RNS Number : 9302S

NewRiver Retail Limited

29 November 2011

29 November 2011

NewRiver Retail Limited ("NewRiver" or "the Company")

Interim results for the period ended 30 September 2011

NewRiver Retail Limited (AIM and CISX: NRR), the UK REIT specialising in value-creating retail property investment and asset management, is pleased to announce its interim results for the period ended 30 September 2011.

Key Highlights

-- Profit before tax has increased by 65% to GBP2.8 million, (2010: GBP1.7 million) and fivefold increase in EPRA EPS to 7.2p (2010: 1.4p)

   --      Increase in the interim dividend of 500% to 6p per share (2010: 1p) 

-- EPRA NAV per share of 260p (2010: 264p) after absorbing one-off purchase and fundraising costs of 20p per share

-- Oversubscribed equity fundraising of GBP42.5 million, immediately deployed in completion of a major acquisition

-- Acquisitions in the period of GBP87.5 million and GBP6.4 million post period end at an average initial yield of 8.5%

-- Active asset management programme continues with 87 leasing events completed since IPO defending and generating GBP2.7 million of income

   --      Risk controlled development programme of 500,000 sq ft 
   --      Gross assets under management have increased to GBP270 million (2010: GBP174 million) 

David Lockhart, Chief Executive of NewRiver Retail Limited, commented:

"These interim results reflect the strong start that the company has made in the first half of the financial year. NewRiver strongly believes that income returns will form the key element of total returns for shareholders in the foreseeable future and therefore we are particularly proud of the increased level of dividend we are able to pay to our shareholders. This payment demonstrates the Company's ability to deliver on its strategy.

Despite the challenging economic headwinds the Company remains able to identify attractive opportunities and undertake an active asset management and development programme which will help to protect us from any fall in capital values. The Company has created a significant platform for growth and we continue to look forward to the future with confidence."

- ends -

For further information

NewRiver Retail Limited Tel: 0203 328 5800

David Lockhart, Chief Executive

Mark Davies, Finance Director

Pelham Bell Pottinger Tel: 0207 861 3232

David Rydell/Rosanne Perry

Cenkos Securities

Ian Soanes/Max Hartley Tel: 0207 397 8900

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to report the interim results for the six months to 30 September 2011. NewRiver has made a strong start to the financial year, delivering a profit before tax of GBP2.8 million, (2010: GBP1.7 million). The Company has continued to build on its strong start since incorporation and continues to develop a focused asset-backed profitable business platform.

The Board is committed to shareholder returns and has agreed an interim dividend of 6p per share which represents a 500% increase on last year. The Board strongly believes that income returns will form the key element of total returns for shareholders in the foreseeable future and this significant increase in the dividend demonstrates the Company's ability to deliver on its strategy.

A positive revaluation surplus in the period of GBP1.3 million was achieved, reflecting the Company's astute acquisition strategy and gains made through its active asset management programme at a time when investment yields have remained static. This is reflected in the EPRA NAV of 260p per share which has been achieved after absorbing one off purchase and fundraising costs of 20p per share.

Key highlights of the period under review include a successful fundraise of GBP42.5 million through the issue of new ordinary equity. The Board was very pleased with the level of interest from a wide range of blue chip institutions that were attracted to NewRiver's investment case and the issue was comfortably oversubscribed despite challenging equity market conditions.

NewRiver quickly deployed the majority of the funds raised to acquire a portfolio of four shopping centres from Zurich Assurance Limited for a total consideration of GBP68 million bringing the total value of acquisitions completed during the interim period to GBP87.5 million. The average yield on the acquisitions completed was an attractive 8.3% and total assets under management increased to more than GBP270 million, a significant achievement considering NewRiver's admission to AIM was only two years previous.

I am delighted to welcome all new shareholders who supported our successful equity raise during the period. I'd also like to thank all existing shareholders for their continued support. The Board is also delighted to have completed the Zurich portfolio acquisition with senior debt provided by the Clydesdale Bank which we welcome as another principal lender to the Group alongside Santander and HSBC.

The Company has announced two further acquisitions since the period close. The Newlands shopping centre, Witham was acquired at a purchase price of GBP5.0 million at an initial yield of 9.7%. Witham is a well-established market town situated in Essex. The Company is in discussions with a number of food retailers with whom it has a good relationship about an anchoring opportunity within this centre. The Company also completed the acquisition of 60-64 Church Walk, Burgess Hill where the Company already owns The Martlets shopping centre. This unit is let to Store 21 and was acquired at a price of GBP1.3 million to reflect an initial yield of 10.1%.

The Company is making strong progress in its asset management programme having completed 87 leasing events since IPO. In addition the Company is engaged in a risk controlled development programme within its existing portfolio in excess of 500,000 sq ft. Negotiations with anchor retailers are ongoing and at a recent investor day in Burgess Hill, West Sussex, the management team presented outline plans for an extension of the shopping centre to include a c80,000 sq ft food store anchor. Whilst the Company moves forward on its development plans, it continues to generate attractive double digit cash on equity returns through actively asset managing existing income streams. This is at the heart of the Company's investment model.

Despite the challenging headwinds the Company remains able to identify attractive opportunities in its key sectors of food and value led retailing. These key sectors continue to perform well, with positive demand from occupiers many of whom are looking for new space. The Company's top 10 tenants include Tesco, Poundland, Sainsbury's and Wilkinsons.

