RNS Number : 7482L 
Payzone plc 
16 January 2009 

Payzone plc ("Payzone", the "Group" or the "Company") 
Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2008 
Payzone announces the Company's first preliminary results for the year ended 30 
September 2008. 
  *  Revenues of EUR1,081 million 
  *  EBITDA (before special items) EUR41.6million 
  *  Basic and diluted loss per share of EUR 67c 
  *  EUR48.3 million raised by the issue of new equity and convertible preference 
  *  New banking arrangements in place 
  *  Disposal of French, Italian and Spanish businesses agreed 
  *  Synergies achieved through the consolidation of UK and German operations 
Payzone CEO, Mike Maloney, said: 
"Payzone has now found its feet, after what was a difficult period following the 
bringing together of the alphyra and Cardpoint businesses. The Company has 
successfully consolidated its operations in the UK and Germany and we have 
rectified the operational inefficiencies in our UK ATM business. 
"The economic conditions are challenging and we anticipate that this will remain 
the case throughout the current financial period, limiting our visibility. 
However, I believe that our strategic focus of developing the markets we see as 
core to our growth, and exiting those that are not, will position us well for 
the future." 
Payzone    Tel: + 353 1 207 6000 
Mike Maloney / Nigel Bell 
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited (NOMAD and Broker)  Tel: +44 20 7459 3600 
Hugh Morgan / Stuart Gledhill 
Media Enquiries 
Powerscourt    Tel: +44 20 7250 1446 
Paul Durman / Keith Brookbank 
This is my first report on the full year results for Payzone plc and 
reflects the year ended 30 September 2008. The Payzone Group was formed on 5 
December 2007 following the "merger" of Cardpoint plc ("Cardpoint") and alphyra 
Holdings Limited ("alphyra"). 
Combining these two businesses has brought together two transaction-led 
operations, each amongst the leaders in their respective sub-sectors. Despite a 
difficult start with various supplier, integration and management issues, we 
believe that we are well advanced towards securing operational stability from 
which to take the Group forward. 
Since the "merger" we have restructured the Board and the operational management 
team, realised cost synergies through the consolidation of operational 
facilities in the UK and Germany, and continued the development of new products 
and services for distribution across the Group's network. The Group's financial 
position was enhanced by the issue of new ordinary and preference shares, along 
with an amended banking facility agreed in June 2008, to help underpin growth. 
Since the "merger" we have re-branded the services offered by the legacy alphyra 
business as "Payzone" and the Cardpoint business as "Cashzone". The Payzone 
service involves the deployment and management across Europe of a terminal 
distribution network which processes a variety of electronic transaction 
services. The main products on the network include mobile phone top-up, utility 
top-up, bill payment solutions, electronic gift vouchers and Electronic Funds 
Transfer (EFT) processing. The Cashzone business deploys branded independent 
ATMs in the convenience sector in both the UK and Germany. 
International Financial Reporting Standards 
The results for the year to 30 September 2008 are presented under International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as required under the AIM Rules for 
Under IFRS the "merger" is accounted for as a reverse acquisition of the legacy 
alphyra Group by the Cardpoint Group. As Cardpoint has the power to govern the 
financial and operating policies of Payzone, it is deemed to be the "acquirer" 
of alphyra and Payzone. Therefore the results reported reflect twelve months 
trading from the Cardpoint businesses and include results from the alphyra 
businesses since 5 December 2007. Payzone has elected to present its financial 
statements in euro. 
The balance sheet presented is the consolidated position of Payzone, Cardpoint 
and alphyra as at 30 September 2008. 
The comparative figures presented are those of Cardpoint on a stand-alone basis 
and where necessary relevant adjustments to IFRS have been made. These 
predominately relate to goodwill and financial instruments.  Note 41 of the 
financial statements provide a reconciliation between the previously published 
Cardpoint plc UK GAAP figures and the IFRS comparatives. All comparative figures 
have been presented in euro. 
Total revenue for the period, including revenue from the alphyra business from 5 
December 2007, was EUR1,081 million. Revenue for the same period in 2007 was EUR131 
million (which related to the Cardpoint ATM business only). 
There have been a number of operational and market issues which have adversely 
affected our UK business in the year to 30 September 2008. The operational 
issues largely related to inefficiencies which led to a shortfall in available 
cash within some of the ATMs. These cash availability issues were largely 
resolved by June 2008. The ATM market also experienced new competition in the 
period because of an increase in the number of "non-surcharging" ATMs in high 
footfall locations. Since mid 2007 changes in UK legislation meant that 
surcharging ATM's have also been required to advertise the fact that a fee will 
be charged for cash withdrawals and this has impacted transaction volumes within 
our surcharging units. There have been no material operational or market issues 
with our German ATM business. 
Trading and profitability - continued 
Since the "merger" the "Payzone" (legacy Alphyra) business has performed well 
despite increased competitive pressures in our key markets (Ireland and the UK). 
Our Northern European businesses demonstrated growth in the period, in 
particular in The Netherlands and Sweden where both mobile phone top-up and EFT 
revenues continue to grow. Revenues from our German business declined due to a 
number of one-off items recorded in 2007 which were not replicated in 2008. Our 
Southern European businesses (Romania and Greece) continue to grow as the 
markets expand and mature. 
Group EBITDA before special items increased 21% to EUR41.6 million, including 
EUR28.1 million being generated by the Payzone (legacy Alphyra) businesses in the 
period from 5 December. Included within EBITDA is an IFRS 2 share option charge 
of EUR3.8 million all of which relates to the acceleration of the vesting period 
for certain Cardpoint employees as a result of the reverse acquisition of 
A goodwill impairment review as at 31 March 2008 indicated an impairment of EUR143 
million, and a charge was made in the interim accounts to write down the 
carrying value of goodwill to its recoverable value. A further goodwill 
impairment review was carried out as at 30 September 2008. The carrying value of 
goodwill was calculated to exceed its recoverable amount by EUR6.1 million, and 
this amount was written off as an additional impairment charge in the financial 
year. The recoverable amount of goodwill was calculated based on its 
value-in-use which employs a discounted cashflow model. 
Losses before tax for the year were EUR28.4 million before impairment charges of 
EUR149.2 million and other special administrative items of EUR30.5 million. 
Finance costs include all debt interest costs for the year. Special finance 
costs include costs of EUR2.8 million in relation to the termination of 
Cardpoint's banking facilities (following the merger). 
Since 5 December 2007 the Group's UK and German operations have benefited from 
significant consolidation in operations. The Cardpoint UK operation, previously 
based in Blackpool, has been combined with alphyra's UK operating base in 
Northwich, Manchester. Similarly, we have consolidated the German Cardpoint and 
Payzone businesses, formerly based in Frankfurt and Trier respectively and the 
combined German business is now all located in Trier. As part of this 
restructuring Paul Saxton the Chief Operating Officer, and Philip Lanigan the 
Finance Director of Cardpoint, departed from the business. Of the EUR179.7 million 
administrative expenses - special items, EUR30.5 million relates to restructuring 
costs which were incurred in the period in relation to these consolidation 
The Payzone Group has performed well in a challenging and changing market and 
continues to be underpinned by merchant and operator contracts. Our terminal 
estate, which includes electronic point of sale (EPOS) and ATMs, totalled 
191,000 at the end of September. Our terminals are located at a variety of 
convenience locations throughout the UK and Europe. In Ireland and the UK we 
continue to expand our product offerings through new product launches such as 
EFT, motorway tolling and prepaid utilities. In Northern Europe we are 
increasing our market share through product enhancements and new merchant 
contracts. Southern European growth is still largely driven by market share 
growth through terminal estate expansion. 
On 8 October 2008 we announced the disposal of our French, Italian and Spanish 
businesses for a total gross consideration of EUR20 million. This sales price was 
split into two portions of which EUR13.2 million was payable in cash and EUR6.5 
million by way of assignment of financial guarantees. Inter-company balances of 
EUR4.2 million owed to Payzone were also written off as part of the transaction. 
The purchaser was LCom, a 100% subsidiary of Proximania, which is a publicly 
quoted French company specialising in airtime product distribution. The funds 
were partially used to set against the Company's debt which was reduced by 6 %. 
The disposal of these Payzone subsidiaries fits with our strategy of 
concentrating focus in markets where Payzone has strong market presence as well 
as offering growth potential for new services. 
We continue to regularly examine all subsidiaries to determine their strategic 
fit within the Payzone Group and to ensure that we allocate resources to the 
markets where we anticipate the most optimal returns. 
Our strategy for shareholder value continues to be that of growing transaction 
volumes organically through improving the quality of deployment and offering a 
broader range of products within our existing distribution network. We continue 
to invest in our core businesses such as mobile phone top-ups and electronic 
payments that have demonstrated robust profitability and which can drive growth, 
enabling us to command a strong market position. Where subsidiaries do not 
exhibit these core growth characteristics we will consider exiting, as has been 
the case with our Spanish, French and Italian businesses. The Group will also 
continue to explore opportunities to expand the network into territories that 
offer the right market attributes. 
Cashflow and borrowings 
Payzone entered into a facility agreement on 5 December 2007 with the Royal Bank 
of Scotland for facilities totalling EUR332 million of which EUR290 million were 
drawn at 30 September 2008. This debt was used to refinance the existing debt 
within alphyra and Cardpoint. 
Following the operational and market issues referred to above, the Company 
entered into discussions with its banking syndicate to increase the flexibility 
under its facility agreement through a resetting of covenants. The original 
facility agreement was amended to reflect the change to the Group's trading 
forecasts. These changes took place in June 2008 and have added margin to our 
term facilities. 
On 21 February 2008 the Company completed a placement of 12,654,516 ordinary 
shares (approximately 4.2% of the issued share capital) at a price of 47.75 
pence per share, raising EUR8 million before expenses. The shares were placed with 
existing shareholders, including Balderton Capital, and funds were used to fund 
short term working capital requirements and to promote support from key trading 
partners. The same shareholders that participated in the share placement also 
made available to the Company further funds in the form of a shareholder loan. 
This loan was partially drawn during April and May 2008. 
On 16 June 2008 the Company completed the placing of 137,286,112 ordinary shares 
at a price of 20 pence per share, raising GBP27.5 million (EUR34.8 million). 
Payzone also raised EUR5.5 million from the issue of new Euro denominated Payzone 
Convertible Preference Shares at a price of EUR1.00 each. These funds were used to 
refinance the shareholder loan described above, meet working capital 
requirements and to fund restructuring activities. 
The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. 
Management structure 
Since 5 December 2007 the Board has reviewed the management structure of the 
Company and has made several changes to establish a more efficient and effective 
operational structure. These changes included the departure of John Nagle and 
John Williamson from their respective positions as Chief Executive Officer and 
Chief Finance Officer on 10 March 2008. 
The former Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer made a legal claim 
against Payzone and the Board of Directors for wrongful dismissal. This claim 
was settled in the Employment Appeals Tribunal on 16 October 2008. The cost of 
this settlement had previously been provided for by the Company. 
Bob Thian served as Chairman of Payzone until 14 April 2008 when he stepped down 
and was replaced by myself. 
On 1 February 2008 Jerome Misso was appointed as a non-executive director to 
assist the Board with the various legal issues in relation to the departure of 
John Nagle and John Williamson. Jerome is a partner of Balderton Capital 
Limited, a significant shareholder in the Company.  He retired from the Board on 
14 April 2008. 
Mike Maloney was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 11 April 2008 with Nigel 
Bell assuming the role of interim Chief Financial Officer on that date. 
On 30 September 2008 Payzone's Chief Operating Officer, Tim Murphy, agreed to 
acquire the Group's Open Loop Gift business and he is expected to depart from 
the Group by 31 January 2009. 
We remain focused on maintaining the financial stability of the Company 
following a difficult start for the Payzone Group. The new management team has 
made a significant contribution to the stability of the Group through 
negotiating committed banking facilities and the introduction of new equity into 
the business. We acknowledge that, despite the improved trading and financial 
stability of the Group, there remain challenges in our key markets where the 
macro economic environment has continued to deteriorate. As yet we have limited 
visibility as to how the economic environment will affect our business in the 
coming year although some early indications show reductions in mobile phone 
top-up transaction volumes in Ireland and the UK. We have, consequently, 
initiated various activities including cost cutting, pricing changes and 
business rationalisation to mitigate potential downward pressures. 
The financial statements presented have been prepared on a going concern basis 
which assumes the continued support of our banking syndicate as detailed in Note 
1 to the Financial Statements, the directors are satisfied that the Group has in 
place the necessary conditions to allow the business to trade on a going concern 
We are grateful to our shareholders for supporting the Company during a 
difficult period and are especially grateful to our management and staff who 
have also shown great commitment and dedication throughout this year. 
Peter Smyth 
16 January 2009 
  Statement of directors' responsibilities 
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Irish company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for 
each financial year. Under that law the directors have prepared the group and 
parent financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. The financial statements are 
required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the 
company and group and of the profit or loss of the group for that period. In 
preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to: 
  *  select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  *  make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  *  state that the financial statements comply with IFRS as adopted by the European 
  *  prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
  inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in business, in which case 
  there should be supporting assumptions or qualifications as necessary. 
The directors confirm that they have complied with the above requirements in 
preparing the financial statements. 
The directors are responsible for keeping proper books of account that disclose 
with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and 
group and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the 
Companies Acts, 1963 to 2006 and, as regards the group financial statements 
article 4 of the IAS Regulation.  They are also responsible for safeguarding the 
assets of the group and the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for 
the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's 
website. Legislation in the Republic of Ireland governing the preparation and 
dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other 
Books and records 
The directors believe that they have complied with the requirements of Section 
202 of the Companies Act, 1990, with regard to books of account by employing 
accounting personnel with appropriate expertise and providing adequate resources 
to the financial function. The books of account of the Company are maintained at 
4 Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. 
The auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers will continue in office in accordance with 
the provisions of Section 160(2) of the Companies Act, 1963. 
On behalf of the Board 
Peter Smyth 
Mike Maloney 
Year Ended 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               2008  |               2007  | 
|                                                                       | Notes  |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Continuing operations                                                 |        |                     |                     | 
| Revenue                                                               | 6      |       1,080,849     |          130,970    | 
| Cost of sales                                                         | 7      |         (990,283)   |           (84,158)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Gross profit                                                          |        |            90,566   |            46,812   | 
| Administrative expenses - excluding amortisation of intangible assets |        |                     |                     | 
| and special items                                                     |        |           (73,378)  |           (33,177)  | 
| Administrative expenses - special items                               | 9      |         (179,700)   |           (51,207)  | 
| Administrative expenses - amortisation of intangible assets           |        |           (15,227)  |               (966) | 
| Administrative expenses                                               |        |         (268,305)   |           (85,350)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Operating loss                                                        | 11     |         (177,739)   |           (38,538)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Finance income                                                        |        |              1,384  |                396  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Finance costs - excluding special items                               |        |           (26,307)  |             (8,964) | 
| Finance costs - special items                                         |        |             (4,286) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Finance costs                                                         | 12     |           (30,593)  |             (8,964) | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Share of losses of associate                                          | 18     |             (1,162) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Loss before taxation                                                  |        |         (208,110)   |           (47,106)  | 
| Income tax credit/(expense)                                           | 13     |              2,186  |               (358) | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Loss for the year from continuing operations                          |        |         (205,924)   |           (47,464)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Profit attributable to minority interest                              | 31     |                462  |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent                          |        |         (206,386)   |           (47,464)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Basic and diluted loss per share (cent per share)                     | 14     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        | (67c)               | (41c)               | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
As at 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               2008  |               2007  | 
| Assets                                                                | Notes  |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000  | 
| Non-current assets                                                    |        |                     |                     | 
| Property, plant and equipment                                         | 16     |            71,992   |            53,314   | 
| Goodwill and intangible assets                                        | 17     |          303,323    |          117,134    | 
| Derivative financial instrument and available for sale financial      | 19     |                697  |                304  | 
| assets                                                                |        |                     |                     | 
| Deferred tax asset                                                    | 27     |                572  |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total non-current assets                                              |        |          376,584    |          170,752    | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Current assets                                                        |        |                     |                     | 
| Inventories                                                           | 22     |            18,782   |                652  | 
| Trade and other receivables                                           | 21     |            91,636   |              7,822  | 
| Restricted cash                                                       | 23     |            17,072   |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                                             | 32     |            43,348   |            12,440   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total current assets                                                  |        |          170,838    |            20,914   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Assets of disposal groups held for sale                               | 29     |            30,044   |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total assets                                                          |        |          577,466    |          191,666    | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Current liabilities                                                   |        |                     |                     | 
| Borrowings                                                            | 25     |           (14,951)  |             (7,722) | 
| Trade and other payables                                              | 24     |         (199,701)   |           (30,156)  | 
| Current tax liabilities                                               |        |             (1,267) |               (353) | 
| Provisions                                                            | 28     |             (7,833) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total current liabilities                                             |        |         (223,752)   |           (38,231)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Liabilities of disposal groups held for sale                          | 29     |           (21,041)  |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |         (244,793)   |           (38,231)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Non-current liabilities                                               |        |                     |                     | 
| Deferred tax liability                                                | 27     |           (16,914)  |             (1,143) | 
| Borrowings                                                            | 25     |         (278,462)   |         (109,768)   | 
| Provisions                                                            | 28     |             (6,993) |             (6,494) | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total non-current liabilities                                         |        |         (302,369)   |         (117,405)   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total liabilities                                                     |        |         (547,162)   |         (155,636)   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Net assets                                                            |        |            30,304   |            36,030   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Equity                                                                |        |                     |                     | 
| Called up share capital                                               | 30     |              6,003  |              8,296  | 
| Share premium account                                                 | 30     |          346,840    |          132,617    | 
| Other reserve                                                         | 31     |                     |                522  | 
|                                                                       |        | -                   |                     | 
| Reverse acquisition reserve                                           | 31     |            12,036   |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Hedging reserve                                                       | 31     |                573  |                304  | 
| Translation reserve                                                   | 31     |           (27,881)  |               (526) | 
| Retained (losses)                                                     | 31     |         (307,884)   |         (105,338)   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |            29,687   |            35,875   | 
| Minority interest                                                     | 31     |                617  |                155  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Total equity                                                          |        |            30,304   |            36,030   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
As at 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               |               2008 | 
| Assets                                                                | Notes  |               |              EUR'000 | 
| Non-current assets                                                    |        |               |                    | 
| Investment in subsidiary undertakings                                 | 20     |               |          328,387   | 
| Derivative financial instrument                                       | 19     |               |                573 | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total non-current assets                                              |        |               |          328,960   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Current assets                                                        |        |               |                    | 
| Trade and other receivables                                           | 21     |               |                513 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                                             |        |               |            17,039  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total current assets                                                  |        |               |            17,552  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total assets                                                          |        |               |          346,512   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Current liabilities                                                   |        |               |                    | 
| Borrowings                                                            | 25     |               |           (13,167) | 
| Trade and other payables                                              | 24     |               |           (10,869) | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total current liabilities                                             |        |               |           (24,036) | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Non-current liabilities                                               |        |               |                    | 
| Borrowings                                                            | 25     |               |         (276,784)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total non-current liabilities                                         |        |               |         (276,784)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total liabilities                                                     |        |               |         (300,820)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Net assets                                                            |        |               |            45,692  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Equity                                                                |        |               |                    | 
| Called up share capital                                               | 30     |               |              6,003 | 
| Share premium account                                                 | 30     |               |          346,840   | 
| Hedging reserve                                                       | 31     |               |                573 | 
| Retained (losses)                                                     | 31     |               |         (307,724)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total equity                                                          |        |               |            45,692  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
Year Ended 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               2008  |               2007  | 
|                                                                       | Notes  |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Cash flow from operating activities                                   |        |                     |                     | 
| Cash generated from operations                                        | 33     |              9,937  |            17,985   | 
| Income tax paid                                                       |        |               (738) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Interest paid                                                         |        |           (26,315)  |             (9,124) | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Net cash flow (used in)/from operating activities                     |        |           (17,116)  |              8,861  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                                  |        |                     |                     | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                     |        |            10,982   |             (2,441) | 
| Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                          |        |           (16,771)  |           (15,554)  | 
| Acquisition of intangible assets                                      |        |             (4,320) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Funding of associate                                                  |        |             (1,100) |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Payments in relation to closure of business                           |        |                     |               (707) | 
|                                                                       |        | -                   |                     | 
| Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed of           |        |                     |              4,802  | 
|                                                                       |        | -                   |                     | 
| Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                   |        |                295  |              1,244  | 
| Interest received                                                     |        |              1,384  |                396  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Net cash flow (used in) investing activities                          |        |             (9,530) |           (12,260)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Cash flows from financing activities                                  |        |                     |                     | 
| Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares                             |        |            42,948   |              2,659  | 
| Proceeds from issuance of preference shares                           |        |              5,323  |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     | -                   | 
| Repayment of borrowings                                               |        |         (283,771)   |           (23,061)  | 
| Proceeds from borrowings                                              |        |          295,000    |            24,701   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Net cash flow from financing activities                               |        |            59,500   |              4,299  | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             |        |            32,854   |                900  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                        |        |            12,440   |            11,875   | 
| Exchange gains and losses on cash and cash equivalents                |        |             (1,042) |               (335) | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                              | 32     |            44,252   |            12,440   | 
|                                                                       |        |                     |                     | 
Period Ended 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               |               2008   | 
|                                                                       | Notes  |               |              EUR'000   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Cash (outflow)/inflow from the operations                             | 33     |               |           (14,441)   | 
| Income tax paid                                                       |        |               |                 (33) | 
| Interest paid                                                         |        |               |           (21,797)   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Net cash flow from operating activities                               |        |               |           (36,271)   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                                  |        |               |                      | 
| Payment of costs associated with acquisition of subsidiaries          |        |               |           (14,350)   | 
| Interest received                                                     |        |               |                279   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Net cash flow (used in) investing activities                          |        |               |           (14,071)   | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Cash flows from financing activities                                  |        |               |                      | 
| Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares                             |        |               |            42,948    | 
| Proceeds from issuance of preference shares                           |        |               |              5,323   | 
| Provision of loans to subsidiaries                                    |        |               |         (264,409)    | 
| Repayment of borrowings                                               |        |               |           (11,481)   | 
| Proceeds from borrowings                                              |        |               |          295,000     | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Net cash flow from financing activities                               |        |               |            67,381    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             |        |               |            17,039    | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      |        |               |                      | 
|                                                                       |        |               | -                    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                              |        |               |            17,039    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                      | 
Year Ended 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               2008 |               2007  | 
|                                                                       | Note   |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
| Exchange differences on translating foreign operations                |        |           (27,355) |               (526) | 
| Cash flow hedges                                                      |        |                269 |               (189) | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
| Net (loss) recognised directly in equity                              |        |           (27,086) |               (715) | 
| Loss for the year                                                     |        |         (205,924)  |           (47,464)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
| Total recognised income and expense for the year                      |        |         (233,010)  |           (48,179)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
| Attributable to:                                                      |        |                    |                     | 
| Equity holders of the parent                                          | 31     |         (233,472)  |           (48,179)  | 
| Minority interest                                                     |        |                462 |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                    | -                   | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
| Total recognised income and expense for the year                      |        |         (233,010)  |           (48,179)  | 
|                                                                       |        |                    |                     | 
Period Ended 30 September 2008 
|                                                                       |        |               |               2008 | 
|                                                                       | Note   |               |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Cash flow hedges                                                      | 19     |               |                573 | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Net income recognised directly in equity                              |        |               |                573 | 
| Loss for the period                                                   |        |               |         (307,724)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
| Total recognised income and expense for the period attributable to    |        |               |                    | 
| equity shareholders                                                   |        |               |         (307,151)  | 
|                                                                       |        |               |                    | 
1    Going concern 
    The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The 
validity of this assumption is dependent on achieving operating profitability by 
the Group for the years ended 30 September 2009 and 30 September 2010 and the 
continued support of the Group's bankers. 
