RNS Number : 6565P


06 October 2011

WFCA plc

("WFCA", the"Company" or the "Group")


WFCA plc (AIM: WFCA.L), a leading regional advertising and marketing agency, today announces its final results for the year ended ended 30 June 2011


-- Net loss before tax and exceptional items of GBP189,427 (FY2010: Profit of GBP802,738);

-- Revenue of GBP11.1m (FY2010: GBP26.5m)

-- GBP1,673,308 after costs raised by way of placing of ordinary shares in April;

-- Gross Margin increased to 25.0% (2010: 18.7%);

-- Acquisition of Williams Blake Reay Limited a specialist health care agency;

-- Group net assets of GBP8.9 million (2010: GBP7.8 million); and

-- Long term debt of GBP662,500 (2010: GBP700,000).

Further enquiries:

WFCA plc

Stephen Latter, Financial Director Tel: 01892 511 085

Daniel Stewart & Company plc

Oliver Rigby/James Felix Tel: 020 7776 6550

Chairman's and Chief Executive's Statement


In a very difficult trading period for the year ended 30(th) June 2011, WCFA recorded a net loss before taxation and discontinued operations of GBP592,815, which compares to a profit of GBP677,149 in the previous financial year. The result includes substantial exceptional items amounting to GBP403,388, which are detailed in the Financial Summary below. The underlying operating loss therefore, amounted to GBP120,310, which compares to an operating profit of GBP846,518 in the previous year. The principal reason for the negative result was the loss of two major clients during 2010 which were reported to the market at the time. In addition, the marketing budgets of some of our retained clients were materially less than in previous years.

As a result of the above, the directors organised a share placing in April raising GBP1,673,308 after costs to provide sufficient working capital to allow the company to reduce debt, strengthen its liquidity and provide the funds to allow small acquisitions.

On the 29(th) July 2011, the company completed a small acquisition when it purchased the entire share capital of Williams Blake Reay Limited 'WBR', a specialist health care agency also based in Tunbridge Wells. WBR specialises in the promotion of products and services in all sectors of the healthcare market including prescriptions, over the counter medicines and patient education material. It is best known for its work on Sudocrem, the nation's favourite nappy rash cream. In order to maximise the associated financial opportunities and to benefit from the wider WFCA infrastructure, WBR has moved into the WFCA premises and is now operating as a division within the company, while maintaining its own corporate identity. The acquisition allows WFCA to expand out of its traditional heartland of retail which has experienced difficult trading conditions over the past two years.

The acquisition involved the payment of an initial cash consideration of GBP50,000. Deferred consideration, limited to a maximum of GBP450,000, will be payable based on a multiple of two times the profit after tax for the year ending 30th June 2012, payable in September 2012 and four times the profit after tax for the year ending 30th June 2013 which is payable in September 2013. Seventy per cent of any additional consideration will be payable in cash and thirty per cent in equity. The initial consideration is deductable from any deferred consideration payable.

The Company remains committed to further strategic moves and is in dialogue with other larger acquisition opportunities. In this challenging trading environment, new business opportunities have been limited but since our interim statement further wins have been made for Trading Sources, TGA Mobility and Attwoods.

There have been significant management changes since the interim statement. Michael Richards stepped downas Group Chief Executive Officer with effect from the 31(st) August 2011 and as outlined in the interim statement, Rob Hamer continues to act as Group Chief Executive Officer on an interim basis and until a full time successor is appointed. Within WFCA Integrated Limited, the major operating company in the Group, Nick Radley (previously Planning Director) and Greg Phitidis (previously Creative Director) have been promoted to be joint Managing Directors. Katie Scott stepped up to become Head of Client Services and Chris Wright has been appointed Media Director.

The continued support of our staff remained crucial throughout this difficult trading period and the commitment they continue to provide to the company remains a source of strength and we thank them accordingly.


The result, while disappointing, was as predicted in the interim statement. The company has recently introduced further cost cutting measures that will reduce underlying overheads by a further GBP500,000 per annum.

Turnover in the year ended 30(th) June 2011was GBP11,145,221, a 58% decrease to that achieved in the year ended 30(th) June 2010 although gross profit decreased by only 44% to GBP2,782,685 as a higher percentage of the company business related to non media services. Gross Margin increased from 18.7% to 25.0%. This movement in the profile of business should not be considered a strategic change of direction and the company is looking to rebuild its media activity under a newly branded division called 'Wayfarer'.

Following the refinancing exercise referred to earlier, the company now has positive working capital of GBP573,351 compared to a deficit in working capital of GBP602,725 as at June 2010. Group net assets have increased from GBP7.8 million to GBP8.9 million. Long term debt has been reduced by GBP37,500 from GBP700,000 to GBP662,500 and should be further reduced in the new financial year.

During the year and as reported in the interim statement, the company incurred a substantial bad debt which, inclusive of legal costs, amounted to GBP235,391 which is included in exceptional costs. The company has a first charge over all debts owed to the defaulting company and all such debts have accordingly been assigned to WFCA. Whilst the directors are hopeful of future recoveries for the bad debts there is uncertainty about both the quantum and timing due to the nature of the debts. The directors therefore considered it would be prudent to make full provision in the current year. The building owned by the company in Gravesend was impaired during the year resulting in a further GBP48,000 exceptional cost. It is anticipated that this building will be sold in the first half of the new financial year. The balance of the exceptional costs relate to staff redundancies and severance costs connected with the senior management changes and the financial restructuring necessary following the loss of the major client referred to earlier.