NewRiver Retail aims to become one of the leading value-creating property investment platforms in the UK retail property sector and significant progress has been made in achieving that goal. In these uncertain economic times, capital values may come under pressure, but the Board believes the Company's value creating business model will protect shareholders interests. NewRiver remains well placed to deliver strong earnings growth and the Board looks forward to the future with confidence.

Paul Roy


NewRiver Retail Limited

29 November 2011

Independent Review Report to NewRiver Retail Limited

We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2011 which comprises the Consolidated Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated Condensed Statement of Other Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Condensed Cash Flow Statement, the Consolidated Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity and related notes 1 to 16. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Group, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2011 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 and the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange.

Deloitte LLP

Chartered Accountants

Guernsey, Channel Islands

28 November 2011

Neither an audit nor a review provides assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular whether any changes may have occurred to the financial information since first published. These matters are the responsibility of the directors but no control procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area.

Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of financial information differs from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Consolidated Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the period from 1 April 2011 to 30 September 2011

                                                        Notes       Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                                                       Period      Period    Year ended 
                                                                      1 April     1 April      31 March 
                                                                      2011 to     2010 to          2011 
                                                                       30 Sep          30       GBP'000 
                                                                 2011 GBP'000    Sep 2010 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Group net income                                           3           5,941       2,155         6,756 
 Less share of joint venture income                                     (921)     (1,122)       (2,331) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                        5,020       1,033         4,425 
 Total operating expenses                                             (1,821)     (1,152)       (3,159) 
 Income from joint ventures                                10             467         594         1,817 
 Net surplus on revaluation of investment properties        9           1,393       1,470         3,574 
 Profit on sale of investment properties                                   45           -             - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Operating profit                                                       5,104       1,945         6,657 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Finance expense 
 Finance income                                                             2          24            29 
 Finance costs                                                        (2,262)       (284)       (1,774) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Profit for the period/year before taxation                             2,844       1,685         4,912 
 Current taxation                                                           -        (35)         (124) 
 REIT conversion charge                                                     -           -       (1,600) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Profit for the period/year after taxation                              2,844       1,650         3,188 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic (pence)                                              4            14.5        12.3          23.1 
 Diluted (pence)                                            4            14.3        12.2          23.0 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  ------------ 

All activities derive from continuing operations of the Group. The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Consolidated Condensed Statement of Other Comprehensive Income

For the period from 1 April 2011 to 30 September 2011

                                                   Notes       Unaudited   Unaudited         Audited 
                                                                  Period      Period      Year ended 
                                                                 1 April     1 April        31 March 
                                                                 2011 to     2010 to    2011 GBP'000 
                                                                  30 Sep          30 
                                                            2011 GBP'000    Sep 2011 
------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 
 Profit for the period/year after taxation                         2,844       1,650           3,188 
------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Fair value loss on interest rate swaps               13         (1,323)       (470)           (204) 
------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the period/year                    1,521       1,180           2,984 
------------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 

All activities derive from continuing operations of the Group. The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2011

                              Notes   Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                       as at 30    as at 30      as at 31 
                                       Sep 2011    Sep 2010    March 2011 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment properties            9     189,690      37,515       105,800 
 Development properties                     195           -             - 
 Investments in joint 
  ventures                       10      11,893      13,562        11,926 
 Property, plant 
  & equipment                                13           7             7 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total non-current 
  assets                                201,791      51,084       117,733 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                             2,893       1,190         1,413 
 Cash and cash equivalents        8       6,565       6,221        10,651 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total current assets                     9,458       7,411        12,064 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total assets                           211,249      58,495       129,797 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                7,081       1,242         4,980 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                             1,573         516           116 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total current liabilities                8,654       1,758         5,096 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                1,160           -         1,201 
 Borrowings                      11      97,046      19,619        60,252 
 Debt instruments                11      24,524           -        24,474 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total non-current 
  liabilities                           122,730      19,619        85,927 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Net assets                              79,865      37,118        38,774 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Retained earnings               13       1,129       1,026           318 
 Share premium                   13      40,345      33,826             - 
 Other reserves                  13      33,801           -        33,801 
 Hedging reserve                 13     (1,573)       (516)         (250) 
 Share option reserve            14          78          43            62 
 Revaluation reserve             13       6,085       2,739         4,843 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total equity                            79,865      37,118        38,774 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Net Asset Value 
  (NAV) per share 
 Basic (pence)                    5         257         261           273 
 Diluted (pence)                  5         255         260           272 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 

The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28 November 2011 and were signed on its behalf by:

 David Lockhart    Mark Davies 
 Chief Executive   Finance Director 

Consolidated Condensed Cash Flow Statement

As at 30 September 2011

                                                                  Note       Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                                                                 as at           as at           as at 
                                                                                30 Sep          30 Sep        31 March 
                                                                          2011 GBP'000    2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                12           3,115           (645)           2,796 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Investing Activities: 
 Purchase of investment properties                                   9        (87,497)        (22,730)        (88,911) 
 Costs on development properties                                                 (195)               -               - 
 Purchase of plant & equipment                                                     (6)             (1)               - 
 Cash received on sale of investment property                                    5,000               -               - 
 Cash inflow/(outflow) from joint ventures                          10             500         (1,190)           1,535 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash from investing activities                                           (82,198)        (23,921)        (87,376) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Financing Activities: 
 Net finance costs                                                             (1,502)           (102)           (740) 
 Dividends paid during the period/year                                           (640)               -               - 
 Issue of new shares                                                13          40,345           9,795           9,770 
 Increase in bank loans                                                         40,382          12,926          53,559 
 Repayment of bank loans                                                       (3,588)               -               - 
 Net proceeds from issue of Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock        11               -               -          24,474 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash from financing activities                                             74,997          22,619          87,063 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period/year       8          10,651           8,168           8,168 
 Movement during the period/year                                               (4,086)         (1,947)           2,483 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period/year             8           6,565           6,221          10,651 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
 Cash at bank and in hand                                                        6,565           6,221          10,651 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period/year                         6,565           6,221          10,651 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -------------- 