    During the year ended 30 September 2008 the Group incurred a loss (after 
impairment charges) of EUR205,924,000 (2007: EUR47,464,000). At the year end the 
group has cash and cash equivalents of EUR43,348,000 (2007: EUR12,440,000) and has 
an unutilised revolving credit facility limit of EUR11 million. 
    The directors have reviewed the forecast trading results of the group for a 
period of three years from the date of approval of these financial statements. 
The directors recognise that there are significant external factors which could 
negatively impact on trading performance and cash flow generation during that 
    The business has seen and indeed anticipated in its planning, some softening 
in demand for prepaid mobile phone top ups in some of its markets. In the 
current economic climate this softening could accelerate. In addition the 
business has seen some tightening of credit from suppliers which it has been 
able to absorb. Further tightening of credit would put additional pressure on 
cash flow. The depreciation in the value of sterling has had an impact given 
that a large proportion of cash flow is generated in the UK. 
    However the directors believe that the Group operates robust business models 
across its divisions, which are strongly cash generative. Furthermore the 
directors are satisfied that management has already taken steps which they will 
continue to do to allow the group to achieve operating profitability 
notwithstanding the current economic climate. In addition the Group has further 
various mechanisms and opportunities to ensure that it can react to changes in 
the geographic territories in which it operates, these include: 
  *  Redeploying profit generating assets 
  *  Leveraging IT efficiencies across the Group 
  *  Further reducing variable costs 
The directors are satisfied that in view of the Group's ongoing discussions and 
banking relationships, the expected trading and disposal program, along with the 
associated cash flow performance, that the Group should have the necessary 
resources to meet its current financial obligations. Accordingly, they believe 
it is appropriate for the financial statements to be prepared on a going concern 
2General information 
The Group's main activity is the deployment of a network of Payzone owned 
terminals and ATM machines. 
The Company is a public limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in 
the Republic of Ireland. The address of its registered office is 4 Heather Road, 
Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. 
The Company has its primary listing on the AIM stock exchange in London. 
    Payzone plc was incorporated in September 2007. On 5 December 2007, it 
acquired the share capital of Cardpoint plc ("Cardpoint") and alphyra Holdings 
Limited ("alphyra").  Immediately prior to the acquisition Cardpoint plc had 
been listed on AIM in the United Kingdom and prepared its financial statements 
in accordance with accounting policies generally accepted in the United Kingdom 
(UK GAAP). alphyra was a privately owned company which prepared its financial 
statements in accordance with accounting policies generally accepted in Ireland 
(Irish GAAP). 
The acquisition of the entire issued share capital of alphyra by Payzone plc 
represents a reorganisation of the alphyra group.  The shareholders in alphyra 
exchanged their shares for 174,680,273 newly issued shares in Payzone.  Payzone 
then became the ultimate legal parent in the group.  The alphyra Group is deemed 
to control the financial and operating policies of Payzone plc and therefore 
this transaction represents a reverse acquisition of Payzone plc by the alphyra 
Group. This transaction was a "common control" transaction and notwithstanding 
the new legal parent, this transaction has been accounted for using the 
principles of merger accounting and therefore did not result in the recognition 
of goodwill of fair value adjustments to the net identifiable assets of Payzone 
plc. Payzone was incorporated to effect this transaction and was a 'shell' 
company on 5 December 2007. 
Immediately thereafter, in consideration for the issue to Cardpoint's 
shareholders of 115,867,928 ordinary shares, Payzone acquired the entire issued 
and to be issued share capital of Cardpoint.  Payzone then became the ultimate 
legal parent of the combined Cardpoint and alphyra group.  Notwithstanding the 
new legal parent, this transaction has been accounted for as a reverse 
acquisition.  The financial statements are based on alphyra and Payzone having 
been acquired by Cardpoint, as Cardpoint controls alphyra and is deemed to have 
the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entire group to 
obtain benefits from its activities. 
The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2008 include 
the separate financial statements of the legal parent, Payzone plc together with 
the consolidated financial statements of Payzone plc. 
As Payzone plc was incorporated on 13 September 2007 the separate financial 
statements of Payzone plc cover the period from this date to 30 September 2008. 
The consolidated financial statements are prepared on the basis of Cardpoint 
acquiring the revised alphyra group on the 5 December 2007.  The comparatives 
for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements therefore represent 
the results and financial position of Cardpoint plc for the year ended 30 
September 2007. 
3    Basis of preparation 
 These financial statements of Payzone plc have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and their interpretations 
approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by 
the European Union (EU) and those parts of the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2006 
applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
 As described in note 41, the transition date for implementation of IFRS by the 
Group was 1 October 2006.Details of the adjustments recognised on transition to 
IFRS are provided in note 41. 
 The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the 
use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the 
reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the 
reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best 
knowledge of the amount, events or actions, actual results ultimately may differ 
from those estimates. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or 
complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the 
financial statements are disclosed in note 5. 
 The following provides a brief outline of the likely impact on future financial 
statements of relevant IFRS which are not yet effective and have not been early 
adopted in these financial statements: 
IFRS 8 - Operating segments (effective for accounting periods beginning on or 
after 1 January 2009). IFRS 8 sets out the requirements for disclosure of 
financial and descriptive information about an entity's operating segments and 
also about the entity's products and services, the geographical areas in which 
it operates, and its major customers. The IFRS replaces IAS 14 Segment 
Reporting.  The expected impact is still being assessed in detail by management, 
but it appears likely that the manner, in which the segments are reported, will 
change in a manner that is consistent with the internal reporting provided to 
the chief operating decision-maker.  The Group will apply IFRS 8 from 1 October 
IAS 23 - (Amendment), Borrowing Costs (effective for annual periods beginning on 
or after 1 January 2009). The Amendment to IAS 23 requires that an entity shall 
capitalise borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, 
construction or production of a qualifying asset as part of the cost of that 
asset. The previous version of IAS 23 allowed an option as to whether this 
expenditure was capitalised or directly expensed.  The group will apply IAS 23 
(Amendment) from 1 October 2009 but does not expect this amendment to have a 
major impact on the group. 
IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements (effective for annual periods beginning 
on or after 1 January 2008). Service concessions are arrangements whereby a 
government or other public sector entity grants contracts for the supply of 
public services - such as roads, airports, prisons and energy and water supply 
and distribution facilities - to private sector operators. As the group is not a 
service concession operator IFRIC 12 is currently not relevant to the group's 
IFRIC 13 Accounting for Customer Loyalty Programmes - (effective for annual 
periods beginning on or after 1 July 2008).  IFRIC 13 creates consistency in 
accounting for customer loyalty plans. The interpretation is applicable to all 
entities that grant awards as part of a sales transaction (including awards that 
can be redeemed for goods or services not supplied by the entity).  IFRIC 13 is 
currently not relevant to the group's operations as it does not offer any 
customer loyalty programmes. 
IFRIC 14 The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and 
their interaction - IFRIC 14 provides some principles on the application of the 
asset ceiling under IAS 19 defined benefit accounting. The interpretation is 
effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2008, and is 
currently not expected to have an impact on the group's accounts, as the group 
does not operate any defined benefit pension plans. 
IFRIC 16, Hedges of a Net Investment in a foreign operation (effective for 
annual periods beginning on/after 1 October 2008). IAS 39 and IAS 21 provide 
limited guidance on the application of their requirements for hedges of net 
investment in foreign operations. With this interpretation the IFRIC has 
provided practical guidance to help entities apply those standards consistently. 
 The group will apply IFRIC 16 from 1 October 2009, and as the group does not 
use net investment hedging it is currently not applicable to the group. 
IAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements - The main objective of the 
amendment to IAS 1 was to aggregate information in the financial statements on 
the basis of shared characteristics. The amendment also introduces a "Statement 
of Comprehensive Income". The amendment is effective for annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 January 2009, and will result in a revised layout of 
some aspects of the group's financial statements when adopted from its effective 
date.The group will apply IAS 1 (Revised) from 1 October 2009. It is likely that 
both the income statement and statement of comprehensive income will be 
presented as performance statements. 
IFRS 2 'Vesting conditions and cancellations - Amendment to IFRS 2 Share-based 
Payment', (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009). 
 The amendment addresses two matters.  It clarifies that vesting conditions are 
service conditions and performance conditions only.  Other features of a 
share-based payment are not vesting conditions.  It also specifies that all 
cancellations, whether by the entity or by other parties, should receive the 
same accounting treatment.  The group will apply IFRS 2 (Amendment) from 1 
October 2009, and is currently considering the likely impact. 
IAS 32 (Amendment) and IAS 1 (Amendment) 'Puttable financial instruments and 
obligations arising on liquidation', (effective for annual periods beginning 
on or after 1 January 2009).  The amendments require some puttable 
financial instruments and some financial instruments that impose on the entity 
an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of net assets of the 
entity only on liquidation to be classified as equity.  The group will apply the 
IAS 32 and IAS 1 (Amendment) from 1 October 2009, but it is not likely to have 
an impact on the group's accounts. 
IFRS 3 (Revised), "Business combinations", (effective for annual 
periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009).  The standard continues to apply the 
acquisition method to business combinations, with some significant changes.These 
changes include a requirement that all payments to purchase a business are to be 
recorded at fair value at the acquisition date, with some contingent payments 
subsequently re-measured through income. Goodwill may be calculated based on the 
parent's share of net assets or it may include goodwill related to non - 
controlling interests.  All transactions costs will be expensed.  The group will 
apply IFRS 3 (Revised) prospectively to all business combinations from 1 October 
IAS 27 (Revised), 'Consolidated and separate financial statements', (effective 
for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009). IAS 27 (Revised) requires 
the effect of all transactions with non-controlling interests to be recorded in 
equity if there is no change in control. They will no longer result in goodwill 
or gains and losses. The standard also specifies the accounting when control is 
lost. Any remaining interest in the entity is re-measured to fair value and a 
gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss.  The group will apply IAS 27 
(Revised) prospectively to transactions with non-controlling interests from 1 
October 2009. 
    IFRIC 15 'Agreements for construction of real estates' (effective from 1 
January 2009). The interpretation clarifies whether IAS 18, "Revenue" or IAS 11, 
"Construction contracts" should be applied to particular transactions.  It is 
likely to result in IAS 18 being applied to a wider range of transactions. 
IFRIC 15 is not relevant to the group's operations as all revenue transactions 
are accounted for under IAS 18 and not IAS 11. 
IFRIC 17 'Distributions of Non - cash assets to owners' (effective for annual 
periods beginning on / after 1 July 2009). This interpretation applies to 
transactions in which an entity distributes assets (other than cash) as 
dividends to its owners acting in their capacity as owners. The IFRIC addresses 
when an entity should recognise a dividend payable and how an entity should 
measure the dividend payable. The group will apply IFRIC 17 from its effective 
date.  This is currently not relevant to the group's operations. 
IFRS 1 (Revised), 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting 
Standards', (effective from 1 January 2009). The current IFRS 1 has been amended 
many times to accommodate first time adoption requirements of new and amended 
IFRSs, resulting in a more complex and less clear standard. This revised version 
retains the substance of the original standard but with a changed structure. The 
revised IFRS 1 is not applicable to the group as it has already adopted IFRS, 
however it would be applicable to other entities in the group should they 
transition to IFRS at a future date. 
Amendments to IFRS 1 'First-time adoption of IFRS' and IAS 27 'Consolidated and 
separate financial statements - cost of an investment in a subsidiary, jointly 
controlled entity or associate', (effective for annual periods beginning on or 
after 1 January 2009).  First-time adopters are permitted to use a deemed cost 
of either fair value or the carrying amount under previous accounting practice 
to measure the initial cost of investments in subsidiaries, jointly 
controlled entities and associates in their separate financial statements.  The 
amendment also removed the definition of the cost method from IAS 27 and 
replaced it with a requirement to present dividends - as income in the separate 
financial statements of the investor.  The group will apply these amendments 
from 1 October 2009 but they are currently not applicable to the group. 
Improvements to IFRS, (most of the amendments effective for annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 January 2009).  The improvements to IFRS represent a 
number of 'non-urgent' amendments to IFRSs that involve accounting changes for 
presentation, recognition and measurement, and terminology or editorial changes 
with minimal effect of accounting.  The Group will apply these improvements from 
their relative effective dates and is currently assessing the impact on 
the Group's financial statements. 
4    Accounting policies 
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial 
statements are set out below. These policies have been applied consistently to 
all periods presented, unless stated otherwise. 
    Basis of consolidation 
 Payzone Plc is the legal parent and acts as a holding company.  In respect of 
the business combination effected during the year, Cardpoint plc is the 
accounting acquirer.  The group accounts consolidate the accounts of Payzone plc 
and entities controlled directly and indirectly by Payzone plc (its 
subsidiaries) drawn up to September each year. Control is achieved where the 
group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity 
in which it invests, so as to obtain benefits from its activities.  This usually 
accompanies a shareholding of more than one half of the voting rights. 
The results of subsidiaries acquired or sold are consolidated for the periods 
from or to the date on which control passed. 
    (a)    Subsidiaries 
The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase method. The 
cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the 
date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity 
instruments issued by the group in exchange for control of the acquiree, plus 
any costs directly attributable to the business combination. The acquired 
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that meet the 
conditions for recognition are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition 
The excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the group's share 
of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill.  Intercompany 
transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group 
companies are eliminated; unrealised losses are also eliminated unless cost 
cannot be recovered and are also considered to be an indicator of impairment of 
the transferred asset. 
In cases of business combinations involving entities under common control, the 
assets and liabilities of the acquired subsidiaries are initially included in 
the consolidated financial statements at their book values at the date of 
acquisition, applying "merger accounting" principles to the transaction. 
 Associates are all entities over which the Group has significant influence but 
not control, generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of the 
voting rights.  Investments in associates are accounted for by the equity method 
of accounting and are initially recognised at cost, including any goodwill 
attributable to the interest acquired. 
 The Groups' share of its associates' post-acquisition profits or losses is 
recognised in the income statement, and its share of post-acquisition movements 
in reserves is recognised in reserves. The cumulative post acquisition movements 
are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. 
 When the Group's share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest 
in the associate, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not 
recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on 
behalf of the associates. 
 Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are 
eliminated to the extent of the Groups interest in the associates. Unrealised 
losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an 
impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting polices of the associates have 
been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the accounting policies 
adopted by the Group. 
(c)    Transactions with minority interests 
 The Group applies a policy of treating transactions with minority interests as 
transactions with parties external to the Group. Disposals to minority interests 
result in gains and losses for the Group that are recorded in the income 
statement. Purchases from minority interests result in goodwill, being the 
difference between any consideration paid and the relevant share acquired of the 
carrying value of net assets of the subsidiary. 
Property, plant and equipment 
 Property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost being, expenditure 
directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset, less accumulated 
Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or recognised as a 
separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic 
benefits associated with the item will flow to the group and the cost of the 
item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is 
derecognised. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the income 
statement during the financial period in which they are incurred. 
The charge for depreciation is calculated to write down the cost of property, 
plant and equipment to their estimated residual values by equal annual 
installments over their expected useful lives, which are as follows: 
Terminals and ATMs 15% - 20% 
Fixtures and fittings and equipment                               rates between 
15% and 33.3% 
Computer equipment    rates between 
      20% and 33.3% 
Property and leasehold renovations 
Motor vehicles 
 rates between 20% and 33.3% 
Leased assets over the unexpired term of the lease or estimated useful life, if 
 The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if 
appropriate, at each balance sheet date. 
 The assets' carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable 
amount if the asset's carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable 
 Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the 
carrying amount and are recognised in the income statement. 
Non current assets held for sale 
Non current assets (and disposal groups) classified as held for sale are 
measured at the lower of their carrying amount or their fair value less costs to 
Non current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if their 
carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather 
than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the 
sale is highly probable and the asset (or disposal group) is available for 
immediate sale in its present condition. Management must be committed to the 
plan to sell and the sale should be expected to qualify for recognition as a 
completed sale within one year from the date of classification. 
Investment in subsidiaries 
Investments in subsidiaries held by the company are carried at cost less 
Intangible assets 
    (a)    Goodwill 
Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value 
of the Group's share of the net identifiable assets of the acquired 
subsidiary/associate at the date of acquisition.  Goodwill on acquisitions of 
associates is included in "investments in associates" and is tested for 
impairment as part of the overall balance. Separately recognised goodwill is 
tested annually for impairment and carried at cost less accumulated impairment 
losses. Impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed. Gains and losses on the 
disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the 
disposed of entity. 
Goodwill is allocated to cash generating units for the purpose of impairment 
testing. The allocation is made to those cash generating units or groups of cash 
generating units that are expected to benefit from the business combination in 
which the goodwill arose. 
    (b)    Trademarks, licences and brands 
 Acquired trademarks, licences and brands are shown at historical cost. 
Trademarks and licenses have a finite useful life and are carried at cost less 
accumulated amortisation. Amortisation is calculated using the straight line 
method to allocate the cost of trademarks and brands over their estimated useful 
lives (6 years). 
    (c)    Computer software 
 Acquired computer software licences are capitalised on the basis of the costs 
incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific software. These costs are 
amortised over their estimated useful lives (three to five years). 
 Costs associated maintaining computer software programmes and software are 
recognised as an expense as incurred. Costs that are directly associated with 
the development of identifiable and unique software products controlled by the 
group, and that will probably generate economic benefits exceeding costs beyond 
one year, are recognised as intangible assets. Costs include employee costs 
incurred as a result of developing software and an appropriate portion of the 
relevant overheads. 
 An intangible asset arising from development (or from the development phase of 
an internal project) shall be recognised if, and only if, an entity can 
demonstrate all of the following: 
(a)The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will 
be available for use or sale. 
(b)An intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it. 
(c)An ability to use or sell the intangible asset. 
(d)How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. 
(e)The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to 
complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset. 
(f) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the 
intangible asset during its development. 
Other development expenditure that do not meet these criteria are recognised as 
an expense as incurred. 
Computer software development costs recognised as assets are amortised over 
their estimated useful lives (not exceeding 6 years). 
