Metalex Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MTX) ("Metalex"), WSR Gold Inc. (TSX
VENTURE:WSR) ("WSR") and Arctic Star Resources Inc.'s (TSX VENTURE:ADD) ("Arctic
Star") Joint Venture Project along the Ring of Fire in the James Bay Lowlands,
is pleased to report the first assay results from its zinc-copper-lead-silver
(Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag) discovery on anomaly 5.01, located 45 km north of Noront's Eagle
One Deposit.


- DDH5.01-06 intersected near-massive to massive sulphides from 65-167m downhole
for a length of 102m averaging 6.5% Zn, 0.44% Cu, 0.19% Pb, and 3 g/t Ag.
Included within this section, from 99.7-125.7m, for a length of 26m, the zone
averaged 13.8% Zn, 0.50% Cu, 0.05% Pb, and 2 g/t Ag.

- DDH5.01-14 intersected similar near-massive to massive sulphides from
83.0-120.0m downhole for a length of 37.0m, averaging 6.0% Zn, 0.34% Cu, 0.05%
Pb and 6 g/t Ag. Included in this section, from 103.0-111.0m, for a length of
8m, the zone averaged 17.4% Zn, 0.24% Cu, 0.04% Pb, and 5 g/t Ag.

- DDH5.01-15 intersected similar near-massive to massive sulphides from
158.8-184.2m downhole, for a length of 25.4m, averaging 7.6% Zn, 0.35% Cu, 0.36%
Pb, and 8 g/t Ag.

- Mineralization, alteration and the geological environment at the 5.01 anomaly
appears to be typical of a Noranda-Mattabi-style VMS (Volcanogenic Massive
Sulphide) deposit.

- The mineralized zone appears to subcrop beneath approximately 15 meters of
glacial till and thus far has been delineated along a north-south strike for
150m, dips 75 degrees to the east, with a maximum core width of 53m and plunging
flatly to the south. The base metal occurrence appears open in all directions.

To date, Metalex has completed 25 holes on the 5.01 anomaly totalling 5,699.4
meters since the program began in 2008.

Assay results have now been received for holes 1 to 15. The results from
significantly mineralized intervals within these holes are presented in the
following table.

Significant Assay Results for Project 5.01

              From       To    Length       Zn        Cu       Pb       Ag
Hole            (m)      (m)       (m)       %         %        %      g/t
05.01-01     108.2    109.5       1.3     3.04     0.232     less        2
             118.8    124.1       5.3     4.20     0.275    0.574        9
 Incl        121.3    122.6       1.3     8.02     0.287      1.3       11

05.01-02      22.9     28.1       5.2     2.54     0.053    0.216        4

05.01-03      94.6      100       5.4     3.33     0.027    0.007        2
 Incl         94.6     95.7       1.1     6.76     0.063     less        4

05.01-04      30.9       37       6.1     5.83     0.265    0.006        2
 Incl           35       37       2.0    10.69     0.517    0.006        1

05.01-06      36.8     38.8       2.0     3.19     0.256    0.014        1
                65      167     102.0     6.48     0.435    0.185        3
 Incl         99.7    125.7      26.0    13.81     0.502    0.053        2
 Incl        144.5    145.5       1.0    11.15     0.535    0.170        2
 Incl          162      165       3.0    11.90     0.417    0.763       11
            183.15    189.6       6.4     3.42     0.098    0.002     less
             195.5    197.6       2.1     2.55     0.078    0.159        3

05.01-09        88       90       2.0     3.55     0.253    0.007        2
               141      152      11.0     4.92     0.514    0.006        2
 Incl          149      151       2.0    12.32     0.218    0.006        1
             220.5    221.6       1.1     0.27     4.510    0.480        4

05.01-14        83      120        37   5.96(i)    0.339    0.047        6
 Incl          103      111         8  17.42(i)    0.236    0.037        5

05.01-15     158.8    184.2      25.4     7.63     0.345    0.355        8
 Incl        161.9    162.4       0.5    17.45     0.064    0.001        2
 Incl          167    174.6       7.6    11.67     0.486    0.303       10
 Incl        180.3      182       1.7    11.73     0.235    0.305       11
             227.5    228.8       1.3     0.06     1.155    0.002        6

(i) An 1.2m interval from 109.8m on hole 5.01-14 has a zinc concentration
    greater than 30% which is the upper limit of the assay technique.
    It is being re-assayed.

The following table contains the grid and UTM locations along with the collar
information for the 25 holes completed on anomaly 5.01 to date.