The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Consolidated Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity

As at 30 September 2011

                              Notes    Retained       Other      Share   Revaluation       Share    Hedging      Total 
                                       Earnings    Reserves    Premium       Reserve       based    Reserve    GBP'000 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    Payments    GBP'000 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 As at 31 March 2010                        846           -     24,031         1,269          25       (46)     26,125 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Net proceeds of issue of 
  new shares                     13           -           -      9,795             -           -          -      9,795 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                          1,650           -          -             -           -      (470)      1,180 
 Share-based payments                         -           -          -             -          18          -         18 
 Revaluation surplus for 
  the period                      9     (1,470)           -          -         1,470           -          -          - 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 As at 30 September 2010                  1,026           -     33,826         2,739          43      (516)     37,118 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
                             Notes    Retained       Other       Share   Revaluation       Share    Hedging      Total 
                                      Earnings    Reserves     Premium       Reserve       based    Reserve    GBP'000 
                                       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000    Payments    GBP'000 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 As at 31 March 2010                       846           -      24,031         1,269          25       (46)     26,125 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Transfer of share premium      13           -      24,031    (24,031)             -           -          -          - 
 Net proceeds of issue 
 from new shares                             -       9,770           -             -           -          -      9,770 
 Total comprehensive 
 income for the year                     3,188           -           -             -           -      (204)      2,984 
 Share based payments                        -           -           -             -          37          -         37 
 Dividend payments              13       (142)           -           -             -           -          -      (142) 
 Revaluation surplus for 
  the year                       9     (3,574)           -           -         3,574           -          -          - 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 As at 31 March 2011                       318      33,801           -         4,843          62      (250)     38,774 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Transfer of share premium                   -           -           -             -           -          -          - 
 Net proceeds of issue 
  from new shares               13           -           -      40,345             -           -          -     40,345 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period                  2,844           -           -             -           -    (1,323)      1,521 
 Share based payments                        -           -           -             -          16          -         16 
 Dividend payments              13       (640)           -           -             -           -          -      (640) 
 Unamortised tenant 
 incentives                                  -           -           -         (151)           -          -      (151) 
 Revaluation surplus for 
  the period                     9     (1,393)           -           -         1,393           -          -          - 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 As at 30 September 2011                 1,129      33,801      40,345         6,085          78    (1,573)     79,865 
--------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 

The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Notes to the accounts

For the period from 1 April 2011 to 30 September 2011

1 Accounting policies

General information

NewRiver Retail Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") is a property investment group specialising in commercial real estate in the United Kingdom. NewRiver Retail was incorporated on 4 June 2009 in Guernsey as a registered closed-ended investment company. The Company was incorporated in Guernsey under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. On 22 November 2010, the Company converted to a REIT and repatriated effective management and control to the United Kingdom. The Company's registered office is Isabelle Chambers, Route Isabelle, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3TX and the business address is Level 2 Greybrook House, 28 Brook Street London, W1K 5DH. The Company has taken advantage of the exemption conferred by the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, section 244, not to prepare Company only financial statements.

Going concern

The Directors of NewRiver Retail Limited have reviewed the current and projected financial position of the Group making reasonable assumptions about future trading and performance. The key areas reviewed were:

-- Value of investment property

-- Timing of property transactions

-- Capital expenditure and tenant incentive commitments

-- Forecast rental income

-- Loan covenants

The Group has cash and short term deposits, as well as surplus net rental income streams and as a consequence the Directors believe the Group is well placed to manage its business risks. Whilst the Group has borrowing facilities in place, it is currently well within prescribed financial covenants.

After making enquiries and examining major areas which could give rise to significant financial exposure the Board has a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue its operations for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the Group continues to adopt the going concern basis in preparation of these financial statements.

Statement of compliance

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with International Accounting Standards 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of investment properties, joint venture interests and derivatives which are fair valued.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company, its subsidiaries and the SPV's controlled by the Company, made up to 30 September 2011. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities.

The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. Intra group transactions are eliminated in full.

Changes to standards

Certain new interpretations and amendments or revisions to existing standards, which may be relevant to the Group, have been published that are mandatory for later accounting periods and which have not been adopted early. These are:

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments effective 1 January 2013

IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements effective 1 January 2013

IFRS 11 Joint arrangements effective 1 January 2013

IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in other entities effective 1 January 2013

IFRS 13 Fair value measurements effective 1 January 2013

The following standards are currently in place and have not had any significant impact on the financial statements.

IAS 24 (Amended) Related Party Disclosures (Effective for periods on or after 1 January 2011)

IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting effective 1 March 2011

These changes are not expected to have a material impact on the Group's financial statements.

Use of estimates and key sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of the Group's financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and contingencies at the date of the Group's financial statements, and revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from estimated. Significant estimates in the Group's financial statements include the assumptions relating to the valuation of options and investment properties. By their nature these estimates and assumptions are subject to measurement uncertainty.