(d)    Customer related intangible assets 
Customer related intangible assets recognised as part of a business combination 
are initially recognised at fair value and are subsequently carried at original 
cost less accumulated amortisation. 
Acquired customer and merchant related intangible assets are amortised on a 
straight line basis over their estimated useful lives (not exceeding 6 years). 
Impairment of non financial assets 
Assets that have an indefinite useful life, for example goodwill, are not 
subject to amortisation and are tested annually for impairment. Assets that are 
subject to amortisation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes 
in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An 
impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the assets carrying amount 
exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an 
asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of 
assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there 
are separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating units). Non financial 
assets other than goodwill that suffered impairment are reviewed for possible 
reversal of the impairment at each reporting date. 
Derivative financial instruments and hedge activities 
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date a derivative 
contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at their fair value. 
The method of recognising the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the 
derivative is designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the 
item being hedged. The group designates certain derivatives as either: 
(a)    Hedges of the fair value of recognised assets or liabilities or a firm 
commitment (fair value hedge); 
(b)    Hedges of a particular risk associated with a recognised asset or 
liability or a highly probable forecast transaction (cash flow hedge); or 
(c)    Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation (net investment hedge). 
The group documents at the inception of the transaction, the relationship 
between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management 
objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedging transactions. The group 
also documents its assessment, both at hedge inception and on an ongoing basis, 
of whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are highly 
effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged items. 
The full fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current asset 
or liability when the remaining maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 
months and as a current asset or liability when the remaining maturity of the 
hedged item is less than 12 months. Trading derivatives are classified as a 
current asset or liability 
Derivative financial instruments and hedge activities 
The group has only a cashflow hedge in place which is accounted for as follows: 
The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are 
designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognised in equity. The gain or 
loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income 
Amounts accumulated in equity are recycled in the income statement in the 
periods when the hedged item affects profit or loss (for example, when the 
forecast interest payment that is hedged takes place). The gain or loss relating 
to the effective portion of interest rate swaps hedging variable rate borrowings 
is recognised in the income statement within 'finance costs'.  However, when the 
forecast transaction that is hedged results in the recognition of a 
non-financial asset (for example, inventory or property, plant and equipment) 
the gains and losses previously deferred in equity are transferred from equity 
and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the asset.  The deferred 
amounts are ultimately recognised in cost of sales in case of inventory or in 
depreciation in the case of property, plant and equipment. 
When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets 
the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in 
equity at that time remains in equity and is recognised when the forecast 
transaction is ultimately recognised in the income statement.  When a forecast 
transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was 
reported in equity is immediately transferred to the income statement. 
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is 
determined on a first-in first-out (FIFO) basis. Cost in the case of goods for 
resale, is defined as the aggregate cost of acquiring such inventories from 
third parties. Net realisable value is based on normal selling price, less 
further costs expected to be incurred to disposal. 
Trade receivables 
Trade receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently 
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less provision 
for impairment.  A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established 
when there is objective evidence that the group will not be able to collect all 
amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables.  Significant 
financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter 
bankruptcy or financial reorganisation, and default or delinquency in payments 
(more than 30 days overdue) are considered indicators that the trade receivable 
is impaired.  The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset's 
carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted 
at the original effective interest rate.  The carrying amount of the asset is 
reduced through the use of an allowance account, and the amount of the loss is 
recognised in the income statement within administrative expenses.  When a trade 
receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account for 
trade receivables.  Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are 
credited against administrative expenses in the income statement. 
Trade payables 
Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured 
at amortised cost using the effective interest method. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of 
three months or less. Bank overdrafts are shown within current liabilities on 
the balance sheet. For the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash 
equivalents comprise cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits maturing 
within 3 months which are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value; 
less bank overdrafts. 
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs 
incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost: any difference 
between the proceeds (net of transaction cost) and the redemption value is 
recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the 
effective interest rate. 
Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the group has an 
unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months 
after the balance sheet date. 
Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or 
production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take a 
substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are 
added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are 
substantially ready for their intended use or sale. Investment income earned on 
the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on 
qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for 
All other borrowing costs are recognised in the income statement in the period 
in which they are incurred. 
Convertible Preference shares are classified as financial liabilities when the 
group may be required to deliver cash or another financial asset in the event of 
the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events that are beyond the 
control of both the group and the preference shareholder, such as a change in 
A provision is a liability of an uncertain timing or amount. A provision is 
recognised when the group has a present obligation as a result of a past event, 
it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the 
obligation and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made. 
A provision for onerous contracts is recognised when the expected benefits to be 
derived by the Group from a contract are lower than the unavoidable costs of 
meeting its obligations under the contract (onerous contracts).  A provision for 
onerous contracts is recognised when for example, the group has entered a 
binding lease for rental of premises that is no longer used by the group or a 
binding agreement with a customer which is loss making and therefore a provision 
is recognised for the unavoidable costs associated with that contract (ie. lower 
of costs of fulfilling the contract and the costs of terminating the contract). 
Provisions for restructuring costs and legal claims are recognised when: the 
group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events; 
it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the 
obligation; and the amount has been reliably estimated. Restructuring provisions 
comprise lease termination penalties and employee termination payments. 
Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses. 
Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow 
will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of 
obligations as a whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an 
outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations 
may be small. 
Provisions are measured at the present value of the expenditures expected to be 
required to settle the obligation discounted to their present value using a 
pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money 
and the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to 
passage of time is recognised as interest expense. 
Share capital 
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. 
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new ordinary shares or 
options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. 
Where any group company purchases the Company's equity share capital (treasury 
shares), the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental 
costs (net of income taxes), is deducted from equity attributable to the 
Company's equity holders until the shares are cancelled or reissued.  Where such 
shares are subsequently reissued, any consideration received (net of any 
directly attributable incremental transaction costs and the related income tax 
effects) is included in equity attributable to the Company's equity holders. 
Foreign currency 
(a)    Functional and presentation currency 
Items included in the financial statements of each of the group's entities are 
measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
entity operates ('the functional currency').  Payzone plc's functional currency 
is Euro. Cardpoint plc's functional currency is Sterling. The presentation 
currency for these financial statements is Euro. 
(b)    Transactions and balances 
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using 
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange 
gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the 
translation at year end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities 
denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement, except 
when deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net 
investment hedges. 
(c)    Group companies 
The results and financial position of all the group entities that have a 
functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into 
the presentation currency as follows: 
  *  Assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at the 
  closing rate at the date of that balance sheet; 
  *  Income and expenses for each income statement are translated at average exchange 
  rates (unless this average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative 
  effect of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income 
  and expenses are translated at the rate on the dates of the transactions); and 
  *  All resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component of 
On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net 
investment in foreign operations, and of borrowings and other currency 
instruments designated as hedges of such investments, are taken to equity. When 
a foreign operation is partly disposed of or sold, exchange differences that 
were recorded in equity are recognised in the income statement as part of the 
gain or loss on sale. 
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign 
entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and 
translated at the closing rate. 
Current and deferred income tax 
The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted 
or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries where the 
company's subsidiaries and associates operate and generate taxable income. 
 Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect 
to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation 
and establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to 
be paid to the tax authorities. 
Current and deferred income tax - continued 
Deferred income tax is recognised in full, using the liability method, on 
temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities 
and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, 
deferred income tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition 
of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that 
at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or 
loss.  Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have 
been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected 
to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred 
income tax liability is settled. 
Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that 
future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences 
can be utilised. 
Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments 
in subsidiaries and associates, except where the timing of the reversal of the 
temporary difference is controlled by the group and it is probable that the 
temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. 
Assets held under finance leases, which confer rights and obligations similar to 
those attached to owned assets, are capitalised as property, plant and equipment 
or intangible assets and are depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms and 
their useful lives. The capital elements of future lease obligations are 
recorded as liabilities, while the interest elements are charged to the income 
statement over the period of the leases to produce a constant rate of charge on 
the remaining balance of liability. 
All other leases are operating leases. Rentals under operating leases are 
charged on a straight-line basis over the lease term, even if the payments are 
not made on such a basis. Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to 
sign an operating lease are similarly spread on a straight line basis over the 
lease term, except where the period to the review date on which the rent is 
first expected to be adjusted to the prevailing market rate is shorter than the 
full lease term, in which case the shorter period is used. 
Rentals received for terminals from retail agents under operating leases are 
credited to income on a straight line basis over the lease term. 
Employee benefits 
    (a)    Pension obligations 
 The pension entitlements of employees arise under defined contribution plans. 
Contributions to the group's defined contribution pension plans are charged to 
the income statement as incurred. 
    (b)    Bonus plans 
 The group recognises a liability and an expense where contractually obliged or 
where there is a past practice that has created a constructive obligation of 
making bonus payments. 
    (c)    Share based compensation 
 The group operates an equity-settled, share-based compensation plan. The fair 
value of the employee services received in exchange for the grant of the options 
is recognised as an expense. The total amount to be expensed over the vesting 
period is determined by reference to the fair value of the options granted, 
excluding the impact of any non-market vesting conditions (for example, 
profitability and sales growth targets). Non-market vesting conditions are 
included in assumptions about the number of options that are expected to become 
exercisable. At each balance sheet date, the entity revises it's estimates of 
the number of options that are expected to become exercisable. It recognises the 
impact of the revision of original estimates, if any, in the income statement, 
with a corresponding adjustment to equity.  The group accounts for the 
cancellation or settlement of a share based payment award as an acceleration of 
vesting, and recognises immediately the amount that otherwise would have been 
recognised for services received over the remainder of the vesting period. 
(c)    Share based compensation - continued 
 The proceeds received net of any directly attributable transaction costs are 
credited to share capital (nominal value) and share premium when the options are 
    (d)    Termination benefits 
 Termination benefits are payable when employment is terminated by the group 
before the normal retirement date, or whenever an employee accepts voluntary 
redundancy in exchange for these benefits. The group recognises termination 
benefits when it is demonstrably committed to either: terminating the employment 
of current employees according to a detailed formal plan without possibility of 
withdrawal; or providing termination benefits as a result of an offer made to 
encourage voluntary redundancy. Benefits falling due more than 12 months after 
the balance sheet date are discounted to their present value. 
Revenue comprises the fair value of consideration receivable in respect of 
services and prepaid credits for cellular phones, utilities sold to third 
parties and ATM transactions exclusive of value added tax.  Revenue of the group 
is earned from prepaid cellular top-up and prepaid utilities sold to third 
parties, installation and maintenance services, electronic payment services, 
debit and credit card processing and ATM transactions.  Revenue is recognised in 
the period earned by rendering of services or sale of products. 
Revenue from prepaid credits for cellular top up and utilities is recognised on 
a gross basis where the group acts as a principal in relation to these 
transactions, due to the fact that the group bears the majority of risk, 
principally inventory risk, in relation to such transactions. 
 Where such inventory risk is not borne by the group only commission earned is 
recorded as revenue.  However in cases where the credit risk is maintained by 
the group the receivable and corresponding liability are recognised. 
 Revenue in respect of maintenance contracts is deferred and recognised ratably 
over the period of the contract. 
Annual service charges consist of subscriber billings for service not yet 
rendered. These are deferred and taken into income as earned. The maximum period 
for which subscribers are billed in advance is generally one year. 
Segment reporting 
 A business segment is a group of assets and operations engaged in providing 
products or services that are subject to risks and returns that are different 
from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is engaged in 
providing products or services within a particular economic environment that are 
subject to risks and returns that are different from those segments operating in 
other economic environments.  Arising from the group's internal organisational 
structure and its system of internal financial reporting, segmentation by 
geographical location (geography) is regarded as being the predominant source 
and nature of the risks and returns facing the group and is thus the primary 
basis for segmentation under IAS 14 "Segment Reporting".  Business segmentation 
is the secondary segment reporting format. 
Deferred revenues 
Deferred revenue comprises service and maintenance charges billed in advance of 
provision of services. 
Cost of sales 
Cost of sales includes agents' commission, the cost of mobile top-ups where 
Payzone acts as principal in their purchase and sale, consumables, 
communications, maintenance, depreciation and external processing charges levied 
by banks.  Other costs are allocated to administrative costs. 
    Finance income 
 Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal 
outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate 
that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life 
of the financial asset to that asset's net carrying amount. 
    Finance costs 
Finance costs comprise interest on borrowings, interest component of finance 
leases, bank charges and amortised debt transaction costs. 
    Interest payable on borrowings and the interest expense component of finance 
lease payments is calculated using the effective interest rate method. 
    Special items 
    Special items are material non recurring items that derive from events or 
transactions that fall within the ordinary activities of the group and which 
individually or, if of a similar type, in aggregate, are separately disclosed by 
virtue of their size or incidence. Such items include non-current assets 
impairment, restructuring costs, gains/losses on business disposals and 
closures, costs incurred as a result of business combinations effected that do 
not qualify for recognition as assets, share option charges arising from the 
acceleration of vesting periods as a result of business combinations, borrowing 
costs incurred as a result of a business combination that do not qualify to be 
treated as a reduction of the liability. 
    Judgement is used by the group in assessing the particular items which 
should be disclosed in the income statement and related notes as special items. 
5    Critical accounting estimates and judgements 
Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical 
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are 
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. 
The group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting 
accounting estimates will, by definition, rarely equal the related actual 
results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a 
material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the 
next financial year together with critical judgements in respect of the 
financial year are outlined below: 
    (a)    Going concern 
The group has prepared its accounts on a going concern basis. Further details 
are described in note 1 supporting the adoption of this basis. 
(b)    Estimated impairment of goodwill 
The group tests at least annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment, 
in accordance with the accounting policy stated in note 4. The recoverable 
amounts of cash-generating units have been determined based on value-in-use 
calculations, and these calculations require the use of estimates.  Estimating a 
"value in use" amount requires sufficient judgement to make an estimate of the 
expected future cash flows from the cash generating unit and also to choose a 
suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash 
flows.  Please see note 10 for further detail. 
    (c)    Capitalisation of development costs 
Costs incurred on development projects are recognised as intangible assets when 
the criteria in the development expenditure accounting policy in note 4 are 
achieved. A degree of judgement is involved in assessing the achievement of the 
    (d)Establishing useful lives for amortisation purposes of properly, plant 
and equipment and intangible assets 
The group has intangible assets (other than goodwill) of EUR66.6 million and 
property, plant and equipment of EUR72 million as at 30 September 2008.  The 
amortisation charges and depreciation charges are dependent on the estimated 
lives allocated to each type of intangible asset. 
 The directors regularly review these asset lives and change them as necessary 
to reflect current thinking on remaining lives and the expected pattern of 
consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. Changes in 
asset lives can have a significant impact on depreciation and amortisation 
charges for the period. 
Details of the useful lives of the various classes of property, plant and 
machinery and intangible assets are included in note 4. 
If the allocated lives allocated to each type of amortised intangible asset were 
increased/decreased by one year, the amortisation charges for the year would 
have decreased/increased by EUR2.8m/(EUR4.2m). 
   (e)    Fair value of business combinations 
Goodwill only arises in business combinations. The amount of goodwill initially 
recognised is the excess  of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of 
the Group's share of the net identifiable assets of the acquired 
subsidiary/associate at the date of acquisition. 
The determination of the fair value of the assets and liabilities is based, to a 
considerable extent, on management's judgement and estimates. 
Allocation of the purchase price affects the results of the Group as finite 
lived intangible assets are amortised, whereas indefinite lived intangible 
assets, including goodwill, are not amortised and could result in differing 
amortisation charges based on the allocation to indefinite lived and finite 
lived intangible assets. 
On acquisition, the identifiable intangible assets may include customer bases 
and brands. The fair value of these assets is determined by discounting 
estimated future net cash flows generated by the asset, assuming no active 
market for the assets exist. The use of different assumptions for the 
expectations of future cash flows and the discount rate would change the 
valuation of the intangible assets, and consequently the level of recognised 
goodwill.  Please see note 15 for further detail. 
(f)    Cardpoint as acquirer 
As described in note 2 the acquisition of the entire share capital of Cardpoint 
and alphyra by Payzone plc has been accounted for as a reverse acquisition of 
the combined Payzone and alphyra group by Cardpoint plc. The determination of 
the acquirer in this transaction is seen as a critical judgement as any change 
in this judgement can have a significant impact on the accounting for the 
business combination. Management gave detailed consideration to the terms, 
conditions, facts and circumstances surrounding the transaction together with 
the guidance in IFRS 3 in relation to identifying the acquirer in a business 
combination. Ultimately Cardpoint plc was seen as the acquirer as it was judged 
to control alphyra due to its: 
  *  power to govern the financial and operating policies of alphyra; 
  *  power to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board of directors 
  or equivalent governing body of the other entity; and 
  *  power to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors. 
(g)Determination of special items 
Significant judgement is exercised in making such an assessment. 
(h) Determination of functional currency 
    The group is headquartered in Ireland and has significant operations in the 
UK and Europe and accordingly principally operates in two different currencies. 
Reflecting its economic operating environment the group has determined that the 
Euro is Payzone plc's functional currency for the preparation of the 
consolidated financial statements however, the functional currency of the 
accounting acquirer Cardpoint plc, is sterling. The group's presentation 
currency is Euro. 
6    Segmental reporting 
    (i)    Segmental information 
 Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business and 
geographical segments. The primary basis for segmental reporting is geographic 
segments being the dominant sources of the group's risk and rewards and being 
the basis for the group's internal organisational and management structure and 
its system of internal financial reporting. The secondary format for reporting 
segmental information is business segments. 
 Segments results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to 
a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Segment 
capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the period to acquire 
segment assets that are expected to be used for more than one period other than 
through business combinations. 
Geographical segments 
The group operates in three principal geographical regions being the UK and 
Ireland, Northern Europe, Southern and Central Europe.  In presenting 
information on the basis of geographic segments, segment revenue is based on the 
geographical location of the Group's subsidiaries. Segment assets are based on 
the geographical location of the assets. 
As a result of the business combination, discussed in note 15, the number of 
primary segments increased from 2 to 3 in the year ended 30 September 2008. 
|                                    |                    |                    | Southern           |                    | 
|                                    | UK and             | Northern           | and                | Total              | 
|                                    |                    |                    | Central            |                    | 
|                                    | Ireland            | Europe             | Europe             |               2008 | 
|                                    |               2008 |               2008 |               2008 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                    |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |                    | 
|                                    |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
| Revenue                            |          380,947   |          523,160   |          176,742   |       1,080,849    | 
|                                    |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Operating (loss)       |           (77,456) |           (83,019) |           (17,264) |          (177,739) | 
|                                    |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                | UK and             | Northern           | Total              | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                | Ireland            | Europe             |               2007 | 
|                                                |               2007 |               2007 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
| Revenue                                        |          114,058   |            16,912  |          130,970   | 
| Operating profit/(loss)                        |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |           (38,753) |                215 |           (38,538) | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
    Other segment items included in the income statement are as follows: 
|                                                | UK                  |                    | Southern and       |                     | 
|                                                | and                 | Northern           | Central Europe     | Total               | 
|                                                |                     |                    |               2008 |                     | 
|                                                | Ireland             | Europe             |              EUR'000 |               2008  | 
|                                                |               2008  |               2008 |                    |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000 |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|             Depreciation (note 16)             |            15,659   |              7,120 |              1,620 |            24,399   | 
|             Amortisation (note 17)             |              8,620  |              5,184 |              1,423 |            15,227   | 
|             Impairment of goodwill (note 10)   |            49,341   |            83,079  |            16,753  |          149,173    | 
| Administrative expenses (excluding             |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
| goodwill impairment and special items)         |            27,705   |              1,869 |                953 |            30,527   | 
|             Share of losses of associate       |             (1,162) |                    |                    |             (1,162) | 
|                                                |                     | -                  | -                  |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
| 6    Segmental reporting - continued           |                     | UK                 |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     | and                | Northern           | Total               | 
|       (i)   Segmental information - continued  |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     | Ireland            | Europe             |               2007  | 
|                                                |                     |               2007 |               2007 |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                |                     |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|             Depreciation (note 16)             |                     |              9,256 |              2,087 |            11,343   | 
|             Amortisation (note 17)             |                     |                966 |                    |                966  | 
|                                                |                     |                    | -                  |                     | 
|             Impairment of goodwill (note 10)   |                     |            49,140  |                    |            49,140   | 
|                                                |                     |                    | -                  |                     | 
| Administrative expenses (excluding             |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
| goodwill impairment and special items)         |                     |              2,067 |                    |              2,067  | 
|                                                |                     |                    | -                  |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                     | 
|                                                | UK                 |                    | Southern and       |                    | 
|                                                | and                | Northern           | Central Europe     | Total              | 
|                                                |                    |                    |               2008 |                    | 
|                                                | Ireland            | Europe             |              EUR'000 |               2008 | 
|                                                |               2008 |               2008 |                    |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Segment assets                     |          375,246   |          133,646   |            67,305  |          576,197   | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Unallocated assets                 |                    |                    |                    |              1,269 | 
|                                                | -                  | -                  | -                  |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
| Total assets                                   |                    |                    |                    |          577,466   | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Segments liabilities               |          147,048   |            50,065  |            38,705  |          235,818   | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Unallocated liabilities            |                    |                    |                    |          311,344   | 
|                                                | -                  | -                  | -                  |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
| Total liabilities                              |                    |                    |                    |          547,162   | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
| Capital expenditure                            |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
| Property, plant and equipment                  |            29,271  |            15,079  |              6,896 |            51,246  | 
| (note 16)                                      |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Intangible assets (note 17)        |          224,407   |          117,967   |            48,320  |          390,694   | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |               | UK                 |                    |                       | 
|                                                |               | and                | Northern           | Total                 | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
|                                                |               | Ireland            | Europe             |               2007    | 
|                                                |               |               2007 |               2007 |              EUR'000    | 
|                                                |               |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |                       | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
|             Segment assets                     |               |          132,346   |            59,016  |          191,362      | 
|             Unallocated assets                 |               |                    |                    |                304    | 
|                                                |               | -                  | -                  |                       | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
| Total assets                                   |               |                    |                    |          191,666      | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
|             Segment liabilities                |               |            25,347  |            11,303  |            36,650     | 
|             Unallocated liabilities            |               |                    |                    |          118,986      | 
|                                                |               | -                  | -                  |                       | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
| Total liabilities                              |               |                    |                    |          155,636      | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
| Capital expenditure                            |               |                    |                    |                       | 
| Property, plant and equipment                  |               |            21,420  |              4,071 |            25,491     | 
| (note 16)                                      |               |                    |                    |                       | 
|             Intangible assets (note 17)        |               |            22,237  |                    |           22,237      | 
|                                                |               |                    | -                  |                       | 
|                                                |               |                    |                    |                       | 
Unallocated liabilities comprise of interest bearing loans and borrowings, 
corporation tax payable and deferred tax liabilities. Unallocated assets 
comprise deferred tax assets, derivative financial instruments and available for 
sale financial assets. 