Location and Collar Information for 5.01 Drilling to Date

                             Hole Information
Hole No.   Grid E  Grid N   UTM e (m)  UTM n (m)   Z (m)   Az  Dip  Length
DDH501-01  L1+00E   0+50N   522313.8  5901524.0   167.6   180  -60     149
DDH501-02  L1+00E    0+00   522311.1  5901476.0   168.0     0  -90   201.2
DDH501-03  L1+00E   0+50N   522313.8  5901524.0   167.6   180  -45   146.5
DDH501-04  L1+00E   0+75S   522309.6  5901400.0   168.0     0  -45   163.1
DDH501-05  L1+00E   0+02N   522313.8  5901476.0   168.0     0  -85   182.5
DDH501-06  L1+50E   0+50N   522361.0  5901525.0   168.0   179  -65   227.5
DDH501-07  L1+50E   0+50N   522360.9  5901525.0   168.0   137  -45   158.5
DDH501-08  L1+50E   0+50N   522360.8  5901525.0   168.0   183  -45   140.2
DDH501-09  L1+50E   1+00N   522359.4  5901575.0   167.8   177  -60   249.7
DDH501-10  L2+00E   0+50N   522413.8  5901526.0   167.8   181  -62   281.7
DDH501-11  L2+00E   1+00N   522414.9  5901576.0   167.8   179  -60   146.3
DDH501-12  L2+00E   1+00N   522415.1  5901576.0   167.7   181  -60     292
DDH501-13  L1+50E   1+29N   522358.6  5901606.0   167.7   182  -60     279
DDH501-14  L1+50E   0+40S   522363.7  5901436.0   168.0     0  -55     282
DDH501-15  L1+50E   1+15S   522365.8  5901361.0   167.9     1  -55   278.7
DDH501-16  L1+75E    0+00   522386.8  5901475.0   168.1   276  -55   244.9
DDH501-17  L2+75E   0+50N   522494.9  5901525.0   167.5   267  -55     327
DDH501-18  L1+05E    0+00   522310.4  5901475.0   168.0   269  -55   239.6
DDH501-19  L1+75E    0+00   522387.3  5901475.0   167.9   271  -70     240
DDH501-20  L1+75E   0+25S   522386.9  5901450.0   167.9   272  -60     261
DDH501-21  L1+75E   0+25N   522386.0  5901499.0   167.9   267  -60     234
DDH501-22  L2+59E   0+90N   522522.3  5901535.0   167.6   241  -55     315
DDH501-23  L2+48E   0+12N   522461.1  5901487.0   167.9   232  -57      30
DDH501-24  L2+48E   0+12N   522461.1  5901487.0   167.9   232  -51     270
DDH501-25  L1+89E   1+64N   522523.8  5901463.0   168.0   235  -51     351

NAD83, Zone 16

The following table contains the visual descriptions for holes completed since
the last press release dated June 16, 2008.

Visual Description of Mineralization in Recent Drill Core

           From     To   Int
Hole No.     (m)    (m)   (m)  Description
DDH501-11                      hole lost
DDH501-12                      no significant mineralization
DDH501-13                      no significant results
DDH501-16   167    188    21   near-massive to massive sulphides, visible
                                sph, cp
DDH501-17   172    188    16   disseminated sulphides with visible sph, cp
DDH501-18    62    102    40   disseminated sulphides
DDH501-19    83    132    49   stringer sulphides with visible sph, cp
DDH501-20  78.6   86.3   7.7   near-massive to massive sulphides, visible
                                sph, cp
DDH501-21  50.7   93.5  42.8   near-massive to massive sulphides, visible
                                sph, cp
DDH501-22   240    293    53   disseminated and stringer sulphides,
                                visible sph, cp
DDH501-23                      hole abandoned
DDH501-24   180  183.5   3.5   near-massive to massive sulphides, visible
                                sph, cp
DDH501-25   271    282    11   stringer and near-massive sulphides,
                                visible sph, cp

Additional ground and down hole geophysical surveys have now been completed on
5.01 and the interpretation of the data is awaited. The joint venture has
temporarily suspended the drilling on anomaly 5.01 as of Sept 5, 2008 to allow
the results of the completed work to guide the next phase of drilling. Detailed
logs of the most recent holes, assay results from holes 16 to 25, and the ground
geophysical interpretation are currently being completed.