Critical judgements in applying the Group's accounting policies

In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, management is of the opinion that any instances of application of judgements did not have a significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements.

Key sources of estimation uncertainty

The key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are discussed below.

(i) Investment properties

The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates affecting the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, of revenues and expenses, and of gains and losses. As described below, the Group's investment properties are stated at estimated market value, as accounted for by management based on an independent external appraisal. The estimated market value may differ from the price at which the Group's assets could be sold at a particular time, since actual selling prices are negotiated between willing buyers and sellers. Also, certain estimates require an assessment of factors not within management's control, such as overall market conditions. As a result, actual results of operations and realisation of net assets could differ from the estimates set forth in these financial statements, and the difference could be significant.

(ii) Valuation of options

Management have relied on the services of external experts to determine the fair value of options at their grant date, in order to expense that value over their estimated vesting period. This requires significant estimates of a number of inputs which are used to model that fair value.

(iii) Valuation of Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock

Management was required to make estimates with the assistance of external experts to conclude on the valuation of the convertible unsecured loan stock at the date of issue. The issuance of the compound instrument was between two knowledgeable parties at arms length and at a market rate of 5.85% pa for 5 years. Management have concluded that the value of the convertible option was negligible and the value resided in the debt portion of the instrument at the date of issue.

(iv) Impairment in investment in subsidiaries and associates

Determining whether investments in subsidiaries and associates are impaired requires an estimation of the fair values less cost to sell and value in use of those investments. The process requires the Group to estimate the future cash flows expected from the cash-generating units and an appropriate discount rate in order to calculate the present value of the future cash flows. Management has evaluated the recoverability of those investments based on such estimates.

Investment property

Property held to earn rentals and for capital appreciation is classified as investment property. Investment property comprises both freehold and leasehold land and buildings.

Investment property is recognised as an asset when:

-- It is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow to the Company;

-- There are no material conditions precedent which could prevent completion; and

-- The cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.

Investment property is measured initially at its cost, including related transaction costs. After initial recognition, investment property is carried at fair value. The Group has appointed Colliers International as property valuers to prepare valuations on a semi-annual basis. Valuations are undertaken in accordance with the appropriate sections of the current Practice Statements contained in the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Appraisal and Valuation Standards, 6th Edition (the "Red Book"). This is an internationally accepted basis of valuation. Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment property are included in the income statement in the period in which they arise and transferred to the revaluation reserve.

When the Group begins to redevelop an existing investment property for continued future use as an investment property, the property remains an investment property and is accounted for as such. When the Group begins to redevelop an existing investment property with a view to sell, the property is transferred to trading properties and held as a current asset. The property is re-measured to fair value as at the date of the transfer with any gain or loss being taken to the income statement. The re-measured amount becomes the deemed cost at which the property is then carried in trading properties.

In completing these valuations the valuer considers the following:

(i) current prices in an active market for properties of a different nature, condition or location (or subject to different lease or other contracts), adjusted to reflect those differences;

(ii) recent prices of similar properties in less active markets, with adjustments to reflect any changes in economic conditions since the date of the transactions that occurred at those prices; and

(iii) discounted cash flow projections based on reliable estimates of future cash flows, derived from the terms of any existing lease and other contracts and (where possible) from external evidence such as current market rents for similar properties in the same location and condition, and using discount rates that reflect current market assessments of the uncertainty in the amount and timing of the cash flows.

Value added tax

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of value added tax except:

(i) Where the value added tax incurred on a purchase of assets or services is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case the value added tax is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense item as applicable; and

(ii) Receivables and payables that are stated with the amount of value added tax included. The net amount of value added tax recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of receivables or payables in the balance sheet.

Revenue recognition

(i) Rental income

Rental income is recognised on an accruals basis. A rent adjustment based on open market estimated rental value is recognised from the rent review date in relation to unsettled rent reviews. Where a rent-free period is included in a lease, the rental income foregone is allocated evenly over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date.

Rental income from fixed and minimum guaranteed rent reviews is recognised on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the entire lease term or the period to the first break option. Where such rental income is recognised ahead of the related cash flow, an adjustment is made to ensure the carrying value of the related property including the accrued rent does not exceed the external valuation. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging a new lease are amortised on a straight-line basis over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date.

Where a lease incentive payment, including surrender premiums paid, it is amortised on a straight-line basis over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date. Upon receipt of a surrender premium for the early determination of a lease, the profit, net of dilapidations and non-recoverable outgoings relating to the lease concerned, is immediately reflected in income.

(ii) Interest Income

Interest income and expenses are recognised in the income statement under the effective interest method as they accrue. Interest income is recognised on a gross basis, including withholding tax, if any.

(iii) Asset management fees

Management fees are recognised in the income statement on an accruals basis. Interest income is recognised on a gross basis, including withholding tax, if any.

(iv) Promote payments

Under the terms of the Limited Partnership Agreement of NewRiver Retail Investments LP, the Group is contractually entitled to receive a promote payment should the returns from the joint venture to the joint venture partner exceed a certain internal rate of return. This payment is only receivable by the Group on disposal of underlying properties held by the joint venture. Any entitlements under these arrangements are only accrued for in the financial statements once the Group believes that crystallisation of the fee is virtually certain.

Business combinations

Goodwill arising on acquisition is recognised as an asset and initially measured at cost, being the excess of the cost of the business combination over the Group's interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognised. If, after reassessment, the Group's interest in the net fair value of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the cost of the business combination, the excess is recognised immediately in the income statement. Goodwill is reviewed for impairments annually. The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase method. The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of completion, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquired. The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition.