6    Segmental reporting - continued 
    (i)    Segmental information - continued 
The group analyses its business into the following business segments: 
|                                 |   Prepaid credit |           Utility |         Financial |               ATM |       Unallocated |             Total | 
|                                 |             2008 |              2008 |          services |              2008 |              2008 |              2008 | 
|                                 |             EUR000 |              EUR000 |              2008 |              EUR000 |              EUR000 |              EUR000 | 
|                                 |                  |                   |              EUR000 |                   |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Group revenue                   |          920,934 |            10,716 |            46,128 |          101,936  |             1,135 |       1,080,849   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Total assets                    |                  |                   |                   |                   |          577,466  |         577,466   | 
|                                 | -                | -                 | -                 | -                 |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Capital expenditure             |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Property, plant and equipment   |                  |                   |                   |                   |            51,246 |            51,246 | 
| (note 16)                       | -                | -                 | -                 | -                 |                   |                   | 
| Intangible assets (note 17)     |                  |                   |                   |                   |          390,694  |          390,694  | 
|                                 | -                | -                 | -                 | -                 |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|                                 |   Prepaid credit |           Utility |         Financial |               ATM |       Unallocated |             Total | 
|                                 |             2007 |              2007 |          services |              2007 |              2007 |              2007 | 
|                                 |             EUR000 |              EUR000 |              2007 |              EUR000 |              EUR000 |              EUR000 | 
|                                 |                  |                   |              EUR000 |                   |                   |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Group revenue                   |                  |                   |                   |          130,970  |                   |          130,970  | 
|                                 | -                | -                 | -                 |                   | -                 |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Total assets                    |                  |                   |                   |          191,666  |                   |          191,666  | 
|                                 | -                | -                 | -                 |                   | -                 |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Capital expenditure             |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
| Property, plant and equipment   |                  |                   |                   |            25,491 |                   |            25,491 | 
| (note 16)                       | -                | -                 | -                 |                   | -                 |                   | 
| Intangible assets (note 17)     |                  |                   |                   |            22,237 |                   |            22,237 | 
|                                 | -                | -                 | -                 |                   | -                 |                   | 
|                                 |                  |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
The group's assets mainly consist of terminals, ATMs and software and are 
geographically dispersed across all segments.  Following the "merger" of alphyra 
and Cardpoint, the assets generate revenue across all business segments and 
provide a mix of products and are therefore not distinguishable between the 
business segments. 
|                   7    Cost of sales                      |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Commission payable to retail agents |    106,778 |     28,429 | 
|                       Cost of mobile top ups where the    |    788,577 |      1,283 | 
|                   group acts as principal                 |            |            | 
|                       Other                               |     94,928 |     54,446 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Total cost of sales                 |    990,283 |     84,158 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   8    Employee information               |     Group               | 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   Average number of persons employed      |            |            | 
|                       Sales and marketing                 |        218 |         36 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Operations and administration       |        603 |        121 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |        821 |        157 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   Staff costs during the year (including  |            |            | 
|                   directors)                              |            |            | 
|                       Wages and salaries                  |     26,130 |      7,753 | 
|                       Social security costs               |      3,827 |        737 | 
|                       Pension costs (note 26)             |        695 |        146 | 
|                       Share based payment cost            |      3,840 |      2,406 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |     34,492 |     11,042 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |       2008 | 
|                                                           |            |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   Directors' remuneration                 |            |            | 
|                       Salaries                            |            |        403 | 
|                       Pension                             |            |         33 | 
|                       Directors' fees                     |            |        434 | 
|                       Compensation for loss of offices    |            |      1,625 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |      2,495 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
Directors' remuneration disclosed for 2008 relates to remuneration paid to 
directors of Payzone plc for the period from date of incorporation, being 13 
September 2007 to 30 September 2008. 
|                   9    Administrative expenses |            |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                   - special items              |            |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                |            |            |            | 
| Restructuring                                  |            |     20,774 |     -      | 
| (a)                                            |            |            |            | 
|                       Legal action with former |            |      4,092 |     -      | 
|                   directors    (b)             |            |            |            | 
|                       Share option charge      |            |      2,015 |     -      | 
|                   (c)                          |            |            |            | 
|                       Goodwill impairment (see |            |    149,173 |     49,140 | 
|                   note 10)                     |            |            |            | 
|                       Loss on disposal of      |            |      3,646 |     2,067  | 
|                   subsidiaries     (d)         |            |            |            | 
|                                                |            |    179,700 |     51,207 | 
|                                                |            |            |            | 
(a)Restructuring costs 
Restructuring costs relate to the costs incurred in the closure of Cardpoint 
offices in Blackpool and Frankfurt. Costs also include rebranding, consultancy, 
and redundancy costs in relation to the integration of both businesses since 5 
The costs include the write down of certain assets which did not meet the 
criteria of fair value adjustments on the reverse acquisition of alphyra by 
(b)Legal action with former directors 
On the 16 October 2008 the company settled with the two former directors who had 
taken legal action against the company in relation to a legal unfair dismissal 
and removal from office.  Costs of EUR4.1 million were incurred in respect of 
settlements, legal and related costs. 
(c)    Share option charge 
The share option charges result from the acceleration of the vesting period of 
Cardpoint share options as a result of the reverse acquisition of alphyra by 
(d)Loss on disposal of subsidiaries 
The group will dispose of its businesses in Spain, France and Italy. The group 
has provided for a loss on disposal of EUR3.6 million, including disposal costs, 
to write the carrying value of the disposal groups to their recoverable amount. 
The assets and liabilities of these businesses were treated as held for resale 
under IFRS 5 at year end. 
During, the group disposed of its interest in G2 Integrated Solutions Limited 
("G2IS"), generating a profit on disposal of EUR0.7 million. Additionally, the 
group disposed of its interest in Cardpoint Merchant Services Limited CMS, 
generating a loss on disposal of EUR0.6 million. The company was sold for a 
consideration of EUR1.03 million.A decision was taken in January 2007, to close 
the loss making Netherlands business, generating a loss on closure of EUR2.16 
10    Goodwill impairment 
The Group tests for impairment annually and also if there is an indication that 
assets might be impaired. The Group identified the falling share price, 
difficult trading conditions in each segment (as discussed below in more detail 
below) and the weakening of Sterling against the Euro, as indicators of 
impairment and performed an impairment review across all Cash Generating 
Units (CGUs). 
The recoverable amount of the CGUs is determined based on a value in use 
computation. Where the value in use exceeds the carrying value of the CGU the 
asset is not impaired; where the carrying amount exceeds the value in use an 
impairment loss is recognised. Estimates used in this process are key judgmental 
estimates in the financial statements. 
The CGUs represent the lowest level within the group at which goodwill is 
monitored for internal management purposes and are not larger than the primary 
and secondary segments determined in accordance with IAS 14"Segment Reporting". 
The goodwill impairment losses recognised in the income statement as a special 
item are as follows: 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   Reportable segment                      |            |            | 
|                   UK and Ireland                          | 49,341     | 49,140     | 
|                   Northern Europe                         | 83,079     |     -      | 
|                       Southern and Central Europe         | 16,753     |     -      | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |    149,173 |     49,140 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
UK and Ireland 
During the year ended 30 September 2008, the goodwill in relation to the group's 
operations in the UK and Ireland was impaired by EUR49.3 million following a test 
for impairment triggered by the weakening in the value of sterling against the 
euro and competitive pressures on prepaid cellular top up transactions. 
The impairment loss for the year ended 30 September 2007 of EUR49.1 million in the 
UK was made following a test from impairment triggered by a revision of budgeted 
performance of some of the group's estates of ATMs. 
Northern Europe 
During the year ended 30 September 2008 the goodwill in relation to the group's 
operations in Northern Europe were impaired by EUR83.1 million, following a test 
for impairment triggered by tougher market conditions in the German operations. 
Southern Europe 
During the year ended 30 September 2008 the goodwill in relation to the group's 
operations in Southern and Eastern Europe was impaired by EUR16.8 million, 
following a test for impairment triggered by deterioration in revenues in Spain. 
Cash generating units 
The following cash generating units being the lowest level of asset for which 
there are separately identifiable cash flows, have carrying amounts of goodwill 
that are, considered significant in comparison with the group's total goodwill 
|                                                           |       2008 |        2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |       EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
|                   UK                                      | 156,329    | 77,989      | 
|                   Ireland                                 | 24,051     |     -       | 
|                   Northern Europe:                        |            |             | 
|                       - Germany                           | 24,127     | 35,039      | 
|                       - Other CGUs                        | 16,087     |     -       | 
|                       Southern and Eastern Europe CGUs    | 24,910     |     -       | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
|                                                           |    245,504 |     113,028 | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
Key assumptions used in the value in use calculations 
The group prepares and internally approves formal three year management plans 
for its businesses. For the year ended 30 September 2008, the group used these 
plans for its value in use calculations. The plans included cash flow 
projections for the trading entities which are expected to have growth rates in 
excess of the long term average growth rates, beyond an initial three year 
period for the markets in which they operate. 
The key assumptions used in determining the value in use are: 
|                               |                                              How determined | 
|                   Assumption  |                                                             | 
|                               |                                                             | 
| Cashflows                     | Managements' estimates of future profitability and working  | 
|                               | capital investment is based on historical performance,      | 
|                               | together with management's expectation of future trends     | 
|                               | affecting the industry and other developments and           | 
|                               | initiatives in the business and management's plans for the  | 
|                               | future.                                                     | 
|                               |                                                             | 
|                               | The cash flow forecast for capital expenditure is based on  | 
|                   Budgeted    | past experience and includes the ongoing capital            | 
|                   capital     | expenditure required to provide distribution service.       | 
|                   expenditure | Capital expenditure includes cash outflows for the purchase | 
|                               | of terminals, ATMs, computer software and computer          | 
|                               | equipment in the ordinary course of business.               | 
|                               |                                                             | 
|                   Long        |    For the year ended 30 September 2008, these calculations | 
|                   term        |   are based on financial projections approved by management | 
|                   growth      | for a period of 3 years and assuming growth rates of 5% for | 
|                   rate        |   a further 2 years and between 2% and 3% for the remaining | 
|                               |                                                     period. | 
|                               |                                                             | 
|                               |                                                             | 
|                               | The discount rate applied to the cash flows of each of the  | 
|                   Pre-tax     | group's CGUs is based on the weighted average cost of       | 
|                   discount    | capital. Such rates ranged from 11.8% - 12.3%.              | 
|                   rate        |                                                             | 
Applying the above techniques, an impairment of goodwill of EUR149.2 million 
(2007: EUR49.1 million) has been recognised. 
Sensitivity to changes in assumptions 
Key assumptions include management's estimates of future profitability, discount 
rate, capital expenditure requirements and working capital investment. Forecasts 
are generally based on historical performance together with management's 
expectation of future trends affecting the industry and other developments and 
initiatives in the business and management's plans for the future. 
If the pre tax discount rates increased by 100 basis points (ie. 12.8% - 13.3%) 
and long term growth rates decreased by 100 basis points (ie. 1% - 2%) the 
goodwill impairment charge would increase by EUR60 million. 
|                   11    Operating loss                    |                    Group | 
|                                                           |        2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|     Operating loss is after charging/(crediting):         |             |            | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
| Depreciation on property, plant and equipment             |      24,399 |     11,343 | 
| (Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment  |        (86) |        410 | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets                         |      15,227 |        966 | 
|     Goodwill impairment                                   |     149,173 |     49,140 | 
| Rentals under operating leases:                           |             |            | 
| - land and buildings                                      |       1,016 |        433 | 
|     - plant and machinery                                 |         787 |        583 | 
| Auditors remuneration                                     |         730 |        144 | 
| Research and development                                  |           - |          - | 
| Foreign exchange gain                                     | (3,600)     | -          | 
| Charges in respect of equity settled share based payments |       3,840 |      2,406 | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
| 12   Finance costs                                             |               |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                                |               |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |               |                    |                    | 
|       Excluding special items:                                 |               |                    |                    | 
|       Interest on bank loans, overdrafts and preference shares |               |            25,624  |              8,964 | 
|       Bank charges                                             |               |                683 |                    | 
|                                                                |               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |               |            26,307  |              8,964 | 
|                                                                |               |                    |                    | 
|       Special items:                                           |               |                    |                    | 
|       Bank arrangement fees                                    |               |              3,853 |                    | 
|                                                                |               |                    | -                  | 
|       Early termination of derivative financial instrument     |               |                433 |                    | 
|                                                                |               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |               |              4,286 |                    | 
|                                                                |               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |               |                    |                    | 
Special items include fees in relation to the early termination of Cardpoint's 
banking arrangements, which include penalties on the early termination of 
derivative financial instruments.  The costs also include fees incurred in 
relation to the renegotiation of the group's facility agreement including 
related, consultancy and legal fees. 
|                   13    Income tax credit/(expense)       |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
| Current tax                                               |        943 |        358 | 
| Deferred tax liability (note 27 (i))                      |    (3,226) |          - | 
|     Decrease in deferred tax asset (note 27 (ii))         |         97 |          - | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
| Income tax (credit)/expense                               |    (2,186) |        358 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
Notwithstanding that Payzone Plc is Irish tax resident, the majority of the 
group's operations are in the United Kingdom.  The tax charge on the group's 
(loss) before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the 
United Kingdom domestic tax rate applicable to results of the consolidated 
companies as follows: 
|                                                                               |               2008  |               2007  | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                     | 
|       (Loss) before income tax                                                |         (208,110)   |           (47,106)  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                     | 
| (Loss) multiplied by the standard corporation tax rate of 29% in the          |                     |                     | 
| United Kingdom (2007: UK corporation tax of 30%)                              |           (60,352)  |           (14,132)  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                     | 
|       Effects of:                                                             |                     |                     | 
|       Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                |            52,550   |              9,356  | 
|       Utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses                       |               (182) |                     | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                   | 
|       Differences in effective tax- rates on overseas earnings                |               (187) |             (1,668) | 
|       Tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset was recognised        |              5,985  |              6,802  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                     | 
|                                                                               |             (2,186) |                358  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                     | 
14    Earnings per share 
Basic and diluted 
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the loss attributable to 
equity holders of the company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
in issue during the year. 
|                                                                               |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Loss attributable to equity holders of the company (EUR'000)              |         (206,386)  |           (47,464) | 
|       Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue ('000)              |          306,798   |          115,868   | 
|       Basic and diluted loss per share (cent per share) *                     |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | (67c)              | (41c)              | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
    *    None of the group's contingently issuable shares were dilutive as they 
would have decreased the loss per share in all periods. 
The group has followed the guidance in Appendix B to IFRS 3 in calculating the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (the denominator) during 
the period in which the reverse acquisition occurs. As a result for the purposes 
of the calculation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding 
during the period; 
  *  the number of ordinary shares outstanding from 1 October 2007 to 5 December 2007 
  is 115,867,928. i.e. the number of ordinary shares issued by Payzone plc on 5 
  December 2007 to the former owners of Cardpoint plc; and 
  *  the number of ordinary shares outstanding from 5 December 2007 to 30 September 
  2008 is the actual number of ordinary shares of Payzone plc that were 
  outstanding during that period. 
For the purposes of the comparative EPS calculation the weighted average number 
of ordinary shares outstanding for during the year ended 30 September 2007 has 
been deemed to be 115,867,928 i.e. the number of ordinary shares issued by 
Payzone plc to the former owners of Cardpoint plc on 5 December 2007. 
15    Business combinations 
On 5 December 2007, Payzone plc acquired 100% of the share capital of alphyra 
holdings Limited and 100% of Cardpoint plc. As described in note 2 the 
acquisition of 100% of the share capital of alphyra represents a "common" 
control transaction that is outside of the scope of IFRS 3 and has not resulted 
in the recognition of fair value adjustments or goodwill in the consolidated 
balance sheet of Payzone plc. The acquisition of 100% of Cardpoint was accounted 
for as a reverse acquisition of the combined Payzone and alphyra group by 
Cardpoint plc based on the guidance in IFRS 3. alphyra is engaged in the 
deployment of a network of terminals which process a variety of electronic 
transaction services, such as mobile phone top-up, utility top-up and EFT 
processing, operating in a number of countries across Europe. The acquired 
business contributed revenues of EUR978 million and net loss of EUR7.9 million to 
the group for the period from 5 December 2007 to 30 September 2008. If the 
acquisition had occurred on 1 October 2007, group revenue would have been EUR1.119 
billion and net loss after tax for the group would have been EUR209.4 million. 
These amounts have been calculated using the group's accounting policies and by 
adjusting the results of the subsidiary to reflect the additional depreciation 
and amortisation that would have been charged assuming the fair value 
adjustments to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets had applied 
from 1 October 2007, together with the consequential tax effects. 
Details of net liabilities acquired and goodwill are as follows: 
|                                                           |            |       EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
|                       Purchase consideration:             |            |             | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
|                       Fair values of shares issued to     |            |     186,982 | 
|                   acquire the alphyra group               |            |             | 
|                       Directs costs relating to the       |            | 17,165      | 
|                   acquisition                             |            |             | 
|                       Total purchase consideration        |            | 204,147     | 
|                       Fair value of net liabilities       |            | 105,431     | 
|                   acquired                                |            |             | 
|                       Goodwill                            |            |     309,578 | 
|                                                           |            |             | 
The goodwill is attributable to the workforce of the acquired business, non 
contractual customer relationships that did not qualify for separate recognition 
as intangible assets, geographical spread and market presence of alphyra and the 
significant synergies that were expected to arise after the acquisition of 
15    Business combinations - continued 
 The fair value of the shares issued was based on the quoted market price on 5 
December 2007. 
 Provisional fair values were reported in the Payzone's Interim Report. These 
have been finalised following a detailed review in the intervening period. 