The directors do not propose the payment of a dividend for the year.


Client marketing budgets remain depressed with very few signs of a return to the expenditure levels experienced before the 2008 financial crisis, particularly within the retail sector. The company has however continued to reduce costs, has acquired new clients and is looking forward to a return to profitability in the new financial year. The board remains committed to organic growth and will continue to seek strategic opportunities in high margin niches within marketing communications.

Rob Hamer

Chief Executive

Group Income Statement

                 Notes                                  2011           2010 
                         Exceptional   Exceptional 
                            Items         Items 
                             GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Revenue           1      11,145,221             -    11,145,221     26,458,225 
 Direct Costs            (8,362,536)             -   (8,362,536)   (21,504,575) 
 Gross Profit              2,782,685             -     2,782,685      4,953,650 
  Income           2               -             -             -          6,513 
 Operating Costs 
  before Share Option 
  charge                 (2,844,067)     (403,388)   (3,247,455)    (4,141,073) 
 Share Option Charge         (4,992)             -       (4,992)        (7,600) 
----------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
  Costs                  (2,849,059)     (403,388)   (3,252,447)    (4,148,673) 
 Depreciation               (53,936)             -      (53,936)       (90,561) 
  (Loss) / 
  Profit                   (120,310)     (403,388)     (523,698)        720,929 
 Net Finance 
  Cost             3        (69,117)             -      (69,117)       (43,780) 
 (Loss) / 
  before Tax               (189,427)     (403,388)     (592,815)        677,149 
 Income Tax        6          83,806             -        83,806      (167,676) 
 (Loss) / 
  Operations               (105,621)     (403,388)     (509,009)        509,473 
 (Loss) / 
  Profit from 
  Operations                 (3,569)             -       (3,569)         46,526 
 (Loss) / Profit for 
  the year 
  attributable to 
  Equity Holders of 
  the Parent               (109,190)     (403,388)     (512,578)        555,999 
                        ============  ============  ============  ============= 
  Earnings Per 
  Share           13                                     (0.17)p          0.21p 
  Earnings Per 
  Share           13                                     (0.16)p          0.19p 
 No Group Statement of Comprehensive Income has been prepared 
  because there were no material gains or losses for the year 
  other than those recognised in the Income Statement. 

Group and Company Balance Sheets

                                    GROUP                    COMPANY 
                   Notes      2011         2010         2011         2010 
                              GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
    Plant and 
    Equipment        7         92,872      143,517            -            - 
   Goodwill          8      8,497,907    8,497,909                         - 
   Investment in 
    Subsidiaries     8              -            -   10,100,509   10,100,509 
    Income Tax 
    recoverable      9        423,509      420,716      350,233      420,716 
                            9,014,288    9,062,142   10,450,742   10,521,225 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
   Trade and 
    Receivables      9        862,187    2,417,987      169,420      847,018 
   Cash and 
    Short Term 
    Deposits                  704,217      105,719          717        2,359 
   Assets Held 
    for Sale                  142,000      190,000      142,000      190,000 
                            1,708,404    2,713,706      312,137    1,039,377 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
  TOTAL ASSETS             10,722,692   11,775,848   10,762,879   11,560,602 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
   Issued Share 
    Capital         12      4,459,660    2,684,660    4,459,660    2,684,660 
   Share Premium    15      1,332,706    1,434,398    1,332,706    1,434,398 
    Earnings        16      3,132,773    3,640,359    2,921,439    2,942,890 
   TOTAL EQUITY             8,925,139    7,759,417    8,713,805    7,061,948 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
   Long Term 
    Borrowings      18        662,500      700,000            -            - 
                              662,500      700,000            -            - 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
   Trade and 
    Payables        17      1,135,045    3,193,942    2,049,074    4,489,060 
    and charges     21              -       46,594            -        9,594 
    Income Tax 
    Payable                         8       75,895            -            - 
                            1,135,053    3,316,431    2,049,074    4,498,654 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
   LIABILITIES             10,722,692   11,775,848   10,762,879   11,560,602 
                          ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 

