   (207)    (135)
Net interest payable and 
similar charges                      4,970           -   4,970    4,650

Profit/(loss) on ordinary 
activities before taxation          15,364      (1,384) 13,980   14,785

Taxation on profit/(loss)  
on ordinary activities   5           2,815         (79)  2,736    1,213

Profit/(loss) on ordinary 
activities after taxation           12,549      (1,305) 11,244   13,572

Dividends -
On irredeemable preference shares    1,094           -   1,094    1,094
On redeemable preference shares          -           -       -      162
On ordinary shares                   4,355           -   4,355    3,888
Total dividends                    6 5,449           -   5,449    5,144

Profit/(loss) retained for 
the financial year                   7,100      (1,305)  5,795    8,428       
Earnings per share       7           191.0p      (21.8)p 169.2p   205.3p

All of the turnover and operating costs above relate to continuing operations.

There were no exceptional items in 1999.

Bristol Water plc
at 31 March 2000

                                 Notes          2000    1999
                                                #000    #000

Tangible fixed assets                8       165,309 160,765
Current assets
Stocks                                           811   1,128
Debtors                                        8,857   8,563
Cash at bank and on deposit                    1,552   2,450
                                              11,220  12,141

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Short term borrowings                          1,419   1,523
Other creditors                               21,088  23,072
                                              22,507  24,595

Net current liabilities                      (11,287)(12,454)

Total assets less current liabilities        154,022 148,311

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year                      67,619  68,821

Deferred income                                8,463   8,254

Provision for liabilities and charges            909       -
                                              77,031  71,236
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       18,498  18,498
Share premium account                          4,415   4,415
Other reserves                                 5,770   5,770
Profit and loss account                       48,348  42,553
Total shareholders' funds     10              77,031  71,236

Analysed as:
    Equity shareholders' funds                64,531  58,736
    Non-equity shareholders' funds            12,500  12,500

Bristol Water plc
for the year ended 31 March 2000

                           Notes                2000    1999
                                                #000    #000

Net cash inflow from 
operating activities         11               29,624  30,355
Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance
Interest received                                192     378
Interest paid                                 (3,469) (3,590)
Interest paid on finance leases               (1,522) (1,676)
Dividends paid on non-equity shares           (1,094) (1,256)
                                              (5,893) (6,144)

Corporation tax paid                          (1,879)   (611)
Advance corporation tax paid on dividends       (136)   (993)
                                              (2,015) (1,604)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets            (21,354)(34,065)
less contributions received                    2,891   3,860
Proceeds on disposal of tangible 
fixed assets                                   1,043     213
Dividends paid on equity shares               (3,888) (3,686)
Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing           408 (11,071)

Capital element of new finance leases            296     586
New bank loans                                     -  15,000
Capital element of lease repayments           (1,602) (1,503)
Redemption of preference shares                     - (5,770)
                                              (1,306)  8,313

Decrease in cash                                (898) (2,758)
Cash, beginning of year                        2,450   5,208
Cash, end of year                              1,552   2,450
Bristol Water plc


  These  preliminary statements do not constitute the statutory  accounts  for
  the year ended 31 March 2000.  The statutory accounts have been reported  on
  by  the  auditors without qualification but have not yet been  delivered  to
  the  Registrar  of Companies.  The comparative figures for  1999  have  been
  extracted  from  the accounts of Bristol Water plc for  the  year  ended  31
  March  1999, upon which the auditors' report was unqualified and which  have
  been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

  The  Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on or  before
  21  June  2000.  Copies will be  available to the public from the registered
  office  at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7AU. The Annual General
  Meeting  will  be held at the Registered Office at Bridgwater Road,  Bristol
  on Monday, 24 July 2000 at 9.00am.

                                             2000      1999
                                             #000      #000
  Net payroll cost                         10,449     9,224
  Other operating expenses                 25,633    25,817
  Depreciation, net                        13,037    12,452
  Total operating costs                    49,119    47,493
                                             2000      1999
                                             #000      #000
  Restructuring costs                       1,591         -

  The  restructuring costs mainly reflect severance payments to employees made
  redundant  in  the  year together with a provision for  further  anticipated


  The  profit  on disposal of tangible fixed assets of #207,000 arises  mainly
  from  property  sales #770,000 offset by an impairment loss of  #614,000  in
  respect  of  vehicles  and  plant.  It is anticipated  that  these  will  be
  disposed of in the current year.

                                             2000      1999
                                             #000      #000
  Mainstream corporation tax payable        2,600     1,036        
  Advance corporation tax                     136       177
  Charge for the year                       2,736     1,213

                                             2000      1999
                                             #000      #000
  On non-equity shares -
  Irredeemable 8.75% preference shares -
  Paid                                       547       547
  Payable 1 April                            547       547
                                           1,094     1,094

  Paid on convertible redeemable 6.75%
  preference shares 1998                       -       162
                                           1,094     1,256
  On ordinary shares (equity shares) -
  Paid                                     1,166     1,166
  Proposed                                 3,189     2,722
                                           4,355     3,888
  Total dividends paid and proposed        5,449     5,144


  Earnings per share have been calculated as follows -
                                             2000      1999
                                              000       000      
 On  average number of ordinary shares
 in issue during the year -
 Earnings  attributable to ordinary  
 shares  before  exceptional  items       #11,455   #12,316
 Earnings  attributable to ordinary 
 shares after exceptional items           #10,150   #12,316
 Weighted average number of ordinary
 shares                                     5,998     5,998
 As  the  Company  has no obligation to issue further shares,  disclosure  of
 earnings per share on a fully diluted basis is not required.

                                             2000      1999
                                             #000      #000
  Net book value, beginning of year       160,765   145,197
  Additions                                21,099    31,599
  Disposals                                  (222)      (78)
  Contributions                            (2,411)   (3,244)
  Depreciation                            (13,922)  (12,709)
  Net book value, end of period           165,309   160,765

                                            2000      1999
                                            #000      #000
  Cash                                     1,552     2,450
  Debt due within one year                (1,419)   (1,523)
  Debt due after one year                (67,619)  (68,821)
  Net borrowings                         (67,486)  (67,894)

                                            2000      1999
                                            #000      #000
  Beginning of year                       71,236    68,578
  Profit for the year                     11,244    13,572
  Dividends                               (5,449)   (5,144)
  Redemption of preference shares              -    (5,770)
  End of year                             77,031    71,236


a)Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
activities -

                                            2000      1999
                                            #000      #000
  Operating profit                        18,743    19,300
  Depreciation, net                       13,037    12,452
  Cashflow from operations                31,780    31,752
  Working capital movements -
  Stocks                                     317       281
  Debtors                                   (294)   (1,351)
  Creditors                               (2,179)     (327)
  Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                              29,624    30,355

  The  cashflow from operations is arrived at after charging #1,591,000 as  an
  exceptional  item, of which #241,000 was paid during the year, #441,000  was
  accrued as a creditor at 31 March 2000 and a provision created of #909,000.

b)Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net borrowings -
                                            2000      1999
                                            #000      #000
  Decrease in net cash in year              (898)   (2,758)     
  Cash  used  to repay borrowings          1,602     1,503
  Cash from new borrowings                  (296)  (15,586)
  Decrease/(increase) in net borrowings      408   (16,841)
  Net borrowings at beginning of year    (67,894)  (51,053)
  Net borrowings at end of year          (67,486)  (67,894)



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