Whilst a corporate acquisition would normally be accounted for under IFRS 3, there are situations where these transfers may not qualify as business combinations. This is considered on a case by case basis by management in light of the substance of the acquisition.


The consideration payable in respect of each acquisition may be dependant upon certain future events. In calculating the cost of each acquisition the Group has assessed the most probable outcome as at the balance sheet date. These amounts are reconsidered annually at each year end and changes to consideration are taken to the income statement.

Joint ventures

The Group's investment properties are typically held in property SPVs, which may be legally structured as a joint venture.

In assessing whether a particular SPV is accounted for as a subsidiary or joint venture, the Group considers all of the contractual terms of the arrangement, including the extent to which the responsibilities and parameters of the venture are determined in advance of the joint venture agreement being agreed between the two parties. The Group will then consider whether it has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the SPV, so as to obtain benefits from its activities, and the existence of any legal disputes or challenges to this control in order to conclude on the classification of the SPV as a joint venture or subsidiary undertaking. The Group considers this position with the evidence available at the time.

The consolidated financial statements account for interests in joint ventures using the equity method of accounting. Any premium paid for an interest in a jointly controlled entity above fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities is accounted for in accordance with the goodwill accounting policy.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, and other short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Convertible unsecured loan stock

Convertible unsecured loan stock consist of both a liability and equity element. On issue of convertible debt, management assess the fair value of the liability by reference to the cash flow to redemption associated with the instrument, discounted at a market rate of interest. The difference between the issue proceeds and the fair value of the liability is allocated to the equity element of the instrument.

Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value, and subsequently where necessary re-measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at fair value. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established when there is objective evidence the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables.

Share based payments

Share options have been granted to key management as set out in note 14. The cost of equity settled transactions is measured with reference to the fair value at the date at which they were granted. The Group accounts for the fair value of these options at grant date over the vesting period in the income statement, with a corresponding increase to the share based payment reserve. The fair value was calculated based on the Black Scholes Model using the following inputs:

 Share price            GBP2.40 - GBP2.50 
 Exercise price         GBP2.44 - GBP2.71 
 Expected volatility    23%* - 10%* 
 Risk free rate         2.48% - 2.60% 
 Expected dividends*    4% - 3% 

*based on quoted property sector average (not NewRiver Retail Limited's expected dividend)

Treasury shares

Own equity instruments which are reacquired (treasury shares) are recognised at cost and deducted from equity. No gain or loss is recognised in the income statement on the purchased, sale, issue or cancellation of the Group's own equity instruments. Any difference between the carrying amount and the consideration is recognised in the reserves.

The Group has issued a number of shares to an Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). As this EBT is controlled by the Group, it is consolidated in these financial statements and unallocated shares held by the EBT are shown as treasury shares.


Dividends to the Company's shareholders are recognised when they become legally payable. This occurs when the dividend is declared by the Directors and approved by the Board.

Hedge accounting

Hedges of interest rate risk on firm commitments are accounted for as cash flow hedges.

At the inception of the hedge relationship, the entity documents the relationship between the hedging instruments and the hedged item, along with its risk management objectives and its strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. Furthermore, at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, the Group documents whether the hedging instrument is highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of the hedged item.

Cash flow hedge

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognised in other comprehensive income. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in profit or loss, and is included in the 'other gains and losses' line item.

Amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity are reclassified to profit or loss in the periods when the hedged item is recognised in profit or loss, in the same line of the income statement as the recognised hedged item. However, when the forecast transaction that is hedged results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the gains and losses previously accumulated in equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability.

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the Group revokes the hedging relationship, the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. Any gain or loss recognised in other comprehensive income at that time is accumulated in equity and is recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in profit or loss. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss accumulated in equity is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

Leasing (as lessors)

Leases where the Group does not transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to the ownership of the assets are classified as operating leases. All of the Group's properties are leased under operating leases and included in investment property in the balance sheet.

2 Segmental reporting

During the period the Group operated in one business segment, being property investment in the United Kingdom and as such no further information is provided.

3 Revenue

                                               30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                         2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Rental and related income                      6,088            1,981           6,709 
 Asset management fees                            217              166             342 
 Surrender premiums and commissions                32                8              58 
 Direct property costs                          (396)                -           (353) 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Group net income                               5,941            2,155           6,756 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

4 Earnings per share

The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) issued Best Practices Policy Recommendations in October 2010, which gives guidelines for performance measures. The EPRA earnings measure excludes investment property revaluations and gains on disposals, intangible asset movements and their related taxation and the REIT conversion charge.

The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data

                                                                               30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                                                         2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted EPS being profit 
  after taxation                                                                2,844            1,650           3,188 
 Adjustments to arrive at EPRA profit 
 Exceptional items: 
 REIT conversion charge                                                             -                -           1,600 
 Prior year tax provision                                                           -                -              36 
 Other exceptional items                                                            -                -             165 
 Profit on sale of investment properties                                         (45)                -               - 
 Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investment properties                   (1,393)          (1,470)         (3,574) 
 Unrealised surplus on revaluation of joint venture investment 
  properties                                                                        -               12           (545) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 EPRA profit                                                                    1,406              192             870 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Number of shares                                                                       No 000's   No 000's   No 000's 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic EPS and basic 
  EPRA EPS                                                                                19,652     13,425     13,822 
 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares: 
 Options                                                                                     125         57         21 
 Warrants                                                                                     62         36         22 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                                                                   30 Sep         30 Sep      31 March 
                                                                               2011 000's     2010 000's    2011 000's 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic 
  diluted EPS and basic 
  diluted EPRA EPS                                                                 19,839         13,518        13,865 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 EPRA EPS basic (pence)                                                               7.2            1.4           6.3 
 EPRA diluted EPS (pence)                                                             7.1            1.4           6.3 
 EPS basic (pence)                                                                   14.5           12.3          23.1 
 Diluted EPS (pence)                                                                 14.3           12.2          23.0 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