Group and Company Statement of Changes in Equity

                                 Share       Share     Retained      Total 
                                Capital     Premium    Earnings     Equity 
 GROUP                            GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
  at           1st July 2009   2,657,809   1,383,648   3,076,760   7,118,217 
 Profit for 
  the year                             -           -     555,999     555,999 
 Charge of 
  Options                              -           -       7,600       7,600 
 Issue of 
  Capital                         26,851      50,750           -      77,601 
 Balance       30th June 
  at            2010           2,684,660   1,434,398   3,640,359   7,759,417 
 Loss for the 
  year                                 -           -   (512,578)   (512,578) 
 Issue of 
  Capital                      1,775,000   (101,692)           -   1,673,308 
 Charge of 
  Options                              -           -       4,992       4,992 
 Balance       30th June 
  at            2011           4,459,660   1,332,706   3,132,773   8,925,139 
                              ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 
                                 Share       Share     Retained      Total 
                                Capital     Premium    Earnings     Equity 
 COMPANY                          GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
  at           1st July 2009   2,657,809   1,383,648   2,627,316   6,668,773 
 Profit for 
  the year                             -           -     307,974     307,974 
 Charge of 
  Options                              -           -       7,600       7,600 
 Issue of 
  Capital                         26,851      50,750           -      77,601 
 Balance       30th June 
  at            2010           2,684,660   1,434,398   2,942,890   7,061,948 
 Loss for the 
  year                                 -           -    (26,443)    (26,443) 
 Issue of 
  Capital                      1,775,000   (101,692)           -   1,673,308 
 Charge of 
  Options                              -           -       4,992       4,992 
 Balance       30th June 
  at            2011           4,459,660   1,332,706   2,921,439   8,713,805 
                              ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 

Group and Company Cash Flow Statement

                                     GROUP                     COMPANY 
                              2011          2010          2011         2010 
                               GBP           GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Cash Flows from 
 Operating Activities 
 (Loss) / Profit from 
  Operations                 (592,815)       677,149        47,609     382,496 
 Share Option Charge             4,992         7,600         4,992       7,600 
 Discontinued Operations       (3,569)        46,526       (3,569)      46,526 
 Depreciation of 
  Property, Plant and 
  Equipment                     53,936        90,561             -           - 
 Operating cash flows 
  before movement in 
  working capital            (537,456)       821,836        49,032     436,622 
 Loss on sale of 
 Property, Plant and 
 Equipment                           -        17,805             -           - 
 Diminution in value of 
  property                      48,000      (33,659)        48,000    (33,659) 
 Decrease / (Increase) 
  in Receivables             1,555,800       744,689       677,598   (281,837) 
 Decrease in Payables      (1,794,707)   (1,800,119)   (2,301,361)   (172,393) 
 Cash consumed by 
  operations                 (728,363)     (249,448)   (1,526,731)    (51,267) 
 Income Tax Paid                     -      (21,949)             -           - 
 Net cash from operating 
  activities                 (728,363)     (271,397)   (1,526,731)    (51,267) 
                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash Flows from 
 Investing Activities 
 Purchase of Property, 
  Plant and Equipment          (3,291)     (116,371)             -           - 
 Net cash from investing 
  activities                   (3,291)     (116,371)             -           - 
                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash Flows from 
 Financing Activities 
 Proceeds on issue of 
  shares                     1,775,000        77,601     1,775,000      77,601 
 Cost for share issue        (101,692)             -     (101,692)           - 
 Net cash from investing 
  activities                 1,673,308        77,601     1,673,308      77,601 
                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net Increase in Cash 
  and Cash Equivalents         941,654     (310,167)       146,577      26,334 
 Cash and Cash 
  Equivalents at 1st 
  July 2010                  (949,937)     (639,780)     (145,860)   (172,194) 
 Cash and Cash 
  Equivalents at 30th 
  June 2011                    (8,283)     (949,947)           717   (145,860) 
                          ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Represented by: 
 Cash and short term 
  deposits                     704,217       105,719           717       2,359 
 Bank loans, overdraft 
  and similar 
  facitities                 (712,500)   (1,055,666)             -   (148,219) 
                               (8,283)     (949,947)           717   (145,860) 
                          ============  ============  ============  ========== 

Notes to the Financial Statements

A) Significant accounting policies

WFCA plc (the company) is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom and incorporated in England and Wales. The consolidated financial statements of the company for the year ended 30th June 2011 comprise the company and its subsidiary (together referred to as the Group).

B) Statement of compliance

The following new and revised IFRSs have been adopted in these consolidated financial statements. The application of these new and revised IFRSs has not had any material impact on the amounts reported for the current and prior years but may affect the accounting for future transactions or arrangements. Other new standards and interpretations have no significant impact on the Group.

-- IFRS 2 Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions. The amendments clarify the scope of IFRS 2 as well as the accounting for group cash-settled share-based payment transactions in the separate (or individual) financial statements of an entity receiving the goods or services when another group entity or shareholder has the obligation to settle the award.

-- IFRS 3 (revised) Business Combinations requires significant changes to the way business combinations are accounted for. All costs associated with business combinations are expensed directly to the Income Statement. Additionally any changes to contingent consideration classified as debt must now be dealt with through the Income Statement subsequent to acquisition.

-- Improvements to IFRSs in April 2009 the International Accounting Standards Board issued its second omnibus of amendments to its standards, primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarify wording. The adoption of these amendments, which are effective from 1(st) January 2010, did not have any impact on the reporting of the financial position or performance of the Group.

-- Amendments to IAS 32 - Classification of Rights Issues. Changes to disclosure and treatment not expected to affect the Group.

-- IFRIC 19 - Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments. Guidance issued on how to treat financial liabilities renegotiated and then settled by the issue of Equity Instruments.

-- The Group has not applied the following revised IFRS that is EU endorsed but is not yet effective:

o IAS 24 (revised in 2009) - Related Party Disclosures. Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1(st) January 2011.

The Group is currently considering the implications of these standards and interpretations. They are not expected to have a material impact on the Group's financial statements.

C) Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. Non-current assets are stated at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual results may ultimately differ from those estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised, if the revision affects only that period, or in a period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

Judgements made by management in the application of IFRS that have a significant effect on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in the next year are discussed where appropriate. Specific areas where judgments have been made by management relate to the carrying value of the Group's goodwill over the company's investment in subsidiary undertakings.

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements and in preparing an opening IFRS balance sheet at 1(st) July 2004 for the purposes of the transition to IFRS.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently by Group entities.

D) Basis of consolidation

i. Subsidiaries

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Company. Control exists when a Company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operational policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that presently are exercisable or convertible are taken into account. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

ii. Transactions eliminated on consolidation

Intra group balances and any unrealised gains and losses or income and expenses arising from intra group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

E) Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in such currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Profits and losses arising on exchange are included in the net profit or loss for the period.

F) Property, plant and equipment

i. Owned assets

Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation (see below) and impairment losses (see accounting policy K).

ii. Leased assets

Leases in terms of which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases.

iii. Depreciation

Depreciation is charged to the income statement over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment. The estimated useful lives are as follows:

Leaseholds Over the term of the lease or life of the asset, if shorter

Fixtures and fittings 20% on a straight line basis

Computer equipment 33% on a straight line basis

G) Intangible assets


All business combinations are accounted for by applying the purchase method. Goodwill represents the amount arising on acquisition of subsidiaries. In respect of business acquisitions, goodwill represents the difference between the cost of the acquisition and the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired.

Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units and is tested annually for impairment (see accounting policy K).

Negative goodwill arising on acquisition is recognised directly in profit or loss.

H) Investments

Investments in debt and equity securities

The group classifies its investments depending on the purpose for which the investments were acquired. The Directors determine the classification of its investment at initial recognition and re-evaluates this designation at every reporting date.

The fair value of unquoted investments is based on valuation techniques. The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired.

I) Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are started at their cost less impairment losses (see accounting policy K).

J) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and call deposits. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group's cash management are included as a component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the statement of cash flows.

K) Impairment

The carrying amounts of the Group's assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount is estimated.

For goodwill, assets that have an indefinite useful life and intangible assets that are not yet available for use, the recoverable amount is estimated at each balance sheet date.

An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset or its cash- generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.

The recoverable amount of other assets is the greater of their net selling price and the value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. For an asset that does not generate largely independent cash inflows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. An impairment loss in respect of a receivable carried at amortised cost is reversed if the subsequent increase in recoverable amount can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised.

In respect of other assets, an impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount.

An impairment loss is only reversed to the extent that the asset's carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss has been recognised.

L) Share capital

Dividends on ordinary share capital are recognised as a liability in the period in which they are declared.

M) Interest-bearing borrowings

Interest-bearing borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference between proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest rate method.

N) Employee benefits

Share-based payment transactions

The fair value of employee share option schemes is measured by a Black-Scholes pricing model. Further details are set out in note 15 in accordance with IFRS 2 'Share-based Payments'. The resulting cost is charged to the income statement over the vesting period of the options. The value of the charge is adjusted to reflect expected and actual levels of options vesting.

O) Provisions

A provision is recognised in the balance sheet when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. If the effect is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.

P) Trade and other payables

Trade payables are stated at cost.

Q) Revenue recognition

Revenue from services rendered is recognised in the income statement in proportion to the stage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date. The stage of completion is assessed by reference to a review of work performed. No revenue is recognised if there are significant uncertainties concerning the recovery of the consideration due or associated costs.

R) Expenses

i. Operating lease payments

Payments made under operating leases are recognised in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives received are recognised in the income statement as an integral part of the total lease expense.

ii. Finance lease payments

Minimum lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance charge is allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability.

iii. Net financing costs

Net financing costs comprise interest payable on borrowings calculated using the effective interest rate method and interest received on funds invested.

Interest income is recognised in the income statement as it accrues, using the effective interest rate method. The interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognised in the income statement using the effective interest rate method.

S) Income tax

The charge for current tax is based on the results for the year as adjusted for items which are non-assessable or disallowed. It is calculated using rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax is accounted for using the liability method in respect of temporary differences arising from differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax basis used in the computation of taxable profit. In principle, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill (or negative goodwill) or from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction which affects neither the tax profit nor the accounting profit.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interest in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

Deferred tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply when the asset or liability is settled. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement, except when it relates to items credited or charged directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the Group intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.

T) Financial Risk Management

The Group uses a limited number of financial instruments, comprising cash, short-term deposits, bank loans and facilities and various items such as trade receivables and payables, which arise directly from operations. The Group does not trade in financial instruments.

Financial risk factors

The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk and interest rate risk), credit risk, liquidity risk and cash ow interest rate risk. The Group's overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance.

i. Foreign exchange risk

The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the Euro and US dollar. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognised assets and liabilities and net investments in foreign operations. Foreign exchange risk arises when future commercial transactions or recognised assets or liabilities are denominated in a currency that is not the Group's functional currency.

ii. Credit risk

The Group has policies in place to ensure that sales are made to customers with an appropriate credit history.

iii. Liquidity risk

Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and available funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities. The Group ensures it has adequate cover through the availability of bank overdraft and loan facilities.

iv Cash flow and interest rate risk

The Group finances its operations through a mix of cash flow from current operations, bank facilities and other borrowings. Borrowings are generally at floating rates of interest and no use of interest rate swaps has been made.