 The assets and liabilities as of 5 December 2007 arising from the acquisition 
are as follows: 
|                                                                |                     | Fair                | Fair                | 
|                                                                | Carrying            | value               | value               | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                | amount              | adjustment          |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     | EUR'000               | 
|                                                                | EUR'000               | EUR'000               |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       Cash and cash equivalents                                |            10,982   |                     |            10,982   | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Property, plant and equipment                            |            35,329   |               (854) |            34,475   | 
|       Customer relationships (included in intangibles)         |                     |            30,625   |            30,625   | 
|                                                                | -                   |                     |                     | 
|       Brand (included in intangibles)                          |                     |              3,119  |              3,119  | 
|                                                                | -                   |                     |                     | 
|       Software (included in intangibles)                       |              7,601  |            35,451   |            43,052   | 
|       Deferred tax assets                                      |              1,457  |                     |              1,457  | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Available for sale financial asset                       |                124  |                     |                124  | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Investment in associate company                          |                  62 |                     |                  62 | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Inventories                                              |            28,338   |             (1,008) |            27,330   | 
|       Trade and other receivables                              |            83,854   |                     |            83,854   | 
|       Borrowings                                               |         (159,405)   |                     |         (159,405)   | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Trade and other payables                                 |         (150,083)   |                     |         (150,083)   | 
|       Provision                                                |             (9,603) |             (2,306) |           (11,909)  | 
|       Deferred tax liabilities                                 |               (599) |           (18,515)  |           (19,114)  | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| Net liabilities                                                |         (151,943)   |            46,512   |         (105,431)   | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       Purchase consideration settled in cash                   |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     | -                   | 
|       Cash and cash equivalent in subsidiary acquired          |                     |                     |            10,982   | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| Cash flow on acquisition                                       |                     |                     |            10,982   | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| 16   Property, plant and equipment                                                   |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      | Terminals          | Furniture,           | Computer             | Property             | Motor                | Total               | 
|                                                                                      | and                | fittings             |                      | and leasehold        |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      | ATMs               | and                  | equipment            |                      | vehicles             |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      | renovations          |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    | equipment            |                      |                      |                      | EUR'000               | 
|                                                                                      | EUR'000              |                      | EUR'000                | EUR'000                | EUR'000                |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    | EUR'000                |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       Group                                                                          |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
| Cost                                                                                 |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2007                                                              |            77,579  |              1,230   |              2,105   |                407   |                236   |            81,557   | 
|       Acquired on acquisition of subsidiary (note 15)                                |            22,910  |              3,778   |              4,995   |              2,379   |                413   |            34,475   | 
|       Additions                                                                      |            10,864  |                238   |              5,289   |                    5 |                375   |            16,771   | 
|       Transfer to assets held for sale                                               |            (7,507) |               (460)  |            (1,195)   |               (364)  |                      |            (9,526)  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      | -                    |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                                            |                195 |                  (6) |               (210)  |                (97)  |                (24)  |               (142) | 
|       Disposals                                                                      |            (1,021) |                (16)  |            (3,055)   |                (12)  |               (104)  |            (4,208)  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                           |          103,020   |              4,764   |              7,929   |              2,318   |                896   |          118,927    | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
| Accumulated depreciation                                                             |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2007                                                              |          (25,095)  |            (1,072)   |            (1,769)   |               (130)  |               (177)  |          (28,243)   | 
|       Charge for the year                                                            |          (19,129)  |               (463)  |            (4,488)   |               (178)  |               (141)  |          (24,399)   | 
|       Disposals                                                                      |                827 |                    4 |              3,052   |                  12  |                104   |              3,999  | 
|       Transfer to assets held for sale                                               |              6,395 |                227   |              1,049   |                263   |                      |              7,934  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      | -                    |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                                            |            (6,162) |                (20)  |                    8 |                (43)  |                  (9) |            (6,226)  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                           |          (43,164)  |            (1,324)   |            (2,148)   |                (76)  |               (223)  |          (46,935)   | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
| Net book value                                                                       |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                           |            59,856  |              3,440   |              5,781   |              2,242   |                673   |            71,992   | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                      |                      |                      |                      |                     | 
The net book value of assets held under finance leases is EUR3,442 (2007: EURNil). 
The cost from ATMs that are rented out under operating leases is EURNil (2007: 
EURNil) and the accumulated depreciation EURNil (2007: EURNil). 
| 16   Property, plant and equipment - continued                                       |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      | Terminals          | Furniture,          | Computer            | Property             | Motor                | Total              | 
|                                                                                      | and                | fittings            |                     | and leasehold        |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      | ATMs               | and                 | equipment           |                      | vehicles             |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     | renovations          |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    | equipment           |                     |                      |                      | EUR'000              | 
|                                                                                      | EUR'000              |                     | EUR'000               | EUR'000                | EUR'000                |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    | EUR'000               |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       Group                                                                          |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
| Cost                                                                                 |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       At 1 October 2006                                                              |            63,893  |              1,108  |              2,426  |                158   |                275   |            67,860  | 
|       Acquired on acquisition of subsidiary                                          |            10,533  |                     |                     |                      |                  33  |            10,566  | 
|       Additions                                                                      |            13,987  |                225  |                459  |                254   |                      |            14,925  | 
|       Disposals of subsidiaries                                                      |            (5,896) |                (71) |               (712) |                      |                      |            (6,679) | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     | -                    | -                    |                    | 
|       Disposals                                                                      |            (4,021) |                     |                     |                      |                (63)  |            (4,084) | 
|                                                                                      |                    | -                   | -                   | -                    |                      |                    | 
|       Exchange difference                                                            |            (1,832) |                (32) |                (70) |                  (5) |                  (7) |            (1,946) | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                                           |            76,664  |              1,230  |              2,103  |                407   |                238   |            80,642  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
| Accumulated depreciation                                                             |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       At 1 October 2006                                                              |          (20,029)  |               (733) |            (2,007)  |                (44)  |                (91)  |          (22,904)  | 
|       Charge for the year                                                            |          (10,303)  |               (339) |               (466) |                (86)  |               (149)  |          (11,343)  | 
|       Disposals                                                                      |              1,851 |                     |                     |                      |                  63  |              1,914 | 
|                                                                                      |                    | -                   | -                   | -                    |                      |                    | 
|       Disposal of subsidiaries                                                       |              3,386 |                     |                704  |                      |                      |              4,090 | 
|                                                                                      |                    | -                   |                     | -                    | -                    |                    | 
|       Exchange difference                                                            |                819 |                  32 |                  55 |                    4 |                    5 |                915 | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                                           |          (24,276)  |            (1,040)  |            (1,714)  |               (126)  |               (171)  |          (27,328)  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
| Net book value                                                                       |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                                           |            52,388  |                190  |                389  |                281   |                  66  |            53,314  | 
|                                                                                      |                    |                     |                     |                      |                      |                    | 
| 17   Goodwill and intangible assets                                               |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     | Customers           |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   | Goodwill           | Software            | relationship/       | Brand               | Total               | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     | contracts           |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   | EUR'000              | EUR'000               | with                | EUR'000               |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     | EUR'000               | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     | merchants           |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     | EUR'000               |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| Cost                                                                              |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2007                                                           |          113,028   |                     |              5,042  |                     |          118,070    | 
|                                                                                   |                    | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Arising on acquisition of subsidiaries                                      |          309,578   |            43,052   |            30,625   |              3,119  |          386,374    | 
|       Additions                                                                   |                    |              4,320  |                     |                     |              4,320  | 
|                                                                                   | -                  |                     | -                   | -                   |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                                         |           (27,929) |               (101) |               (491) |                     |           (28,521)  | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Transfer to assets held for sale                                            |            (8,815) |            (2,240)  |            (1,194)  |               (122) |           (12,371)  | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                        |          385,862   |            45,031   |            33,982   |              2,997  |          467,872    | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| Amortisation and impairment                                                       |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2007                                                           |                    |                     |               (936) |                     |               (936) | 
|                                                                                   | -                  | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Impairment loss for the year (note 10)                                      |         (149,173)  |                     |                     |                     |         (149,173)   | 
|                                                                                   |                    | -                   | -                   |                     |                     | 
|       Charge for the year                                                         |                    |            (8,005)  |            (6,789)  |               (433) |           (15,227)  | 
|                                                                                   | -                  |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                                         |                    |                  29 |                  67 |                     |                  96 | 
|                                                                                   | -                  |                     |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Transfer to assets held for sale                                            |                    |                509  |                166  |                  16 |                691  | 
|                                                                                   | -                  |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                        |         (149,173)  |            (7,467)  |            (7,492)  |               (417) |         (164,549)   | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| Carrying amount                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                        |          236,689   |            37,564   |            26,490   |              2,580  |          303,323    | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                                        |          113,028   |                     |              4,106  |                     |          117,134    | 
|                                                                                   |                    | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
|                                                                                   |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| 17   Goodwill and intangible assets - continued                |                     | Contracts           |                     | 
|                                                                | Goodwill            | with                | Total               | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                | EUR'000               | merchants           |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     | EUR'000               | 
|                                                                |                     | EUR'000               |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| Cost                                                           |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2006                                        |          223,609    |                     |          223,609    | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Arising on business combination                          |            17,033   |              5,204  |            22,237   | 
|       Disposals                                                |             (2,780) |                     |             (2,780) | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                      |             (6,850) |               (162) |             (7,012) | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                     |          231,012    |              5,042  |          236,054    | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| Amortisation and impairment                                    |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 1 October 2006                                        |           (74,473)  |                     |           (74,473)  | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Impairment                                               |           (49,140)  |                     |           (49,140)  | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Amortisation                                             |                     |               (966) |               (966) | 
|                                                                | -                   |                     |                     | 
|       Disposals                                                |              2,043  |                     |              2,043  | 
|                                                                |                     | -                   |                     | 
|       Exchange difference                                      |              3,586  |                  30 |              3,616  | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                     |         (117,984)   |               (936) |         (118,920)   | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| Carrying amount                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                     |          113,028    |              4,106  |          117,134    | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
18    Investment in associate 
(i)    Investment in associate undertakings 
| Name                                         | Percentage   | Principal       | Registered Office    | 
|                                              | Shareholding | Activities      | and                  | 
|                                              |              |                 | Country of           | 
|                                              |              |                 | Incorporation        | 
|                                              |              |                 |                      | 
|                                      alphyra | 49.1%        | Money Transfer  | Ireland              | 
|                                     Rietumu  |              |                 |                      | 
|                                     Payment  |              |                 |                      | 
|                                     Services |              |                 |                      | 
|                                     Limited  |              |                 |                      | 
On the 1 July 2008, the company was called upon to reinvest further sums into 
Rietumu by the shareholders. Both Payzone and Invik Banque SA invested EUR1.1m, 
bringing their respective ownerships to 49.1%. 
Rietumu was acquired as part of the acquisition of alphyra and has been 
accounted for as an associate.  The investment does not meet the requirement to 
be accounted for as a joint venture under IAS 31 "Interest in Joint Ventures". 
  *  Payzone only has one board member with equal voting right to the other three 
  board members 
  *  Payzone has no input or participation into the operating or financial decisions 
  of the company other than attendance monthly board meetings 
  *  Payzone voting rights are in direct proportion to shareholding percentages. It 
  has no additional rights and none are proposed for the future 
  *  There are no contractual agreements between Payzone and the other shareholders 
  in relation to operations, strategy or finance of Rietumu. 
 The accounting year end for alphyra Rietumu Payment Services is to the year end 
31 December 2008. Payzone have accounted for alphyra Rietumu Payment Services 
Limited for the 12 months to 30 September 2008 in these financial statements. 
The movement in investment in associate undertakings is set out below: 
|                                                           |        2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
|                       At 1 October 2007                   |           - |          - | 
|                       Acquired on acquisition of          |          62 |          - | 
|                   subsidiaries                            |             |            | 
|                       Investment in associate             |       1,100 |            | 
|                       Share of loss                       |     (1,162) |          - | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
|                       At 30 September 2008                |           - |          - | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
The group's share of the results of its associate which is unlisted, and its 
aggregated assets (including goodwill) and liabilities are as follows: 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Group share of revenue              |        165 |          - | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Non-current assets                  | 114        | -          | 
|                       Cash and cash equivalents           | 206        | -          | 
|                       Other current assets                | 315        | -          | 
|                       Non-current liabilities             | (542)      | -          | 
|                       Current liabilities                 | (305)      | -          | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Share of net (liabilities)          |      (212) |          - | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
| 19   Derivative financial instruments and available for sale financial assets |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | Group              | Company            | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | EUR'000              | EUR'000              | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
| 30 September 2008                                                             |                    |                    | 
| Assets as per balance sheet                                                   |                    |                    | 
|       Derivative financial instruments - Cash Flow Hedge                      |                573 |                573 | 
|       Available for sale financial asset - unquoted (acquired on acquisition) |                124 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Total assets                                                            |                697 |                573 | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
| Liabilities as per balance sheet                                              |                    |                    | 
|       Derivative financial instruments - Cash Flow Hedge                      |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Total                                                                   |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
| 30 September 2007                                                             |                    |                    | 
| Assets as per balance sheet                                                   |                    |                    | 
|       Derivative financial instruments - Cash Flow Hedge                      |                304 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Total                                                                   |                304 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
| Liabilities as per balance sheet                                              |                    |                    | 
|       Derivative financial instruments - Cash Flow Hedge                      |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Total                                                                   |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
 The derivative financial instruments represent an interest rate swap and an 
interest rate collar. The notional principal amounts of the outstanding 
contracts at 30 September 2008 were EUR115.56 million (2007: EUR53.8 million). At 30 
September 2008 the fixed interest rate was 4.4% (2007: 2.25%) and the main 
floating rate was EURIBOR (2007; LIBOR). 
|                   20Investment in subsidiary undertakings |                         | 
|                   - company                               |                         | 
|                                                           |            |       2008 | 
|                                                           |            |      EUR'000 | 
|                       Investment carried at cost:         |            |            | 
|                   Opening balance                         |            | -          | 
|                       Acquired in the period              |            | 328,387    | 
|                       Impairment                          |            | -          | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Balance at 30 September 2008        |            |    328,387 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
    The group's bank borrowings are secured on the share capital of subsidiary 
companies (note 25). 
    (i)Group undertakings 
The exemption permitted by the European Communities (Companies: Group Accounts) 
Regulations 1992 in relation to disclosing details of subsidiary undertakings 
has been availed of.  To avoid a statement of excessive length, non trading 
subsidiary undertakings have not been disclosed.  A full list of subsidiary 
undertakings will be annexed to the annual return of the company. 
| Principal subsidiary                            |     |                                             | 
| undertakings                                    |     |                                             | 
|                                                 |     |                                             | 
| Name                                            |     | Principal activity                          | 
| alphyra Holdings Limited                        |(1)  | Investment holding company                  | 
|                                                 |     |                                             | 
| alphyra Group Limited                           |(1)  | Investment holding company, licensor of     | 
|                                                 |     | proprietary software and technology and     | 
|                                                 |     | provision of management, marketing and      | 
|                                                 |     | other services.                             | 
| alphyra Ireland Limited                         |(1)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | telecom minutes.                            | 
| alphyra Electronic Limited                      |(1)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | telecom minutes.                            | 
| Agentpiece Limited                              |(2)  | Investment holding company                  | 
| alphyra UK Limited                              |(2)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes and utility top ups           | 
| Triton Payment Services                         |(2)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
| Limited                                         |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | telecom minutes.                            | 
| alphyra Payment Services                        |(2)  | Cash collection and management of trust     | 
| Limited                                         |     | accounts                                    | 
| alphyra Benelux BV                              |(3)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| alphyra Nordic AB                               |(4)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| alphyra France SAS                              |(5)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| alphyra Deutschland GmbH                        |(6)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| alphyra Payment Services                        |(7)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
| SAU                                             |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| alphyra Polska Sp. z.o.o.                       |(8)  | Supply and maintenance of electronic        | 
|                                                 |     | payment terminals and reseller of mobile    | 
|                                                 |     | phone minutes                               | 
| Cardpoint Group plc                             |(2)  | Intermediate holding company                | 
|                                     Cardpoint   |(2)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                     Services    |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     Limited     |     |                                             | 
|                                     Cardpoint   |(2)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                     Remote      |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     Limited     |     |                                             | 
| Cardpoint GmbH                                  |(6)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                                 |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
| Cardpoint Technical                             |(2)  | Maintenance and repair of ATMs              | 
| Services Limited                                |     |                                             | 
| Moneybox Limited                                |(2)  | Intermediate holding company                | 
|                                     Moneybox    |(2)  | Intermediate holding company                | 
|                                     Holdings    |     |                                             | 
|                                     Limited     |     |                                             | 
| Moneybox Corporation                            |(2)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
| Limited                                         |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     Moneybox    |(3)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                     Netherlands |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     BV          |     |                                             | 
|                                     Moneybox    |(6)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                     Deutschland |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     GmbH        |     |                                             | 
| G2 Limited                                      |(2)  | Intermediate holding company                | 
| Transacsys Limited                              |(2)  | Intermediate holding company                | 
|                                     Travelex    |(2)  | Ownership and operation of an independent   | 
|                                     ATMs        |     | estate of ATMs                              | 
|                                     Limited     |     |                                             | 
20    Investment in subsidiary undertakings - continued 
    (i)Group undertakings - continued 
Country of incorporation and operation 
| (1)  | Incorporated in the Republic of Ireland                               | 
| (2)  | Incorporated in the United Kingdom                                    | 
| (3)  | Incorporated in the Netherlands                                       | 
| (4)  | Incorporated in Sweden                                                | 
| (5)  | Incorporated in France                                                | 
| (6)  | Incorporated in Germany                                               | 
| (7)  | Incorporated in Spain                                                 | 
| (8)  | Incorporated in Poland                                                | 
 All subsidiaries listed are wholly owned with the exception of Moneybox 
Netherlands BV (51%) and Transacsys Limited (94%). 
| 21   Trade and other receivables                               |              Group                       |                    | 
|                                                                |                                          | Company            | 
|                                                                |               2008  |               2007 |               2008 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|       Trade receivables                                        |            86,031   |              3,431 |                    | 
|                                                                |                     |                    | -                  | 
|       Less provision for impairment of trade receivables       |             (5,433) |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                     | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|       Trade receivable net                                     |            80,598   |              3,431 |                    | 
|                                                                |                     |                    | -                  | 
|       Prepayments and accrued income                           |              7,596  |              1,474 |                107 | 
|       VAT receivables                                          |                     |                    |                406 | 
|                                                                | -                   | -                  |                    | 
|       Other debtors                                            |              3,442  |              2,917 |                    | 
|                                                                |                     |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |            91,636   |              7,822 |                513 | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
    All receivables are due within twelve months from the balance sheet date. 
    The fair value of trade and other receivables approximate to the values 
shown above. 
Included in receivables is an amount of EUR28 million, which is collectable by the 
group in its capacity as agent and payable to mobile phone operators. 
The contractual terms of receivables vary from 7 - 30 days. Management regard 
receivables due within 30 days as current. As of 30 September 2008, trade 
receivable of EUR18,953,000, (2007: EURNil) were past due. These relate to a number 
of independent customers from whom there is no history of default. The ageing 
analysis of these trade receivables is shown below: 
21    Trade and other receivables - continued 
| Group                                                                         |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       1 - 3 months overdue                                                    |            12,538  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|       3 to 6 months overdue                                                   |                135 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|       Over 6 months overdue                                                   |              6,280 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               |            18,953  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
 As of 30 September 2008, trade receivable of EUR5,432,623, (2007: EURNil) were 
impaired, and these were provided for in full. The individually impaired 
receivables are assessed to be so, based on their age profile, and in some cases 
on a dispute as to the customer's contractual obligation to pay. All of those 
receivables were aged between 3 and 12 months. 
    Movements on the group provision for impairment of trade receivables are as 
| Group                                                                         |               2008   |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000   |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
|       At 30 September 2007                                                    |                      |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                    | -                  | 
|       Amounts used during the year                                            |               (380)  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|       Amounts recovered during the year                                       |               (772)  |                    | 
|       Exchange adjustment                                                     |                 (15) |                    | 
|       Transfer to assets held for sale                                        |             (1,353)  |                    | 
|       Provision for receivables impairment                                    |              4,876   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|       Acquired on acquisition of subsidiaries                                 |              3,077   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
|       At 30 September 2008                                                    |              5,433   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired 
assets. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the 
carrying value of each receivable mentioned above. 
The company holds an amount of EUR264 million in relation to receivables due from 
subsidiary undertakings. The full amount of these receivables are considered 
impaired and have been fully provided for in the company's financial statements 
at 30 September 2008. 
|                   22    Inventories                       |        2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
|                       Goods for resale                    |     22,476  |     652    | 
|                       Less: inventory provision           |     (3,694) |     -      | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
|                       Goods for resale - net              |      18,782 |        652 | 
|                                                           |             |            | 
 There is no material difference between the replacement cost of inventory and 
the balance sheet amounts. Inventories include credit card and prepaid terminals 
held for resale of EUR2.7 million (2007: EURNil). 