Description of the mineralized body

From the drilling to date, the high grade Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag mineralized zone has been
delineated over a strike length of 150m which appears to be almost due
north-south and dipping steeply at 75 degrees to the east. It has been
intersected thus far between 50 and 215 meters below surface and appears to be
3.5-53m wide along core length with a possible shallow 30 degree plunge to the
south. The high grade mineralization is part of a wider, more extensive system
of volcanically derived sulphides, hosted within a
chlorite-sericite-quartz+/-garnet+/-staurolite schist. The system appears
overturned as higher grade metamorphic minerals are present in the structural
hangingwall, with apparent felsic volcaniclastic lithologies occurring in the
structural footwall. Additional drilling is needed to confirm the geometry of
the deposit.

Drilling in the James Bay Lowlands without bedrock exposure to aid in geological
interpretation of strikes and dips is very challenging. Drilling to date
strongly suggests a north-south strike to the mineralized zone. Many of the
north-south drill holes drilled during the program have missed the zone
entirely, and the more recent east-west drilling has proven to repeatedly
intersect the mineralized occurrence. It will be the objective of the next phase
of drilling to systematically delineate the mineralized occurrence and complete
fill-in drilling to prepare for a 43-101 compliant resource calculation.

5.01 Project

This property, of 65 hectares, is one of 113 joint venture claim blocks in the
region under option by WSR, whereby WSR can earn up to a 50% interest in the
properties by spending $20 million over four years. Upon completion of the
earn-in option, Metalex will carry a 45.75% interest and Arctic Star a 4.25%

Within the option agreement, approximately 21,400 hectares of ground is held.
Numerous other high priority regional geophysical targets are currently being
tested with 2 highly mobile Metalex drills. The project is managed and operated
by Metalex for the Joint Venture partners under the supervision of Dr. Charles
Fipke, Chairman of Metalex with John Harvey, P.Eng., as a consulting geologist.

Metalex believes that the assay results along with new drill holes and core
hosting the presence of visible copper, zinc and lead sulphides observed on site
by the project's geologist are very encouraging and are of significant
importance to the Joint Venture partners. Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo., and
Vice-President of Exploration for WSR Resources, has reviewed the core and has
provided the visual descriptions of the mineralized zones and conferred with
Brian Polk, Metalex Project Manager, on the geometry of the occurrence.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, visible observations are estimates only and
pending assay results may not confirm visual observations in whole or in part.
The widths given above are core widths only and do not represent true widths
which cannot be determined at this time.

On-site Quality Assurance/Quality Control Measures

All samples reported upon herein were selected, sealed and shipped to ALS Chemex
laboratory in Thunder Bay Ontario. All core samples were selected by Metalex
site geologists, and were cut in half by diamond core saw. Individual samples
were labeled, placed in plastic sample bags and sealed. Groups of samples were
then placed into durable rice bags that were secured by project security tags
for shipping. The samples were delivered via bonded carrier to ALS Chemex's
sample preparation laboratory in Thunder Bay, Ontario. All samples were then
crushed and pulverized and then the sample pulps were sent to ALS Chemex
Laboratory in Vancouver B.C. for analysis. The remaining coarse reject portions
of the samples remain in storage at the ALS Chemex storage facility in Thunder
Bay as required in the event that further work is needed. In Vancouver, the
samples are analyzed using ALS Chemex assay procedure ME-MS81. When samples
received over-limit values they underwent further analysis using ALS Chemex
assay procedure OG62. The reader is referred to: for details
of these analytical procedures.

Independent Quality Assurance and Quality Control Protocol

A comprehensive QA/QC program has been implemented to monitor all assays on the
5.01 anomaly. Samples are assembled in numbered batches of twenty samples.
Included in each batch of twenty samples are one certified reference standard,
one laboratory duplicate, one blank sample comprised of sterile drill core and
one core duplicate sample. This QC program was set up for Metalex by Tracy
Armstrong, P.Geo., of T.J. Armstrong Geological Consulting Inc. Ms. Armstrong is
a qualified geologist in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. In reviewing the
results the QA/QC program detected that there was a carryover from high grade
samples to the following sample. The maximum carryover was measured to be 0.14%
zinc. Ms. Armstrong states that this degree of carryover is not considered to be
geologically nor economically material. An improved cleaning protocol has now
been implemented to ensure that this carryover does not occur in future.

Assay results have also been monitored on an on-going, real time basis for
accuracy, contamination and precision by Dr. Barry Smee, P.Geo., consulting
geochemist, retained by Metalex Ventures.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the
meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than statements
of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking Statements" that involve
such various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. There can
be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Results and future
events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these
"Forward-Looking Statements".

This press release has been prepared by Chad Ulansky, President and CEO of
Metalex Ventures, being a Qualified Person under Canadian Securities guidelines.

Chad Ulansky, President and CEO

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