5 Net asset value per share

                                     30 Sep          30 Sep        31 March 
                               2011 GBP'000    2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net asset value                     79,865          37,118          38,774 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  (000's)                            31,080          14,215          14,215 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  EPRA* (000's)                      43,743               -          24,467 
 EPRA Net asset value 
  per share (pence)                     260             264             273 
 Basic Net asset value 
  per share (pence)                     257             261             273 
 Diluted Net asset value 
  per share (pence)                     255             260             272 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 

*The number of shares in issue is adjusted under the EPRA calculation assumes conversion of the warrants, options and the Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock converted to equity. The conversion of the CULS would currently have an accretive effect to the EPRA NAV per share.

Under the terms of the Limited Partnership agreement relating to NewRiver Retail Investments LP dated 28 February 2010, MSREI has been granted the right to convert its interest in the JV or part thereof on an NAV for NAV basis into shares of NewRiver Retail Limited, up to 10 per cent of the share capital of NewRiver Retail Limited during the joint venture period. This conversion would currently have an accretive effect on the Group's EPS calculation and hence is not reflected in the NAV per share or EPRA NAV per share figures.

6 Dividends

On 20 July 2011, the Company paid a final dividend of 4.5p per share. The total dividend paid for the year ended 31 March 2011 was 5.5p per share.

On 28 November 2011, the Board of Directors approved an interim dividend of 6p per share, payable on 23 December 2011 to ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business on 9 December 2011.

The dividend will be paid entirely as a PID (Property Income Distribution). PID dividends are paid, as required by REIT legislation, after deduction of withholding tax at the basic rate of income tax (currently 20%). However, certain classes of shareholder may be able to claim exemption from deduction of withholding tax.

7 Investment in subsidiary undertakings

Below is a list of the Group's principal subsidiaries:

 Name                            Country              Activity            Proportion 
                                  of incorporation                      of ownership 
------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 NewRiver Retail (UK)            United                Co and asset 
  Limited                         Kingdom              management               100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Wrexham                             Real estate 
  No. 1) Limited                 Guernsey              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Market                              Real estate 
  Deeping No. 1) Limited         Guernsey              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Newcastle                           Real estate 
  No. 1) Limited                 Guernsey              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Portfolio                           Real estate 
  No. 1) Limited                 Guernsey              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Portfolio                           Real estate 
  No. 2) Limited                 Guernsey              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Portfolio      United               Real estate 
  No. 3) Limited                  Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Portfolio      United               Real estate 
  No. 4) Limited                  Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Portfolio      United               Real estate 
  No. 5) Limited                  Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Wisbech)       United               Real estate 
  Limited                         Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Carmarthen)    United               Real estate 
  Limited                         Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Skegness)      United               Real estate 
  Limited                         Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Paisley)       United               Real estate 
  Limited                         Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail (Boscombe       United               Real estate 
  No. 1) Limited                  Kingdom              investments              100% 
 NewRiver Retail CUL No.         United               Finance 
  1 Limited                       Kingdom              Company                  100% 
------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------  -------------- 

The Group's investment properties are held by its subsidiary undertakings.

8 Cash and cash equivalents

                         30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                   2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
--------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash at bank             6,565            6,221          10,651 
--------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                          6,565            6,221          10,651 
--------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

9 Investment properties

                                            30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                      2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Opening balance                           105,800           13,315          13,315 
 Acquisitions in the period/year            87,497           22,730          88,911 
 Disposals in the period/year              (5,000)                -               - 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                           188,297           36,045         102,226 
 Fair value surplus on property 
  revaluations                               1,393            1,470           3,574 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Closing balance                           189,690           37,515         105,800 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

The Group's investment properties have been valued at 30 September 2011 by independent valuers on the basis of open market value in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Standards of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Sixth Edition (the "Red Book").

It is the Group's policy to carry investment property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40 "Investment Property". The fair value of the Group's investment property at 30 September 2011 has been determined by the directors on the basis of open market valuations carried out by Colliers International who are the external valuers to the Group.

The basis for the valuations included in the report is based on current market rental yields, expected rental income and comparable market transactions.

10 Investments in joint ventures

                                               30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                         2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Opening balance                               11,926           11,778          11,778 
 Additional joint venture interests 
  during the period/year 1                          -            1,440           1,440 
 Income from joint ventures                       467              594           1,817 
 Distributions and dividends 
  1                                             (500)            (250)         (2,032) 
 Return of capital 1                                -                -           (943) 
 Hedging movements                                  -                -           (134) 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net book value                                11,893           13,562          11,926 
------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

Below is a list of the Group's joint venture companies.