23    Restricted cash 
The restricted cash balance relates to balances held in trust in respect of 
certain creditors. This cash is held in a separate trust account and can only be 
used to make payments in respect of the related creditor balances. The related 
creditors are included in trade payables. 
| 24   Trade and other payables                                  |                         Group           |                    | 
|                                                                |                                         | Company            | 
|                                                                |               2008 |               2007 |               2008 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Amounts owed in respect of client cash (i)               |            17,072  |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    | -                  | -                  | 
|       Other trade payables                                     |          144,552   |            14,107  |              1,692 | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Trade payables                                           |          161,624   |            14,107  |              1,692 | 
|       Social security and other taxes                          |              1,225 |                285 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|       Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings                  |                    |                    |                619 | 
|                                                                | -                  | -                  |                    | 
|       Accruals and deferred income                             |            35,388  |              8,672 |              8,558 | 
|       Other payables                                           |              1,464 |              7,092 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |          199,701   |            30,156  |            10,869  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
    (i)Client cash relates to monies collected on behalf of clients where the 
group has title to the funds. An equivalent balance is included within cash and 
cash equivalents. 
|                                                                |                         Group           |                    | 
|                                                                |                                         | Company            | 
|       Social security and other tax                            |               2008 |               2007 |               2008 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|       PAYE and PRSI                                            |                966 |                285 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|       VAT payable                                              |                259 |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |              1,225 |                285 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
    The fair value of trade and other payables approximate to the values shown 
| 25   Borrowings                                                |                         Group           |                    | 
|                                                                |                                         | Company            | 
|                                                                |               2008 |               2007 |               2008 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Non-current liability                                    |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Preference shares                                        |              5,429 |                    |              5,429 | 
|                                                                |                    | -                  |                    | 
|       Bank borrowings                                          |          271,355   |          109,768   |          271,355   | 
|       Obligations under finance leases                         |              1,678 |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |          278,462   |          109,768   |          276,784   | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
| Current liability                                              |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Bank overdrafts                                          |                250 |              1,043 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|       Bank borrowings                                          |            13,167  |              6,679 |            13,167  | 
|       Obligations under finance leases                         |              1,534 |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |            14,951  |              7,722 |            13,167  | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|       Total borrowings                                         |          293,413   |          117,490   |          289,951   | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
25    Borrowings - continued 
Preference shares 
On 22 May 2008, Payzone plc issued 5,500,000 convertible preference shares at EUR1 
each.  The key terms of the Convertible Preference Shares are as follows: 
7% annual PIK dividend is payable through the issue of 0.07 additional 
new Convertible Preference Shares on an annual basis for each New Convertible 
Preference Share then held. 
Holder Conversion: 
The preference shareholder may convert their holdings into Ordinary Shares from 
40 days following the date of issue and thereafter at any time at a fixed 
conversion rate (which is subject to adjustment for anti-dilution only). 
Payzone Forced Conversion: 
The company has the right to require the preference shareholders to convert the 
Convertible Preference Shares at any time after the third anniversary plus 14 
days of the date of issue into Ordinary Shares if, for a period of 20 out of 30 
consecutive active dealing days, the share price of an Ordinary Share converted 
to Euros at the prevailing exchange rate, equals or exceeds 125% of the 
prevailing conversion price, at the fixed conversion rate (which is subject to 
adjustment for anti-dilution only). 
Payzone Optional Redemption: 
The company has the right to redeem all (but not some only) of the Convertible 
Preference Shares at any time after the tenth anniversary of the date of issue 
of the initial New Convertible Preference Shares at the issue price. 
Change of Control: 
In the event of change in control, a preference shareholder may elect to redeem 
their holding of New Convertible Preference Shares at 125% of their issue price, 
or convert their holding into Ordinary Shares at a fixed conversion ratio. If a 
preference shareholder does not so redeem or convert their Convertible 
Preference Shares on a change of control, the company is entitled to redeem the 
Convertible Preference Shares at 125% of the issue price. 
The Convertible Preference Shares are perpetual, subject to the conversion and 
redemption rights. 
In accordance with IAS 32, the full amount of the preference shares (net of 
transaction costs incurred) has been classified as a financial liability because 
the company does not have the unconditional right to avoid delivering cash (on 
the occurrence of a change in control). 
The finance cost on the preference shares is calculated using the effective 
interest rate method, applying the effective interest rate of 8.2%. 
25    Borrowings - continued 
Bank borrowings 
The Group has entered into a senior multicurrency term and revolving facilities 
agreement with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc for EUR332 million on the 5 December 
2007. Following trading difficulties as highlighted in the company's interim 
statement and a breach of banking covenants as at 31 March 2008 which resulted 
in the debt becoming repayable on demand as at that date, the company entered 
into discussions with its banking syndicate to increase the flexibility under 
its facility arrangement through a resetting of covenants. These discussions 
have led to changes to the commercial terms of the original facility agreement. 
These changes took place in June 2008, and have reduced the facility to 
EUR320 million and have added margins to the term facilities. At 30 September 
2008, the group has drawn down EUR295 million of this facility. The latest 
repayment date in respect of this facility is 30 September 2013. All facilities 
are secured by debenture giving Royal Bank of Scotland plc security over certain 
assets of the Group. 
 Interest is paid at EURIBOR, the mandatory cost rate and a margin between 
3%-3.5%. The Group entered into a 3 year hedging agreement to protect itself 
from interest rate fluctuations. Further details of the swap are detailed in 
notes 19 and 41 to the financial statements. 
 Unamortised issue costs of EUR6,549,271(2007: EURNil) have been netted against 
outstanding bank loans and are being amortised to the income statement on an 
effective interest rate basis. 
  The fair values of the bank borrowings, denominated in Euro, approximate to 
the values shown above. 
| Maturity profile of bank borrowings                            |                         Group           |                    | 
|                                                                |                                         | Company            | 
|                                                                |               2008 |               2007 |               2008 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|       Bank borrowings are repayable as follows:                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Bank overdraft                                     |                250 |              1,043 |                    | 
|                                                                |                    |                    | -                  | 
|             Within one year                                    |            13,167  |              6,679 |            13,167  | 
|             After one but within two years                     |            19,168  |              8,880 |            19,168  | 
|             After two but within five years                    |            54,659  |            49,028  |            54,659  | 
|             After five years                                   |          197,528   |            51,860  |          197,528   | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                                |          284,772   |          117,490   |          284,522   | 
|                                                                |                    |                    |                    | 
Bank overdraft 
The group's bank overdraft facilities are part of the overall facility from 
Royal Bank of Scotland plc which is secured by certain assets of Group.  The 
fair value of the bank overdrafts approximates to the values shown above. The 
overdraft was subject to per annum interest charges ranging from 6% to 12% 
during 2008. 
Finance leases 
Finance leases relate to motor vehicles and office equipment with lease terms of 
between 3 and 5 years. The Group has options to purchase the equipment for a 
nominal amount at the conclusion of the lease agreements. The Group's 
obligations under finance leases are secured by the lessors' title to the leased 
The fair value of the finance lease liabilities is approximately equal to their 
carrying amount. 
|                                                | Minimum lease payment                    | Present value of minimum                | 
|                                                |                                          | lease payments                          | 
|                                                |               2008  |               2007 |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                | EUR'000               | EUR'000              | EUR'000              | EUR'000              | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
|             Not later than 1 year              |              1,667  |                    |              1,534 |                    | 
|                                                |                     | -                  |                    | -                  | 
| Later than 1 year and not later                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
| than 5 years                                   |              1,738  |                    |              1,678 |                    | 
|                                                |                     | -                  |                    | -                  | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |              3,405  |                    |              3,212 |                    | 
|                                                |                     | -                  |                    | -                  | 
|             Less future finance charges        |               (193) |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                     | -                  | -                  | -                  | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
| Present value of minimum lease                 |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
| payments                                       |              3,212  |                    |              3,212 |                    | 
|                                                |                     | -                  |                    | -                  | 
|                                                |                     |                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                |                               | Present value of minimum                | 
|                                                |                               | lease payments                          | 
|                                                |               |               |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                |               |               |                    |                    | 
|                                                |               |               | EUR'000              | EUR'000              | 
|                                                |               |               |                    |                    | 
| Included in the financial                      |               |               |                    |                    | 
| statements as:                                 |               |               |                    |                    | 
|             Current borrowings                 |               |               |              1,534 |                    | 
|                                                |               |               |                    | -                  | 
|             Non-current borrowings             |               |               |              1,678 |                    | 
|                                                |               |               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                |               |               |                    |                    | 
|                                                |               |               |              3,212 |                    | 
|                                                |               |               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                |               |               |                    |                    | 
26Pension cost 
The group administers a defined contribution scheme for the benefit of its 
employees. Employees make contributions to the plan and the group has the 
discretion to match these contributions. Contributions are charged to the Income 
Statement in the period they are incurred. 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Income statement charge:            |            |            | 
|                        - pension costs                    | 695        | 146        | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |        695 |        146 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
The charge of EUR695,000 (2007: EUR146,000) was included in administrative expenses. 
There is an accrual of EUR11,000 for pension contributions at the balance sheet 
date (2007: EUR36,000). 
| 27   Deferred income tax                                                      |               2008  |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
| (i)Deferred tax liabilities                                                   |                     |                    | 
|             At 1 October 2007                                                 |              1,143  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|             Exchange differences                                              |               (117) |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|             Acquisition of subsidiary (note 15)                               |            19,114   |              1,143 | 
|             Income statement credit (note 13)                                 |             (3,226) |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|             At 30 September 2008                                              |            16,914   |              1,143 | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
The deferred tax arising on the acquisition of the alphyra group (note 15) is 
mainly as a consequence of fair value adjustments on acquisition to recognise 
intangible assets in that business. 
|                                                                               |               2008   |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000   |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
| (ii) Deferred tax asset                                                       |                      |                    | 
|             At 1 October 2007                                                 |                      |                    | 
|                                                                               | -                    | -                  | 
|             Acquired on acquisition of subsidiary                             |              1,457   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|             Income statement charge (note 13)                                 |                 (97) |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|             Transfer to assets held for sale                                  |               (788)  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
|             At 30 September 2008                                              |                572   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                      | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                      |                    | 
The deferred tax asset arises on temporary differences between net book values 
and tax written down values of certain assets. 
 The group has losses forward of EUR58 million arising from trading losses and 
accelerated depreciation in the UK subsidiaries.  No deferred tax asset has been 
recognised in respect of such losses. 
| 28   Provisions for other       | Onerous lease      |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| liabilities and charges         |                    | Deferred            | Onerous             | Other               | Total               | 
|                                 |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                 |                    | contingent          | contract            |                     |                     | 
|                                 |                    | consideration       |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                 | EUR'000              |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                 |                    | claims              |                     | EUR'000               | EUR'000               | 
|                                 |                    |                     | EUR'000               |                     |                     | 
|                                 |                    | EUR'000               |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                 |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2007      |                    |                     |              6,494  |                     |              6,494  | 
|                                 | -                  | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
| Charged/(credited) to the       |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| income statement:               |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| -     additional                |                345 |                     |                     |              2,900  |              3,245  | 
| provisions                      |                    |                     | -                   |                     |                     | 
| -     unused amounts            |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| reversed                        |                    |                     |               (512) |                     |               (512) | 
|                                 | -                  | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
| -     unwinding of              |                    |                856  |                     |                     |                856  | 
| discount                        | -                  |                     | -                   | -                   |                     | 
|       Used during year          |                    |             (4,577) |             (1,465) |               (360) |             (6,402) | 
|                                 | -                  |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| Provisions acquired             |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
| through business combinations   |                    |            11,649   |                     |                260  |            11,909   | 
|                                 | -                  |                     | -                   |                     |                     | 
|       Exchange differences      |                    |                     |               (764) |                     |               (764) | 
|                                 | -                  | -                   |                     | -                   |                     | 
|                                 |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
|       At 30 September 2008      |                345 |              7,928  |              3,753  |              2,800  |            14,826   | 
|                                 |                    |                     |                     |                     |                     | 
28    Provisions for other liabilities and charges - continued 
|       Analysis of total provisions:                                           |               2008 |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|       Non-current                                                             |              6,993 |              6,494 | 
|       Current                                                                 |              7,833 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                    | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
|                                                                               |            14,826  |              6,494 | 
|                                                                               |                    |                    | 
(a)Onerous lease 
The onerous lease provision is in respect of vacation of the Blackpool offices 
following the restructuring in the United Kingdom. 
(b)    Deferred Contingent Consideration 
Total deferred acquisition consideration amounts to EUR7,928,000 (2007: EURnil) and 
represents provision for the net present value of the amounts expected to be 
payable in respect of acquisitions which are subject to earn out arrangements. 
(c)Onerous contract 
In the year ended 30 September 2007, following the acquisition of Travelex, a 
fair value provision of EUR6,494,000 was provided for onerous contract losses 
associated with a customer contract. 
During the year EUR1,465,000 of the provision was utilised while a further 
EUR512,000 was released to the income statement on the basis that the losses are 
expected to be less than originally anticipated. 
(d)    Other 
Other represents provisions for various legal cases and professional fees. No 
disclosure is being made in relation to these as to do so may be prejudicial to 
the outcome. 
29Assets and liabilities of disposal groups held for sale 
At the year end, the group had entered into an agreement to dispose of its 
French, Italian and Spanish businesses (the disposal groups).  This deal 
completed on 31 October 2008 subject to competition approval in France.  The 
sale is part of a change in strategic focus for the Group as management made the 
decision to concentrate on the key business markets in which Payzone operate and 
which will continue to offer significant growth to the Group. 
 The total proceeds for the disposal groups is EUR20 million, of which 
EUR13.2 million will be received in cash and EUR6.7 million by way of assignment of 
financial guarantees.  As part of the transaction inter-company balances of EUR4.3 
million owed to Payzone plc are to be written off. 
 The disposal groups have been treated as "held for sale" in the financial 
statements in accordance with IFRS 5 "Non-Current assets held for sale and 
discontinued operations".  The disposal groups are part of the Northern and 
Southern Europe segments as disclosed in the Segmental Reporting information in 
note 6.  On initial reclassification of these operations as held for sale, the 
Group has recognised impairment losses of EUR2.9 million. 
29Assets and liabilities of disposal groups held for sale - continued 
The major classes of assets and liabilities comprising the operations classified 
as held for sale at the balance sheet date are as follows: 
|                                                                               | Group                                    | 
|                                                                               |               2008  |               2007 | 
|                                                                               |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|       Property, plant and equipment                                           |              1,592  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Intangible assets                                                       |              2,865  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Goodwill                                                                |              8,815  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Inventories                                                             |                953  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Trade and other receivables                                             |            16,245   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Cash and cash equivalents                                               |              1,659  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Current tax asset                                                       |                  62 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Deferred tax                                                            |                788  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Impairment provision                                                    |             (2,935) |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|       Assets of a disposal group held for sale                                |            30,044   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|       Bank overdraft                                                          |                755  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Borrowings                                                              |                  76 |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Trade and other payables                                                |            14,677   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|       Provisions                                                              |              5,533  |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
|       Liabilities of a disposal group held for sale                           |            21,041   |                    | 
|                                                                               |                     | -                  | 
|                                                                               |                     |                    | 
| 30   Share capital                                             |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                | Share               | Share               | Total               | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|       Group                                                    | capital             | premium             |               2008  | 
|                                                                |               2008  |               2008  |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000  |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
| (a) Share capital and share premium                            |                     |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|             At 1 October 2007                                  |              8,296  |           132,617   |           140,913   | 
|             Ordinary shares issued in Cardpoint plc            |                 244 |                 868 |              1,112  | 
|             Ordinary shares issued in Payzone plc              |              6,003  |           347,954   |           353,957   | 
|             Transfer to reverse acquisition reserve (Note 31)  |             (8,540) |         (133,485)   |         (142,025)   | 
|             Share Issue costs                                  |                     |             (1,114) |             (1,114) | 
|                                                                | -                   |                     |                     | 
|                                                                |                     |                     |                     | 
|             At 30 September 2008                               |              6,003  |           346,840   |           352,843   | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|                                                                | Share               | Share              | Total              | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|                                                                | capital             | premium            |               2007 | 
|                                                                |               2007  |               2007 |              EUR'000 | 
|                                                                |              EUR'000  |              EUR'000 |                    | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|             At 1 October 2006                                  |              7,786  |           130,468  |           138,254  | 
|             Ordinary shares issued in Cardpoint plc            |                 510 |              2,149 |              2,659 | 
|                                                                |                     |                    |                    | 
|             At 30 September 2007                               |              8,296  |           132,617  |           140,913  | 
30    Share capital - continued 
(a)    Share capital and share premium - continued 
| Company                                        | Number             |                    |                     |                     | 
|                                                | of                 | Share              | Share               | Total               | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                     |                     | 
|                                                | Shares             | capital            | premium             |               2008  | 
|                                                |               2008 |               2008 |               2008  |              EUR'000  | 
|                                                |                    |              EUR'000 |              EUR'000  |                     | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                     |                     | 
|             At 13 September 2007               |                    |                    |                     |                     | 
|                                                | -                  | -                  | -                   | -                   | 
| Ordinary shares issued in Payzone              |    440,692,735     |              6,003 |           347,954   |           353,957   | 
| plc                                            |                    |                    |                     |                     | 
|             Share Issue costs                  |                    |                    |             (1,114) |             (1,114) | 
|                                                | -                  |                    |                     |                     | 
|                                                |                    |                    |                     |                     | 
|             At 30 September 2008               |    440,692,735     |              6,003 |           346,840   |           352,843   | 
The total authorised number of ordinary shares is 1,000,000,000 ordinary shares 
of GBP0.01 each, 12,000,000 deferred shares of EUR0.01 each, 10,000,000 'A' shares 
of EUR0.01 each and 12,000,000 convertible preference shares of EUR0.01 each.  All 
issued shares are fully paid up. 
The ordinary shares may be issued with such preferential, qualified and other 
special rights, privileges or condition, whether in regard to dividend, voting, 
return of capital or otherwise, as the company may from time to time direct by 
Ordinary Resolution.  No such special rights have been issued in respect of 
these shares to date. 
(b)Share options 
At 1 October 2007 Cardpoint plc operated seven share incentive arrangements as 
(a)    the Cardpoint Employee Share Option Schemes, comprising the Cardpoint plc 
Company Share Option Schemes, comprising the Cardpoint plc Company share 
ownership plan, as approved by HMRC, and the Cardpoint plc Unapproved Employee 
Share Option Scheme. 
(b)    the Cardpoint plc Unapproved Employee Share Option Scheme 2002; 
(c)    the EMI option agreements 
(d)    individual Share Option Awards to Philip Lanigan and Paul Saxton, 
governed by the rules of the Cardpoint plc unapproved Employee share option 
(e)an Option Agreement and a Subscription Agreement with Bob Thian 
(f)    the Cardpoint plc Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) and 
(g)LTIP Individual Award to Rudolf Tale - Yadzi. 
At 1 October 2007, there were unexercised options, awards and subscriptions 
rights outstanding under the Cardpoint Incentive Schemes to subscribe for an 
aggregate of 8.7m Cardpoint ordinary shares. 
Vesting conditions attaching to the schemes are based on service condition for 
all schemes and performance conditions (e.g. EPS targets) for some schemes. 
As a result of the reverse acquisition, options and subscription rights became 
exercisable in full. As an alternative to exercising their options the 
participants were offered the opportunity to roll over their options into 
equivalent rights in the Cardpoint Incentive Schemes relating to Payzone shares 
(Rollover Option). The value of the Payzone shares and the total exercise price 
of Rollover Option immediately after the exchange were equal to the value of the 
Cardpoint shares and the exercise price of the option under the relevant 
Cardpoint Incentive Schemes immediately before the exchange. 
30    Share capital - continued 
    (b)Share options - continued 
    The movements on the various share incentive schemes are set out below: 
|                                          |               |             |         EMI |               |        Option |          Long |      (LTIP) |         Total | 
|                                          |     Cardpoint |   Cardpoint |             |    Individual |     agreement |          Term |             |               | 
|                                          |               |             |             |        Option |           and |               |  Individual |               | 
|                                          |      Employee |    Employee |             |        awards |  Subscription |     Incentive |       Award |               | 
|                                          |         Share |       Share |             |       (Philip |     Agreement |          Plan |     (Rudolf |               | 
|                                          |        Option |      Option |             |       Lanigan |   (Bob Thian) |        (LTIP) |      Tale - |               | 
|                                          |        Scheme |      Scheme |             |           and |               |               |      Yadzi) |               | 
|                                          |         (CSOP |        2002 |             |          Paul |               |               |             |               | 
|                                          |           and |             |             |       Saxton) |               |               |             |               | 
|                                          |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                                          |   unapproved) |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                                          |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                       As at 1 October    |     1,783,049 |     100,000 |     131,951 |     2,000,000 |     2,400,000 |     1,828,285 |     500,000 |     8,743,285 | 
|                   2007                   |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                       Exercised prior to | (810,000)     | (100,000)   |     -       |     -         | (2,400,000)   | (165,364)     |     -       | (3,475,364)   | 
|                   5 December 2007        |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                       Exercised on 6     |     -         |     -       |     -       |     -         |     -         |     (203,906) |     -       |     (203,906) | 
|                   December 2007          |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                       Lapsed             | (223,049)     |     -       | (6,951)     | (2,000,000)   |     -         | (264,082)     |     -       | (2,494,082)   | 
|                                          |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
|                   As at 30 September     |     750,000   |     -       |     125,000 |     -         |     -         |     1,194,933 |     500,000 |     2,569,933 | 
|                   2008                   |               |             |             |               |               |               |             |               | 
30    Share capital - continued 
    (b)Share options - continued 
    At 30 September 2008, the following share options which had been granted by 
Cardpoint plc, at market value, to certain employees and shareholders were 
rolled over into Payzone plc options and remained outstanding: 
|                   Number of shares |   Option price |                Exercise period | 
|                                    |      per share |                                | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   Unapproved       |            GBP |                                | 
|                   Scheme options   |                |                                | 
|                       130,000      |           0.93 |         22 December 2003 to 22 | 
|                                    |                |                  December 2013 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   190,000          |           1.25 |     26 May 2004 to 26 May 2017 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   185,000          |           1.15 |         30 December 2004 to 30 | 
|                                    |                |                  December 2017 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                       20,680       |           0.71 |         28 December 2005 to 28 | 
|                                    |                |                  December 2018 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   EMI Scheme       |                |                                | 
|                   options          |                |                                | 
|                   85,000           |           0.59 |   10 July 2003 to 10 July 2016 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   40,000           |           0.93 |         22 December 2003 to 22 | 
|                                    |                |                  December 2016 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   CSOP Options     |                |                                | 
|                       224,320      |           0.71 |         28 December 2005 to 28 | 
|                                    |                |                  December 2018 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                   LTIPS            |                |                                | 
|                       1,659,046    |           0.92 |     24 May 2007 to 24 May 2020 | 
|                                    |                |                                | 
|                       35,887       |           0.05 | 29 March 2006 to 29 March 2019 | 
|                                                | 2008                                   | 2007                                   | 
|                                                | Number            |                    | Number            |                    | 
|                                                | of                | Weighted           | of                | Weighted           | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|                                                | options           | average            | options           | average            | 
|                                                |                   | exercise           |                   | exercise           | 
|                                                |                   | price              |                   | price              | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|                                                |                   | pence              |                   | pence              | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|       Outstanding on 1 October                 |       8,743,285   |              61.15 |       6,537,125   |              34.94 | 
|       Granted                                  |                   |                    |       6,164,852   |              67.95 | 
|                                                | -                 | -                  |                   |                    | 
|       Lapsed                                   |      (2,494,082)  |              89.29 |         (525,352) |            104.79  | 
|       Exercised prior to 5 December            |      (3,475,364)  |              22.87 |      (3,433,340)  |              16.77 | 
|       Exercised on 6 December                  |         (203,906) |               5.00 |                   |                    | 
|                                                |                   |                    | -                 | -                  | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|       Outstanding on 30 September              |       2,569,933   |              92.17 |       8,743,285   |              61.15 | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
|       Exercisable on 30 September              |       1,621,840   |              92.70 |          885,000  |              80.32 | 
|                                                |                   |                    |                   |                    | 
Options were exercised prior to the merger and immediately after the merger was 
completed and the average share price for the year was 32.58 pence. 