 1.    SEGMENTAL REPORTING:             Notes            GROUP 
                                                   2011         2010 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
  United Kingdom                                 8,374,531   24,971,149 
  Rest of Europe                                    51,829      147,776 
  North America                                  2,704,946    1,274,942 
  Other                                             13,915       64,358 
                                                11,145,221   26,458,225 
                                               ===========  =========== 
 2.    OTHER OPERATING INCOME                            GROUP 
                                                   2011         2010 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
  Rents receivable on 
   leased property                                       -        6,513 
                                                         -        6,513 
                                               ===========  =========== 
                                                   2011         2010 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
  Total Staff Costs                      5.      2,248,120    3,270,106 
  Establishment Costs                              197,654      180,211 
  Other Operating Costs                            806,673      698,356 
                                                 3,252,447    4,148,673 
                                               ===========  =========== 
       Other Operating Costs 
  Loss on Disposal of Plant and 
   Equipment                                             -       17,085 
  Release of provision 
   for impairment                                        -     (33,659) 
                                                         -     (16,574) 
                                               ===========  =========== 
       Operating Lease Rentals: 
  Property                                          94,608      137,872 
  Plant and Equipment                               74,508       36,294 
                                                   169,116      174,166 
                                               ===========  =========== 
       Auditor's Remuneration: 
  Audit Fees payable to 
   Brebners                                         19,000       20,500 
  Other services - tax                               9,001       10,871 
  Other services - other 
   assurance                                         6,000        5,500 
                                                    34,001       36,871 
                                               ===========  =========== 
       Net Finance Cost: 
  Interest Payable                                  69,117       43,780 
                                                    69,117       43,780 
                                               ===========  =========== 
  Exceptional Item: 
  The exceptional item comprises staff termination costs 
   resulting from the loss of a major client, the write off 
   of a significant bad debt with associated costs and the 
   impairment of the valuation of a freehold property held 
   for resale. 
 4.    DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION                                                               GROUP 
                           Basic                                       Loss 
                           Salary       Company                         of 
                          & Fees        Pension          Benefits     Office           2011         2010 
                            GBP           GBP              GBP         GBP              GBP          GBP 
  Bob Morton                10,500              -                -         -            10,500       20,500 
   Richards                 96,696              -            1,318    60,000           158,014      178,412 
  Steve Latter             100,000         20,304            1,740         -           122,044      120,345 
   Braidwood                19,054              -            1,984         -            21,038       38,718 
  John Foley                11,265              -                -         -            11,265       21,250 
  Rob Hamer                 38,750              -            1,984         -            40,734       21,250 
                        ----------   ------------      -----------   -------        ----------   ---------- 
                           276,265         20,304            7,027    60,000           363,596      400,475 
                        ==========   ============      ===========   =======        ==========   ========== 
  Additional disclosures relating to 
   directors' remuneration:                                                            2011         2010 
                                                                                        GBP          GBP 
  Remuneration of highest 
   paid director                                                                       100,000      177,193 
  Non-executive directors' 
   fees                                                                                 69,069       79,449 
  Non-executive chairman's 
   fees                                                                                 10,500       20,500 
       Compensation for director's 
        loss of office                                                                  60,000            - 
                                                                                       2011         2010 
                                                                                        No.          No. 
       Number of directors accruing benefits under 
        defined contribution schemes 
                                                                                             1            1 
 5.    PERSONNEL EXPENSES                                                                    GROUP 
                                                                                       2011         2010 
                                                                                        GBP          GBP 
  Wages and salaries                                                                 1,840,422    2,724,136 
  Compulsory social securities                                                         191,380      276,285 
  Contributions of defined 
   pension plans                                                                        42,624       29,001 
  Share option charge                                                                    4,992        7,600 
  Staff training, recruitment 
   and welfare                                                                          48,705      107,495 
  Redundancy costs                                                                     119,997      125,589 
                                                                                    ----------   ---------- 
                                                                                     2,248,120    3,270,106 
                                                                                    ==========   ========== 
       OUR PEOPLE 
       The average monthly number of employees during the 
        year was made up as follows: 
                                                                                       2011         2010 
                                                                                        No.          No. 
  Account Handlers                                                                      15           17 
