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16 July 2024
Macfarlane Group PLC
("Macfarlane", or the "Group")
Appointment of Non-Executive Director
The Board of Macfarlane Group PLC announces the appointment of David Stirling as a non-executive director with effect from 1 January 2025, following the retirement of Bob McLellan.
David recently retired as Group CEO of Zotefoams plc, a manufacturer of cellular specialist materials and listed on the London Stock Exchange. During his 24 years as CEO, the business grew significantly through innovation in foam products and investment in new sites in Europe, North America and Asia. David trained as a Chartered Accountant in Scotland, undertaking overseas assignments with PwC, before joining Zotefoams as Finance Director in 1997.
Aleen Gulvanessian, Chair of Macfarlane Group, said: "It's my pleasure to welcome David to the Board of Macfarlane. I am confident that his extensive listed company experience and exposure to the protective packaging industry will be of significant benefit to the business."
There are no other disclosures required under LR9.6.13 of the Listing Rules in relation to this appointment.
Further enquiries:
Macfarlane Group
Tel: 0141 333 9666
Peter Atkinson - Chief Executive
Ivor Gray - Group Finance Director
Spreng Thomson
Mob: 07803 970103
Callum Spreng
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800LVRYDERSJAAZ73
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