The options outstanding at 30 September 2008 have a weighted average remaining 
contractual life of 1.66 years. The exercise price of these options ranged from 
5.00 pence to 1.25 pound. 
30    Share capital - continued 
(b)Share options - continued 
Risk-free rate 
The risk-free rate is the yield to maturity on the date of grant of a UK Gilt 
Strip, with term to maturity equal to the expected life of the option. 
Expected life 
It was assumed that options would be exercised within a two year period 
following the date when they first vest. 
Share based payments 
The fair values of share options granted were charged to the income statement 
over the relevant vesting period, adjusted to reflect actual and expected 
vesting levels. 
30    Share capital - continued 
Share based payments - continued 
A summary of the fair value and pricing model inputs for all the share option 
awards that fall under the IFRS 2 accounting charge is set out below: 
|                         |      Original |         Share |     Exercise  |          Fair |      Vesting  |      Expected |          Risk |               | 
|                   Date  |        number |         Price |         price |      value on |        period |          life |          free |    Volatility | 
|                   of    |       granted |      on grant |         pence |         grant |         years |         years |          rate |             % | 
|                   grant |               |          date |               |          date |               |               |             % |               | 
|                         |               |         pence |               |         pence |               |               |               |               | 
|     Unapproved scheme options           |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     623,049   |     93.50     | 93.50         |     42.76     |     3         |     5         |     4.67      |     44.96     | 
|                   22    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Dec   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2003  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     425,000   |     125.00    |     125.00    |     66.46     |     3         |     5         |     5.16      |     44.09     | 
|                   26    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   May   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2004  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     400,000   |     115.50    |     115.50    |     50.86     |     3         |     5         |     4.53      |     42.80     | 
|                   30    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Dec   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2004  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     21,360    |     71.75     |     71.75     |     35.24     |     3         |     5         |     4.15      |     51.11     | 
|                   28    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Dec   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2005  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|     EMI scheme options                  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     456,132   |     62.50     | 59.50         |     30.60     |     3         |     5         |     3.82      |     49.47     | 
|                   10    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Jul   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2003  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     211,951   |     93.50     |     93.50     |     42.76     |     3         |     5         |     4.67      |     44.96     | 
|                   22    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Dec   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2003  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|     CSOP options                        |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     313,640   |     71.75     |     71.75     |     35.24     |     3         |     5         |     4.15      |     51.11     | 
|                   21    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Dec   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2005  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   LTPS  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     1,577,821 |     92.00     |     5.00      |     63.15     |     3         |     3         |     4.47      |     49.86     | 
|                   29    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   Mar   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2006* |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                         |     1,764,852 |     94.00     |     92.25     |     36.20     |     3         |     3         |     5.40      |     48.03     | 
|                   24    |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   May   |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
|                   2007  |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |               | 
Awards with only service conditions attaching have been valued using the 
Black-Scholes pricing model. 
Expected volatility 
The volatility of the Cardpoint's share price on each date of grant was 
calculated as the average of the standard deviations of daily continuously 
compounded returns on the Company's stock, calculated back from the date of 
grant to 7 June 2002, which was the date of admission to trading on AIM. 
* The above awards are based upon achievement of total shareholder return 
("TSR") performance targets over a three year period set against the TSR 
achieved by a comparator group of companies. As a result, the Monte Carlo 
pricing model was deemed to be the most appropriate pricing model to be used to 
calculate the fair values under these awards. All other awards are not subject 
to any performance measure and the Black-Scholes pricing model has been used for 
these awards. 
|                   31    Other reserves               |      Other |               |            |              |               |   Minority |         Total | 
|                                                      |    reserve |       Reverse |    Hedging |  Translation |      Retained |   Interest |         EUR'000 | 
|                                                      |      EUR'000 |               |            |      reserve |        losses |      EUR'000 |               | 
|                                                      |            |   acquisition |    reserve |        EUR'000 |         EUR'000 |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |       reserve |      EUR'000 |              |               |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |         EUR'000 |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       (a)    Group                   |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Balance at 1 October 2006      |     522    |     -         |     493    |     -        |     (60,286)  |     155    |     (59,116)  | 
|                       Cash flow hedge:               |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                        - Fair value gains in year    |     -      |     -         |     304    |     -        |     -         |     -      |     304       | 
|                    - Transfer to finance costs       |     -      |     -         |     (493)  |     -        |     -         |     -      |     (493)     | 
|                       Loss for the year              |     -      |     -         |     -      |     -        |     (47,464)  |     -      |     (47,464)  | 
|                       Credit for equity settled      |     -      |     -         |     -      |     -        |     2,412     |     -      |     2,412     | 
|                   share based payments               |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                   Exchange differences on            |     -      |     -         |     -      |     (526)    |     -         |     -      |     (526)     | 
|                   translating foreign operations     |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                   Balance at 30 September 2007       |     522    |     -         |     304    |     (526)    |     (105,338) |     155    |     (104,883) | 
|                       Transfer to reverse            |     (522)  |     136,064   |            |     6,483    |               |            |     142,025   | 
|                   acquisition reserve                |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Loss for the financial year    |     -      |     -         |            |     -        |     (206,386) |     462    |     (205,924) | 
|                   Exchange differences on            |     -      |     -         |     (35)   |     (33,838) |               |            |     (33,873)  | 
|                   translating foreign operations     |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Credit for equity settled      |            |               |            |              |     3,840     |     -      |     3,840     | 
|                   share based payments               |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Issue of shares - Payzone plc  |     -      |     (124,028) |            |     -        |               |            |     (124,028) | 
|                       Cash flow hedge:               |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                    - Fair value gains in year        |     -      |     -         |     608    |     -        |     -         |     -      |     608       | 
|                    - Transfers to finance costs      |     -      |     -         |     (304)  |     -        |     -         |     -      |     (304)     | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Balance at 30 September 2008   |          - |        12,036 |        573 |     (27,881) |     (307,884) |        617 |     (322,539) | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                     (b)    Company                   |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Balance at 13 September 2007   |            |               |     -      |              |     -         |            |     -         | 
|                       Loss for the financial year    |            |               |     -      |              |     (307,724) |            |     (307,724) | 
|                       Cash flow hedge - fair value   |            |               |     573    |              |     -         |            |     573       | 
|                   fairs in the period                |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
|                       Balance at 30 September 2008   |            |               |        573 |              |     (307,724) |            |     (307,151) | 
|                                                      |            |               |            |              |               |            |               | 
31    Other reserves - continued 
Reverse acquisition reserve 
The reverse acquisition reserve arises on the difference between the fair value 
of shares issued by Payzone plc to acquire Cardpoint plc less the book value of 
the net assets of Cardpoint plc at 5 December 2007, in accordance with IFRS 3. 
Hedging reserve 
The hedging reserve represents hedging gains and losses recognised on the 
effective portion of cash flow hedges.The cumulative deferred gain or loss on 
the hedge is recognised in profit or loss when the hedged transaction impacts 
the profit or loss, or is included as a basis adjustment to the 
non-financial hedged item, consistent with the applicable accounting policy. 
Translation reserve 
Exchange differences relating to the translation from the functional currencies 
of the Group's foreign subsidiaries into the presentation currency are brought 
to account by entries made directly to the foreign currency translation reserve. 
|                   32Cash and cash equivalents             |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   Cash and cash equivalents               |     43,348 |     12,440 | 
|                   Cash held in disposal group held for    |      1,659 |          - | 
|                   sale (note 29)                          |            |            | 
|                       Bank overdraft held in disposal     |      (755) |          - | 
|                   group held for sale (note 29)           |            |            | 
|                                                           |     44,252 |     12,440 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                   33    Notes to the cash flow |                      Group |            | 
|                   statement                    |                            |    Company | 
|                                                |        2008 |         2007 |       2008 | 
|                                                |       EUR'000 |        EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                |             |              |            | 
|                   Loss before taxation         | (208,110)   |     (47,106) | (307,690)  | 
|                       Adjustments for:         |             |              |            | 
|                       Depreciation of          | 24,399      |     11,343   | -          | 
|                   property, plant and          |             |              |            | 
|                   equipment                    |             |              |            | 
|                       Amortisation of          |     15,227  |     966      |     -      | 
|                   intangible assets            |             |              |            | 
|                       Goodwill impairment      | 149,173     |     49,140   | -          | 
|                   (note 10)                    |             |              |            | 
|                       Impairment of            |     -       |     -        | 263,896    | 
|                   intercompany                 |             |              |            | 
|                   receivables/investments      |             |              |            | 
|                       Share of losses for      | 1,162       |     -        | -          | 
|                   associate (note 18)          |             |              |            | 
|                       Finance income           | (1,384)     |     (396)    | (279)      | 
|                       Finance costs (note 12)  | 30,593      |     8,964    | 24,816     | 
|                       Profit/(loss) on sale of | (86)        |     410      | -          | 
|                   property, plant and          |             |              |            | 
|                   equipment (note 11)          |             |              |            | 
|                       Loss on business         | -           |     2,067    | -          | 
|                   closures and disposals (note |             |              |            | 
|                   9)                           |             |              |            | 
|                   Share based payment expense  | 3,840       |     2,412    | -          | 
|                   (note 31)                    |             |              |            | 
|                                                |             |              |            | 
|                       Operating cash flows     | 14,814      |     27,800   | (19,257)   | 
|                   before movements in working  |             |              |            | 
|                   capital                      |             |              |            | 
|                                                |             |              |            | 
|                       Decrease/(increase) in   | 8,247       |     (80)     |     -      | 
|                   inventories                  |             |              |            | 
|                       (Increase)/decrease in   | (15,376)    |     1,994    |     -      | 
|                   receivables                  |             |              |            | 
|                       Increase in payables     |     (2,640) |     (10,859) | 4,816      | 
|                   Increase in provisions       | 4,892       |     (870)    |            | 
|                                                |             |              |            | 
|                       Cash flow from operating |       9,937 |       17,985 |   (14,441) | 
|                   activities                   |             |              |            | 
34    Contingencies 
The group had provided guarantees to mobile phone operators totalling EUR7.5 
million at 30 September 2008, of which EUR6.5 million was released subsequent jto 
yea end as a result of the sale of some subsidiaries (note 39). 
35    Commitments 
    (a)    Capital commitments 
    Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet date but not yet 
incurred is as follows: 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Property, plant and equipment       |        395 |          - | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
    (b)    Operating lease commitments - group company as lessee 
The group leases various retail outlets, offices and warehouses under 
non-cancellable operating lease agreements.  The lease terms are between 5 and 
10 years, and the majority of lease agreements are renewable at the end of the 
lease period at market rate. 
The group also leases various plant and machinery under cancellable operating 
lease agreements. The group is required to give a six-month notice for the 
termination of these agreements.  The lease expenditure charged to the income 
statement during the year is disclosed in note 10. 
The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating 
leases are as follows: 
|                                     |                    2008 |                    2007 | 
|                                     |       Land |      Other |       Land |      Other | 
|                                     |        and |      EUR'000 |        and |      EUR'000 | 
|                                     |            |            |            |            | 
|                                     |  buildings |            |  buildings |            | 
|                                     |      EUR'000 |            |      EUR'000 |            | 
|                                     |            |            |            |            | 
|                       Leases which  |            |            |            |            | 
|                   expire:           |            |            |            |            | 
|                       Within one    |        720 |        696 |          3 |         23 | 
|                   year              |            |            |            |            | 
|                       Between one   |      2,157 |        787 |        339 |         20 | 
|                   and five years    |            |            |            |            | 
|                       Greater than  |        850 |          - |          - |          - | 
|                   five year         |            |            |            |            | 
|                                     |      3,727 |      1,483 |        342 |         43 | 
|                                     |            |            |            |            | 
36    Related parties 
The relationship between the parent company and subsidiaries are outlined in 
note 20. Key management personnel are considered to be the board of directors 
and senior management of the parent company.In 2007 key management were 
considered to be the board of directors. 
|                                                           |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|     Key management compensation is as follows:            |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Short term employee benefits        | 1,439      | 1,072      | 
|                       Post employment benefits            |     40     |     39     | 
|                       Termination benefits                | 1,625      | 2,071      | 
|                       Share based payments                | 2,651      |     998    | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |      5,755 |      4,180 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
Mike Maloney, the CEO of the group is the brother of Barry Maloney, a senior 
partner with Balderton Capital, the group's largest shareholder. 
On 30 September 2008 the company entered into an agreement to dispose of its 
Open Loop Gift business. The business was sold to Branded Payment Solutions 
Limited, a company controlled by Tim Murphy, the group's outgoing COO for 
EUR420,000 payable in 2010 - 2013 with a further contingent elements. The terms of 
the sale provide that the group commit to payment of certain expenses related to 
the business up to 31 January 2009. 
37    Loss for financial year attributable to Group Shareholders 
The company is availing of the exemption set out in Section 148 (8) of the 
Companies Act 1963 and Section 7 (1A) of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1986 
from presenting its individual income statement to the annual general meeting 
and from filing it with the Register of Companies. The loss on ordinary 
activities after tax in the holding company amounted to EUR307.7 million. 
38    Section 17 Guarantee 
Under Section 17 Companies (Amendment) Act 1986, certain subsidiaries have 
availed of the exemption from filing their financial statements. Payzone plc has 
guaranteed the liabilities as defined by Section 5 (c), of the Companies 
Amendment Act 1986, for these subsidiaries for the year ended 30 September 2008. 
The following companies have availed of the exemption: Payzone Group Limited, 
Payzone Ireland Limited, Payzone Group Holdings Limited, Payzone Electronics 
Limited, Payzone M-Payments Limited, Independent Network Services Limited 
Payzone Holland Holdings Limited, Triton Holland Holdings Limited and Top-up 
Club Limited. 
39    Subsequent events 
Post balance sheet events 
At the year end, the group had entered into an agreement to dispose of its 
French, Italian and Spanish businesses with LCom, a French company specialising 
in Airtime product distribution. This deal completed on 20 October 2008, subject 
to competition approval in France.The total proceeds for the three businesses 
are EUR20 million, of which EUR13.2m is receivable in cash and EUR6.5million by way of 
assignment of financial guarantees. As part of the transaction inter - company 
balances of EUR4.2 million owed to Payzone plc are to be written off. 
The legal claim by the former Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial 
Officer for wrongful dismissal was settled in October 2008. 
40    Financial risk management 
40.1    Financial risk factors 
The group and company's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: 
market risk (including currency risk, and interest rate risk), credit risk and 
liquidity risk.  The overall risk management program seeks to minimise potential 
adverse effects on the group and company's financial performance.  Management 
and control of these risks is primarily through its regular operating and 
financing activities. The policies for managing each of these risks are 
summarised below; 
(a)    Market risk 
(i)Foreign exchange risk 
Foreign exchange transaction risk arises from future commercial transactions or 
recognised assets or liabilities denominated in a currency that is not the 
entity's functional currency.  The group seeks to mitigate its foreign exchange 
risk by the purchase of goods, and services in the respective local currencies, 
and by the matching of foreign currency revenues and expenses. 
The group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange 
translation risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect 
to the UK Pound (Approximately 66% of the Group's EBITDA is denominated in 
sterling).  The group also has foreign operations in Sweden, Poland and Romania, 
whose net assets are exposed to foreign currency translation risk. The effects 
of currency fluctuations on the translation of net assets values into Euro are 
reflected in the group's consolidated equity position. 
At 30 September 2008, if the Euro had strengthened by 10% against the UK pound 
with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit and equity for the year 
would have been (EUR1,920,187) (2007: EURNil/EURNil) higher, mainly as a result of 
foreign exchange losses/gains on translation of UK pound-denominated cash 
balances and trade receivables. 
The company is not exposed to foreign currency transaction risk. 
At 30 September 2008, if the Euro had weakened by 10% against the UK pound with 
all other variables held constant, post-tax profit and equity for the year would 
have been (EUR2,346,895) (2007: EURNil/EURNil) (lower), mainly as a result of foreign 
exchange losses on translation of UK pound-denominated cash balances and trade 
(ii)Interest rate risk 
There are no significant interest-bearing assets maintained by the group or 
company on an ongoing basis. The group's income and operating cash flows are 
substantially independent of changes in the market interest rates. During 2007 
and 2008 the group and company's interest rate risk arose primarily from loans 
and bank overdrafts which, being at variable rates, exposed the group to cash 
flow interest rate risk. 
The risk is managed on its floating rate borrowings by the use of an interest 
rate swap contract. 
|                       Company and Group:                  |        1 % |        1 % | 
|                                                           |   increase |   decrease | 
|                                                           |         in |         in | 
|                                                           |     market |     market | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |   interest |   interest | 
|                                                           |       rate |       rate | 
|                                                           |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Year ended 30 September 2008        |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Profit and loss                     | (1,426)    | 1,426      | 
|                       Equity                              | (2,851)    | 2,851      | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Year ended 30 September 2007        |            |            | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
|                       Profit and loss                     | (745)      |     745    | 
|                       Equity                              | (609)      | 609        | 
|                                                           |            |            | 
The group entered into a 3 year hedging agreement on entering into the EUR320 
million facility agreement with The Royal Bank of Scotland. Of the total 
facility, EUR196.6 million was hedged and this hedge is split between a SWAP of 
EUR117.9 million and a Cap of EUR78.7 million.Under interest rate swap contracts, 
the Group agrees to exchange the difference between fixed and floating rate 
interest amounts calculated on agreed notional principal amounts. Such contracts 
enable the Group to mitigate the risk of changing interest rates on the cash 
flow exposures on the issued variable rate debt. The fair value of interest rate 
swaps at the reporting date is determined as the present value of estimated 
future cash flows. 
The interest rate swaps settle on a quarterly basis. The floating rate on the 
interest rate swaps is the 3 month Euribor. The Group will settle the difference 
between the fixed and floating interest rate on a net basis. All interest rate 
swap contracts exchanging floating rate interest amounts for fixed rate interest 
amounts are designated as cash flow hedges in order to reduce the Group's cash 
flow exposure resulting from variable interest rates on borrowings. The interest 
rate swaps and the interest payments on the loan occur simultaneously and the 
amount deferred in equity is recognised in profit or loss over the period that 
the floating rate interest payments on debt impact profit or loss. 
Interest rate swap contracts exchanging floating rate interest for fixed rate 
interest are designated and effective as cash flow hedges in respect of interest 
rates. During the period, the hedge was 100% percent effective in hedging cash 
flow exposure to interest rate movements. 
(b)    Credit risk 
Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks, as 
well as credit exposures to customers, including outstanding receivables and 
committed transactions.The credit quality of banks is assessed having regard to 
its financial position and past experience.  For customers, the group's 
credit policies and practices are designed to limit credit exposure - collection 
activities are managed on a daily basis and credit levels and ageing are 
regularly monitored.  Management does not expect any significant losses of 
receivables or other financial assets that have not been provided for as shown 
in note 21. There are no significant concentrations of risk within trade and 
other receivables. 