 Name                            Country of incorporation   % Holding 2011 
-----------------------------  --------------------------  --------------- 
 NewRiver Retail Investments 
  LP                                             Guernsey              50% 
 NewRiver Retail Investments 
  (GP) Ltd*                                      Guernsey              50% 
-----------------------------  --------------------------  --------------- 

1 The net cash inflow during the year was GBP0.5m (2010: Outflow GBP1.2m).

NewRiver Retail Investments LP (the "JV") is an established jointly controlled limited partnership set up by NewRiver Retail Limited and Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing ("MSREI") to invest in UK retail property. The JV has an acquisition capacity in excess of GBP250m including appropriate leverage with future respective equity commitments being decided on a transaction by transaction basis. Interests in further property acquisitions made by the joint venture may vary from the current 50/50 split of existing projects.

The JV is owned equally by NewRiver Retail Limited and MSREI. NewRiver Retail (UK) Limited is the appointed asset manager on behalf of the JV and receives asset management fees as well as performance-related return promote payment. No promote payment has been recognised during the period and the Group is entitled to receive promote payments only after achieving the agreed hurdles.

Under the terms of the Limited Partnership agreement relating to NewRiver Retail Investments LP dated 28 February 2010, MSREI has been granted the right to convert its interest in the JV or part thereof on an NAV for NAV basis into shares of NewRiver Retail Limited, up to 10 per cent of the share capital of NewRiver Retail Limited during the joint venture period. This conversion would currently have an anti-dilutive effect on the Group's EPS calculation.

In line with the existing NewRiver investment strategy, the JV will target UK retail property assets with the objective of delivering added value and above average returns through NewRiver's proven skills in active and entrepreneurial asset management and risk controlled development and refurbishment.

*NewRiver Retail Investments (GP) Ltd has a number of 100% owned subsidiaries which are NewRiver Retail (Finco No 1) Limited and NewRiver Retail (GP1) Limited, acting in its capacity as General Partner for NewRiver Retail (Holding No 1) LP and NewRiver Retail (Portfolio No 1) LP. These entities have been set up to facilitate the investment in retail properties in the UK by the joint venture.

The Group has a 31 December year end and applied equity accounting for its interest in the JV. The aggregate amounts recognised in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement eliminate inter company transactions and are as follows:

                                                        30 Sep          30 Sep 
                                                 2011 NewRiver    2011 Group's 
                                                        Retail           Share 
                                                   Investments     50% GBP'000 
                                                      (GP) Ltd 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Non-current assets                                     46,430          23,215 
 Current assets                                          1,654             827 
 Current liabilities                                   (1,371)           (686) 
 Non-current liabilities                              (22,927)        (11,463) 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net assets                                             23,786          11,893 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Income                                                  1,843             921 
 Administration expenses                                 (455)           (227) 
 Finance costs                                           (454)           (227) 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Profit after tax                                          934             467 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Fair value surplus on property revaluations                 -               - 
 Income from joint ventures                                934             467 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 

The Group's share of the contingent liabilities to the JV is GBPnil.

11 Borrowings

                                             30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                       2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Secured bank loans                          97,046           19,619          60,252 
 Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock            24,524                -          24,474 
----------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                            121,570           19,619          84,726 
 Maturity of borrowings: 
 Less than one year                               -                -               - 
 Between one and two years*                  13,268                -               - 
 Between two and five years                 108,302           19,619          84,726 
 Over five years                                  -                -               - 
----------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

*The Group has an option to extend this loan for a further two years.

Secured bank loans

Bank loans are secured by way of legal charges on properties held by the Group and a hedging policy is adopted which is aligned with the property strategy on each of its assets.

Facility and arrangement fees

                                     30 Sep 2011                        30 Sep 2010                        31 Mar 2011 
--------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                 Facilities      Fees    Balance   Facilities       Fees    Balance   Facilities       Fees    Balance 
                    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  --------- 
 Santander           30,371       211     30,160       19,771        152     19,619       26,159        164     25,995 
 Clydesdale          33,069       475     32,594            -          -          -            -          -          - 
 HSBC                34,580       288     34,292            -          -          -       34,580        323     34,257 
--------------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  --------- 
                     98,020       974     97,046       19,771        152     19,619       60,739        487     60,252 
 Convertibles        25,000       476     24,524            -          -          -       25,000        526     24,474 
--------------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  --------- 
                    123,020     1,450    121,570       19,771        152     19,619       85,739      1,013     84,726 
--------------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  --------- 

The Group recognised a mark to market fair value loss of GBP1.32m (2010: GBP0.5m) on its interest rate swaps as at 31 March 2011. The fair value loss recognised for on Balance Sheet hedging was GBP1.57m (2010: GBP0.5m).

All borrowings are due after more than one year.

Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock ("CULS")

On 22 November 2011 the Group issued GBP25m of CULS where the stock holder may convert all or any of the stock into ordinary shares at the rate of 1 ordinary share for every GBP2.80 nominal value of CULS held (adjusted for special dividends). It will either be converted or repaid. The interest payable on the CULS is due biannually on the 30 June and 31 December.

Management was required to make estimates with the assistance of external experts to conclude on the valuation of the CULS at the date of issue. The issuance of the compound instrument was between two knowledgeable parties at arms length and at a market rate of 5.85% pa for 5 years. Management have concluded that the value of the convertible option was negligible and the value resided in the debt portion of the instrument at the date of issue.