  Media                                                                                 10           13 
  Creative and Digital                                                                  10           12 
  Production and 
   Studio                                                                                7           11 
  IT                                                                                     1            1 
  Administration and Accounts                                                            5            6 
  Non-executive directors                                                                4            4 
                                                                                    ----------   ---------- 
                                                                                        52           64 
                                                                                    ==========   ========== 
 6.    INCOME TAX 
                                                             2011       2010 
                                                              GBP        GBP 
       Current Income Tax 
  Current Income tax charge @ 25%, 
   (2010: 28%)                                             (117,829)   175,678 
       Effect of change in corporation tax rate 
        on recognised losses                                  42,925         - 
  Under / (Over) provision 
   in prior year                                               4,128   (1,620) 
                                                          ----------  -------- 
  Taxation attributable to the company 
   and its subsidiary                                       (70,776)   174,058 
       Deferred tax credit: 
  Relating to origination and reversal of 
   temporary differences                                    (13,030)   (6,382) 
                                                          ----------  -------- 
  Corporate Income Tax (Credit) / Expense reported 
   in Income Statement                                      (83,806)   167,676 
                                                          ==========  ======== 
       Factors affecting current 
        tax charge 
                                      % rate     2011         % rate    2010 
  Profit Before Tax                     25.0   (592,815)        28.0   677,149 
                                     =======  ==========  ==========  ======== 
  Profit before tax 
   at rate of tax                              (148,204)               189,602 
  Expenses not deductible                         17,957               (6,110) 
  Capital allowances in excess of 
   depreciation                                   13,310                   267 
  Non-trade relief                                 (892)                 (193) 
  Marginal relief                                      -               (7,888) 
                                              ----------              -------- 
   tax                                         (117,829)               175,678 
                                              ==========              ======== 
  Factors affecting future 
   tax charges 
  As at 30th June 2011 the group had trading losses to carry 
   forward amounting to GBP1,582,060 (2010: GBP1,430,838) which 
   have been recognised as an asset on the consolidated balance 
                            Leasehold         &         IT 
                           Improvements   Fittings   Equipment       Total 
                               GBP          GBP         GBP           GBP 
  1st July 2010                  59,582     44,900     174,074         278,556 
  Additions                       2,597          -         694           3,291 
                          -------------  ---------  ----------  -------------- 
  30th June 2011                 62,179     44,900     174,768         281,847 
                          =============  =========  ==========  ============== 
  1st July 2010                   5,792      8,008     121,239         135,039 
  Charge for the 
   year                           5,980      9,015      38,941          53,936 
                          -------------  ---------  ----------  -------------- 
  30th June 2011                 11,772     17,023     160,180         188,975 
                          =============  =========  ==========  ============== 
       Net Book value 
  30th June 2010                 53,790     36,892      52,835         143,517 
                          =============  =========  ==========  ============== 
  30th June 2011                 50,407     27,877      14,588          92,872 
                          =============  =========  ==========  ============== 
  At 1st July 2010 and 30th 
   June 2011                                                        10,100,509 
  At 1st July 2010 and 30th 
   June 2011                                                         8,497,907 
       The Group consolidates the results of the entities which 
        are under its control. The significant entity which is 
        included in the consolidated accounts is as follows: 
                             Business      Shares     Voting 
                             Activity      Owned       Power     Incorporated 
  WFCA Integrated                                                England & 
   Limited                 Advertising      100%       100%       Wales 
                                         GROUP                COMPANY 
                                   2011       2010        2011       2010 
                                    GBP        GBP        GBP         GBP 
  Trade receivables               603,022   2,022,937    163,334     845,351 
       Other receivables: 
  Inventories - work in 
   progress                        51,722      33,042          -           - 
  Other debtors                    65,054     163,110      2,778       1,667 
  Prepayments and accrued 
   income                         142,389     198,898      3,308           - 
                                 --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  862,187   2,417,987    169,420     847,018 
                                 ========  ==========  =========  ========== 
       The movement in the deferred taxation account 
        during the year was: 
  1st July 2010                   415,598     534,907    420,716     541,764 
  Profit and loss account 
   movement during the 
   year                             7,911   (119,309)   (70,483)   (121,048) 
                                 --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
  30th June 2011                  423,509     415,598    350,233     420,716 
                                 ========  ==========  =========  ========== 
  Shown as non-current 
  asset                           423,509     420,716    350,233     420,716 
       Shown as current 
        liability                       -     (5,118)          -           - 
                                 ========  ==========  =========  ========== 
       The balance of the deferred taxation account consists of 
        the tax effect of timing differences in respect of: 
  Excess of depreciation 
   over taxation 
   allowances                      27,994      14,964     17,931      20,082 
  Tax losses available            395,515     400,634    332,302     400,634 
                                 --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                  423,509     415,598    350,233     420,716 
                                 ========  ==========  =========  ========== 


Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and short-term deposits held by the Group treasury function. The carrying amount of these assets approximates to their fair value.


The Group's credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade receivables. The amounts presented in the balance sheet are net of any allowances for doubtful receivables, estimated by the Group's management on prior experience, current information and the current economic environment.

The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies.

                                               2011                         2010 
                                         No.            GBP           No.           GBP 
  Ordinary shares 
   of 1p                              500,000,000    5,000,000    500,000,000    5,000,000 
                                   ==============   ==========   ============   ========== 
        Issued and Fully 
  Balance at 1st 
   July 2010                          268,466,008    2,684,660    265,780,908    2,657,809 
  Share options 
   exercised                                    -            -         77,700          777 
  Other allotment 
   in year                            177,500,000    1,775,000      2,607,400       26,074 
                                   --------------   ----------   ------------   ---------- 
  Balance at 30th 
   June 2011                          445,966,008    4,459,660    268,466,008    2,684,660 
                                   ==============   ==========   ============   ========== 

During the year 177,500,000 ordinary shares of 1p each were allotted and issued at par to provide working capital.


At 30th June 2011, options over 18,100,000 ordinary shares under the WFCA Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) Plan and unapproved options were outstanding.

            30th June                              30th June       Exercise      Expiry 
               2010       Granted     Forfeited       2011      Price    Date     Date 
 Options                                                                05 Apr   04 Apr 
  4          2,850,000           -             -    2,850,000    2p       2010     2018 
 Options                                                                01 Jul   30 Jun 
  5          1,000,000           -             -    1,000,000    2p       2010     2018 
 Options                                                                26 Jul   25 Jul 
  6          9,250,000           -   (1,750,000)    7,500,000    2p       2010     2018 
 Options                                                                30 Sep   29 Sep 
  7          2,000,000           -   (2,000,000)            -    2p       2011     2019 
 Options                                                                31 Mar   30 Mar 
  8          7,250,000           -   (2,500,000)    4,750,000    2p       2012     2020 
 Options                                                                01 Nov   31 Oct 
  9                  -   2,000,000             -    2,000,000   1.75p     2012     2020 
            22,350,000   2,000,000   (6,250,000)   18,100,000 
           ===========  ==========  ============  =========== 
 13.    EARNINGS PER SHARE                               GROUP 
                                                  2011          2010 
                                                   GBP           GBP 
  Reported earnings                              (512,578)       555,999 
        Reported EPS                               (0.17)p         0.21p 
                                              ============  ============ 
        Diluted EPS 
  Reported diluted 
   earnings                                      (512,578)       555,999 
        Reported diluted 
         EPS                                       (0.16)p         0.19p 
                                              ============  ============ 
                                                   No.           No. 
        Weighted average number of ordinary 
  Issued ordinary shares 
   at 1st July 2010                            268,466,008   265,780,908 
  Effect of shares issued 
   during the year                              41,335,616       705,625 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for basic EPS                               309,801,624   266,486,533 
  Dilutive share options 
   4 outstanding                                 2,850,000     2,850,000 
  Dilutive share options 
   5 outstanding                                 1,000,000     1,000,000 
  Dilutive share options 
   6 outstanding                                 7,500,000     9,250,000 
  Dilutive share options 
   7 outstanding                                         -     2,000,000 
  Dilutive share options 
   8 outstanding                                 4,750,000     7,250,000 
        Dilutive share options 
         9 outstanding                           2,000,000             - 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for diluted EPS                             327,901,624   288,836,533 
                                              ============  ============ 


During the period ending 30th June 2011 the Company had share-based payment arrangements settled in equities in operation, as described below.

Employee Share Options

Options over shares in the holding company are awarded to eligible employees and directors of WFCA plc.

The options exercise period commences on the second anniversary of the date of the grant of the option and ends on the day which is the day before the tenth such anniversary. Exceptionally and subject to the discretion of the board options may be exercised earlier than two years following grant on the cessation of the option holder's employment.

The estimated fair value of each option granted in the EMI share option plan was calculated by applying the Black-Scholes option pricing model. All options issued prior to 1st July 2009 have lapsed. The assumptions used in the calculation are as follows:

 Share Options 
                          9        8        6         5        4 
                        01 Nov   01 Apr   27 Jul    27 Jul   27 Jul 
 Grant Date               2010     2010     2009      2009     2009 
 Notional Share 
  price                  1.75p    1.75p    1.75p     1.75p    1.75p 
 Exercise price          1.75p    2.00p    2.00p     2.00p    2.00p 
 Shares under 
  option                 2.00m    4.75m    7.50m     1.00m    2.85m 
 Expected volatility    20.00%   20.00%   20.00%    20.00%   20.00% 
 Expected dividend           -        -        -         -        - 
  life                   2 yrs    2 yrs    2 yrs   12 mths   8 mths 
 Risk free rate             5%       5%       5%        5%       5% 
 Estimated fair          0.17p    0.17p    0.17p     0.17p    0.17p 
                                      2011                     2010 
                                           Weighted                 Weighted 
                                           average                  average 
                                           exercise                 exercise 
                                 No.        price         No.        price 
 Outstanding at 1st July 
  2010                        22,350,000    2.00p       5,627,700    5.90p 
 Granted during 
  year                         2,000,000    1.75p      25,100,000    2.00p 
 Forfeited                   (6,250,000)    2.00p     (8,300,000)    4.70p 
 Exercised                             -                 (77,700)    2.10p 
                            ------------             ------------ 
 Outstanding at 30th June 
  2011                        18,100,000    1.97p      22,350,000    2.00p 
                            ============             ============ 
 Exercisable at 30th June 
  2011                        11,350,000    1.97p       2,850,000    2.00p 
                            ============             ============ 
 The amounts charged to the Income Statement in the year in 
  respect of share based payments were GBP4,992 (2010: GBP7,600). 
                                                         2011        2010 
                                                          GBP         GBP 
  Balance at 1st 
   July 2010                                           1,434,398   1,383,648 
  Arising on issue of 
   share capital                                               -      53,036 
  Issue costs                                          (101,692)     (2,286) 
                                                      ----------  ---------- 
  Balance at 30th 
   June 2011                                           1,332,706   1,434,398 
                                                      ==========  ========== 
 16.    RETAINED EARNINGS              GROUP                  COMPANY 
                                 2011        2010        2011        2010 
                                  GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
  Balance at 1st 
   July 2010                   3,640,359   3,076,760   2,942,890   2,627,316 
  Net (loss) / profit 
   for the year                (512,578)     555,999    (26,443)     307,974 
  Charge on share 
   options                         4,992       7,600       4,992       7,600 
                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Balance at 30th 
   June 2011                   3,132,773   3,640,359   2,921,439   2,942,890 
                              ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 
 17.    PAYABLES 
        Trade and other payables comprise amounts outstanding for 
         purchases and outgoing costs. 
        The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade 
         payables approximates to their fair value. 
                                         GROUP                  COMPANY 
                                   2011        2010        2011        2010 
                                    GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
  Trade payables                   416,277   1,161,916       8,868      16,477 
        Other payables: 
  Bank overdraft and similar 
   facilities                            -     305,666           -     148,219 
   loan                             50,000      50,000           -           - 
  Social security and other 
   taxes                            55,107     233,079           -       1,563 
        Deferred taxation                -       5,118           -           - 
  Other payables                         -           -   2,023,289   4,308,174 
  Accruals and deferred 
   income                          613,661   1,438,163      16,917      14,627 
                                 1,135,045   3,193,942   2,049,074   4,489,060 
                                ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 


