Press Release 7/5/2009  12:45 
Sanoma News is expanding the scope of its Bridging the Recession 
rationalisation programme as part of the Sanoma Group's plan for 
improving efficiency and reducing costs. Sanoma News seeks savings 
totalling EUR 30 million, half of which is to come from staff costs. 
The savings target includes both the earlier announced 
rationalisation programme and the one now being announced. 
"The programme launched in January will save us about EUR 15 million, 
but unfortunately that is not enough. New actions are called for in 
order to keep the foundation of the company sound, in order to be 
able to invest resources in further development and in order to 
continue securing the prerequisites of independent journalism," says 
Mikael Pentikäinen, President of Sanoma News. 
The target is to achieve, through the earlier announced and now 
announced programmes, staff cost savings corresponding to a total of 
about 300 man-years. 
At the Sanoma News level, the company initiates, on financial and 
production-related grounds, employer-employee negotiations on cutting 
holiday bonuses for a certain period until the financial performance 
of Sanoma News returns to a growth track. If this can be agreed upon, 
it is equivalent to cutting some 100 man-years. 
In addition to this, unit-specific employer-employee negotiations 
will be initiated in order to seek structural savings in the loss 
making businesses - Taloussanomat, the online financial daily, and 
Sanoma Free Sheets. Parallel to them, employer-employee negotiations 
will be initiated for financial and/or production-related reasons in 
Helsingin Sanomat marketing operations, Sanomapaino and in some 
support functions of the Sanoma News division. 
Sanoma News Ltd. 
Mikael Pentikäinen 
Additional information: President Mikael Pentikäinen, Sanoma News, 
tel. +358 9 122 2001 
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