12 Cash flow note

                                                                           30 Sep           30 Sep        31 March 
                                                                     2011 GBP'000     2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Profit before tax                                                          2,844            1,945           4,912 
 Adjustments for: 
 Income from joint ventures not received                                        -            (606)               - 
 Profit on sale of investment properties                                     (45)                -               - 
 Rent free amortisation                                                     (156)                -               - 
 Net gain on revaluation of investment properties                         (1,393)          (1,470)         (3,574) 
 Net gain on revaluation of joint venture investment properties                 -               12           (545) 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and goodwill                     -                1             (1) 
 Share based payments expense                                                  16               18              37 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                   1,266            (100)             829 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Increase in receivables                                                  (1,417)            (845)         (1,412) 
 Increase in payables                                                       3,266              300           3,379 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                        3,115            (645)           2,796 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 

13 Share capital and reserves

                                               Retained       Other       Share    Hedging   Revaluation 
                                               Earnings    Reserves     Premium    Reserve       Reserve 
                                                GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 As at 31 March 2010                                846           -      24,031       (46)         1,269 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 Net proceeds of issue of new shares                  -           -       9,795          -             - 
 Total comprehensive income for the period        1,650           -           -      (470)             - 
 Revaluation surplus for the period             (1,470)           -           -          -         1,470 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 As at 30 September 2010                          1,026           -      33,826      (516)         2,739 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
                                               Retained       Other       Share    Hedging   Revaluation 
                                               Earnings    Reserves     Premium    Reserve       Reserve 
                                                GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 As at 31 March 2010                                846           -      24,031       (46)         1,269 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 Transfer of share premium                            -      24,031    (24,031)          -             - 
 Net proceeds of issue from new shares                -       9,770           -          -             - 
 Total comprehensive income for the year          3,188           -           -      (204)             - 
 Dividend payments                                (142)           -           -          -             - 
 Revaluation surplus for the year               (3,574)           -           -          -         3,574 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 As at 31 March 2011                                318      33,801           -      (250)         4,843 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 Net proceeds of issue from new shares                -           -      40,345          -             - 
 Total comprehensive income for the period        2,844           -           -    (1,323)             - 
 Dividend payments                                (640)           -           -          -             - 
 Unamortised tenant incentives                        -           -           -          -         (151) 
 Revaluation surplus for the period             (1,393)           -           -          -         1,393 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 As at 30 September 2011                          1,129      33,801      40,345    (1,573)         6,085 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 

In August 2011, 16.9m (2010: 4.2m) nil par value ordinary shares were issued for cash consideration at a price of GBP2.52 (2010: GBP2.50) resulting in an increase of the total share premium to GBP40m (2010: GBP10m). Costs of GBP2.2m (2010: GBP0.7m) directly attributable to the issue of these shares have been set against the share premium.

As at 30 September 2011, the total number of shares outstanding was 31,079,508 (2010: 14,214,508). No treasury shares were issued during the period (2010: nil). There are currently 624,000 outstanding treasury shares.

Shareholders who subscribed for Placing Shares in the initial Placing received warrants, in aggregate, to subscribe for 3 per cent of the Fully Diluted Share Capital exercisable at the subscription price per Ordinary Share of GBP2.50 and all such warrants shall be fully vested and exercisable upon issuance. The subscription price was adjusted to GBP2.37 following the share issue in August 2011. There are currently 796,544 (2010: 439,560) warrants outstanding.

14 Share based payments

The Group provides share based payments to employees in the form of share options, all share based payment arrangements granted since the admission on 1 September 2009 have been recognised in the financial statements. The Group uses the Black Scholes Model and the resulting value is amortised through the income statement over the vesting period of the share based payments with a corresponding credit to the share based payments reserve.

(a) Terms

                                                           30 Sep        30 Sep      31 March 
                                                          2011 No       2010 No       2011 No 
                                                       of options    of options    of options 
---------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Awards brought forward                                   886,949       660,200       660,200 
 Awards made during the period/year                     2,065,163       193,836       226,749 
---------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Exercisable options at the end of the period/year      2,952,112       854,036       886,949 
---------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

The awards granted during the period are based on a percentage of the total number of shares in issue, as a result of the new share issue the number of awards have increased.

(b) Share based payment charge

                                                          30 Sep          30 Sep        31 March 
                                                    2011 GBP'000    2010 GBP'000    2011 GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Share based payment expense brought forward                  62              25              25 
 Share based payment expense in the period/year               16              18              37 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cumulative share based payment                               78              43              62 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 

15 Post balance sheet events

On 9 November 2011, the Group purchased a property for a purchase price of GBP5m at a net initial yield of 9.7%. On 11 November, the Group purchased a property for a purchase price of GBP1.32m at a net initial yield of 10.1%.

On 28 November 2011, the Board of Directors approved an interim dividend of 6p per share, payable on 23 December 2011 to ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business on 9 December 2011.

The dividend will be paid entirely as a PID (Property Income Distribution). PID dividends are paid, as required by REIT legislation, after deduction of withholding tax at the basic rate of income tax (currently 20%). However, certain classes of shareholder may be able to claim exemption from deduction of withholding tax.

16 Related party transactions


Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.

Total emoluments of Executive Directors during the period (excluding share-based payments) was GBP1.0m (2010: GBP0.3m).

The following Directors held shares in the Company during the period:

                   Number of shares 
----------------  ----------------- 
 David Lockhart           1,610,000 
 Allan Lockhart             140,000 
 Nick Sewell                100,000 
 Mark Davies                 10,000 
 Paul Roy                   360,000 
 Susie Farnon                25,000 
 Peter Tom CBE               40,000 
----------------  ----------------- 

Share based payments of GBP0.02m (2010: GBP0.02m) accrued during the period.

During the period 34,000 shares (2010: 205,000) were issued to Directors.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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