The Group's financial instruments comprise cash, bank borrowings and various items, such as trade receivables and trade payables that arise directly from its operations.

The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the Group's operations.

The principal financial risks to which the Group is exposed relate to foreign exchange risk, credit risk and liquidity risk as well as cash flow and interest rate risk (as disclosed under accounting policies).

The bank loans, overdraft and similar facilities are secured on a group basis by a fixed charge over the trade receivables shown in note 11 and by fixed and floating charges over the trade, assets and undertakings of the Group.

 GROUP                           Due       Due       Due 
                               within    between   between 
                               1 year     1 and     2 and 
                                         2 years   5 years     Total 
                                 GBP       GBP       GBP        GBP 
 Bank overdraft and similar 
  facilities                         -         -         -           - 
 Bank loans                     50,000    12,500   650,000     712,500 
                                50,000    12,500   650,000     712,500 
 Trade and other 
  payables                     416,277         -         -     416,277 
                               466,277    12,500   650,000   1,128,777 
                              ========  ========  ========  ========== 
 COMPANY                         Due       Due       Due 
                               within    between   between 
                               1 year     1 and     2 and 
                                         2 years   5 years     Total 
                                 GBP       GBP       GBP        GBP 
 Bank overdraft and similar 
  facilities                         -         -         -           - 
 Bank loans                          -         -         -           - 
                                     -         -         -           - 
 Trade and other 
  payables                       8,868         -         -       8,868 
                                 8,868         -         -       8,868 
                              ========  ========  ========  ========== 
                                                            2011      2010 
        Lessee Activity                                      GBP       GBP 
  Minimum total future lease payments under 
   operating leases                                        808,307   859,787 
  Amounts paid in 
   the year                                                169,116   174,166 
                                                          ========  ======== 
        The minimum total future lease payments under operating 
         leases fall due as follows: 
  In the next year                                         174,274   129,384 
  In the second to fifth 
   years inclusive                                         634,033   730,403 
                                                          --------  -------- 
                                                           808,307   859,787 
                                                          ========  ======== 


During the year GBP11,554 (2010: GBP16,949) was paid to Mr. R Braidwood (Director) for consultancy services.

During the year GBP10,500 (2010: GBP20,500) was paid to Hawk Consulting Limited, a company in which Mr. B Morton (Non executive Chairman) is deemed to have an interest.

Within "other payables" relating to the company are amounts due to WFCA Integrated Limited amounting to GBP2,023,289 (2010: GBP4,308,174).

During the year WFCA PLC was reimbursed by the subsidiary undertaking an amount of GBP110,000 (2010; GBP360,000) in respect of recharged expenditure.

All intra group transactions have been eliminated on consolidation.

No entity is in a position of control or ultimate control of the company.

 21.     CHARGES 
                                        GROUP                   COMPANY 
                                  2011          2010       2011        2010 
                                   GBP          GBP         GBP        GBP 
  At 1st July 2010                  46,594      192,376     9,594      111,780 
  Utilised                        (46,594)    (145,782)   (9,594)    (102,186) 
                              ------------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
  At 30th June 2011                      -       46,594         -        9,594 
                              ============  ===========  ========  =========== 
  The provision in 2010 comprised restructuring and reorganisation 
   costs together with provisions for onerous leases, all 
   of which were settled during the year. 


Management has discussed with the Audit Committee the development, selection and disclosure of the Group's critical accounting policies and estimates and the application of these policies and estimates.


As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the profit and loss account of the parent Company is not presented as part of these financial statements. The parent Company's loss after taxation for the financial year amounted to GBP26,443.


The Company's report and accounts together with the notice of the Annual General Meeting will be sent to shareholders in due course. The Company will make a further announcement once these have been sent to shareholders and are available on the website.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Grafico Azioni WFCA Plc (LSE:WFCA)
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