(c)    Liquidity risks 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the group will not be able to meet its financial 
obligations as they fall due.  Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk 
management rests with the board of directors, which has built an appropriate 
liquidity risk management framework for the management of the Group's short, 
medium and long-term funding and liquidity management requirements.The group and 
company manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate credit facilities in 
place and headroom on its banking facilities and, by continuously monitoring 
forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial 
assets and liabilities.The group's and company's liquidity risk arose from the 
repayment of short term and other obligations as they fall due. The group and 
company minimises liquidity risk by ensuring that sufficient cash balances and 
committed banking lines of credit are available to meet repayment and other 
liabilities as they fall due. 
Having consideration for the disclosures in Note 1, the following table sets out 
details of the maturity of the Group's financial liabilities into the relevant 
maturity groupings on the remaining period at the balance sheet date to 
contractual maturity date: 
| Group                                                            |             |             |      Within |      1 - 2 |      2 - 5 |       More | 
|                                                                  |    Carrying | Contractual |         one |      years |      years |       than | 
|                                                                  |      Amount |   cashflows |        year |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 |          5 | 
|                                                                  |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |            |            |      years | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |      EUR'000 | 
|                   30 September 2008                              |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                       Bank credit lines & facilities             | 284,772     | 392,249     | 35,370      | 39,602     | 91,079     | 226,198    | 
|                       Finance lease liabilities                  | 3,212       | 3,404       | 1,667       | 1,737      | -          | -          | 
|                       Accounts payable                           | 161,624     | 161,624     | 161,624     | -          | -          | -          | 
|                       Other liabilities                          | 38,077      | 38,077      | 38,077      | -          | -          | -          | 
|                   Preference shares                              | 5,429       | 6,738       |     -       | -          | 6,738      | -          | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |     493,114 |     602,092 |     236,738 |     41,339 |     97,817 |    226,198 | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
| 30 September 2007                                                |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                       Bank credit lines & facilities             |     117,490 |     117,490 |     117,490 |            |            |            | 
|                       Accounts payable                           |     30,156  |     30,156  |     30,156  |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |     147,646 |     147,646 |     147,646 |            |            |            | 
|                                                                  |             |             |             |            |            |            | 
41    Financial risk management - continued 
40.1    Financial risk factors - continued 
(c)    Liquidity risks - continued 
| Company                                                          |             |             |     Within |      1 - 2 |      2 - 5 |        More | 
|                                                                  |    Carrying | Contractual |        one |      years |      years |        than | 
|                                                                  |      amount |   cashflows |       year |      EUR'000 |      EUR'000 |           5 | 
|                                                                  |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 |            |            |       years | 
|                                                                  |             |             |            |            |            |       EUR'000 | 
|                                                                  |             |             |            |            |            |             | 
|     30 September 2008                                            |             |             |            |            |            |             | 
|                   Bank credit lines & facilities                 | 284,522     | 391,999     | 35,120     | 39,602     | 91,079     | 226,198     | 
|                   Preference shares                              | 5,429       | 6,738       | -          | -          | 6,738      | -           | 
|                   Accounts payable                               | 1,692       | 1,692       | 1,692      | -          | -          | -           | 
|                    Other liabilities                             | 9,177       |     8,770   |     8,770  |     -      |     -      |     -       | 
|                                                                  |             |             |            |            |            |             | 
|                                                                  |     300,820 |     409,199 |     45,582 |     39,602 |     97,817 |     226,198 | 
|                                                                  |             |             |            |            |            |             | 
40    Financial risk management - continued 
40.2Capital risk management 
The group's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the group's 
ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for 
shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal 
capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. 
 In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the group may, issue new 
shares or sell assets to reduce debt. 
The capital structure of the Group consists of debt, which includes the 
borrowings disclosed in note 25, cash and cash equivalents and equity 
attributable to equity holders of the parent, comprising issued capital, 
reserves and retained earnings as disclosed in notes 30 and 31 respectively. 
The Group's risk management committee reviews the capital structure on a 
semi-annual basis. As part of this review, the committee considers the cost of 
capital and the risks associated with each class of capital. The gearing ratio 
at the year end was as follows: 
|                                                           |         2008 |         2007 | 
|                                                           |        EUR'000 |        EUR'000 | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                   Debt (note 25)                          | 284,772      |     117,490  | 
|                   Cash                                    |     (43,348) |     (12,440) | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                   Net debt                                |      241,424 |      105,050 | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                   Equity                                  |       30,304 |       36,030 | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                                                           |              |              | 
|                   Net debt to equity ratio                | 8.0%         |     2.9%     | 
41    Transition to IFRS 
IFRS 1 - Transition 
From 1 October 2007, in accordance with AIM rules, the group is required to 
present its annual consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS 
adopted for use in the EU. 
The rules for first time adoption of IFRS are set out in IFRS 1 "First time 
adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards".  The group's 
transition to IFRS was 1 October 2006. 
 IFRS 1 states that an entity should use the same accounting policies in its 
opening IFRS balance sheet at 1 October 2006 and throughout all periods 
presented in it's first IFRS financial statements. In preparing these financial 
statements, the group has applied the mandatory exceptions and certain of the 
optional exemptions from full retrospective application of IFRS. Details in 
relation to these exemptions and the group's transition to IFRS are set out in 
this note. 
The note also sets out details of the impact of the change to IFRS on 
the financial statements and for September 2007, and includes applicable 
reconciliations between IFRS and UK GAAP for the year to 30 September 2007 and 
as at 1 October 2006, and 30 September 2007. 
The group has applied the provisions of IFRS 1 in arriving at appropriate 
opening balances for its first set of IFRS financial statements.  The 
significant decisions taken in respect of availing, or otherwise, of the 
optional exemptions available are as follows: 
(a)Business Combinations 
The group has availed of this exemption and has not applied IFRS 3 "Business 
combinations" retrospectively to business combinations prior to the date of 
transition.  Goodwill arising on acquisitions prior to 1 October 2006 is not 
amortised from the transition date but is subject to annual impairment testing 
or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate that goodwill may be 
(b)Fair value as deemed cost 
The group has not availed of this exemption and as a consequence the carrying 
value of the group's property, plant and equipment at the date of transition is 
stated as its historical carrying value (being historical cost less accumulated 
depreciation and impairment) as permitted by IFRS 1.  The group has elected 
not to apply a policy of revaluation going forward. 
(c)Share based payment transactions 
IFRS 2 need not be applied to grants before 7 November 2002, or to grants after 
7 November 2002 but which had vested before the transition date.  The group has 
availed of this exemption and has only applied IFRS 2 to those options that were 
outstanding and that had not vested on 1 October 2006. 
(d)    Currency translation reserve 
The Group has availed of the IFRS 1 exemption allowing it to deem all cumulative 
translation differences that have arisen up to transition date to be equal to 
zero. These translation differences will therefore remain written off against 
revenue reserves and will no longer be separately disclosed in the notes to the 
accounts and will not be included in the gain or loss on disposal of any foreign 
entities within the group. 
Mandatory exceptions 
Derecognition of financial assets and liabilities 
This exception in relation to derecognition of financial assets and liabilities 
is not applicable to the group. 
Hedge accounting 
The exception in relation to hedge accounting permitted under IFRS1 is not 
applicable to the group. 
The group's estimates at the date of transition to IFRS are consistent with 
estimates made for the same date under UK GAAP. 
Assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations 
At the date of transition the group has no non-current assets (or disposal 
groups) that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale or operations 
that meet the criteria to be classified as discontinued. 
A description of the main/significant differences between UK GAAP and IFRS 
accounting policies is set out below. 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
IFRS principal adjustments 
A summary of the IFRS accounting policies is provided in note 3 of the financial 
statements. The resultant adjustments by standard are set out below: 
(a)Goodwill - IFRS 3 "Business combinations" 
(i)    Goodwill amortisation 
Accounting for business combinations under UK GAAP is dealt with by FRS 6 
"Acquisitions & Mergers" and FRS 7 "Fair values in acquisition".  Under FRS 10 
"Goodwill and intangible assets", purchased goodwill and intangible assets are 
amortised to the income statement on a systematic basis over their useful 
economic lives where they are regarded as having a finite useful economic life. 
 Under UK GAAP, there is a rebuttable presumption that the useful economic lives 
of purchased goodwill and intangible assets are limited to period of 20 years or 
less.  In accordance with UK GAAP, the goodwill arising from the purchase of 
subsidiary undertakings was capitalised and amortised on a straight-line basis 
over its expected useful life.  The group's practice under UK GAAP was to 
amortise goodwill over a 5 year period. 
IFRS 3 prohibits the amortisation of purchased goodwill.  The standard requires 
goodwill to be carried at cost.Goodwill is the excess of the cost of an 
acquisition over the fair value of the group's share of the net 
identifiable assets of the acquired subsidiary/associate at the date of 
acquisition.  Recognised goodwill is tested annually for impairment and is 
carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Impairment reviews are 
required to be performed on an annual basis and when there are indications that 
the carrying value may not be recoverable. 
Under the transitional arrangements of IFRS 1, the group has taken the option of 
applying IFRS 3 prospectively from the transition date to IFRS.  The group has 
chosen this option rather than to restate previous business combinations.The 
impact of IFRS 3 and associated transitional arrangements on the group are as 
  *  the accounting for all business combinations before 1 October 2006 is frozen at 
  the transition date; and 
  *  goodwill is no longer amortised. 
In accordance with IFRS 1, regardless of whether there is any indication that 
goodwill may be impaired, a first-time adopter shall test goodwill for 
impairment at the date of transition to IFRS. 
At 1 October 2006 and 30 September 2007 impairment reviews were performed on the 
carrying value of goodwill under IFRS. 
The impact on the 30 September 2007 income statement under IFRS is the 
reinstatement of goodwill previously amortised under UK GAAP of EUR45.251 million, 
and the recognition of an impairment charge of EUR45.251 million. As an impairment 
charge of EUR3.889m had been recorded under UK GAAP, the total impairment charge 
for the year of EUR49.14 million was reclassified to administrative expenses - 
special items in accordance with the group's accounting policy for special 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
(a)Goodwill - IFRS 3 "Business combinations" - continued 
(ii)    Fair value adjustment 
Certain assets and liabilities acquired in business combinations effected prior 
to 30 September 2007 and subject to the measurement rules of UK GAAP were 
accounted for using provisional fair values in the UK GAAP balance sheet as at 
30 September 2007 which is used as a base for deriving the IFRS balance sheet 
for the same date. Since the period for finalising such fair values crossed the 
30 September 2007 date, the Group has deemed it appropriate to reflect the 
finalisation of these fair values (which would have been reflected in the UK 
GAAP financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2008) in the IFRS 
balance sheet at 30 September 2007. This results in an adjustment to increase 
goodwill by EUR3.431 million together an increase in provisions of EUR3.431 million. 
(b)Deferred tax and current tax - IAS 12 - "Income taxes" 
FRS 19 requires deferred tax to be accounted for on the basis of timing 
differences. Timing differences are differences between an entity's taxable 
profits and its results as stated in the financial statements due to the 
inclusion of gains and losses in tax assessments in periods different from those 
in which they are recognised in financial statements. 
IAS 12 requires that deferred tax be accounted for on the basis of taxable or 
deductible temporary differences. Temporary differences are differences between 
the carrying value of an asset or liability in the consolidated balance sheet 
and the tax base of the asset or liability. Under IAS 12, deferred tax is 
recognised directly in equity if the tax relates to items that are credited or 
charged directly to equity. 
The transition to IFRS does not give rise to any restatement of tax balance as 
at 1 October 2006. At 30 September 2007 a deferred taxation liability of EUR1.143 
million was recognised in respect of the intangible assets acquired as part of 
the Travelex acquisition in April 2007. A corresponding entry was made to 
(c)IAS 39 "Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement" 
Under UK GAAP, only accrued interest under interest rate swaps was recognised on 
the balance sheet. 
Under IAS 39, the fair value of interest rate swaps is recognised on the balance 
sheet. The group's interest rate swaps have been designated as cash flow hedges, 
and the movement in fair value of the effective portion of the swaps from one 
period to another is taken to the hedging reserve and will cumulatively net out 
to zero when the swaps term out. 
The impact on the balance sheet at the transition date of 1 October 2006 was the 
recognition of a financial asset of EUR493,000 and a corresponding adjustment to 
the hedging reserve. The financial asset recognised as at 30 September 2007 was 
EUR304,000. The corresponding entries were to the hedging reserve. 
(d)    Currency translation reserve 
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments have been 
written off under UK GAAP to revenue reserves. 
Under IAS 21, translation differences are recorded in a separate currency 
translation reserve. On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative 
translation differences relating to that operation are transferred to the income 
statement as part of the profit and loss on disposal. 
The Group has availed of the IFRS 1 exemption allowing it to deem all cumulative 
translation differences that have arisen up to transition date to be equal to 
zero. These translation differences will therefore remain written off against 
revenue reserves and will no longer be separately disclosed in the notes to the 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
As at 30 September 2007 
|                                    |       UK GAAP |       IFRS 3 |      IAS 39 |      IAS 12 |          IFRS | 
|                                    |         EUR'000 |              |             |             |         EUR'000 | 
|                                    |               |     Business |   Financial |    Deferred |               | 
|                                    |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                                    |               | Combinations | Instruments |    Taxation |               | 
|                                    |               |        EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |               | 
|                   Non-current      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Property,        | 53,314        | -            | -           | -           | 53,314        | 
|                   plant and        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   equipment        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Intangible       |     112,560   |     3,431    |     -       |     1,143   |     117,134   | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     165,874   |     3,431    |     -       |     1,143   |     170,448   | 
|                   non-current      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Current          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Inventories      |     652       |     -        |     -       |     -       |     652       | 
|                   Trade            |     7,822     |     -        |     -       |     -       |     7,822     | 
|                   and              |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   other            |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   receivables      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Derivative       | -             | -            | 304         | -           | 304           | 
|                   financial        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   instrument       |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Cash             |     12,440    |     -        |     -       |     -       |     12,440    | 
|                   and              |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   cash             |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   equivalents      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     20,914    |     -        |     304     |     -       |     21,218    | 
|                   current          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     186,788   |     3,431    |     304     |     1,143   |     191,666   | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Current          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
| Interest-bearing borrowings        |     (7,722)   |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (7,722)   | 
|                   Trade            |     (30,156)  |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (30,156)  | 
|                   and              |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   other            |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   payables         |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Current          |     (353)     |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (353)     | 
|                   tax              |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     (38,231)  |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (38,231)  | 
|                   current          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                                    |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Non-current      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Deferred         |     -         |     -        |     -       |     (1,143) |     (1,143)   | 
|                   tax              |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liability        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Interest-bearing |     (109,768) |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (109,768) | 
|                   borrowings       |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Provisions       |     (3,063)   |     (3,431)  |     -       |     -       |     (6,494)   | 
|                                    |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     (112,831) |     (3,431)  |     -       |     (1,143) |     (117,405) | 
|                   non-current      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                                    |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |     (151,062) |     (3,431)  |     -       |     (1,143) |     (155,636) | 
|                   liabilities      |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                                    |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Net              |        35,726 |            - |         304 |           - |        36,030 | 
|                   assets           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Equity           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Called           |     8,296     |     -        |     -       |     -       |     8,296     | 
|                   up               |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   share            |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   capital          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Share            |     132,617   |     -        |     -       |     -       |     132,617   | 
|                   premium          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   account          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Other            |     522       |     -        |     -       |     -       |     522       | 
|                   reserve          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Hedging          |     -         |     -        |     304     |     -       |     304       | 
|                   reserve          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Translation      |     (526)     |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (526)     | 
|                   reserve          |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Retained         |     (105,338) |     -        |     -       |     -       |     (105,338) | 
|                   losses           |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Equity           | 35,571        | -            | 304         | -           | 35,875        | 
|                   attributable     |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   to equity        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   holders of       |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   the parent       |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Minority         |     155       |     -        |     -       |     -       |     155       | 
|                   interests        |               |              |             |             |               | 
|                   Total            |        35,726 |            - |         304 |           - |        36,030 | 
|                   equity           |               |              |             |             |               | 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
As at 1 October 2006 
|                                                |       UK GAAP |      IAS 39 |          IFRS | 
|                                                |         EUR'000 |             |         EUR'000 | 
|                                                |               |   Financial |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               | Instruments |               | 
|                                                |               |       EUR'000 |               | 
|                   Non-current assets           |               |             |               | 
|                   Property, plant              |     44,807    |     -       |     44,807    | 
|                   and equipment                |               |             |               | 
|                   Intangible assets            |     149,136   |     -       |     149,136   | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total non-current assets     |     193,943   |     -       |     193,943   | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Current assets               |               |             |               | 
|                   Inventories                  |     2,172     |     -       |     2,172     | 
|                   Trade and other receivables  |     13,237    |     -       |     13,237    | 
|                   Derivative financial         |     -         |     493     |     493       | 
|                   instrument                   |               |             |               | 
|                   Cash and cash equivalents    |     11,875    |     -       |     11,875    | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total current assets         |     27,284    |     493     |     27,777    | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total assets                 |     221,227   |     493     |     221,720   | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Current liabilities          |               |             |               | 
|                   Interest-bearing borrowings  |     (10,929)  |     -       |     (10,929)  | 
|                   Trade and other payables     |     (38,353)  |     -       |     (38,353)  | 
|                   Current tax liabilities      |     (4)       |     -       |     (4)       | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total current liabilities    |     (49,286)  |     -       |     (49,286)  | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Non-current liabilities      |               |             |               | 
|                   Interest-bearing borrowings  |     (93,026)  |     -       |     (93,026)  | 
|                   Trade and other payables     |     (270)     |     -       |     (270)     | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total non-current            |     (93,296)  |     -       |     (93,296)  | 
|                   liabilities                  |               |             |               | 
|                   Total liabilities            |     (142,582) |     -       |     (142,582) | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Net assets                   |        78,645 |         493 |        79,138 | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Equity                       |               |             |               | 
|                   Called up share capital      |     7,786     |     -       |     7,786     | 
|                   Share premium account        |     130,468   |     -       |     130,468   | 
|                   Other reserve                |     522       |     -       |     522       | 
|                   Hedging reserve              |     -         |     493     |     493       | 
|                   Retained (losses)            |     (60,286)  |     -       |     (60,286)  | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the   |     78,490    |     493     |     78,983    | 
| parent                                         |               |             |               | 
|                   Minority interests           |     155       |     -       |     155       | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
|                   Total equity                 |        78,645 |         493 |        79,138 | 
|                                                |               |             |               | 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
For the year ended 30 September 2007 
|                                                |      UK GAAP |       IFRS 3 |         IFRS | 
|                                                |        EUR'000 |              |        EUR'000 | 
|                                                |              |     Business |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              | Combinations |              | 
|                                                |              |        EUR'000 |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                   Revenue                      |     130,970  |     -        |     130,970  | 
|                   Cost of sales                |     (84,158) |     -        |     (84,158) | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                   Gross profit                 |     46,812   |     -        |     46,812   | 
|                   Administrative expenses -    |     (33,177) |     -        |     (33,177) | 
|                   excluding amortisation  of   |              |              |              | 
|                   intangible assets and        |              |              |              | 
|                   special items                |              |              |              | 
| Administrative expenses - special items        |     (2,067)  |     (49,140) |     (51,207) | 
| Administrative expenses - amortisation of      |     (50,106) |     49,140   |     (966)    | 
| intangible assets                              |              |              |              | 
|                   Administrative expenses      |     (85,350) |     -        |     (85,350) | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                   Operating loss               |     (38,538) |     -        |     (38,538) | 
|                   Finance income               |     396      |     -        |     396      | 
|                   Finance costs                |     (8,964)  |     -        |     (8,964)  | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                   Loss before taxation         |     (47,106) |     -        |     (47,106) | 
|                   Income tax expense           |     (358)    |     -        |     (358)    | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
|                   Loss for the period all      |     (47,464) |            - |     (47,464) | 
|                   attributable to equity       |              |              |              | 
|                   holders of the parent        |              |              |              | 
|                                                |              |              |              | 
| Basic and diluted loss per share (cent per     |              |              |        (41c) | 
| share)                                         |              |              |              | 
41    Transition to IFRS - continued 
IAS 7 "Cash Flow Statements" requires the presentation of cash flows to be 
classified under three headings (operating, investing and financing activities) 
as opposed to the five headings which were required under UK GAAP. Therefore, a 
reclassification of certain items has occurred. 
(a)    Taxation is now classified under operating activities, instead of being 
separately disclosed on the face of the cash flow. 
(b)    Interest received has been reclassified to operating activities and 
interest paid has been reclassified to operating activities from returns and 
servicing of finance, as this classification no longer exists. 
(c)    Additions of property, plant and equipment have been reclassified to 
investing activities from capital expenditure and financial investment, as this 
classification no longer exists. 
42Approval of financial statements 
The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 
16 January 2009. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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