Washington, D.C. 20549



Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the Month of January 2016

Commission File Number: 0-16350




(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



27 Farm Street, London W1J 5RJ, England

(Address of principal executive offices)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:

Form 20-F  x            Form 40-F  ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):  ¨

Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):  ¨

Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant’s “home country”), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant’s securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant’s security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.




Forward-Looking Statements

In connection with the provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the “Reform Act”), the Company may include forward-looking statements (as defined in the Reform Act) in oral or written public statements issued by or on behalf of the Company. These forward-looking statements may include, among other things, plans, objectives, projections and anticipated future economic performance based on assumptions and the like that are subject to risks and uncertainties. As such, actual results or outcomes may differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ include but are not limited to: the unanticipated loss of a material client or key personnel, delays or reductions in client advertising budgets, shifts in industry rates of compensation, regulatory compliance costs or litigation, natural disasters or acts of terrorism, the Company’s exposure to changes in the values of major currencies other than the UK pound sterling (because a substantial portion of its revenues are derived and costs incurred outside of the United Kingdom) and the overall level of economic activity in the Company’s major markets (which varies depending on, among other things, regional, national and international political and economic conditions and government regulations in the world’s advertising markets). In light of these and other uncertainties, the forward-looking statements included in the oral or written public statements should not be regarded as a representation by the Company that the Company’s plans and objectives will be achieved. In addition, you should consider the risks described in Item 3D, captioned “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2014, which could also cause actual results to differ from forward-looking information. In light of these and other uncertainties, the forward-looking statements included in this document should not be regarded as a representation by the Company that the Company’s plans and objectives will be achieved.

The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.






1   Press Release dated 4 January 2016, made by WPP plc.
2   Press Release dated 5 January 2016, made by WPP plc.
3   Press Release dated 6 January 2016, made by WPP plc.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





Date: 6 January 2016.     By:  

/s/ Paul W.G. Richardson

      Paul W.G. Richardson
      Group Finance Director

Exhibit 1


For Immediate Release   4 January 2016


Voting rights and Capital 31 December 2015

WPP confirms that its capital consists of 1,329,366,024 ordinary shares with voting rights.

WPP holds 34,619,468 of its ordinary shares in Treasury.

Therefore, the total number of voting rights in WPP is 1,294,746,556 shares.

The figure 1,294,746,556 may be used by share owners as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in WPP, under the FSA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.



Feona McEwan, WPP   + 44(0) 207 408 2204  

Exhibit 2




H+K Strategies acquires assets of Acertys in Canada

WPP announces that H+K Strategies, its wholly-owned global public relations and public affairs firm, has agreed to acquire substantially all the assets of Acertys INC. (“Acertys”), a leading public engagement practice in Canada.

Acertys is a leading public consultation and engagement firm in French- and English-speaking Canada. Its clients include public and private sector organizations working in the fields of urban development, real estate, transportation energy and natural resources. It will add to H+K Strategies highly successful public engagement practice in Canada. Founded in 2006, Acertys employs 13 people and is based in Montreal.

This investment continues WPP’s strategy of investing in important regions and sectors such as public relations and public affairs. In Canada, WPP companies (including associates and investments) generate revenues of almost $US 500 million and employ around 3,000 people. In North America, Group companies (including associates and investments) collectively generate revenues of over US$7 billion and employ over 27,000 people. WPP’s public relations and public affairs companies collectively generate revenues (including associates and investments) of US$2 billion and employ over 11,000 people worldwide.


Feona McEwan, WPP    + 44(0) 207 408 2204   
Kevin McCormack, WPP    +1 (212) 632 2239   

Exhibit 3


For Immediate Release   6 January 2016


Grey Group takes majority stake in leading creative digital agency, Vinyl-I, in

South Korea

WPP announces that its wholly owned company Grey Group, the global communications network, has acquired a majority stake in Vinyl I-Co. Ltd., a leading creative digital agency based in Seoul, South Korea.

Established in 2000, Vinyl-I has evolved from a web/UX design agency to an award-winning full service digital advertising agency which incorporates new media technology to enhance the user experience, especially in the area of interactive design.

Vinyl-I clients include GS Shop, Intel, L’Oreal, Lotte, Microsoft, Naver, Nike, Samsung, SK Telecom, and SM Entertainment.

For the year ending 31 December 2014, Vinyl-I reported gross revenue of KRW 12.8 billion, with gross assets of KRW 4.2 billion, as at the same date. The agency employs more than 70 people.

This acquisition marks a further step towards WPP’s declared goal of developing its networks in fast growing markets and sectors and strengthening its digital capabilities. WPP’s digital revenues were US$6.9 billion in 2014, representing 36% of the Group’s total revenues of US$19 billion. WPP has set a target of 40-45% of revenues to be derived from digital in the next five years. In South Korea, WPP companies (including associates) generate revenues of over US$300 million and employ around 1,500 people. In the Asia Pacific region, WPP companies (including associates) generate revenues of US$5 billion and employ around 50,000 people.


Feona McEwan, WPP.   +44 207 408 2204   
Belinda Rabano   +86 1360 107 8488   
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